Canadian Filipinas versus Native Filipinas

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Post by bkk_bro »

ryanx wrote:After being away from the West and specifically Canada for around 4 years, and living in Asia (mainly Taiwan) I came back for some fresh air and rest and relaxation - my first visit to! this society is seriously sick. There are fat, ugly, aggressive, tattooed, loud women everywhere...some female bus drivers are particularly gross! I have no idea how they get into and out of the driver seat.

People in general look downcast and depressed, Everybody's head is buried in an iPhone, an e-Reader or an iPad. Nobody looks anybody in the eye, all your actions are viewed suspiciously. Some people look quite wound up and close to the edge.

A lot of people mumble to themselves as they walk. Some clearly crave human contact (you can see it on their faces as they look at others hoping to make some connection).

Service is efficient and fast, but there is no joy or vitality on anybody's face. Politeness and niceness is forced and contrived. Very rarely can you get past superficial scripted banter about how your day is going...this is not everybody of course. There are some enlightened souls who are aware of this oppressive atmosphere and once you make an effort they respond well and meaningfully and are glad for the warmth.

My favorite is when I give as much attitude and more to the aggressive, out of control attitudes of females who have been getting away with being obnoxious just for being female and feeling untouchable, the expression of rage and dumbfoundedness on their faces is priceless! - Thank you Tom Leykis!!

I mean, why would they act like that unless they knew they can get away with it? Of course they have a trump card up their sleeves, which is if you give them too much attitude they are gonna get hysterical and call for some authority to deal with you...not because you did anything wrong or broke any laws or attacked them in any shape or form...but the hassle of dealing with this and trying to prove that it is their shitty attitudes that is wrong in the first place that is enough of a deterrent for most men to back down and further embolden the female for the next encounter.

In Asia I am totally respectful of the general female population and feel comfortable around them. I don't hassle them in any way and very rarely do I have to mildly rebuke one in a gentle humorous I know it is not ME for sure.

The society is unwell. You look around you at all the material and technological looks right, but it feels wrong! (trademarked).

I had another thought today about the so called 'political correctness' phenomenon in the West. It is actually a very selfish mechanism to serve the person being 'correct' so they would feel good about themselves. It is never about the person at the receiving end. Why not just replace the 'correctness' with some humanity and kindness?
EXACTLY! I also spent 4 years living in Asia as well and it kicks ass on living here in Canada. Girls in Asia are simply more feminine and less butchy and guyish. Somewhere down the line it became cool for girls here to act like men. Women play hard to get and would rather go out with their friends and see how many guys they can deny, rather try and have genuine conversations and get to know someone. It's all a game. Of course it is, why else would we have so called "gurus" teaching us how to play their game and beat them at it?
How sad our society has become. Even just a simple conversation is a no no when in public lest someone might judge the situation as a date or "we're together".
I had the best time in Asia where you just be yourself and have fun with real genuine girls. I've never been so depressed in my life as when I came back here. I'm still not fully out of it and it's been 8 months.
I'd rather be single than get back into the "game". Where can I meet a genuine asian girl here?
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Post by Jester »

ladislav wrote:I conducted an experiment once. Back in 1986 I posted an add in Manila Bulletin looking for a pen pal. I got 60 letters. I posted the same add in a Filipino Californian newspaper. The answer was ZERO! As in ZERO.
One Filipina who was 39 with 3 kids and separated got 40 responses. The only reason she went out with me was because I had been to the Philippines before and knew her culture.
It just tells you about the market in N. America. It sucks!
Thanks. This is a stunning rebuke to those who tellme to just date the Filipinas/Latinas/Armenians who are "already here".
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Post by Jacaré »

I feel your pain man. Don't bother looking for a good asian girl here. Even if you were to find one, she'd be corrupted in no time. What I do is don't even bother with them, focus only in making as much $$$ as possible while spending the least amount and then getting the hell out of here for good.

Were you leaving in BKK? I LOVE that place. I spent some amazing 4 months there in 2011, some of the best time of my life and can't wait to return!
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Will N. Dowd
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Post by Will N. Dowd »

After the Taiwanese beauty queen went back there at the beginning of December, I joined the truly pathetic POF again and actually convinced a Vancouver born 32 year old Filipina to come over to my place one Saturday night. She had good pictures and we spoke on the phone for quite some time before she came. On the phone she sounded just like a white girl, which turned me off a bit, but gave her a chance. She showed up and we got a pizza and chatted for quite some time. We got along quite well, and even though she talked like a white girl, her attitudes were actually quite good and she agreed with me when I complained about the white people and why I'm leaving here to move to the Philippines. She definitely had the best personality of the the Filipina's I had met that were raised or born here. Problem was she was simply too big for my tastes. I am 6 foot 1 and 165 pounds, so tall and slim. She was 5 foot 8 and overweight. Her face was quite nice, but for my tastes she was too big and tall. I prefer petite and cute, like girls should be.

She had absolutely immense 42DDD boobs, and get this, she even had surgery to make them smaller! They used to be 42EEE. We openly talked about boobs for a while, and then she happily offered to show me hers and let me play with them for a while. She even showed me the scars where they removed fat from them 10 years ago. You didn't notice the scars unless she lifted them up because they were in the crease under where they hung down. Then she went home quite late. I think she like me more than I liked here, so she was disappointed when I only hugged her goodbye, but who knows. I think if I wanted to I might have been able to get a home run, but I was not turned on, even by her big boobs, because the rest was big too. I know some guys will sleep with almost anything just to get their notch count as high as possible. I am not like that. I would rather have a low notch count with only cute or hot girls, as opposed to a high one with below average standards. I texted her again the next day but then stopped because I went back to the ESL school to try my luck there again.

I've noticed that most Filipinas that were raised or born here are usually overweight and have huge boobs. Since standards of beauty are so low in Canada and you can get hired for any job regardless of age, weight, appearance, they don't care how they look and just pig out and get fat, which they can't really do there, due to the lack of money to buy food and the social stigma attached to it. It is rare to see a cute and slim Filipina here, and if they are, it means they are usually newbies and haven't been corrupted by the evils of western society and the anglosphere.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

Will N. Dowd wrote:After the Taiwanese beauty queen went back there at the beginning of December, I joined the truly pathetic POF again and actually convinced a Vancouver born 32 year old Filipina to come over to my place one Saturday night. She had good pictures and we spoke on the phone for quite some time before she came. On the phone she sounded just like a white girl, which turned me off a bit, but gave her a chance. She showed up and we got a pizza and chatted for quite some time. We got along quite well, and even though she talked like a white girl, her attitudes were actually quite good and she agreed with me when I complained about the white people and why I'm leaving here to move to the Philippines. She definitely had the best personality of the the Filipina's I had met that were raised or born here. Problem was she was simply too big for my tastes. I am 6 foot 1 and 165 pounds, so tall and slim. She was 5 foot 8 and overweight. Her face was quite nice, but for my tastes she was too big and tall. I prefer petite and cute, like girls should be.

She had absolutely immense 42DDD breasts, and get this, she even had surgery to make them smaller! They used to be 42EEE. We openly talked about breasts for a while, and then she happily offered to show me hers and let me play with them for a while. She even showed me the scars where they removed fat from them 10 years ago. You didn't notice the scars unless she lifted them up because they were in the crease under where they hung down. Then she went home quite late. I think she like me more than I liked here, so she was disappointed when I only hugged her goodbye, but who knows. I think if I wanted to I might have been able to get a home run, but I was not turned on, even by her big breasts, because the rest was big too. I know some guys will sleep with almost anything just to get their notch count as high as possible. I am not like that. I would rather have a low notch count with only cute or hot girls, as opposed to a high one with below average standards. I texted her again the next day but then stopped because I went back to the ESL school to try my luck there again.

I've noticed that most Filipinas that were raised or born here are usually overweight and have huge breasts. Since standards of beauty are so low in Canada and you can get hired for any job regardless of age, weight, appearance, they don't care how they look and just pig out and get fat, which they can't really do there, due to the lack of money to buy food and the social stigma attached to it. It is rare to see a cute and slim Filipina here, and if they are, it means they are usually newbies and haven't been corrupted by the evils of western society and the anglosphere.
I detest the accents of non-White girls whom sound White/Valley-girl-ish. We are two peas in a pod on that one! But dude, you could have passed her fatty-mcfat over to me. I'm the catfish of H.A. LOL!
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Will N. Dowd
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Post by Will N. Dowd »

Here's a Canadian reality show about people in debt, in other words, it's about the average Canadian! This episode is about a 35 year old average white guy that lives in his parents basement, just married a Filipina, and brought her to Canada. Look at how she has changed in such short a time...all those bloody shoes, and she buys new dress every week! The guy she married is in deep debt of course, and she is already pregnant! Not very smart sheeple.

You will only be able to watch it if you are in Canada: ... part/video
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Post by Jeremy »

I approached an obese Filipino-Canadian chick who was working in a department store one day. Her reaction when I asked for her number: "Ugh... are you kidding?"

Yet I banged an attractive FOB Filipina about a year later without even trying. She was really into me too.

Massive, massive difference.
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