Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

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Post by steve55 »

Also, the statement "Every girl is either too taken, too young, too heavy or too good," is rubbish. There are plenty of men, and I was one of them, who never had any serious issues with women.
Maybe a decade ago. But today, its different. Just go hit the POF message board and you will see that the vast MAJORITY of men report having absolutely no success. There are 100's of posts by men complaining about how dateless they are and how they cant meet women online. I think you are living in the past. Have you been in the dating scene as of late? I didn't have time to read all the posts so I'm not sure if you're married or not.

The next time Steve comes to Thailand, let him walk through a mall with me. I'll stand away from him, and let's see him do cold approaches to 6's and 7's and see if he can get them in bed in an hour. If he does this I'll eat my words.
Did steve say that? LOL Myself, after 7 trips to the Philippines and reading many expat blogs on dating abroad, I haven't seen any claims like that. I did listen to Steve's interview with Winston and don't I recall Steve saying he could cold approach a girl and have her in the sack within hours. BUT, I did hear Steve say that he was able to be set up on dates quite easily and it seemed the girls were very into him and sex wasn't hard to come by on these dates. Try that in the USA, LOL. Shiiit, there aint no comparison. For the most part, all you will be able to get in the US are overweight women. Steve and Winston are telling these guys that being able to get dates with sexy ht/wt prop women is VERY easy in many other countries which is absolutely true. Let me put it to ya this way. I myself, being a well kept physically attractive guy, haven't had any dates here in the US in 2 years for all the reasons mentioned by Winston . It's not that I cant get dates, its that the only dates I seem to be able to get are w/ FAT women or semi fat mid 40's + Trying to get a single date with a non obese woman under 37 has been literally impossible. They are always taken or not interested. Same deal with my buddies too. But when I am in the Philippipnes and Latin America, shiiiit, I can get 20 dates a week with HOT women who would be 7,8, 9's in the US. And many of those girls have degrees and professional jobs, even masters degrees, and highly intellectual too, not just some poor factory worker. There is no comparison! Though admittedly, the more educated and intellectual ones were mostly in Latin America.

I can send 100 messages on US dating sites and get no response, or 1 or 2 who soon dissappear because they are getting hit on by 100 guys a day. In Latin AMerica, I dont even freakin have to send a message. In fact, i counted 120 hits of interest on Latin Cupid in just 1 week!! And many are e flat out beautiful. Everywhere I look I see men who are dissatisfied with their dating lives here in the US, especially guys in their upper 30's and more. There is a huge problem in the US.
As far as my dating in the US...granted, I was younger when I was there. But I regularly met women on the street and would meet them in their cars when I was on my motorcycle. So while it may be extremely difficult for some men to approach American women, it wasn't for me. I guess that's preposterous.
It was far easier in the past. 10-30 years ago, women outnumbered men in the dating scene (which is opposite today where men outnumber women by 10- 20% in most cities) , that is not the case anymore. 10-30 years ago, women were not narcissistic like they are today, so they were not full of themselves and they were more friendly to meet. 10-30 years ago, there was no obesity epidemic causing a small pool of ht/wt prop women to be stuck up and snooty and unapproachable due to their goddess status or in demand status just for the sole reason of not being overweight. THINGS WERE DIFFERENT.
But if you honestly think there aren't men in the US getting laid or who have great relationships, I have no idea where to go from there.

I agree. Of course there are some men who are doing fine.
. You act like it's impossible but the truth is, it's not impossible for some guys Winston.
I think most of us former and current Thai expats had issues when he put forth the comment that he was easily sleeping with non p4p Thai women who were 7 and 8's in his mind. He made it sound like women were just falling down at his feet there. It sounded like 100% bullshit. Winston, the way he's presenting that is a blatant misrepresentation on the level of difficulty a foreigner would have in dating much less sleeping with quality Thai women. Even some of the more suspect posters on Rooshv said that Thailand wasn't that simple.
Well, I think he had connnections? He had people on the ground who knew people right? So yes, in such a case, it can be easy there. But women falling at his feet?? As in women in the malls, walking the streets etc, I didn't get that idea one bit from his interview. I only got the idea that if you just get your arse out there, it shouldn't be hard to either be introduced to women if you know people, or get online and meet women off dating sites. And both are 100 true and cannot be done so well in the US.
Plenty of Thai ladies randomly smile at me. Winston would love it here!
I think this is also what Steve is trying to convey. IN the US, women dont smile at you. When you are at a place where women smile at you, you got chances!! This is the seminar message!
if someone wants to meet and hook up with a foreign woman, chances are that they'll need to spend a minimum of six months with them in their own country in order to get to know them. Apart from moving to a different country, if someone is living in the US, what's their course of action? Personally I wouldn't get serious with any woman I didn't know well from face-to-face interactions
Well, that's you, but most men who marry foreign women dont do that. Most guys visit the girl once a year 2 weeks at a time for 2 years in a row, or if they are not limited by a job, they will make many more visits and stay longer. I personally know of 3 personal close friends who did it that way.(2 of which only spent 1 two week vacation with the girl and decided to marry her) All still going strong in their marriages. Foreign women are so much more emotionally and psychologically healthy, and have much better values towards marriage, that the success rates are 80% vs 40-59% success rates with American women. It works because these women have better qualities whereas with American women, so many are emotionally unstable, narcissistic and lack values , that only knowing one for a few weeks or a month in total in person would not work out so well.

Look guys, Steve or anyone else for that matter doesn't have to have major time and experience traveling and dating in multiple countries to speak TRUTH. One can experience a few trips to see that things are TRULY DIFFERENT overseas for men, and that dates are far easier to get, that women are sweet and friendly and feminine. One can combine that limited personal experience (even if only there for a few weeks) with what one reads from other expats online and other guys trip reports to learn about the dating scenes abroad, and then go spread the word and tell other men about it. There are so many men who want to have dating options, who want a wife and family without having to settle for overweight or women with issues , that this material changes lives. My experience with foreign women changed my life and I've seen many men's lives be changed who were once lonely for years with little hope who now have sexy beautiful women as wives with kids in tow. If not for overseas dating options, they'd most likely still be single and lonely.

This stuff is for real and Roosh and others talk about these differences too.(though Roosh is 90% about gaming and having sex with them) Most american men either dont know this stuff or they buy into the green card love ya and leave ya stereotypes. Steve, Winston, and myself want to HELP guys wake up and tell them that they DONT have to be single and lonely! And even more than that, they can have better quality women with which whom you will only have a 20% chance of divorce with.

Winston, Im not so sure about doing this at a house, to me, I would be apprehensive going to someone's home for a seminar. I would think a public venue or a cheap hotel conference room would be less weird. Going to someone's house is so personal. Maybe I'm wrong though. If you actually have people show up, Ill be willing to join you guys on future seminars. Ill be very useful in backing you guys with the stats , facts, and studies. I know all that stuff like the back of my hand. ANyways, While many guys need help , I'm just not so sure they will go to a seminar about it. Most just rely on internet for information. But I hope you guys give it a try. You never know right??? It could be more in demand than we know and what if its the beginning of something much bigger? Thats how these things start out, very small, in someone's garage right?
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Post by Cornfed »

steve55 wrote:Look guys, Steve or anyone else for that matter doesn't have to have major time and experience traveling and dating in multiple countries to speak TRUTH. One can experience a few trips to see that things are TRULY DIFFERENT overseas for men, and that dates are far easier to get, that women are sweet and friendly and feminine.
But if he is just pointing out that AW/WW suck then what is the point of paying someone for that? Would you pay to have someone tell you that water is wet? I don't really think I would be qualified to give speeches on the topic and I have lived overseas for about 4 years, as opposed to this Steve R guy who has lived overseas for how long?
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Cornfed wrote:
steve55 wrote:Look guys, Steve or anyone else for that matter doesn't have to have major time and experience traveling and dating in multiple countries to speak TRUTH. One can experience a few trips to see that things are TRULY DIFFERENT overseas for men, and that dates are far easier to get, that women are sweet and friendly and feminine.
But if he is just pointing out that AW/WW suck then what is the point of paying someone for that? Would you pay to have someone tell you that water is wet? I don't really think I would be qualified to give speeches on the topic and I have lived overseas for about 4 years, as opposed to this Steve R guy who has lived overseas for how long?
Steve55 - Give men a little credit for understand that the world that they live in is different from the others they haven't seen. In my opinion they already know this. They don't need people to tell them things are different for men, what they need is examples of how it's different and how they can use it to their advantage. If Steve R. has traveled to Thailand twice, he has experience but it is very limited.

You say he has connections. If his father lives here, he has a connection, great. But this doesn't get him laid within minutes by regular Thai women. Regular Thai women aren't giving it up within 30 minutes, unless perhaps you're Brad Pitt or they're inebriated. So the women he was with, that his connection set him up with, were probably not what those who know Thailand would consider to be decent Thai women. He may think they are, and they might be, but more than likely they're on the fringe (at best). Also, one thing that makes me laugh is how he writes "they weren't prostitutes" as if he needs to validate his experience.

How can this guy be an expert in Global Dating if his experience is limited to two trips to Thailand? For whatever reason, there are men have the opinion that the dating scene in America sucks. How are they so different from Steve? I'm sure there are some who have been rejected just as many times as he has or more and I'm equally sure there are men who have far more experience abroad. So I still don't get why he's supposed to be considered an expert.

Listen - you can say what you want about my being with women years ago. For whatever reason, where ever I've been in the world, I've never had any serious problems landing women. Even in America. The longest dry spell I have ever had is one year and this is because I made myself take a year off from dating after having my heart broken. I got laid a year to the day that I stopped dating.

If I were single again would I have trouble dating? I doubt it. Wouldn't matter where it is, either. Would I meet my future ex-wife and fall madly in love? Who knows, this is always difficult. But I'm not about to think it can't be done and start off in the negative.
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Post by pete98146 »

I think the seminar idea is a good one. But if I'm a guy shelling over money to watch this seminar I'll want to come out of it with a clear game plan on how to succeed. I want real life examples of guys who have succeeded at either moving abroad or married a foreign bride or ideally both.

Without these examples, I would feel like the seminar is merely a bitch session focusing on the negatives of the Western woman. Simply introducing guys to the idea of dating abroad isn't enough IMHO. Show me proof that this idea works because it's expensive to fly all over the world. Why would I be interested? Sell me!

Obviously I'm being the devils advocate here but it's a valid concern.

If I'm running such a seminar, I'm reaching out to some of the forum members on HA who HAVE SUCCEEDED. Talk to guys like myself, DaveWe (who is bringing back his lovely soon to be bride this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), OutWest etc. Perhaps we can be persuaded to give a little video chat that can be incorporated into the seminar. This is the stuff the seminar participants would want I think...

Just trying to give some constructive criticism here.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

pete98146 wrote:I think the seminar idea is a good one. But if I'm a guy shelling over money to watch this seminar I'll want to come out of it with a clear game plan on how to succeed. I want real life examples of guys who have succeeded at either moving abroad or married a foreign bride or ideally both.

Without these examples, I would feel like the seminar is merely a bitch session focusing on the negatives of the Western woman. Simply introducing guys to the idea of dating abroad isn't enough IMHO. Show me proof that this idea works because it's expensive to fly all over the world. Why would I be interested? Sell me!

Obviously I'm being the devils advocate here but it's a valid concern.

If I'm running such a seminar, I'm reaching out to some of the forum members on HA who HAVE SUCCEEDED. Talk to guys like myself, DaveWe (who is bringing back his lovely soon to be bride this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), OutWest etc. Perhaps we can be persuaded to give a little video chat that can be incorporated into the seminar. This is the stuff the seminar participants would want I think...

Just trying to give some constructive criticism here.
This is my point. What is it that makes listening to this guy so worthwhile?

I know I can be harsh but I personally have done everything a seminar like this is supposedly helping men with and at a time when the internet had little to no information about these sort of things. If I can do it on my own, with little info, then why would someone want to shell out money to hear a guy complain? It can help and I think it can be a great idea if you have people who have actually succeeded, like Pete stated. Perhaps I'm being pessimistic but when someone makes a huge deal about getting laid in Thailand (whores or not), it strikes me as slightly naive.

Also, who is your market? Is it to men who want to get laid, men who want to date, men who want marriage, or just men in general? Why must they attend this seminar? What makes it worth shelling out the money and what is it that is so much better about living abroad versus living at home that will make them want to come up with the thousands of dollars they'll need to travel long enough to hook up? It's expensive to travel, even on the cheap. I was making good money when I left the U.S. but when I first started coming to Thailand, I used air couriers to come to Bangkok. My cost was anywhere from $50-$200 and had it not been for these cheap flights, I probably wouldn't have come here. Like I said, I think the seminar idea is sound. I think you need to think it through a bit more though.
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Post by pete98146 »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:
pete98146 wrote:I think the seminar idea is a good one. But if I'm a guy shelling over money to watch this seminar I'll want to come out of it with a clear game plan on how to succeed. I want real life examples of guys who have succeeded at either moving abroad or married a foreign bride or ideally both.

Without these examples, I would feel like the seminar is merely a bitch session focusing on the negatives of the Western woman. Simply introducing guys to the idea of dating abroad isn't enough IMHO. Show me proof that this idea works because it's expensive to fly all over the world. Why would I be interested? Sell me!

Obviously I'm being the devils advocate here but it's a valid concern.

If I'm running such a seminar, I'm reaching out to some of the forum members on HA who HAVE SUCCEEDED. Talk to guys like myself, DaveWe (who is bringing back his lovely soon to be bride this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), OutWest etc. Perhaps we can be persuaded to give a little video chat that can be incorporated into the seminar. This is the stuff the seminar participants would want I think...

Just trying to give some constructive criticism here.

Also, who is your market? Is it to men who want to get laid, men who want to date, men who want marriage, or just men in general?
Bingo! AAIB makes an excellent point here. Much like the guys here on HA, not everybody has the same goal. Without a pinpoint target audience your seminars will be too broad and suffer. You can start showing some Hoca videos and that will get the guys shaking their heads in agreement that Western women are nightmares and the US is a toxic place to meet women but then what? Most of these guys already know this info or they wouldn't be at the seminar in the first place. It's like preaching to the choir. Focus on how you can fix problems instead of over describing the problem!!!!!

My guess is most of the guys would want to meet a foreign lady for marriage, there's your potential cash cow. Spending hard earned money to go to foreign countries and meet approachable "hot" girls or having an international girlfriend? Waste of time and cash for most men.

Look at it from this angle. If the presenters have never married a foreign lady it's like taking a class on how to climb Mt Everest taught buy instructors that have never summited.

Really no need to be over emotional here. Nobody is trying to piss on anybody's parade, just trying to point out things that would need to be addressed to pull this off.
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Post by Banano »

They could preach about cheaper p4p rates with girls from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds
-phenomenon of sugar daddy-ing
-lower cost of living

people don't want to hear much about the problem with dating scene, they already know that , they want solution

IMO Steve R wouldn't qualify to talk about pros and cons of Thailand due to his very limited experience.
I spend more than 1 year in TH and I would call myself an expert.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Banano wrote:They could preach about cheaper p4p rates with girls from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds
-phenomenon of sugar daddy-ing
-lower cost of living

people don't want to hear much about the problem with dating scene, they already know that , they want solution

IMO Steve R wouldn't qualify to talk about pros and cons of Thailand due to his very limited experience.
I spend more than 1 year in TH and I would call myself an expert.
You would or would not consider yourself an expert?
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Post by Banano »


*would NOT* consider myself an expert

but then again if Steve R think he is an expert and got it all figured it out then Im king of LOS:)
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Post by Repatriate »

Steve R sounds like a fraud or someone who spent a little time getting with average Thai girls by teaching english in Thailand so now he's a self proclaimed "expert" on the matter. Winston is sometimes easily swayed by certain types of smooth talking and huckster men who tug at his emotional switches. I'm afraid most of us are not so naive and demand hard proof or real life substance to these claims of laying rating 7-8 thai women within 30 minutes.

Where is this proof that Steve R has superior connections? What places did he hang out at? Can he give a few scenarios in which all these great things happened to him all the time in Thailand?
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Post by Banano »

Winston is not naïve its just that Stevie boy is smooth talker aka BS artist and Winston saw it as an opportunity to make a quick buck abandoning his basic principle - truth
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Post by Winston »

Here are some Powerpoint slides I drafted for me and Steve's presentation for our proposed seminar on global dating. What do you think? Anything you guys want to add to it? I'm not sure whether to create a separate Powerpoint presentation for this though, or just add it to the existing one linked from the home page. I could also create a new pamphlet based on these points too.

I'm sure you'll find it very informative. Of course, photos and videos would be in the presentation as well, which would demonstrate and prove all these points in living color.

Powerpoint slides and points to add:

Title: Why the dating scene in America sucks, why it's NOT your fault, and why you will have it much better overseas

The 80/20 Rule in the American Dating Scene

* Roughly, 80-90 percent of single women are after the top 10-20 percent of single men (in terms of looks, status and money).
* This partially explains why single men seem to vastly outnumber single women.
* As a result, the top 10 percent of single men become players, since they have no need to marry or commit.
* The rest of the unwanted single men are left out in the cold. They have to either stay alone or settle and lower their standards.
* In the suburbs, every female is either taken, too fat, or too young. In the cities, single women all want the top 10 percent of men, or none at all.

Why American women think they're too good for you

* Women are much more influenceable by the media, which tells them that they are all hot princesses who deserve the very best in all things and should not settle for anything less.
* As a consequence, a female who is a 7 (on a scale from 1 to 10) thinks she is a 9, and thus deserves a man who is a 9, or else nothing at all. So if you are not a male 9, then you can only get a female 6 and under, if at all.
* The result is that women's standards in men are continually going up. But men have not raised their standards compared to before. They do not need a super model type. They just want a woman who is decent looking, feminine, and has good character and values. (which is not a lot to ask for)
* However, it has gotten harder and harder to attain even that, due to the above, and due to the degradation of character in women. So men have had to continually LOWER their standards, while women have RAISED theirs.

Tragic net result:

* The tragic net result of all this is that while women's standards keep going UP, men have had to keep lowering their standards further DOWN!

Why it's so difficult and unnatural to meet women in the USA

* American women strongly prefer familiarity over novelty when it comes to people. They don't like strangers or meeting new people. This is why they don't like to socialize outside their clique (closed social group) and are uncomfortable with it, especially when it comes to men.

* Men tend to be more open to novelty and variety when it comes to meeting people, and are far more likely to talk to strangers or say hi to them.

* American women are conditioned by their media, culture and peers to despise men and view them as fools, creeps and predators. They are taught to fear men as well.

* American women are taught not to need men, but to become independent and self-reliant.

* There is a surplus of men in America due to the influx of male immigrants coming to America to work. Thus, too many men are competing for the same women.

* Having too many choices among men, and being overempowered and spoiled, American women become too picky and only want the very best men in looks and status, leaving most men in the dust. They do not even need to be nice or develop good qualities to get men, or to get whatever they want out of life.

* What's worse, such women often tend to seek men with similar bad qualities as themselves, hence their image of "going after bad boys".

Sad Truths About Women vs. Men

* Sadly, the more money women make and the more independent they become, the LESS they need love and romance from men.

* In contrast, men STILL need love and romance from women, regardless of their wealth, status or independence.

* Women who don't need men reserve their love and emotions for children and pets, which they treat better than men, sadly.

* Women are hardwired to marry up and will only choose someone above them in status and income. Therefore, when a society overempowers women, gives them too much power and spoils them, it is bad for most men and sabotages their dating prospects.

* But men do not care about a woman's status and income, they only care that she is decent looking, feminine, caring and has good qualities.

* Having too many choices in men, and becoming spoiled and overempowered, American women become very picky and do not need to develop good qualities or be nice to get men, or whatever they want in life.

* What's worse, such women often tend to seek men with similar bad qualities as themselves, hence their image of "going after the bad boys."

* In contrast, in poorer countries where good men are more scarce and women can't get rich easily, women have to be nice and develop good qualities to get men. They do not seek "bad boys".

(No offense to the women, but it goes without saying that normal men prefer women with good qualities than women with bad qualities.)

Why women have it better here, while men have it better abroad

According to evolutionary psychology and primate studies:

* Females are hardwired to attract the most admirers so they can select the highest quality mate.

* Males are hardwired to copulate with as many partners as possible to spread their seed. This is why they like variety in women. (not all but many do)

* In America, women get what they want, because they can always find desperate men willing to commit to them. But most men do NOT get the variety they want, whether they are single or married. In other words, women have A LOT more choices than men.

* In contrast, in many other countries, men DO get the variety they want in women, whereas women have trouble getting the commitment they want from men, because the men have too many choices and do not need to commit. Examples: Mexico, Russia, Eastern Europe, SE Asia, Philippines, Thailand, Latin America.

Significance and Implications:

* This is good news for both marriage-minded men and playboy types, as both will get an exponential increase in dating choices.

* Thus, if you are not marriage-minded, you no longer have to choose between being married and bored, or being single and lonely, which are your options in America. Instead, you can choose a third option: Being a playboy in a foreign country, at least until you can find a real gem to settle down with.
Last edited by Winston on August 28th, 2013, 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by pete98146 »


I've come to a conclusion that you are a brilliant sociologist in that you describe the male/female problems in the Anglosphere like nobody else out there. If I'm a guy in the audience at one of your seminars I'm thinking this list of topics would grab my attention but it's more of an appetizer. Where's the meat and potatoes?

Every Tom Dick and Harry can go online to find sites that show single ladies from Europe, Asia and South America. How is your product different? What can you offer these lonely gentlemen in the audience other than lengthy material describing the problem?

Here's one way to look at it. If my car breaks down and I take it to a mechanic, I don't want to sit down and spend two hours having him tell me in great detail what is wrong with my car. I just want my car fixed. The same would apply to these seminars. The seminars are incomplete without the presenters (you and Steve) showing the forum members how to succeed with foreign women and they'll want real life success stories to back it up.

Just my two cents worth.
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Post by Winston »

pete98146 wrote:Winston,

I've come to a conclusion that you are a brilliant sociologist in that you describe the male/female problems in the Anglosphere like nobody else out there. If I'm a guy in the audience at one of your seminars I'm thinking this list of topics would grab my attention but it's more of an appetizer. Where's the meat and potatoes?

Every Tom Dick and Harry can go online to find sites that show single ladies from Europe, Asia and South America. How is your product different? What can you offer these lonely gentlemen in the audience other than lengthy material describing the problem?

Here's one way to look at it. If my car breaks down and I take it to a mechanic, I don't want to sit down and spend two hours having him tell me in great detail what is wrong with my car. I just want my car fixed. The same would apply to these seminars. The seminars are incomplete without the presenters (you and Steve) showing the forum members how to succeed with foreign women and they'll want real life success stories to back it up.

Just my two cents worth.
Thanks. But the fallacy you make is that other guys out there that we are trying to reach out to, already know the same stuff that you do. Steve has repeatedly emphasized that such seminars and conferences are NOT for "know it alls" such as the guys on this forum. They are for guys totally new to all this who know nothing. In fact, he predicted your reaction in advance, and it seems he was right.

You forget that many single guys out there in America are in denial, lost hope and going for years without any dates. They don't see the picture and are not just going to sign up for an international dating site. They think America is the world and don't realize the global dating choices out there and why they are far better. They are in the matrix and do not know what you and I know. These are the guys we would reach out to, who don't know about the global options and don't see the big picture. The above Powerpoint draft slides explain it to them in a way that makes sense.

The point is, these guys will waste years and decades in regret in a losing dating game in America, never knowing that they could have it a lot better. Remember that no one out there is really presenting the benefits and advantages that we are. So most guys will never hear about all this. It's a Gospel for them. There are many depressed guys out there with no hope, and think that their choices are either unattainable spoiled American women who don't want them, or it's nothing. We are trying to enlighten them so they don't have to waste years and decades in a losing game.

We are reaching out to guys who know nothing about all this, not "know it alls" like the guys on this forum. Steve has emphasized this repeatedly. He knew in advance that the guys on this forum would be overly critical. So he said that the guys on this forum would not be our target audience.

Besides, no one else out there is presenting what we are presenting, so there would be no competition. The market for this movement is definitely there. The great need is there too. There just isn't enough of a medium to reach out to it.

You also forget that most single lonely guys in the US don't know that there's a problem with women in America. The media has convinced them to think that the problem is them. They are expected to blame themselves. This is wrong and false.

Yes anyone can go to a dating site. But most guys won't. They don't know the WHY of foreign women. The dating sites aren't presenting it, not to the extent that we do. So in your "car breaking down" example, most guys do not even know that the car is broken. See what I mean? They don't really know what the problem is. All the other self-help gurus and pop psychology movements out there all tell them that the problem is them and that they have to improve themselves to get the women they want in America. Most of the time, this advice will lead nowhere. So you see, most guys do not know that foreign women are different and do not know what the solution to their datelessness is. Remember, we are talking about the average guy out there, not you.

Other "meat and potatoes" issues or "how to" info. can be done in a follow up seminar.

Btw, after Steve saw several hours of my videos in Russia and Eastern Europe, we both agreed that those videos prove what I say a lot more than any words could ever do. They show that women in those countries are like a different species, who are far friendlier, like to meet men, and aren't in a rush to leave when you talk to them, etc.

The perfect presentation would be to do a Powerpoint, followed by videos and photos. And then a Q&A session.

This is all an experiment anyway, to see how this would go over with the average guys out there.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

Join my Dating Site to meet thousands of legit foreign girls at low cost!

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by davewe »

pete98146 wrote:Winston,

I've come to a conclusion that you are a brilliant sociologist in that you describe the male/female problems in the Anglosphere like nobody else out there. If I'm a guy in the audience at one of your seminars I'm thinking this list of topics would grab my attention but it's more of an appetizer. Where's the meat and potatoes?

Every Tom Dick and Harry can go online to find sites that show single ladies from Europe, Asia and South America. How is your product different? What can you offer these lonely gentlemen in the audience other than lengthy material describing the problem?

Here's one way to look at it. If my car breaks down and I take it to a mechanic, I don't want to sit down and spend two hours having him tell me in great detail what is wrong with my car. I just want my car fixed. The same would apply to these seminars. The seminars are incomplete without the presenters (you and Steve) showing the forum members how to succeed with foreign women and they'll want real life success stories to back it up.

Just my two cents worth.
I think there is value in summarizing the problem and letting men know that they aren't the problem (or at least that they are not the whole problem). But I agree that after that what do you have?

I hate to admit it, but I used to listen to and even purchased a few products from several well known PUAs. In many cases they adequately described the problems of the dating scene in the US. It's the solutions where most of them stumble. And let's face it, guys who go to seminars, buy CDs/DVDs, buy books, etc. are spending their hard earned money looking for solutions, not just a definition of what the problem is.

In a way this is analogous to reading HA. Winston and others have spent years defining the problems. It's when we get to the solutions that the answers get thin and conflict.

From strictly a marketing standpoint, the guys capable of paying will be middle-class or successful men looking for wives or LTRs. The guy looking for p4p or a quickie vacation gf isn't as likely to waste money that he probably doesn't have.

But I am certainly interested in what Winston does with all this.
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