Why living in Canada sucks

Discuss culture, living, traveling, relocating, dating or anything related to North America. For those looking to relocate within the US or Canada, discuss your experiences and pros/cons of each domestic region.
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Post by zboy1 »

arnbo, I fixed your post so that it could be readable to other readers. Please use paragraphs and spacing next time in your post!
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Post by zboy1 »

Arnbo, I've heard that Australia is a very racist country--especially towards Arabs and Asians. Also, isn't the cost-of-living in Australia outrageously expensive? A Fox Business news anchor said he recently visited the country and that a pint of ice cream cost him something like $20.00 U.S. dollars--which is utterly outrageous, if you ask me...
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White Australia Policy

Post by arnbo »

zboy1 wrote:Arnbo, I've heard that Australia is a very racist country--especially towards Arabs and Asians. Also, isn't the cost-of-living in Australia outrageously expensive? A Fox Business news anchor said he recently visited the country and that a pint of ice cream cost him something like $20.00 U.S. dollars--which is utterly outrageous, if you ask me...
First let me ask you if you trust anything told to you by a Fox news anchor. Myself, having been a victim of media persecution; I take anything from the media with a grain of salt. Ice Cream costs $6 ($5.50US) for a 4 liter tub at the supermarket. Even Baskin Robbin's would charge a fraction of what this news anchor claims. You'll find the cost of living down under is comparable to Canada/US. Sydney is more expensive but the wages are a bit higher on average.
Can you define racist? My experience in Canada is that this is a term thrown around by people with a crutch to lean on. Being of Germanic ancestry I've had to stand on my own two feet. No one will pity me. I asked my workmate Anwar if he feels that there is discrimination against Arabs here. If you look at the Dept. of Immigration website Form 80; it does in fact ask you if you are of Arabic or Russian descent. So yes, this dept. does discriminate. I found this out when I tried to get my Chinese wife (then girlfriend) a tourist visa to come out here in 2003. Her tourist visa was rejected but her Fiancee visa accepted.

Another workmate is coloured from South Africa and married to a white Australian. I could tell he was a great guy when I interviewed him. I also pushed to have a Chinese friend hired at my workplace. There is no problem here. We all work together as a team. In Australia if you want to be accepted then you'd better try to be Australian. 25% of Australians were born in a different country.

The Prime Minister has a Chinese son-in-law and is fluent in Mandarin himself. His house is 10km away from here. In areas of Brisbane like Sunnybank you will see a LOT of mixed couples...mainly Asian wives with white husbands. I'm one of them. Entire suburbs of Sydney are filled with Lebanese. This is shown in the TV show "Pizza" where "Sleek the Elite" aka The Lebanese Lover was a main
character. Some clips from this show are on Youtube if you want an insight.

Australians value Mateship and team players. Anyone coming to this country with an agenda like Sikhs who wish to exempt themselves from certain laws are not welcome. The USMC treats every recruit as an equal regardless of background which is why I respect them.
Canada caters to ethnic groups with special interests which can fragment a society. I still resent that system.
I hope that this answers your question. Remember that many people view Americans as racist as well.
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Post by zboy1 »

Thanks for your post, arnbo! Highly informative. I agree that America is a highly-racist country; the U.S. tries to pretend it's some kind of multicultural paradise and the "Greatest country in the world." But it's all bull-crap and completely self-delusional thinking from Americans.
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Post by AnonymousAmerican »

Canada looks worse than California. California at least has nice weather and is close to Mexico, to escape the anglos.
A bartender told me this while I was in Guadalajara Mexico:

"If you aren't careful here with the women, you will be married in a week."


how I live my life.

how to survive in the US: viewtopic.php?t=19236
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Post by Repatriate »

AnonymousAmerican wrote:Canada looks worse than California. California at least has nice weather and is close to Mexico, to escape the anglos.
Canada certainly has better city and suburban aesthetics than the U.S. I drove through the Yukon all the way down to Vancouver before and really appreciated the scenic beauty. The people I interacted with were pleasant but I bet it's a lot different if you're trying to actively date or socialize.
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Post by AnonymousAmerican »

Repatriate wrote:
AnonymousAmerican wrote:Canada looks worse than California. California at least has nice weather and is close to Mexico, to escape the anglos.
Canada certainly has better city and suburban aesthetics than the U.S. I drove through the Yukon all the way down to Vancouver before and really appreciated the scenic beauty. The people I interacted with were pleasant but I bet it's a lot different if you're trying to actively date or socialize.
weather makes a big difference for me, but that's because I have lived California all my life and my ancestors are from tropical highland areas of Mexico and of the mediterranean.
A bartender told me this while I was in Guadalajara Mexico:

"If you aren't careful here with the women, you will be married in a week."


how I live my life.

how to survive in the US: viewtopic.php?t=19236
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Post by tinkerbellneterpan »

These females are christian, they talk about religion with their prejudice christian friends then they flirt with you and when you want to hook they start telling every 1- & start exploiting your weakness i.e. being a male with a dk. Also- they talk about others in their presence as if they are fobs not understanding english but I tell them off in public for being fake, when by themselves they are different but with their friends they switch bunch of btvchs
:wink: :P :P :P
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racist def'n: when one race believes it's superior to others

Post by arnbo »

zboy1 wrote:Thanks for your post, arnbo! Highly informative. I agree that America is a highly-racist country; the U.S. tries to pretend it's some kind of multicultural paradise and the "Greatest country in the world." But it's all bull-crap and completely self-delusional thinking from Americans.
Hi Zboy1:
I'm posting because Australia has an election today and no doubt the media will make us look bad when the new gov't's refugee policy takes effect. Is America racist? I sometimes wonder why so many Americans I meet dislike Latinos but then again Australia is not bordered by 300M Latinos wanting to
move in for a better life. The USA pop. went from 250mil. to 320mil. in 20 years. This can be a strain on the infrastructure and Australia is trying to stop this problem before it happens. Isolation and an aggressive border policy have helped and this will be reinstated after today.
USA is seen as a melting pot where after a generation...you're American(ideally). If a Black man is now Afro-American is a white "Euro-American"?
Canada is a mixing pot where you are not Canadian but rather of some descent so that you can be pigeon-holed according to your ancestry. I've lost track of how many times that I've been called a NAZI. My siblings have changed their surname to avoid this scrutiny.
Is the USA the greatest country? It depends on your viewpoint. There are certainly more opportunities than in some other countries. In Canada the weather is cold. USA: Alaska vs Hawaii and in between. May I suggest you read "Emergency" by Neil Strauss. He examines the perceptions of America from within and without and how to obtain dual citizenship. Remember attitudes within the USA vary from one state to another.
Australia is not perfect either( I miss shooting sports) but my lifestyle is relaxed and peaceful...for now. I'm not rich but comfortable.
Anyone reading this forum should ask: What do I want out of life and how do I achieve these goals? I achieved most of mine by leaving Canada and marrying an Asian woman. Everyone is different on what they want out of life.
Good Luck!
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Arocan »

Living in Canada does suck. And it especially sucks if you're male. But, I've never really lived anywhere else so all I can tell you is why I think it sucks.

A couple years ago I wouldn't have said that. I would have said that Canada isn't perfect, but it's a great place to live. That was before I ran into the criminal and family court.

You see, in Canada, if a woman you are in a relationship with calls the police and says you assaulted her they will arrest you. It doesn't matter if there isn't the slightest injury. They don't ask for your story. They don't do any 'policing'. They just arrest you because you are male and they have a 'zero tolerance policy for domestic violence.' This translates to, 'the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't apply here.'

The best part is that -- I was innocent. In fact, she assaulted me that night. And she reported it two weeks later because I told her that things between us are not working out and we need to discuss custody -- and to think about doing that in mediation.

I was charged with assault. I was forced to get a surety (someone who would be 'responsible' if I did anything bad -- like a baby sitter) and live with them or else I would have to sit in actual jail until trial -- which wouldn't' be for a year (or until I lied and said I was guilty so they could give me a criminal record, pat themselves on the back for doing a great job and get a promotion, and put me back on the street). Because my surety lived in another city, I had to lose my job. And my apartment. I had no prior criminal history -- AT ALL -- or any history of any kind. I was a clean slate. In fact, I worked for the protected sector in health care and had to pass a vulnerable sector check to even get my job. It was a tough position to get -- one that I won't likely get again.

When they arrested me, they held me in a holding cell for 24 hours. There was some drunk idiot screaming the entire night so it was pretty hard to get any kind of sleep. Of course you are trying to sleep on solid concrete so it wasn't much of a sleep. They took my shoelaces (I was told by another person later that it is so I don't commit suicide). I was only allowed one layer of clothing and it was ice cold down there. The place smelled like urine and the toilet had no toilet paper. It was also out in the open, in front of cameras, and in plain sight of everyone else. Nice. The next morning when they shipped me off to bail court, they put me in the back of a police van which had an even smaller metal compartment I hardly fit in. They turned the heat up high and I nearly passed out from heat exhaustion after about 40 minutes of being driven in circles. They did not go directly there. They made a bunch of pit stops.

I was not unruly. I had turned myself in after they told me there was a warrant for my arrest (to my surprise) immediately. I did everything they asked of me. I kept my mouth shut. Of course, one of the other guys who was being transported with me was the guy screaming all night. He smelled really bad too. Thankfully they handcuffed him to myself and another guy so I got to smell him intimately and couldn't move my arm.

Anyway, when the police called and said there was a warrant for my arrest, I called legal aid to ask for advice. They told me to turn myself in around 6pm. I think that was a joke that legal aid has -- since that is the worst time to turn yourself in since bail court doesn't begin until 8am the next day. When you are held, not only do they take your shoelaces, but they refuse to tell you the time (or if they tell you the time, they lie sometimes so you're confused). You can't make a phone call. You can't write anything down. This is probably so you don't write down any police officers names when they are mistreating you or write down any phone numbers to give to the douchebag lawyer that comes to visit you in the morning asking if you have a surety. You see, if you don't know the number by heart you go to actual prison where the prison system gets paid a bunch of money every day they hold you there.

When I finally got up in front of bail court, I wasn't allowed to speak to the judge. I told my duty counsel that the conditions they were suggesting were insane -- that I would lose my job and home, that I didn't even live in the same city as her, and that I wasn't guilty and that there was no evidence. They said too bad take this or go to real jail (and they're supposed to be on my side). I asked if I could speak with the judge. They said you would have to go to jail for the next 3 days since it is the weekend and there is no bail court (lies, actually, but effective ones). They said they would set up a court session in a week where I could ask to change the conditions. So I took what they gave me and came back in a week.

I spoke with duty counsel and told them what I wanted to request. They said the crown didn't have time to talk to them and I should just give up and go home. I waited all day. Then at the very end of the day they said they talked to the crown and the crown said they won't change anything. I said, can't we speak to the judge? They said no - since you accepted the terms it is up to the discretion of the crown. That wasn't quite accurate -- but without a lawyer and without spending thousands of dollars arguing a bail variance (which may or may not even be granted) it wasn't going to happen.

I started to realize that the military industrial complex in the United States -- the politicians, defense contractors and military -- was a similar setup to the lawyers, police, courts and politicians here in Canada when it comes to family law. The system was designed to destroy families so you would pay everything you had to defend yourself against charges that were often false, and devastating to your record regardless. The best part was that the more I read about this the more I realized that EVERYONE WAS IN ON IT. The police knew it wasn't true. The lawyers knew it wasn't just. The judges knew it was a custody tactic. But everyone was getting paid by this system and they want to rock the boat. They were covering their asses at best and at worst they were raking in the dough and getting promotions for easy victories.

Worst of all, the Criminal courts and the Family courts do not relate to each other. A famous judge even commented about the lack of comprehension of the effect of criminal proceedings on family court and how they often get abused by spouses to manipulate custody battles. Even so, there is nothing they can or would do about any of this because the feminists are too powerful and they LIKE this system.

In Canada, men have very few rights. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a complete lie. Lawyers and judges play games with the wordings and pretend that things don't happen. Many of the violations are simply impossible to prove without a doubt in a court because they happen behind closed doors at the police station and no officer will rat on another officer. As a police officer I had for a friend once told me, "The police are the biggest gang in the country."

Before this happened to me, I thought that our rights in Canada were quite good. I was happy to be a Canadian. It wasn't until I got rammed into the system by a highly manipulative and, as it turned out, mentally ill ex, that I started to realize how things actually work. I was only ever 'free' in Canada for one simple reason: Because it's a big place and it's easy to stay out of the government/police's way, especially if you are not politically active. The problem is that if you get in their cross-hairs -- typically when you have children and your spouse is a woman and wants to screw with you, you are little more than an animal for the slaughter.

Oh, I also had an experience with Children's Aid out of all of this. Like I said, my ex turned out to be severely mentally ill. In fact, a few months after being silenced by my bail conditions (couldnt' go near her, couldn't talk to her, couldnt' talk to anyone that might then talk to her -- even though she had my newborn son and I hadn't been able to see him), I get a call from children's aid saying they apprehended the children and she was committed to a mental hospital. Apparently after lying to the police about my 'assault' (more like the day she threw my things off a balcony and slammed me in a door and threatened to kill me), she felt really empowered. She started calling the police on anyone who gave her a bad stare calling them rapists, thieves, even terrorists. One friend of hers had a husband who moved them to the states. They were Muslim. Her friend told her that what she was doing to me was wrong. So my ex called the Canadian intelligence agency (CSIS) and made up a story about him being a terrorist trying to bomb times square in the hopes that it would scare them away from getting involved -- forget that they were newly immigrated to America and he just got his PHD and just got a really great job and this could ruin all of it and mess with his families future. Anyway...the story gets crazier and crazier but it's all 100% true. She would never have done any damage to anyone...but the police and the courts became this psychopath's knife and she cut into the lives of myself, two children, and a dozen or so other adults that had been her friend. And there will never be any repercussion for her for two reasons: 1. she's female, 2. the police backed her first so they have to cover their ass or look like asses!

Really, I blame Canada for its desire to break up families and the lazy ass police for never investigating at all. When i was at that police station they must have had 15 different officers dicking around, chatting and doing nothing, or damn close to nothing. I saw a few of them just playing on their iPhones. This is Peel Region by the way - they are quite notorious for being corrupt (stolen indian land, I guess has something to do with it). Any one of them could have bothered to investigate a crime, God knows there's enough of them, but they didn't want to because they didn't have to -- it wasn't like they were going to lose their job for doing piss poor work. They needed good stats -- and they got those by just grinding out charges and convictions on innocent people or people who make small mistakes by deceiving them on how the system works until it is too late for them to take back the deal that they took.

In my life I must have called the police 6 or 7 times because something of mine was stolen. Wheels off my car, broken car window, money from my home, a bicycle from school, etc. Never once did a police officer do anything to solve the crime...they took my report, then closed the file. I never even got a call back from an officer saying they haven't had any luck. Not ever. Not once. Protect and serve my anus.

The Charter of rights is a joke.

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

It's a joke because they can write this down in law and yet my story is "demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." What is justifiable about a bitter accusation being enough to ruin someone's life and torture them with police abuse? If I threw my ex in a jail cell for 24 hours I would go to prison for 25 years. But the police can do that to me and it's fine?

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

In Canada, like the United States, being a Muslim apparently makes you a potential terrorist. You are also not allowed to practice your faith in a holding cell.
I read a story in the paper today that a man flew to Ontario from Alberta and had sent his ex some nasty messages which the police categorized as "having a violent undertone" -- so they arrested him, held him for bail, charged him...right after he got off the plane.

I like this one.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

That does not apply to situations like mine. Your liberty is removed. Your security is compromised -- I was the one assaulted, and threatened...and yet she was free to abuse the children while I sat in court and jails until finally she went over the top so much that they were apprehended. Those sick bastards. I even warned them about it (and CAS) and they did nothing because I was the male and she had charged me first.

Later I was told by a lawyer that the reason the police wouldn't charge her with anything -- not assault, not criminal harassment (you should see some of the things she wrote to me...some included death threats), not even a misdemenor for destruction of property -- because since they charged me first, charging her with anything makes their case look weaker and they may not be able to secure a conviction and that would make them look like they were doing a bad job or had made a mistake. No joke!

Anyway, fundamental justice includes a bitter mentally ill ex lying to the police. Right. If a single officer called me and said, "do not contact her and stay away" -- I wouldn't have needed a court order. I wasn't even going to her place and hadn't been for weeks at the time because she had gotten so nuts. I would have stayed away. But they never once spoke to me...they just said hi there, we put a warrant out for your arrest and charged you with assault. It wasn't until after I read the disclosure that I realized what the hell was happening and the insane story she made up. She even admitted lying to the police later -- and still they did nothing because they are just looking for convictions and they even threatened to charge her if she changed her story -- forget that they should immediately recognize that it is a lie...they don't care that she is lying...they just want her to lie so they can land convictions on citizens so they can get promotions and make tons of money for the courts and lawyers.

9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

I think it's pretty arbitrary to detain me when I have no criminal record, there is no evidence of any violence (beyond her testimony), and I've turned myself in so obviously I'm not about to DO anything or I would have done that instead of going to the police station.

Oh, I forgot to mention -- she has a criminal record. She stabbed someone before and a bunch of other things relating to drugs when she was younger. I didn't know this until my lawyer started digging. Nice. And once again, the police don't give a shit and they don't care that families are broken up, careers are lost...because no matter how much damage they do to any citizen, there is no repercussions that can come back to them. They do it because they say the courts demand it. The courts demand it because politicians say it. Politicians say it because the feminists want it and it gets them votes. They all pass the buck and in the end it's a giant corrupt cluster f**k of a system that is holy hell to be involved in.

10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention
(a) to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor;
(b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and
(c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.

See all of this sounds great...but there are some things the average person doesn't realize.
a) being informed that you are being charged with assault without the details of the assault, or what that means legally, isn't very useful.
b) you can't retain counsel just by saying you want to retain counsel...you need to get money and find a lawyer and that means interviewing them or you can get stuck with a pretty shitty lawyer...which the police know...and duty counsel is your only choice which is HORRIBLE -- because not only can they tell you all the bad advice in the world...but since you talk to them once on a phone at the police station -- you will never, EVER, be able to identify what lawyer that is or what they actually said to you so if they said something wrong or damaging you couldn't defend yourself!
And finally, they determine that a simple accusation is enough to make a detention valid. Even though people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, somehow it is lawful to treat people guilty until proven innocent in cases of domestic violence.

And herein lies the rub -- domestic violence is not protected by the police. It has been twisted around so the accusation of domestic violence is the BEST domestic violence there is! Why beat your wife or husband when you can get the police to lock them up, ruin their record, and cost them MANY thousands of dollars in legal fees spread out over at least a year...which, let me tell you, causes an insane amount of stress. Probably causing your health to fail and you losing many years on your life. I would prefer a black eye to that any damn day of the week.

The Charter became more and more of a joke the more I read and applied to what I went through:

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right
(a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence;
(b) to be tried within a reasonable time;
(c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence;
(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;
(e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;
(f) except in the case of an offence under military law tried before a military tribunal, to the benefit of trial by jury where the maximum punishment for the offence is imprisonment for five years or a more severe punishment;
(g) not to be found guilty on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted an offence under Canadian or international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations;
(h) if finally acquitted of the offence, not to be tried for it again and, if finally found guilty and punished for the offence, not to be tried or punished for it again; and
(i) if found guilty of the offence and if the punishment for the offence has been varied between the time of commission and the time of sentencing, to the benefit of the lesser punishment.

1 year of your life stuck living with a surety is not a 'reasonable time.'...but they think so.
11 D is just a joke. They mean the actual record but it's a joke since if I tried to cross the border with this charge, the border cops would probably turn me back. So that's pretty much guilty. If I tried to pass a vulnerable sector check with this charge I would also be declined. Children's aid considers charges just as much as convictions so they could remove your children from your care. All of these functions equal GUILTY until INNOCENT in practice. It's all one big lie.

Not denied reasonable bail without just cause? What just cause? I was denied reasonable bail because the judge refused to discuss it and the crown doesn't want to give me any of it because they want me to give up and just plead guilty so they can win the case. That kind of strong arm tactic directly breaches the charter but there is enough plausible deniability saying they were swamped and busy and didn't know those details or that I didn't say anything (because it would cost thousands upon thousands to even begin that process at this point and so on)...not to mention 'reasonable' is subjective...and they get to decide it.

12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

I think that one is funny. This punishment is incredibly cruel...but it's very usual from what I am starting to see. I never knew about any of this until it happened to me and then when I started digging I found story after story after story of other men going through this same bullshit.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

This one is complete bullshit. It's bullshit for the natives. And it's big time bullshit for men with regards to women.

Actually they even have a specific clause for that.
28. Notwithstanding anything in this Charter, the rights and freedoms referred to in it are guaranteed equally to male and female persons.

In the end, Canada is one of the G20 nations which means it is ruled by the banking cartel. Feminists have an insane amount of political power and being a man is SHITTY here. The police LIE and are taught to do so. They are also lazy and incompetent and will only follow up on things that makes some political group a lot of money. When you realize that parents will pay everything they can to lawyers to try and get custody or defend themselves from false accusations...you start to see the kind of money that the family/criminal system has teamed up to harvest.

The family unit in Canada is shattered. It doesn't exist. When one belligerent phone call to the police can destroy families, careers and our health, you really are never safe or secure at all. Just like the states, child care and alimony payments are STUPID -- making gold digging a real profession.

From what I can tell, Canada lacks any kind of morality at the top and its corruption has spread all the way to the bottom. There is little or no accountability. I've worked in Health Care and have seen numerous examples of the rich and connected scratching the backs of other rich and connected. Getting health care contracts that have no potential for competition to challenge them. Providing poor services with no consequences. Tons of money being wasted. And the little guys being thrown under the bus for the mistakes of leaders -- complete insanity.

The only reason Canada doesn't fall into complete chaos is because it is a rich nation and the police are over funded so they keep people in line with overwhelming force and terror. Just look at how the police behaved during the G20 summit in Toronto a few years back and you will realize Canadians really have no freedoms whatsoever -- they're just ignored a lot of the time and they think that it is because they are free.

Look at the details of the 407 highway in Toronto. A hundred billion dollars of land purchases over 30 years were sold to a foreign nation for the cost of the highway construction.

The name of the game is to lie and to cheat citizens. To blow enough smoke around tall enough mirrors that nobody can reasonably be sure what is going on...and then to do what the Americans do -- stuff enough idiotic TV/Entertainment in their faces so they can go on being sheeple instead of questioning the systemic corruption in every level of government and throughout every social program.

The truth of the matter is that Canada is run by a dictatorship -- and it began a long time before the current conservative government. In fact, it doesn't matter which party gets in, just like it doesn't matter if a Democrat or Republican is elected in the USA. The government of Canada is the Sheriff of Nottingham, except with undertones of feminazism and devil worship.

I wanted to write this because what I have been through and continue to go through is something that could happen to anyone here. Even if the charges are eventually withdrawn or I am acquitted of everything -- I have been through hell already. This has taken a huge toll on my health and my career. Being innocent is not enough in Canada. The police are not there to help you. And lawyers only care to be good at one thing: billing. And the judges are just pretending to be fair because everything they say gets recorded.

In Canada, political correctness and passive aggressiveness is the name of the game. This place sucks.
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Taco »

Arocan wrote: The family unit in Canada is shattered. It doesn't exist. When one belligerent phone call to the police can destroy families, careers and our health, you really are never safe or secure at all.

In Canada, political correctness and passive aggressiveness is the name of the game. This place sucks.
Your quite right. What surprised me about living in China(communist country) was that I had more freedom than living in Canada.

Women that don't like having kids make lousy girlfriends and wives.

Paranoia is just having the right information. - William S. Burroughs
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Arocan »

I don't know enough about China to really have a valid opinion, but I do like it. They're hardly even communist anymore. They do more trade and have more capitalism going on than the USA these days. They've got an extensive culture and history and, from what I've learned in psychology, their collective mindset is a lot different from the western's individual one.

Whereas here it is all about yourself and your achievements and how you stand out from the crowd, in China (and some other Asian countries) it is more respectable to be part of a community, and to care for each other.

In Canada, we have a huge immigration because there is such a low fertility rate. And there is a low fertility rate because having kids 'ruins' your life. In Canada, just like the USA, having an expensive cottage, a flashy car, a big bank account, fame and recognition, are by far the most sought after achievements. None of these things are benefited from having children.

In fact, children cost a lot, expect a lot, and can call children's aid at any time to make your life a living hell. The supreme court of Canada had to pass a verdict about 'spanking' because parents were getting into huge trouble when they spanked their children. It's insane.

As I said, I worked for health care. And I worked directly with a lot of elderly families who were nearing the end of their life. These people required constant nursing and other professional services in order to remain in their homes. It was VERY rare to find a family that would actually support the parents in their old age by helping them shop, cleaning the house...and when it came to bathing them or other less desirable actions, it was almost never seen. I remember this one Chinese mother who needed home care. She also had her daughter staying home a lot of the time helping her out. I remember some of the case workers saying that it was a tragedy that this daughter felt obligated to take care of her mother instead of going out with friends and living her own life. The family unit is so shattered in Canada that most Canadians have NO idea what family even means.

Needless to say, if Canada didn't supply nurses and other professional services for elderly people in their home, you would have a crisis on your hands because the families of these people would never take on that role. Forget that your mother and father changed your diaper as a child and paid for your schooling, or downpayment on your first home, or that their entire inheritance is heading your way -- taking care of them is seen as an unfair responsibility that detracts from their lives. many are resentful and equally many demand the government to take care of their families -- as though it is their entitlement.

The problem is that the government does a poor job...they over pay and they don't look too closely at how they are doing so nobody in power gets embarassed. Service isn't consistent either. Some nurses and personal support workers are very very good...others are horrible...and some providers are just managed poorly and you end up with missed visits and complete lack of continuity. This becomes a big problem when the patient has some kind of Alzheimer's or dementia. An unfamiliar, new person coming to their home every other day causes a lot of stress and fear. But then, they've got dementia and the government deems them incapable so nothing they say has any sway -- even if they could figure out how to get a lawyer and take the matter to court (which they couldn't pay for since due to their lack of capability, they are not allowed to control their own finances anymore).
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Taco »

Arocan wrote: And there is a low fertility rate because having kids 'ruins' your life.
I'm not sure this is the reason fertility rates in western countries are low. Women that practice sexual abstinence before marriage are more likely to want to get married because lack of sex for years does make them horny. The problem is they get drunk and stoned constantly which is why they sleep around a lot. However, Asia is a Canadian woman's sex prison and after living there for a few years their more likely to go home find one guy and start making babies with him.





Paranoia is just having the right information. - William S. Burroughs
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Vamanapreet »

After reading the original post I did not have any words to say. Because everything was said.
I am an aspiring small business man, work so hard came to this country as an Engineer in 2007 and still struggling but growing with 4 businesses.

I am having pardigm shifts every couple of years. On September 4 2015 I realized that Canada is actually a "socialistic country".
Whatever, Canada is a mediocre if not useless place to live, to do business, or to grow up.

Some things I want to throw in;

There is no train service between Calgary to Vancouver or Calgary to Edmonton. India is 1000 times better than Canada in Rail service. Yes of course Indian trains are shitty, stinking, cockroach full, beggars, vendors (and dont you prefer to go through bihar if not dare)

But someone should wash the feet of Indian Railways and drink that water to realize. (A tamil iconic clause - wash feet and drink that water)

Canada does not have any big time passenger rail service, why? - instead ask this - who in sound mind will do the investment? Donald Trump? or Tim Hortons?

Look at India, Yes the British laid some tracks, but look at the world class (ok.. ok toilets stink but does not matter) management. diviosinig, manufacture their own locomotives, carriages , (that is a separate topic, Other countries Manufacturing industry and Canadas pathetic "proudly made in Canada" - what? milk, eggs,...

India is a very good example
(Because I know only about India..eh?...or bleh? if you are drunk with rye..I mean whisky not the bread..no no ..not the city of winnipeg...yes there is bread named winnipeg rye....)

Look at all the core industries (yes India is corrupt , so what the f**k?)
Steel, Cement, Power, Hydro, Process Industries, etc etc etc
Most of them pioneered by Government (JL Nehru our first PM, I dont like that flirting asshole any way..but was a good leader, respect that)

3. CONTROL AND REGULATION, MONOPOLY (call it the strangle hold)
3.1) CWB
Any body ever heard of Canadian Wheat Board?
In 2012 Bill C-18 ended this Nazi style organization.
I will leave it to the reader to do his research and pass the judgement on this issue.

Bottom line is for 75 years if you are farmer then you have to sell your wheat to CWB only, I mean it ONLY, by law
Has anyone seen mel gibson movie the River?

(Update: Harper is selling this to a Saudi unit, Harper frequently makes garage sale out of Canada to get money and show budget surplus, In the last garage sale harper sold GM shares so he has C$ 3.4 Million in his government piggy bank)


Canadian Person 1 : Hi..
Canadian Person 2 : Hi..

Canadian Person 1 : How are you?..
Canadian Person 2 : Good and how are you?

Canadian Person 1 : Good, good..
Canadian Person 2 : Good, good...

Initially as a freshly landed immigrant I was so impressed, ..oh my god..never in India will a stranger be nice this to me, what a culture, what a courtesy?....In India people just blank stare at each other and go...

Now after 7 years and various experiences I think this is just bullshit...
it easily comes to a Canadian as it comes to an Indian who pisses in public - so easily - so cooly - so care free - so unembarrassed..
sss..aaaaahhh....sss..aaaahhhhh....there my piss is there...

there my smile is there...

That is it about Verizon Story, I am not going to write much about it.

But one thing about this story which I want to point you...THREE GUYS...remember this word Canada and all canadians and all would be immigrants.....THREE GUYS...that is all about Canada...Anything is THREE GUYS...

What is THREE GUYS..
And why do I say THREE GUYS?

Because in another Industry (Taxi Calgary) UBER and DOEPKER was trying to enter and the THREE GUYS filed a law suit
calling "Unfair competition"...what the f**k? why dont you guys say - We dont like competition because there is only 35 million people...(that is why we are deceiving the people in the world to come to Canada and be consumers...a.k.a "suckers")

Who are the 3 Guys here?

f**k I am too tired of writing, because there is more to this mediocre country

Before I leave let me tell one more point

Out of Province Inspection for Vehicles
So you are bringing in a Car a City in Saskatchewan which rhymes with a Vagina.
You are bringing it in Alberta, now the law says that car can be a no good car..

Because one that runs in Saskatchewan may not be worthy to run in Alberta..
why? there are so many answers...like Saketchewan mechanics are crooks, the Registry there are thieves..
so Alberta wants to protect...protect what?

Influx of used cars...stupid...it is about MARKET - SUPPLY - DEMAND

For example a massage therapist studies 2 years in school in Alberta spends $15000 is not worthy of professing his trade in BC
unless he goes through some thing...same with Engineers

I dont have the energy to explain...

Basically they (who?) want to CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL...
They dont want any one from outside Canada
They dont want any one from other province
They dont want any one from other city

35 million people
Why only 35?
Because Canada Sucks Balls?
That is why

f**k there is no smiley for ball sukcing
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Vamanapreet »

Arocan wrote:Living in Canada does suck. And it especially sucks if you're male. But, I've never really lived anywhere else so all I can tell you is why I think it sucks.

A couple years ago I wouldn't have said that. I would have said that Canada isn't perfect, but it's a great place to live. That was before I ran into the criminal and family court.
I am now seriously thinking....
And sorry about your story..
But dont lose hope
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