America has the highest rates of mental illness in the world, WHO says

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America has the highest rates of mental illness in the world, WHO says

Post by Winston »

To back up my claim about America having the highest rates of mental illness in the world, here are some links to articles and studies I found online that attest to it. They are very revealing and testify to the dysfunctional, toxic and inauthentic lifestyle that Americans have that splits their mind from their authentic self, leading to a psychosis.

First, here is what the World Health Organization reported which confirms this: ... staggering
June 1, 2004 -- A World Health Organization study released Tuesday shows that rates of most mental illness are far higher in the U.S. than in any other country in the world.
Here is another study that says that half of Americans will develop a mental illness in their lifetime. ... se/246035/
Over a 12-month period, 27 percent of adults in the U.S. will experience some sort of mental health disorder, making the U.S. the country with the highest prevalence. Mental health disorders include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and substance abuse. Over one's entire lifetime, the average American has a 47.4 percent chance of having any kind of mental health disorder. Yes, that's almost one in two. The projected lifetime prevalence is even higher: for people who reach age 75 it is 55 percent. The WHO data does not take into account eating disorders, personality disorders, and schizophrenia; the incidence of these disorders together is about 15 percent in the U.S., according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
Here are more articles about the high rates of mental illness in America which corroborates my claim: ... l-illness/ ... 080958.htm ... stics.html ... ently-high ... 85326.aspx

The media has also reported on the growing epidemic of social isolation and loneliness in America, citing that Americans have fewer friends than they did in the past. See their reports here: ... ntain.html ... 63_pf.html ... iness.html ... cover.html

In one of the studies above, an "expert" theorizes that depression may be a "luxury disorder" in the US because people in other countries have to survive all the time and have no time for depression. lol ... se/246035/
Despite ongoing research, the predictors of mental health disorders are still evasive, even for the most common, like depression. While a nation’s wealth factor would seem to have an impact, it’s clear from the data that the relationship is complex. Ron Kessler, Ph.D., the Harvard researcher who headed much of the WHO’s mental health research, says that by and large people in less-developed countries are less depressed: After all, he says, when you’re literally trying to survive, who has time for depression? Americans, on the other hand, many of whom lead relatively comfortable lives, blow other nations away in the depression factor, leading some to suggest that depression is a “luxury disorder.�
What a load of laughable denialist BS. If having free time were really the cause of depression then how come people who work less than Americans, such as the French, Germans, Spanish and Dutch, don't have mental health problems like Americans do? In fact, even in a third world country like the Philippines, where reportedly 60 percent of people are unemployed, there are no mental illness problems, only money problems.

These dense Harvard experts are clearly in denial of the truth, which is that the true reason for the highest rates of mental illness in America have a lot more to do with the inauthentic, insane, toxic, dysfunctional, lonely, isolated, hostile, unfriendly lifestyle and social culture than with having too much free time.

Here is my theory on the causes of unusually high rates of mental illness in America:

1. The American environment is unusually ISOLATING and LONELY, compared to the rest of the world that is. America is a corporate machine where people are all business. There is no true connection, friendship, bonding or community with others. Communication is usually business related and people are segregated psychologically. Friendships, and even relationships, are mostly FACADES. Deep down, everyone knows that no one really cares about them and that no one will be there for them if they hit rock bottom. One has to try to suppress the feeling of loneliness, because it's a taboo subject, so one eventually blames oneself. This self-hatred erodes one's mental health and self-worth.

2. Americans live a very INAUTHENTIC, SOULLESS and STRESSFUL workaholic lifestyle where they deny their soul, spirit and heart to become soulless robots who only live to work and consume. They run on a hamster wheel while being disconnected from others, which is unnatural. Also, they try to derive happiness from materialism and work rather than from love, relationships, friendships or spirituality, and then they wonder why they aren't happy. All this causes a SPLIT psychosis between their head programming and their heart/spirit, which FRAGMENTS their inner state of being. Denying who you really are undermines your mental health, obviously. Additionally, being overstressed and under pressure everyday makes you weaker as well.

3. Americans are in an EXCESSIVE state of FEAR and paranoia, conditioned into them by their media, culture and peers. This is not good and is more easily noticeable when one goes to other countries where people are not like this, even if their country's streets are more dangerous. For example, in Russia, crimes and scams are higher than in America, yet their people are not afraid of strangers and enjoy meeting and conversing with them. All spiritual teachings will tell you that FEAR puts you in the lowest vibration density, where your mind will be less clear and your reaction will be slower. A healthy dose of fear is normal, but Americans have taken it to the extreme, and that's not good for either their physical or mental health.

4. Americans are raised to feel like shit with no intrinsic worth beyond their job. They are treated like COMMODITIES in the economic system, which DEHUMANIZES them and REPRESSES who they are. Denial of one's true self and feeling invalidated all the time, eventually fragments oneself and undermines one's mental health.

5. Americans are raised and conditioned to feel INSECURE about themselves. They are constantly judged, criticized and made to feel like they are never good enough. No one feels accepted for who they are. They constantly have to try to "prove themselves". Americans grow up with emotional baggage, insecurity complexes and insecurity issues, which are NOT major problems that people in other countries have. So they have to brag, develop phony personalities, and try to pump up fake confidence. Most Americans would be surprised to know that things like "confidence" and "self-esteem" are not things that people in other cultures have to wrestle with and try to "pump up" everyday.

6. Americans are raised with a COMPETITIVE mindset where they see others as potential enemies to watch out for. Competition divides people and is unhealthy in the long run. After all, if your heart and your liver competed with each other, would that be good for your body and health? Thus Americans don't really trust other people, and they feel all alone because there is no one for them to lean on. They have NO EMOTIONAL SUPPORT from others, and so they stand alone, which WEAKENS and FRAGMENTS them psychologically.

7. And of course, the food that Americans eat contains too many chemicals, preservatives and processed ingredients and additives. Much more so than in other countries. Some of these chemicals are toxic and harmful, such as aspartme, MSG, and GMO's (genetically modified organisms). These processed ingredients and chemicals act as slow poison that deteriorates the health of Americans, causing obesity and other health problems. And since there is a proven mind-body link, if the body breaks down, then so does the mind. Thus mental health is affected by unhealthy food and nutrition as well.
Last edited by Winston on May 5th, 2014, 7:04 am, edited 5 times in total.

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mind control

Post by targetguy »

The usa has the most people mind controlled also. Many are subject to a 24/7 voice in the air frey type device that there is nowhere to complain to because this is law enforcement sponsored. These nsa neurophone moniters make a huge living this way ruining the lives of their victims dialy and no one is able to get this to court do to national security interests.
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Post by Moretorque »

You are at social experiment central for our rulers, in order to bring in their one world government they are going to turn the whole world into a loony bin with their unnatural social order weather we like it or not.

Paul Warburg one of the orchestrators of the Federal Reserve act stated we will have world government by conquest or consent, I guess they choose conquest for us.
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Post by mrmillersd »

Also, think about this logically. America's mental illness detection at a young age are among the best in the world. While I dont doubt America has a high rate of mental illness, consider that most countries in the world dont really have as solid medical methods of detecting it.

How many people in Ethiopia do you think have mental illness that has been documented? In some countries, like China, mental illness is largely unreported due to it being a taboo topic...
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Post by deasil875 »

Not suprised. Just the other day I was out and walking about. Feeling great and enjoying my day, with a smile on my face. Trying to be friendly to people you are met with glares, stares and everything else in between. People are very unhappy in America. You can see it; you can sense it. They really are stuck on American hamster wheel. Consume, work and disconnect from people on your smartphone.
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Post by OTB »

This is absolutely true. Here's more supporting evidence from an article I found last year.

One can begin almost anywhere in compiling a list of problems that, taken
together and left unresolved, mean disaster for us and our children. For
example, the number one health problem in the United States is mental
illness: there are more Americans suffering from mental illness than from all
other forms of illness combined.
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Post by Moretorque »

The establishments medicine doesn't help the situation either, watched it kill many a person who would have been OK without it.
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Post by Banano »

This is misleading

I wonder how many people in Philiphines, Thailand ,Africa ...get diagnosed with add, adhd, social anxiety, bipolar, depression and all other 'mental disorders,

we just have different standards, in western world its so easy to get diagnosed with one of these disorders, many people fake it to get on pension and cheap drugs

Philiphines has a lot of retarded people who never saw a doctor, on paper they are healthy but in US such person would be on some sort of medication
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Post by Winston »

I added to the opening post my list of reasons for the high rates of mental illness in America. What do you think?

Here is my theory on the causes of unusually high rates of mental illness in America:

1. The American environment is unusually ISOLATING and LONELY, compared to the rest of the world that is. America is a corporate machine where people are all business. There is no true connection, friendship, bonding or community with others. Communication is usually business related and people are segregated psychologically. Friendships, and even relationships, are mostly FACADES. Deep down, everyone knows that no one really cares about them and that no one will be there for them if they hit rock bottom. One has to try to suppress the feeling of loneliness, because it's a taboo subject, so one eventually blames oneself. This self-hatred erodes one's mental health and self-worth.

2. Americans live a very INAUTHENTIC, SOULLESS and STRESSFUL workaholic lifestyle where they deny their soul, spirit and heart to become soulless robots who only live to work and consume. They run on a hamster wheel while being disconnected from others, which is unnatural. Also, they try to derive happiness from materialism and work rather than from love, relationships, friendships or spirituality, and then they wonder why they aren't happy. All this causes a SPLIT psychosis between their head programming and their heart/spirit, which FRAGMENTS their inner state of being. Denying who you really are undermines your mental health, obviously. Additionally, being overstressed and under pressure everyday makes you weaker as well.

3. Americans are in an EXCESSIVE state of FEAR and paranoia, conditioned into them by their media, culture and peers. This is not good and is more easily noticeable when one goes to other countries where people are not like this, even if their country's streets are more dangerous. For example, in Russia, crimes and scams are higher than in America, yet their people are not afraid of strangers and enjoy meeting and conversing with them. All spiritual teachings will tell you that FEAR puts you in the lowest vibration density, where your mind will be less clear and your reaction will be slower. A healthy dose of fear is normal, but Americans have taken it to the extreme, and that's not good for either their physical or mental health.

4. Americans are raised to feel like shit with no intrinsic worth beyond their job. They are treated like COMMODITIES in the economic system, which DEHUMANIZES them and REPRESSES who they are. Denial of one's true self and feeling invalidated all the time, eventually fragments oneself and undermines one's mental health.

5. Americans are raised and conditioned to feel INSECURE about themselves. They are constantly judged, criticized and made to feel like they are never good enough. No one feels accepted for who they are. They constantly have to try to "prove themselves". Americans grow up with emotional baggage, insecurity complexes and insecurity issues, which are NOT major problems that people in other countries have. So they have to brag, develop phony personalities, and try to pump up fake confidence. Most Americans would be surprised to know that things like "confidence" and "self-esteem" are not things that people in other cultures have to wrestle with and try to "pump up" everyday.
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Post by mattyman »

There are too many things to reply to but I'll spew forth my thoughts;

One thing I would like to comment on is HOW LONELINESS AND ISOLATION IS TREATED in modern society, since I believe this has major implications for mental health.

There is a widepread assumption that if one is lonely, it's THEIR FAULT regardless of any other precipitating and perpetuating factors and that they DESERVE it. This mentality I think is at it's worst in america. Of-course, to someone on the receiving end, it can make one feel like a sack of shit. It can add a secondary dimension, in feeling alone in feeling that way, like you're the only one, of which many isolated people report. People who are socially isolated often find difficulty opening-up about it, for fear of persecution. A combination of poor social circumstances, and eroded confidence could be the reasons.

On a separate note, Many people are fed with the idea that they have to be this 'cool' persona. Many, particularly those who are quieter and sensitive, are made to feel that the way they are is not good enough, nor attractive. If such individuals are growing up among peers who are shallow and judgemental, it's very easy to see how they can end-up feeling insecure, especially if they've coped with isolation and lack of quality friends in conjunction. It's all too common for such individuals to feel that they cannot be themselves around their peers, and it's hardly surprising if one has grown up amongst such intolerant, judgemental little shits.

What makes me particularly cross, is, increasingly, if one is bullied, persecuted, ostracised or picked-on, there is a tendency to blame them for it and make them feel that they deserve it. There is a tendency to excuse and justify the behaviour directed towards the victim on the grounds that they're 'weird, uncool' or some other arbitrary excuse. Now, if you ask me, I think such treatment is repulsive and inhumane.

If one has been subjected to the aforementioned treatment through their formative years, and been made to feel that they deserve it, it's easy to see how one might be suspicious of others, timid, overly apologetic and eager-to-please. I think this dynamic probably explains how a lot of people develop social anxiety and extreme shyness, and some studies say that social anxiety is at it's worst in the USA. If someone has ended up like the above example, you cannot really blame them can you?

Anyway, if one has ended up like the above, they are made to feel like they'e a 'loser' and that they don't deserve friends, and that they deserve any subsequent picking-on. How is this meant to help them? This is all one example of the thoughtless 'victim-blaming' mentality, which I believe plays a key role. I think that this explains the high rates of social anxiety found in the USA.

On another note, I think a lot of modern people have less capacity to empathise with and listen to others (worthy of a topic in itself). The common problem of people having no-one to talk to when things turn sour.

Humility, kindness and sensitivity to others feelings is increasingly seen as a sign of weakness, doing so gets you picked-on. Is that a healthy environment? The anglo-american culture sympathises with the bully, not the victim. Bullying is glamourised, the sociaopathic behaviours are glamourized, getting one's way at the expense of others is glamourized.
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Re: Why America has highest rates of mental illness, studies

Post by theprimebait »

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Post by Winston »

I just added two more reasons to my list about why Americans have the highest rates of mental illness. Here is number 6 and 7.

6. Americans are raised with a COMPETITIVE mindset where they see others as potential enemies to watch out for. Competition divides people and is unhealthy in the long run. After all, if your heart and your liver competed with each other, would that be good for your body and health? Thus Americans don't really trust other people, and they feel all alone because there is no one for them to lean on. They have NO EMOTIONAL SUPPORT from others, and so they stand alone, which WEAKENS and FRAGMENTS them psychologically.

7. And of course, the food that Americans eat contains too many chemicals, preservatives and processed ingredients and additives. Much more so than in other countries. Some of these chemicals are toxic and harmful, such as aspartme, MSG, and GMO's (genetically modified organisms). These processed ingredients and chemicals act as slow poison that deteriorates the health of Americans, causing obesity and other health problems. And since there is a proven mind-body link, if the body breaks down, then so does the mind. Thus mental health is affected by unhealthy food and nutrition as well.
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Post by momopi »

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The Resident: America, nation of agoraphobics

Post by zboy1 »

Americans are working from home more and more. They are shopping online more and more - even for essentials like groceries. Millennials aren't even getting their OWN homes - 21.6 million of them still live with their parents. And Americans are taking more and more antidepressants. Meanwhile, our birth and marriage rates are down. Add all of it together and what do you get?
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Post by MikeFuqua »

One of the biggest reasons for this is lack of awareness, But mental health is having huge impact on every aspect of life from social, relationships to employment. People should be encouraged for counseling and therapies if they need it.
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