8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

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Post by Moretorque »

You got that right and they are FUC KING idiots, talk to those of what is left of the middle class idiots and they have no clue they fell for the debt tread wheel and they are controlled as the system was designed to by burying in debt to set us up as cattle extraction of taxes and the cow gets locked in a pen and has no way out.

Winston when they started formulating this plan they were fairly sure they could guess with 90% accuracy just by average IQ of a society. Once you understand the system it is so simple and relies completely on the stupidity of the herd to comply and build the cage around itself and lock itself in by mind control.

Basically your average Joe is stupid as FU CK and they figured that out long ago.
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Post by Winston »

I posted this article in my blog now.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2013/08/8 ... -soul.html
Last edited by Winston on October 22nd, 2013, 5:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by momopi »


Read the story and take note of Yarima's experience with life in the US.

Now, before anyone runoff with some idealistic vision of life in the Amazons, you need to do a reality check on how well you'd survive in such environment.
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Post by Winston »

One important point I forgot to add to this article:

In America, the pursuit of money has REPLACED the human soul. Thus the eyes of Americans look empty and plastic, not soulful or passionate. Their eyes often look depressed too, as though they've been overworked and been overconsuming too much with nothing else to live for.

Also, I should add a #8 about the soulless architecture of the American suburbs making people soulless as well.

I'll go ahead and do that now.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Moretorque »

Winston wrote:One important point I forgot to add to this article:

In America, the pursuit of money has REPLACED the human soul. Thus the eyes of Americans look empty and plastic, not soulful or passionate. Their eyes often look depressed too, as though they've been overworked and been overconsuming too much with nothing else to live for.

Also, I should add a #8 about the soulless architecture of the American suburbs making people soulless as well.

I'll go ahead and do that now.
That is the way the whole system is designed and America is collapsing because of debt and the inability to generate the purchasing tickets to pay the debt, we pay debt with more debt. Their is no stability left to the system and the people who understand what has happened are waiting for DAA da herd to figure it out.

We need to go back to living in our local eco and within those means to support us with a productive society.
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Re: 8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Post by RickyRetardo »

Winston wrote:You might have noticed that the TV shows and movies from the 60's and 70's had very different characters from today. The characters in those days exuded kindness, warmth, feeling and had strong morals. The main characters were never assholes, even if they were action heroes. They cared about others, and were nice and friendly, like people you'd be glad to hang out with. And they had an air of familiarity to them, like they were part of your family. Viewers felt an emotional attachment to them. Love and drama scenes were full of genuine emotion and feeling. Even the music in older TV shows and movies was very romantic.
Watch the old TV show "Taxi", especially the first few episodes.

I was floored by how different the story lines and characters were compared to anything on modern TV. Even though it was a comedy, the episodes were often emotional and deep and showcased kindness, caring, and warmth.

Contrast that to something like "That 70's Show"--even though that show was set in the 70's, you can tell it isn't from that time. The characters are hateful, judgmental, dishonest, aggressive, and actually often psychopathic or evil, and everyone acts as if this is the normal way to be.

Even the language used on older shows (and I'm not talking much older--I mean 1970's and thereabouts) was different. Characters had a bigger vocabulary and talked about deep feelings and their dreams and their hopes. Now I honestly feel like most TV show characters are just trying to out-posture each other. They are all trying to be the alpha and get one over on their "friends" and "family", and they don't care whom they tread upon to get there.

On a lot of TV shows now, the family members and friends are constantly putting each other down, discouraging each other, and trying to make each other look bad. And it's NOT in a fun or friendly, teasing way. If you examine it, it actually looks like characters on TV are trying to emotionally wound each other, and this is considered funny and normal. But it's not.

At times that I feel like the lack of warmth and kindness in modern society (which is reflected in the popular media of today) is causing harm to my psyche. I sometimes feel hateful and angry, but I can tell that this is not my true self. However, I get the feeling that nobody cares at all about me and so I have to pretend to be a soulless caricature, or else I will get taken advantage of. Being kind feels unsafe.

There is no room for real people anymore.
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Re: 8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2013, 8:25 am
Have you ever noticed (but never dared to tell anyone about it) that modern Americans seem soulless and inhuman, as if they lacked warmth and feeling? Well it's not all in your head. Even TV shows and movies reflect this.

You might have noticed that the TV shows and movies from the 60's and 70's had very different characters from today. The characters in those days exuded kindness, warmth, feeling and had strong morals. The main characters were never assholes, even if they were action heroes. They cared about others, and were nice and friendly, like people you'd be glad to hang out with. And they had an air of familiarity to them, like they were part of your family. Viewers felt an emotional attachment to them. Love and drama scenes were full of genuine emotion and feeling. Even the music in older TV shows and movies was very romantic.

But modern TV shows and movies have cold, uncaring, gritty characters that seem soulless, inhuman and devoid of feeling or warmth. All they care about is acting tough and badass. With no emotional investment in them, you don't even care if they live or die. Sadly, I guess that reflects the attitude of young modern Americans (or is supposed to).

It's kind of like that 1978 sci-fi horror movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" with Donald Sutherland. In that great classic film, alien pods replicate humans on Earth into alien clones who are devoid of any emotion or feeling. At the end, everyone in the city of San Francisco has turned into soulless inhuman clones. You gotta wonder if the filmmakers were trying to tell us something, since the film's scenario so chilling accurately depicts modern America. Plus, the humans only get replicated when they "go to sleep" which was a great pun, whether intended or not.

Many foreigners and soulful aware people have observed to me that Americans seem to lack soul, and have only money in their eyes. It's as if the "life force" has been drained or sucked out of them. Now, I don't see how it would even be possible to suck out the soul or life force of an entire nation, so I can only wonder if something "out of this world" is going on at a higher or deeper level of reality. (Reality is multi-layered after all, with both physical and non-physical layers) It's as if invisible extra-dimensional forces are at work.

However, since I cannot speculate on things unseen, I can only try to find more physical earthly reasons and causes. So here are some that I offer based on my speculation and educated guesses.

1. Americans are conditioned to be single-minded about the purpose of life, which is to make money. They are taught that life and everything is all business. A workaholic lifestyle is considered to be the norm that one strives for. Such a narrow focus on life suppresses their creativity and imagination, and makes them dull as well.

In America, the pursuit of money has REPLACED the human soul. Thus the eyes of Americans look empty and plastic, not soulful or passionate. Their eyes often look depressed too, as though they've been overworked and been overconsuming too much with nothing else to live for.

Moreover, the ever increasing high cost of living in America (due to inflation and the malpractices of the Federal Reserve and banking elite), which has gone out of control, has further perpetuated the need for living a workaholic lifestyle to keep up.

Most Americans don't realize how insane it is to live on a treadmill though. They never stop to ask themselves this enlightening question: What's the point of making a living if all you do everyday is work to make a living? After all, there's no "living" to make if there's no time or freedom to "live" and do what you want right? Thus the phrase "making a living" becomes a self-contradiction and oxymoron.

2. Americans are conditioned to be materialistic and derive happiness from consumerism and material possessions. Thus their focus is on the external rather than the internal. As a result, they do not cultivate their inner self or soul and thus become soulless. This explains why people who are highly materialistic seem to have empty soulless eyes with no inner self or spirit radiating within, and lack true passion as well.

Americans also trade happiness for comfort, by following the system rather than their soul. This is a big mistake because when you focus on bodily comforts and neglect the wishes of your soul, heart or spirit, you deny yourself and live a very fake and inauthentic life.

3. Americans are conditioned to live in fear and paranoia. Someone told me this once: "Cars run on fuel, Americans run on fear." The typical American mentality, personality and attitude is in a state of fear consciousness. You can see it in their personality, body language, and vibe. Their media perpetuates fear by feeding them bad news and tragedies everyday. Studies show that the more you watch the news, the more paranoid you become, which is no surprise.

But even if they listen to the alternative media, they will still be fearmongered, because the alternative media tells them that their enemy is their own government and the lies, corruptions and conspiracies of the powers that be. So they are always kept in fear of something, whether by establishment sources or alternative sources.

The thing is, having fear when there is real danger involved is normal and necessary for survival. But Americans are in a mode of fear about everything, to the point where it dominates their state of mind and consciousness, becoming excessive and beyond reason. They even start to fear things that don't exist. As a result, they see every stranger as a potential psycho, criminal or terrorist.

What's ironic is that in foreign countries where there is a higher level of danger and crime, people are not as paranoid. For example, Russia, Mexico and the Philippines all have higher crime on their streets than America does, but yet the people there are not paranoid or in a constant state of fear at all. In those countries, you can walk up to strangers (including women) and talk to them and they will be relaxed and comfortable. Unlike Americans, they do not have imaginary fears. Rather, they are more in touch with reality and their personalities are more down-to-earth.

I would even venture to guess that Americans project their fears and lack of freedom to other nations. They view people in other nations as living in fear, being unkind and unfree, while themselves as friendly, warm and open, even though the truth is the exact opposite.

The problem with being in a perpetual state of fear, or being in fear consciousness, is that it lowers your energy and chakra levels to a slow vibration, which makes you less aware, less conscious, and impairs your ability to think clearly. It inhibits your potential for growth, creativity, openness, adventure, and new ideas. As a result, your soul/spirit becomes low density and less vibrant. Rather than being on fire, you feel weak and helpless.

The consequence is that fear narrows your mind. The more fearful you are, the more narrow your mindset is. But the less fear you have, the more open-minded you will be, and along with it, your imagination, creativity, and soul will blossom and expand as well.

4. Americans are not curious nor are they drawn to novelty. They prefer familiarity over novelty, and lack curiosity. Thus they are not drawn to new ideas, new people and new things. Instead, they seek the familiar and the routine, in people and things, and do not trust the unfamiliar.

This explains why Americans are not comfortable with meeting new people and why they don't like talking to strangers unless it's for business only. American social life is highly cliquish, which means that it is limited to within groups that are CLOSED and EXCLUSIVE. Preferring familiarity, Americans only socialize with established friends in their social clique, and are not open with strangers. To strangers, they tend to be standoffish and distant, as if everyone is expected to mind their own business.

The problem with social life being limited to cliques is that cliques by nature are closed and exclusive. Thus, the people within them are going to have an attitude and mentality that is "closed and exclusive" as well (or snobby and stuck up in other words). Therefore, to fit into a clique, you have to be "closed and exclusive" yourself. Otherwise, you will have a hard time breaking in as you will not be on the same wavelength as the people in them.

(What's interesting to note is that when two American strangers run into each other in a foreign country, they are much more likely to start a conversation and ask questions about each other, than if they met in America, which speaks volumes.)

This is especially the case with women in America. Studies show that women prefer familiarity, whereas men are more drawn to novelty. See here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23740467
Thus women in America are more cliquish and socially closed when it comes to meeting new people and socializing with strangers, than men are. This is a consistent pattern I've seen time and time again. No question about it.

The significance here is that people who are more curious, more open, seek new experiences, and drawn toward novelty, tend to be more passionate, creative and imaginative than those who aren't. Thus they will seem more soulful and alive as well.

5. Americans are taught to only care about themselves, be independent and not need others. As a result, they are socially disconnected and distant from others. As they say, every man is an island. By default there is an "ice barrier" between strangers, hence the term "breaking the ice". Americans don't talk to strangers unless its business related.

Most friendships are facades and more of an acquaintance relationship than a true friendship. True friendship, connection, camaraderie, love, romance, community, and family values, don't exist in their natural form in modern America.

Inwardly, Americans are cold and unfeeling, albeit with fake plastic smiles, as well as arrogant and asshole-ish. In fact, modern American television and movies idolize characters who are uncaring assholes with no warmth, which reflect the typical modern American personality, sadly. In contrast, television shows in the past (before the 1990's) featured characters that were warm and caring. I guess to be truly independent and not need others, one has to become cold and uncaring. This makes them seem soulless as well.

6. In American public schools, imagination and creativity are suppressed, not cultivated. Children are conditioned to be left-brained by following steps, memorizing data and repeating it on tests. This makes them left brain dominant, while ignoring the right brain, which controls creativity, imaginative and freethought. As a result, they become robotic, zombie-like and dull. They also become rigid and not as open to new ideas. That's the goal of the American system, unfortunately, which treats everything as a business, including people.

Deep down, people can feel intuitively that they've been suppressed and controlled into an inauthentic existence. That's why their faces look depressed, empty and grumpy. Their "life force" has been suppressed and killed off. They can feel that something is wrong, but can't consciously understand why. So they feel this constant dissatisfaction and emptiness. But rather than engage in introspection, they engage in consumerism and making money. But ultimately none of it leads to true happiness, joy or fulfillment.

7. Food in America contains more processed ingredients than in any other country. Just look at the food labels at the supermarket in America and you'll see what I mean. There are so many processed ingredients and additives listed that you can't even pronounce. Not so in other countries. And who knows what those GMO's (genetically modified organisms) from Monsanto, which are now in most American food, are doing to us genetically.

You've heard the saying, "You are what you eat". Well if most of what you eat everyday contains a high amount of processed artificial ingredients, then logic would follow that you will become "artificial and processed" yourself, wouldn't it? Thus, the more "artificial and processed" you become, the less you will seem to be alive and soulful.

8. The architecture in America is dull and soulless. The buildings in most of America, such as the architectural design of the suburbs, strip malls, and corporate offices, have no style or creativity. They look soulless, empty, depressing, rigid and conformist, especially compared to the rich creative colorful architecture in Europe. As a result, the soulless architecture that surrounds Americans must play a part in making them soulless as well, since the environment rubs off on the people in it.

The lonely consequences of non-conformity

In regard to these likely reasons why Americans seem so soulless, the sad implication is that IF YOU do not share these same qualities, and if you are a freethinker with a soul, then you will be on a different wavelength and not be able to connect with others.

As a consequence, you may be ostracized from social life and dating in America, leaving you feeling lonely, alienated and isolated. It will be hard for you to make friends, get dates or have fun. You will have a hard time breaking into cliques, which are mandatory to have a social life in America, because as mentioned earlier, people (especially women) are only social within cliques, they don't go out and meet new people.

As a result, life will feel boring, empty and depressing. You will have no action in your life. And you will be ignored and left wondering, "What happened to the myth of the wild open America shown in the media?" because the reality around is that everyone is closed and cliquish, especially women.

However, you can't simply "pretend" to fit in. You see, if you are on a different wavelength or frequency than others, they will FEEL it and SENSE it too. They will get weirded out by you without knowing why. If you are on the polar opposite wavelength as them, they will begin to fear you. You will act as a "mirror" to them which shows them what they have really become, which makes them uncomfortable. After all, darkness fears light.

NE Asian countries share the same soulless traits

But the above dominant traits do not just apply to Americans. I have found that they apply to NE Asians as well. By that I mean people from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Singapore. These countries also suppress their people's souls so that they can become workaholics. Like Americans, they are repressed, live in fear and paranoia, and limit their social life to within closed cliques.

Thus they are not open, do not make eye contact with strangers, and are not relaxed. They prefer familiarity over novelty, and are highly conformist as well. Their mentality is one of groupthink. (But as Aaron Russo said, "Groupthink is no think.") In these ways, NE Asians are very similar to Americans.

(What's funny is that NE Asians are tricked by Hollywood into thinking that America is very open and wild, but it's all illusion of course.)

Thus, if you are a soulful open-minded freethinker, you will not fit in there and will not connect with people there either, leaving you feeling alienated, isolated and lonely as well. It will be hard to make friends, join social networks, have fun, or get dates there since your vibe and wavelength will be different from others. So I would avoid NE Asian countries as well, if you do not fit into such repressed conformist cultures. Otherwise, you will feel ostracized and be bored there.

For instance, in my native country of Taiwan, I notice the same correlation as in America. Taiwanese live in a high degree of fear and paranoia, and are conditioned to be workaholics with very few interests. They are focused on external materialistic things and only care about practical issues. There is no focus on the internal, and no cultivation of the soul. Thus they seem soulless as well.

Therefore, I cannot connect with Taiwanese either and feel ostracized from social groups there. Their wavelength is way different from mine. Plus their social life is confined to within closed exclusive cliques as well, and women do not talk to strangers.

Good News: Why freethinkers will be happier in Europe

The good news in all this is that freethinkers will be a lot happier in Europe than in America. They will feel more accepted and have a far easier time meeting new people, making friends, having fun and getting dates. The reasons are:

1. People in Europe are more open to new ideas, more curious and more attracted to novelty. They have a wider variety of interests and are more broad-minded. Thus they will be on a more compatible wavelength with a freethinker. This is true of European females too, who are more open and down-to-earth than in America. Overall, a freethinker will connect better in Europe and feel more accepted.

2. The social atmosphere is more inclusive, friendly and sociable. People do not live in fear and are not as paranoid of strangers. They are more comfortable and relaxed about meeting new people. They will engage you more easily and make eye contact. Social interaction is much more smooth and natural. Again, this is true with young women too.

3. In Europe, people have richer souls, and are more deep, authentic and down-to-earth. Thus, if you are the same way, you will feel "surrounded by real souls" who seem more alive. Thus you not feel alienated or isolated, even if you are sitting alone and drinking coffee at a cafe by yourself. That's the beauty of it. You are surrounded by your own kind, so the depressing empty feeling you get in America isn't there anymore.

4. Fun activities and cultural events are more frequent and inclusive in Europe. You will have more fun than you ever had in America. There are always cultural events going on around town, even in a small town, and you can always join in, celebrate and party without feeling awkward. There is a feeling of inclusiveness in such social activities that you could never dream of in America. Trust me, I've experienced it and can personally attest to this. You will truly be amazed.

Note: The above attributes of Europe apply to Russia too. However, I do not mention Russia because although it is a very fun, exciting and dynamic country, it is also more dangerous, has a higher crime rate with muggings and scams, and is more of a hassle to get into because you have to buy a visa to enter the country. But Russia is a very exciting and soulful culture, so if you don't mind braving the risks, I would say go for it. :)
I agree with you Winston 100%!!! This is one of the best post on the H.A. site!!!
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Re: 8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Post by Berg »

I think point no 8 is quite correct.
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Re: 8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Post by Tsar »

One of the best threads on Happier Abroad.
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Re: 8 Reasons Why Modern Americans Seem Soulless and Inhuman

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2013, 8:25 am
Have you ever noticed (but never dared to tell anyone about it) that modern Americans seem soulless and inhuman, as if they lacked warmth and feeling? Well it's not all in your head. Even TV shows and movies reflect this.

You might have noticed that the TV shows and movies from the 60's and 70's had very different characters from today. The characters in those days exuded kindness, warmth, feeling and had strong morals. The main characters were never assholes, even if they were action heroes. They cared about others, and were nice and friendly, like people you'd be glad to hang out with. And they had an air of familiarity to them, like they were part of your family. Viewers felt an emotional attachment to them. Love and drama scenes were full of genuine emotion and feeling. Even the music in older TV shows and movies was very romantic.
It was 20ish years after WW2
Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2013, 8:25 am
What's ironic is that in foreign countries where there is a higher level of danger and crime, people are not as paranoid. For example, Russia, Mexico and the Philippines all have higher crime on their streets than America does, but yet the people there are not paranoid or in a constant state of fear at all. In those countries, you can walk up to strangers (including women) and talk to them and they will be relaxed and comfortable. Unlike Americans, they do not have imaginary fears. Rather, they are more in touch with reality and their personalities are more down-to-earth.

I would even venture to guess that Americans project their fears and lack of freedom to other nations. They view people in other nations as living in fear, being unkind and unfree, while themselves as friendly, warm and open, even though the truth is the exact opposite.

The problem with being in a perpetual state of fear, or being in fear consciousness, is that it lowers your energy and chakra levels to a slow vibration, which makes you less aware, less conscious, and impairs your ability to think clearly. It inhibits your potential for growth, creativity, openness, adventure, and new ideas. As a result, your soul/spirit becomes low density and less vibrant. Rather than being on fire, you feel weak and helpless.

The consequence is that fear narrows your mind. The more fearful you are, the more narrow your mindset is. But the less fear you have, the more open-minded you will be, and along with it, your imagination, creativity, and soul will blossom and expand as well.
If people find out about sweatshops and oil exploitation the number of people with college degrees would drop by 66%-75%

What's different is that people in charge of the government learned from the Vietnam war and how to prevent the riots.

It is truly bizarre - that once you leave the country that these observations are made.
Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2013, 8:25 am

5. Americans are taught to only care about themselves, be independent and not need others. As a result, they are socially disconnected and distant from others. As they say, every man is an island. By default there is an "ice barrier" between strangers, hence the term "breaking the ice". Americans don't talk to strangers unless its business related.

Most friendships are facades and more of an acquaintance relationship than a true friendship. True friendship, connection, camaraderie, love, romance, community, and family values, don't exist in their natural form in modern America.

Inwardly, Americans are cold and unfeeling, albeit with fake plastic smiles, as well as arrogant and asshole-ish. In fact, modern American television and movies idolize characters who are uncaring assholes with no warmth, which reflect the typical modern American personality, sadly. In contrast, television shows in the past (before the 1990's) featured characters that were warm and caring. I guess to be truly independent and not need others, one has to become cold and uncaring. This makes them seem soulless as well.

6. In American public schools, imagination and creativity are suppressed, not cultivated. Children are conditioned to be left-brained by following steps, memorizing data and repeating it on tests. This makes them left brain dominant, while ignoring the right brain, which controls creativity, imaginative and freethought. As a result, they become robotic, zombie-like and dull. They also become rigid and not as open to new ideas. That's the goal of the American system, unfortunately, which treats everything as a business, including people.

Deep down, people can feel intuitively that they've been suppressed and controlled into an inauthentic existence. That's why their faces look depressed, empty and grumpy. Their "life force" has been suppressed and killed off. They can feel that something is wrong, but can't consciously understand why. So they feel this constant dissatisfaction and emptiness. But rather than engage in introspection, they engage in consumerism and making money. But ultimately none of it leads to true happiness, joy or fulfillment.
There is some truth to this
Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2013, 8:25 am

The lonely consequences of non-conformity

In regard to these likely reasons why Americans seem so soulless, the sad implication is that IF YOU do not share these same qualities, and if you are a freethinker with a soul, then you will be on a different wavelength and not be able to connect with others.

As a consequence, you may be ostracized from social life and dating in America, leaving you feeling lonely, alienated and isolated. It will be hard for you to make friends, get dates or have fun. You will have a hard time breaking into cliques, which are mandatory to have a social life in America, because as mentioned earlier, people (especially women) are only social within cliques, they don't go out and meet new people.

As a result, life will feel boring, empty and depressing. You will have no action in your life. And you will be ignored and left wondering, "What happened to the myth of the wild open America shown in the media?" because the reality around is that everyone is closed and cliquish, especially women.

However, you can't simply "pretend" to fit in. You see, if you are on a different wavelength or frequency than others, they will FEEL it and SENSE it too. They will get weirded out by you without knowing why. If you are on the polar opposite wavelength as them, they will begin to fear you. You will act as a "mirror" to them which shows them what they have really become, which makes them uncomfortable. After all, darkness fears light.

NE Asian countries share the same soulless traits

But the above dominant traits do not just apply to Americans. I have found that they apply to NE Asians as well. By that I mean people from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Singapore. These countries also suppress their people's souls so that they can become workaholics. Like Americans, they are repressed, live in fear and paranoia, and limit their social life to within closed cliques.

Thus they are not open, do not make eye contact with strangers, and are not relaxed. They prefer familiarity over novelty, and are highly conformist as well. Their mentality is one of groupthink. (But as Aaron Russo said, "Groupthink is no think.") In these ways, NE Asians are very similar to Americans.

(What's funny is that NE Asians are tricked by Hollywood into thinking that America is very open and wild, but it's all illusion of course.)
Um, maybe being vegetarian and not religious is the problem for you in Taiwan. They may be workaholics at least the required vacation time is reasonable compared to the US.
Poor countries are not that poor and rich countries are not that rich.

The media in most rich countries likes to present a sorry picture of what life is like in the so-called poor countries. People are portrayed as living in slums, starving and dreaming of emigrating to a richer country so that they could live a better life and greater freedom. What they do not tell you is that while people would like to go to a richer country, most often than not, they would like to return back to their country to live once they have more cash.

Why? Well, for the simple reason that there is no place like home. Home is where feelings are. That is the place where you grew up and formed attachments to people, streets, language, culture and music and a myriad other things. That is the place where you feel more or less comfortable with the world around you, where things are known and possible future events are predictable, where you had your first love and where you have family and friends. You know the rules of society there, the do's and the don'ts in most social situations and this is probably where you would like to be if various social, political or financial situations would not chase you away in search of economic opportunities.

For those who do not leave the poorer countries for greener pastures, life is still not so bad. Unless you have actual war and starvation or genocide going on or unless you are a member of a hated minority group that is constantly harassed by both the people and the government, you may not have such a bad life.

If you are a poor man in many poor countries, you will have many advantages that poor people in the West do not. For one, since there are not that many opportunities to advance, there are many other poor people around you who will provide you with sympathy and camaraderie. Unlike in the West, you will not be ostracized. Since you are in it together with millions of other not-so-rich folks, you will have friends and be able to find a lover, often quite attractive, from millions of working poor women. Unlike in the West, these women will not be stuck up and not dreaming of marrying into a rich family since there are very few rich families to marry into.

If you work hard enough, you will be able to start a small business and since poorer countries are less regulated than richer, developed countries, you will most probably be able to start by setting up a small stall and selling fried chicken to the local poor. All without having to apply for business and health permits and without having to have huge amounts of capital as you would in the west.

In slums, particularly in those located in tropical countries, life is not as bad as the Western media would like to have you believe, either. You either pay no rent or pay very little. There are plenty of humble, friendly women to date and you do not need a car to take them out. You can just walk to their house. Neighbors will help you with food and small loans if you have no money. Children can play without the fear of being chased away by the cops for loitering or obstructing traffic. There are few laws that regulate the lives of the slum people. If the slum is near the sea, you also have access to fish and various seaside type entertainment such as swimming, snorkeling and just basking in the sun. Therefore, if you ever end up in a tropical slum of a poorer country, you will often notice that the people there are among the happiest and friendliest people on earth.

If you go to the countryside you will see that people are even happier there. They have their own land, free and clear which provides them with basic necessities all year around- fresh eggs, fresh bananas and fresh air. Whatever consumable items that you cannot obtain directly from the land you work on, can be purchased cheaply and easily from local stores. No mortgage, no taxes and even if there is crime, it will be minimal as everyone knows each other and a suspicious stranger will be watched very closely. People that are not strangers will have little impetus to commit a crime as everybody knows your every move and you will be quickly denounced, punished and chased out of the community.

People, particularly women in such a healthy environment will be largely free from mental disorders as well as character disorders such as arrogance, greed and selfishness. Also there is no paranoia that comes with thinking of where the next paycheck is going to come from for you to pay your mortgage, insurance and taxes.

People in such places are generally religious, traditional and obtain solutions to their problems through daily communion with nature, God and other generous and humble people around them who are willing to lend a helping hand and advice based on folk wisdom. Women coming from families in places like these will most probably make the best wives one can imagine. They may not have the sophistication of some slick city girls but whatever knowledge they need to make you happy, can be taught by you later. What is most important is that the fundamental character will be very wholesome and everything else can be built up on top of that.

Because in many poorer countries basic commodities are cheap, many people do not have to worry about not being able to afford clothing, matches or soap.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule- there are some countries where things are quite expensive- but in most poorer countries, they are not.

Believe it or not, there are even organizations that measure the happiness level of nations. Based on some surveys the happiest people seem to be in poorer Asian countries- Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines. The least happy seem to be in Japan, Hong Kong and other rich countries. So, being developed is not a guarantee that people will become happier. Maybe, it is a sure way to render the society even less happy.

Those who have lived in poorer countries for a long time and watched them develop into newly industrialized nations would often notice that as the economic and technological progress would set its foot in the country, so the spiritual and social characteristics of the nation as a whole would go in the other direction. People would become more selfish, less helpful and develop sever mental problems. The ones who would become richer, would also become more arrogant and less sociable. Such rich people appear happy but in an unhealthy, abnormal and smug way. Their "happiness" is often just the sense of power that they can have over the masses of the poor people underneath them.
https://expatriateobservations.blogspot ... d.html?m=0

I think Americans never saw the grey market or flea market culture seen in 3rd world country

That's why tv shows are like that. I am considering watching a show called the little house on the prairie. It was a show thelogicjunkie often criticized the Nellie Olsen character. Instead I watched Portlandia and the characters are extremely not relatable.

In 3rd world country things like mbti and Facebook could have never been invented. Same with amazon.com and eBay.

Compare cultures, the successful from places like 3rd world is like jack ma. Jeff bezos might be 5'8, jack ma 5'1, so we see bezos prefers the approach to have "stubborn spenders" and basically reward them for spending.

Jack ma wants to connect with rural spenders who need to purchase in bulk.

The soulless Americans aren't "stubborn spenders". Here's an example. Say I wanted to purchase an item, but a few minutes later I changed my mind. Two, unlike eBay there's so many NEW items and you don't need to figure out the filter buttons. This is why bezos became a billionaire. Remember bezos isn't 6'.

The average soulless Americans you describe would never want such a person to "get a refund" and spend it instead on something else. Also I don't want to waste $200 on a new pair of eyeglasses that I could purchase $15 from Amazon.com, and the rest for 7 restaurant meals.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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