Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

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Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by CaptainSkelebob2 »

Fellas, I've always been a huge fan of gangsters and crimelords like Lucky Luciano and Arnold Rothstein. I admire those extraordinary gentlemen for their unparaleled brilliance and masterminds and their willingness to play the game of life on their own terms and by their own rules to get ahead in the rat race and leave their indelible mark in history. I feel they personify the spirit of Dark Capitalism and the human quest for social progress. I always wanted to emulate these intrepid heros.

Some people admire mother teresa and gandhi. But I always thought that they were pretty gay!

Lucky Luciano was the architect of modern organized crime, a true visionary who reshaped the criminal underworld through his strategic brilliance. He united different mafia factions under the umbrella of the Commission not only ensuring peace among rival mafiosos but also solidifying his own power base. Luciano was a true peacekeeper and shrewd strategist. His unparaleled charisma and stretegic ability inspire me more than anything else.

Then theres Arnold Rothstein, another proper alpha bro. Rothstein made a ton of money as a pioneer in the realms of gambling and bootlegging. He didn't work a shitty slave job like the average beta nincompoop. He didnt give a f***ing damn about society's hippocritical morality and bullshit laws for betas. This f***ing absolute hero and entrepeneur pulled himself up by the bootstraps, innovated entire industries on his own terms and made f***ing bank!!!! Boooshkaaaaaa!!!!!!! In fact fellas, Rothstein inspired me to get into pirating CDs and DVDs when I was 15. He also inspired me to start gambling. f***ing brilliant role model. I love the guy!!!!!

The Commission was just f***ing badass as well. Luciano weilded authority in the city and became the top alpha of the crime families. The brass balls on that fella!

And just the other week I won at a highstakes poker tournament and made more money in a day than I could make teaching in a whole f***ing year. f***ing smashed it, fellas!

I have good role models. I choose to break the rules and get ahead of all the stupid moralistic ninnies who think we should all follow their arbitary rules. I'm a winner in life, not a loser, I'm a f***ing winner, I embrace Dark Capitalism. I'm like Luciano and Rothstein. Dark Capitalist, not a spineless beta p***y.

What gangsters and Dark Capitalists do you fellas admire???
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Pixel--Dude »

CaptainSkelebob2 wrote:
January 31st, 2024, 3:23 pm
Fellas, I've always been a huge fan of gangsters and crimelords like Lucky Luciano and Arnold Rothstein. I admire those extraordinary gentlemen for their unparaleled brilliance and masterminds and their willingness to play the game of life on their own terms and by their own rules to get ahead in the rat race and leave their indelible mark in history. I feel they personify the spirit of Dark Capitalism and the human quest for social progress. I always wanted to emulate these intrepid heros.

Some people admire mother teresa and gandhi. But I always thought that they were pretty gay!

Lucky Luciano was the architect of modern organized crime, a true visionary who reshaped the criminal underworld through his strategic brilliance. He united different mafia factions under the umbrella of the Commission not only ensuring peace among rival mafiosos but also solidifying his own power base. Luciano was a true peacekeeper and shrewd strategist. His unparaleled charisma and stretegic ability inspire me more than anything else.

Then theres Arnold Rothstein, another proper alpha bro. Rothstein made a ton of money as a pioneer in the realms of gambling and bootlegging. He didn't work a shitty slave job like the average beta nincompoop. He didnt give a f***ing damn about society's hippocritical morality and bullshit laws for betas. This f***ing absolute hero and entrepeneur pulled himself up by the bootstraps, innovated entire industries on his own terms and made f***ing bank!!!! Boooshkaaaaaa!!!!!!! In fact fellas, Rothstein inspired me to get into pirating CDs and DVDs when I was 15. He also inspired me to start gambling. f***ing brilliant role model. I love the guy!!!!!

The Commission was just f***ing badass as well. Luciano weilded authority in the city and became the top alpha of the crime families. The brass balls on that fella!

And just the other week I won at a highstakes poker tournament and made more money in a day than I could make teaching in a whole f***ing year. f***ing smashed it, fellas!

I have good role models. I choose to break the rules and get ahead of all the stupid moralistic ninnies who think we should all follow their arbitary rules. I'm a winner in life, not a loser, I'm a f***ing winner, I embrace Dark Capitalism. I'm like Luciano and Rothstein. Dark Capitalist, not a spineless beta p***y.

What gangsters and Dark Capitalists do you fellas admire???
I've recently been watching through the series Board Walk Empire with my girlfriend. The series is about bootlegging and distribution of alcohol when it was outlawed. The show covers this history and is really well done. You should watch it if you haven't seen it already.

I do agree with you to a degree. These guys don't play by the rules and so they made themselves very successful and rich. Unfortunately these guys resorted to murder and other nefarious actions to get to where they were, so I hardly think they're worthy of admiration. But I do agree that not playing by the rules of society is more beneficial. Its always the honest and hardworking who struggle the most.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I was thinking today about dark capitalism and other users on here who always encourage people to get ahead by starting their own business etc. In some ways @CaptainSkelebob2 I think this is a really interesting topic. Especially since I've been watching Board Walk Empire and find the history of the Mafia quite interesting.

I was wondering what you guys think to the mafia @yick and @MrMan since you both reckon anyone can make it in society with a bit of elbow grease and a can do attitude. Would you encourage someone to start their own business as a dark capitalist like Lucky Luciano and his pals? Why play by the rules when it's really difficult to get ahead in the rat race. May as well become a dark capitalist, bend the rules a little and get rich as f**k in the process, right?
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
February 19th, 2024, 12:45 am
I was thinking today about dark capitalism and other users on here who always encourage people to get ahead by starting their own business etc. In some ways @CaptainSkelebob2 I think this is a really interesting topic. Especially since I've been watching Board Walk Empire and find the history of the Mafia quite interesting.

I was wondering what you guys think to the mafia @yick and @MrMan since you both reckon anyone can make it in society with a bit of elbow grease and a can do attitude. Would you encourage someone to start their own business as a dark capitalist like Lucky Luciano and his pals? Why play by the rules when it's really difficult to get ahead in the rat race. May as well become a dark capitalist, bend the rules a little and get rich as f**k in the process, right?
No, I encourage them to get a government job. It can be the military, FBI, MI7(If your from the UK), Government bureaucrat, Government weapons contractor, politician, police, etc. The government is the real legal mafia, organized crime syndicate, who gets it's money by nationwide protection racket called "taxes". Lucky Luciano and his pals are just boy scouts, small fries compared to the U.S government.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by yick »

An interesting question but what would be more interesting is 'can you make yourself as ruthless as you would need to be to become that rich?' the question should be can your desire for money overtake 'nature vs nuture' because I would guess that Lucky Luciano was a born psychopath who got to where he did by ruthlessly murdering anyone who was in his way - the money came in spite of it, not because of it, he probably would have done that if all he got out of it was the most mangoes and olive trees in his ancestral village in Italy, it was in his nature as well as being brought up in an environment where that could get him ahead - you and your life in middle class Surrey does not encourage that kind of get ahead, ruthless behaviour like it would in 1920's inner-city Chicago or New York, it isn't in yours or most peoples because most people would not kill if it meant getting ahead or protecting some of their ill gotten wealth and they would get devoured by people where it comes second nature to them.

Have you killed anyone like Rothstein or Luciano to protect your place in the hierarchy? No, course you haven't - so you're as much as a p***y as anyone else, also, there is a well known saying 'you can't steal off a thief' anything a thief steals isn't his - anything that gets took off him cannot be recovered by him other than by threats or violence so unless you are that way inclined then you are always at risk of losing it all and if the state takes it off you then you are never getting it back, I would rather with my modest means be able to keep what I accquire.

Also, you must know that money does not bring happiness, Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide when he was one of the highest paid comedy actors in hollywood and had it all - looks, women, youth and fame - but it wasn't enough, none of it was because happiness comes from within - Harvey Weinstein was a billionaire who has f***ed thousands of beautiful women including famous models and film stars but was so depressed he comfort ate himself into obesity and ended up in jail with his life in tatters, am I happier than those two or many rich and famous people on anti-depressants? Yes, would I kill for money? No. Would I deal drugs to kids (because that is what Rothstein and Luciano would be doing if they were around today)? No! I get a good nights sleep every night because that is worth more than money - there is no money in the world that can buy that off me or my self respect that I am not a scumbag. I hope that answered your question.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by yick »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
February 19th, 2024, 12:45 am
I was thinking today about dark capitalism and other users on here who always encourage people to get ahead by starting their own business etc. In some ways @CaptainSkelebob2 I think this is a really interesting topic. Especially since I've been watching Board Walk Empire and find the history of the Mafia quite interesting.

I was wondering what you guys think to the mafia @yick and @MrMan since you both reckon anyone can make it in society with a bit of elbow grease and a can do attitude. Would you encourage someone to start their own business as a dark capitalist like Lucky Luciano and his pals? Why play by the rules when it's really difficult to get ahead in the rat race. May as well become a dark capitalist, bend the rules a little and get rich as f**k in the process, right?
I don't think I have ever said 'anyone' can make it in society with hard work and elbow grease, obviously that is not true and I would never ever say that - if you are born in Gabon or Bolivia, it doesn't matter how hard you work, you will probably always be poor unless you were born in the right family. In the first world where we are from - you have more opportunities to do what you want and get ahead - yes - you might not become fabulously wealthy but you will do fine and live the life you want - I hear of many Brits lamenting that they cannot emigrate to Australia, New Zealand or Canada and they would love to but they don't have the qualifications - well, go and f***ing get them! :lol: they want butchers, bakers, chefs. aircon engineers, brickies, plasterers, plumbers, nurses - not nuclear scientists and brain surgeons - you can learn all these things at the local tech! And you don't have to walk 10 miles there and back like some of those poor bastards in Gabon have to! A lot of people in our countries don't have what it takes to pull themselves up to where they want to be which is why they listen to the likes of Nigel Farage as he comforts them that their shit lives are not their fault.

You don't have to play by the rules if you don't want to but be prepared for the consequences but on the other hand you have to play! You can't sit it out and go 'life is shit and I am not playing' make a plan and go for it! If you want to become a boxer, a fireman, a strongman competitor, a nurse, live on a beach, live in an igloo, become a singer or a stand-up comedian then do it! No-one is stopping you, if you want to become a gangster then become one of them but you're up against people born ruthless and they're not all there and will happily wipe you out like they would swat a fly - if that's you - go ahead and dig right in but if you're not (most people) then find something that coincides with your moral perspective and find a life you want. I really do think most people want a quiet life with enough, not tons of riches and money because it does not bring happiness.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by yick »

The lamest arsed people you will ever listen to are Brits who want to emigrate to Australia or Canada but can't because 'they don't have the qualifications' they're lucky that they can speak fluent English! You would think that they would make a five year plan to make it happen - retrain and then with a bit of work experience emigrate there but these people are so f***ing lame that they can't even be arsed to do even that which would improve their lives.

Can you imagine being one of the tens of thousands of Chinese or Koreans who emigrate to Australia every year learning the trades AND learning English to such a high level where they can make a successful application? They have to learn a trade and a language, lame arsed, soft Brit just has to learn a trade! But it is beyond them! Most people want things that they just simply cannot be arsed doing the minimum of getting. Hey, I was a bit like that myself once upon a time - I wanted to have a physique like a bodybuilder like you see in the magazines but I liked pies and burgers and chips too much and didn't want to inject steroids so had to shelve it. Decide what you want in life and go for it and if the price is not worth paying then change it for something else, it's all allowed - pick and choose and give it a shot! It's all allowed.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
February 19th, 2024, 12:45 am
I was wondering what you guys think to the mafia @yick and @MrMan since you both reckon anyone can make it in society with a bit of elbow grease and a can do attitude. Would you encourage someone to start their own business as a dark capitalist like Lucky Luciano and his pals? Why play by the rules when it's really difficult to get ahead in the rat race. May as well become a dark capitalist, bend the rules a little and get rich as f**k in the process, right?
I am not in favor of making money through extortion, the sex trade, selling recreational drugs, encouraging addictions, or lending money at interest. I've got a retirement account and try to put everything in equity as much as I can.

I also realize the value of currency decreases through inflation, not like gold where it would generally go down in value as population grew until more gold deposits were found from time to time.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
March 7th, 2024, 8:08 am

I am not in favor of making money through extortion, the sex trade, selling recreational drugs, encouraging addictions, or lending money at interest. I've got a retirement account and try to put everything in equity as much as I can.

I also realize the value of currency decreases through inflation, not like gold where it would generally go down in value as population grew until more gold deposits were found from time to time.
No, I agree. If the way you make money exploits others then it is an unethical way. Considering this principle modern capitalism operates under the same conditions. Most workers are not paid a wage which is reflective of the amount of work they put in. For this reason I think capitalism is bullshit and an unethical system based on wage slavery and usury. The reason why gangsters like Lucky Luchiano and Arnold Rothstein became gangsters in the first place was so that they didn't get shafted by the system and forced to live mediocre lives toiling away for a company.

I just want to remind you that most of the things you mentioned you are against are also applicable to society and the system which you've defended on multiple occasions.
I am not in favor of making money through extortion,

So companies don't extort people with their arbitrarily inflated prices? Don't talk gobbledegook about how prices rise with demand and all that poppycock! If that was true then why do the companies selling food and gas have such large profit in the last few years alone. Totally disproportionate to what their staff are getting paid. This is something you defend, but then you say you're against it when gangsters do it.
the sex trade,

Can't say I've seen anything you've said that supports this, even in a legal context like pornography etc.
selling recreational drugs, encouraging addictions,
What about Big Pharma? They're the biggest drug cartel on the planet. They don't sell recreational drugs, but they do get people hooked on their anti depressants instead of allowing the proper research to be conducted into medicinal plants like psilocybin mushrooms or medicinal marijuana.

Plus, let's not forget about Purdue Pharma and the opioid crisis they caused in America. This was an absolute sickening joke! There is a dramatised series covering events that took place during this crisis. I watched it with @Lucas88 and discussed it with @gsjackson in the thread on the covid vaccine. Bottom line is Big Pharma absolutely cannot be trusted at all.
or lending money at interest.
So does this mean you've finally wised up about the Jews and their predatory banking system? Funny how they can create money just by using your signature and then you have to spend your life paying back your mortgage, all the while in the back of your mind you must know that if anything were to go wrong and you couldn't make any mortgage repayments they'd just repossess your house. Or they will send huge gorillas around from bailiff companies to extort you for more money.

How are any of these different from the mafia? They're not. They're just the ones who make the laws. That's it.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 8th, 2024, 2:27 am
MrMan wrote:
March 7th, 2024, 8:08 am

I am not in favor of making money through extortion, the sex trade, selling recreational drugs, encouraging addictions, or lending money at interest. I've got a retirement account and try to put everything in equity as much as I can.

I also realize the value of currency decreases through inflation, not like gold where it would generally go down in value as population grew until more gold deposits were found from time to time.
No, I agree. If the way you make money exploits others then it is an unethical way. Considering this principle modern capitalism operates under the same conditions. Most workers are not paid a wage which is reflective of the amount of work they put in.
Says who? If you agree to work for a certain amount and your employer agrees to pay that amount, how is that unethical?
For this reason I think capitalism is bullshit and an unethical system based on wage slavery and usury.
Didn't you propose a system where people have a right to food and travel? How is that going to work without slavery? If you don't force farmers, pilots, hotel workers, etc. to work, why wouldn't they all be out traveling and eating for free too? Who is going to produce anything?

Wage slavery? You mean in order to consume, you need to be able to produce something? That's real life. If you got stranded alone on an island like Bear Grylls (his was simulated), you'd have to work to get fish and coconuts. More complicated economic systems rely on people working. To get resources, you have to work or inherit it, have it given to you, or get the government to extract it from others and then give it to you, or outright steal. The first two are better.
The reason why gangsters like Lucky Luchiano and Arnold Rothstein became gangsters in the first place was so that they didn't get shafted by the system and forced to live mediocre lives toiling away for a company.
I don't know what their business model was, but lending at illegally high interest rates and using illegal means to ensure collection are stereotypical gangster activities, along with extortion, selling drugs and getting money from gambling and prostitution.
I am not in favor of making money through extortion,

So companies don't extort people with their arbitrarily inflated prices?
You are using inflammatory language. I mean real extortion. The stereotypical gangster comes to the shop and explains that if the owner pays protection money, then the gangster will keep bad people from robbing his store, but the real threat is the gangsters robbing the store if the owner does not pay up.
Don't talk gobbledegook about how prices rise with demand and all that poppycock! If that was true then why do the companies selling food and gas have such large profit in the last few years alone. Totally disproportionate to what their staff are getting paid. This is something you defend, but then you say you're against it when gangsters do it.
I haven't heard of oil and gas companies coming to people's homes and breaking their legs for not paying protection money. They might shut off the gas if you haven't paid your bill, but not break your legs.

Why do you think it is wrong for a business to make a profit?
the sex trade,

Can't say I've seen anything you've said that supports this, even in a legal context like pornography etc.
You mean supports my quote or supports the sex trade. To clarify, I have posted posts against prostitution, against sex with free whores (whores who have sex outside of marriage but charge a price of zero), and the use of porn.
What about Big Pharma? They're the biggest drug cartel on the planet. They don't sell recreational drugs, but they do get people hooked on their anti depressants instead of allowing the proper research to be conducted into medicinal plants like psilocybin mushrooms or medicinal marijuana.
There are a lot of criticisms that could be leveled at these companies. I have mixed feelings about it. There are a lot of people addicted to multiple pills every day. But on the other hand, some of the medicines are effective. I'm more negative about some of the psychological type medicines. Making drugs out of motor oil does not sound like the best route to go.

I don't think cartel is the right word. Big Pharma might be an oligopoly. The government gives monopoly rights to specific drugs with patents, which they can only use for about 7 years because most of the time after the patent is given is used up taking the drug through various stages of testing. When it is over, the drug goes generic, and there are more companies that can make those.
or lending money at interest.
So does this mean you've finally wised up about the Jews and their predatory banking system? Funny how they can create money just by using your signature and then you have to spend your life paying back your mortgage, all the while in the back of your mind you must know that if anything were to go wrong and you couldn't make any mortgage repayments they'd just repossess your house. Or they will send huge gorillas around from bailiff companies to extort you for more money.

How are any of these different from the mafia? They're not. They're just the ones who make the laws. That's it.

The Old Testament forbade Israelites from charging one another interest, so some of them practice that, but charge Gentiles.

Be that as it may, you have a choice to get a mortgage or not. If it is cheaper to buy than to rent or close in price but harder for people to kick you out, a lot of people choose to buy.

I do not think an interest-based economic system is ideal. But I also think trying to create a world where no one has to work but gets free food or travel isn't going to work. Being able to buy and sell goods and services is a good thing.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 9:09 pm
Says who? If you agree to work for a certain amount and your employer agrees to pay that amount, how is that unethical?
Most people don't agree on a wage. Companies dictate the wages and the wage slaves often take what they can get or they starve and can't pay their bills. Oftentimes the wages are not an accurate representation of work put in. Therefore it's unethical because the company is making huge profits off the back of the workers whilst paying them a pittance of what their labour has earned. That's why it's unethical! As a worker you have no choice but to accept their "minimum wage" or some such because people need some money to get by.
Didn't you propose a system where people have a right to food and travel? How is that going to work without slavery? If you don't force farmers, pilots, hotel workers, etc. to work, why wouldn't they all be out traveling and eating for free too? Who is going to produce anything?

Wage slavery? You mean in order to consume, you need to be able to produce something? That's real life. If you got stranded alone on an island like Bear Grylls (his was simulated), you'd have to work to get fish and coconuts. More complicated economic systems rely on people working. To get resources, you have to work or inherit it, have it given to you, or get the government to extract it from others and then give it to you, or outright steal. The first two are better.
Yes, I proposed a system conducive to human freedom and flourishing, a system in alignment with my core values! Your language says it all; "if you don't force farmers, pilots, hotel workers, etc. to work, why wouldn't they all be out traveling and eating for free too?" If you have to force anyone to work then they are slaves, are they not? We are all slaves! That's the true nature of this shitty system we live in.

We live in an age of absolute abundance and technology so advanced that robots can do most of the menial bullshit you mentioned. Instead of farmers build hydroponic food towers, instead of pilots have A.I operated planes and public transport and hotel workers can be replaced with robots, as can restaurant workers.


I think there's a big difference between working to survive and working to earn a wage. People tending their own farm do what they have to do to survive. Same is said for people who live in tribal communities out in nature. They do what they have to do to survive.

The difference is that people working shitty jobs with bum paychecks for some corporation are working excess hours and barely surviving at all. Working jobs as debt slaves just takes time away from everything you enjoy about life and destroys your relationships with others. Depression and mental illness are rarely heard of in tribal communities and people never get bored or lazy when it comes to things they are passionate about..

I really despise this society! I hate this joke of a system we have and I don't at all blame people who kill themselves because they are sick of it. Freedom is this society is an illusion and so is democracy. Capitalism once had a place as it drove innovation and worked well before the 21st century which is an age of A.I and automation. Now all we have is socialism for the rich with everything being owned by small groups of people and everyone else scraping by with barely anything to show for it. Capitalism is obsolete! We need a new system which is conducive to human happiness and freedom, where most menial jobs are automated by machines and more people can focus on vocational skills.

Of course, the global elite would never willingly give up their power and privilege, which just means that for the average worker A.I and automation is just a detriment that will put us all out of work and cause us to lose our homes and starve to death. The genie is out the bottle with automation and the next logical move is to automate the shitty jobs and emancipate the workers! It's about time we moved post Capitalism and had a new economic system which exists to serve the people instead of the people existing to serve an economic system.
You are using inflammatory language. I mean real extortion. The stereotypical gangster comes to the shop and explains that if the owner pays protection money, then the gangster will keep bad people from robbing his store, but the real threat is the gangsters robbing the store if the owner does not pay up.
Bills are just a form of protection money as well. If you don't pay what you owe the companies send bailiffs around to repossess your things! The only difference between these and gangsters is that the companies and corporations are the ones making the laws. At least vicariously through their buddies and puppets in government.
There are a lot of criticisms that could be leveled at these companies. I have mixed feelings about it. There are a lot of people addicted to multiple pills every day. But on the other hand, some of the medicines are effective. I'm more negative about some of the psychological type medicines. Making drugs out of motor oil does not sound like the best route to go.

I don't think cartel is the right word. Big Pharma might be an oligopoly. The government gives monopoly rights to specific drugs with patents, which they can only use for about 7 years because most of the time after the patent is given is used up taking the drug through various stages of testing. When it is over, the drug goes generic, and there are more companies that can make those.
Pharmaceutical companies are among the absolute worst! These greedy bastards won't cure any diseases because they don't want to go out of business. They'll just continue to keep treating disease and symptoms, but never actually curing the disease itself. These corporations are evil.
The Old Testament forbade Israelites from charging one another interest, so some of them practice that, but charge Gentiles.

Be that as it may, you have a choice to get a mortgage or not. If it is cheaper to buy than to rent or close in price but harder for people to kick you out, a lot of people choose to buy.

I do not think an interest-based economic system is ideal. But I also think trying to create a world where no one has to work but gets free food or travel isn't going to work. Being able to buy and sell goods and services is a good thing.
Why wouldn't such a system work? Because some people such as yourself are stuck in your dogmatic ways and refuse to accept change that betters and benefits the whole of humanity instead of a corrupt few assholes like Jewish bankers, corrupt governments and greedy corporations? We don't need any of these things! Society and humanity would benefit better if we just shared what we have and automated all the shit.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 31st, 2024, 2:26 pm
MrMan wrote:
March 12th, 2024, 9:09 pm
Says who? If you agree to work for a certain amount and your employer agrees to pay that amount, how is that unethical?
Most people don't agree on a wage. Companies dictate the wages and the wage slaves often take what they can get or they starve and can't pay their bills.
You can agree to take the job or not. When they offer the job, you can say 'no'. Or you can say, "I'll take it" and accept their wages.
Oftentimes the wages are not an accurate representation of work put in.
What does that mean? Either you get hourly wages, or you get salary which means you just have to work whenever until the job gets done, but possibly with a 8 to 5 or whatever minimum requirement.
Therefore it's unethical because the company is making huge profits off the back of the workers whilst paying them a pittance of what their labour has earned.
Of what their labor has earned? You sound like that radical Karl Marx who messed up much of the world for the 21st century and led to multiplied millions dying from starvation. If you own the factory and the workers agree to work for a certain wage, why do they own the output if you invested the money and you paid them for their labor? That doesn't make any sense.

Labor unions and other efforts took care of some of the issues that Marx was complaining about without the damage, especially when they were regulated by the government.
That's why it's unethical! As a worker you have no choice but to accept their "minimum wage" or some such because people need some money to get by.
Lack of choices doesn't make it unethical. Back when populations were low, you had to either hunt and gather or farm or both, or you'd starve. People have had to work or starve throughout history.
Didn't you propose a system where people have a right to food and travel? How is that going to work without slavery? If you don't force farmers, pilots, hotel workers, etc. to work, why wouldn't they all be out traveling and eating for free too? Who is going to produce anything?

Wage slavery? You mean in order to consume, you need to be able to produce something?
No, I mean if everyone gets free food and travel, to keep restaurants over, you have to force the restaurant, airline, and ship workers to work, or else they will want to just go travel and eat in restaurants for free, too. Tourism workers have to be made slaves for this to work.
Yes, I proposed a system conducive to human freedom and flourishing, a system in alignment with my core values! Your language says it all; "if you don't force farmers, pilots, hotel workers, etc. to work, why wouldn't they all be out traveling and eating for free too?" If you have to force anyone to work then they are slaves, are they not? We are all slaves! That's the true nature of this shitty system we live in.
How is your free food and travel thing going to work if you don't force the farmers, ranchers, and tourism people to work? Everyone just goes on vacation, but no one flies the planes, pilots the ships, grows the food, or works in the restaurants.
We live in an age of absolute abundance and technology so advanced that robots can do most of the menial bullshit you mentioned. Instead of farmers build hydroponic food towers, instead of pilots have A.I operated planes and public transport and hotel workers can be replaced with robots, as can restaurant workers.
We are not quite there yet, just on the edge of this being possible. There are probably some minerals you get from the ground that wouldn't be there if everything were hydroponic. But still, people or corporations owned by people, own the robots and the AI. Why should they donate their labor so you can freeload?

Lounging around all the time with no purpose is probably pretty bad for mental health.
I think there's a big difference between working to survive and working to earn a wage. People tending their own farm do what they have to do to survive. Same is said for people who live in tribal communities out in nature. They do what they have to do to survive.

The difference is that people working shitty jobs with bum paychecks for some corporation are working excess hours and barely surviving at all. Working jobs as debt slaves just takes time away from everything you enjoy about life and destroys your relationships with others. Depression and mental illness are rarely heard of in tribal communities and people never get bored or lazy when it comes to things they are passionate about..
Go find another job if you don't like yours. As far as standard of living goes, modern factory or retail workers probably have a higher standard of living than primitive hunter gatherers do. If you want community, there are life choices that can lead in that direction as well.
I really despise this society! I hate this joke of a system we have and I don't at all blame people who kill themselves because they are sick of it. Freedom is this society is an illusion and so is democracy. Capitalism once had a place as it drove innovation and worked well before the 21st century which is an age of A.I and automation. Now all we have is socialism for the rich with everything being owned by small groups of people and everyone else scraping by with barely anything to show for it. Capitalism is obsolete! We need a new system which is conducive to human happiness and freedom, where most menial jobs are automated by machines and more people can focus on vocational skills.
They could bust up some monopolies and near monopolies, like Microsoft and Facebook and that sort of thing for the sake of competition. Also, copyright protection for software, etc. is government intervention into the free market. Is that set up for the public good? How about if software only has a 10 year copyright on it?
Bills are just a form of protection money as well. If you don't pay what you owe the companies send bailiffs around to repossess your things!
So what. It's if you didn't PAY WHAT YOU OWE like you said.
Why wouldn't such a system work? Because some people such as yourself are stuck in your dogmatic ways and refuse to accept change that betters and benefits the whole of humanity instead of a corrupt few assholes like Jewish bankers, corrupt governments and greedy corporations? We don't need any of these things! Society and humanity would benefit better if we just shared what we have and automated all the shit.
It doesn't sound like you have reasoned out how all the nuts and bolts of the system will work. There aren't enough robots to do all the farming and work in restaurants. So do you want a revolution where the workers steal the robots, after capitalism builds them? Eventually, the robots will break down, or take over Terminator style, in this scenario, and there would be other problems.
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Re: Why I admire Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein and other Dark Capitalist heros

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
April 25th, 2024, 5:18 pm
You can agree to take the job or not. When they offer the job, you can say 'no'. Or you can say, "I'll take it" and accept their wages.
Yes, you can agree to take a job or not. But in a world of job scarcity and where people are obligated to pay rent to greedy landlords or mortgage payments to the banks what choice do people really have? Sacrifice the majority of my free time to this corporation which is paying me the bare minimum that I need to survive? Or dig my heels in and refuse the job because it doesn't pay as much as I need to live rather than just exist. There is no choice, not really.
Of what their labor has earned? You sound like that radical Karl Marx who messed up much of the world for the 21st century and led to multiplied millions dying from starvation. If you own the factory and the workers agree to work for a certain wage, why do they own the output if you invested the money and you paid them for their labor? That doesn't make any sense.

Labor unions and other efforts took care of some of the issues that Marx was complaining about without the damage, especially when they were regulated by the government.
Of course a cave dwelling luddite who worships a dusty old book wouldn't understand my position. Workers don't agree on wages unless they are self employed. In the case of a factory if a factory is making millions in profit and the workers are being paid minimum wage, do you think that is acceptable? The choice is accept the pittance they throw at you for hours and hours of labour or f**k off on welfare and starve to death. What kind of f***ing choice is that?

And of course, trust the corporate little shill to pull up the false dichotomy of anti capitalist equals Marxist or communist. What I actually advocate for is automation of labour to free people from unnecessary toil or at the very least a fair distribution of profits so that people who work can actually enjoy life instead of living a soul destroying hand to mouth existence week in week out.

Of course, someone such as yourself who claims moral superiority due to allegiances sworn on some outdated ideology doesn't give a f**k about most people and how a life of soulless drudgery can cause mental illness and lead to suicide. What we should have is an economic system which serves people, and not an economic system in which people serve.
Lack of choices doesn't make it unethical. Back when populations were low, you had to either hunt and gather or farm or both, or you'd starve. People have had to work or starve throughout history.
Lack of choices does make it unethical! That's the exact reason why slavery is unethical :lol: and what is the modern workforce if not droves of unwilling debt slaves who are forced to work for corporations to keep a very small percentage of people living lives of privilege...

Hunting and living self sufficiently isn't the same as living as a slave or debt slave to a corporation. Thousands of indigenous people lived this way across America and other countries until they were forced to pay rent on their own land and work for others. And look what happened! Most of them were driven to drugs or alcoholism.
No, I mean if everyone gets free food and travel, to keep restaurants over, you have to force the restaurant, airline, and ship workers to work, or else they will want to just go travel and eat in restaurants for free, too. Tourism workers have to be made slaves for this to work.
Everyone should be free, or the workload should be equally spread out and significantly reduced. At the very least people should see worthwhile returns on the amount of time they are forced to sell in labour.
How is your free food and travel thing going to work if you don't force the farmers, ranchers, and tourism people to work? Everyone just goes on vacation, but no one flies the planes, pilots the ships, grows the food, or works in the restaurants.
Dude, you're getting left behind. Planes have a feature called auto pilot. We are entering the age of AI and automation. Why have some grease ball who's been scratching his sweaty balls all day make your food at a restaurant when you can have a super hygienic machine do it for you. Lol
We are not quite there yet, just on the edge of this being possible. There are probably some minerals you get from the ground that wouldn't be there if everything were hydroponic. But still, people or corporations owned by people, own the robots and the AI. Why should they donate their labor so you can freeload?

Lounging around all the time with no purpose is probably pretty bad for mental health.
This is absolutely the mindset of a brainwashed corporate shill. Let's look at it from another perspective, why should these assholes own everything to begin with? Resources given to us by the earth and some guy in a suit claims he owns it all. Ridiculous mindset of infantile children who are incapable of sharing.

I disagree. Only a boring asshole would lounge around all day with no purpose. Just because you have no desire for self development or creative pursuits doesn't mean the rest of us see no purpose in life beyond being a cog in some corporate machine. I'd argue that's what truly holds no purpose. What an absolute waste of life that robs you of authentic relationships and experiences. It's insane that people such as yourself hold this view :roll:
Go find another job if you don't like yours. As far as standard of living goes, modern factory or retail workers probably have a higher standard of living than primitive hunter gatherers do. If you want community, there are life choices that can lead in that direction as well.
That depends on your perspective. I'd rather live self sufficiently among others who I respect and admire and who show me the same curtesy. I'd rather be free.
So what. It's if you didn't PAY WHAT YOU OWE like you said.
So you're a hypocrite. You said it was immoral when gangsters use force and intimidation to get what they're owed, but you're perfectly fine with corporations doing it. :mrgreen:
It doesn't sound like you have reasoned out how all the nuts and bolts of the system will work. There aren't enough robots to do all the farming and work in restaurants. So do you want a revolution where the workers steal the robots, after capitalism builds them? Eventually, the robots will break down, or take over Terminator style, in this scenario, and there would be other problems.
The Terminator scenario is stupid and doesn't have any evidence to support that theoretical outcome.

What's happening is the more time goes on the more technology advances. The genie is out of the bottle mate and soon enough it's not going to make any sense at all to.have a human workforce.
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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