The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by ladislav »

This was the comment I posted under a video that stated that we do not achieve things because of our limiting beliefs. And that we cannot sell a product or find that true love only because of the limitations we put on ourselves. The "limiting beliefs" theme permeates many of these LOA videos.

"You are confusing cause with effect.

You are saying I cannot sell something because I have limiting beliefs. I say I cannot sell something because of a limited market demand for the product I am selling, insufficient action to sell it and the product not being attractive enough. And I come to that conclusion '' after'' testing the market.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that a person who is negative and does not even try will fail. But that is only 50% of the equation. The other 50% is the market forces outside that person.

There is such a thing as the market.

One does not say 'nobody is buying' and then nobody buys as a result. One tries to sell in earnest, but if the market sucks, or the product is not popular, no one will buy. Or very, very few people will buy. And it is then that you come to the conclusion that nobody or almost nobody buys it. Because the market does not need the product.

So, you need to tweak the product or expand the market. And keep trying until the law of probabilities works, the numbers games works and you win in the end.

Whether you are positive or negative, market forces stay constant and they do not depend on your subjective views, your positivity or negativity.

What inner negativity prevents you from doing is taking action.

If you take action, improve the product, change the price, etc, then you will start selling. Or you may offer it in another country. Once you start taking action, again, it does not matter if you feel good or bad, have a smile on your face or a sad expression, these market forces remain unaffected by your emotions. They only respond to actions.

As far as love market, the same principle applies. If you are a 70 years old man, have no money, are bald and 5'2" and you want to date a 22 year old model, then you are again subject to market forces. She will laugh at you no matter whether you are positive or negative.

So, no. I disagree. Outside factors matter a lot".

I always refute people who state that and I almost never get comments. I also once wrote to an author of a book that stated that poverty was caused by limiting beliefs in the mind. I gave examples of droughts in Sudan and of living in Communist countries, etc. Or how Oman was a gas rich country and the people had everything there, and next door, there was Yemen with no gas and a big population and a lot of people were poor. He got angry and asked me to never write to him again.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Check this out. lol. Apparently the law of attraction believers have a new term: Quantum Jumping. They claim that with this technique you can jump to the alternate universe where whatever you want has come true. lol. Dang. They forget that there is no evidence that parallel universes even exist. And mathematical equations do not prove that they do. Even Tesla said that. Why is everyone so gullible? How come none of these spiritual/metaphysical videos have any common sense? Can't one be spiritual without believing in BS and that we are all powerful and can manifest anything, especially since it isn't even true? lol. Here are some videos about how to Quantum Jump if you're interested. lol. Let me know if any of this works for you.

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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Cornfed »

How about the people who believe in this give me all their money and them manifest they have it back again. Everyone will be a winner.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Those are good logical points @ladislav about market forces. Why do businesses even care about market forces if you can manifest whatever you want with your mind only? lol. Everyone should copy and paste your post and paste it under every law of attraction video. lol

Whoa check this out. This hippie looking dude says you can instantly shift your reality in 3 min with a 94 percent success rate! lol

This is such an insult to the intelligence. If thoughts create reality then why did the Titanic sink even though everyone believed it was unsinkable? lol. Did the Titanic never sink in a parallel universe? If so then the passengers never died right? They just shifted into a parallel reality where they survived right? See how ridiculous this is? lol. Also how come Amelia Earhart vanished when she fully believed she would make the last leg of her flight? See how basic logic easily debunks this? Why is everyone so self delusional and low IQ who watches these new age videos?
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

You gotta wonder, what percentage of Americans actually believe this kind of crap? Hopefully not the majority. I would imagine that only one third or one fourth of Americans believe in this kind of crap. It's so self-delusional. It gives spirituality a bad name too, in the sense that you get the impression that in order to be spiritual, you have to believe in this crap that you are in full control of everything and that there are no limits except those that are self-imposed as if you are a god and can do anything, etc. It's an insult to mix that crap in with spirituality. Geez. Why do they do that? I heard the communist elite might do this deliberately to corrupt spirituality and make it look ridiculous, because they prefer everyone to be atheistic and worship the state and the elite as gods. That's why they have been anti religion for a long time.

Don't you guys hate it when you tell the truth and new age people tell you that you are negative or too self-limiting? As if the world were your playground and you are god and you are denying it? lol. It's so strange and delusional and off putting. lol

Do any of you have new age friends that believe in this crap? If so, why doesn't it work for them? The fact that it doesn't work should tell them something so why do they keep believing it?
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Chandler »

winston most american r superstitious and believe in just world fallacy which is why they believe in shit like law attraction, quantum jump, karma, and that if their life good they deserve it but if someone life bad they deserve it. truth us universe is random there no deep meaning 2 any of this. most people crazy, illogical, etc. u different because u on hunt 4 the truth all the time they don't care about truth.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Hi Everyone,

Despite my skepticism toward the law of attraction, there is one law of attraction new age lady that is an exception that I would recommend. She was very down to earth, genuine, and universally liked/loved. Her name was Shakti Gawain, author of the best selling book "Creative Visualization". There is something about her that's very natural and genuine. You just can't help but like her when you listen to her. Everyone says her visualization techniques and teachings are simple, easy to understand, down to earth, and effective, without any hype or bull. I read her book in the 1990s and found it to be simple and practical. So if you want a real authentic new age type lady to check out, she is it. I was thinking about her today while thinking about creative visualization so I searched for her on YouTube and found these videos below.

First here is an excerpt of her interview on Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove.

Her live workshop in NYC in 2016. Audio only.

Her full audiobook "Creative Visualization" online, read by a man.

Her full audiobook "Creative Visualization" online, read by herself.

Her book on Amazon: ... 608684644/

Anyway, if any of you are interested in creative visualization and applying it to your life, check her out. Let me know if this helps or works. Many say her stuff is very life changing, as you can see in her book reviews above on Amazon and on YouTube.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Flat-Antelope7927 »

It's a scam. Only hard work gets you anywhere, not wishing for things.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Check out this rundown of the history of the Law of Attraction and Manifesting movement on the Religion for Breakfast channel. It's a big part of the women's spirituality movement and goes back to the 1800s with the New Thought movement. The Manifesting craze peaked in 2020 during the Pandemic when people stuck at home began trying to manifest their wishes. It seems to be a women's spirituality thing which is no surprised because women have always sought the occult and witchcraft to compensate for being the weaker sex (both physically and intellectually) so they can have a leg up on others.

However, now it's combined with women's entrepreneurship too, so it's a combination of spirituality and money making. lol. So I guess women are using Manifesting to compensate for their lack of entrepreneur skills, drive, and creativity. lol.

Does Manifesting even work? If not, why is it so popular? I guess there must be some truth to it, otherwise it wouldn't attract anyone, but the truth is probably exaggerated. It definitely feeds the narcissistic entitled American ego, that's for sure. And it sort of tells people they are gods too.

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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Flat-Antelope7927 wrote:
August 20th, 2023, 4:45 pm
It's a scam. Only hard work gets you anywhere, not wishing for things.
That's a straw man. The Law of Attraction isn't about wishing for anything. You obviously didn't research it or the occult. It's about visualizing and trying to believe 100 percent that you ALREADY have what you desire, as if you've already achieved it, and then showing gratitude for it, so that the universe will resonate with that and then give you what you desire, because you sort of "know" that you already have it.

If you study the occult, this technique does have some basis in truth, but it's exaggerated because very few people have this kind of power. You'd have to raise and develop your consciousness and psychic skills and higher chakras before you can even begin manifesting a few small stuff, let alone big stuff. Also if something isn't meant to be and you push it, it will upset the order and harmony of the universe and cause an opposing force to counteract your will and set things back the way they are meant to be. Especially if you are trying to get something you didn't earn or deserve.

I hope that shows you the bigger picture. You seem to make a little bit of a straw man argument.

Also, new agers have a lot of things backwards. For example, one is confident as a RESULT of their success or good fortune, but the confidence doesn't create it. But new agers tend to assume that the confidence that results from success is what created it, when nothing could be further from the truth. Same with women. If women like you and treat you like a hot guy and you get confidence FROM that as a RESULT, the new agers will assume that your confidence is what drew the women to you, but in reality the confidence came as a RESULT of women liking you for whatever intangible reason. That's one of the key flaws of new agers that no one dares to tell them about.

To give an even simple example: The reason you will burn your finger if you touch a hot stove is not because you believe you will, as new age logic goes. It's because the reality of your finger being burned CREATES the belief that you will. In other words, REALITY creates your belief, but your belief does NOT create the reality. At least in this case. To think the opposite is an example of the new age fallacy of seeing things backwards.

So when new agers commonly say: "If you think that things keep going wrong, then they will" they often have that backwards too. Because if you think things keep going wrong, then they ACTUALLY ARE going wrong. You can't cause things to go your way by simply believing that they will. That's obvious so I don't get why they assume that. Basically, your thoughts come as a RESULT of the reality, but do NOT create the reality. This is easy to prove because like I said before, even if you believe everything is going well and are very positive about it, it doesn't make it so. For instance, everyone believed the Titanic was unsinkable, but that didn't make it true. And Amelia Earhart believed she would make the last leg of her journey too, but she didn't as we all know. And Elizabeth Holmes believed in Theranos 110 percent and followed every new age cliche out there, as any video about her shows, but she still failed and is guilty of fraud. Etc. New agers never explain this. It's a huge thorn in their side.

These things are obvious, but for some reason new agers are blind to them and refuse to consider them. It's like everyone is an NPC today and just parrots flawed things that make no sense without thought and never question anything.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Check out this famous Law of Attraction teacher named Neville Goddard explaining how you can MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU WANT! LOL. Do you guys think this works? Who actually believes this stuff? Doesn't it contradict basic logic? Do people actually believe this? Unbelievable. lol. It's funny how his last name contains the word "God" in it since this teaching says we are all powerful gods. lol. So basically if I don't believe that I am god and all powerful and can do anything, then I have "self-limiting and defeatist" beliefs? lol. LMAO!

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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

@MarcosZeitola and @publicduende

Is this true that money is a flow of energy and that you can use the law of attraction to make money flow to you in abundance? lol. See below. Who actually believes this? Are people on YouTube that gullible? Is there any truth to this at all? Why does every video like this always say the same thing yet act like it's something amazing? lol

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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
December 27th, 2023, 5:38 am
@MarcosZeitola and @publicduende

Is this true that money is a flow of energy and that you can use the law of attraction to make money flow to you in abundance? lol. See below. Who actually believes this? Are people on YouTube that gullible? Is there any truth to this at all? Why does every video like this always say the same thing yet act like it's something amazing? lol
If it was so easy, @Winston absolutely everyone would get what they wanted. No man would be with a girl less good looking than a swimwear model and no woman would be married with a man less successful than a neurosurgeon with the looks of a young Matthew McConaughey. We would only see Ferraris, Lambos and McLarens on the road. Everybody would have a 3-floor mansion or a 500 sqm condo in the city center.

Of course we're not mentioning those would be using "the law of attraction" to pursue evil intents. Every man who is hated by even a single man would be removed by existence, courtesy of "the Universe". It's not like that at all.

I don't believe in "the law of attraction" and I have no trouble mocking profusely both the theory and those who confide in it.

What I do believe in, though, is the power or prayer. A man or woman who is skilled in meditation and prayer is capable to channel their energy to a single purpose, often with tangible changes. This could be explain that tiny minority of legit "healers", or just as much those legit "witches" who can provoke good or evil, just with by the power of their prayer.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

publicduende wrote:
December 27th, 2023, 6:09 am
Winston wrote:
December 27th, 2023, 5:38 am
@MarcosZeitola and @publicduende

Is this true that money is a flow of energy and that you can use the law of attraction to make money flow to you in abundance? lol. See below. Who actually believes this? Are people on YouTube that gullible? Is there any truth to this at all? Why does every video like this always say the same thing yet act like it's something amazing? lol
If it was so easy, @Winston absolutely everyone would get what they wanted. No man would be with a girl less good looking than a swimwear model and no woman would be married with a man less successful than a neurosurgeon with the looks of a young Matthew McConaughey. We would only see Ferraris, Lambos and McLarens on the road. Everybody would have a 3-floor mansion or a 500 sqm condo in the city center.

Of course we're not mentioning those would be using "the law of attraction" to pursue evil intents. Every man who is hated by even a single man would be removed by existence, courtesy of "the Universe". It's not like that at all.

I don't believe in "the law of attraction" and I have no trouble mocking profusely both the theory and those who confide in it.

What I do believe in, though, is the power or prayer. A man or woman who is skilled in meditation and prayer is capable to channel their energy to a single purpose, often with tangible changes. This could be explain that tiny minority of legit "healers", or just as much those legit "witches" who can provoke good or evil, just with by the power of their prayer.
Well we can't always have what we want. If everyone has the laws of attraction then this world would be chaos.
I agree with you.
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Re: The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »


Look at this ridiculous video about the law of assumption simplified. lol. It says in very simple words that you are all powerful and can create anything you want just by believing you already have it. And if you think otherwise then you have a "victim mentality or limiting beliefs". lol. Who actually believes this? Wouldn't even a child see through such BS? lol

Comments I posted below the video:

1 day ago
These are obvious lies. Even a child knows they aren't true. There should be a law against such blatant lies. We are not all powerful gods. Come on. We are not like Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Geez. Who actually believes this? Anyone can easily debunk it.

1 day ago (edited)
This is not true. Confidence is a RESULT of success, it does NOT create it. You got things backwards. This is useless New Age cliche that gives you false hope. Thumbs down. Confidence has to have a basis in something real. You can't just make it come out of nowhere based on nothing. That doesn't work. Also you can't fool yourself into believing something that's not true if you know that it's not true, hence the law of assumption can never work even if it's true, which it is not.

2 days ago
Get you manifest more than just women and money ? Seems very shallow.

1 second ago
It's not just shallow, but it doesn't work either. If we could manifest whatever we want, this world would be a paradise and everyone would abuse such powers for selfish motives. Basic logic. There's a reason why the universe doesn't allow us to have super powers like that, because most would abuse it. We may be able to manifest whatever we want in the 5th dimension though, but definitely not in the 3rd dimension. Whoever makes these videos has no common sense and/or is dishonest too.
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