Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

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Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I'd like to demonstrate a big attitude difference between Chinese and Taiwanese girls with some real examples I've experienced from dating sites. Now you'd think that they'd be similar since they came from the same culture, language and ethnicity, but it turns out not to be so at all.

On dating sites, I've written many women in both China and Taiwan. The difference in attitude has been astounding. For example, here is a letter I got from a mainland Chinese woman:

"Thank you for your sincere letter.
You are an excellent man. Hope someday I could manage my own business like you.I can't believe that a man like you ,so excellent,has no girlfriend.Maybe you have many chasers, but you just haven't met your real girl.
You look a little like my school counsellor.But he is much younger than you.You two both are handsome.??
Hope we can be friends.

As you can see, she was complimentary and enthusiastic. The above example was from PlentyofFish.

Next, here is a response I got from a sincere educated sweet lady in Shenzhen, China that I've been corresponding with. When I first wrote her, this was her initial response:

"Hello Winston,
How are you?

Firstly, Please accept my apology of late reply because i haven't been checking the account for a while. i was so happy just now to read your email this afternoon, you seems a very nice person from email and your photos.
Meanwhile i am also glad that you like my profile and photos. I guess you must be a very patient,romantic,gentle and passionate people, the kind of which,however, i am looking for.

Secoldly, a little about me? I am 25years girl, living and working in the city of Shenzhen where it's near to HongKong, have you been to either of them?
I am a buyer working for an exporting company, I like reading, chatting with nice friends, listening to romantic music and also I like TRAVELLING. hehe..

Finally, Iam so happy to hear about your compliment about Chinese girl and you like Chinese girl.
As for myself, I am seriously looking for a boyfriend as well, the relationship of which might possibly lead to a marriage.
Maybe we can try to get to know each other more better and who knows, we might be the one that we have been looking for.

BTW, when you will go China? have you ever been China before?
hehe, i speak Mandarin, Cantonese, and some English, if there is a chance, i could teach you more Mandarin or even Cantonese, and because of my oral english is not that good, maybe i need your help too. hehe.

Best wishes and talk to you soon.

As you can see, she is sincere, sweet, and enthusiastic. And she introduced herself with a proper letter. Now this is the kind of response that authentic sincere guys like me dream of receiving. With Chinese women, that dream becomes a reality. But I NEVER get a letter like that from anyone in Taiwan!

In her letter, you can see that she is feminine, sweet, sincere, down to earth, and educated as well - what more could you ask for? That's what every normal guy wants, a girl that's sweet, feminine and down to earth. It's not a lot to ask for, yet in spoiled westernized countries like Taiwan and America, where women have a bad attitude, it seems like it's too much to ask for. What a difference location makes eh?

In contrast, 99 percent of the Taiwanese women I write to don't reply at all, and if they do, they only write one lame dismissive line. Here is one example from PlentyofFish:

"You just copied and pasted your intro. Isn't it a bit too lazy?"

After I explained to her that I only send out a form letter the first time to save time and be efficient, and that subsequent letters would be personalized, she disappeared and had nothing to say back.

Obviously, she wasn't even interested in me. She just wanted to make a wise-crack remark at me. (Gee thanks. We get enough of that from Western women, why go to Taiwan? Sheesh.) This clearly reflects a spoiled attitude. She didn't tell me about herself or comment on my letter at all. So much for friendly sincere correspondence...

Here is another one liner response from a Taiwanese girl with no point, also on PlentyofFish:

"I am gonna move to Taipei soon too:/"

I don't know why she said that. It had nothing to do with my letter nor did I indicate that I was moving to Taipei. It was a pointless airhead response. She didn't tell me about herself or comment on my letter at all.

Another time, on OkCupid, I wrote many Taiwanese girls and got only one response:

"sorry you're not my type"

Enough said.

So you see, location often makes all the difference, even within Asia. It's a simple yet taboo secret. Yet you are never told this by mainstream media or conventional sources. Instead, you are given the illusion that people are the same everywhere. What a pity.

This is why I like showing you all such differences, so you can see how real they are, even though other websites don't talk about them. Hope you all appreciate that. As you know, I'm the type that tells truths that others don't have the guts to tell. I guess it's taboo and "uncool" to make such comparisons, but nevertheless they are VERY REAL, as demonstrated in my experiences depicted above.

As you know, there is an unspoken rule in this world that when you speak or write publicly, you are only allowed to say nice, polite, positive, lighthearted things about people and places. The only time you are allowed to talk about negative things is if it's on the news - which is usually related to jobs, economics, disasters, etc. But as to the topic of spoiled rotten women with bad attitudes in westernized countries, no way, you aren't allowed to talk about that. It's taboo. But as you know, I don't give a @#$% about taboos. I just tell it like it is, and I back up what I say with real examples and valid arguments.

So you gotta wonder: Why the big difference? What is the problem? Who is the problem? Is it me or the sterile environment of Taiwan and the overly picky spoiled girls who are cold and stuck up?

If the problem is me, then how come girls in many other countries treat me better, are more warm and open, and more enthusiastic and appreciative toward me? Why do I feel so much more valuable to foreign girls? They make me FEEL so much better about myself.

How can I feel like a totally different person to women from different cultures? The difference is staggering. It's like I'm two different people - a worthless guy in Taiwan, and a valued desired guy in many other countries.

It's really weird how location changes everything and makes all the difference.

Before anyone attacks me, let me ask you this: If you were me, would you prefer to feel wanted, desired and valuable? Or unwanted, undesired and worthless? Which one?
Last edited by Winston on October 31st, 2013, 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Hey come on. Can anyone explain the differences in the examples and quotes above?
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Post by Sasha V. »


More and more as I read and experience this stuff, I am starting to see that overall, most of this behavior comes down to market forces.

Most people these days have no internal moral compass or code of ethics (men and women included, but women more so), and that their behavior simply adds up to:

"I treat people the worst way that I can get away with"

So, if a girl can act nasty because she has lots of options and you are not on the top of her list, she will.

If she has fewer options, and/or you are seen as more desirable to her, she'll treat you better.

It's that simple.

Of course there are exceptions, people with hearts of gold who care about the repercussions of their actions.. but those are few and far between.

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Post by xiongmao »

Yeah, Sasha V is right. Dating is about supply and demand. Nothing more, nothing less.

Since I hit 40, my value in the marketplace has dropped significantly. But my Chinese female friend is worse - once she hit 36 she has very little value at all. It's a shame, because she's a fantastic woman, but her primary value (her brain) is not valued by men.

I'm talking to my Cantonese girl again. She's not the hottest girl in China, but to compensate for average looks she's had to develop a sparkling personality. In the long term, I'd be much better off with a girl like her - and so would the rest of us. And at the end of the day she's a lot younger than me, and still way hotter than anyone my friends have married.

My lecturer at Uni had the same idea. He married below his status, and his wife worshipped him.
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Post by eurobrat »

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Post by Winston »

What do you think of my dad's advice about offering free tutoring to Taiwanese girls as a way to meet them? It sounds like a lot of trouble to go through doesn't it?
Dear Win,

The Chinese girl you communicated with is really more sincere and alive than the other Taiwanese girls you exchanged emails with. I think those Taiwanese girls and the girls you met at the clubs are not typical Taiwanese girls, I hop. These TW girls in the plentyoffish are probably looking for some specific type of fish and maybe because you revealed too much of your views, especially your view about marriage that made them did not want to talk to you. Now a day, TW girls are badly influenced and polluted by the western culture unlike some Chinese girls. That is why they are more pure and innocent and curious about American way of life. Never tell girls, any girls, about your view on marriage, if you want to be with them.

But, I believe most TW girls are kind, polite and with good heart. You just have not met one yet. Find way to let them know you first, like offer free English tutor in Chiayi Univ. or library.
I did not tell them my views on marriage though. That had nothing to do with it.
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Post by Repatriate »

xiongmao wrote:Yeah, Sasha V is right. Dating is about supply and demand. Nothing more, nothing less.

Since I hit 40, my value in the marketplace has dropped significantly. But my Chinese female friend is worse - once she hit 36 she has very little value at all. It's a shame, because she's a fantastic woman, but her primary value (her brain) is not valued by men.
30 is the beginning of the end for most asian women in Asia at least. This is when boyfriends start moving on to younger women if they haven't committed yet.

35 is when they are officially becoming "old aunties" and the writing is on the wall if they aren't in a stable long term relationship or promised commitment.

40 is the point of no return for an unmarried asian woman. I don't think most asian men would consider it at all.

A smart woman is nice and all but smart in itself is kind of useless there are other qualities which are much more important such as kindness, loyalty, and honesty. I'll take a woman of mediocre intelligence with those traits any day over a smart conniving one.

Most men get a second wind or (second chance in some guys cases) for dating. Men in their 30's can easily date women in their 20's. Whereas women in their 30's have to really relax their age standards.
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Post by Winston »

Btw, I finally got a friendly response from a Taiwanese girl on OkCupid. She's 32, works as an engineer and loves to travel. (but she recently quit her job so she can travel). I guess she's an adventurous type too. lol Check out her photo though. She looks really cute. She looks early 20's, much younger than 32. It's hard to believe that she's 32 isn't it?

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Post by royalism »

Winston wrote:Btw, I finally got a friendly response from a Taiwanese girl on OkCupid. She's 32, works as an engineer and loves to travel. (but she recently quit her job so she can travel). I guess she's an adventurous type too. lol Check out her photo though. She looks really cute. She looks early 20's, much younger than 32. It's hard to believe that she's 32 isn't it?

yes she's a cutie. beautiful skin!

btw on a side note winston, do the women you date ever find out who you are on the internet and discover you have posted their picture on your public forum?? or do they ever find out that you have posted their emails to you on your forum?

(this isn't a dis or a setup against you, I'm just wondering so please don't take it that way)
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Post by royalism »

xiongmao wrote:My lecturer at Uni had the same idea. He married below his status, and his wife worshipped him.
Isn't that the point of this forum? Happier Abroad in 3rd world countries? Getting someone below your perceived status? LOL.

personally for me that might play a significant role, but I like a woman with "old world values".
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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:Btw, I finally got a friendly response from a Taiwanese girl on OkCupid. She's 32, works as an engineer and loves to travel. (but she recently quit her job so she can travel). I guess she's an adventurous type too. lol Check out her photo though. She looks really cute. She looks early 20's, much younger than 32. It's hard to believe that she's 32 isn't it?

Invite her to visit you!
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Post by Jester »

Sasha V. wrote:Winston,

More and more as I read and experience this stuff, I am starting to see that overall, most of this behavior comes down to market forces.

Most people these days have no internal moral compass or code of ethics (men and women included, but women more so), and that their behavior simply adds up to:

"I treat people the worst way that I can get away with"

So, if a girl can act nasty because she has lots of options and you are not on the top of her list, she will.

If she has fewer options, and/or you are seen as more desirable to her, she'll treat you better.

It's that simple.

Of course there are exceptions, people with hearts of gold who care about the repercussions of their actions.. but those are few and far between.....

For which girls would I be the highest value they can get?

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Post by momopi »

Winston wrote:Btw, I finally got a friendly response from a Taiwanese girl on OkCupid. She's 32, works as an engineer and loves to travel. (but she recently quit her job so she can travel). I guess she's an adventurous type too. lol Check out her photo though. She looks really cute. She looks early 20's, much younger than 32. It's hard to believe that she's 32 isn't it?
Ask her if she's on and see if she can take you backpacking around TW's mountain & scenic areas.

Examples: ... p?t=658593 ... p?t=589196 ... p?t=389959 ... p?t=374570 ... p?t=383561 ... p?t=624658

Also, if you want to use online matching service in TW, try this one instead:

Be aware that there are fake profiles and scams like any other service.

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Post by Winston »

royalism wrote: yes she's a cutie. beautiful skin!

btw on a side note winston, do the women you date ever find out who you are on the internet and discover you have posted their picture on your public forum?? or do they ever find out that you have posted their emails to you on your forum?

(this isn't a dis or a setup against you, I'm just wondering so please don't take it that way)
Sometimes. But most Asian girls don't think to google you for some reason.

If they see this site, they will usually have mixed feelings or sometimes disgust.

They don't know if I posted their pic on a forum. How would they, unless someone told them or they used Tiny Eye to search their images, which isn't even very reliable.

Most girls don't go that extra mile. I play by the odds.

There are nearly 9000 threads here now. The chances of them stumbling here and finding their picture is maybe one in a million. lol

Btw, sadly, the 1 in 100 Taiwan girls on dating sites that write back to me are usually only friendly and polite, meaning that they don't talk seriously about meeting, only in making superficial talk online.
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Post by ethan_sg »

personally for me that might play a significant role, but I like a woman with "old world values".
'Old world values', cheers to that. That's the way women were meant to be. Sure beats modern 'sex in the city' values.
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