Trump interview

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Re: Trump interview

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 10:51 am
I was a pessimist in 2014, my friend. As soon as I voted with my feet and left London for the Philippines, I knew I had to work 10x harder to get something I would have never attained in London: personal freedom. I thought I failed, but then I didn't. I am still working hard, but at least I know it's all about building a safety net to protect myself and C from whatever this world will come to, in a few short years.

I have no kids and have no intention to have any. As soon they'd get a modicum of logical thinking, they would hate me, and my peers, for being the last generation that had a fighting chance to truly change things, but instead chose to Honor Thy Boomer, comply and connive. They would be right to blame us and we would be right to feel hypocrite POS, in resorting to preaching them "strength" and "hope", like our politicians did to us.

I am running a company with zero liabilities and a healthy profit. My hires are happy and want to stay with me, if anything to see this large project till the end, which will be in 2025, maybe even later.

I don't possess much. at least compared to some of my City friends back in London. Yet, what I own, I own outright. As I found out, perhaps a bit late in the game, not having a mortgage is the first, single source or personal freedom a man can have. And yet, so few of us have this privilege.

I hope I am well prepared to face the shit when it finally hits the fan in a major, global way.
I also hold the perception that the happy and carefree days of the previous decade are gone for the most part and that the world in which we live is now a darker place and one in which mere survival takes precedence over any form of enjoyment that we once had.

The New World Order has orchestrated a worldwide pandemic and various lockdowns. Those things might not be over either. They are likely to swiftly come back with some other "new variant". Then there is the Russia-Ukraine war, the threat of further escalation and WW3, and the economic crisis that is unfolding before our eyes, all manufactured by the not-so-hidden elites as a pretext for the "Great Reset" (i.e., the envisioned Kabbalistic Tikkun Olam of Gentile enslavement and destruction) - obvious to anybody with deeper discernment. In the midst of all of this chaos and confusion, the world is no longer a beautiful place and life is no longer fun. Now all we can do is survive and scrape by the best we can.

Abandoning our hopes and dreams and resigning ourselves to a mindset of indifference might make things easier when hardships reach their peak but I am of the view that the only way for us to come out of this one on top is a large-scale grass-roots rebellion of those with discernment against the NWO and a subsequent merciless annihilation of all of those involved in this nefarious conspiracy against humanity. However, the problem is that the greater part of humanity has been reduced to the state of unthinking cattle and will simply go along with whatever dark agendas the NWO may seek to push. In effect, the majority of Gentiles today (maybe as much as 90%) are indeed exactly the same semi-retarded goyim that the Kabbalists so pejoratively regard them as. They therefore don't even deserve freedom or survival. I no longer have any high hopes for the majority of humanity. I now even share the same contempt for them as the Kabbalists do. Still, I just hope that a minority will be enlightened enough to resist the NWO's nefarious plan.

I no longer find life enjoyable and feel indifferent towards most things. First the scamdemic disrupted everything and then my own unusual health problems have kept me grounded for the last few years. Now that I'm in my mid 30s, I feel that the last bit of my youth has been taken away from me and that all that remains is a dark world that is getting more dystopian by the year. Things now seem miserable in comparison to how they were just a few years ago. I often wonder what the hell I'm even doing in this world but my spirit to fight and my absolute hatred for the NWO and all of its vile lackeys keep me here.

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Re: Trump interview

Post by publicduende »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 6:49 am
I also hold the perception that the happy and carefree days of the previous decade are gone for the most part and that the world in which we live is now a darker place and one in which mere survival takes precedence over any form of enjoyment that we once had.

The New World Order has orchestrated a worldwide pandemic and various lockdowns. Those things might not be over either. They are likely to swiftly come back with some other "new variant". Then there is the Russia-Ukraine war, the threat of further escalation and WW3, and the economic crisis that is unfolding before our eyes, all manufactured by the not-so-hidden elites as a pretext for the "Great Reset" (i.e., the envisioned Kabbalistic Tikkun Olam of Gentile enslavement and destruction) - obvious to anybody with deeper discernment. In the midst of all of this chaos and confusion, the world is no longer a beautiful place and life is no longer fun. Now all we can do is survive and scrape by the best we can.

Abandoning our hopes and dreams and resigning ourselves to a mindset of indifference might make things easier when hardships reach their peak but I am of the view that the only way for us to come out of this one on top is a large-scale grass-roots rebellion of those with discernment against the NWO and a subsequent merciless annihilation of all of those involved in this nefarious conspiracy against humanity. However, the problem is that the greater part of humanity has been reduced to the state of unthinking cattle and will simply go along with whatever dark agendas the NWO may seek to push. In effect, the majority of Gentiles today (maybe as much as 90%) are indeed exactly the same semi-retarded goyim that the Kabbalists so pejoratively regard them as. They therefore don't even deserve freedom or survival. I no longer have any high hopes for the majority of humanity. I now even share the same contempt for them as the Kabbalists do. Still, I just hope that a minority will be enlightened enough to resist the NWO's nefarious plan.

I no longer find life enjoyable and feel indifferent towards most things. First the scamdemic disrupted everything and then my own unusual health problems have kept me grounded for the last few years. Now that I'm in my mid 30s, I feel that the last bit of my youth has been taken away from me and that all that remains is a dark world that is getting more dystopian by the year. Things now seem miserable in comparison to how they were just a few years ago. I often wonder what the hell I'm even doing in this world but my spirit to fight and my absolute hatred for the NWO and all of its vile lackeys keep me here.
You may remember, in his Inferno, Dantes place an inscription at the gates of Hell, which says "abandon hope all ye who enter here". I feel we're, historically, right at the gates of Hell. One more step and we will really have to abandon all hopes.

Does it mean we are still capable to turning around and undoing what's been done to us and to the planet in the past few decades? I am not hopeful. The elites are too powerful, too rich. They possess both the money and the printing machine. They own both our homes and the land on which they are built. They play the games and they make the rules. They have the banks, the armies, public and private, the tecnnology hubs with the best minds and the best resources. They have enough military might to annihilate us all, if we ever were to erupt en masse.

The only hope to trip the system, a massive-scale act of civil disobedience a-la-Gandhi, would be impossible in this time and age, courtesy of our financial indenture. What man in his right mind would stop working to for a cause? They would immediately get fired, default on their 35-year mortgages and lose their right to everything that makes them members of society. The "cause" is too feeble to be seen, let alone embraced.

Recent events have shown how even our elected politicians have no scruples conniving when false flag incidents are set-up, false narratives are broadcast and force-fed into the press and every nook and cranny of the political discourse. These people are the Mandarins of tomorrow, a small class of semi-expendables who might have already been promised immunity, so long they play their part in collectively throwing their citizenship under the bus.

They have the latest generations on strings, like puppets. Generation X, which I belong to, has the double curse of being the last generation who understands the shit we put ourselves in, and the generation who didn't do absolutely anything to change. We didn't even try, because we loved the idea of those careers, those 35-year mortgage for the mansion in the middle of nowhere, the expensive holidays and the fine dining, the loving wife who will divorce us in an instant if we don't make enough for her whims, and so on. We have been caged by our own selective blindness, by our hypocrisy.

We have comfortably taken a front-seat at the spectacle of our own train crash. We have trusted the wrong people because we were too coward to trust our intuition. And now it's too late.

Maybe Mark "E" Everett (Eels) in one of his seminal early albums, which he later disowned to become a mediocre bluesman, got it just right.
It's like I'm dressed up in my mama's clothing
It's like I'm talking to a voice that doesn't exist
It's like I got a wire crossed upstairs
But all I want is just a little truth and that's it

They say I'm mental but I'm just confused
They say I'm mental but I've been abused
They say I'm mental 'cause I'm not amused by it all

Another anchorman is on the TV
He's got that far away and vacant look in his eyes
I turn the channel but nothing is changing
The only truth is that everything is a lie

They say I'm mental but I'm just confused
They say I'm mental but I've been abused
They say I'm mental 'cause I'm not amused by it all
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 12:04 pm
Does it mean we are still capable to turning around and undoing what's been done to us and to the planet in the past few decades? I am not hopeful. The elites are too powerful, too rich. They possess both the money and the printing machine. They own both our homes and the land on which they are built. They play the games and they make the rules. They have the banks, the armies, public and private, the tecnnology hubs with the best minds and the best resources. They have enough military might to annihilate us all, if we ever were to erupt en masse.

The only hope to trip the system, a massive-scale act of civil disobedience a-la-Gandhi, would be impossible in this time and age, courtesy of our financial indenture. What man in his right mind would stop working to for a cause? They would immediately get fired, default on their 35-year mortgages and lose their right to everything that makes them members of society. The "cause" is too feeble to be seen, let alone embraced.
Yes, the silent majority, the masses of unthinking sheep who went along with this whole conjob of the banking system and bought into all of the narratives and continue to passively accept the status quo, are every bit as much to blame for the dystopian situation in which we currently find ourselves as the evil (((cabal))) which orchestrated all of this. That's equally the case whether they be boomers, gen-Xers or millennials. Because of their monumental stupidity and cowardice, we are now on the verge of being utterly subjugated by the worst regime in the history of the world and furthermore one of global reach. If the globalist elite succeeds in implementing its envisioned New World Order and the people do nothing to stop them, then quite frankly the masses of passive and cowardly goyim deserve to be enslaved or perish.

I have always idealized the Kshatriya as a higher type of man while instinctively harboring a special kind of contempt for the modern bourgeois type. The Kshatriya forms part of a noble warrior culture willing to fight for the freedom of his people, worthwhile life-affirming ideals and the natural order while the modern bourgeois type is a weak-minded coward, motivated only by wealth and comfort, afraid to lose his income and possessions, unwilling to rise up even for his own freedom and certainly not for any higher ideals. The modern bourgeois type, perhaps now the lowest expression of man, is therefore worthy of his own enslavement and destruction. Indeed, his class of man was only ever a contemptible slave to money, comfort and the system.

I myself have a martial nature. I see an urgent need for those of us who still preserve in us the Kshatriya spirit to rise up and violently depose the globalist elite through a mass popular rebellion and paramilitary action (certainly not "a la Gandhi" like that utter fraud and treacherous agent of the perverse colonialist Britishers). The modern bourgeois type, on the other hand, - that lowborn Vaishya or Shudra -, will most likely remain completely useless in the paramount struggle for the survival of our species and the future of all of our progeny. Ironically, even that worthless coward who now submits to the system with the hope of being left alone will have no future in the globalists' envisioned Olam ha Ba since his type will quickly be replaced by automation and AI, making him just another useless eater goy. That's why the globalists intend to kill him off with a certain "medicine".

As for our ability to resist en masse, I don't doubt for a second that the psychopathic elites would hesitate to exterminate us but what about a human army with compassion for its fellow man? Many human soldiers might not be willing to open fire on the rebels and might even sympathize with our struggle against the NWO. However, an AI-controlled army and police force would be a completely different story. We have to resist before AI soldiers and law enforcers become commonplace. We have a short window of opportunity!!!

The only way that we as a species can ever be free is to overthrow the banking cartels and other NWO apparatus, mercilessly kill everybody involved with those things and especially all members of Chabad-Lubavitch, and then create our own sane Gentile governments and civilization.

The Kshatriya spirit is necessary for freedom and survival. In order to overcome this situation, we need to turn our plough sheds into swords, the exact opposite of what the Nevi'im predict for the goyim in the "Messianic Age". Those of us with discernment know who the enemy is and that they want to destroy us. It's a matter of kill or be killed. I often say that it was a great shame that the Roman people, your great and valiant ancestors, didn't completely annihilate that hostile people in 70 CE, but even if that had happened the same dark Seraphim who the Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis admit to channeling would have probably established a different chosen people and made it just as vile. :(
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 2:10 pm
publicduende wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 12:04 pm
Does it mean we are still capable to turning around and undoing what's been done to us and to the planet in the past few decades? I am not hopeful. The elites are too powerful, too rich. They possess both the money and the printing machine. They own both our homes and the land on which they are built. They play the games and they make the rules. They have the banks, the armies, public and private, the tecnnology hubs with the best minds and the best resources. They have enough military might to annihilate us all, if we ever were to erupt en masse.

The only hope to trip the system, a massive-scale act of civil disobedience a-la-Gandhi, would be impossible in this time and age, courtesy of our financial indenture. What man in his right mind would stop working to for a cause? They would immediately get fired, default on their 35-year mortgages and lose their right to everything that makes them members of society. The "cause" is too feeble to be seen, let alone embraced.
Yes, the silent majority, the masses of unthinking sheep who went along with this whole conjob of the banking system and bought into all of the narratives and continue to passively accept the status quo, are every bit as much to blame for the dystopian situation in which we currently find ourselves as the evil (((cabal))) which orchestrated all of this. That's equally the case whether they be boomers, gen-Xers or millennials. Because of their monumental stupidity and cowardice, we are now on the verge of being utterly subjugated by the worst regime in the history of the world and furthermore one of global reach. If the globalist elite succeeds in implementing its envisioned New World Order and the people do nothing to stop them, then quite frankly the masses of passive and cowardly goyim deserve to be enslaved or perish.

I have always idealized the Kshatriya as a higher type of man while instinctively harboring a special kind of contempt for the modern bourgeois type. The Kshatriya forms part of a noble warrior culture willing to fight for the freedom of his people, worthwhile life-affirming ideals and the natural order while the modern bourgeois type is a weak-minded coward, motivated only by wealth and comfort, afraid to lose his income and possessions, unwilling to rise up even for his own freedom and certainly not for any higher ideals. The modern bourgeois type, perhaps now the lowest expression of man, is therefore worthy of his own enslavement and destruction. Indeed, his class of man was only ever a contemptible slave to money, comfort and the system.

I myself have a martial nature. I see an urgent need for those of us who still preserve in us the Kshatriya spirit to rise up and violently depose the globalist elite through a mass popular rebellion and paramilitary action (certainly not "a la Gandhi" like that utter fraud and treacherous agent of the perverse colonialist Britishers). The modern bourgeois type, on the other hand, - that lowborn Vaishya or Shudra -, will most likely remain completely useless in the paramount struggle for the survival of our species and the future of all of our progeny. Ironically, even that worthless coward who now submits to the system with the hope of being left alone will have no future in the globalists' envisioned Olam ha Ba since his type will quickly be replaced by automation and AI, making him just another useless eater goy. That's why the globalists intend to kill him off with a certain "medicine".

As for our ability to resist en masse, I don't doubt for a second that the psychopathic elites would hesitate to exterminate us but what about a human army with compassion for its fellow man? Many human soldiers might not be willing to open fire on the rebels and might even sympathize with our struggle against the NWO. However, an AI-controlled army and police force would be a completely different story. We have to resist before AI soldiers and law enforcers become commonplace. We have a short window of opportunity!!!

The only way that we as a species can ever be free is to overthrow the banking cartels and other NWO apparatus, mercilessly kill everybody involved with those things and especially all members of Chabad-Lubavitch, and then create our own sane Gentile governments and civilization.

The Kshatriya spirit is necessary for freedom and survival. In order to overcome this situation, we need to turn our plough sheds into swords, the exact opposite of what the Nevi'im predict for the goyim in the "Messianic Age". Those of us with discernment know who the enemy is and that they want to destroy us. It's a matter of kill or be killed. I often say that it was a great shame that the Roman people, your great and valiant ancestors, didn't completely annihilate that hostile people in 70 CE, but even if that had happened the same dark Seraphim who the Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis admit to channeling would have probably established a different chosen people and made it just as vile. :(
Most people are wimps, cowards, conformists, and soft. The Globalist Elites need a compliant and pliable population like that.
A civilization with real martial spirit and strong morals will not be easily susceptible to the machinations of the Globalist Elites and will readily fend off and eliminate the Globalists in one swoop. A disciplined, informed and morally strong masses will be terribly difficult for those Globalists to control and instead the Globalists will shake in terror instead of the other way around.

All of the social poisons such as feminism, affirmative action, cultural marxism, perversion of religions, trans gender rights, political correctness, Woke, Social Justice Warriors will be flushed out and cleansed in a martial, moral, and spiritually strong civilization.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by gsjackson »

That imbecile Trump has just posted on Truth Social an MSNBC article criticizing the DeSantis covid record in Florida. WTF? The article says DeSantis should have locked down and masked up more. Trump was not just MIA on the biggest issue of our time -- the scamdemic -- he was a major participant in the crimes, enabling Fauci and the other criminals at every turn. And he doesn't seem to have learned a thing. I'd vote for him against Biden, but not RFK.

Re what Lucas writes above, it was always a puzzlement to me why these tinpot dictators who gleefully took away our freedoms weren't ever made to fear for their lives. Maybe that will change if they do it again. It may be hard to get at the big movers and shakers (though Gates did get a pie in the face once), but local officials who happily impose the tyranny would be sitting ducks. And you can't run a business (or concentration camp) without middle management.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 2:10 pm
publicduende wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 12:04 pm
Does it mean we are still capable to turning around and undoing what's been done to us and to the planet in the past few decades? I am not hopeful. The elites are too powerful, too rich. They possess both the money and the printing machine. They own both our homes and the land on which they are built. They play the games and they make the rules. They have the banks, the armies, public and private, the tecnnology hubs with the best minds and the best resources. They have enough military might to annihilate us all, if we ever were to erupt en masse.

The only hope to trip the system, a massive-scale act of civil disobedience a-la-Gandhi, would be impossible in this time and age, courtesy of our financial indenture. What man in his right mind would stop working to for a cause? They would immediately get fired, default on their 35-year mortgages and lose their right to everything that makes them members of society. The "cause" is too feeble to be seen, let alone embraced.
Yes, the silent majority, the masses of unthinking sheep who went along with this whole conjob of the banking system and bought into all of the narratives and continue to passively accept the status quo, are every bit as much to blame for the dystopian situation in which we currently find ourselves as the evil (((cabal))) which orchestrated all of this. That's equally the case whether they be boomers, gen-Xers or millennials. Because of their monumental stupidity and cowardice, we are now on the verge of being utterly subjugated by the worst regime in the history of the world and furthermore one of global reach. If the globalist elite succeeds in implementing its envisioned New World Order and the people do nothing to stop them, then quite frankly the masses of passive and cowardly goyim deserve to be enslaved or perish.

I have always idealized the Kshatriya as a higher type of man while instinctively harboring a special kind of contempt for the modern bourgeois type. The Kshatriya forms part of a noble warrior culture willing to fight for the freedom of his people, worthwhile life-affirming ideals and the natural order while the modern bourgeois type is a weak-minded coward, motivated only by wealth and comfort, afraid to lose his income and possessions, unwilling to rise up even for his own freedom and certainly not for any higher ideals. The modern bourgeois type, perhaps now the lowest expression of man, is therefore worthy of his own enslavement and destruction. Indeed, his class of man was only ever a contemptible slave to money, comfort and the system.

I myself have a martial nature. I see an urgent need for those of us who still preserve in us the Kshatriya spirit to rise up and violently depose the globalist elite through a mass popular rebellion and paramilitary action (certainly not "a la Gandhi" like that utter fraud and treacherous agent of the perverse colonialist Britishers). The modern bourgeois type, on the other hand, - that lowborn Vaishya or Shudra -, will most likely remain completely useless in the paramount struggle for the survival of our species and the future of all of our progeny. Ironically, even that worthless coward who now submits to the system with the hope of being left alone will have no future in the globalists' envisioned Olam ha Ba since his type will quickly be replaced by automation and AI, making him just another useless eater goy. That's why the globalists intend to kill him off with a certain "medicine".

As for our ability to resist en masse, I don't doubt for a second that the psychopathic elites would hesitate to exterminate us but what about a human army with compassion for its fellow man? Many human soldiers might not be willing to open fire on the rebels and might even sympathize with our struggle against the NWO. However, an AI-controlled army and police force would be a completely different story. We have to resist before AI soldiers and law enforcers become commonplace. We have a short window of opportunity!!!

The only way that we as a species can ever be free is to overthrow the banking cartels and other NWO apparatus, mercilessly kill everybody involved with those things and especially all members of Chabad-Lubavitch, and then create our own sane Gentile governments and civilization.

The Kshatriya spirit is necessary for freedom and survival. In order to overcome this situation, we need to turn our plough sheds into swords, the exact opposite of what the Nevi'im predict for the goyim in the "Messianic Age". Those of us with discernment know who the enemy is and that they want to destroy us. It's a matter of kill or be killed. I often say that it was a great shame that the Roman people, your great and valiant ancestors, didn't completely annihilate that hostile people in 70 CE, but even if that had happened the same dark Seraphim who the Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis admit to channeling would have probably established a different chosen people and made it just as vile. :(
What doomers don't realize,is that there are a host of civilizations in the inner earth,the most recent and notable one being the new swabian one formulated by Hitler's agents at the end of the war.most ufo sightings are of this civilization,We don't know if they will save us or just their own asses,but there is a strong hopium that when world war 3 happens,in conjuction with the Sajaha prophecy made by the racial enemies of the Jews in antiquity,the babylonians,the army of Nebuchadnezzar/the fourth reich will rise again and establish utopia on earth,eliminating the elites and rounding up those kabbalistic parasites that will meet torture and the guillotine.

I am against colonialism,but I think that the Third Reich in conjuction with the Thule Society,was really all about freedom from the Tzaddikim.

The Tzaddikim are well aware of this civilization,and have tried to destroy it in the 60s,but the inner earth new swabia is inaccesible to all aircraft and the area there,if military aircraft fly over,they disappear.The fourth reich has superior technology and german physicists are quietly disappearing to join them.You're well aware of the channel that discusses such things on Bitchute,and in my own research from multiple sources,I have confimed it to be true,I have seen the maps,the plans,the letters from successful Reich's army saying they will not go back,200k settlers,with a 7% yearly growth rate,that amounts to about 23 million german souls ready to fight with superior Vril technology when the time to pounce is ripe.

So don't think God/the universe didn't already defeat the reptilians and kabbalists,He has,and his army are the Fourth Reich,about which lies and propoganda abound regarding these noble but never were perfect souls.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by publicduende »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 25th, 2023, 2:10 pm
Yes, the silent majority, the masses of unthinking sheep who went along with this whole conjob of the banking system and bought into all of the narratives and continue to passively accept the status quo, are every bit as much to blame for the dystopian situation in which we currently find ourselves as the evil (((cabal))) which orchestrated all of this. That's equally the case whether they be boomers, gen-Xers or millennials. Because of their monumental stupidity and cowardice, we are now on the verge of being utterly subjugated by the worst regime in the history of the world and furthermore one of global reach. If the globalist elite succeeds in implementing its envisioned New World Order and the people do nothing to stop them, then quite frankly the masses of passive and cowardly goyim deserve to be enslaved or perish.

I have always idealized the Kshatriya as a higher type of man while instinctively harboring a special kind of contempt for the modern bourgeois type. The Kshatriya forms part of a noble warrior culture willing to fight for the freedom of his people, worthwhile life-affirming ideals and the natural order while the modern bourgeois type is a weak-minded coward, motivated only by wealth and comfort, afraid to lose his income and possessions, unwilling to rise up even for his own freedom and certainly not for any higher ideals. The modern bourgeois type, perhaps now the lowest expression of man, is therefore worthy of his own enslavement and destruction. Indeed, his class of man was only ever a contemptible slave to money, comfort and the system.

I myself have a martial nature. I see an urgent need for those of us who still preserve in us the Kshatriya spirit to rise up and violently depose the globalist elite through a mass popular rebellion and paramilitary action (certainly not "a la Gandhi" like that utter fraud and treacherous agent of the perverse colonialist Britishers). The modern bourgeois type, on the other hand, - that lowborn Vaishya or Shudra -, will most likely remain completely useless in the paramount struggle for the survival of our species and the future of all of our progeny. Ironically, even that worthless coward who now submits to the system with the hope of being left alone will have no future in the globalists' envisioned Olam ha Ba since his type will quickly be replaced by automation and AI, making him just another useless eater goy. That's why the globalists intend to kill him off with a certain "medicine".

As for our ability to resist en masse, I don't doubt for a second that the psychopathic elites would hesitate to exterminate us but what about a human army with compassion for its fellow man? Many human soldiers might not be willing to open fire on the rebels and might even sympathize with our struggle against the NWO. However, an AI-controlled army and police force would be a completely different story. We have to resist before AI soldiers and law enforcers become commonplace. We have a short window of opportunity!!!

The only way that we as a species can ever be free is to overthrow the banking cartels and other NWO apparatus, mercilessly kill everybody involved with those things and especially all members of Chabad-Lubavitch, and then create our own sane Gentile governments and civilization.

The Kshatriya spirit is necessary for freedom and survival. In order to overcome this situation, we need to turn our plough sheds into swords, the exact opposite of what the Nevi'im predict for the goyim in the "Messianic Age". Those of us with discernment know who the enemy is and that they want to destroy us. It's a matter of kill or be killed. I often say that it was a great shame that the Roman people, your great and valiant ancestors, didn't completely annihilate that hostile people in 70 CE, but even if that had happened the same dark Seraphim who the Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis admit to channeling would have probably established a different chosen people and made it just as vile. :(
I am impressed how well-versed you are in the Indian caste system. As you know, the Kshatriyas are not just the fierce warriors, they are also the wise rulers. The last examples of Kshatriyas we find, this side of the Ganges at least, are probably all the Senators and Emperors who were forged in the discpline of the Roman Army. The equivalent of Kshatriyas in the Roman West was..."people". The ancient definition of a people, a "populus", is that of a community who gained merit in front of their rulers because they fought on their side. The verb "populare" in Latin doesn't mean "populate" but "plunder, ravage". Only those who fought loyally with their chieftains or kings, plundering enemy land, stealing their resources and women, would become a "populus" and rewarded with social privileges, including that of voting.

You are absolutely right: fast forward to now, and we as people have totally lost that warrior spirit. Over the generations, we forgot that a republic, a democracy is not a final destination, but something that is constantly under threat and must be maintained with constant struggles, even war if necessary. The Romans said, "si vis pacem para bellum": if you want (lasting) peace, prepare to fight (for it).

We have delegated much of our decision to a political class made of less and less competent individuals, less and less committed to the "res publica", the common good.

No surprise that, as soon as the transnational powers of big industry, big corporate and big finance started to root globally, politicians were the first to bend to the power and obeying in exchange of special treatment. This Covid pandemic showed us how well-oiled this transmission belt has become. The elites create the problem, their tech/industrial/pharma complex create the solution, and 99% of the world governments, from President/PM to the lowermost local administrators, all comply with the same agenda, in complete unison.

We have lost our ability to resist en-masse. The armies, even the private ones, are way too powerful and well equipped to have fear of a bunch of people armed with guns and cubs. Like I said, they hold us by the balls our their 30-years mortgages, with our careers predicated on a routine of total obedience. For the younger generations, the Millennials and Gen-Yers, they didn't even need that much: they colonised their minds with false narratives and social media narcissism, powerful symbols of the vacuum that their lives are likely to become.

We have lost, mate, we have lost.

Our only hope is to live what is left of our lives in the most complete and serene way possible, perhaps using parts of the system to our advantage but never completely relinquishing our freedom. This latter is the hardest part.
Last edited by publicduende on August 26th, 2023, 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

We have not 'lost',we just need to follow the example of the thule society and thule combat league which defeated bigger well trained better equipped jewish armies by using runes,occult power and not being christian and thus stuck with kabbalistic curses and the failure that comes with that.We need to start our own secret occult societies which ban jews with even 1% jewish blood from joining.

the rabbis fear this most,didn't you watch the video @publicduende ?

Enkism is retarded jewish bs because they worship the beings of the grimoire.

I only worship aryan masters and amerindian spirits.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by publicduende »

69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 4:23 am
We have not 'lost',we just need to follow the example of the thule society and thule combat league which defeated bigger well trained better equipped jewish armies by using runes,occult power and not being christian and thus stuck with kabbalistic curses and the failure that comes with that.We need to start our own secret occult societies which ban jews with even 1% jewish blood from joining.

the rabbis fear this most,didn't you watch the video @publicduende ?

Enkism is retarded jewish bs because they worship the beings of the grimoire.

I only worship aryan masters and amerindian spirits.
I don't know if I would put it in "spiritual wars" terms, or in terms of Aryans vs Jews. The situation is more complex than that. The elites are not only transnational but also trans-ethnic and trans-racial. TPTB are rooted in China, in Africa and, of course in Germany and the Scandinavian societies who you seem to look up to as models of spiritual purity.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 6:40 am
69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 4:23 am
We have not 'lost',we just need to follow the example of the thule society and thule combat league which defeated bigger well trained better equipped jewish armies by using runes,occult power and not being christian and thus stuck with kabbalistic curses and the failure that comes with that.We need to start our own secret occult societies which ban jews with even 1% jewish blood from joining.

the rabbis fear this most,didn't you watch the video @publicduende ?

Enkism is retarded jewish bs because they worship the beings of the grimoire.

I only worship aryan masters and amerindian spirits.
I don't know if I would put it in "spiritual wars" terms, or in terms of Aryans vs Jews. The situation is more complex than that. The elites are not only transnational but also trans-ethnic and trans-racial. TPTB are rooted in China, in Africa and, of course in Germany and the Scandinavian societies who you seem to look up to as models of spiritual purity.
That's cap bro :mrgreen:

the elites are Tzaddikim,their freemasonic puppets and the 6 families that own blackrock ,their puppets.

Once you eliminate the jewish issue from the earth,humanity is free.

I'm guesing you didn't bother to watch the informative link,in which case,no offense but you don't know what you're talking about.

with occult power and guidance from aryan masters and aliens thru mediums,we will win,nonewithstanding the fact the fourth reich in new swabia saving the day is very likely as an outcome.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Flat-Antelope7927 »

I hope Trump stays locked up for life! Serves him right for questioning the legit 2020 election!
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Re: Trump interview

Post by publicduende »

69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 8:11 am
That's cap bro :mrgreen:

the elites are Tzaddikim,their freemasonic puppets and the 6 families that own blackrock ,their puppets.

Once you eliminate the jewish issue from the earth,humanity is free.

I'm guesing you didn't bother to watch the informative link,in which case,no offense but you don't know what you're talking about.

with occult power and guidance from aryan masters and aliens thru mediums,we will win,nonewithstanding the fact the fourth reich in new swabia saving the day is very likely as an outcome.
The elites exist @69ixine, but they're not all Jewish. Even after removing all thew Jewish people in any role of power, there would still be millions of evil people in roles of power, including dark royalty families not even you would have ever heard of.

What you call the "Jewish issue" is simply mankind's "free will" issue.

I did watch the video as in the "informative link". Besides the atrocious synthesised voice, what's in there is all in the realm of theory and speculation. Sorry, but I think the world today is more complex than this and no spiritualist movement can save us.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Cornfed »

publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 10:20 am
The elites exist @69ixine, but they're not all Jewish. Even after removing all thew Jewish people in any role of power, there would still be millions of evil people in roles of power, including dark royalty families not even you would have ever heard of.
I'd guestimate that there are about 10k of these bastards rather than millions.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 10:20 am
69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 8:11 am
That's cap bro :mrgreen:

the elites are Tzaddikim,their freemasonic puppets and the 6 families that own blackrock ,their puppets.

Once you eliminate the jewish issue from the earth,humanity is free.

I'm guesing you didn't bother to watch the informative link,in which case,no offense but you don't know what you're talking about.

with occult power and guidance from aryan masters and aliens thru mediums,we will win,nonewithstanding the fact the fourth reich in new swabia saving the day is very likely as an outcome.
The elites exist @69ixine, but they're not all Jewish. Even after removing all thew Jewish people in any role of power, there would still be millions of evil people in roles of power, including dark royalty families not even you would have ever heard of.

What you call the "Jewish issue" is simply mankind's "free will" issue.

I did watch the video as in the "informative link". Besides the atrocious synthesised voice, what's in there is all in the realm of theory and speculation. Sorry, but I think the world today is more complex than this and no spiritualist movement can save us.
if The taliban,could defeat the soviet union with 'Allaah's'real help,and they did do it thru Allaah's help as the book signs of arrahman shows,we can do it with anunakki help.

like the forces of good,the thule combat league,the evil taliban had miraculous feats in battle like bullets deflecting,bombs raining down from the sky after a 'du'a'and others,and The israelites had the same miraculous feats in battle that the Yahweh UFO gave them during their genocide of the anunakki's children in the near east.

I believe our gods(actually Vril bodied ascended aryan aliens) will help us,like their god helps them,and our magic is more powerful than theirs anyway.

one of the best things we can do is create secret societies that develop our occult abilities,with certain ZP subliminals we can already develop the third eye and remote viewing aswell as astral travel quickly and easily,let alone things like hemisync,and we can make such technology for ourselves with the tech experts on our side,and get guidance aswell as doing rituals to stop the satanic and jewish curses on humanity,preventing them from waking up.

the 'elites'can do nothing if the collective masses refuse to join their militaries or if those militaries turn on them.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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