Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

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Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

Tsar wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 6:27 pm
That's interesting to know. I thought that Catholics would be more serious about it than Protestants.
The Catholic Church has long since been usurped by the bad guys. In some places Catholics function as kind of auxiliary Jews. It is not at all surprising that a Catholic would promote Satanism.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@MarcosZeitola I feel like Catholics view Christianity, much more so then Protestants do, as a culture, civilization, tradition, institution and personal identity. Whereas Protestants tend to view it exclusively as a spiritual practice. For me personally, I prefer Catholicism and the Catholic interpretation of Christianity... However, overall, I think denominational wars are pointlessly divisive and I am strongly opposed to the mentality of "oh you're part of X denomination so you're not a real Christian."

@Cornfed's view of Christianity and nature, however, proves he isn't really a Christian. Christianity is not supposed to uphold "the natural order" so to speak. Christianity teaches that man's natural state is evil and must be overcome through obedience and faith in Christ. Man's natural state leads him to murder, rape, promiscuity, and all sorts of evils. Christianity teaches you to overcome these vices which are seen as natural to the state of being human and become a purer human being through deliberate denial and repression of what is natural.

Quite frankly, Cornfed is more of a Pagan then a Christian. I don't think he's a Satanist but his beliefs are quite consistent with Paganism with the exception of not believing in multiple gods. Pagans view man as needing to uphold his internal nature above everything whereas Christianity is more about morality above everything. So Christians support denying your own nature in order to become a better person whereas Pagans believe that being "in tune" with your primal nature basically is being good. Cornfed mistakes his opposition to secularism, which believes that man is above both nature and God, as meaning he is allied with Christianity whereas the truth is, he is aligned with something even older then Christianity. His ideal society is remarkably similar to Ancient Roman culture. Ancient Rome would allow him to have slaves, he could beat his wife and kids as much as he wants, he could commit adultery on his wife as much as he pleases, and Ancient Rome prioritized male dominance above everything. Cornfed has also indictated before that he supports polygyny which is also in line with Ancient Rome but extremely anti-Christian. Ancient Rome even insisted on women being chaste until marriage but essentially told men they could do whatever they want... Which is exactly in line with Cornfed's ideology. Ancient Rome would give him the exact mixture of aggressive anti-egalitarianism that he wants, but without the moralism that Christianity demands. This is why I classify Cornfed as extreme right but not a traditionalist. He isn't really a Christian traditionalist, not even an ultratraditionalist, he is an archaic traditionalist.

Let's take an issue like the transgenderism stuff... Secularism believes man is superior to both nature and God, so secularism supports transgenderism because it believes man ought to be able to make himself in whatever image he wishes himself to be. Christianity opposes it because it believes you are meant to live in God's image and do what God wishes. Paganism also would be against it, however, because Paganism believes man is supposed to behave how nature made him. Paganism supports man behaving as his primal directive suggests he should behave. For this reason, Paganism is anti-egalitarian because it believes there is a natural hierarchy and that people and animals should basically just submit to the natural order of things. Christianity opposes this and says the natural order leads us to sin so we should turn to God instead. Secularism believes that man can be more powerful then the natural order and thus construct the world to be however he wishes... Including making up fake genders and trying to deny the biological reality of sex and race.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 9:22 pm
@Cornfed's view of Christianity and nature, however, proves he isn't really a Christian. Christianity is not supposed to uphold "the natural order" so to speak. Christianity teaches that man's natural state is evil and must be overcome through obedience and faith in Christ. Man's natural state leads him to murder, rape, promiscuity, and all sorts of evils. Christianity teaches you to overcome these vices which are seen as natural to the state of being human and become a purer human being through deliberate denial and repression of what is natural.
It is this kind of thing that leads me to think outcast is a Satanist rather than just a moron. Most morons don't think to Satanically misrepresent Christianity.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Cornfed wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 8:23 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 9:22 pm
@Cornfed's view of Christianity and nature, however, proves he isn't really a Christian. Christianity is not supposed to uphold "the natural order" so to speak. Christianity teaches that man's natural state is evil and must be overcome through obedience and faith in Christ. Man's natural state leads him to murder, rape, promiscuity, and all sorts of evils. Christianity teaches you to overcome these vices which are seen as natural to the state of being human and become a purer human being through deliberate denial and repression of what is natural.
It is this kind of thing that leads me to think outcast is a Satanist rather than just a moron. Most morons don't think to Satanically misrepresent Christianity.
Are you a Satanist then? Cause you seem very interested in misrepresenting Christianity. Even the most uneducated person knows the things I am talking about and yet you sit here acting as if it’s as ridiculous as claiming the sky to be blue.

Perhaps you are aware of the fact that neopaganism would never succeed but you dislike the egalitarian message that leftism has so you are trying to push Christianity to essentially become morally and socially paganistic? It’s easier to tweak the framework of what currently exists then build a completely new one.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:57 pm
MrMan wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:36 pm
Cornfed wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:31 pm
MrMan wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:27 pm
But I notice you argue for prostitution based on what past societies or philosophers argued
Those past societies being Christian societies that worked out well. That is a rational basis to support a tradition.
Do you mean a Satanic tradition?
Why say stupid things? Is there something wrong with you?
You keep arguing for prostitution, etc. based on what past societies, etc. have done, rather than what God wants.

Christians should not engage in fornication, hire prostitutes for sex, etc. Whether it's a paid whore or free whore, no whoring.

Why don't you get married?

You'd need to change your mindset about marriage, too. Christian men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loved the church.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:34 am
You keep arguing for prostitution, etc. based on what past Godly societies, etc. have done, rather than what God wants.
In order to judge what God wants, we look to the Bible and past societies. They had prostitution. Therefore this is what God wants. I deplore your putting feminism ahead of God. Shame on you.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:45 am
MrMan wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:34 am
You keep arguing for prostitution, etc. based on what past Godly societies, etc. have done, rather than what God wants.
In order to judge what God wants, we look to the Bible and past societies. They had prostitution. Therefore this is what God wants. I deplore your putting feminism ahead of God. Shame on you.
You skipped over the Bible part. You should look at what the Bible says God wants, where it talks about the will of God.

I Thessalonians 4
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified. 7 For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. 8 Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit.
(NKJV, bold emphasis mine.)

I've mentioned the word translated 'fornication' before. Here it is translated 'sexual immorality.' The word for prostituting is similar to it. It could be translated whoring. It most certainly includes sleeping with prostitutes as Paul uses it that way in I Corinthians 6, though he uses it to include other immoral sex as well.

(NKJV, bold emphasis mine.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:58 am
I've mentioned the word translated 'fornication' before. Here it is translated 'sexual immorality.'
It is quite simple. Christians had a certain way of life. Pre-Christian societies before them shared that way of life. As it happened, that included the institution of having a whore-class of females. If they favored this way of life, and were Christian, it follows that if you are opposed to their way of life then you are not a Christian. Specifically you appear to be a feminist/communist in that you seem to favor the modern idea that females should all be whores being pimped out by the regime. But whatever you are, you are not a Christian because you are opposed to the way Christians do things.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 6:08 am
MrMan wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:58 am
I've mentioned the word translated 'fornication' before. Here it is translated 'sexual immorality.'
It is quite simple. Christians had a certain way of life. Pre-Christian societies before them shared that way of life. As it happened, that included the institution of having a whore-class of females. If they favored this way of life, and were Christian, it follows that if you are opposed to their way of life then you are not a Christian. Specifically you appear to be a feminist/communist in that you seem to favor the modern idea that females should all be whores being pimped out by the regime. But whatever you are, you are not a Christian because you are opposed to the way Christians do things.
Your logic is incoherent there. The apostles taught against fornication. Members of the church that continued in the pagan lifestyle of sleeping with whores (or adultery, or same-sex sexual activity, etc.) could be delivered over to Satan and shunned from the community. It's sinful behavior.

The big question here is, "Is Jesus Lord?" If you believe He is, then repent and submit to Him and the teaching of His apostles.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:05 pm
Your logic is incoherent there. The apostles taught against fornication. Members of the church that continued in the pagan lifestyle of sleeping with whores (or adultery, or same-sex sexual activity, etc.) could be delivered over to Satan and shunned from the community. It's sinful behavior.
Why do you keep saying nonsense? Sex with whores was perfectly normal in the Bible and Christians simply continued this normal practice. Adultery in all major cultures including both Judaism and Christianity is sex between a married woman and someone other than her husband. These aren't debatable propositions. It is basic history you could check out in an hour. Why does this need to be pointed out more than once? Are you brain damaged? If you insist on following anti-Christian feminism then you should at least have the courage of your evil convictions and declare yourself to be an anti-Christian feminist.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:22 pm
MrMan wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:05 pm
Your logic is incoherent there. The apostles taught against fornication. Members of the church that continued in the pagan lifestyle of sleeping with whores (or adultery, or same-sex sexual activity, etc.) could be delivered over to Satan and shunned from the community. It's sinful behavior.
Why do you keep saying nonsense? Sex with whores was perfectly normal in the Bible and Christians simply continued this normal practice. Adultery in all major cultures including both Judaism and Christianity is sex between a married woman and someone other than her husband. These aren't debatable propositions. It is basic history you could check out in an hour. Why does this need to be pointed out more than once? Are you brain damaged? If you insist on following anti-Christian feminism then you should at least have the courage of your evil convictions and declare yourself to be an anti-Christian feminist.
Are you brain damaged, spiritually blinded, or does a black spot appear before your eyes when I quote the Bible. Very specifically, the Bible addresses sex with prostitutes/harlots. I've quoted it before. Adultery is not just forbidden. So is fornication.

I Corinthians 6
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

Are you a Christian, or do you just appreciate 'white' 'Christian culture'? You didn't believe the redeemed will rise from the dead some time back. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus rose from the dead? (See verse 14 above.) Many of your opinions are not in line with the Christian beliefs expressed in the Bible. You know there was an Ethiopian Christian mentioned in the Bible? Can you love your neighbor or love your brother if he's black? That love stuff, that second greatest commandment must be tough for a hard-core racist.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:30 pm
I Corinthians 6
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
So if you have sex with other men's wives, which is what adultery means, or attempt to turn normal non-slut females in your community into sluts, which is what fornication means, that's bad. OK, so what? If you are going to continue placing a feminist interpretation on what are very clear statements from a Christian perspective then you are clearly in a state of apostacy and in for a hot fate in the hereafter.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Cornfed Its funny how you say I’m a Satanist when I point out that in recently past societies, premarital sex in the context of an exclusive, love based relationship was normal and not considered to be an evil thing and you say I’m a Satanist for arguing that it was acceptable in a past society. Now that MrMan says that prostitution isn’t Christian, you say “well it was acceptable in past societies so therefore it is Christian.”

See I actually agree with allowing unmarried men to visit prostitutes but the fact is that your logic is inconsistent with one another. It is also ridiculous to suggest somebody is anti-Christian for not supporting prostitution. Christians do not all believe the same things.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 3:05 pm
@Cornfed Its funny how you say I’m a Satanist when I point out that in recently past societies, premarital sex in the context of an exclusive, love based relationship was normal and not considered to be an evil thing and you say I’m a Satanist for arguing that it was acceptable in a past society. Now that MrMan says that prostitution isn’t Christian, you say “well it was acceptable in past societies so therefore it is Christian.”
The difference is that what you are saying is a pack of lies whereas what I am saying is the provable historical truth. That makes sense since your master, Satan, is the father of lies.
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Re: Is Outcast9428 a satanist?

Post by Cornfed »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 3:05 pm
@Cornfed Its funny how you say I’m a Satanist when I point out that in recently past societies, premarital sex in the context of an exclusive, love based relationship
The notion that a "love based" relationship is equivalent to marriage is yet another Satanic construct you espouse. If a couple is having sex and intends to get married, why not just get married? If they don't get married, then effectively they are destroying someone else's ability to have a good marriage because the female will be used and damaged goods. The only reason to advocate such an arrangement is Satanism. You keep giving yourself away.
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