
Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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Post by ladislav »

Knowing the Russians, they are very good at faking evidence and creating fake historical documents such as the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. Russian anti-semites routinely do that.
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Post by odbo »

Last edited by odbo on March 31st, 2020, 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ladislav »

My grandmother lived in those times. The Russian government was churning out one slander after another. It is a tradition there, you know. And then pogroms would happen. And these were not against the bankers or the " elders of Zion". They would attack cobblers, tailors, milkmen, watch repairmen and their housewives and their kids. Were all of them deceivers? They would attack the totally innocent for "killing Jesus" and "killing Christian kids" to use blood to make matzot. A blacksmith for example. Hang people upside down from ceilings with their dead kids lying on the floor for them to look at.

People like these:




Do these look like rich bankers who suck people's blood? Do they look like deceivers or elders of Zion?



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Post by Adama »

We already have this false genocide shoved down our throats. We dont need more of it here.
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Post by ladislav »

I am talking about programs in the Russian empire, not the Holocaust. You can google those and then google them with the words : Pogroms Russian Empire Hoax/false. No deniers about those. These are well documented in Russia. Hollywood does not make many movies about them, either.
Anyway, my grandmother saw them with her own eyes. It was nasty.

Eastern Europe has had an ethnic cleansing problem for ages, just like Africa has had the tribalism problem. That is not false at all.
And why does it surprise you? The same thing happens in the US on a much smaller scale, though. After 9/11, a Sikh running a convenience store was shot in Arizona and Arab Americans started getting harassed and even attacked. Some even got beaten and daily insults were routine. Just because they looked Arab and/or Muslim These were not terrorists, they were totally innocent people, US citizens. A gas station owner, for example. What did he do? But to a thug, he is Osama Bin Ladin.

To a drunk Russian peasant, a poor Jewish cobbler ( and his family) or rag man or milkman is a Christ-killing banker and bloodsucking deceiver even if the person is totally innocent and honest. Group responsibility - same as in Rwanda. All Tutsis are bad, all must be hacked to death. Kids, women, etc, because "they" ALL helped Belgians.

Racial/ethnic/religious bigotry in countries where there are weak laws will cause genocides.

In the US, though, cops would still punish the haters, in Russia, cops would join in. Less educated, you see.

This is a thread about hatred of Jews and I am posting here and replying to other people.

Ethnic riots in Europe and tribal killings in Africa are very common.
And these people are not Jews. These are Muslims in Bosnia.



Same shit, different victims. Are you gonna tell me that this massacre did not happen, either?

Genocide of enormous groups because of what some few allegedly did is a common occurence in the history of mankind.
Last edited by ladislav on July 5th, 2011, 10:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by fschmidt »

Thank you ladislav. Of course the Holocaust was real too. Most of my family died in it. Some people prefer their paranoid fantasies to reality. Paranoid fantasies make a great excuse to avoid actually doing anything to try to make things better.
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Post by odbo »

ladislav wrote:I am talking about pogroms in the Russian empire, not the Holocaust. You can google those and then google them with the words : Pogroms Russian Empire Hoax/false. No deniers about those.
Anyway, my grandmother saw them with her own eyes. It was nasty.
Eastern Europe has had an ethnic cleansing problem for ages, just like Africa has had the tribalism problem. That is not false at all.
I don't know what the point of your posts were. That because some innocent Jews got killed, the Protocols of Sion are a forgery? We never know the truth about history, all we're given is Jewish approved history (i.e. these holocausts). Yes people are killed, but some events are ballooned out of proportion and used for political purposes, while others are ignored or swept under the rub completely (revision of history). I don't want to be defending the Czar, but the fact is that the amount of revolutionaries that his government had killed/imprisoned/exiled in all those decades leading up to 1917 does not even come close to the amount the Communists slaughtered in 1 year. So excuse me if I don't start seeing the Jews as victims and over-looking their guilt. How many Slavs died in the revolution, 9 million? How many over the course of Soviet rule? 60-140 million? The Jewish history books and publics schools themselves admit the Bolsheviks won the Russian Revolution because of the success of their propaganda (the posters being the best example). So to tell me the Czarist regime were experts at churning out slander... ya good luck finding some other idiot to believe that.

You're only seeing one side of the story. Russia was the "third Rome". Like it or leave it. There was not a more pious nation in history, including Germany and ancient Japan. Jews did not want to convert, and the Zionists wanted to remold the country in their liking. So you're totally over-looking the actions of the revolutionary Jews which threated the Czar's reign and caused the pogroms and antisemitism. Let's get that straight okay? The Jews did not want revolution because of bad treatment. They got bad treatment because they wanted revolution. While plenty of Jews were conservative against these extremist ideas, they did not stand up against them, because to a Jew another Jew can do no wrong even if he is a psychopath. This is why Jews as a whole, all the various "flavors" of them, are hated. Because they exonerate the morally indefensible.

The Zionists eventually won the hearts and minds of conservative Jews thanks to hoaxes like the Holocaust. Now 90+% of Jews are Zionists. If one of their leaders says that Israel and the vague "Jewish cause" needs help, and spending 2 hours on internet forums everyday posting about the pogroms or info supporting that the Muslims did 9/11 or calling anyone with a brain a "conspiracy theorist" will help this Jewish cause, then 90 out of 100 Israeli-born Jews will do just that. Maybe 30 out of 100 if they've lived in another country for many generations. The rest will still unilaterally support Israel and not entertain any "conspiracy theories". Even if they realize the truth, the truth does not matter in Jewish culture. Loyalty to the gang matters. They're slimy and very stupid, tribal people. They need to be exposed. Of course that's their greatest worry and they're best asset is denying everything and falling back on the victim status. Real victims don't get felt sorry for and don't have a media monopoly pushing the idea.
Last edited by odbo on July 5th, 2011, 10:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ladislav »

odbo wrote:
ladislav wrote:I am talking about pogroms in the Russian empire, not the Holocaust. You can google those and then google them with the words : Pogroms Russian Empire Hoax/false. No deniers about those.
Anyway, my grandmother saw them with her own eyes. It was nasty.
Eastern Europe has had an ethnic cleansing problem for ages, just like Africa has had the tribalism problem. That is not false at all.
I don't know what the point of your posts were. That because some innocent Jews got killed, the Protocols of Sion are a forgery? We never know the truth about history, all we're given is Jewish approved history (i.e. these holocausts). Yes people are killed, but some events are ballooned out of proportion and used for political purposes, while others are ignored or swept under the rub completely (revision of history). I don't want to be defending the Czar, but the fact is that the amount of revolutionaries that his government had killed/imprisoned/exiled in all those decades leading up to 1917 does not even come close to the amount the Communists slaughtered in 1 year. So excuse me if I don't start seeing the Jews as victims and over-looking their guilt. How many Slavs died in the revolution, 9 million? How many over the course of Soviet rule? 60-140 million? The Jewish history books and publics schools themselves admit the Bolsheviks won the Russian Revolution because of the success of their propaganda (the posters being the best example). So to tell me the Czarist regime were experts at churning out slander... ya good luck finding some other idiot to believe that.

You're only seeing one side of the story. Russia was the "third Rome". Like it or leave it. There was not a more pious nation in history, including Germany and ancient Japan. Jews did not want to convert, and the Zionists wanted to remold the country in their liking. So you're totally over-looking the actions of the revolutionary Jews which threated the Czar's reign and caused the pogroms and antisemitism. Let's get that straight okay? The Jews did not want revolution because of bad treatment. They got bad treatment because they wanted revolution. While plenty of Jews were conservative against these extremist ideas, the Zionists eventually won out thanks to hoaxes like the Holocaust. Now 90+% of Jews are Zionists.
It was not "some" that got killed, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of simple, poor working folks, women and kids. These were not Bolsheviks, not Zionists, etc. And long before the Russian revolution took place were those killings carried out. And well, the Jews let people know about what happened to them. So? Now, let the Slavs publish books and make movies about what happened to them. They are not doing it obviously. At least not in the US. But wait a minute, the Gulag Archipelago was published. Many books about the Ukrainian famine have been published. And in those Slavic countries they have tens of thousands of books which are in Russian mostly and all people know about it. There, that is. Now, they do publish very little in English though.

Let me give you an analogy. Say, in China, some Chinese Communist bankers do some funny things with US debt and treasury bonds. As a result, crowds in the US attack Chinese restaurants and shopkeepers in Chinatown in NY, screaming- "all Chinese are greedy Commies" and then start indiscriminate killings of anyone who even remotely looks Chinese. The SF Chinatown is plundered, Chinese American kids going to school get attacked by mobs and killed.

Wait a minute! Something like this did happen


San Francisco in the 19th century! Down with the Chinese!



The crime of this man is being Chinese ethnically ( born and raised in Indonesia)

I am talking about the fact that large killings of totally innocent people whose only fault is that they belong to a group and thus carry group responsibility is not good. It is a horrendous crime. This is my point. Stalin was a Georgian. So now what? Attack the country of Georgia and go around cities and villages killing everybody?

Look, I come from the Old World and I know. I have met Jews there. Very few if any wanted to mold the gov't to their liking. They just wanted to carry on with their lives. But you should see the ukas by the Tzar. Total group generalizations, and even during the Beilis trials, the Russians themselves admitted that it was all fabricated. You are in the US now, I presume. You did not live in those countries, did not read the documents in the local languages, so how would you know all the details?
Last edited by ladislav on July 5th, 2011, 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by odbo »

Last edited by odbo on March 31st, 2020, 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ladislav »

Ya I already edited my post to explain why regular Jews share the guilt even if they weren't murderers. Evil Jews hide behind normal Jews. But if you go after the evil Jews, the rest of the Jews will get out the antisemitism defense.
The poor working folks get murdered along with their kids. That is no good. Do you like for that to happen to you?
Which is especially problematic now since Jews own all the media outlets.
In America. And not all. Not Rupert Murdoch for one.
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Post by odbo »

Last edited by odbo on March 31st, 2020, 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ladislav »

odbo wrote:Rupert Murdoch is the biggest Jew. I don't know why people think he's not a Jew. I am an expert at recognizing "my own" and my Jew-detector beeps like crazy when I see his ugly mug.
Born Keith Rupert Murdoch
11 March 1931 (age 80)
Melbourne, Australia
Nationality Australia (by birth)
United States (naturalized 1985)
Citizenship United States
Occupation Chairman and CEO of
News Corporation
Net worth increaseUS$7.6 billion (2011)[1]
Religion Roman Catholic[2]
Spouse Patricia Booker (m. 1956–1967)

Now we are going into the realm of semi-unprovable. Like Jesus was black, Abraham Lincoln was Jewish, Obama was born in Kenya, etc.

Russia was a pious nation? Did you LIVE there? It was a very imperialistic, corrupt and authoritarian dictatorship. My ancestors lived in that empire.

What I am saying is that it is not good to kill cobblers or tailors who did not personally do anything. Or attack and kill Westerners in the Arab world. Or kill all member of a group including kids. People should be judged for their individual merits and demerits not in the tribal, group ways. That is barbaric.
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Post by odbo »

Last edited by odbo on March 31st, 2020, 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ladislav »

And so, now what is your point? That is it is to go down the street, attack Jewish cobblers, kill kids at Jewish schools, etc?

There were no Zionists in those times yet. And they were not taking over an "enclave" of Europe. Russia occupies half of Europe, anyway, hardly an enclave. Russia took over Poland and there were many Jews living there. They were not taking over Russia, Russia took them over. And most were dirt poor selling trinkets on the streets and other such things. And Zionism was the result of the pogroms, not the cause.

Yeah, I am going to go and tell the chosen people. Let me get a bull horn. Just now, a Filipino bank spit out my debit card but it shows that there is a debit but there was no money given out. Gotta go to the bank and sort it out. Must be those Jewish bankers again. The Spanish Marrano descendants, I guess. Is it time for a pogrom?
Last edited by ladislav on July 6th, 2011, 12:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ladislav »

Ah, these look so rich and powerful ... 9E4D486242
Last edited by ladislav on July 5th, 2011, 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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