My Spiritual Awakening

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My Spiritual Awakening

Post by lavezzi »

I've been researching spiritual awakening since it happened to me two days ago, and I've found out that it's been happening to millions of people all over the world. The way most of us are living - totally immersed in the conditioned mind - is becoming more and more obviously false, so it's becoming easier and easier to transcend dual-consciousness instantaneously by coming to a realization of it's falsity.

In the state of pure consciousness I experienced for a short while, I could see how everything we do in this life is totally and utterly pointless. Which sounds like a negative statement, but it is only pointless because the real truth is that we have already have everything there is, each and every person, all the time, simply by being alive. Nothing we could possibly add to it is of any value. In a state of pure consciousness, you could be locked in a box for 100 years and still be utterly content, which is unimaginable to the average human who would go insane due to thinking.

If you can feel a deep sense that the way humans are currently living is not right and you feel as if you don't fit into it, an awakening can and will happen to you, it's your choice.

I discovered the concept of spirituality on this forum after someone posted something about Buddhism which got me to look into it. I automatically sensed a great deal of truth in everything I was learning. This led me to a great spiritual teacher called Mooji, and two days ago I spent a few hours watching his videos. I had conceptually understood spirituality and it's teachings for a while, but it had not yet been truly internalized within me. All of a sudden I had a thought which led to a realization and my spiritual awakening, which was:
lavezzi wrote:The moment we are born we are already whole. There is no reason to value a sense of "I" (ego), because it is not unique to us; it is simply conditioning from our environment, nothing more.
There are many different combinations of words which point to that which can induce an awakening inside you. In this "new" way of being which is really our natural state, one is still free to do or pursue anything one desires, but nothing has any "pulling power" over you whatsoever anymore as your natural state of being is so pleasant, so there is no desire to do anything.

I found Winston's recollection of when he experienced his awakening, recounted in 2009:
Then, for some quick stimulation and release, I "jerked off" again in my usual way. When I climaxed, during the flood of endorphins, I felt like my mind and consciousness transcended time, space and my physical body, as I lost sense of physical being for an instant. During that interval, some voice or thought suddenly told me, "Your pain and suffering are of the body, not spirit." Those words somehow gave me some kind of enlightenment, and I understood the full meaning of those words. With the full realization of this spiritual truth, suddenly a peace and calm came over me, like none I had ever experienced before. It was like some kind of awakening that was out of this world. Soon I was filled with this "eternal bliss" inside of me that seemed beyond time and space, free of any conditions.

The pain, anger and chaos had subsided. I was in a transcendental state of peace and bliss. I felt like a "Zen Master" (even though I had done nothing to attain such a state). For the next few hours, I went up to my room and sat in perfect inner peace and joy. While doing so, I felt this deep appreciation for everything around me, every object and material in creation, as well as every sensation from my five senses. I could sense the unity in it all. My limited mind didn't know what to make of all this, so I just enjoyed the experience and let it ride.

When my mom came home from work at 5pm, she yelled at me for the usual trivial things, the way she did everyday as a daily habit and routine. But this time, in my current transcendental state, I didn't have to yell back. I just let her words pass right through me and did not react. I felt like I had power and control over my emotions and did not have to react on instinctual mode like before. It was amazing.

An hour later, my parents' Taiwanese friends down the street came by and asked if we wanted to join them for a walk. We did, and I walked around the hilly neighborhood as a "born again" person, a different person so to speak. I thought of telling my family's friends about what had just happened to me, but I didn't know how as I had no communication skills and was not good at describing things, plus I felt it best not to anyway.

This inner state of bliss lasted for another 3 or 4 days. Each morning, since I hate mornings, my body would feel groggy and moody for a few minutes, but soon the transcendental peace I fell asleep with the night before would sink back in.

Unfortunately, it didn't last forever as I had hoped. But it did give me a glimpse of an inner state that one could attain with spiritual practice perhaps. I never had an experience like that again, but now I sometimes have brief moments of it in flashback, as though my spiritual/consciousness level were nearing attaining that as its "normal" state.

Perhaps the majority of those who read this thread will view it as nonsensical, and to those of you I just wish to inform you that there is a much better way of living than this current way and it is in fact the natural way.

Has anyone else here experienced this phenomenon? Any thoughts on the subject?

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Post by C.J. »

I see all of this as nonsense.

But I come from a different camp. That of which states that nothing is false, only facts which are accepted and not accepted by a being. Thus what people call the matrices were created, which envelope this world. They are really a realm of accepted ideas.

When people have these "spiritual awakenings", I always shake my head. Why isn't your "zen state" permanent? Where is your realization of ACTION, not inaction? Why aren't you angry? Where's your sense of purpose?

When I hear about these experiences from people, my gut always tells me it's induced by those that control them, unbeknownst to their hosts, to get them hooked on positive, but useless spiritual experiences through mind drugs, technically speaking. They teach them nothing but sloth.
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Post by lavezzi »

Transcending one's ego is the way to achieve full consciousness because not feeling contented and whole as you already are and always have been is what creates desire in people and when people have desire it opens them up to their unconscious mind which they use to try and find fulfillment. When you have no ego (no desire) and are therefore living in full consciousness, you have no connection to your unconscious mind and you can no longer be conditioned with ideas and beliefs which is the source of conflict and disharmony among people.

The only reason governments are able to have power over people is because so many of us are in this mode of constant seeking. The technology of today means that all humans on earth could very easily survive and live on the bare minimum (which is all we really need) and people would barely need to work at all. But because people are living through the scope of their egos, they continue to try and get into better jobs than one another so they can satisfy their egos by feeling superior to eachother and by meeting their illusionary material needs; this is what keeps the current system and power structure intact.

Revolution can only happen by more and more humans realizing that they are already whole as they are, then there will no longer be any desire in people which will lead to the current system and power structure collapsing and all humans living in peace and harmony with one another. The bigger people's egos become within society, the easier people will be able to transcend dual-consciousness and become enlightened, because the bigger the collective cultural egoic mindset is, the easier it is to notice, realize it for what it truly is and become awakened. A person who is happy living with desire (someone having their "needs" met) cannot transcend their ego because they would just be seeking to add to it, but when someone is attempting to do it from a point of suffering, they are trying to relieve their suffering consciously so the ego does not interfere and they are able to become awakened. So the more mental suffering there is within society as this unconscious way of being continues to grow, the more potential people will have to become enlightened. When many people have achieved this, the system can stop and we can all live in paradise on earth.
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Post by Winston »

It's not something you can grasp with the limited mind. It's something you have to experience to understand.

Just because something is outside of your understanding or box, doesn't mean it's BS. These kind of things are also beyond words.

I'm surprised you dug that experience out that I had in 1987. How did you find it?

Btw, a good book for those newly awakened ones to read is "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. It is in all major bookstores. You can get it at used bookstores too. There is also a movie about it too, which is pretty good.

I also have an ebook version of the best selling book "The Power of Now" which you will like too. Here is a copy for you to download:

Here is its sequel book "Stillness Speaks".

You can get paperback versions of both books in any bookstore, new or used.

I would also recommend you watch some of David Icke's long mega lectures. There are many of them on YouTube that I've linked to in the David Icke thread. He helps make sense out of it all from the big picture standpoint.

Last edited by Winston on July 19th, 2012, 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by onezero4u »

cool stuff i wish more people would wake up & fast....
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Post by chaste_filipina »

i have read the Power of Now and i must say that you need to ponder on those ideas and just let your thoughts flow freely - without restrictions!

Eckart Tolle have advised readers to not psychoanalyze everything that is written in the book because it does not need thinking...well, to be honest i was having a hard time digesting the timeless wisdom in that book...

maybe my mind is still immature and i need to look beyond the horizon... envision endless possibilities while i am still alive... while my spirit is still on Earth... until my physical body dies... then the cycle repeats until i have achieved spiritual enlightenment :D

i am just sad that majority of people cannot understand us - oriented to grow spiritually... people are more focused on facts, logic, and reason...
they serve us a purpose because it is an important faculty of humankind, which is the ability to think and to reason out... however, i am realizing that a few of us have not been able to grasp the wisdom of spiritual leaders in other religions...

everyone is saying that live life to the fullest... our life on Earth is finite...
but we must always remember that we have always been immortal, only in Spirit, but not in body...

i am sad that my close friends cannot understand what i'm talking about when i share about "spiritual stuff"... that means i am a deep person and most of my friends and acquaintances cannot understand that except my younger sister and my father :)
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Post by lavezzi »

chaste_filipina wrote:i have read the Power of Now and i must say that you need to ponder on those ideas and just let your thoughts flow freely - without restrictions!

Eckart Tolle have advised readers to not psychoanalyze everything that is written in the book because it does not need thinking...well, to be honest i was having a hard time digesting the timeless wisdom in that book...

maybe my mind is still immature and i need to look beyond the horizon... envision endless possibilities while i am still alive... while my spirit is still on Earth... until my physical body dies... then the cycle repeats until i have achieved spiritual enlightenment :D

i am just sad that majority of people cannot understand us - oriented to grow spiritually... people are more focused on facts, logic, and reason...
they serve us a purpose because it is an important faculty of humankind, which is the ability to think and to reason out... however, i am realizing that a few of us have not been able to grasp the wisdom of spiritual leaders in other religions...

everyone is saying that live life to the fullest... our life on Earth is finite...
but we must always remember that we have always been immortal, only in Spirit, but not in body...

i am sad that my close friends cannot understand what i'm talking about when i share about "spiritual stuff"... that means i am a deep person and most of my friends and acquaintances cannot understand that except my younger sister and my father :)
I just spent the entirety of the last day and a half reading Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now and A New Earth. Those two books are incredible, like spiritual works of art. I feel totally re-awakened.

The words he writes are attempting to paint a picture, metaphorically speaking, which when you see it will bring you into a heightened state of awareness. The concepts he portrays are not meant to be clung onto, but only to be taken as much understanding you can get from them in the moment you read them.

The key is to recognize the ego entity that exists within you as a seemingly integral part of your mind. Learn to identify it as it occurs in your thoughts and actions, and realize that it's what's limiting you from a sense of boundless freedom and true peace. Once the teachings have resinated internally for you, you'll feel an enhanced sense of "oneness" with life. This will occur without any effort being made, just due to an inherent understanding and sense of knowing.

Thank you for the recommendation here.
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Post by Winston »

I saw on your Skype account that it's your birthday today.

Happy Birthday Lavezzi! :)

Hope you have a good one. Wish we could all be there to celebrate with you. :)
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Post by Billy »

i think there is no need to talk about spirituality when it comes to dealing with the ego. yes the ego is a integral part of the brain but also big commander of many parts of the brain so it´s not possible to shut it down permanantly btw you woul be dead then as your survival instinct would fade away.

but through meditation you can create an controller which through desintegration from the ego can analyze situations better so first you can come to better conclusions so your ego is more satisfied and you have also the skill to calm your emotions so you don´t feel pain that much.

Through extended meditation it´s even possible to shut down the feel of pain completely but that´s another story.

That´s is the way where the MGTOW philosphy leads.
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