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Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

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Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married and Stop (or at least greatly reduce) Womanizing?

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Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by WilliamSmith »

So that's the question!
Should I abandon my occasional silly lewd aspiration to nail 100+ new women (which pretty much means white women #1 since I can get them easiest, possibly Asian women #2 if travelling there, but then I feel guilty about pissing off the Asian men who usually seem friendly, but I heard are sick of arrogant white assholes nailing their chicks... though I'm not arrogant, but you get the idea).
Or should I knock all that shit off (which Outcast9428 considers "degeneracy") and get married?
(Which 99% sure means get married to a black woman, since I act better with them and treat them like queens and everything, vs how I almost can't help myself about getting in the sack with any white women who give it up to me at this point.) :lol:

I am considering both options...
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by WilliamSmith »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 14th, 2022, 8:16 am
I’m proud of you @WilliamSmith for leaning towards conservatism now! I saw you were talking about wanting to get married which I wanted to reply to but it got buried in the shoutbox and I’ve been working a lot lately. But it’s great that you’re starting to see the benefits of conservative values. Actual conservative values that is and not the fake conservative values a lot of people around here seem to adhere to.

A lot of people around here I think are only considered right leaning because the culture overall is liberal but if they actually lived in the 1950s they’d be typical liberals for the time period. Not radical liberals like we saw in the 60s but a lot of people around here would be the types who kind of agreed with the system but are too degenerate to really fit in with it. The 50s had a decent number of guys like that too. They were not considered a good catch by the typical 1950s girl though.
Oh, thanks! I was on another bender in the post you said that in reply to, and I was too free with my silly words in that other thread (with arguably offensive remarks about what a lot of white and Asian women look like after getting used to black women as my ideal beauty standard, but I probably should have spared white and Asian women those remarks, even though I at least said a lot of positive stuff about them too). But when I decided to come back one more time before leaving for a few weeks I thought might need to apologize to you about what I said... but instead found the response above. :o

Anyway, don't expect too much from me too quickly, but yes, in fact, I am leaning in that direction. :lol:

Of course, tail-chasers who never even knew any reality other than "friends with benefits" for decades with fun local girls (though you wouldn't have liked them, LOL) suddenly claiming they're leaning toward possibly getting married might mean what they say at time t.......... but it's kind of like the supposed commitments Mel Gibson types have that they're supposedly not going to go on any more major benders... we shall see.

However, I wasn't being insincere either, and definitely meant what I said in one of those threads the other night about putting some serious thought into trying to somehow make ties to some of the religious groups in countries I like, because they are the only ones I know of who are actually doing something in an organized way to oppose the attempts to force globohomo onto the native population.
Normally I don't care about what anyone thinks about me as a personal thing, but I like showing respect to locals as a traveler and/or expat, and it'd really bother me if I was consistently in one area if people wondered whether I was one of those "Westerners" trying to push for "gay rights" in their country when the majority of them are against it (which they sure as hell are in my favorite expat zone list at this time).
Edit to add something amusing: We gringo/mzungu/gweilo/farang white expats aren't all bad when it comes to that though, because I noticed some pro-homo Fillipinos lamenting the fact that while the white guys there they personally interacted with are usually really nice (they said), they said the older white expats also continuously bitch both about how they're not allowed to buy firearms, and also complain about how they don't like the homos and trannies (which those Fillipinos were unhappy about, because they'd got it into their heads that the homos were vitally important to accept into the "community" and so on).

Anyway, if "LBTGQIA++" (or whatever it's called, I can never remember all that nonsense) globohomo activist groups want to help the tiny fraction of nature's born homos out to a globohomo-friendly zone like Paris, Scum Francisco, Jew York City, or maybe even Tel Aviv or something (if even a homo/tranny is crazy enough to want to go there), fine, but I'm not into the globohomo lobbying groups trying to use strong-arming, IMF and other ZOG lending group coercion, and active subversion to try to force in homosexuality to countries whose majority absolutely opposes it, with good reason.

By the way guys, on a slightly different note:
I'll try to stop being such an asshole and have a more steadfastly polite and less drunk updated version of myself return when I get back after New Year sometimes in early January, because I'm making some sensible changes like doubling back down on my fitness routine and banning myself from being on the internet after the late afternoon, banning myself from drinking anything when I am online (so fewer drunken tirades posted late at night on HA, LOL).
I also have more constructive positive goals to work toward at this point now I've finally figured out both short and longrun plans, so I'm going to stop wasting time on polemics and try to be more positive.

P.S. I'm leaving for a few weeks again so won't be back to defend against trolls, but if they troll the thread I won't care and will deal with them later. :lol:
Last edited by WilliamSmith on December 16th, 2022, 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Cornfed »

The world doesn't need more mulattoes, so if that is the marriage plan, better to just have sterile masturbatory sex.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by WilliamSmith »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't agree at all. I think they're quite good-looking promising people, and I'd be proud of my children, if I have any.

I might not have any of my own kids though, for reasons of my own.

However, I approve of kids and healthy families overall, which means that if I'm still making good enough money in my older years, I might supportively adopt an even larger number of more full-blooded black children into my own extended family, or sponsor them in another one, which means I'd be indirectly contributing to even larger and growing families of dark-skinned black people, as opposed to what my own mixed offspring would be.

So you lose either way, on this score.
But that's a good thing, since whatever warped and twisted idea you may have in your misanthropic mind about what supposedly constitutes a "healthy society" certainly can't be anything genuinely virtuous.

Edit: So, if you voted, your answer would be contingent on which option resulted in the least half-black or black offspring?
You're probably SOL either way though, since if I stayed in a population of white women (which means I'd just keep nailing them by the dozens for fun without getting married, even though I'm still nice to them), I can still use my $$$ to sponsor nice overseas African kids from healthy families, in nations where they're already doing a good job resisting the spread of globohomo.
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Cornfed »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:16 pm
However, I approve of kids and healthy families overall, which means that if I'm still making good enough money in my older years, I might supportively adopt an even larger number of more full-blooded black children into my own extended family, or sponsor them in another one, which means I'd be indirectly contributing to even larger and growing families of dark-skinned black people, as opposed to what my own mixed offspring would be.
That is weird, cuckish and anti-traditional. Better to just stick with casual sex if that is the alternative.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by WilliamSmith »

Cornfed wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:21 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:16 pm
However, I approve of kids and healthy families overall, which means that if I'm still making good enough money in my older years, I might supportively adopt an even larger number of more full-blooded black children into my own extended family, or sponsor them in another one, which means I'd be indirectly contributing to even larger and growing families of dark-skinned black people, as opposed to what my own mixed offspring would be.
That is weird, cuckish and anti-traditional. Better to just stick with casual sex if that is the alternative.
On the contrary, nothing could be more traditional than healthy, happy, homophobic large families of based black Africans, and their large extended family networks full of similar wonderful people.
(What on earth did you mean by "cuckish" though?? I'm as averse to this grotesque jewish originated "cuckolding" fetishism as @WanderingProtagonist is. I wasn't saying I'd let anyone else knock up any woman of mine, just that I could adopt or sponsor children if I didn't have my own. Orphans, for example.) :D

So arguably sponsoring other nice families from overseas with my money as a charitable contribution (while I am elsewhere in the world going on nailing dozens of white or Asian women without getting married, as before) is even more traditional, from that point of view.
I'll freely do either (a decision I'll naturally be leaving only to myself and the prospective wife in question, even though I'm already greatly entertained by the poll and resulting thread).

Also, as I pointed out in my edit in the post before, since I also treat white women OK but probably won't bother with them much unless I get them into the sack by the 2nd or 3rd drink date, I will also save a lot more $$$ if I did it in this less romantic way, since when I invite the white women back to my pad or boat to "cook them dinner," I save a lot even vs going on paying $15-30 for our drinks, vs black women that I treat like queens comparatively, so that I'll actually take them to nice Chinese or Vietnamese restaurant or other romantic date ideas where I'll actually spend multiples of the max sum I'd spend on a white woman.
So with even more $$$ and savings, I'd be able to sponsor an even larger # of nice black children from homophobic countries, to support their nations' good work doing a far better job trying to defend their own traditional family values and societies than any ZOG nations or Asians are doing (with a few possible exceptions, such as excellently homophobic and antisemitic Malaysia, perhaps).
Last edited by WilliamSmith on December 16th, 2022, 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Cornfed »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:29 pm
On the contrary, nothing could be more traditional than healthy, happy, homophobic large families of based black Africans, and their large extended family networks full of similar wonderful people.
(What on earth did you mean by "cuckish" though?? I'm as averse to this grotesque jewish originated "cuckolding" fetishism as @WanderingProtagonist is. I wasn't saying I'd let anyone else knock up any woman of mine, just that I could adopt or sponsor children if I didn't have my own. Orphans, for example.) :D
Raising another male's children is the very essence of cuckoldry and contributing to a black African family is a worse version of the cat lady / dog momma syndrome.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I voted yes. I think you should get married to a lovely black African lady @WilliamSmith :mrgreen: especially if they bring out the best in you. Sounds like you're really into them, and why wouldn't you be? What with their gorgeous big booty and fuller lips :)

I wouldn't listen to @Cornfed, even if his responses are funny as f**k :lol: black women are absolutely gorgeous!

I've got myself a gorgeous black girl as well, though it isn't anything serious, just two friends having a bunk up :P maybe it will progress into something more meaningful, but I'll have to see. She's Jamaican, artistic and creative, sweet and kind and she's absolutely f***ing stunning with one of the fiiiiiiiiinest booties ever!

So yeah, get hooked up with the the hottest black girl you can find and marry her, just make sure you have a pagan wedding and not the rigid shitty Christian weddings which are overpriced to f**k and just outright boring. A pagan wedding is better. A joining of the hands ceremony in the woods. Get a hog roast, some mead, get married and carry your ebony queen into the forest for half an hour to consumate your marriage :lol:
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Outcast9428 »

I obviously do think you should get married and if Black women are the ones who bring the best side of you out and you feel the most connected to them I think that's who you should go for. I dabbled a little in the idea that I should get a White wife when I first learned about the Jews plans for White people, but in my heart of hearts I knew I wanted an Asian wife and that I probably would always feel like I had cheated myself out of what I really wanted in life if I went for a White woman just because race nationalists are telling me that I'm "selling out" or "betraying the race" by choosing an Asian girl.

My Hispanic friend actually is a race nationalist so I've reassured him that my family's White DNA will definitely continue because my sister married a White man and created White daughters who she will be homeschooling and will definitely teach conservative values to so I'm perfectly free to go for an Asian wife and he doesn't have to worry about my family's White DNA going extinct.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by MrMan »

He could marry a bald black women. There may be some Wakanda Warrior actresses available who made a big sacrifice for the role.

But he shouldn't cheat on her. She'd probably be pretty good with a spear.

And don't crack jokes about his wife's bald head at an award show.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 7:01 am
He could marry a bald black women. There may be some Wakanda Warrior actresses available who made a big sacrifice for the role.

But he shouldn't cheat on her. She'd probably be pretty good with a spear.

And don't crack jokes about his wife's bald head at an award show.
Every dude wants a girl who knows her way round a spear :lol:
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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by MrMan »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:29 pm
Cornfed wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:21 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:16 pm
However, I approve of kids and healthy families overall, which means that if I'm still making good enough money in my older years, I might supportively adopt an even larger number of more full-blooded black children into my own extended family, or sponsor them in another one, which means I'd be indirectly contributing to even larger and growing families of dark-skinned black people, as opposed to what my own mixed offspring would be.
That is weird, cuckish and anti-traditional. Better to just stick with casual sex if that is the alternative.
On the contrary, nothing could be more traditional than healthy, happy, homophobic large families of based black Africans, and their large extended family networks full of similar wonderful people.
If you want an African woman, in some parts of Africa, they chop a lot of the fun bits off the girls and sew them up, making that aspect of their lives potentially painful. There is another country where the parents pay someone to molest the girls at about the same age to 'shake off the dust' of virginity. There are cultures there where they are taught to really respect, honor, and obey their husbands.

There are also tribes where married have sex multiple times a night to make babies, and they have a believe sex during pregnancy makes the baby healthy, so they keep busy during pregnancy, too. You could stop your fornicating and just marry one tribeswoman who would absolutely wear you out, constantly getting on you to extract your seed all night long, and leave you no energy at all for immoral pursuits with other women. The picture I saw of one of these tribes, though, showed a kind of short stocky build, but that might not have been a representative sample. They also live in the jungles, so you may have to spend some time teaching your wife how to use a stove or washing machine along with western concepts of hygiene.
(What on earth did you mean by "cuckish" though?? I'm as averse to this grotesque jewish originated "cuckolding" fetishism as @WanderingProtagonist is. I wasn't saying I'd let anyone else knock up any woman of mine, just that I could adopt or sponsor children if I didn't have my own. Orphans, for example.) :D
Not sure if that is 'Jewish originated' or not. Pagans were perverted before Jewish influence. Adoption and fostering kids is a noble thing. I don't have a problem with the idea of a man marrying an honorable widow who has children and becoming a step father. I don't know why a man would want a 'baby daddy' in his life.

And there are some husbands who are infertile who will consent to letting his wife be artificially inseminated with another man's sperm. That's a messed up idea, IMO, to let another man impregnant your wife, even if there is no intercourse involved. If you adopt, you and your wife did that together. But if she has a baby with another man, then in the parenting, that baby is hers and not yours. Whether she says it out loud, it's a fact biologically, and that's got to be messed up. If she craves the experience of bonding with the baby by bearing it and giving birth--- and stretching all that stuff out without her having to do so...and knocking her man out of intercourse for many weeks while she heals...that doesn't sound like a good choice.

There is a plus side to childbirth. She may be less likely to say 'ouch, that hurts' while she's being amorous with her husband after childbirth and healing up. I have also read that women who have had a baby have the potential for more powerful orgasms because the blood vessels have expanded. But I can't tell any improvement based on reactions on my end.

It's worth it if she is having your baby and you are being frutiful and multiplying. But if it isn't yours, there are babies out there to adopt, especially if you want a bi-racial one.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 4:56 pm
So that's the question!
Should I abandon my occasional silly lewd aspiration to nail 100+ new women (which pretty much means white women #1 since I can get them easiest, possibly Asian women #2 if travelling there, but then I feel guilty about pissing off the Asian men who usually seem friendly, but I heard are sick of arrogant white assholes nailing their chicks... though I'm not arrogant, but you get the idea).
Or should I knock all that shit off (which Outcast9428 considers "degeneracy") and get married?
(Which 99% sure means get married to a black woman, since I act better with them and treat them like queens and everything, vs how I almost can't help myself about getting in the sack with any white women who give it up to me at this point.) :lol:

I am considering both options...
It all depends on your own goals and circumstances and whether getting married would be of any benefit to you.

If you find a Black woman with whom you share an intense spiritual bond and whom you consider to be possibly your soulmate, then that could be a reason to get married.

But if that's not the case, then there's probably not any real reason for marriage. Why tie yourself to somebody if there is no real love or genuine connection? Even if you want to have children, you don't need to get married or be monogamous. All you have to do is be a part of your kids' lives and invest in their development. If you get married, then you'll get tied to one woman and lose much of your freedom. The woman might even gain power over you since with strict monogamy you have no other options. But if you don't get married or promise fidelity to one woman, then you keep your freedom to sleep with whomever you want and any woman who does get into a relationship with you will understand that you have other options and that there is competition and will therefore not have the luxury to lay down the law or attempt to control you. Since so many women are controlling and manipulative, I believe that monogamy doesn't benefit most men.

Unless you fall madly in love with an amazing big butt Black woman soulmate, then I think that it would probably be better for you to forgo marriage and continue to be the baddass, 80s action movie hero, womanizer WilliamSmith that we all know!

But you don't really need to be asking this anyway. Only you know what you really want and ultimately other people's opinions don't matter. Listen to your heart!

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 17th, 2022, 12:12 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 5:16 pm
I might not have any of my own kids though, for reasons of my own.
You know what, @WilliamSmith the people who are most happy to hear a healthy virile white man such as yourself will refrain from reproducing? Well, I don't even need to spell it out for you, you know (((them))) quite well. :lol:

I cannot think of a better way for a man such as yourself to "stick it to them" than by fathering sons and daughters of your own. After all, as the theory goes, they're out to replace men such as yourself. Even moreso than regular white dudes, they want less of the manly ones, the ones who know how to get down and dirty, the wild ones, the masculine ones. Some weak spineless low testosterone ones they can handle, surely, but a man like you ought to reproduce. Have some handsome mulatto sons and teach them how to be real men, have some beautiful mixed daughters and raise them to be proud and feminine, and have your bloodline live on through them, throughout the generations after us... because that, my friend, is exactly the thing that those who wish to destroy you would hate the most.

If all you do is adopt, they'll gleefully rub their grubby little hands together, they couldn't believe their luck with such perfect complacency. But you, marrying some magnificent black queen and having her pump out some of offspring of your own flesh and blood, and informing that flesh and blood of the evil of their ways and the need to stand up to their evil plans? That right there is their worst nightmare. :wink:
I too was shocked to hear that such a virile high-test baddass like @WilliamSmith might not be having any kids of his own. I think that if somebody is going to reproduce and continue the lineage of the particular Gentile group to which he belongs then it should be William and other men like him of all people. Leave obsessive videogaming, MGTOW, the antinatalism bullshit and transmaxxing to the pathetic low-test dweebs without reproductive viability. Men like WilliamSmith with good warrior genetics need to be producing more little Gentile warriors for our continued struggle against the (((New World Order))).

I'm not one of those antinatalist people and indeed believe that the most viable Gentile men like William should reproduce with high-quality females and even more so with those with big butts, but even though I'm not an unmanly dweeb (I'm actually masculine and warlike) I myself am reluctant to reproduce because of my own diagnosed autism. From what I've read the condition is thought to have a high level of hereditability and many autistic parents have spoken about how they have passed autism onto their kids sometimes in its severe forms. Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that has made my life extremely hard and held me back in many ways. I would never want to pass it onto any children. That thought strikes fear into my heart. I want to do my part in the fight against the NWO too but I think that my part will be one of direct warfare. @Pixel--Dude and I want nothing more than to take up arms and go to war against the enemy as soon as an authentic movement of mass resistance arises!

If I were to reproduce, I would do so with a Latina even if the racial purists are appalled by that. I don't really identify with the so-called "White" (i.e., Northern European) race anyway and certainly not with Anglo culture. As racist as this may sound, I even dislike my own race and only like Southern Europeans and identify with their culture much more. Latin Americans are generally a mixture of European (predominantly Mediterranean) and indigenous blood, often with some African admixture. If I were to reproduce with a Latina, I'd just be adding more European DNA to an existing trend. I wouldn't feel guilty about that at all and would even prefer to have Latin American kids because LatAm culture is my favorite together with Mediterranean culture.

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Re: Should (((WilliamSmith))) Get Married Instead of Womanizing

Post by WorldTraveler »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 4:56 pm
So that's the question!
Should I abandon my occasional silly lewd aspiration to nail 100+ new women (which pretty much means white women #1 since I can get them easiest, possibly Asian women #2 if travelling there, but then I feel guilty about pissing off the Asian men who usually seem friendly, but I heard are sick of arrogant white assholes nailing their chicks... though I'm not arrogant, but you get the idea).
Or should I knock all that shit off (which Outcast9428 considers "degeneracy") and get married?
(Which 99% sure means get married to a black woman, since I act better with them and treat them like queens and everything, vs how I almost can't help myself about getting in the sack with any white women who give it up to me at this point.) :lol:

I am considering both options...
I'm confused, are you a white man or a black man? Where are you going to find 100 women to bang? What is your timeframe to accomplish this?

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