Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

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Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by Winston »

I've been meaning to ask you all something. How come it seems that most of you, especially @Mr S and @Rock, whom I know very well, are 99 percent NEGATIVE about nearly EVERYTHING? The pattern is definitely there, even on this forum. I don't know why I attract guys like that here and in real life too, as with Rock and Mr S for example. Both Rock and Mr S, for instance, love to SHIT on everything I say. So every time I say to them "You won't believe this!" or "I have good news for you!" or "I'm so excited about this!" they immediately poo poo whatever it is that I'm excited or enthusiastic about, as if to them, the glass is always HALF EMPTY and never half full. Both Rock and Mr S do this with practically everything, they seem to only see the negative side of everything. It's as if they lack the ability to enjoy something or feel pleasure or happiness or bliss, even for a moment. Why is that? What makes a man do that?

I actually asked Mr S if he even feels a momentary bliss when he eats a delicious slice of pizza and he refused to answer, because unfortunately, he probably doesn't. So not only is he super negative, but he lacks the ability to enjoy anything or feel pleasure or bliss either. That's very sad. Why are some guys like that? Furthermore, both Mr S and Rock said that they have some type of disorder that 5 percent of Americans have where they DISLIKE eating in general and find it gross to eat anything and do not enjoy food at all, and only eat because they have to. That's very strange to me because in Asia everyone is a foodie. Yet even @WorldTraveler told me that he does not enjoy food that much either. That is strange. I never knew that 5 percent of people lacked the ability to enjoy food. But I am not like that at all, so why do I attract people like that? That doesn't make sense. How come I don't attract people who are more similar to me, as logic would dictate? For instance, I only attract materialistic greedy girls in Asia, but not good girls, yet I am not materialistic or greedy, so why does the universe draw to me people who are the opposite of me? It's like some curse or murphy's law or a perverse asshole force in the universe is at work.

Anyway, the thing is, a lot of you seem to be like Rock and Mr S too. You guys are heavily focused on the negative side of everything in general. Why is that? Isn't that illogical? Why not seek a balance, like Chinese philosophy dictates, and be sometimes negative and sometimes positive? Why lean only one way? Why not seek a healthy balance in the MIDDLE between positivity and negativity? I'm not saying that you all should be positive attitude junkies like fake Americans are. Just saying that you should seek a healthy balance and not veer off to extremes like being negative about everything, like Rock and Mr S are, which make me hesitate to share anything with them, because they like to spoil any joy I may try to share with them. So why not seek a healthy balance between Ying and Yang? This is basic logic and basic philosophy.

Yet when I brought this up to Mr S, he got offended and stopped talking to me. Go figure. All I did was ask an honest question. And as a deep philosopher, he should agree with me and understand me. But instead, he got offended and started ghosting me. Go figure. What kind of a friend does that? It makes me question whether these people are even real friends or not, because real friends don't drop you over a little misunderstanding or disagreement, especially if there is no malice or bad intent. And as a philosopher and esoteric truth seeker himself, Mr S should know better. So I don't get it. Maybe he's not as wise as I thought or maybe his EQ is bad?

Rock is like that too. He doesn't seem to ever enjoy anything or be happy about anything. He does enjoy sex, money, painkiller drugs that get him high, etc. But not much else. He must be depressed deep down inside if he has to use painkillers to feel good. That's pretty sad, to be dependent on drugs like that. I talked to @Lucas88 about this and we both surmised that Rock must only be attuned to lower chakras only, because he doesn't have energy from higher chakras to draw energy from. If he is an NPC then this is especially so because NPCs I heard do not have the upper 3 chakras running at all, only the lower ones. He may not have a divine soul or higher self like I do to withdraw energy from and replenish himself from, and that's why he has to rely on drugs and painkillers to feel pleasure. If so that's pretty sad. Maybe that's why Rock likes to gaslight people and make them feel low and weak, like a psychological bully who tries to bring people down instead of UPLIFTING them like good healthy people do. I know this because I've seen Rock gaslight me many times, including using LIES and FALSE statements to do so, which is immoral and toxic. So he must somehow draw energy from doing that or feed off it, or else he wouldn't do it. That's a logical assumption. It's sad though that some people have to get their energy in that way rather than in healthier ways.

Anyhow, I noticed that this forum draws a lot of people who are super negative too or heavily biased toward the negative side of everything. Why is that? Why not seek a middle ground balance between positive and negative? That's how reality is, after all. Can you guys explain? I asked Mr S about this and he refused to explain. He just got mad and ignored me after that. Some friend. Go figure. It's nothing to get offended about either. I didn't say anything false. I just asked an honest question.

Do you guys have the ability to enjoy anything or feel pleasure, even a slice of pizza? Or do you only get high from sex, money and drugs, like Rock does? Which of course is not spiritual at all. If so, why not talk about positive things here sometimes? Why only negative things? I'm not saying you should all be positive all the time like fake Americans, just that you should have a balance between extremes. Do you get my point? Haven't any of you thought about this before?

It seems that in this world, everything is in extremes of some sort, not in moderation. Even nations are like that. For example, the workaholic, consumerist, materialist lifestyle is too extreme in America and Japan. Not in moderation at all. And in the Philippines, the poverty is extreme. Everyone there tells me they have no money. And of course, characters in movies are always extreme in some way and always fit a stereotype to the extreme. It does seem that everyone wants you to be extreme in some way, so they can put you in a category. So this is true in real life too, not just extremes. It's hard to find a good country where things are in balance. That's weird, since common sense says that a healthy balance is a key to wisdom and good health. So why is everything in extremes? I don't get it. Isn't this basic logic? The money grubbing nature of most people is extreme too, not in moderation.

@GoingAwol also noticed this too. He said that every girl seems to only like guys who are super alpha or super beta, but not guys who are a healthy balance between extremes. Why is that? Isn't a healthy balance wiser and better? Why do women want you to be an extreme character type like in the movies? Can anyone explain? This makes me wonder if reality is even real if everything and everyone is so nonsensical and no one talks about it but me. It's like this reality is a bad dream, and that's why it makes no sense and no one else sees it. Like in Alice in Wonderland.

Are any of you guys a healthy balance between positive and negative? If so, which one of you are? And why don't you seek a healthy balance between extremes? Why not post something positive 50 percent of the time? Or even 30 percent of the time?
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by willymonfrete »

It's crazy how just two weeks ago,everyone was fighting with one another.America can be a depressing place though.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

To be fair it's kind of hard to be positive, I try but look how the world is now? In the 1990s I was full of energy even when I had to deal with bullies sometimes. But I was nowhere near as miserable as I am today, and why is that? It's because when I was a kid I didn't know half of what I know today. I also didn't read much about the news, nor was I aware of who was running my country. Fast forward today I live in the State of California and my Governor is a slick hair cock sucking asshole that intentionally wrecked one of the best damn States in America on purpose. When I leave and go out, on every block all I see is homelessness everywhere, and crime everywhere. Stores that use to be vibrant and full of shoppers dead and empty due to the endless thefts that are allowed to happen. Then you have the democrats who have succeeded at manipulating white liberals into believing that everything is their fault, and they must hate themselves even more so blacks can get ahead.

Add on top of the fact everything is way too damn expensive for the average person, and most people are barely able to survive anymore. Inflation, more bullshit ass wars and the possibility of a third world war because of these losers in the White House, and Israel that hate happy people so much they rather kill it off permanently. Don't even get me started with the bad dating scene, lack of good and healthy food. It's rough Boss man....The world is ugly as hell right now and everybody feels negative...People can no longer hide how miserable they are like they use to.

I know you meant well when you created HappierAbroad, and I know most of my post in the past were extremely negative but at the same time it's just the way I am. One I'm mentally unwell most of the time and I blow up easily when enraged which is like 80% of the time. And while I never did shit on anything you say, fact is I came to HA just to have a place to blow off the steam I had build up over the years and maybe just talk here and there with a few of the members that remained. When your site use to be thriving with active members a lot I probably would have been too isolated to post here back then with the type of anger build up I have. I would probably go off on half the members for saying something I disagreed with it in a very strong way.

If I were to travel abroad searching for happiness, today I just wouldn't find it there anymore. I would have had to travel to a place before all the open border bullshit. I feel like all the European leaders in the West are just proud traitors of their own people. zero f**k shame what so ever in what they are doing.

Anyway most people are negative because life got too hard....Even if I had the funds and can just get up and move anywhere i wanted right now. I would still be unhappy as long as this war drags on and WW3 happens which I believe it is going to happen. Then you have WEF who intends to swoop in after the nuclear holocaust and enslave the remaining few millions that lived through it. Then they can return back to the days when wealthy people owned slaves. I'm sorry but I'm just not optimistic anymore about the future, or present. I only get excited when I dwell on the past. I miss the 90s and early 2000s...But those decades are never coming back...Not even something better to top it.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by kangarunner »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 8:30 pm
One I'm mentally unwell most of the time and I blow up easily when enraged which is like 80% of the time.
Sounds similar to me. I've got some mental health problems. And that's why I can't work well in teams. I work alone and have been working remotely for US companies for years now. I don't think I have the ability at all to ever work in a team ever again unless it's remote. Teams suck ass anyway. I know artists on the internet who sell their work on Patreon and get a good monthly income from it.

I thin k if you need to blow off steam you should make a Rumble channel or Youtube channel because you'd probably get a following. I think I read an article once that when people yell out their anger it makes them feel empowered and stronger which is better than just holding it in and letting it boil and fester inside.

That's why you see all these crazy protests with people holding signs and yelling in everyone's face.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 8:30 pm
If I were to travel abroad searching for happiness, today I just wouldn't find it there anymore. I would have had to travel to a place before all the open border bullshit. I feel like all the European leaders in the West are just proud traitors of their own people. zero f**k shame what so ever in what they are doing.
No, that's not true. I don't know what your situation is but if you can save enough money and check out Medellin, Colombia or a smaller town in Colombia. Trust me the people there are so nice and will treat you well.
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 12:27 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 8:30 pm
One I'm mentally unwell most of the time and I blow up easily when enraged which is like 80% of the time.
Sounds similar to me. I've got some mental health problems. And that's why I can't work well in teams. I work alone and have been working remotely for US companies for years now. I don't think I have the ability at all to ever work in a team ever again unless it's remote. Teams suck ass anyway. I know artists on the internet who sell their work on Patreon and get a good monthly income from it.

I thin k if you need to blow off steam you should make a Rumble channel or Youtube channel because you'd probably get a following. I think I read an article once that when people yell out their anger it makes them feel empowered and stronger which is better than just holding it in and letting it boil and fester inside.

That's why you see all these crazy protests with people holding signs and yelling in everyone's face.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 8:30 pm
If I were to travel abroad searching for happiness, today I just wouldn't find it there anymore. I would have had to travel to a place before all the open border bullshit. I feel like all the European leaders in the West are just proud traitors of their own people. zero f**k shame what so ever in what they are doing.
No, that's not true. I don't know what your situation is but if you can save enough money and check out Medellin, Colombia or a smaller town in Colombia. Trust me the people there are so nice and will treat you well.
The people who are protesting is just angry at what Israel is doing and the dickhead Conservatives supporting it because they feel obligated to do whatever these monsters want them to do.

Another reason is just sheer boredom and people not having much going on in their real lives, you even have some people hoping there is a WW3 coming because they are that damn ignorant and stupid. Such a war would be hell on earth. People were protesting like crazy throughout 2020, it gave them an excuse to burn and wreck up shit. Fast forward today there's way more killing going on, theft, etc. Some areas in the U.S. look like the shit favalas out of the City Of God movie. Plus I don't think I would fair very well in those Latin American countries. I saw the vids you made when you were there, and you still seemed like you were disappointed with life. It would be even worse for me. America already feels like Latin America to some extent. No, I'm afraid that I have nowhere to go...Or at the very least anywhere I'd feel completely at home. I felt that in America that it was home in the early years.... Now it's like I woke up and exist in a universe I want out of.

I'm a sad, sad, human being. Even now I kind of feel like crying. :cry: I feel less connected with the world today. Years ago a lot of what I am aware of now I wasn't before. But being full blown aware has brought a lot of extra grief into my life. And this is why I have problems controlling myself.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by HappyDany »

I don’t consider myself a pessimist, but a realist. However, most people who know me think I’m always negative. Let me explain why. I’ve been like this since before college. My major required me to anticipate the worst-case scenarios. At work, I have a knack for finding errors because I can spot them from a distance. I know it’s not good for me, but I think it’s practical to be ready for trouble as long as I don’t dwell on it. Sometimes I need to relax and have fun by taking trips or doing hobbies.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by MrMan »

This forum does have a lot of negativity in it.

The MGTOW movement is negative. They have an abbreviation NAWLT-- not all women are like that. They are trained to disagree with the idea that there might be some women like that. I think this forum kind of overlaps with the manosphere. It's got a little different theme, that overseas, women, life, etc. can be better than home, wherever that, usually the US, but also Canada, the UK, Europe, etc. But I think it attracts some guys who are partly into manosphere philosophy, which can be negative, at least on the MGTOW side of it.

Some of the conspiracy theories on here are rather negative. The idea that Jews in general are involved in a conspiracy to bring down white man civilization is a pretty negative theory, that puts secular Jewish porn-makers and conservative uptight Jewish conservatives, and Jewish conservative black hatter mystics who may actually hold to some of these theories about Gentiles, all in the same boat.

Your NPC theory, that some people are non-player characters who basically lack souls or higher order capabilities spiritually, or whatever, is kind of negative toward much of humanity, IMO. If someone warped gets ahold of it, they could use it to justify running over people with their cars or shooting them, like on a video game. I think we've had a couple of people who were either violent and warped in their thinking or downright mentally ill on this forum over the years. One guy wanted to throw acid in women's faces. Another thought ads for a movie 'Bad Boy' being fed to him on online platforms was calling him a bad boy.

Also, an underlying theme on the forum, that all western, white, etc. women (or women wherever you happen to be, including Taiwan) are bad, and women are better overseas is kind of negative about wherever you are. For men who out of the workforce or making little money, travel may be a bit out of their grasp-- so where you are is lousy and some other place where you aren't can be a kind of negative message.

It's not the most important thing in life, but it is good if we enjoy what we have and rejoice in it. More importantly, we should be thankful. I do enjoy good food, good experiences, good company. I try to be thankful for the good things in life. Sometimes I almost feel guilty having it so good.

I don't know if I actually feel _bliss_ eating a slice of pizza. Maybe if I haven't had pizza in a very long time and if I am very hungry. Otherwise, the pizza would have to be very, very good. I'm spoiled with lots of other food, especially around the holidays. My wife made lots of really good Indonesian food for a party, and my daughter followed it up with Indian butter chicken after our meat from the party started to run low. I'm eating really good around her, and really enjoying it.

This forum isn't all that negative toward those who try to be positive. 'Black pill' people may get antagonistic if you show a bit of positivity. Contrarian Expat used to go for personal attacks if I said positive things about marriage. Other than that, I can usually get away with a bit of positivity around here without getting too much flack for it, but yeah, some people like to be negative when other people are positive around here.

Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by MarcosZeitola »

People are negative primarily because they eat shit food and live sedentary lifestyles. Try eating solely food that boosts your natural testosterone levels for a few months, cut out sugary drinks, exercise daily and keep moving. Your mindset will improve dramatically almost overnight. The shit diet and lifestyle choices of most Western males is what makes the majority of them depressed as hell.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:02 am
People are negative primarily because they eat shit food and live sedentary lifestyles. Try eating solely food that boosts your natural testosterone levels for a few months, cut out sugary drinks, exercise daily and keep moving. Your mindset will improve dramatically almost overnight. The shit diet and lifestyle choices of most Western males is what makes the majority of them depressed as hell.
Its not just Western males....Half of the world right now is going through a depressive stage,
and it's got nothing to do with eating food. My Cousin is one of the most highly testosterone men you would ever meet
and even he's not immune to feeling severely depressed and down right now.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on December 15th, 2023, 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by MarcosZeitola »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:04 am
Its not just Western males....Half of the world right now is going through a depressive stage,
and it's got nothing to do with eating food.
Most of the world has a shit diet. Hormones and preservatives in all food, micro-plastics in the water, all of it lowering man's natural testosterone levels. It's no surprise that most men everywhere are kind of depressed, or bordering on depression. There's absolutely a correlation between lifestyle/diet and people's mental state.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:06 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:04 am
Its not just Western males....Half of the world right now is going through a depressive stage,
and it's got nothing to do with eating food.
Most of the world has a shit diet. Hormones and preservatives in all food, micro-plastics in the water, all of it lowering man's natural testosterone levels. It's no surprise that most men everywhere are kind of depressed, or bordering on depression. There's absolutely a correlation between lifestyle/diet and people's mental state.
That's not entirely the reason, women are depressed, children are depressed. Regardless if these things you bring up contribute to how some of us men feel, there isn't shit you can really do about that. What are you going to do, stop drinking water and eating because of the shit that's out of your control? Almost everything we get from the store contains something in it like SOY. And everyone can't do the whole organic thing either. People in Venezuela for instance are literately getting their drinking water from the sewers that's how rough it is up there, and as things worsen globally. Nobody won't have much of a choice. Look who controls the food supply in the West. We take what we can get. Some people don't have water or f**k at all to drink or eat. I can admit that my diet is pretty bad, but I also can admit that I'm not so well off on a financial level I can choose to be picky about what my family or who ever goes out to buy food brings back from the store for us to eat either and the situation I see everywhere, it's like that for everyone. My grandmother has a garden, and even she still have to go out to the store and buy food sometimes vs entirely relying on what she grows in her garden.

Some people can barely even buy groceries anymore at all. The only advice is to cut out on eating stuff that a person does have control over like junk food, etc but shit like drinking water? What choice do you even have with the kind of water you drink or don't drink? Unless you are collecting it from the spring yourself, you can't determine what goes in the water supply and what doesn't if you are buying it from a store.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on December 15th, 2023, 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


I can't help to join the conversation. Your a funny man. :lol:

Short Answer: Because you are also a very negative person and your site isn't the bastion of positivity.

Long Answer: Because you keep saying America totally sucks "Ad nauseum", you rant about how Living in Philippines sucks,
you wrote an epic rant about how your country Taiwan totally sucks, you call everyone "NPCs", you also called Asian people "Troglodytes", you keep talking about weird conspiracy cr*p like "Flat Earth", how Hitler isn't so bad at all, and This planet is run by reptilian humanoids/archon/demiurage, etc. :lol: You want to attract positive people then start acting like one.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:22 am

I can't help to join the conversation. Your a funny man. :lol:

Short Answer: Because you are also a very negative person and your site isn't the bastion of positivity.

Long Answer: Because you keep saying America totally sucks "Ad nauseum", you rant about how Living in Philippines sucks,
you wrote an epic rant about how your country Taiwan totally sucks, you call everyone "NPCs", you also called Asian people "Troglodytes", you keep talking about weird conspiracy cr*p like "Flat Earth", how Hitler isn't so bad at all, and This planet is run by reptilian humanoids/archon/demiurage, etc. :lol: You want to attract positive people then start acting like one.
lol he's been doing all that even when his site was active and he's rarely even active at all anymore. I doubt him being negative to some extent play any role into why his platform doesn't attract a lot of people. Hell Twitter is negative as shit, and look how strong it's still going. The fact is, Social media in general is dead everywhere. Nothing to do with Winston's personality. I remember back when the site was booming, Cornfed use to say a lot of things, but it didn't prevent the place from being active. Just that overtime people stop using these kind of sites. Maybe it's too late to attract people here now. That or either he doesn't advertise his site as aggressively anymore. Besides it's kind of hard for a lot of people to be positive right now. Take walk around outside and you'll see the fury in most people's eyes. I see it daily.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:24 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:22 am

I can't help to join the conversation. Your a funny man. :lol:

Short Answer: Because you are also a very negative person and your site isn't the bastion of positivity.

Long Answer: Because you keep saying America totally sucks "Ad nauseum", you rant about how Living in Philippines sucks,
you wrote an epic rant about how your country Taiwan totally sucks, you call everyone "NPCs", you also called Asian people "Troglodytes", you keep talking about weird conspiracy cr*p like "Flat Earth", how Hitler isn't so bad at all, and This planet is run by reptilian humanoids/archon/demiurage, etc. :lol: You want to attract positive people then start acting like one.
lol he's been doing all that even when his site was active and he's rarely even active at all anymore. I doubt him being negative to some extent play any role into why his platform doesn't attract a lot of people. Hell Twitter is negative as shit, and look how strong it's still going. The fact is, Social media in general is dead everywhere. Nothing to do with Winston's personality. I remember back when the site was booming, Cornfed use to say a lot of things, but it didn't prevent the place from being active. Just that overtime people stop using these kind of sites. Maybe it's too late to attract people here now. That or either he doesn't advertise his site as aggressively anymore.
I'm not here to bash Winston, I admit, some of his stuff is funny as hell such as calling Asian people "caveman". :lol:
I'm just answering his question. Cornfed was also funny as hell in a very offensive way. Too bad he left.

I agree, Social Media is nothing but a platform for advertisements and marketing people spamming garbage everywhere.
You also forgot to mention Tiktok and Onlyfans. Both total brain rots.

I don't know. Winston's initial message is strong, however I guess his message doesn't appeal to the mainstream masses.
Winston's message "happierabroad" was also a niche when he started. The mainstream has always stigmatized those who likes to get women abroad since the very beginning. This site is slowly dying anyway.
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Re: Why are most of you 99% NEGATIVE about everything? Why not be a healthy BALANCE between extremes?

Post by MrMan »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
December 15th, 2023, 7:22 am

I can't help to join the conversation. Your a funny man. :lol:

Short Answer: Because you are also a very negative person and your site isn't the bastion of positivity.

Long Answer: Because you keep saying America totally sucks "Ad nauseum", you rant about how Living in Philippines sucks,
you wrote an epic rant about how your country Taiwan totally sucks, you call everyone "NPCs", you also called Asian people "Troglodytes", you keep talking about weird conspiracy cr*p like "Flat Earth", how Hitler isn't so bad at all, and This planet is run by reptilian humanoids/archon/demiurage, etc. :lol: You want to attract positive people then start acting like one.
For some reason, by the time I got to the end of this, I was laughing. You do have a point. Negativity on other topics may attract the kind of people who would be negative about topics he is interested in being positive about.
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