Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 12:50 am
publicduende wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 10:33 pm
@Winston belongs to the wide category of people who desire but don't know what steps to take.
I think he knows, on some level. He just knows that it's going to be hard. That it will take real effort, real struggle. So he's always dismissed any suggestion that isn't an easy quick-fix. Winston seems like an inately lazy man; any project he'll take on is always an extension of who he already is. So all books he writes, he writes about stuff that already interests him. All podcasts he does, he discusses things that he's already somewhat knowledgeable about. No matter how many times he goes abroad, Winston never truly leaves his comfort zone. Hence, he never grows.

In this, he isn't unique... he's like a lot of men from his generation: middle aged American men. As much as he'd like to deny it, of course, he's largely a creature of habit. And those habits are all centered around his personal comfort. So whenever someone gives him advice and things get a little too heated, a little too real... he bails. Because he cannot handle it.

Winston desires to be normal and accepted by society, to be a part of things, to relate to people around him. He also wants to be seen as attractive, date high quality women, perhaps marry one for one final chance at love and a happily-ever-after ending to his life story. Somehow, it always eludes him, and he blames the world, blames the universe, people, culture, but never himself. He indulges in his eccentricities, his hobbies, his personal interests, and he stays forever in his comfort zone. Some of the advice given here to Winston could have truly changed his life ten years ago. In fact it still could, today. But he needs to be pushed into it. Encouraged, constantly. Perhaps even forcefully. No one has that energy, no one cares THAT much to change him, to help him. And he himself will rebel when pushed. Go into full denial mode. Start repeating the same age old platitudes and comfortable little lies he's told himself for years that make himself sleep better at night.

It's all a matter of comfort, in the end. Some men go off the beaten path and come out stronger on the other side. Other men do not. Some never do. Winston is such a man. He's gone off the beaten path, in some ways, but never truly. Never fully. Even when he writes about a foreign land, one has to remember, he talks about tourist spots. Tourist locations. He doesn't go to Taiwan and go in-land, no, he goes to big cities. In China, he's in major cities always. In the Philippines, he primarily stays in Angeles City, which is shady bar girls central and has little culture or high quality ladies, just a ton of gross elderly sexpats and seedy establishments. Everywhere he goes, he goes to places that are already rather saturated, rather commercialized, and of course he strikes out time and time again. Only to blame "the Matrix" or "robotic NPC people" or Murphy's Law.

It isn't Murphy's Law when Murphy always does the same thing, over and over again. There's no law against such a Murphy; he's just a stubborn old fool, in such a case. No invisible hand of the universe dragging him down. None of that. @Winston should ultimately realize that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result.
How are you so sure that there aren't invisible forces and walls against me? Why do I feel them all the time? Are you saying it's all my imagination? How do you know? Are you the master of the universe? Are you God? Why do you have such a know it all attitude, yet you claim I am stubborn? Clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I am very sure there are spiritual forces against me and that the spirit world is definitely real. Even @publicduende knows the spirit world and invisible world is real. So why isn't he calling you out on your bullshit? Just because you are an atheist doesn't mean that the spirit world is unreal and doesn't exist. It could be your beliefs are simply wrong? Have you considered that? Why are you so stubborn? @publicduende clearly you can see that MZ is stubborn right? It's very obvious. He refuses to consider anything I say that's outside his small box, yet he says I am the one that's stubborn? Do you see the obvious hypocrisy in that PD? If so, why don't you all it out? Isn't it obvious? Surely you don't think that MZ is objective and open minded do you? LOL. Get real. Also, don't you see MZ's know it all attitude? It's obviously one of his glaring faults. Why don't you be fair and call him out on his many faults and blindspots too? Don't you agree that it's presumptuous for MZ to claim that he knows for sure that the spirit world doesn't exist when there's plenty of proof that it does? Just because he's closed minded and stubborn and a know it all, doesn't make him right, right?

I've given countless proofs and examples of a spirit world that's working against me that CANNOT be attributed to coincidence. Every paranormal book and documentary contains tons of proofs and examples of a spirit world too. I don't need to list anymore. I've already listed some in the past, but countless examples could be given. If you can't accept it, it's your fault and your problem, not mine. We do not live in a random chaotic universe like Atheists dogmatically declare. They are obviously wrong and I've seen enough to realize that. Most wise people have too.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »

galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 2:20 am
publicduende wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:53 am
galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:11 am

Anyway why are we so bad at accepting Winston for who he is? Just by the numbers there have to be outliers, people who are different. We have a lot of gymbros we do not need more of them. So why can't we just enjoy the show and rate the episode like on imdb?
I have no problem accepting @Winston as he is. I think the problem is the opposite: Winston is still blaming the world, the universe and the demons because he is not who he wish he were. He is not accepting the fact that, hitting 50 and then some, his personality is well shaped and "dry". There isn't much he can do to radically change. Ironically, he could change his physique more easily than he could change his mind.

At our age (I'll be 50 soon), self-acceptance is no longer an optional.
Come on pub we do get a bit triggered by his bullshido. We are not able to see the trainwreck as art. Rather we come up always with the same answers like a broken record. Scientifically there is no free will so he never had the freedom to be another person. If he would have been another person we would probably not be able to communicate (me and you).
You can't say there is no free will 100 percent as if none exists. There probably is a little free will, but most don't have it. Most are on auto pilot. Only those who are highly aware have some free will. But it's limited, not all powerful as new agers claim. Truth is not in extremes of all or nothing, it tends to be in the middle ground. As a person who studies self help, you should know that.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »


You don't understand me. I am not repeating the same questions over and over again with no purpose. I am trying to correct some false assumptions so we can find an answer that FITS all the data. For example, you said it was because I talk about conspiracies and weird things, but I realized that when I was in my teens and early 20s my beliefs were normal, I was a liberal Democrat too like most Californians. I was also patriotic and wanted to join the Navy and I trusted the US government too. So your explanation before has to be ruled out because it doesn't fit the data. Do you see my point? It's about ERROR CORRECTION, not about repeating things over and over again. So please don't misunderstand me.

Also I am not stubborn and I do not refuse to listen. When you said above that I might have autism, I said yes, that is possible, since I tend to relate well to those with Asperger's. So even though I haven't been diagnosed with Asperger's, I may still be one. I said that is possible. So I do not argue with everything you say. But I also said I could be an ET Wanderer Soul too. But you would not consider that as a possibility, since that is outside your box. Hence isn't it you who are being closed mined, not me? You do realize that there are many things outside your box right? Remember that famous quote from Shakespeare: "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy"? Why can't you be more open minded MZ?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Some questions for you, man.
Why do you care so much what the normies think about you? Why do you want validation from the normies so badly?
What do you want the normies to do for you? What can they do to make you happy?

Why do you care so much? F*ck the normies.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 4:43 am
Btw I forgot to mention something else to you and @publicduende. When I was in my teens and 20s I had normie beliefs. I was a liberal and voted Democrat. I voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 and believed he would change America. I did not become a freethinker until my mid to late 20s. Yet having normie beliefs and positions did not help my dating or social life. It was still incredibly difficult, like going against the flow. How do you explain that? This is significant because it proves that me having "weird beliefs" about conspiracies or the paranormal or metaphysics CANNOT be the root cause of my problems in not being accepted. Hence it should be ruled out. Do you see my point?
I don't know or remember your life story in detail, @Winston. If memory doesn't fail, during your college years, when you had the "normie" life of an upper-middle-class Asian-american family, didn't you date a cute girl of Vietnamese descent? Then I am sure you also had a few friends. Having a standard life as a teenager and young adult is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to "fit right in" and be popular. Perhaps those were the years when you started to set the expectation bar a tod too high, leading to disappointment and frustration with "social and dating life in America"?

I can't speak for you or everybody else. We are all unique genetically, we all have different personalities and life events. Nature and nurture, as they say. If I remember what I used to do when I was at that age, in my relatively uneventful part of the world (a boring town in Southern Italy), I can't say I was exactly a lottery winner, either. I had friends and a few girlfriends because I was into political activism (leftwing parties, of course!), I moonlighted as a journalist and host at a radio station and eventually earned a modicum or respect from some people I cared about.

Besides that, while not ugly, I was physically nothing special. I tried to make myself interesting by turning the "histrionic intellectual" persona knob up a few notches but I cannot count the times when girls would simply leave me mid-conversation because they had something more interesting to do with the good looking, popular boy standing a few meters from me. I wasn't so good at playing football (soccer in the US), so I was never counted into the group of the "popular kids". Some of said popular kids are now successful lawyers and even a semi-famous movie director and actor. While I cannot put my finger on it, it's likely that the extreme sense of confidence they built during those formative years will have helped massively.

To cut it short Winston, your desire to fit in by holding "normie" beliefs and living a standard family/college life was probably a good step to take, to gain that element of social respect which comes from cozy conformity and try to fit in. However, as I believe, that was a necessary but not sufficient condition. Success in life comes from a lot of stars aligning, many of which we have little or no control over. It's up to us to win the game with the cards we are dealt. Most of us fail and will build frustration and resentment. It happens to me even now, probably to most of those people in here, once they switch the PC off and they have to remain alone with themselves and their secrets.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 4:46 am
Because PD. I just wanted to bring up some significant details that you missed and didn't take into account. As perfectionist, I feel like I need to correct that. And also because people like MZ and others tend to assume that I am a misfit and not socially accepted because I have weird beliefs and talk about weird topics. However, that cannot be, for the reasons I cited in my previous post. My goal is to find an answer that FITS ALL THE DATA. Isn't that what a real truth seeker does? False assumptions should be ruled out too right? Do you see my point? If people like MZ assume things based on erroneous assumptions, shouldn't they be corrected?
You know you cannot have "an answer that fits all the data". It's mathematically impossible. There's a well-know statistical tool, linear regression, which looks like this.


If your life events where all the blue points in the chart and your "answer" looked like a modest straight line hitting a few of them, would you feel satisfied?

You want the truth, then accept it: you can't explain everything that happened, or happens to your life, with your knowledge or reasoning only. Some of it comes from your personality, some of your past life choices weighted more on your present than others. Other than that, we are the product of an infinite number of parameters, many of which driven by other people, other situations. We don't have full control over our lives, and never f*cking will. The sooner you understand this simple, "there is no spoon" kind of reality, the sooner you will be at peace with yourself.

If then your "false assumptions" are simply other people's point of views, you may well call them that. Those people are not you, they don't know you too well, besides what they might have read about you on the "corpus" of life stories you left here on this site. Of course their points of view might not be a good enough fitting line. At least you should try to get something out of them. It would at least show some respect for the time that they are taking, writing to you and trying to help, instead of doing something else.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


like PD said, there is no perfect answer. Move on already! Normies and people in Happier Abroad are like Oil and Water, both doesn't mix.
I can't stand normies either but I had to make a living, so I had to keep a minimum level of business/transactional relationships with those NPC chumps. Otherwise I wind up broke and homeless because I don't have rich parents supporting me.
Just move on already and find what makes you happy.

I didn't have the ideal American Pie, High School and College life either, but no body gives a damn in the Real World because they are too busy trying to survive.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Chandler »

Normie no like Winston because of different wavelength. Most normie are on same wavelength. But social outcast, outsider, no fit in with other people, etc. are not on same wavelength and normie can sense this. So even if you go into normie hobby like sport, beer drink, watch Netflix tv show or play videogame, etc. they will still not like you while they get along with other normie who into same hobby. Even if you improve look you notice it don't work even if you try hardest. It's not about look or personality. It is wavelengths and our soul are not all on same.

If you notice on this site it is a small group compared to Facebook, Tik Tok, and other normie site. But we all brought here because even though there is different of opinion it is we don't fit in with normie people and they not accept us no matter what. So my advice is don't try to fit in with normie because it never work unless you are normie soul. Kind of like when all normie move to Facebook and abandon Myspace at same time. The only user on Myspace still are on same wavelength kind of like how the same user here are all same interest and soul even if opinion not all same.

Some of us always get hard time and have bad luck. It is sort of purgatory. You will understand it later but not in this lifetime. The reason not clear to us now but it make perfect sense later and we will get benefit later through our struggle.

Sorry if it not make sense. I am learn English. So some of the sentence don't make sense but hopefully the idea do.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by kukushka »

Chandler wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 6:42 pm
Normie no like Winston because of different wavelength. Most normie are on same wavelength. But social outcast, outsider, no fit in with other people, etc. are not on same wavelength and normie can sense this. So even if you go into normie hobby like sport, beer drink, watch Netflix tv show or play videogame, etc. they will still not like you while they get along with other normie who into same hobby. Even if you improve look you notice it don't work even if you try hardest. It's not about look or personality. It is wavelengths and our soul are not all on same.

If you notice on this site it is a small group compared to Facebook, Tik Tok, and other normie site. But we all brought here because even though there is different of opinion it is we don't fit in with normie people and they not accept us no matter what. So my advice is don't try to fit in with normie because it never work unless you are normie soul. Kind of like when all normie move to Facebook and abandon Myspace at same time. The only user on Myspace still are on same wavelength kind of like how the same user here are all same interest and soul even if opinion not all same.

Some of us always get hard time and have bad luck. It is sort of purgatory. You will understand it later but not in this lifetime. The reason not clear to us now but it make perfect sense later and we will get benefit later through our struggle.

Sorry if it not make sense. I am learn English. So some of the sentence don't make sense but hopefully the idea do.
agree 100%. good post
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by kukushka »

being "friendless" gets tough. I do have some friends IRL but theyve moved to different cities etc. the friends I have that are still local just ignore me or have created distance (for who knows what reasons). truth is, I dont need that much social interaction but a little bit of bro time is so crucial for mental wellbeing. otherwise its way too easy to draw into yourself and lose perspective

ironically I talk to a lot of girls on a regular basis (they live in other countries though), however this doesnt fix my problem because I cant talk to these girls like I would talk to my guy friends. I think having both female AND male social contact is important in their own separate ways.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 5:15 am

You don't understand me. I am not repeating the same questions over and over again with no purpose. I am trying to correct some false assumptions so we can find an answer that FITS all the data. For example, you said it was because I talk about conspiracies and weird things, but I realized that when I was in my teens and early 20s my beliefs were normal, I was a liberal Democrat too like most Californians. I was also patriotic and wanted to join the Navy and I trusted the US government too. So your explanation before has to be ruled out because it doesn't fit the data. Do you see my point? It's about ERROR CORRECTION, not about repeating things over and over again. So please don't misunderstand me.

Also I am not stubborn and I do not refuse to listen. When you said above that I might have autism, I said yes, that is possible, since I tend to relate well to those with Asperger's. So even though I haven't been diagnosed with Asperger's, I may still be one. I said that is possible. So I do not argue with everything you say. But I also said I could be an ET Wanderer Soul too. But you would not consider that as a possibility, since that is outside your box. Hence isn't it you who are being closed mined, not me? You do realize that there are many things outside your box right? Remember that famous quote from Shakespeare: "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy"? Why can't you be more open minded MZ?
ET Wanderer Soul

Maybe the Philippines was a mistake? It reminds me of sid Meier's civilization 3, where you can make mistakes in the beginning and later becomes impossible to win. Or you can make the correct choices and the rest is history.

Marcos Zeitola didn't experience what you experienced. Also he didn't have long hair at the time.

That concludes the Q&A
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by koko3 »

Chandler wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 6:42 pm
Normie no like Winston because of different wavelength. Most normie are on same wavelength. But social outcast, outsider, no fit in with other people, etc. are not on same wavelength and normie can sense this. So even if you go into normie hobby like sport, beer drink, watch Netflix tv show or play videogame, etc. they will still not like you while they get along with other normie who into same hobby. Even if you improve look you notice it don't work even if you try hardest. It's not about look or personality. It is wavelengths and our soul are not all on same.

If you notice on this site it is a small group compared to Facebook, Tik Tok, and other normie site. But we all brought here because even though there is different of opinion it is we don't fit in with normie people and they not accept us no matter what. So my advice is don't try to fit in with normie because it never work unless you are normie soul. Kind of like when all normie move to Facebook and abandon Myspace at same time. The only user on Myspace still are on same wavelength kind of like how the same user here are all same interest and soul even if opinion not all same.

Some of us always get hard time and have bad luck. It is sort of purgatory. You will understand it later but not in this lifetime. The reason not clear to us now but it make perfect sense later and we will get benefit later through our struggle.

Sorry if it not make sense. I am learn English. So some of the sentence don't make sense but hopefully the idea do.
Why do normies dislike people who are not on the same wavelength as them, even if they have the same interests?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2018, 8:50 am
1. I am honest. I never lie, cheat or steal.
2. I am kind and caring and helpful. (within reason) And I treat others fairly.
3. I smile to strangers and am not shy to say hi or make conversation with others. I am sociable, friendly and outgoing and genuine.
4. I have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share in a variety of topics. People can learn a lot of new things from me.
5. I am intelligent and intellectual, not stupid. I make sense, am rational, efficient, etc. No one ever calls me stupid.
6. I am interesting, not boring. I have many new ideas, original thinking, informed opinions, unique accomplishments, and can hold my own. I can back up my beliefs with reason and evidence. I am open to new ideas and experiences.
7. I am loyal to my friends, consistent, keep my promises, do what I say, etc. I never backstab or betray my friends. They will all attest to that.
8. I am tactful and sensitive to others. I do not say anything rude or insulting to people unless they deserve it.
9. I shower everyday and am generally clean. I wear preppy clothes that WASPs and yuppies wear. Very middle class. So I look normal and civilized. I don't dress like a bum or hippie. I have no tattoos or piercings.
10. I am soulful, passionate, romantic, like an Italian, Spaniard or Frenchman. Nothing wrong with that, if people like you that is. I am also cute and funny in my own way, but my sense of humor can be unique sometimes.

So what is there to dislike about me exactly? I don't get it. It doesn't make sense. Sure I have character flaws like everyone else, but not so many to make most people in first world countries dislike me or disdain me. So what gives? I don't get it. Can anyone explain logically?

Even most of my own relatives and cousins ignore me and are distant and standoffish, like they have nothing to say to me and nothing in common with me. Only my elderly relatives are polite. But the young ones, no way. They cannot even hold a normal conversation and they ignore all my texts too. I thought it was because that's how Taiwanese are - unsociable and unfriendly and with shitty communication skills. And maybe if my family was Italian, Greek, Spanish, French or Hispanic, they would be a lot more friendly and sociable and closer to me, with more camaraderie. However, that's not always the case. Some Asian American girls I met on Couchsurfing told me that they and their Taiwanese cousins were best friends. I was surprised because all my cousins ignore me like I don't exist and are not sociable at all. But they acted like being friends with your cousins was a normal thing to them (especially if you're cool and not a loser like me lol) So some people are friends with their cousins. And I mean real friends, who share a real social relationship and share intimate things with each other and talk regularly, not just superficial acquaintances. But I guess that really depends on your luck and chemistry. Some people are friends with their cousins and some aren't. I wouldn't say that most are though.

Could it be because when you're a freethinker or truth seeker, and you aren't trying to conform to the hive mind, and aren't worried about being accepted by society and you don't care what other people think, you carry a different vibe that makes people uncomfortable, because they aren't the same as you? I think people can instinctively feel and sense when you are different. You don't have to say anything or do anything or show anything. They somehow know, even if you pretend to be normal. Your aura and the way you carry yourself, as well as your facial expression and body language, say a lot about who you are, even if you just stand there and do nothing. I've noticed that those who are open and approachable to strangers have a totally different vibe and face than those who are not. There must be something that connotates such things about total strangers.

Could it also be that like vampires, people who are living in deceit and lying to themselves, simply hate someone who is too honest and genuine like me, someone who is not afraid to be themselves and is comfortable in their own skin with who they are, and so they hate "the light"? After all, those who live in darkness do not like the light, just like vampires do not like daylight. So if me being authentic, truthful, genuine, etc acts as a light that exposes their darkness, then that makes them uncomfortable and hate me? Also if I am too genuine, then I would act as a mirror exposing fake people for what they are.

Of course, a good idea would be for me to simply ask those who dislike me about WHY they dislike me. But most people are not brutally honest. They just avoid you if they dislike you. They don't tell you why. Remember most people talk with their actions, not words, so they will not tell you directly that they don't like you, but their actions will say so. So even if I did asked them, they would either have nothing to say, or give some polite excuse like "No reason. I was just busy or stressed." Or they would not reply at all. Or perhaps they don't know why they dislike me. They just do. You have to remember most people are not very aware or conscious enough to be introspective. Most people probably don't even understand themselves. So it's not that easy to simply ask people who dislike me for the answer.

Also, some people who dislike me will not tell me the truth, because it will make them look bad and make them appear shallow, superficial and petty. They do not want to appear like they are at fault, so they have to find a way to pin the blame on me, and if they can't, they will say nothing. But I will try if I get the chance, to ask those who seemingly dislike me, why they do. And maybe show them this thread too.

I get the sense that you don't have to do anything wrong for people to dislike you. You merely have to represent something they are uncomfortable with or dislike. I don't know. Those are my theories and speculations above. Am I missing something here? Or perhaps I am cursed or have bad karma?

The world must be f***ed up place if a lot of people can dislike you or hate you for no reason, other than that you have the guts to be who you are and be yourself. Don't you think so?

I know I sound like I'm playing the victim here, and acting like the world is unfair and unjust to me, and I'm the good guy here. But hey, I'm being honest here, and a spade is a spade right? This question and issue has been bothering me for a long time now. So I'd really like to know. I'd really like some answers.

What do you all think? Do any of you experience these things too? If so, is there a rational explanation?
I saw your post on past life regression.

Most people who watch anime and manga do not have a past life in Japan. That's why they can teach Asian history like that in school - anime is a completely different concept.

It's likely rock, ladislav, Dianne, etc were close friends or family in one or two of your past lives.

You never were a politician or soldier. It's not karma, you never learned office politics.

A certain type of person has the opinion that people who get cold easily becoming actors would make sense. This makes it difficult for people who don't have that problem. Plus there's a huge amount of stereotypes that you can't realistically learn at least not all at once.

Check if you used to have past lives in an English speaking country. People who reincarnated from a straight past life in England or us colonies or Switzerland will have learned things you can't realistically learn today. Your past life as an European actor likely gave you certain opportunities, in lieu of others.
Last edited by josephty2 on January 3rd, 2024, 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

josephty2 wrote:
January 2nd, 2024, 10:42 am
Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2018, 8:50 am
1. I am honest. I never lie, cheat or steal.
2. I am kind and caring and helpful. (within reason) And I treat others fairly.
3. I smile to strangers and am not shy to say hi or make conversation with others. I am sociable, friendly and outgoing and genuine.
4. I have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share in a variety of topics. People can learn a lot of new things from me.
5. I am intelligent and intellectual, not stupid. I make sense, am rational, efficient, etc. No one ever calls me stupid.
6. I am interesting, not boring. I have many new ideas, original thinking, informed opinions, unique accomplishments, and can hold my own. I can back up my beliefs with reason and evidence. I am open to new ideas and experiences.
7. I am loyal to my friends, consistent, keep my promises, do what I say, etc. I never backstab or betray my friends. They will all attest to that.
8. I am tactful and sensitive to others. I do not say anything rude or insulting to people unless they deserve it.
9. I shower everyday and am generally clean. I wear preppy clothes that WASPs and yuppies wear. Very middle class. So I look normal and civilized. I don't dress like a bum or hippie. I have no tattoos or piercings.
10. I am soulful, passionate, romantic, like an Italian, Spaniard or Frenchman. Nothing wrong with that, if people like you that is. I am also cute and funny in my own way, but my sense of humor can be unique sometimes.

So what is there to dislike about me exactly? I don't get it. It doesn't make sense. Sure I have character flaws like everyone else, but not so many to make most people in first world countries dislike me or disdain me. So what gives? I don't get it. Can anyone explain logically?

Even most of my own relatives and cousins ignore me and are distant and standoffish, like they have nothing to say to me and nothing in common with me. Only my elderly relatives are polite. But the young ones, no way. They cannot even hold a normal conversation and they ignore all my texts too. I thought it was because that's how Taiwanese are - unsociable and unfriendly and with shitty communication skills. And maybe if my family was Italian, Greek, Spanish, French or Hispanic, they would be a lot more friendly and sociable and closer to me, with more camaraderie. However, that's not always the case. Some Asian American girls I met on Couchsurfing told me that they and their Taiwanese cousins were best friends. I was surprised because all my cousins ignore me like I don't exist and are not sociable at all. But they acted like being friends with your cousins was a normal thing to them (especially if you're cool and not a loser like me lol) So some people are friends with their cousins. And I mean real friends, who share a real social relationship and share intimate things with each other and talk regularly, not just superficial acquaintances. But I guess that really depends on your luck and chemistry. Some people are friends with their cousins and some aren't. I wouldn't say that most are though.

Could it be because when you're a freethinker or truth seeker, and you aren't trying to conform to the hive mind, and aren't worried about being accepted by society and you don't care what other people think, you carry a different vibe that makes people uncomfortable, because they aren't the same as you? I think people can instinctively feel and sense when you are different. You don't have to say anything or do anything or show anything. They somehow know, even if you pretend to be normal. Your aura and the way you carry yourself, as well as your facial expression and body language, say a lot about who you are, even if you just stand there and do nothing. I've noticed that those who are open and approachable to strangers have a totally different vibe and face than those who are not. There must be something that connotates such things about total strangers.

Could it also be that like vampires, people who are living in deceit and lying to themselves, simply hate someone who is too honest and genuine like me, someone who is not afraid to be themselves and is comfortable in their own skin with who they are, and so they hate "the light"? After all, those who live in darkness do not like the light, just like vampires do not like daylight. So if me being authentic, truthful, genuine, etc acts as a light that exposes their darkness, then that makes them uncomfortable and hate me? Also if I am too genuine, then I would act as a mirror exposing fake people for what they are.

Of course, a good idea would be for me to simply ask those who dislike me about WHY they dislike me. But most people are not brutally honest. They just avoid you if they dislike you. They don't tell you why. Remember most people talk with their actions, not words, so they will not tell you directly that they don't like you, but their actions will say so. So even if I did asked them, they would either have nothing to say, or give some polite excuse like "No reason. I was just busy or stressed." Or they would not reply at all. Or perhaps they don't know why they dislike me. They just do. You have to remember most people are not very aware or conscious enough to be introspective. Most people probably don't even understand themselves. So it's not that easy to simply ask people who dislike me for the answer.

Also, some people who dislike me will not tell me the truth, because it will make them look bad and make them appear shallow, superficial and petty. They do not want to appear like they are at fault, so they have to find a way to pin the blame on me, and if they can't, they will say nothing. But I will try if I get the chance, to ask those who seemingly dislike me, why they do. And maybe show them this thread too.

I get the sense that you don't have to do anything wrong for people to dislike you. You merely have to represent something they are uncomfortable with or dislike. I don't know. Those are my theories and speculations above. Am I missing something here? Or perhaps I am cursed or have bad karma?

The world must be f***ed up place if a lot of people can dislike you or hate you for no reason, other than that you have the guts to be who you are and be yourself. Don't you think so?

I know I sound like I'm playing the victim here, and acting like the world is unfair and unjust to me, and I'm the good guy here. But hey, I'm being honest here, and a spade is a spade right? This question and issue has been bothering me for a long time now. So I'd really like to know. I'd really like some answers.

What do you all think? Do any of you experience these things too? If so, is there a rational explanation?
I saw your post on past life regression.

Most people who watch anime and manga do not have a past life in Japan. That's why they can teach Asian history like that in school - anime is a completely different concept.

It's likely rock, ladislav, Dianne, etc were close friends or family in one or two of your past lives.

You never were a politician or soldier. It's not karma, you never learned office politics.

People who get cold easily becoming actors would make sense. Check if you used to have past lives in an English speaking country. People who reincarnated from a straight past life in England or us colonies or Switzerland will have learned things you can't realistically learn today. Your past life as an European actor likely gave you certain opportunities, in lieu of others.
I think I was a soldier or some general in a different planet in one of my past lives. :lol: 8)
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why do most normal people dislike Winston for no reason, even if he does nothing wrong?

Post by josephty2 »

yick wrote:
February 9th, 2021, 6:08 am
Winston wrote:
February 8th, 2021, 9:40 am
Kelly has the same problem as me. Most people, almost everyone, dislikes her for no reason, even if she acts nice and agreeable and polite. Here's what I asked her:

Btw kelly. Have u noticed one fallacy everyone has about us? Let me explain.......

Most people assume that we have a vicious cycle in that because of our negative hateful attitude toward the world and other people, that it makes people dislike us more, which in turn leads us to be even more resentful and thus leads people to dislike us even more, hence a vicious cycle.

There may be some truth in that. However theres an obvious HUGE FALLACY and FALSE assumption here. And that is that all this presupposes that out of nowhere and for no reason, we decided out of the blue to become hateful negative people and repel people from us, as if WE are the first cause. That is NOT NOT TRUE. I swear to God 1000 percent. Its an annoying false assumption that pits the blame on us without provocation and justification.

The truth is, people treated me like shit since i was in 3rd or 4th grade for no reason, even when i was nice and kind and polite. It wasnt just bullying, but a complete ostracization and rejection for no logical reason. I did nothing wrong i swear. It just came out of nowhere. i did NOT start it or initiate it by having a bad attitude for no reason out of the blue. That is a totally false assumption by mainstream stupid americans and new agers. It ticks me off that they keep assuming that falsely. Hell no. Why would i out of the blue have a bad attitude for no reason to start the vicious cycle? No way. Hell no! I would never shoot myself in the foot like that. Im very sane and rational. If other people treat me like shit for no reason, its NOT in my control.

The truth is of course if everyone treats u like shit and abandons u and ostracizes u for no reason, of course u will naturally become resentful and bitter. However the key point is that if i did NOT initiate the vicious cycle then its false and victim blaming to presume that i did! Thats the key point that ive had to drill into americans and new agers thousands of times. Its so tiring. I should just print this out and hand it to them next time so i dont have to repeat this to every victim blaming moron!

You know what i mean?

However theres still a danger here. Because even if people agree that we are innocent victims and its not our fault, still no one likes a loser or victim because people instinctually are superstitious and believe that if u are a true victim then u are either cursed by the gods or destiny, or have bad karma, and in that case they will STILL want to avoid u. Kind of like how people dont wanna be with unlucky people or cursed people because they dont want the bad luck or curse to rub off on them. U know what i mean?

So even if people agree that its not our fault, they will still avoid us because deep down no one wants to be with those who are cursed or unlucky and have it rub off on them or affect them. Thats only understandable since humans are naturally superstitious and religious and metaphysical. U know what i mean? So either way we are f***ed. Socially speaking that is.

To @GoingAwol:

Have u noticed this about american women too? The same vicious cycle i mean. People claim we must have a bad attitude to make american women reject us. However thats a fallacy. Because even if we have a positive attitude to them they still reject us. Plus we did not initiate the vicious cycle. We were treated like shit FIRST for years, before we had a bad attitude. So we did not start the vicious cycle.

I call it the fallacy of the first cause. Because people mistakenly assume that our bad attitude causes American women to reject us, when it's the other way around. No way in hell would we decide to have a bad attitude out of nowhere just like that. If it were that simple, I'd have a good attitude and most American women would like me, but we all know it doesn't work like that. So this new age claim is simply dumb. No one would initiate a vicious cycle against them that they don't want.

Furthermore, it's not true that positive attitude gets positive results and vice versa. That's another American myth. If that were true, then I'd simply have a positive attitude and most things would go my way in my favor. Duh. Everyone would do that too. But of course, it doesn't work that way. We do NOT control most things in life. The Ancient Greeks and Romans knew this too. Their Stoic philosophy said so too. They were smarter and wiser and more real than modern Americans who are delusional and falsely believe that most things are under their control and subject to their mind and beliefs and attitudes. So stupid. No way jose.
If you want to be happy, you're going to have to get over what happened at school - simple as that! You can hang onto those thoughts if you want but I am sure you want to get on with your life and move on - would you flush the toilet or would you keep going back to smell the turds in an unflushed toilet? Get a grip! You can't forget the memories but you can understand them and move on - you have to move on in this life. It must be over 30 years ago - so when will you move on? Is it going to be never?
Actually drinking carrot juice for several consecutive weeks is what you should've said.
yick wrote:
February 9th, 2021, 6:08 am
Winston wrote:
February 8th, 2021, 9:40 am
Kelly has the same problem as me. Most people, almost everyone, dislikes her for no reason, even if she acts nice and agreeable and polite. Here's what I asked her:

Btw kelly. Have u noticed one fallacy everyone has about us? Let me explain.......

Most people assume that we have a vicious cycle in that because of our negative hateful attitude toward the world and other people, that it makes people dislike us more, which in turn leads us to be even more resentful and thus leads people to dislike us even more, hence a vicious cycle.

There may be some truth in that. However theres an obvious HUGE FALLACY and FALSE assumption here. And that is that all this presupposes that out of nowhere and for no reason, we decided out of the blue to become hateful negative people and repel people from us, as if WE are the first cause. That is NOT NOT TRUE. I swear to God 1000 percent. Its an annoying false assumption that pits the blame on us without provocation and justification.

The truth is, people treated me like shit since i was in 3rd or 4th grade for no reason, even when i was nice and kind and polite. It wasnt just bullying, but a complete ostracization and rejection for no logical reason. I did nothing wrong i swear. It just came out of nowhere. i did NOT start it or initiate it by having a bad attitude for no reason out of the blue. That is a totally false assumption by mainstream stupid americans and new agers. It ticks me off that they keep assuming that falsely. Hell no. Why would i out of the blue have a bad attitude for no reason to start the vicious cycle? No way. Hell no! I would never shoot myself in the foot like that. Im very sane and rational. If other people treat me like shit for no reason, its NOT in my control.

The truth is of course if everyone treats u like shit and abandons u and ostracizes u for no reason, of course u will naturally become resentful and bitter. However the key point is that if i did NOT initiate the vicious cycle then its false and victim blaming to presume that i did! Thats the key point that ive had to drill into americans and new agers thousands of times. Its so tiring. I should just print this out and hand it to them next time so i dont have to repeat this to every victim blaming moron!

You know what i mean?

However theres still a danger here. Because even if people agree that we are innocent victims and its not our fault, still no one likes a loser or victim because people instinctually are superstitious and believe that if u are a true victim then u are either cursed by the gods or destiny, or have bad karma, and in that case they will STILL want to avoid u. Kind of like how people dont wanna be with unlucky people or cursed people because they dont want the bad luck or curse to rub off on them. U know what i mean?

So even if people agree that its not our fault, they will still avoid us because deep down no one wants to be with those who are cursed or unlucky and have it rub off on them or affect them. Thats only understandable since humans are naturally superstitious and religious and metaphysical. U know what i mean? So either way we are f***ed. Socially speaking that is.

To @GoingAwol:

Have u noticed this about american women too? The same vicious cycle i mean. People claim we must have a bad attitude to make american women reject us. However thats a fallacy. Because even if we have a positive attitude to them they still reject us. Plus we did not initiate the vicious cycle. We were treated like shit FIRST for years, before we had a bad attitude. So we did not start the vicious cycle.

I call it the fallacy of the first cause. Because people mistakenly assume that our bad attitude causes American women to reject us, when it's the other way around. No way in hell would we decide to have a bad attitude out of nowhere just like that. If it were that simple, I'd have a good attitude and most American women would like me, but we all know it doesn't work like that. So this new age claim is simply dumb. No one would initiate a vicious cycle against them that they don't want.

Furthermore, it's not true that positive attitude gets positive results and vice versa. That's another American myth. If that were true, then I'd simply have a positive attitude and most things would go my way in my favor. Duh. Everyone would do that too. But of course, it doesn't work that way. We do NOT control most things in life. The Ancient Greeks and Romans knew this too. Their Stoic philosophy said so too. They were smarter and wiser and more real than modern Americans who are delusional and falsely believe that most things are under their control and subject to their mind and beliefs and attitudes. So stupid. No way jose.
And I would disagree that your race might have been a big factor when it comes to getting white women, they tend to like white guys which is why you see normal, bald, pudgy, boring white guys get women and you don't because women like what they see in the mirror, you might not get the women you want in China or Taiwan but I bet you would do a damn site better than you would with white women in America, Australia or the UK (I do a lot better in Spain, Latin America and yes... Asia... once you work it out by going abroad it then makes sense).

As for pretty girls liking deadbeats, well, the women are obviously deadbeats as well! Like attracts like and it doesn't matter if she is nice looking if she is a twat like the guy she is dating. Women find guys on their level, if you see a woman you like dating some douchebag then it is because she's a douchebag as well.

When you see Hollywood stars dating and marrying - who do they date? Each other! :D
No that's not why he dated Robin. He took prozac then another med then this happened with Christian youth group.

If he took a different medication instead of prozac he wouldn't have ever dated Robin or the Vietnamese girl before he dated Robin. Because Robin or the Vietnamese American girl wouldn't have been attracted enough to agree to be his girlfriend.

Race being a factor, yes. Prozac makes you more istp and isfj . Bruce lee is istp. So it's clear that being Asian and under 5'10 you have to approach things a very specific way. Otherwise it's like shooting the moon.

https://www.personality-database.com/pr ... ality-type

Istp and isfj don't care if there's no genuine chemistry. Idk, that's new original research.

Hmmm istp has dominant introvert thinking. Isfj has dominant introvert sensing. I have no clue why you need that to date a woman. That is purely the randomness of organic chemistry exams or sat verbal when you had to memorize a million words.

Now I remember. When Robin does something weird like not spit toothpaste with rinse water or drinking cold water if you have a flu. Idk. Prozac is like lying to people.


Robin thought you were the exact opposite type of person when she first agreed to be your girlfriend. Either that or you changed.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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