America was set up as a Republic, not a Democracy

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America was set up as a Republic, not a Democracy

Post by Winston »

Did you know America was never set up as a democracy but set up to PROTECT you FROM a democracy?

That's right. The founding fathers never intended America to be a democracy and in fact didn't even believe in one. Most Americans would be shocked to learn this. Anyone who casually researches the American form of government and its founding in the late 18th Century will see that technically, America was not set up as a democracy but as a Constitutional Republic. Here are some great videos that explain the difference:

The first video above contains quotes from the founding fathers expressing their thoughts about democracy, which you will see was anything but positive.

In fact, there is no mention of the word "democracy" in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Even the Pledge of Allegiance cited by school children mentions that America is a Republic:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In fact, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed to PROTECT you FROM a democracy! (Most Americans would flip if they heard that) For example, in a true democracy, or a "rule by majority", if most people in your town voted to seize your property and hang you, your assets would be confiscated and you'd be hanged. Simple as that. But in a Republic with a Constitution of rights, your rights and property are protected by law. If you are accused of anything, you have the right to a fair trial. That's how a Republic works. And that's how is PROTECTS you from a true democracy.

The founding fathers were intellectual elites who knew their history. They knew that a democracy was unsustainable - a form of lawless mob rule.

Critics of democracy use this revealing analogy: "Democracy is like three wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner." In other words, if 51 percent of the population voted to harm or seize the property of the other 49 percent, who's going to protect the 49 percent? This reveals the inherent flaw in democracy, which America does not dare bring light to.

The ancient Greeks tried having a true democracy, but it failed and led to chaos. Even the greatest Greek philosopher, Socrates, did not believe in a true democracy. He advocated that the wisest and most virtuous rule society, not the common populace. In Plato's great work "The Republic", Socrates likened a "democracy" to the crew of a ship committing mutiny against their captain and taking the helm. In such a scenario, the ship, run by "the mob", would never be run efficiently nor get to its proper destination, as the mutineers would constantly bicker, quarrel and change their minds. There would be no order. The ship would be blown around by the wind, so to speak.

So why doesn't a true democracy work, you might ask? Well you see, most people are followers, not leaders or thinkers. They are emotional, not logical or rational. Being gullible, they are changeable on a whim, quick to jump to conclusions, and not wise. A true democracy is like having a mob take control (as in Socrates' example above) without laws or protection. It is neither efficient, stable nor sustainable.

Though on paper, America began as a Constitutional Republic, it gradually evolved into a form of oligarchy (rule by the elite), plutocracy (rule by the rich) and corporatocracy (rule by corporations). These terms are more accurate to describe America's governance than the term "democracy". Any unbrainwashed observer can see why. Yet the elite continue to perpetuate the democracy propaganda to instill patriot religious pride and fervor in its citizens, to get their compliance and obedience (ironically). They see it as a "necessary illusion" as Noam Chomsky, the renowned intellectual and American critic, would say.

This eloquent clip from the 1976 film "Network" hits the nail on the head about why America is a corporatocracy, and why ideologies no longer exist, only corporations do.

Nevertheless, there are some who argue that America is a "representative democracy" or a "Constitutional democracy". And in fact the school system uses such terms too. But this is just a play on semantics and grasping at straws in an attempt to try to insert the word "democracy" into the equation to try to validate the cherished belief that America is a democracy. But either way you look at it, America cannot be a democracy because in a democracy, the majority rules, and in America the majority certainly does not rule in any way, for so many reasons (we can't even cover them all here). Rather, the majority in America are masses of sheeple the elite control and manipulate in the interest of the economy and their agenda.
Last edited by Winston on March 20th, 2014, 6:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by momopi »

Other interesting facts:

The first President of America was John Hanson, not George Washington. G. Washington was actually the 9th President.


The only way that I'd support a direct democracy is if people are required to take a simple test before voting on any issue. The test will prove that they actually know what they're voting on.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Correct. I remember in grade school how the teacher drove home the point that America's political system was based on the concept of democracy, but it is not a true democracy.

Actually, the political system of America could be best described as a "representative democracy" in that we elect representatives to do the governing on our behalf. Even then, the founding fathers intended for the male, landed aristocracy to be able to elect these representatives.

Ours is a republic, not a democracy.
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Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:Correct. I remember in grade school how the teacher drove home the point that America's political system was based on the concept of democracy, but it is not a true democracy.

Actually, the political system of America could be best described as a "representative democracy" in that we elect representatives to do the governing on our behalf. Even then, the founding fathers intended for the male, landed aristocracy to be able to elect these representatives.

Ours is a republic, not a democracy.
Well I think "representative democracy" is just a play on words, a grasping at straws to try to validate the "democracy" concept. The truth is, a democracy is majority rule, and our country is not run by the majority. So it can't be a democracy any way you look at it. Electing people is not a democracy really. It's too easily controlled.
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Post by momopi »

"Represenative democracy" is marketing for Republican form of Government. Realistically, there is no perfect form of government (or lack of). A government "works" by simply existing. Those that don't work are either overthrown or fall into irrevalance. The (former) Tibetan Kingdom of Mustang is one very recent example of a government that out-lived its time and ended in Oct 2008.
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Post by ALIBABA »

yea of course. democracy gives the power to the people. america has always been run by a wealthy elite. i've never seen any u.s politician worth voting for. maybe it's because they are all pre chosen by the oligarchs
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Post by Winston »

A democracy means "rule by majority". The US is clearly not ruled by the majority. If it were, then there would be no wars, no taxes, healthcare would be free or affordable, and the banking bailout of 2008 would not have happened. So technically, the US isn't a democracy. This is one of the biggest lies in America.

Also, voting does not change US government policy. The government still does what it wants, often in secret, covertly, under no public scrutiny. Democracy is one of the most absurd lies created by Western culture, and makes no logical sense.
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Post by zboy1 »

The U.S. is supposed to be a "Constitutional Republic," but nowadays it's run more like a corporate fascist state than anything else.
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Post by MrPeabody »

The democratic structure is a sophisticated form of control where the elites still rule but the people are convinced that they are making the decisions. This is the best of both worlds for effective control because people will not revolt when they believe they are in control. With a two party system, it is easy to have two parties that differ on trivial points while the major decisions have already been made by the elites. If both parties are in complete agreement on the major decisions then what does one's vote really mean? Hitler saw through this deception and thus theorized that the real will of the people could best be carried out by a Fuhrer who embodied the will of the people and served their best interests. In commenting on the United States, he said "the selfishness of a relatively small stratum rules under the mask of democracy". With the advent of mass media, the control of the elites is magnified and increased. It is hard to see how real democracy can ever be possible for a large multicultural society under sophisticated media control.
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Post by DarthXedonias »

I pretty much agree with what everyone has said so far. I've have thought a lot about this for a long time (I use to be a political science major at one time). I think there are several problems that happened with America. You not only have the problem of Elites but their "groupies" (ideologues) that follow them. These Ideologues can't think for themselves and promote whoever has a D or R in front of their name. They believe that everyone on the other side if corrupt and evil but somehow think that everyone on their side of the aisle are angles. Case in point, its funny to see Obama supporters rail against bush (which I have no problem with) but then you point out that Obama is no different (he sent extra troops to Afghanistan, sent troops to Libya, got involved in a covert war with Yemen, is trying to get involved with Syria, complained about bush spending so much money yet increased spending by 4 times as much, gave stimulus money to a failing nuclear company that "supported" his campaign) and they get angry with you. Corrupt Leadership would not exist unless their are people who support that corrupt leadership and give them power. A leader is nothing without followers.

Also, you already see the mob rule of democracy with each election. For example, Republicans come to a majority in power and basically do what they want (and claim that the democrats are getting in the way of progress) while the democrats protest the GOP abusing its new majority power against the now then majority. Funny though, when the Democrats come to a majority they do the same exact crap (GOP needs to get out of the way of progress). In the end, with each shifting of power we get more laws that either try to Control you socially(GOP) or Financially (Dems). We end up with the worst of both worlds. A ideologue does believe in freedom, too bad he only believes in your right to freedom only when you use that freedom to do what he thinks you should do. If not, then you need to be threatened by use of force (government) to do so.

Too bad we can't go back to states rights, I think it would solve most of our problems and disagreements. The red states and blue states can for the most part be left a lone from the federal government and run themselves(with the federal government taxing the states and not individuals). If I don't like the policies of one state, I can move to another that's more of my liking. For example, If i want Socialized medicine, I can move to a blue state (which there are several). Unfortunately, it would seem Ideologues are not satisfied with some people voluntarily joining them and some not but they are obsessed with controlling everyone to live they way they in vision.
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Post by OutWest »

Winston wrote:A democracy means "rule by majority". The US is clearly not ruled by the majority. If it were, then there would be no wars, no taxes, healthcare would be free or affordable, and the banking bailout of 2008 would not have happened. So technically, the US isn't a democracy. This is one of the biggest lies in America.

Also, voting does not change US government policy. The government still does what it wants, often in secret, covertly, under no public scrutiny. Democracy is one of the most absurd lies created by Western culture, and makes no logical sense.
Democracy in it's pure form may be two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner...

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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on March 26th, 2019, 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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america was founded as a republic, but somehow turned into a corporate dictatorship somewhere down the line.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by Jester »

MrPeabody wrote:The democratic structure is a sophisticated form of control where the elites still rule but the people are convinced that they are making the decisions. This is the best of both worlds for effective control because people will not revolt when they believe they are in control. With a two party system, it is easy to have two parties that differ on trivial points while the major decisions have already been made by the elites. If both parties are in complete agreement on the major decisions then what does one's vote really mean? Hitler saw through this deception and thus theorized that the real will of the people could best be carried out by a Fuhrer who embodied the will of the people and served their best interests. In commenting on the United States, he said "the selfishness of a relatively small stratum rules under the mask of democracy". With the advent of mass media, the control of the elites is magnified and increased. It is hard to see how real democracy can ever be possible for a large multicultural society under sophisticated media control.
I believe that there are no multicultural governments, and that there never have been. There is always a dominant race or clan.

Your critique of two-party finance-controlled democracy is right on.

I just want to throw out that Spengler's idea of an aristocracy to put the brakes on the mob mindset is important.

IMO you have to know the time and the people. Today Thailand is better off than the Philippines because Thailand has a functioning aristocracy and a functioning monarchy. Per capita is twice as high. Filipinos are outspoken and truthful in their newspapers, but apparently incapable of effective self-government. They need some kind of monarchy, perhaps a rotating one like Malaysia. Democracy is not right for all people at all times.

Americans are too educated and independent to accept a monarch or an aristocracy, but democratic self-government here is clearly over, unless we have a bloodbath to wipe out the parasitic media/financial/intelligence elite. So we are crying out for some kind of military coup. A military junta that will eliminate the oligarchy now in control. And when the (radioactive) dust settles, local military or militia will, over decades, become the new de facto aristocracy.

This is Spengler's cycle.
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