12 Reasons NOT to get a Dog - Why are Americans so crazy about them?

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12 Reasons NOT to get a Dog - Why are Americans so crazy about them?

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. Why do people, especially white Americans, need to have pets in their home, especially dogs? They are so much trouble, burden and responsibility, yet provide no practical value or benefit. So why do so many people seem to need them? Why are they so common? Why do so many people get them without thinking or weighing the pros and cons? As we all know, dogs are an icon of the typical American family home. This is exemplified in TV shows too, where every ideal American family has at least one family dog.

Now don't get me wrong. I love animals too. I'm a vegetarian after all. But that doesn't mean I want one sharing my living space, especially my bed. That's weird. I don't feel that animals and humans are meant to live together under the same roof. Animals are for watching in a zoo or in the wild, not for sharing your living space. Come on now. Isn't it kind of strange to have an animal running freely in your home, which could potentially harm you or others in your home (even if by accident), cause damage to your furniture and carpet, and also make you do more house cleaning as well? That's crazy.

So why do people get dogs as if they were some normal thing that everyone gets? Weird. People don't make sense! Americans don't seem to mind all the trouble and are addicted to pets, as if they need them for some reason. But in Asia, people aren't as big on pets, and if they have them, they usually keep them outside, because their standards of cleanliness in the house are very high.

Here is a list of factual drawbacks to getting a dog, which are valid reasons NOT to get them:
(apologies to any dog lovers here)

1. You constantly have to buy food for it, so there's an added cost to your budget. Though dog food is cheap, if you want your dog to eat well, you have to pay more for fresh food, even in a can.
2. The veterinarian bills must be expensive. Also if your dog gets sick, it's an emotional burden on you as well.
3. If the dog poops or pees on your floor, you have to clean up after it. Stains in your carpet and furniture will be common. Americans don't seem to mind this, but Asian families will not tolerate this at all.
4. Pets in the house result in fur everywhere, on the carpet, furniture and even bed. Ick. How do Americans tolerate this? Every Asian I know can't stand that and are clean freaks.
5. Dogs are very needy and dependent and need constant love and attention. They could emotionally drain you. Cats are easier and less trouble and not as needy.
6. A dog usually wants to share your bed, which means there is less room in it for you (and your partner) in it. Also, if you come to bed later than your partner does, the dog may already be lying in your space, so that you can't even snuggle next to your partner. And it also means that its fur and smell will get on your bed too. How come Americans don't mind that? Asians would never think to let that happen.
7. If you are with a woman and her dog is there, and you hug her or kiss her, her dog may think you are attacking her and bite you or attack you, or do it out of jealously. Would you want that? Geez. Why the unnecessary trouble? That's so stupid! Who would want that?! Also, if you are having sex or making out in your bed, and the dog is there, it will get aroused and make noise and try to join in the action by humping one of you. That's very distracting if you are trying to make love or have sex. Why wouldn't you want that? That's crazy.
8. A dog jumping up on you or into your lap puts you and any others around at risk for injury or bruises. This is especially the case if you have babies and toddlers around, who are more fragile. A cat with claws may accidentally scratch you, and there's also the risk that its claws could hit your face or eyes too. A cat will also scratch at furniture. Even the Garfield cartoon portrays this.
9. A dog is noisy and barks a lot, sometimes for no reason or for things you can't see. If you are a writer or artist and sensitive to sound, this will not be good for you. It will be very distracting to your deep train of thought.
10. Dogs can also be hostile to your guests and neighbors, and frighten children. Little kids or young females who visit are easily frightened by hostile animals or barking dogs. Why would you want to do that to them?! Geez. Why would you want a hostile dog barking at your guests? That's not good. So why put up with that, especially when there's no benefit in it? It doesn't make sense! People don't make sense!
11. When your pet passes away, you will suffer emotionally and endure grief and sadness. Why would you want to go through that? Why create unnecessary attachments that will result in sorrow? Why is that necessary?
12. Dogs and pets tie you down and obstruct a lifestyle of traveling. When you go away on vacation, you gotta worry about who's going to feed your pet and watch over it. So you gotta burden someone with the trouble, or else you have to put it in one of those pet kennels where someone babysits your pet along with many others. Such places put your pet at risk for catching diseases from the other pets there too. So if you want to be free with less burden/attachments, not more, then obviously pets aren't for you. Being responsible for a pet means LESS freedom.

But even if you travel with a dog, most restaurants, stores, hotels and indoor public places will NOT allow you to take it in. But if you leave your dog in the car, even with the window down, the summer heat can be deadly to it, so you can't do that if it's too hot. This puts you between a rock and a hard place. The only restaurants you can eat at are the ones that have outdoor seating. Stores don't allow dogs, unless they are zipped up in a dog stroller. And national parks also do not allow them on trails, only on overlooks. So bringing a dog with you on your travels causes many inconveniences and obstructions. In addition, pet experts will tell you that dogs do not like travel, but prefer stable environments. So constant travel would not be good for a dog psychologically.

So with 12 factual drawbacks to getting a dog, and no tangible benefit or gain, why are they so common then? It's so weird and illogical. Something tells me that the reasons must be mostly emotional, not logical.

Besides, isn't it kind of strange to have an animal running freely in your home, which could potentially harm you or others in your home (even if by accident), cause damage to your furniture and carpet, and also make you do more house cleaning as well? That's crazy. So why are they so common? Why do so many people get a dog like it's some normal thing to do without thinking or weighing the pros and cons?

I mean, if you need something to love you back, why don't you get it from humans, your kids, friends or lovers? Why a pet? If you are lonely, you can call your friend or Skype with them. Or find a new penpal or chatmate online. Or go out and make new friends. Why do you need a pet and put up with all the many drawbacks above? A pet can't hold intelligent meaningful conversations with you either.

If you need security in your home, you can get a strong lock on your door, or install a security system, or get a gun or tazer. You don't need a dog, and put up with all the trouble above. Come on now. Besides, danger to the home is exaggerated, especially in the USA which is relatively safe. I've never had anyone try to break into my home. So why live in unnecessary fear?

Aren't dogs considered ugly anyway? I mean, when guys refer to an ugly girl, they call her a "dog", not a "cat". Doesn't that indicate that dogs are physically unappealing? So why would people need them if they're not even attractive?

So why do so many people need pets? Especially dogs? Overall, they are a ton of trouble and burden, with many drawbacks, and no tangible benefits or usefulness. So why are they so common? People are weird and don't make sense.

And how come white Americans don't mind animals and humans sharing the same living space, especially sleeping space, but Asians do? Why do white Americans people not care about getting their home all dirty with fur?

Wouldn't it suck if you were dating someone and got serious, and found out that your partner is the type that needs a pet or a dog? That would suck. You could eventually break up over it.

I don't get some people's incessant need to have a pet or dog and go through all the UNNECESSARY trouble outlined above. It doesn't make sense. What do you think?

If you are a dog or pet lover, it'd be interesting to hear your feedback on the above too.

Thanks for listening to my rant.
Last edited by Winston on January 21st, 2014, 7:08 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Cornfed »

Dogs may provide some protection and act as burglar alarms. They may also be good to hunt with or have other practical functions. Cats can keep down the numbers of pesky vermin.
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Post by Winston »

Cornfed wrote:Dogs may provide some protection and act as burglar alarms. They may also be good to hunt with or have other practical functions. Cats can keep down the numbers of pesky vermin.
Yeah but I doubt that someone would endure the 12 burdens and drawbacks above just to have a security dog. There must be more to it than that. I suspect the reasons are mostly emotional, not logical. Besides, danger to the home is exaggerated, especially in the USA which is relatively a safe place. I've never had anyone try to break into my home. So why live in fear unnecessarily?
Last edited by Winston on May 11th, 2013, 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rock »

Dogs are truly in a class of their own. In some ways, they are better than people.

1. They generally don't wine, bitch, or complain.
2. If u train properly, they do what u want when u want.
3. They are always happy to see u when u get home.
4. Many types will die for their owners/masters
5. They are very therapeutic to those who are sick or very old. Someone in my family had serious cancer and their dog was by their side 24/7 through their darkest times through recovery. She told she might have lost the will to live had it not been for her dog.
6. People in today's world are increasingly isolated and alone. A dog can be a very solid and loyal companion and fill the emotion void many suffer in modern developed world society.
7. They're a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to care for than a human baby.
8. If u learn how to effectively manage some of the more aggressive and dominant breeds, it can provide great insight and intuition on how to manage new women who come into your life.
9, Dogs can give u a purpose in life, a reason to go out and get some exercise, a bonding mechanism with other neighbors, etc.
10. Yes, dogs normally only live 10-15 years or so depending on breed but their elderly period is very short (usually just a few months) and they don't show their age like humans.

BTW, I've grown up with 4 different dogs and they truly enhanced my childhood and teens IMO. I wish I could have a dog now but I travel too much and don't think Taiwan is a good place to raise such pets.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I agree with everything but the lack of practical purpose. Dogs sometimes can be a means of security.

But other than that, you are right on the mark. Dogs and Americans have a strange relationship. I notice that they are elevated to the point of family members and given human qualities on occasion. In years past, Americans had a more healthy relationship with dogs, but it has gone awry as a consequence of the lack interpersonal skills most Americans have.

With American women in particular, dogs and cats actually get in the way of or take the place of relationships. There are millions of women that would choose their pet over their boyfriend or husband.
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Post by C.J. »

Most of the problems Winstons lists, are because of no/poor training. If you train a dog right, they can be more loyal and friendly than people! :D Dogs basically give the love that someone gives them back in spades. Cats are basically only goof for exterminating pests. They can see or have the balls to hunt, anyway. :lol:

Dogs are better at human interactions. They can protect loved ones(pitbulls have been known to even protect children!), listen to commands, and are happy when you arrive. They can also observe time and wake you up when they feel it's time for you to be up! :D I had someone else's dog lick my face when it was 8am every time for work, with one hour to spare. Barely knew the little guy. :)

So in short, cats suck, dogs rule. :D I don't have one, because I'm allergic to fur and can't handle the needs of a dog right now.
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Post by woodwater »

sorry but cats rule
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Post by C.J. »

woodwater wrote:sorry but cats rule
Nigga, cats suck! :D

I visited someone who had 2. They were only good for killing pests, after they've played with them that is.

But, what kind of benefits do you think cats bring?
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Post by marklambo »

It all depends on the dog and how you care for it. I have a dog and living with the dog has never been an issue and the costs were so minimal. I will respond to your comments above:

1. You constantly have to buy food for it, so there's an added cost to your budget. Though dog food is cheap, if you want your dog to eat well, you have to pay more for fresh food, even in a can.

Food is cheap, I spend no more than $8-$10 a month on a small bag of high quality organic food with no by products. I have a small dog and the food lasts a while.

2. The veterinarian bills must be expensive. Also if your dog gets sick, it's an emotional burden on you as well.

I had my dog for over 8 years. Because I always give him good food, he never gets sick. I never feed him human food, processed food, wet dog food, fast food, etc. Avoiding those will keep your dog healthy. The only time I took him to a vet was when I brought him to one of my ex girlfriend's house and he ate something from the garbage that poisoned him. The bill was maybe $150 for some antibiotics.

3. If the dog poops or pees on your floor, you have to clean up after it. Stains in your carpet and furniture will be common. Americans don't seem to mind this, but Asian families will not tolerate this at all.

My dog is trained to go to the bathroom in the bathroom on doggy pads. He never pees or poops on the floor. He knows his domain and is trained. It only takes about 1-4 weeks to train a dog and then the dog is good for life. Never an issue. The problem are the owners, if they don't train a dog, it becomes a problem.

4. Pets in the house result in fur everywhere, on the carpet, furniture and even bed. Ick. How do Americans tolerate this? Every Asian I know can't stand that and are clean freaks.

Certain dog breeds shed and others don't. My dog does not shed. I don't have fur everywhere.

5. Dogs are very needy and dependent and need constant love and attention. They could emotionally drain you. Cats are easier and less trouble and not as needy.

My dog is almost like a cat. He's not so needy. Of course he likes attention but he's used to doing his own thing too. He's got his toys to play with and I'll play with him every so often. He is very independent, kind of like a cat.

6. A dog usually wants to share your bed, which means there is less room in it for you (and your partner) in it. Also, if you come to bed later than your partner does, the dog may already be lying in your space, so that you can't even snuggle next to your partner. And it also means that its fur and smell will get on your bed too. How come Americans don't mind that? Asians would never think to let that happen.

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Dogs are not dumb. They know if you need your space. You can easily let them know to get down. Snuggling with a partner is not an issue with a dog, ever. If a dog smells, it's because the owner doesn't take the time to bathe it. My dog has no scent at all. He stays home a lot but if I bring him out, I always make sure to clean him when I bring him in. He's 100% scentless.

7. If you are with a woman and her dog is there, and you hug her or kiss her, her dog may think you are attacking her and bite you or attack you, or do it out of jealously. Would you want that? Geez. Why the unnecessary trouble? That's so stupid! Who would want that?! Also, if you are having sex or making out in your bed, and the dog is there, it will get aroused and make noise and try to join in the action by humping one of you. That's very distracting if you are trying to make love or have sex. Why wouldn't you want that? That's crazy.

lol, that does not happen. My dog doesn't hump anyone's legs or anything. When having sex, my dog just leaves. He knows there's something going on. Dogs don't make noise and try to join in lmao! That doesn't happen haha. The dog will not think you're attacking the owner. Dogs are smarter than you think. And even if there is a dog like that, I'm sure the owner knows and puts the dog in another room.

8. A dog jumping up on you or into your lap puts you and any others around at risk for injury or bruises. This is especially the case if you have babies and toddlers around, who are more fragile. A cat with claws may accidentally scratch you, and there's also the risk that its claws could hit your face or eyes too. A cat will also scratch at furniture. Even the Garfield cartoon portrays this.

I don't know how a dog jumping on my lap would put me or others at risk. Small dogs aren't an issue but maybe a large dog might be different but even a large dog isn't really much of a threat of injury.

9. A dog is noisy and barks a lot, sometimes for no reason or for things you can't see. If you are a writer or artist and sensitive to sound, this will not be good for you. It will be very distracting to your deep train of thought.

A dog always barks for a specific reason. They usually do this to protect their domain and their masters. A trained dog will listen to you when you tell it to stop barking. Mine does.

10. Dogs can also be hostile to your guests and neighbors, and frighten children. Little kids or young females who visit are easily frightened by hostile animals. Why would you want to do that to them?! Geez. That's stupid! And why would you want a hostile dog barking at your guests? That's not good. So why put up with that, especially when there's no benefit in it? It doesn't make sense! People don't make sense!

A hostile dog is only hostile because of the owner. Look at pitbulls for example. They have such a bad reputation for being dangerous but that's only because of the owners. I've known many pitbulls that were the friendliest and non threatening. It all depends on the owner. If an owner trains it to be a fighter, then it will be hostile. But if an owner trains it to be domestic and nice, it will be that. The owners are to be blamed.

11. When your pet ages or gets sick and die, you will suffer emotionally and endure grief and sadness. Why would you want to go through that? Why create unnecessary attachments that will result in sorrow? Why is that necessary?

Yes, that does come with it but the faithful companionship you get from a dog is unlike any other. A dog is more faithful than any girlfriend a man could have. Ask any dog owner and they'll tell you. The dog never complains, the dog is always there for you no matter what. Your dog is always happy to see you no matter what mood you are in. It's a priceless feeling to have. And again, yes, it's sad when they pass but that's life. All our loved ones eventually die.

12. Dogs and pets tie you down too. When you go away on vacation or travel, you gotta worry about who's going to feed your pet and watch over it. So you gotta burden someone with the trouble, or else you have to put it in one of those pet care centers where someone babysits your pet along with many others. Such places put your pet at risk for catching diseases from the other pets there too. So if you want to be free with less burden/attachments, not more, then obviously pets and dogs aren't for you. Being responsible for a pet means LESS freedom, not more.

For a person that is constantly traveling, yes that may be an issue. If it's a small dog, traveling with the dog is always an option but when it is not an option, it is true you may have to find someone to help take care of it when gone. But there are also many pet sitting services that come to your home daily to feed and care for the pet. This way the dog is comfortable being in its own home.

Having a dog is not as bad as you think. Dogs can be trained to do many things. A lazy owner that doesn't train a dog properly can easily have problems in the future, but it's the owner to blame. Just like parents....there are parents who raise a child properly and there are parents who are clueless. When the child grows up to be a disaster, a big part of the blame are the parents. Not so much different with a dog.
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If you have to ask why....

Post by JimmyC »

...I couldn't explain it to you. :)

Dogs are like most things in that they don't come without a cost. For some, it is well worth it and their animals enrich their lives. Others, not so much and unfortunately it's the dog who usually suffers.

When I got divorced I was leaving my home for the last time to move to an apartment. We had 3 dogs at that point, but I had no intention of taking one of them with me, given that most apartments don't allow them or charge you more for having one. As I was putting the last box in my car, the dog who had been my favorite jumped in the back seat. Annoyed, I told him "You can't come with me, boy. Get out!", but he refused to budge. When I tried to physically extract him he just moved between the rear seats until he got into the trunk! He sat back there, almost invisible except for his eyes. "Are you sure you know what you're getting into?", I asked him. He just blinked back at me. I left with him still in the car.

As it turned out, having him with me was the best therapy I could have asked for. He was a companion at a time in my life when almost everyone had rejected me. He forced me to go out and interact with people. I got to know my neighbors. He made me get exercise. His antics made me laugh. He made a huge contribution to my getting past the divorce and resuming my life.

So I have a soft spot for dogs. Your mileage, of course, may vary. :)
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Post by Tsar »

Proper training should stop most of what you described. Smaller dogs eat less than larger dogs. Some dogs serve different roles (Guard Dogs, Hunting Dogs, Sheep Dogs, and some make very good pets. Some dogs were used as sled dogs). Also, girls like cute, small dogs so if you have a Yorkshire Terrier or a Shiba Ino then it might make it easier to attract girls.
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Post by Adama »

I vehemently disagree on all accounts. There is only one valid reason to not have a dog, and that is allergy.

Dogs are definitely worth putting up with all the shit they could ever put you through, up to and including their deaths.

Winston, your posts lack empathy. Dogs are the one animal that can and do love men UNCONDITIONALLY.

If a man is homeless, down on his luck, without a pot to piss in, his dog will not abandon him. It is very likely that his woman, friends and family will disown him. But his dog never will.

If a man, child, or woman were to become entrapped, a dog would volunteer its life to save its owner or sometimes any random person. Men will sometimes do that. There are no documented cases of women ever giving their lives to save others to my knowledge (although there must be a few but dogs probably far outnumber them).

I have a few allergies but they have been decreasing over the years. I had a terrible intestinal infection called Candida which made me allergic to nearly everything. The dr advised me not to get a dog. I am hoping in another year or two I can get a dog and make him my best friend. f**k people.

My last dog died about 2006 and I was heartbroken. But the same if someone important to me died. I'd be heartbroken and it still breaks me up to think about him. That said, I wouldnt skip having a dog because of the future heartbreak. The rewards of their companionship far outweigh their future loss, and probably outweigh the friendshit of most human beings.
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Re: If you have to ask why....

Post by Adama »

JimmyC wrote:...I couldn't explain it to you. :)

Dogs are like most things in that they don't come without a cost. For some, it is well worth it and their animals enrich their lives. Others, not so much and unfortunately it's the dog who usually suffers.

When I got divorced I was leaving my home for the last time to move to an apartment. We had 3 dogs at that point, but I had no intention of taking one of them with me, given that most apartments don't allow them or charge you more for having one. As I was putting the last box in my car, the dog who had been my favorite jumped in the back seat. Annoyed, I told him "You can't come with me, boy. Get out!", but he refused to budge. When I tried to physically extract him he just moved between the rear seats until he got into the trunk! He sat back there, almost invisible except for his eyes. "Are you sure you know what you're getting into?", I asked him. He just blinked back at me. I left with him still in the car.

As it turned out, having him with me was the best therapy I could have asked for. He was a companion at a time in my life when almost everyone had rejected me. He forced me to go out and interact with people. I got to know my neighbors. He made me get exercise. His antics made me laugh. He made a huge contribution to my getting past the divorce and resuming my life.

So I have a soft spot for dogs. Your mileage, of course, may vary. :)
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Re: If you have to ask why....

Post by JimmyC »

Adama wrote:
JimmyC wrote:...I couldn't explain it to you. :)

Awww.... *wipes away a tear*
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Post by Adama »

Winston, will Diane or your future bride burn a candle for you daily for the rest of her life???



An extremely dedicated dog has continued to show its loyalty, keeping watch on its owner's grave six years after he passed away.
Capitan, a German shepherd, reportedly ran away from home after its owner, Miguel Guzman, died in 2006. A week later, the Guzman family found the dog sitting by his grave in central Argentina.
Miguel Guzman adopted Capitan in 2005 as a gift for his teenage son, Damian. And for the past six years, Capitan has continued to stand guard at Miguel's grave. The family says the dog rarely leaves the site.
"We searched for him, but he had vanished," widow Veronica Guzman told LaVoz.com. "We thought he must have got run over and died.
'The following Sunday we went to the cemetery, and Damian recognized his pet. Capitan came up to us, barking and wailing as if he were crying."
Adding to the unusual circumstances, Veronica says the family never brought Capitan to the cemetery before he was discovered there.
"It is a mystery how he managed to find the place," she said.

Cemetery director Hector Baccega says he and his staff have begun feeding and taking care of Capitan.
"He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master," Baccega said.
"During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o'clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave, stays there all night."
But the Guzman family hasn't abandoned Capitan. Damian says the family has tried to bring Capitan home several times but that he always returns to the cemetery on his own.
"I think he's going to be there until he dies, too. He's looking after my dad," he said.
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