Asian men/White women COUPLES are naturally compatible

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Re: Asian men/White women COUPLES are naturally compatible

Post by Winston »


Let me make a few key points:

1. First, are you sure you understood my article correctly? Did you read it all the way through? I said Eastern Europe and Russia were an exception, as I experienced too. Haven't you seen my photos and videos? (see the links in my signature) White girls in Eastern Europe and Russia are definitely more open and sociable in general, not just with Asian men. But not North America. Western Europe is slightly better for Asian men, but Eastern Europe is the best. And if you go further East in Russia to Siberia and beyond, it may even be better for Asian men, I hear.

2. In any case, still the fact is that MOST white women prefer white men. That's true of women of any race, they prefer their own race. Sure there may a small percentage of White women that like Asian men, but they are still a MINORITY, not majority. So of course you can cherry pick the ones that are the minority. Very easily. Let's say there are 100 million white women, and 5 percent or less like Asian men. That's like 5 million white women you can choose from or post photos of with their Asian partners. 5 million is a lot of people! Anyone can focus on that and take photos of them. However, they are still the MINORITY, NOT THE MAJORITY. Do you understand?

Even in Eastern Europe and Russia, where Asian men do better, still MOST white women there prefer white men. How do I know this? Because they TOLD me so, both with their ACTIONS and WORDS. And if you go to Poland, virtually all white women there will tell you they only like white men. Everyone in Poland knows that. Again, there are always exceptions, but exceptions do not debunk a general rule or pattern or tendency or preference. So if you don't believe me, you can poll all the white women you want and tell them to be 100 percent honest. Most will tell you that they prefer white men of their own race. Of course, we all know that there are many white women that will try to be politically correct and sound non-racist by saying that they are open to dating Asian men, but in reality, they won't actually date any. Actions speak louder than words, after all.

Now I know things are changing, and white women today are more open to Asian men than before. But I was speaking of the era before today, such as the early 2000's, the 1990's and prior. Today white women/asian male couples may be more common than before, but they are STILL a minority.

3. Here's an easy proof and test for you to validate my claim: If you don't believe me, go outside and see. Out in public, you see VERY FEW asian male/white female couples, if any at all. No matter how many photos you post of asian men and white women, still the fact is, OUT IN PUBLIC you see VERY VERY FEW. And that speaks volumes. It says it all. Even in Europe and Russia, you do not see many either. Now Siberia or Eastern Russia may be another matter of course. I haven't been there so I can't comment. But I heard the women in Eastern and Central Russia are the most open to Asian men.

Here's another experiment you can try: Go to and look at the many white American women profiles on there. You will notice that under racial preference, over 90 percent of them list that they only want white men. Over 90 percent is a clear majority of course. Likewise, if you go to, you will notice something similar. It is one of the few Russian bride sites that allow women to list their racial preferences, so we gotta commend Elena Petrova for her honesty regarding this, because that decreases business from male clients, and hence why most Russian bride sites don't allow racial preferences to be listed. Anyhow, what you will notice is that MOST Russian women also state that they prefer white men too. I went there and saw it. So even in Russia, where Asian men do far better, still most white ladies there prefer white men. You can try this for yourself and see that I'm right. You see, a white woman may lie to you and tell you she's not racist and open to asian men, in order to appear non-racist, but she's not as apt to lie on her dating profile about racial preferences.

4. Also, do you understand the difference between being friendly and sociable vs. being romantically interested? Lots of white women in foreign countries may find us asian men to be a novelty and may be curious about us. They may hang out with us, go out with us, show us around their town, have dinner and drinks with us, have culture exchange with us, show us hospitality, etc. But it's purely platonic only. It doesn't mean they are romantically interested. I met many girls, hundreds, in Russia and Eastern Europe who were friendly and sociable to me, in ways that would never happen in North America. See my photos and videos (linked in my signature) for proof. But being romantically interested in you is another matter. Sure sometimes I can seduce them and get kisses from them. But in the end, if they aren't interested they will pull away. Being romantically interested or in love is a totally DIFFERENT matter. Do you understand?

So just because there are photos of Asian men and White women going out together, doesn't mean they are a couple. They could be hanging out as friends. They could have a platonic relationship. She could just be showing him around out of hospitality. Etc. Happens all the time. Romantic chemistry does not come easy at all.

Did you know that European and Russian culture are different in many ways? Well one difference is that the women in those countries are not "all or nothing". They do not mind going out with a guy they are not attracted to, as only a friend. Whereas in America, it's all or nothing, in that a typical American girl will not go out with a guy they are not romantically interested in, even as a friend, and will never stay friends with their exes (even if they claim to, which we all know), European and Russian women do not have that uptight mentality. In their mind, going out with a guy as a friend without any romantic interest is perfectly normal to them. They are cool with it and don't have hang ups against it, like their American counterparts do. Anyone that's familiar with women there know what I mean. So again, just because you see white women and asian men together in Slavic countries or European countries, doesn't mean they are a couple.

Do you understand my points? Hopefully that clarifies my position.
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Re: Asian men/White women COUPLES are naturally compatible

Post by Winston »

Forum member GoldenStud adamantly wants you all to see these links, images and videos he posted of Asian men with White Slavic women, to inspire other Asian men to pursue white Slavic women, and to try to prove me wrong too. lol

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Re: Asian men/White women COUPLES are naturally compatible

Post by Winston »

Advice article for White women seeking Chinese men. lol

Chinese Men, Western Women: Differences in the Dating Game ... ating-Game
The sight of a western woman with a Chinese man is, although admittedly more and more commonplace, still a relative rarity, and the information and advice available to Western women who are seeking to date Chinese men is still comparatively scarce. So scarce, in fact, that Jocelyn Eikenburg, an American who has been married to a Chinese man for several years, has written a successful blog, and even been interviewed by the BBC about this "phenomenon".

First of all, it’s important to think about the reasons why the Western woman/ Chinese man pairing is so rare. One of them could be the way in which Chinese men, all Asian men for that matter, are portrayed in Western culture. The emasculation of the Asian male is a well documented trope of Western cinema. Asian men are either portrayed as celibate, pure, martial arts heroes or one dimensional token minorities. The idea of Asian men as sexual beings doesn’t really exist in the Western public consciousness. This undoubtedly has an effect on the way Western women view Chinese men.

Another reason is the relative conservatism of Chinese relationships; gender roles in Chinese relationships are so clearly defined that even lesbian couples frequently divide themselves in to masculine and feminine counterparts, T (for tomboy), and P (for princess). Whilst this also exists in the occidental world, deviation from this is much less common over in China.
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