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Some other interesting deep and unusual films that make you think.

2046 (2004, Chinese, winner of 6 academy awards in Hong Kong)



He was a writer. He thought he wrote about the future but it really was the past. In his novel, a mysterious train left for 2046 every once in a while. Everyone who went there had the same recapture their lost memories. It was said that in 2046, nothing ever changed. Nobody knew for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back- except for one. He was there. He chose to leave. He wanted to change.

Director Wong Kar-Wai has created in 2046 another visually stunning, atmospheric, and melancholy movie about unrequited love and loneliness.

Director Wong Kar-Wai's style reaches its fullest expression in his stunning film 2046. Picture period sets and intricate costuming, finely wrought atmospheres, languid shots, glamorous cigarette smoke, lamplight and allusions to film noir. 2046 is a meditation on memory, eroticism, love, loss, and longing which surpasses the director's beautiful, widely acclaimed IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (2000) in terms of formal ambition and visual sumptuousness. With its intriguing, layered structure, the film follows the adventures of Chow Wo Man (Tony Leung), a womanizer who is writing a science fiction novel about a future year in which all memories are suspended. The film shuttles between the BLADE RUNNER-like world of Chow's futuristic novel (complete with androids and other metaphors of emotional disconnection) and late-'60s Hong Kong--where Chow writes from a hotel room, and engages in relationships with a series of beautiful, complex women. The film also journeys to Singapore and through the increasingly mysterious corridors of the protagonist's memory.

2046 resists tidy plot summaries with its disjointed, zigzagging construction. Yet, coupled with Wong's rich cinematography and dazzling formal techniques, it is as fluid, associative, and labyrinthine as memory itself. Sliding between keenly detailed realism (Wong's camera can capture the subtlest flicker of emotion in a characters' eyes) and lavish, expressionistic metaphor, the film is a deeply entrancing experience. Even given its jumbled, sometimes chaotic narrative, 2046 creates a poignant, emotionally charged, and richly rewarding experience.


IMDB page:

Mr. Nobody


In the year 2092, Nemo Nobody is a 118-year-old man who finds himself as the last mortal amongst humans who have become immortal due to scientific advances involving the perpetual rejuvenation of telomeres. When Nemo is on his deathbed, he reviews three possible existences and marriages he might have experienced. References to the big bang theory, the nature of time, superstring theory, and memory help structure the plot.


Full Movie Part 1

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)


Starring Jim Carrey. A couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memories when their relationship turns sour, but it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with.


Last edited by Winston on October 25th, 2011, 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wow these look VERY interesting. I can't wait to watch them.

This one has no action and is all philosophical discussion among college professors. People say it's highly engaging for thinkers.

The Man from Earth (2007)


An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the retiring scholar reveals to his colleagues he is an immortal who has walked the earth for 14,000 years.


If you've ever been so lonely before that you started to hallucinate, you will love this next one.

Moon (2009)


With only three weeks left in his three year contract, Sam Bell is getting anxious to finally return to Earth. He is the only occupant of a Moon-based manufacturing facility along with his computer and assistant, GERTY. The long period of time alone however has resulted in him talking to himself for the most part, or to his plants. Direct communication with Earth is not possible due to a long-standing communication malfunction but he does get an occasional message from his wife Tess. When he has an accident however, he wakens to find that he is not alone. He also comes to realize that his world is not what he thought it was.


The Quiet Earth (1985)


A man wakes up to find himself literally alone in the world, and goes about trying to find other survivors, as well as to find out what happened. He suspects that a government research project he was involved in had something to do with the disappearance of everyone. Eventually he finds several other people, and once they begin to trust each other they try to figure out why they were left on earth.


Full Movie

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

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Gandhi (1982)

Full movie

Brave New World (1980)

This 3-hour TV adaptation of the 1932 Aldous Huxley novel is set 600 years in the future. In this "well- ordered" society, the citizens are required to take mind-controlling drugs, sex without love is compulsory, and test-tube babies are commonplace because of a ban on pregnancy. Keir Dullea heads the cast as Thomas Grahmbell, "director of hatcheries". Not everybody is satisfied with society's lack of humanity and feeling; the loudest dissidents are free-thinking poet Heimholtz Watson (Dick Anthony Williams) and brilliant oddball Bernard Marx (Bud Cort). An injection of new "old" ideas are brought in by "primitive" John Savage (Kristoffer Tabori), who lives on an Indian reservation which still honors 20th century values. Meanwhile, Linda Lysenko (Julie Cobb) becomes a natural mother--and in so doing becomes a criminal. In keeping with the style of the original book, the script's newly-minted characters are given names of pop-culture icons (Disney, Maoina, Stalina, and so on). Brave New World was first telecast March 7, 1980.

Full movie

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Post by Winston »

This is a very good and realistic but forgotten film. It is Oliver Stone's last film about the Vietnam War called "Heaven and Earth". I saw it in the theater with my ex in 1993 and it made quite an impression on me. It is told from the Vietnamese perspective and is about a Vietnamese village girl who suffers a lot during the war and is caught between both sides. Then, when she marries an American soldier (played by Tommy Lee Jones) and goes to America, she experiences different kinds of suffering as well.

The scene when she first arrives is funny because of all the excess and obesity that she sees. Oliver Stone is one that likes to tell ugly truths it like it is. He also shows US soldiers in Vietnam who are desperate for any p***y they can get. Buddhists will like this film because she is a Buddhist and at the end gives some Buddhist lessons about suffering, karma, cause and effect, etc. This movie also features the beautiful masterpiece musical score by Kitaro called "Heaven and Earth".


Full movie, Part 1

Here is my favorite scene in the movie. In part 7 below, you can see how Oliver Stone portrays America to a new Vietnamese immigrant - a country of excess, obesity, overeating, and superficiality. He exaggerates a little, but it is still on the mark. His portrayal of a typical American suburban family is very accurate too.

Here is another great film by Oliver Stone about the Vietnam War called "Born on the Fourth of July" starring Tom Cruise, who plays a Vietnam veteran who comes to realize that the war is wrong. His transformation from being the most patriotic American to the most vehement anti-war protester is moving, sad, and realistic. Everyone ought to see this film.

Full movie, Part 1

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The Mission



Jeremy Irons plays a Spanish Jesuit who goes into the South American wilderness to build a mission in the hope of converting the Indians of the region. Robert DeNiro plays a slave hunter who is converted and joins Irons in his mission. When Spain sells the colony to Portugal, they are forced to defend all they have built against the Portugese aggressors.


I have read the other comments and am stunned by people who view The Mission in a negative light. It feels as though you are attacking a loved one - perhaps because this movie IS a loved one to me. Never, ever have I felt so deeply about a film. I don't have any idea where to begin checking off the pro's: cinematography? stupendous acting? heart-breaking subject matter? moving soundtrack? I don't think it's possible to do that with The Mission - one needs to absorb it as a whole. An entire masterpiece.

I was one of the fortunate ones to see this movie in a theatre back in the 80's - we were visiting friends in another city and, for lack of anything better to do that evening, decided to see this film. To say I was moved would be such an understatement as to be ridiculous. It is the saddest commentary on what horrors have been perpetrated in the name of God....

I have seen this movie several times since then and own it now but I am always very careful whom I see it with and when I see it. You need to have a block of time set aside when you can completely immerse yourself in this film. Unplug the phone, put the kids to bed, make sure the dog doesn't have to go out. If you don't pay attention - from the very beginning to right after the credits - you will miss something important. Prepare yourself emotionally for The Mission. Step into it, live it, let it speak to you. Feel the struggle of all involved.

I love this movie. infinity out of 10

Black Robe



In the 17th century a Jesuit priest and a young companion are escorted through the wilderness of Quebec by Algonquin Indians to find a distant mission in the dead of winter. The Jesuit experiences a spiritual journey while his young companion falls in love with the Algonquin chief's beautiful daughter underneath the imposing and magnificent mountains. Dread and death follows them upriver.

A Passage to India



Cultural mistrust and false accusations doom a friendship in British colonial India between an Indian doctor, an Englishwoman engaged to marry a city magistrate, and an English educator.


Full movie, part 1

Rabbit Proof Fence



Rabbit-Proof Fence is a 2002 Australian drama film based on the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington Garimara. It is based on a true story concerning the author's mother, as well as two other mixed-race Aboriginal girls, who ran away from the Moore River Native Settlement, north of Perth, to return to their Aboriginal families, after having been placed there in 1931. The film follows the girls as they trek/walk for nine weeks along 1,500 miles (2,400 km) of the Australian rabbit-proof fence to return to their community at Jigalong, while being pursued by a white authority figure and an Aboriginal tracker.


This is a very powerful film from the wonderful Phillip Noyce (The Quiet American) and its based on the shameful history in Australia where aborigine children were taken by force from their families and tribes to camps and taught to be servants. In the film 3 sisters escape and venture to walk 1,500 miles back to their tribe. The title refers to a fenceline that stretches for thousands of miles and the girls follow it. The wonderful aborigine actor David Gulpilil (Walkabout) plays a scout that is tracking the girls and Kenneth Branaugh plays an officer that is in charge of the whole operation. I guess the main flaw in the film would be the middle where most of the walking takes place and the film really slows down but its not a major complaint. The 1,500 mile trek is expertly paced and the film is by no means dull. Rather, its fascinating! The real footage that we see at the end of the film is so powerful that the whole essence of what you have just watched becomes even more devastating. This is more than just an important film, its a documentation of an ugly and shameful part of Australian history. A must see!


Full movie, part 1




The story of a group of young Australian men who leave their various backgrounds behind and sign up to join the ANZACs in World War I. They are sent to Gallipoli, where they encounter the might of the Turkish army.


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Super Size Me


While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month.


Full movie

Fast Food Nation


Don Anderson is the Mickey's food restaurant chain's Marketing Director. He is the inventor of the "Big One" the hamburger best seller of Mickey's. An independent research reports the presence of cow's feces in the Big One. So Don is sent to Cody, Colorado, to verify if the slaughterhouse, main supplier of Mickey's, is efficient as it appears and the production process is regular. During his investigations he discovers the horrible truth behind a simple hamburger; the reality is not like we think it is. Don discovers what the mass production system involves, from the temp workers like Amber, to the exploitation of Mexican irregular immigrants. It is not only the meat that is crushed in the mincing machine, but all our society.


Bowling for Columbine


The United States of America is notorious for its astronomical number of people killed by firearms for a developed nation without a civil war. With his signature sense of angry humor, activist filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to explore the roots of this bloodshed. In doing so, he learns that the conventional answers of easy availability of guns, violent national history, violent entertainment and even poverty are inadequate to explain this violence when other cultures share those same factors without the equivalent carnage. In order to arrive at a possible explanation, Michael Moore takes on a deeper examination of America's culture of fear, bigotry and violence in a nation with widespread gun ownership. Furthermore, he seeks to investigate and confront the powerful elite political and corporate interests fanning this culture for their own unscrupulous gain.

Full movie

Capitalism: A Love Story


Capitalism: A Love Story examines the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world). The film moves from Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan. With both humor and outrage, the film explores the question: What is the price that America pays for its love of capitalism? Families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings. Moore goes into the homes of ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down; and he goes looking for explanations in Washington, DC and elsewhere. What he finds are the all-too-familiar symptoms of a love affair gone astray: lies, abuse, betrayal...and 14,000 jobs being lost every day. Capitalism: A Love Story also presents what a more hopeful future could look like. Who are we and why do we behave the way that we do?


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Post by Winston »


Cube (1997)

7 complete strangers of widely varying personality characteristics are involuntarily placed in an endless kafkaesque maze containing deadly traps.

Part 1 of 9:

This is a great horror movie, and runs like a long Twilight Zone episode.


Population 436 (2006)

A census-taker (Sisto) is sent to investigate why a certain small town has had the same population -- 436 residents -- for the last 100 years.



Sphere (1998)

A spaceship is discovered under three hundred years' worth of coral growth at the bottom of the ocean.


Full Movie, Part 1 of 9:

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Post by Winston »

Check out this one. It sounds intriguing and suspenseful. Any of you seen it?

Exam (2009)

Eight talented candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. Entering a windowless room, an Invigilator gives them eighty minutes to answer one simple question. He outlines three rules they must obey or be disqualified: don't talk to him or the armed guard by the door, don't spoil their papers and don't leave the room. He starts the clock and leaves. The candidates turn over their question papers, only to find they're completely blank. After the initial confusion has subsided, one frustrated candidate writes 'I believe I deserve...,' and is promptly ejected for spoiling. The remaining candidates soon figure out they're permitted to talk to each other, and they agree to cooperate in order to figure out the question: then they can compete to answer it. At first they suspect the question may be hidden in their papers like a security marker in a credit card, and they figure out ways to change their environment to expose ...
Last edited by Winston on January 9th, 2014, 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Did any of you see the new Superman movie, Man of Steel, or the new Lone Ranger movie? I just saw them and they both sucked, though Lone Ranger was slightly amusing and campy. Both of them were just another CGI fest of lots of unrealistic action with cliched and predictable events. More like a video game than a movie.

Has anyone seen "Django Unchained (2012)", starring Leonardo DiCaprio? It had great reviews. Is it worth seeing? I love Western films too and have a nostalgia for them.

I just saw "The Aviator (2004)" with Leonardo DiCaprio, about the young life of legendary aviator Howard Hughes, and it was pretty good.

I also saw "Shutter Island (2010)" and highly recommend it. It will blow you away. It is a very suspenseful psychological thriller with Leonardo DiCaprio. He plays a Federal Marshal who investigates an island where an escaped convict breaks out of a mental hospital. But he soon uncovers an evil conspiracy there, and the deeper he gets into it, the more the hospital staff try to commit him and convince him that he is just another insane patient there. At the end, you don't know what to believe. It has many twists and turns and is pretty creepy and Kafkaesque. It will mindfuck you and keep you on the edge of your seat.

It's 1954, and up-and-coming U.S. marshal Teddy Daniels is assigned to investigate the disappearance of a patient from Boston's Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital. He's been pushing for an assignment on the island for personal reasons, but before long he wonders whether he hasn't been brought there as part of a twisted plot by hospital doctors whose radical treatments range from unethical to illegal to downright sinister. Teddy's shrewd investigating skills soon provide a promising lead, but the hospital refuses him access to records he suspects would break the case wide open. As a hurricane cuts off communication with the mainland, more dangerous criminals "escape" in the confusion, and the puzzling, improbable clues multiply, Teddy begins to doubt everything - his memory, his partner, even his own sanity.
Last edited by Winston on January 9th, 2014, 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by The_Adventurer »

Man of Steel ruined Superman. Django is very good and well worth seeing. I may have to watch that again sometime.

To be honest I don't see all this "programming" going on in Hollywood films. That would require them to have substance, even if it is negative substance. They do not, however, have any substance. Most are just mindless CGI and action.

I do see the blatant pushing of feminism in TV and films though. That is getting absolutely outrageous. I saw a show recently where a woman who was an office bound lawyer was attacked by some special forces type bad guys. They still had to have her beat up a few of these dudes before she finally got captured.

Also notice how there are no more strong families in films now? The parents are always divorced. The kids are dysfunctional and they rife with problems.
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Post by Winston »

The_Adventurer wrote:Man of Steel ruined Superman. Django is very good and well worth seeing. I may have to watch that again sometime.

To be honest I don't see all this "programming" going on in Hollywood films. That would require them to have substance, even if it is negative substance. They do not, however, have any substance. Most are just mindless CGI and action.

I do see the blatant pushing of feminism in TV and films though. That is getting absolutely outrageous. I saw a show recently where a woman who was an office bound lawyer was attacked by some special forces type bad guys. They still had to have her beat up a few of these dudes before she finally got captured.

Also notice how there are no more strong families in films now? The parents are always divorced. The kids are dysfunctional and they rife with problems.
Yeah I noticed those things too. It's sickening. I guess they want Americans to be dysfunctional. Well I guess trashy movies reflect the trashy people that are common in America. For the richest country in the world, America sure has a lot of trashy looking people, which is ironic. You don't see trashy looking people in other countries. You see poor people abroad, but not trashy looking degenerate people.

Have you also noticed that everything is poisoned, toxic and turned upside down in America? Women are portrayed as leaders now in action movies. They take charge of groups and everyone listens to them. Even in the 80's, you'd never see a woman in a movie take charge of a group in an action movie or survival movie.

Back in the 80's, even action heroes showed warmth, kindness, and had good morals. They weren't assholes. They always tried to do good and help others. Nowadays, the action heroes are cold uncaring assholes who don't give a shit and love kicking ass. They are hollow and unfeeling and soulless. For example, the protagonist good guys on shows like the A-Team, Airwolf, Knight Rider, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, etc. were kind characters who had morals, liked to do good and had feelings, even though they acted cocky and funny. They weren't assholes at least.

Yeah Man of Steel was an insult to the Superman legacy, and a big disappointment. Every scene in it was predictable and cliched. I can't believe Kevin Costner agreed to be in it. His character was stupid too. What an insult to his career. He played Superman's stepdad, and gave up his life in the movie to save a dog in a car. So dumb. No one would sacrifice their life to save a dog. Then he tells Superman not to save him so it won't draw attention to his powers. So stupid. And then Superman just stands there and lets his stepfather die. What an imbecile. Yet earlier, he did use his powers to save a schoolbus, so the cat was already out of the bag and there was no need to hide his powers. I don't think any man would let his parent die just because he needs to hide his powers. That was a totally stupid and unbelievable scene. It made Superman look like an imbecile who did a terrible thing. It was a very immoral and implausible way to kill off a character.
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How about...

Post by buddy77 »

Dark City

Im i the only one on this board that has seen it?

The main character "wakes up" and finds out that the world he lives in is not what it seems.

Very similar in theme to ,
The Matrix.

And very similar to what i felt when i found out that living in the USA is a crap life as are its AW!
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Post by The_Adventurer »

buddy77 wrote:Dark City

Im i the only one on this board that has seen it?

The main character "wakes up" and finds out that the world he lives in is not what it seems.

Very similar in theme to ,
The Matrix.

And very similar to what i felt when i found out that living in the USA is a crap life as are its AW!
I've seen it and LOVE that movie! Alex Proyas, who also directed The Crow with Brandon Lee, is a genius.
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Post by Devil Dog »

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Re: How about...

Post by Winston »

buddy77 wrote:Dark City

Im i the only one on this board that has seen it?

The main character "wakes up" and finds out that the world he lives in is not what it seems.

Very similar in theme to ,
The Matrix.

And very similar to what i felt when i found out that living in the USA is a crap life as are its AW!
I saw that last year. Someone years ago recommended it to me. It was the last movie where Jennifer Connelly still looked hot. The atmosphere is dark throughout the film, and the issues it deals with are very much like The Matrix. I've always felt that there was something unseen and hidden controlling our reality.

Dark City (1998)

If you like that one, you'll also like these movies, which also deal with a "hidden unseen force" behind everyday reality.

The Forgotten (2004)

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
Devil Dog wrote: Flame and Citron. You will thank me.
Are those two movies or one? You ought to provide some description or a link to IMDB information about them. Just naming them is not enough.
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