Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

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Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Always been a fan of the genre! In fact I'm just waiting for the zombie apocalypse to begin (if we're not already living in one :lol: ) because I think I'd be fully equipped to survive in such a brutal world, probably more so than I am equipped to survive in a world of economic servitude to the state and the banks.

Although, my expectation vs reality would probably be radically different :lol: the fantasy is me in a leather jacket and sunglasses armed with a samurai sword and cutting down waves after waves of incoming zombies! However, the reality of it is that I'd probably just be cowering inside my house living off tins of dog food and left over pizza from the takeaway I ordered before shit hit the fan :lol:

I used to be a fan of the popular Walking Dead TV show, based off of the work of Robert Kirkman, but I think towards the end it became nothing more than a glorified version of Little House on the Prairie with zombies in it. It lost its tension and became such a bore that I couldn't bring myself to watch the newest seasons.

One of my favourites has to be the work of Romero. The one with the mall. I think he wrote that because it is already synonymous to modern society with droves of mindless zombies roaming the shopping mall with a compulsion to consume.

This is the trailer for the original classic.

This is the trailer for the 2004 remake. Also a brilliant movie.

I think since Romero many attempts were made to imitate his work, but none really compared to the original classics. I think most western zombie movies are completely rubbish. The Koreans have took over the genre I think and make the best zombie movies and TV shows. Here are a few examples of my favourite Korean zombie movies:

Train to Busan, a brilliant and tense zombie movie about a father taking his daughter to Busan to be with her mother. The train and everywhere else gets infested with zombies and it becomes a struggle to survive.

#Alive is another good movie about a guy trapped in his apartment as the world around him goes to shit.

All of Us Are Dead is a great series for fans of the zombie genre.

These are some of my favourites. Even if you're not interested in these kinds of movies I thought that for a bit of fun let's say the zombie apocalypse kicked off right now. Here are some questions about how you would deal with a zombie apocalypse and whether you think you would survive. The zombies are not the slow shambling things from walking dead. They're fast, so the fatties among us are f***ed :lol:

What is your location? (Work, Home, the shop, wherever you are when you read this is where you are when the apocalypse kicks off)

What supplies and potential weapons do you have? (Food in the cupboard to hold out. A kitchen knife duct taped to a sweeping brush? Etc)

Where would you search for fresh supplies? What would you look for in particular?

If you are part of a group how would you deal with someone who refused to contribute? Kill them? Kick them out of the group or leave them alone?

What is your plan of survival? (Where will you go? What will you do? How would you survive?)

Would you allow other people to join you or would you stay as a lone wolf?

Would you allow a child to join you? (Say their parents died and you stumbled upon them. Would you look after them or leave their whiney ass behind?)

What about a dog? (Potential protector, but also a potential hindrance when hold up somewhere.)

How would you travel? (On foot which is quieter or by car which could attract a lot of attention. By day or by night?)

How would you deal with a bitten companion? (Abandon them or just kill them outright or keep them with you for as long as possible?)

What if you were bitten yourself? (Suicide or see how the other side live? Would you reveal your bite to your group or keep it hidden from them?)


Sorry if I've missed anyone. If you think anyone would enjoy this thread then please feel free to tag them.

If you answer the questionnaire then feel free to add any points or questions yourself. Bear in mind that power and running tap water won't continue to be supplied indefinitely and eventually you will have to search for fresh supplies.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by MrMan »

I think I'll opt out. I don't really care for the whole zombie genre. Rarely have I found one of those movies to be that entertaining. It has to have some serious plot other than shooting zombies.

If the zombie disease really breaks out, then I'll give it some serious thought.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by Lucas88 »

To tell you the truth, I've never cared much for the zombie horror genre or videogames like Resident Evil. I guess that my feelings echo those of MrMan: a movie or TV show has to have a deeper story than simply shooting zombies for it to interest me. The bits of the genre that I've seen all just seem too similar to me, although I'm not an expert on its history. It all just seems like such a rehashed trope.

My strategy in the event of a real-life zombie outbreak would be to commandeer a decent vehicle, raid the police station's armory using my uncle's access card, steal all of the supplies that myself and my small gang would need, and then attempt to escape to some remote town in the mountains where away from the zombie crisis.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by TechnoTristan »

I love The Walking Dead. Awesome show!
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by Pixel--Dude »

British pigeons ‘turning into zombies’ from mysterious disease that twists their neck and makes them walk in zigzags https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/20231916/ ... harebaramp

Not quite the zombie apocalypse I had envisioned :lol: But it looks like the apocalypse has arrived for British pigeons.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Movies & TV Shows + Survival Questionnaire

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I remember a while back Cornfed had a theory that the covid vaccines would cause a real zombie apocalypse. I can't find the exact post to share here and he isn't around to ask anymore lol.

If this happens what would be your strategy to survive?

I would barricade my windows and doors and fill my sinks and bath tub and all glasses with water before the water stopped getting electronically pumped. After that I would hold my ground until the chaos of the initial outbreak subsided. After that I would try and formulate a strategy about what my next move should be.

For those who enjoy some creative writing I wrote a short story about Cornfed trying to survive a zombie apocalypse caused by the clot shot :lol: its here:
My name is @Cornfed and I saw the apocalypse coming a mile away! I tried to warn the lemmings of the dangers, but the stupid sons of bitches didn't want to listen and so they got what they deserved!

I had invested a sizable portion of my savings into fortifying my home and making it the last bastion of my defence should the vax lemmings or the corporate overlords they serve come banging on my door, but fortunately for me that never happened. The vaccine was deadlier than I had first anticipated and from a sliding metal opening in my fortified front door I watched as my neighbours chased each other down the streets and literally tore each other apart.

There was a banging on my door which disturbed me from a workout session I was doing in my living room. It wasn't a zombified vax lemming, that was immediately apparent when I heard hushed voices whispering in panicked urgency. These must be my neighbours.

"Cornfed!!" The neighbour called my name desperately, telling his wife to shut the f**k up and wait around the corner.

"Get lost, Rick!" I called back calmly. I grabbed my bolt action Remington rifle from its cabinet and started loading shells into it. Ain't nobody getting in my castle! With my free hand I slid open the small metallic section of the door so I could get a better look at who was out there.

Rick was standing covered in sweat in a blue Hawaiin shirt covered with palm trees. He wore khaki shorts and ran a hand through his curly red hair with an exasperated sigh.

"Come on, man! Open the door!" He renewed his effort to batter down the metal door and get inside. "You can't leave me and my family to die out here!" he pleaded again.

I felt my temper flare up, "Didn't I f***ing warn you, Rick?!" I told him angrily. "You didn't believe me! Nobody believed me and now look! The world is going to shit!"

"C'mon man...." Rick looked around the streets nervously. "One of those things broke into our home! Tore our dog to pieces!"

"Not my problem."

"Goddammit, Cornfed! Don't be a f***ing asshole! Open the f***ing door!"

I huffed and shook my head. I held the Remington in both hands and shoved the barrel of the rifle through the small opening in the door. I cocked the lever and through gritted teeth I gave the sonofabitch his last warning. "This is the last time I'm going to warn you, Rick! f**k off! Get the hell away from my door or I'll blow your goddamn head off!"

"Cornfed, I can't! I need somewhere safe for my family!" He banged on the door some more.

"Get away from the door!" I yelled as I pulled the trigger. The rifle gave kickback and my ears rang from the deafening bang and there was a thud on the other side of the door. Then an interval of silence followed by the screams of a woman and a small child.

I looked through the door and Rick was lying on his back with a hole in him. He was dead. His wife and daughter were standing at the corner of the house screaming. The noise would undoubtedly attract numbers of the vax zombies. The mother of the child knew this and ushered her daughter across the lawn and out of my view. She gave one last lingering look at her dead husband before she left.

I removed the baseball cap from my head and sighed. It seemed unreal that only a few week ago I was enjoying a leisurely BBQ with Rick and his family over at his house. I slumped into my armchair and decided to get some rest.

It must have been the early hours of the morning when I woke. I could hear the dragging of feet outside and a quick glance through my curtain revealed to me that there was a handful of them out in the street. The sounds of their dragging feet were all that could be heard of my own laboured breathing.

There was a young female one in a pink dressing gown and one foot clad in a fluffy pink slipper. She might have been pretty when she was a living human, but since she obviously took her lethal injection of a clot shot any sympathy I had for these lemmings had evaporated when they made their ill-informed decision.

Another one was a man in a suit, his face was partially missing, the edge of the wound resembled teeth marks. Hard to tell if he was another lemming or a poor victim who was attacked.

I closed the curtain and moved cautiously back to my arm chair. The metal door and the bars on my windows would protect me from any covax zombies that tried to access my property. I knew why they had come. The sound of the Remington would've been heard throughout a few neighbourhoods and attracted them here looking for fresh, unvaccinated flesh.

I walked to the sink and turned on the tap. Nothing. My heart started thumping. "What the...." I spun the head of the tap again but still nothing came out. The electricity had gone. The water was pumped electronically and I kicked myself for not filling up my sink, bathtub and any other receptacle I could find. This drastically cut down how long I could survive holding out here and it didn't look like the zombdemic was going to subside anytime soon...

I walked with a lighter so I could illuminate my way without attracting the attention of the zombies outside with a big light on. Made that mistake once already and the bastards were trying for hours to get in here, only giving up in order to chase some poor unfortunate who had stumbled into our neighbourhood.

I made my way to the fridge and observed what little supplies I had left in my fridge. Some old pizza, a few bottles of water, cheese and some vegetables that looked like they were going on the turn. My cupboards also contained bare shelves save a few tins of beans, soups, a jar of pickles, breakfast cereals and different sauces.

I huffed. Mulling over the precarious predicament I was in. I had rationed my supplies best I could, but since the vax lemming pandemic kicked in at an inconvenient time I hadn't had time to organise any supplies beforehand. I kicked myself for my short-sightedness! The way I saw it I had two options:

1. Stay here in my fortress until I starved to death.

2. Venture out into the covaids infested world and risk joining their ranks as a mindless vax zombie.

"What about neighbours house raid?" I asked myself aloud. "No, no, no! I can't go out there! Ain't safe!"

As I wrestled with the quandary before me I was suddenly distracted by the sound of a nearby car alarm blaring constantly. I could see the lights flashing through my curtains and I edged closer to peek and take a look what was going on.

One of the lemmings had staggered into a neighbours parked car and set off the alarm. Now there was at least double the number of covaids zombies there were before and even more silhouettes could be seen making their way towards the noise from farther down the street. They were becoming restless and agitated, their pitiful groans of melancholy had turned into vicious snarls as they twisted their hideous decaying bodies and surveyed their surroundings in search of prey.

If they amassed to such numbers that lingered outside for days or weeks I knew this fortress of mine would become my tomb. In a moment of fight or flight I grabbed a duffle bag from my bedroom and loaded it with a few things I would need to survive. I slung the strap on the Remington over my shoulder and grabbed the handful of shells that remained. Then I made my way through to my kitchen and grabbed the tinned foods and shoved them into my duffle bag along with the remaining bottles of water in the fridge.

"If I die! I'm gonna die how I came into this world," I said resolutely as I huffed and stared at my metal front door. "Kicking and screaming!" I put on my baseball cap and prepared to leave, "Not sitting here playing with my dick until I starve to death!"

I began unchaining the door and unfastening the dead bolt locks and opened the door cautiously. It creaked agonisingly loud, despite the car alarm still blaring away across the street. Rick was still taking a dirt nap on my lawn.

I sneaked around the back and vaulted over the fence which separated my property from Rick's. Here I could see the dog kennel with the chain attached to the mutilated remains of Rick's doberman Lady. The back door had been smashed in and broken glass littered the hallway. I considered looting his house for food and other essentials, but I didn't feel safe at all. More than anything I wanted to be back at my fortress, well away from these vax lemmings and their diseased bodies.

I moved on into the next garden. It was a nice garden with a marble patio and potted plants everywhere. I almost jumped out of my skin when a woman started banging frantically on the glass patio door right next to me. She was snarling and gnashing her teeth at me, leaving bloody handprints on the glass. I laughed in relief and sarcastically tipped my cap to the little lemming.

When I got into the next garden I noticed the car alarm had died off. Now there was silence, save for the snarls and growls which echoed through the neighbourhood. I stayed pressed against the wall of the house. Making my way towards Mr Clarke's garage. From his back garden there was a side door leading to the garage which had been unceremoniously left unlocked, much to my relief. When I entered I saw why. My Clarke was still inside his little saloon car with his face pressed against the glass! His fingernails clawed at the car window and through his brown jacket I could see he had been bitten.

"So I'm guessing you were trying to skip town as well?" I said, adjusting my cap. "Too bad you took your clot shot before you left! I might have felt bad for you otherwise." I looked around the car and could see his keys were in the ignition. If I could somehow get rid of that thing that used to be Mr Clarke I could take his car. I searched cupboards until I found a torque wrench. Something I could use.

I cautiously opened his car door and let him squeeze out just enough. "Sorry, boy!" I grunted triumphantly. "Cornfed is off the menu tonight!" I slammed the car door closed on him, pinning it against his torso with my bodyweight before I brought the torque wrench thundering down onto his forehead with all my strength! He flinched, blood poured out of an open wound, but he didn't take his eyes off me and he kept trying to reach for me with the one free hand he had gotten out of the car. I brought the wrench down on him again, and again, and again, until he stopped moving and my white vest was stained with droplets of claret.

I opened the car door fully and his body slumped onto the ground. I got in and started the ignition. God was on my side! It worked! I opened the garage door, was spotted by a couple of lemmings and had to sprint back to the car and slam the door shut before one launched itself at the windscreen and left a spiderweb crack in the glass. I took off out the garage and sped off down the street, checking my rear-view mirror to see a crowd of the things sprinting after me down the street.


I didn't get far before I was flagged down by a young woman. She must've been in her early twenties at the most. Blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with a curvaceous figure to die for. She was wearing faded jeans with tears up the thigh and a white blouse with brown leather boots.
"Why, hello there!" I said as I pulled up alongside her. "A little late to be hitch hiking all the way out here?"

Her eyes widened. "Please, Mr! I'll suck your dick if you gimme a ride!"

"Where you headed?" I asked. I pressed the button which unlocked the car doors and gestured with my head for her to get in.

She didn't move, instead her eyes kept flicking from me to the bushes at the other side of the road, that was when I saw the reflection of a man running towards the car who had previously been concealed at the side of the road. I was too late, before I could react he opened the car from the passenger side and fired a shot from a side arm into my throat!

"Jesus, Clint! You didn't have to shoot him!" The girl cried hysterically!

"Sally, shut the f**k up and get in the car!" The man said, he made his way round to the driver side and opened the door, grabbing me by the shoulders and ragging me out of the vehicle. I rolled on the asphalt and coughed up a mouthful of blood. I pressed tightly against the wound, desperately trying to stem the bleeding as the car sped away with my duffle bag and Remington in the back seat.

I began drifting in and out of consciousness as the sound of shuffling footsteps turned into hundreds of feet pounding against the road into a run, accompanied by snarls and groans of the vaccinated dead! My limbs were becoming stiff and I accepted there and then I was going to die. The only small comfort I had was that all those tins of food I packed wouldn't be much use to the carjackers, I forgot to pack the tin opener....

This was a short story from a writing prompts thread where users can share their own short stories. All stories in this thread are just mostly satirical and not intended to offend anyone.
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