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Post by Winston »

To be fair to WTF, here are some positive testimonials posted about him on YouTube on one of his interview videos.

He aint a fraud - i have spent considerable amount of time being trained by medicine people of different cultures, Spent a lot of time with two feather- true to his word and his amazing medicine healings - just spent another month with him after 8 years - even more powerful now than then always a blessing to see him - true friend and teacher
All the best two feather - Sue
sioux111111 2 days ago

I know Two Feather more than anyone else I know, I travelled around Australia with him consistantly throughout 2004 doing healing work - I have met a few people that tend to kick him and it was rather earlier in our travelling work that I saw a definite pattern with all the kickers - none of them had been on the healing table everyone i saw, throughout hundreds of healings they all have gratitude and relief towards 2 feather and his work. I personally witnessed many many miracles he called,
sioux111111 2 days ago
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Post by Winston »

Winston wrote:To be fair to WTF, here are some positive testimonials posted about him on YouTube on one of his interview videos.

He aint a fraud - i have spent considerable amount of time being trained by medicine people of different cultures, Spent a lot of time with two feather- true to his word and his amazing medicine healings - just spent another month with him after 8 years - even more powerful now than then always a blessing to see him - true friend and teacher
All the best two feather - Sue
sioux111111 2 days ago

I know Two Feather more than anyone else I know, I travelled around Australia with him consistantly throughout 2004 doing healing work - I have met a few people that tend to kick him and it was rather earlier in our travelling work that I saw a definite pattern with all the kickers - none of them had been on the healing table everyone i saw, throughout hundreds of healings they all have gratitude and relief towards 2 feather and his work. I personally witnessed many many miracles he called,
sioux111111 2 days ago
I posted the positive testimonials above by Sue about WTF in my blog about him. Here are some interesting responses to it posted today by Jessica and an anonymous poster.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2008/09/m ... 2821590749
AnonymousSeptember 21, 2012 6:55 PM
hahahahah that makes me laugh.

Sue is not a reliable source -

Latrodectus MactansSeptember 21, 2012 7:18 PM
I just can't control myself, I have to write something in response to that comment.

Sue is a half wit - I remember her, because I met her too. One of the easily led women who are constantly priding themselves to be 'special' that they are in the company of 'such a great' spiritual man. And yes, also in bed with him. That fact was so obvious to everyone who met the two of them togethe. And I heard it from his own mouth as well.

Just accept it William
YOU HAVE TO STOP DECEIVING PEOPLE - the time has come - you cannot continue to live a life of complete lies and crime. Crime: against the daughters of the women you sleep with and any other random young girl/child that comes your way.

It's time to clean up your act and STOP. I think that it is what you have to realise, at how old are you now... late fifties, about 57 I think? Don't you think it's time that you think about your life and to become a bit introspective about everything you have done?

Why don't you just appologise? Surely you don't think that the things you did, not to me or to any other lady who was underage, were just and moralistic? Especially in my case... the story runs over in my head and it makes me sick, because you brainwashed me too. I thought you were holy at one stage! Lucky common sense kicked in!

Stop being a child and hopelessly trying to detract the attention away from yourself towards Winston. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH,we don't live in a Nazi society where social media is controlled. What type of person are you to attack that right by attacking a blog owner and not answering DIRECTLY to us, the people making claims against you?
Do you all think I should offer WTF a truce, such as getting him to apologize to all his past victims and pledging to never hurt or violate anyone again, in exchange for taking the blog down? Everyone deserves a second chance to start their life over again right? And there's that saying, "To err is human, but to forgive divine" right?
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Post by Winston »

Billy wrote:wtf ( what the f**k) guy is hilarious. momopi come on. that´s fun. this guy gives us something to learn. that is how f***ed up the universe is :)
Yeah Billy understands what I mean. WTF is a trip! I get a kick out of him, his persona and ugly past. I roll around giggling and kicking whenever I think about him. LOL. I've never known of a spiritual New Age type healer with such an ugly past. It's intriguing, so contradictory and ironic. And it shows the extreme dichotomy of how a person can be two extreme things at the same time, or appear to at least. Very fascinating!

Also, WTF looks exotic and reminds me of the Apache Chief character on SuperFriends, the guy that could turn into a giant by calling out "ineh choh". LOL. I'm talking about this guy if you remember the series.



Here is a video of him growing into a giant. lol

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Post by Teal Lantern »

Winston wrote: Do you all think I should offer WTF a truce, such as getting him to apologize to all his past victims and pledging to never hurt or violate anyone again, in exchange for taking the blog down? Everyone deserves a second chance to start their life over again right? And there's that saying, "To err is human, but to forgive divine" right?
If you want to bury the hatchet with Billy Two-Nickel, that's your call.
I have a question about the terms of your would-be agreement, though...

It will be easy enough for him to verify that you've taken down the blog posts.
How will you verify that he has apologized to ALL his past victims and how will you enforce the "never hurt or violate anyone again" part? :wink:
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Post by Winston »

Teal Lantern wrote:
Winston wrote: Do you all think I should offer WTF a truce, such as getting him to apologize to all his past victims and pledging to never hurt or violate anyone again, in exchange for taking the blog down? Everyone deserves a second chance to start their life over again right? And there's that saying, "To err is human, but to forgive divine" right?
If you want to bury the hatchet with Billy Two-Nickel, that's your call.
I have a question about the terms of your would-be agreement, though...

It will be easy enough for him to verify that you've taken down the blog posts.
How will you verify that he has apologized to ALL his past victims and how will you enforce the "never hurt or violate anyone again" part? :wink:
Easy. I can verify his apology from his direct email to me, and copy/paste it verbatim from him. As to enforcing his pledge, well I can't of course. That's between him and his conscience and karma. But everyone deserves a second chance at life, don't you think?

Of course, I could always declare something like "If I hear about you hurting anyone again AFTER your pledge, then the blog will go back up" right?
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Post by Winston »

Check out these series of clips of William Two Feather. What vibes/impressions do you get from them? Does he look sincere and genuine, or like a sociopath/con man?

Btw check out this Aztec dance at a nature center in Texas, narrated by WTF. It's so exotic!

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Post by Winston »

I asked one of his alleged victims, Jessica, if she would accept WTF's apology if he were to give it. Here are her responses.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2008/09/m ... ative.html

Latrodectus MactansSeptember 22, 2012 12:02 PM
He is not capable of controlling himself... what makes you think that after all these things, which I believe are all true because of what he did to me, that he can actually control himself? Sorry but an appology is not good enough, especially when there is no remorse. Remorse is a key factor. Regret... which he has none.

Don't you think that a man who claims to be on a spiritual mission from GOD, a holy man, would feel some sort of guilt and horrible internal pain if he had a conscious, despite still harboring his sick desires? I mean, fair enough, maybe he just has these feelings. But to lack the self control is another thing. It's just too twisted Winston. It is predatorial. And if he ever said a pledge to never hurt anyone again, it would not be honest. He could not stick by it...

I do not trust him... anything he says.

William is extremely selfish. I have many memories that can illustrate that point. The spirituality is all a cover. It is fake. It is for profit and the gain of sexual gratification.

I will post to say what happens at a workshop but at the moment I'm at work and I just neeed to get some things done and don't have time. I work night shift, incidentally.

Latrodectus MactansSeptember 22, 2012 1:47 PM
Incidentally, do you mean appologise specifically, such as 'sorry that I molested and took advantage of you as a child, Jessica'


'Sorry if I ever hurt anyone out there, you anonymous people'.

There is a very big difference in my ability to accept the appologies...

I attended a teaching night where he discussed native american 'wisdom' and forms of writing/record keeping, totem animals and general customs. He would show off a vast array of feathered equipment, pipes etc and ask people to get up and help him demonstrate. The other workshops I did not go into the room much but had lunch etc and breaks with all the participants. That is how I got to meet him in the first place. He was teaching 'drum washing': where the 'patient' lies on a massage table and he bashes a massive drum over them to 'clear' them for like an hour. During these drum 'healings' he also likes to manipulate and touch with the excuse of releasing pressure points and also does stupid things like lift your legs in the air and move you all around. He talks like a real healer. I have a problem with my coccyx and he claimed he had enough 'ability' to correct the positioning of it by manual correction. I think that is just comical looking back that he actually proposed that. And yeah, it does mean what you just THOUGHT...yeah, now you get it.

Looking back most of the knowledge was pretty common place, with a lot of dress ups of 'oh in the name of spirit, with a good way, with a good heart blah blah'... He knows his part very well to unknowing onlookers. He talked a great deal about his 'teachers' and about himself.

No, he's never filmed these workshops to my knowledge. But there was a segment on him in one well known current affairs show around the time that I met him that showed him drum washing when they were featuring a story on alternative therapies.

Latrodectus MactansSeptember 23, 2012 2:03 AM
.... the only thing that is stopping me now from pressing charges is that my mum would be implicated. As in, she was negligent. Completely. I have forgiven her... I think.

Or else I would go straight away and resurrect that police file. They were very keen to get their hands on you, William. The social worker and constable knew that I was lying when I withdrew the allegations. They told me so.They badgered me for your name, even after my lies. I guess it won't hurt to just put the name on the file.

Be grateful for one thing, William. I love my mother despite everything. She's the only one that stands in the way between you and prison.

I think that my time posting on here is drawing to a close... however, since I had the bravery to come forward, I hope that people will have the continued ability to read the things Ive written.

I hope that Winston doesn't give in and take this site down. I hope he thinks about all the young girls that he has saved, literally.

You think about karma, Winston, but you do not realise that there is a much bigger picture than what you can see. You HAVE saved many people. And I can tell from your manner of speech that you havent most likely ever had a family member like a sister who has suffered at the hands of such a man as William or anyone like him. I think that you are innocent from understanding the magnitude of what you have actually saved MANY from.

Don't underestimate my words and how true they are.
Last edited by Winston on September 28th, 2012, 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Holy cow, look what Jessica told me about her past with WTF! It's like something out of a Jerry Springer show! He was pursuing her and her mom at the same time? lol. WTF? (no pun intended)

First, I asked her:

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2008/09/m ... 1346726085
Winston Wu
September 24, 2012 12:19 AM

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for addressing my questions. Yes, if WTF apologizes, it will probably be something general like "I apologize to everyone I've ever wronged before". Obviously, he will not go into specifics. But I guess it's better than nothing.

So you really have never seen any guilt or remorse on his face ever? How long did you know him?

When I first met him, I sensed a dark energy around him. I don't know why. Why did I sense that? Did you notice that when you first met him too, or did it take you a while to sense that?

If he is a sociopath, like you say, then that might explain it. Sociopaths give off a different vibe than the rest of us, because they have no heart or empathy. They are like reptiles or machines. It's hard to explain.

When he first came onto you, how did you react? When you said no, what did he say or do?

How does he charm and seduce females? What does he say and do exactly? Does he make any false promises while doing so? Is anything he says or does deceptive or misleading?

What do you make of his claim of having won an ultimate fighting championship? What is that based on? And why does he make that farfetched claim?

Sorry for asking so many questions. I'm just curious about him and since you've opened up already, I thought I could get a better understanding of how he works.

Yes, if you are right, then your testimony and this blog may have saved other girls out there. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Thanks and best wishes to you. Be spiritual and remember that you are not your thoughts or the pain you suffer, you are infinite consciousness, a spiritual being having a human experience.



Winston Wu
September 24, 2012 1:03 AM

Btw, I saw your comments on YouTube. Wow you are really aggressive in going after him. You missed one video of him though. It's one where he is narrating an Aztec dance at a nature center.


Some of his videos are hard to find, because his name is often not in the title of the videos.

Btw, I don't understand why you say that your mother would be implicated if you filed charges. As long as you don't file charges against her, why would the courts or police do anything to her? No parent is omniscient. I'm sure they understand that.

Her replies:

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2008/09/m ... 3605974918

Latrodectus MactansSeptember 24, 2012 7:18 AM
William never drops the face of ‘the holy healer’, the spiritualist who is doing the work of spirit.
The only time I ever saw something truthful on his face was when my mother came home that day after she went to the shops to fetch him his ginger beer. I could see he was visibly scared and tense because he thought that I was going to spill the beans on what had went on. But I didn’t. I didn’t say anything and after that he seemed sure about himself. He knew that I was a weak one. I knew him for about two years seeing him on and off but after there was only indirect contact to my mother (who by the way, to this day, is one of the followers)
Thinking back, I remember distinctly that I did not like him when I first saw him. I did sense something very dark but I kept it to myself. After all, I grew up being indoctrinated in ‘New Age’ thinking. And this was a ‘Holy man’ as far as I was concerned, no doubt about it.
I was completely stupid. I shut my mouth, as mentioned, and didn’t tell my mother anything that day. She was besotted with him. When we were alone the next time I actually told him (now you can see the extent to which I was brainwashed) that I understood if he had feelings or something for me, perhaps we had known each other in a past life and had been husband and wife or something but it wasn’t appropriate in this life! He smiled and acted like my best friend after that, speaking gently, praising me, telling me that that was so true but he was fine with that.
Only he didn’t stop. Every opportunity he got he came onto me. One morning, because he was staying with us, he came into my bedroom at 6am in the morning after asking my mother if he could ‘say goodmorning’ to me. I was awake lying in bed and heard them talking. He got into bed with me in the dark and grabbed my body everywhere. I told him to get out. He didn’t budge, so I ripped at his hair and hissed for him to get out repeatedly. After that he did.
I became extremely anxious, confused, and above all terrified to tell my mother because she was in love with him. This was a guy who was meant to be a holy man, on a mission from spirit! I was in the 8th grade and I went and cried to my school counselor.. The cops got called.
In the end I broke down one morning before school and cried. Mum had found the police calling card left at our door, so I knew I had to tell her. Told mum. Her reaction was quite…unpalatable. Let’s say, not at all in my favor.
I don’t want to write the rest of the story. But believe me, it is twisted. In the time that followed he tried to convince me he loved me, was wildly in love with me. He would even go far as to say that he had a million dollar lawsuit coming in and that he was going to take care of us. Anything to try to convince me to give into him. And when your mother tells you that he is a spiritual man, he doesn’t deserve to go to jail, that he is wonderful, that she cannot believe YOU could do something like that to HIM….report him to the cops!!!?? He hadn’t done anything THAT BAD! Your world slowly starts to close around you – and you are made to tell the cops that you are a little lair, that you made up the whole story about your mother’s boyfriend because you were a jealous little b*tch. The police knew exactly what was happening. But I insisted, full of pressure and anxiety, that I had lied.
And ultimately I gave in. That’s something I’ll hate myself for… he ate away at everything, paid holidays, did everything he could until I finally didn’t resist anymore. I stopped cursing, threatening and defending myself. I just let him, not caring anymore, and didn’t say anything to anyone. Oh – and he always told my mother how much he loved her.


Latrodectus MactansSeptember 24, 2012 7:42 AM
... I was in the 8th grade. I look at those kids now and they are so so small.. :(


Latrodectus MactansSeptember 24, 2012 7:19 AM
How does he seduce women… Well – he only can target the ‘new age’ ones. He is a holy man, a shaman, a WAR CHIEF, something out of a woman’s fantasies in the movies to them. He is very nicely spoken, smiling, charming, appearing wholesome and spiritual. He is open about his ‘accomplishments’. He bragged to me that he had multiple degrees in chemistry and engineering, like chemical engineering. What a load of it. If you want to know exactly about his past, just read Valerie’s testimonials. She IS his family – I know, because he told me that himself! He said she was the only one he ever kept in contact with, he left all the rest of his family behind. He targets single mothers primarily or other low esteemed women.
Well that is my spill. Hope you like the way I vomited all of that up…


Latrodectus MactansSeptember 24, 2012 7:28 AM
And truth be told, I don't hate him the way that my posts suggest.

But its been what... nearly 9 years since all that happened. So common sense dictates that I have my own life and am preoccupied with other things. At 22, after moving to a new city, working, uni, supporting myself I consider myself to be an adequete judge of what happened back then.

Still, I feel an obligation to speak up as well as... well... a need.

I'm still in touch with my spiritual self. What happened back then I do not classify or blame on any form of New Age religion. Truth be told, I dont believe in any religion these days. But he took advantage of my beliefs. Predators take advantage of any beliefs of any people that they can... so I cannot blame the beliefs themselves. Even though I have to admit, I have shut myself off a lot from what I believe to be true, just because of the way that he managed to manipulate it all and make it horrible.

I don't mean to be bitter.
But he has to stop. And I hope that girl in Denmark will stop him, because now you all see why I can't.


Latrodectus MactansSeptember 24, 2012 7:48 AM
As for the ultimate fighting championship... Well... I'm not going to comment, Winston, but let's just say that I actually am laughing at the moment. Literally. That's a lie that he must have forgotten to tell me. Either that or he was good enough to judge that it would not agree with my sensibilities!

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Post by Winston »

Here is what my retired mental health counselor friend told me about WTF after watching a few more videos of him. It's very insightful.


Sorry for my delay in responding to you re: Mr. Two Feather. I believe we have discussed him before based on your sending me a viewing of one of his interviews and I indicated to you at that time that based on my experiences I felt he was a sociopath/psychopath who has chosen this Native American "shaman" role as a way to earn his living. I suspect based on the accounts of some of your board postings that, like most psychopaths ,he looks at people with sort of a "Terminator" mind set. This is to say that he chooses his victims carefully and with each person he encounters he does so with the intent of seeing what he can get out of them.

As you know, there are some white people, in particular, who harbor guilt over the deracinating of most Native peoples and a lot of these are white women, hence insane, lol, and a number of these women have idle time and trust funds and are seeking some sort of "higher" spiritual encounter to give their empty lives meaning. A guy like Two Feather is an expert at cultivating these women, sucking them dry of money (and vaginal juices) and then moving on to his next victim.

I am probably the only mental health professional on your board and in the past when you have posted something I have written it has sometimes been met with vilification simply based on the fact that I am a mental health professional. I actually don't mind any critiques of my profession as long as they come from well-reasoned arguments, and there are many excellent critiques of America's proliferation of mental health diagnoses and treating children misdiagnosed with things like Bipolar Disorder with potentially harmful medications. I actually studied and got a master's degree in sociology and wrote a thesis critiquing America's mental health system before I became a professional mental health counselor--so I understand that valid critiques of our mental health system can (and should) be made.

The Canadian psychologist Dr. Bob Hare has come up with a checklist and scoring system from that checklist to classify certain individuals as psychopaths--here is a link that explains his checklist and the features he looks for in his questionnaire-- http://www.minddisorders.com/Flu-Inv/Ha ... klist.html . Dr. Hare's book, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, is widely regarded as a classic text for describing the traits of psychopathic behavior and was written for the layperson as well as the professional. I should also add, to be fair and balanced like Fox News, that Dr. Hare's checklist has its share of detractors and the general labeling of people based on traits of behavior also has its share of detractors and so much of what I am saying is based on observation and opinion rather than hard scientific data, though it should be self-evident that there are some people within our society who do seem to fit many of the traits listed in Dr. Hare's checklist and other measuring criteria and who do act in antisocial ways without much remorse or concern for others.

Many mental illnesses ARE arbitrary labels contrived at the whim of psychiatrists whereas others are prevalent in most industrialized societies, such as Schizophrenia. Psychopathic behavior, I would argue, is also among these near universal "mental illnesses." Basically, these are people that have no conscience or remorse and lack empathy for other human beings except on a very superficial level. They are not really capable of showing real empathy but many, if not most, of them are intelligent and quite adept at mimicking the behaviors of others so that they can feign empathy and caring. Most consider themselves "above" other people and there are psychopaths at all levels of society. Many of them are quite good at charming women and those with some level of social restraint often become successful in professions that require good salesmanship and verbal felicity. There is some scientific evidence that this is a brain dysfunction and that their Amygdalae functioning in the brain's frontal temporal lobes, which helps to regulate one's fear response, does not react as a "normal" person's does. That is, they do not have the same level of fear response that an average person would have to a fear-inducing situation. As a group, they represent less than 1% of the American population but within prisons that figure goes up considerably and I have seen studies in prison populations where the percentage of labeled psychopaths ranged from 25% to 80%.

My initial impression of Two Feather as a psychopath was based on the interview you sent me to watch. I was a mental health counselor for over twenty years and some of that time was spent working exclusively with criminals, a great many of which were psychopaths. I am pretty adept at spotting them though even a seasoned professional like me can be fooled by them on occasion. Two Feather gave off a "vibe" to me almost from the get go as a classic psychopath. Some of your readers might scoff at such a statement but I would make the analogy of any individual with any street smarts or basic perceptive skills entering a "bad" neighborhood and realizing it is bad and they should probably get the hell out of there. A "vibe" would quickly be picked up that you have entered a part of town where you do not fit in and you are likely to be injured or victimized if you linger. You might not have a set of statistics on hand giving you the number of robberies and murders in this neighborhood but your gut reaction would be more than enough of a warning sign. This is similar to how I am able to spot Two Feather as a psychopath--because I have interviewed thousands of them and after a while their shtick is very recognizable.

In the videos you sent me, Two Feather is portraying himself as a healer and he is not even all that charming in doing so, though I am sure his particular mixture of Native American Shamanism plays well with a certain crowd, especially wealthy and unfulfilled (sic) women.

Just consider his behavior with you, as an example. As far as I know, you did not even personally attack this man. You merely presented his ideas on your forum and this elicited many negative responses from people that have been duped by him. Correct me if I am wrong in saying you did not personally impugn him in any way.

Beneath their veneer of charm and sociability, many psychopaths are quick to anger and many are prone to violence. You can see this with Two Feather, as when his credibility was attacked he did not bother with a polite defense refuting his detractors but instead threatened you personally with various litigious actions and did so in a nasty and contentious manner. Does this behavior seem like the sort of behavior one would traditionally associate with a "healer" and "Shaman?"

Based on the reports of his numerous detractors--people that have been used and bilked by him, it would appear that Two Feather is a huckster and psychopath who abuses the Native American Shaman tradition by taking advantage of many credulous people.

This, at least, is my opinion."
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Post by Winston »

Check this out. A new victim of WTF has just come out.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2008/09/m ... 3032955877

She is asking for advice on what to do. Any of you have any suggestions for her?
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Post by Winston »

Here's the latest threat from WTF. He wants $500 from me and an apology. I wonder why he wants $500.

"I asked you..
you said you would only put comments from those who identifyy them self but you dont keep your word
I will
that no longer good enough
i want all referances to me off the web site and an apology
and no i want my $500 from you

you may think i am silly but i am very serious you caused me much damage
and your gonna pay any way i can make you
tiwan or not you gotta have a visa to go some places
I wont stop till you leave me alone I swear it

I have spent $500 already on the lawyer and i will spend as much as it takes your be notified soon thats $500 out of my pocket serious
i will spend every penny i make to stop you \
i am realy pissed yes.... and i will find a way ceo or not
just remove me and pay the $500 and i will back off"
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

I've decided to take down the blog about WTF with all those nasty comments. I've explained the reasons why in my email to him below.

My letter to William Two Feather:
Hi William,
Ok I've just taken down the blog about you. My "higher self" and "spirit guide" told me that you had suffered enough, paid your karma, and deserve a new start in life. Everyone deserves a new start in life. Whether the stories about you were true or not, I think you've suffered enough from your deeds, or non-deeds.

Since we are at the beginning of a new Mayan calendar cycle and spiritual awakening of mankind after 12/21/2012, I thought I would in turn take this opportunity to help give you a fresh start as well.

If you've done any wrong to others, I hope you will take this chance to apologize to them as well, and make a fresh start. Only you know if you've done any wrong to others or not. I don't.

Anyway, I hope you renew yourself and make a fresh start in this new era of humanity. Peace to you.

Love and Light,
Last edited by Winston on November 15th, 2013, 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by steve55 »

Good call Winston. I totally suspect all the accusations are valid and you are right about him. That being said, we are not the judge, jury, and executioner. Fact is, if you had left up your posts about him, the guy would be financially ruined. In the end, its up to the courts to hand out life ruining sentences, not us. I think your posts on him showed him some humility and made him realize the tables can be turned in a flash. You showed him how Karma can be a bitch! We can only hope he does some soul searching and think about being good to others rather than victimizing his fellow human beings.
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Post by Winston »

Check out this new video by William Two Feather where he is standing in space playing the flute and talking about a spiritual war that mankind is in. It's pretty funny. lol

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Billy »

oh man this funny clown. lol. spiritual my ass more like drugs.
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