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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Post by Pixel--Dude »

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." - Mark Twain.

Invasion of the Bodysnatchers is a fictional book published in 1955 and adapted into several different movies. It's a story of an alien invasion, but unlike other invasion movies like War of the Worlds or Independence Day, the Aliens in this story stealthily and replace people with an exact replica. These pod people could be anyone, a stranger or even a loved one, but one thing is for certain, they believe your destruction is 100% moral. Here is a trailer for the movie Invasion of the Bodysnatchers:

A similar theme is seen in the movie The Thing. It's about an alien lifeform that absorbs living things and then can imitate them. The thing could be anyone, a stranger or even a loved one, but one thing is for certain, they believe your destruction is 100% moral.

These are merely works of fiction, but what if it is true that we're living in a world where the Invasion of the Body Snatchers has already happened. And was successful. What if we're living in the aftermath of this invasion?

What's bad about this situation is that human beings are worse than the entity from The Thing. The Thing wanted to assimilate and destroy humans. But humanity isn't content with just destruction of its enemies. Humans revel in the torture. Now what if humans developed a way to snatch each other's bodies and fill their minds with all sorts of malice? That would make the more effective than the creature from The Thing. There would be no blood tests to tell them apart:

Because they would remain 100% human.

These days we have come to accept bodysnatching is normal. The practice is only truly viable if the children are metaphorically snatched so that the malice can grow within them. The good news is that it's unlikely that you will be tortured during your lifetime, that's the good news. The bad news is that there are people all around you who you interact with every day who think it's 100% morally acceptable for you to be agonisingly tortured. You have to wonder how that affects their moral framework. They could be anyone, a stranger or even a loved one, but one thing is for certain, they believe your endless torture is 100% moral.

The funny thing is that we all know this, and we accept it because we are living in the aftermath of the invasion. And this is the most terrifying aspect of religion. That it turns normal, everyday people into moral monsters. There have been instances in the past where people have been horrifically tortured. We would all agree that this is morally reprehensible. But these Bodysnatchers believe that it is 100% moral and acceptable for you to be tortured, not for a few minutes or an hour, but for all eternity for the simple mistake of non belief... :roll:

It's very difficult to believe that such absurd people exist. But the problem is that a real invasion of the bodysnatchers happened and we are just so used to it now that it isn't a science fiction horror story, but a real life phenomenon. It turned people who would have been good into moral monsters when they were young children. It's a venomous seed that was planted when the victims are young and impressionable. Their innocence is taken from them and they are brainwashed by the ideology. They become a pod person who believes your never-ending torture and destruction is 100% moral and acceptable.

Your tolerance of their bullshit is what these pod people rely upon to continue switching young children with more members of their bodysnatcher army. Tolerating this horror story shouldn't be acceptable any longer and these so called bastions of moral superiority should be called out for their absolute bullshit!

For the slower members of the forum this analogy is of course in reference to Christianity and Christians. Read the thread again with this in mind. The most nefarious part of this bullshit death cult is that they believe these acts of torture and brainwashing are acts of love. That's what's so sick and perverted and insidious about it. That's the Trojen Horse.

That's how Christians can believe that their own family members deserve to be tortured forever like an infinite version of the worst snuff film you've ever seen, whilst believing they also love them. In their eyes they're saving them lol.

Why don't we take a look at the Christians on this very forum and see whether they are as moral as they portray themselves to be.

@MrMan fits the above criteria. As a pod person he believes that people who don't accept Jesus Christ deserve to die and burn for eternity. This would include his own children if they didn't believe what he believes. This guy paints himself as a bastion of moral superiority, but at the same time doesn't believe people deserve basic rights such as the right to eat or the right to property unless they work for it. This guy reckons his belief in Yahweh makes him moral. But endless torture and death of nonbelievers is perfectly moral and acceptable to this guy. This guy is either pure evil or pure stupid. Just my opinion :lol:

What about @Cornfed another Christian who paints himself as a portrait of moral superiority whilst at the same time makes posts which are absolutely sickening and vile. This twat posts videos of people drowning and dying in various ways and finds it amusing, yet claims he's Christian and therefore a bastion of moral superiority :roll: what a joke.

@fschmidt doesn't claim to be Christian but he still advocates for mass slaughter and annihilation of most people :shock: he might not be Christian but he still believes in the old testament. Unlike the above at least he's honest about wanting to wipe out the majority of humanity :lol:

Who else do we have? :lol:

@Mr.Mistoffelees who claims to be Christian but the religion demands his kind be stoned to death :lol: I suppose being stoned must help if you're getting bummed by another man. :lol:

Consider this a declaration of war if you want. f**k Christianity and f**k anyone who bleats the chorus of Christianity. They're just pod people anyway who seek to invade the minds of your children with their perverse religion. Absolute cunts :lol:

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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by galii »

I am not a big fan of Christianity but it might be better than primitive tribalism. So it depends what you compare it with.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Well now Satanism is targeting them, I believe I posted a thread about that on here.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 11:15 am
It's very difficult to believe that such absurd people exist. But the problem is that a real invasion of the bodysnatchers happened and we are just so used to it now that it isn't a science fiction horror story, but a real life phenomenon. It turned people who would have been good into moral monsters when they were young children. It's a venomous seed that was planted when the victims are young and impressionable. Their innocence is taken from them and they are brainwashed by the ideology. They become a pod person who believes your never-ending torture and destruction is 100% moral and acceptable.
It's no surprise that Christianity has always promoted the idea that anybody who doesn't accept its Messiah should be tortured and destroyed. It was born out of the same lineage as the deeply hostile and misanthropic tribal religion of Judaism, after all.

Judaism and all of its descendants are nothing more than perverse death cults. The basic formula is always the same -- an assertion that all those who don't follow their own envisioned "one true god", "one Messiah" and "one revelation" are invariably evil and unrighteous and therefore must be destroyed. Judaism started this trend with the notion that Israel alone is holy and that all other nations are dirty and impure and will eventually be blotted out by Yahweh. This was further elaborated in the Kabbalah with the recurrent teaching that the souls of non-Jews originate from the Qliphoth of the dark side of creation and must therefore be pushed further down into the Qliphothic abyss and then annihilated for the "rectification of the world" (i.e., Tikkun Olam) and a restauration of holiness (Kedusha).

Christianity and Islam merely constitute variations of the same theme. The former teaches that all are born evil and that those who don't believe in Jesus' blood sacrifice (yes, Christianity is at its core a blood sacrifice cult :shock: ) will be cast into hell for their supposed evil nature and unatoned state while the latter threatens all kuffar with eternal torture in Jahannam. Moreover, like their genocidal predecessor Judaism, both of these religions envision an apocalyptic war and complete destruction of the nations in the so-called end times and view these prophesized events as necessary for god's plan of salvation. It should be obvious that we are dealing with three very destructive and utterly deranged death cults which appear as though they were created by a batshit-crazy demon enamored with chaos and ruination rather than any benevolent and transcendental creator god.

Reading the Old Testament, it becomes clear that its authors were the prophets of a people largely composed of sociopathic criminals, schizophrenics with narcissistic delusions of grandeur and revenge fantasies, lowborn crooks and fraudsters, and other bottom-of-the-barrel trash despised by all civilized nations yet who at the same time feel the need to tell the whole world that they alone are the epitome of holiness and that everyone else is somehow evil and unholy (i.e., the eternal Jew).

If we really think about it, Christian fundamentalists are a near-perfect reflection of the above description. Please note that here I'm talking specifically about crazed fundies who believe in the Bible to the foot of the letter (i.e., true Christians), not the nice and friendly but biblically illiterate moderate Christian who you talk to at your local sports club or community center or wherever.

Christian fundamentalists are evil degenerates. They unapologetically follow a grotesque blood sacrifice cult and then mercilessly gaslight anybody who doesn't want to participate in the same cultic degeneracy by accusing them of rejecting "god's plan of salvation" and telling them that they're "unsaved", unconditionally support the eternal condemnation and destruction of all non-Christians even if those people include their own children and relatives, exalt a book chock-full of the worst massacres, atrocities and acts of cruelty (including infanticide!!! :shock: ) as the basis of their own "moral compass", worship a god or Jewish cacodemon who is a textbook case of psychopathy and bloodthirstiness, and then slander and insult anybody who doesn't believe in their collective insanity. Moreover, many of them today shill hard for Zionist warmongers and the State of Israel just because "muh prophecies". Christian fundamentalists are objectively vile and low-vibrational and comprise some of the worst moral degenerates, borderline sociopaths and absolute headcases yet still with a straight face call themselves "righteous". LMAO! :lol:

I agree with your pod people analogy and think that it describes Christian fundamentalists perfectly. I myself regard such people as scumbags on par with some of the worst convicted criminals. The world would certainly be a better place without them.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by Pixel--Dude »

galii wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 12:33 pm
I am not a big fan of Christianity but it might be better than primitive tribalism. So it depends what you compare it with.
There isn't much difference between Christianity and primitive tribalism. They're both one and the same. Christians have this "If you're not with us you're against us" mentality. They're total degenerate tribalists :lol:

Not only that but they're total hypocrites and illogical fools. For example they believe that someone deserves to be tortured forever or destroyed by Yahweh unless they accept Jesus Christ, but at the same time promote Christianity as a religion based on unconditional love and forgiveness.

I admit that I find most Christians tiresome. No matter how much evidence you present to the contrary, no matter how many atrocities you share with them, which they conveniently never talk about in the Bible, they just make excuses for all of it.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 12:47 pm
Well now Satanism is targeting them, I believe I posted a thread about that on here.
I don't think I've seen this, but I'd give it a read if you have the link. What would our own resident Satanist think? :lol: I'm not going to tag him here because he just strikes me as an asshole who is gaslighting people.

I haven't heard of Satanism being taught in schools or pushed on young children if I'm honest with you. This tends to be more of a Christian modus operandi because the religion promotes passive servile to authority and also weakness, both perfectly aligned with the global elite's goals.
Lucas88 wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 2:53 pm
It's no surprise that Christianity has always promoted the idea that anybody who doesn't accept its Messiah should be tortured and destroyed. It was born out of the same lineage as the deeply hostile and misanthropic tribal religion of Judaism, after all.

Judaism and all of its descendants are nothing more than perverse death cults. The basic formula is always the same -- an assertion that all those who don't follow their own envisioned "one true god", "one Messiah" and "one revelation" are invariably evil and unrighteous and therefore must be destroyed. Judaism started this trend with the notion that Israel alone is holy and that all other nations are dirty and impure and will eventually be blotted out by Yahweh. This was further elaborated in the Kabbalah with the recurrent teaching that the souls of non-Jews originate from the Qliphoth of the dark side of creation and must therefore be pushed further down into the Qliphothic abyss and then annihilated for the "rectification of the world" (i.e., Tikkun Olam) and a restauration of holiness (Kedusha).
I agree with you. It's also very convenient that the Jews are proclaimed as God's chosen people. I think this fact is very telling about who the true authors of the Bible truly are. I wonder how Christians who believe in the New Testament reconcile the fact that they believe in a death cult when presented with evidence from the Old Testament and the Kabbalah :lol:

What do you think @MrMan? You're probably the last Christian standing on this forum. @Outcast9428 is off chasing his dreams and getting married and @Cornfed through a tantrum and hasn't been back since. Why do you support a religion that was clearly written by the Jews to enslave Gentile minds to the hivemind of Christianity? Why do you ignore evidence that this is a toxic and evil religion? You criticise other people's beliefs but when evidence is presented against your own you fall silent. How can you address the points brought up by Lucas and myself?
Christianity and Islam merely constitute variations of the same theme. The former teaches that all are born evil and that those who don't believe in Jesus' blood sacrifice (yes, Christianity is at its core a blood sacrifice cult :shock: ) will be cast into hell for their supposed evil nature and unatoned state while the latter threatens all kuffar with eternal torture in Jahannam. Moreover, like their genocidal predecessor Judaism, both of these religions envision an apocalyptic war and complete destruction of the nations in the so-called end times and view these prophesized events as necessary for god's plan of salvation. It should be obvious that we are dealing with three very destructive and utterly deranged death cults which appear as though they were created by a batshit-crazy demon enamored with chaos and ruination rather than any benevolent and transcendental creator god.
What's also funny about this is that I have read the Bible and also because I have a friend who is dating a Muslim chick I read some of the Quran one time during a visit. Honestly dude if you put the two books side by side you wouldn't even tell the difference :lol:

Most Christians scoff at Islam and believe it is a religion of barbarity, when these same idiots would be smashing down your front door and burning you at stake as a heretic. The only reason that they don't is because Christianity has been declawed. If we lived in a Christian theocracy I think we'd see witch hunt trials make a reappearance.

I think all three of these Abrahamic toxic death cults should be eradicated from the face of the earth and their memory should be long forgotten. They offer nothing constructive. They don't offer a feeling of hope or comfort people with the notion of life after death. Instead, what they offer is living a lifetime of servitude in fear of being brutally tortured forever. Or alternatively you can spend eternity as a mindless drone worshipping God forever.
Reading the Old Testament, it becomes clear that its authors were the prophets of a people largely composed of sociopathic criminals, schizophrenics with narcissistic delusions of grandeur and revenge fantasies, lowborn crooks and fraudsters, and other bottom-of-the-barrel trash despised by all civilized nations yet who at the same time feel the need to tell the whole world that they alone are the epitome of holiness and that everyone else is somehow evil and unholy (i.e., the eternal Jew).

If we really think about it, Christian fundamentalists are a near-perfect reflection of the above description. Please note that here I'm talking specifically about crazed fundies who believe in the Bible to the foot of the letter (i.e., true Christians), not the nice and friendly but biblically illiterate moderate Christian who you talk to at your local sports club or community center or wherever.

Christian fundamentalists are evil degenerates. They unapologetically follow a grotesque blood sacrifice cult and then mercilessly gaslight anybody who doesn't want to participate in the same cultic degeneracy by accusing them of rejecting "god's plan of salvation" and telling them that they're "unsaved", unconditionally support the eternal condemnation and destruction of all non-Christians even if those people include their own children and relatives, exalt a book chock-full of the worst massacres, atrocities and acts of cruelty (including infanticide!!! :shock: ) as the basis of their own "moral compass", worship a god or Jewish cacodemon who is a textbook case of psychopathy and bloodthirstiness, and then slander and insult anybody who doesn't believe in their collective insanity. Moreover, many of them today shill hard for Zionist warmongers and the State of Israel just because "muh prophecies". Christian fundamentalists are objectively vile and low-vibrational and comprise some of the worst moral degenerates, borderline sociopaths and absolute headcases yet still with a straight face call themselves "righteous". LMAO! :lol:

I agree with your pod people analogy and think that it describes Christian fundamentalists perfectly. I myself regard such people as scumbags on par with some of the worst convicted criminals. The world would certainly be a better place without them.
Hahaha the above is brilliantly put! I couldn't have put it better myself! Everything you've said here is absolutely bang on the money!

It's the same bullshit every time they are confronted on their beliefs "We can't understand God's plan" "God works in mysterious ways." Etc. Its this endless cognitive dissonance and complete ignorance of the facts, which is there in the Bible in black and white, that really pisses me off with Christians. Advocating for endless torture of their own families if they don't accept Jesus Christ, justification of horrific acts of barbarism in the Bible committed by Jews or God and finally the complete ignorance when questioned on the authenticity of the Bible and presented with solid evidence that it's merely a plagiarism of older mythological texts are just a few reasons why I've come to hate this religion and consider all its advocates simply mindless drones or podpeople.

I think what's even worse about all this, as if it wasn't bad enough, is the fact that these podpeople influence children with a young age with this shit. They indoctrinate them from childhood and replace the child and who they could've been, with another clone of the hivemind of Christianity. That's what's really f***ing nefarious about this religion. In a sense it is absolutely no different to all these LGBTQ fanatics who've gotten a foot in the door when it comes to power and government support and brainwash kids with their ideology as well. Because I bet you my left nut that if none of these ideologies were pushed onto kids at a young age we'd see a rapid decline in transgenderism, homosexuality and Christianity.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:23 am
galii wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 12:33 pm
I am not a big fan of Christianity but it might be better than primitive tribalism. So it depends what you compare it with.
There isn't much difference between Christianity and primitive tribalism. They're both one and the same. Christians have this "If you're not with us you're against us" mentality. They're total degenerate tribalists :lol:

Not only that but they're total hypocrites and illogical fools. For example they believe that someone deserves to be tortured forever or destroyed by Yahweh unless they accept Jesus Christ, but at the same time promote Christianity as a religion based on unconditional love and forgiveness.

I admit that I find most Christians tiresome. No matter how much evidence you present to the contrary, no matter how many atrocities you share with them, which they conveniently never talk about in the Bible, they just make excuses for all of it.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 12:47 pm
Well now Satanism is targeting them, I believe I posted a thread about that on here.
I don't think I've seen this, but I'd give it a read if you have the link. What would our own resident Satanist think? :lol: I'm not going to tag him here because he just strikes me as an asshole who is gaslighting people.

I haven't heard of Satanism being taught in schools or pushed on young children if I'm honest with you. This tends to be more of a Christian modus operandi because the religion promotes passive servile to authority and also weakness, both perfectly aligned with the global elite's goals.
Lucas88 wrote:
January 20th, 2024, 2:53 pm
It's no surprise that Christianity has always promoted the idea that anybody who doesn't accept its Messiah should be tortured and destroyed. It was born out of the same lineage as the deeply hostile and misanthropic tribal religion of Judaism, after all.

Judaism and all of its descendants are nothing more than perverse death cults. The basic formula is always the same -- an assertion that all those who don't follow their own envisioned "one true god", "one Messiah" and "one revelation" are invariably evil and unrighteous and therefore must be destroyed. Judaism started this trend with the notion that Israel alone is holy and that all other nations are dirty and impure and will eventually be blotted out by Yahweh. This was further elaborated in the Kabbalah with the recurrent teaching that the souls of non-Jews originate from the Qliphoth of the dark side of creation and must therefore be pushed further down into the Qliphothic abyss and then annihilated for the "rectification of the world" (i.e., Tikkun Olam) and a restauration of holiness (Kedusha).
I agree with you. It's also very convenient that the Jews are proclaimed as God's chosen people. I think this fact is very telling about who the true authors of the Bible truly are. I wonder how Christians who believe in the New Testament reconcile the fact that they believe in a death cult when presented with evidence from the Old Testament and the Kabbalah :lol:

What do you think @MrMan? You're probably the last Christian standing on this forum. @Outcast9428 is off chasing his dreams and getting married and @Cornfed through a tantrum and hasn't been back since. Why do you support a religion that was clearly written by the Jews to enslave Gentile minds to the hivemind of Christianity? Why do you ignore evidence that this is a toxic and evil religion? You criticise other people's beliefs but when evidence is presented against your own you fall silent. How can you address the points brought up by Lucas and myself?
Christianity and Islam merely constitute variations of the same theme. The former teaches that all are born evil and that those who don't believe in Jesus' blood sacrifice (yes, Christianity is at its core a blood sacrifice cult :shock: ) will be cast into hell for their supposed evil nature and unatoned state while the latter threatens all kuffar with eternal torture in Jahannam. Moreover, like their genocidal predecessor Judaism, both of these religions envision an apocalyptic war and complete destruction of the nations in the so-called end times and view these prophesized events as necessary for god's plan of salvation. It should be obvious that we are dealing with three very destructive and utterly deranged death cults which appear as though they were created by a batshit-crazy demon enamored with chaos and ruination rather than any benevolent and transcendental creator god.
What's also funny about this is that I have read the Bible and also because I have a friend who is dating a Muslim chick I read some of the Quran one time during a visit. Honestly dude if you put the two books side by side you wouldn't even tell the difference :lol:

Most Christians scoff at Islam and believe it is a religion of barbarity, when these same idiots would be smashing down your front door and burning you at stake as a heretic. The only reason that they don't is because Christianity has been declawed. If we lived in a Christian theocracy I think we'd see witch hunt trials make a reappearance.

I think all three of these Abrahamic toxic death cults should be eradicated from the face of the earth and their memory should be long forgotten. They offer nothing constructive. They don't offer a feeling of hope or comfort people with the notion of life after death. Instead, what they offer is living a lifetime of servitude in fear of being brutally tortured forever. Or alternatively you can spend eternity as a mindless drone worshipping God forever.
Reading the Old Testament, it becomes clear that its authors were the prophets of a people largely composed of sociopathic criminals, schizophrenics with narcissistic delusions of grandeur and revenge fantasies, lowborn crooks and fraudsters, and other bottom-of-the-barrel trash despised by all civilized nations yet who at the same time feel the need to tell the whole world that they alone are the epitome of holiness and that everyone else is somehow evil and unholy (i.e., the eternal Jew).

If we really think about it, Christian fundamentalists are a near-perfect reflection of the above description. Please note that here I'm talking specifically about crazed fundies who believe in the Bible to the foot of the letter (i.e., true Christians), not the nice and friendly but biblically illiterate moderate Christian who you talk to at your local sports club or community center or wherever.

Christian fundamentalists are evil degenerates. They unapologetically follow a grotesque blood sacrifice cult and then mercilessly gaslight anybody who doesn't want to participate in the same cultic degeneracy by accusing them of rejecting "god's plan of salvation" and telling them that they're "unsaved", unconditionally support the eternal condemnation and destruction of all non-Christians even if those people include their own children and relatives, exalt a book chock-full of the worst massacres, atrocities and acts of cruelty (including infanticide!!! :shock: ) as the basis of their own "moral compass", worship a god or Jewish cacodemon who is a textbook case of psychopathy and bloodthirstiness, and then slander and insult anybody who doesn't believe in their collective insanity. Moreover, many of them today shill hard for Zionist warmongers and the State of Israel just because "muh prophecies". Christian fundamentalists are objectively vile and low-vibrational and comprise some of the worst moral degenerates, borderline sociopaths and absolute headcases yet still with a straight face call themselves "righteous". LMAO! :lol:

I agree with your pod people analogy and think that it describes Christian fundamentalists perfectly. I myself regard such people as scumbags on par with some of the worst convicted criminals. The world would certainly be a better place without them.
Hahaha the above is brilliantly put! I couldn't have put it better myself! Everything you've said here is absolutely bang on the money!

It's the same bullshit every time they are confronted on their beliefs "We can't understand God's plan" "God works in mysterious ways." Etc. Its this endless cognitive dissonance and complete ignorance of the facts, which is there in the Bible in black and white, that really pisses me off with Christians. Advocating for endless torture of their own families if they don't accept Jesus Christ, justification of horrific acts of barbarism in the Bible committed by Jews or God and finally the complete ignorance when questioned on the authenticity of the Bible and presented with solid evidence that it's merely a plagiarism of older mythological texts are just a few reasons why I've come to hate this religion and consider all its advocates simply mindless drones or podpeople.

I think what's even worse about all this, as if it wasn't bad enough, is the fact that these podpeople influence children with a young age with this shit. They indoctrinate them from childhood and replace the child and who they could've been, with another clone of the hivemind of Christianity. That's what's really f***ing nefarious about this religion. In a sense it is absolutely no different to all these LGBTQ fanatics who've gotten a foot in the door when it comes to power and government support and brainwash kids with their ideology as well. Because I bet you my left nut that if none of these ideologies were pushed onto kids at a young age we'd see a rapid decline in transgenderism, homosexuality and Christianity.
To be fair Christianity is only mainstream in Russia, everywhere else...Islam is growing. Just not in Spanish speaking countries, and certain Asian countries. But I've given up on Christianity after finding out the jews invented it to manipulate people....After that I was severely disappointed with it. My mother is hardcore believer in Christ. But I won't spew my anti-Christian at her because I don't like upsetting my mother, any time I do that I want to kick my own ass. So I just keep quiet when she talks about GOD, Jesus, etc because I never know what to say or how to respond to any of it.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by galii »

Sociologically religion is there to make society work better. Otherwise nobody would cared. Without religion we are even bigger apes. Nowadays shure many might not religion but many do. 80 IQ people , Kundalini people , Flat earthers are not easy to deal with.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by Pixel--Dude »

galii wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:43 am
Sociologically religion is there to make society work better. Otherwise nobody would cared. Without religion we are even bigger apes. Nowadays shure many might not religion but many do. 80 IQ people , Kundalini people , Flat earthers are not easy to deal with.
When has this been the case historically? Christians and Muslims destroyed libraries and books full of ancient history and esoteric knowledge and caused us to descend into the dark ages. Abrahamic religions inspire narrow-minded group think instead of allowing people to mentally flourish and investigate things of their own accord.

As for moral framework, I think @Lucas88 and myself have presented enough evidence throughout countless threads which demonstrate the harmful ideology that these religions espouse. We do not need mainstream religion to act as a moral compass. We inherently know the difference between right and wrong. It's very easy for someone with an agenda of their own to write a religious book containing basic morals combined with rules and guidelines which support their own ideals and condemn opposing ones.

Why are kundalini people and flat earthers difficult to deal with? I thought you enjoyed talking about that kind of stuff. There's nothing wrong with people developing their own conception of the world instead of accepting one presented to them by those who hold questionable morals.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:38 am
To be fair Christianity is only mainstream in Russia, everywhere else...Islam is growing. Just not in Spanish speaking countries, and certain Asian countries. But I've given up on Christianity after finding out the jews invented it to manipulate people....After that I was severely disappointed with it. My mother is hardcore believer in Christ. But I won't spew my anti-Christian at her because I don't like upsetting my mother, any time I do that I want to kick my own ass. So I just keep quiet when she talks about GOD, Jesus, etc because I never know what to say or how to respond to any of it.
Yeah, as for myself i turned against Christianity after 2 years because it brought me no solace and didn't solve my problems. Instead it created new ones. New anxiety that I wasn't food enough to go to heaven and all the rest of it. Plus I couldn't justify the atrocities committed within the Bible either. All of this was all before I researched the Bible's origins and other religions and realised that every single one of the Abrahamic religions are just plagiarised from different ancient cultures that existed millenia before.

Like yourself, my mother is a devout Christian (she thinks I'm evil :lol: ) I try not to debate with her about Christianity. She doesn't understand most of my points and has the usual cognitive dissonance when it comes to criticism of the content within the bible.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by galii »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 2:33 am
galii wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:43 am
Sociologically religion is there to make society work better. Otherwise nobody would cared. Without religion we are even bigger apes. Nowadays shure many might not religion but many do. 80 IQ people , Kundalini people , Flat earthers are not easy to deal with.
When has this been the case historically? Christians and Muslims destroyed libraries and books full of ancient history and esoteric knowledge and caused us to descend into the dark ages. Abrahamic religions inspire narrow-minded group think instead of allowing people to mentally flourish and investigate things of their own accord.

As for moral framework, I think @Lucas88 and myself have presented enough evidence throughout countless threads which demonstrate the harmful ideology that these religions espouse. We do not need mainstream religion to act as a moral compass. We inherently know the difference between right and wrong. It's very easy for someone with an agenda of their own to write a religious book containing basic morals combined with rules and guidelines which support their own ideals and condemn opposing ones.

Why are kundalini people and flat earthers difficult to deal with? I thought you enjoyed talking about that kind of stuff. There's nothing wrong with people developing their own conception of the world instead of accepting one presented to them by those who hold questionable morals.
You are cherry picking history. Check out what the Jews, Christians and Muslims did for science.

You may not need mainstream religion but many people do. Besides you guys are culturally Christians that is where you got your morals from. You can't deny that.

I like to debate and mock flattards because it gives me the emotions to motivate me to look deeper. Ideally I should not need that garbage. There are 5% of flat earthers who are good at playing devils advocate but most of them are in bullshit land.
Check out this black guys platform 'Levelhead' he created a nice environment:

The 'Kundalini' people are annoying mostly. I am shure it has some merits somewhere but overall it is bullshit. I keep an eye on the field because I like being informed roughly about what is going on and what snake oil is the newest flavour of the month.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 2:38 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:38 am
To be fair Christianity is only mainstream in Russia, everywhere else...Islam is growing. Just not in Spanish speaking countries, and certain Asian countries. But I've given up on Christianity after finding out the jews invented it to manipulate people....After that I was severely disappointed with it. My mother is hardcore believer in Christ. But I won't spew my anti-Christian at her because I don't like upsetting my mother, any time I do that I want to kick my own ass. So I just keep quiet when she talks about GOD, Jesus, etc because I never know what to say or how to respond to any of it.
Yeah, as for myself i turned against Christianity after 2 years because it brought me no solace and didn't solve my problems. Instead it created new ones. New anxiety that I wasn't food enough to go to heaven and all the rest of it. Plus I couldn't justify the atrocities committed within the Bible either. All of this was all before I researched the Bible's origins and other religions and realised that every single one of the Abrahamic religions are just plagiarised from different ancient cultures that existed millenia before.

Like yourself, my mother is a devout Christian (she thinks I'm evil :lol: ) I try not to debate with her about Christianity. She doesn't understand most of my points and has the usual cognitive dissonance when it comes to criticism of the content within the bible.
It seems to be worse the older people get, they are terrified of dying and "going to hell." My aunt use to party hard, drink, smoke, all of that then the day she turned 50 years old she became all religious. My mother been that way since age 17, so she didn't wait until old age before deciding to devote herself to it like most people usually do.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by MrMan »

Various forms of paganism sacrificed people before Christianity became predominant. Canaanite paganism did. So did Norse paganism. Aztec pagans sacrificed them and ate them. The Romans may have thought human sacrifice was barbaric, but executed foreign leaders in front of statues of Zeus.

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 12:23 am
For example they believe that someone deserves to be tortured forever or destroyed by Yahweh unless they accept Jesus Christ, but at the same time promote Christianity as a religion based on unconditional love and forgiveness.
'Unconditional love' may be a common phrase and concept nowadays, and you can find the phrase a bit if you search back a few centuries, before the 1960s, but it isn't a term found in the Bible.

In Luke it says if a brother repents, forgive him.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 27th, 2024, 4:21 am
Various forms of paganism sacrificed people before Christianity became predominant. Canaanite paganism did. So did Norse paganism. Aztec pagans sacrificed them and ate them. The Romans may have thought human sacrifice was barbaric, but executed foreign leaders in front of statues of Zeus.
You are bringing up Paganism as a form of deflection. This discussion wasn't made to bring ancient Pagan religions under scrutiny, it was made to criticise Christianity. You didn't address anything said by Lucas or myself. Instead you have ignored all the bad points about Christianity and tried to justify it by saying "Well look, people sacrificed human beings to Zeus!"

Would you like to actually address what was written or do you just want to try and get Christianity out from under the microscope and deflect onto other mythologies? Besides, Christianity was plagiarised from these older mythologies anyway, so to say they are evil is to say that Christianity is evil as well, which it is.
'Unconditional love' may be a common phrase and concept nowadays, and you can find the phrase a bit if you search back a few centuries, before the 1960s, but it isn't a term found in the Bible.

In Luke it says if a brother repents, forgive him.
Most Sins can be forgiven according to the Bible, if you're willing to spend your life grovelling for forgiveness. Murder and rape and all the rest of it can be forgiven, but call God a bad name and that's an unforgivable sin. Talk about narcissistic :lol:
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by MrMan »

Mankind had knowledge of the one true God at first. Many societies have a residual knowledge of the most high God, the creator God. Over time, societies accepted idolatry and paganism.
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Re: Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston You know what the real "bodysnatchers" is? Culture! The root word of culture is "cult".

American CULTure.

Religious CULTs

When people conform to a culture, they're under mind control by what that culture tells them.

Here in Asia, I'm set free from the mind controlled CULTure of America.
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