Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 6:53 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 6:29 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:06 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:50 pm
Conservatives are 30% of the population,and most of them are dying boomers.

the religious and ethnic makeup of america alone in the coming decades means your dream is never coming into fruition.

nationalistic whites with their wierd unique conservatism have lost already.just barking dogs at this point.
We don’t need to be 50% of the population, in the South we are 40% or higher in every state. All we need to do is make it illegal for felons to vote and because so many of the Blacks and Hispanic liberals are criminals, 10% of the liberals will become disenfranchised and we effectively have a voting majority. We won’t even need to work with the right leaning liberals to crush the left anymore. Once we pass laws outlawing violent pornography there will be fewer people growing up with deviant fetishes that push them into the arms of liberalism. So more people will grow up not having any sympathy for liberal ideology.

Oh and don’t count on the young people… Under 25 year olds are more conservative then 25-35 year olds are… ... 3902?amp=1
whites are toast.communism is coming to the usa.and most stalinists are dedicated to #Landback and 're-education'of reactionary elements.

anyway it won't matter,once the dollar collapses soon,people will leave america not migrate to it and we will be free from white christian nonsense.

the libertine brown 'savages'will inherit the earth,alongside the gooks.

petrodollar scam is ending thanks to the raghead muhammed bin salman.

there will be no recovery from the coming recession.
Asians are naturally more conservative then Whites and would align with White Christians. They will never tolerate criminality and libertinism.

Yeah whites are not toast. The Amish are having 7 kids per family on average and doubling their numbers every 20 years. They are already a significant presence in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Those will turn into highly religious red states soon if the Amish keep growing.

Hungary is not the only European country becoming conservative. All of Eastern Europe except for the Czech Republic has become conservative. Italy is also becoming more conservative. If Italy goes full conservative then the progressive side of the EU is f***ed.
God,you are stupid.

Noone cares about america.Most Asians vote democrat.they think since they're well off they can live in gated communities away from crime,so democrat policies don't matter.Of course they vote democrat for their own ethnic causes,but Asians have a ambivelent stance towards whites,they like white liberals,but hate the conservatives,for rightfully seeing them as racist and against asian interests,both domestically and globally.

people vote in their interest.

The Amish are hardcore pacifists,and are no threat to anyone,they are skeptical of government period.

Eastern europe is a irrelevant torn down backwater that means nothing to people of color and they will not impose their policies on us,nor do they have the protestant and catholic religious zeal to do so,orthodox are generally not proselytizers.

Colonialism is ending fast.

With the end of europe and America as financial and military powers,christianity will also lose it's influence on the global south.

You seem to be very ignorant on the rapid global developments taking place right now,Do you read Zerohedge or (Marxist-leninist genius writer)also has a scientific analysis of the coming inevitable crash of the european man and his power and money,and the resurgence of people of color and the global south.

aswell as the enivetiability of the rightful ownership of the US to the native americans,and dismantling white settlerism,through marxist policy.

Jews and europeans are a blight on humanity.

the spiritual Forces of Nature/Zemi are with us.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Kalinago Holy shit :lol: have you suddenly become a straight up leftist :lol:... Using terms like "ableist" and "people of color," whining about the White man and colonialism. Wow you are f***ing pathetic :lol:. There is nothing more pathetic then a non-white person in America whining about waycism. People like that make me want to actually be racist just to remind them of what actual racism looks like so they'll stop their pathetic whining over their made up bullshit. As far as I'm concerned, anyone clinging to a retarded racial grievance complex ought to be deported from the country.

Asians are natural conservatives, this is a fact... They're not gonna vote Democrat much longer after the Blacks steal all their money and continue committing hate crimes on them. Their allegiance is already shifting dramatically with 40% of Asians now voting Republican compared to only 23%, four years ago. And Asians in the South vote Republican more then Asians in California or NYC do so in Southern, red states, Asians probably are half and half Republican/Democrat at this point... ... on_desktop


Whites and Asians are natural allies. Plenty of them are aware of this, just not as many of them as should be aware of it. Any Asian who thinks White people are racist towards them is retarded. White people love Asians more then any other race, including our own.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 9:48 pm
@Kalinago Holy shit :lol: have you suddenly become a straight up leftist :lol:... Using terms like "ableist" and "people of color," whining about the White man and colonialism. Wow you are f***ing pathetic :lol:. There is nothing more pathetic then a non-white person in America whining about waycism. People like that make me want to actually be racist just to remind them of what actual racism looks like so they'll stop their pathetic whining over their made up bullshit. As far as I'm concerned, anyone clinging to a retarded racial grievance complex ought to be deported from the country.

Asians are natural conservatives, this is a fact... They're not gonna vote Democrat much longer after the Blacks steal all their money and continue committing hate crimes on them. Their allegiance is already shifting dramatically with 40% of Asians now voting Republican compared to only 23%, four years ago. And Asians in the South vote Republican more then Asians in California or NYC do so in Southern, red states, Asians probably are half and half Republican/Democrat at this point... ... on_desktop


Whites and Asians are natural allies. Plenty of them are aware of this, just not as many of them as should be aware of it. Any Asian who thinks White people are racist towards them is retarded. White people love Asians more then any other race, including our own.
Both whites and asians suffer from dysgenics and mutational load,they are not reproducing like more primitive races like latinos and blacks.

The Europeans, Japanese, South Koreans, and Taiwanese are the most cognitively talented property of the Ashkenazim, while the Sub-Saharan Africans make good private sector street soldiers that can be deployed by the hundreds of millions against uncooperative demographic groups such as Europeans and East Asians.

China (and most of asia )is already at a below replacement birth rate,and China is increasing dysgenics by allowing and encouraging as much women as possible to get a higher education,thus competing with men,not needing to be housewives and mothers to a strong man,and skipping reproduction for hedonistic pleasures,and saving finances,and excluding the masses of men that are not genetically exceptional,leading to even more demographic crises and all kinds of societal dysfunction and gender inter-conflict,thus the eradication of the east asian race.

the latinos and blacks have a mixed k/r strategy and can switch whichever one is sueful in their habitat.thus they will continue to reproduce and inherit the earth from whites and asians,who are dysgenic and do not reproduce.

East Asians also have no spirituality/monumentalism,and thus their life is nihilistic and leads to selfish individualistic outcomes and materialism and the pursuit of hedonism and genetically sociopathic goals like social status and more wealth than needed to be content and functional,since beyond 40k a year per peeson there is no psychological or functional increase in happiness.

they thus will focus on their careers and postponing children in place of hedonism.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

@Outcast9428 dysgenic europeans in america are highly individualistic and not ethnocentrists like more community minded blacks and latinos.

they have a sense of ideology,two sides of the same coin both ruled by ashkenazim in 'fairness' and justice,while latinos and blacks are genetically very ethnocentric and reproductive,and more pragmatic.

White women have dysgenic mental and functional dimorphism,and also are more genetically picky in reproduction,largely based on artifical traits that mean nothing for genetic survival,leading to the demise of their race as a whole.

Both from the women being too picky,seeking career and hedonstic pursuits over family,and due to their lack of dimorphism,being totally unattractive to men as a whole,which is why whites came up with MGTOW and do it functionally even if not aware of it's ideological contents,since only 8 out of 1000 men marry in white countries like usa,it is a direct resposne to white women's dysgenic structure in the last 100 years since they got the vote.

Globally Black and latino women have more reasonable attraction to men,are more dimorphic mentally and functionally than white women,and seek more 'might makes right'traits in men,more evolutionarily important ones.

thus their racial groups will inherit the earth simply through reproduction.
Last edited by Kalinago on March 27th, 2023, 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

@Outcast9428 Asians are irrelevant as a population.

Hispanics are the most relevant group in america,because of immigration by practical means,instead of obeying some laws on paper like hispanics will inherit america while asians will not-being law abiding drones.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

@Outcast9428 Asians are irrelevant as a population.

Hispanics are the most relevant group in america,because of immigration by practical means,instead of obeying some laws on paper like hispanics will inherit america while asians will not-being law abiding drones.

Asians are risk-averse.Latinos are risk tolerant and prone.

Asians and whites are nihilistic,latinos and blacks are more existentialist,being more spiritual.

this leads to vastly different life choices.

on top of asian-white ideology,and latino pragmatism,will lead to latinos and black people inheriting the earth.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Mercer wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 9:28 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:56 pm
@Kalinago @Mercer @Cornfed All of your jealousy is pathetic and transparent as hell. Yes, the traditionalists here have money... You ever wonder why? Maybe its because libertines are selfish, entitled brats who don't think they should have to work for anything whereas traditionalists are realists who know what it takes to have a successful life and actually make an effort to see their plans through. Also you can make fun of that guy all you want but he gets more sex with a more attractive girl then all three of you put together.

Normally I would have sympathy for guys like you, if all three of you weren't such f***ing douchebags completely detached from reality. All three of you have made decisions which led to where you are... Cornfed insists on sticking to a really extreme and abusive ideology that is unpopular across the entire world except maybe some areas of the Middle East, a set of ideas that blatantly favor the man and gives no compromise to the woman at all. My views are unpopular too but at least there's a sense of chivalry, romance, and nobility to it which balances off the more controversial parts. Kalinago cannot make up his mind on what the hell he wants to save his life. A trait that women universally cannot stand in men. The only consistent trait he has is extreme laziness which also sabotages his ability to be successful. And Mercer is not only passionately committed to a self-destructive doom and gloom mentality but is also an incredibly belligerent douchebag who has no idea how to be a friend much less a husband. You are not sympathy cases, you are the equivalent of Black people who want to leech off of welfare while whining about racism. If the three of you could accept reality for what it is, you might have a chance at getting a girl, whether she's a Latina girl, White girl, Black girl, Asian girl whatever... I'm not saying it would be easy but you'd have a chance. But all three of you have severe, deal breaking personality traits that would make any woman, regardless of whether she was liberal or conservative, decide that you would not make a good husband. If the three of you were women, then Cornfed is a masculinist version of Andrea Dworkin, Kalinago is a bipolar, slutty gold-digger, and Mercer is a typical cat lady feminist who thinks all the good men are gone.
This f***ing spoiled brat thinks three of the most valued posters on this forum are jealous of his little bitch ass. :lol: @Kalinago, the best Outcast can do is get a gook like every other low SMV cracker because he's too much of a f***ing dweeb to get a Latina. They would actually prefer someone like you or me or even f***ing @Cornfed who have the balls to tell the truth instead of some little faggot who pretends to be a traditionalist. Outcast got lucky in life because he was born privileged and thinks he earned it all and cracked the secret code. My nigga @CaptainSkelebob saw right through your face nice guy act. You call me a belligerent douchebag yet you cursed me out the other day and seem to have more enemies on this forum than me and Cornfed combined at this point. :lol: Stop talking shit about real men on this forum you f***ing brat!
Well said fella!!!
You relly put that f***ing homo beta dick guzzling loser in his place @Mercer
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I saw right thru this bozo and his fake nice guy act!!
Now other users are seeing him for the little cum drinker that he really is!!
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Re: Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

Post by willymonfrete »

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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by yick »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 11:19 pm

And no, Latin America is not a man's paradise... I know this because I've been to Florida a lot,
I dated a girl from Florida, and Florida is basically Latin America

That's the stupidest thing I have ever read on here and that's saying something as there is some stiff competition. It would be like saying Hackney or Brixton is basically - Africa - not so. :roll:
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by yick »

Kalinago wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 11:20 pm
I'm goodlooking as f**k.
No you aren't - however blag accounts you make.
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Re: Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

Post by yick »

Latin America is inclusive - it doesn't matter if you are a Senegalese immigrant as black as night or a blond, blue eyed Pole straight off the plane from LOT Airlines - you'll find your friends and you'll find love and people who will accept you - of course there will be people who won't - maybe be most people - but there will be people who will accept you and love you.

The vibe is different but it can be dangerous if you go around doing silly things but it will never be Finland or Japan because the people vibe differently there - you pays your money and takes your choice - I love it there personally and feel the most at home there - you need Spanish and you can't paint 'Latin America' with one big broad brush - social mores change and differ from region to region, never mind country to country.

One thing though if you want to live in Latin America - you will have to WORK - there is nothing there for deadbeat, workshy gringoes - Latin Americans have family support systems which you can be part of but you have to show value - I disagree that 'white Europeans' are the top of the dating tree - depends on the white European and it also depends if that white European has value - physically, socially, monetary etc - if your dream is to go to Latin America
to scav, bludge, bum and just be a hopeless deadbeat like you are back home then you will be cast aside quicker than you can say 'ayyyyyyyyy'. There's no government money for lazy gringoes - in fact, it is the wrong place to even try and achieve it.
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Re: Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

Post by 88jose88 »

I need a culichi
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