Why does NO ONE else advocate leaving America except us?!

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Why does NO ONE else advocate leaving America except us?!

Post by Winston »

Have any of you noticed something bizarre and Twilight Zone like:

WHY IS LEAVING AMERICA NEVER A SOLUTION... that is proposed or considered by anyone else other than us?

Why is it that NO ONE else ever suggests the idea of getting out of America, as a SOLUTION to all its toxic problems?

NO ONE in the conspiracy movement, counter-culture movement, alternative research movement, or New Age movement ever even entertains the idea of leaving America as a solution! Why?! Me and my folks at HappierAbroad.com are the ONLY ones advocating it.

It's as if the possibility of such a solution is NONEXISTENT. No one even entertains it as an idea or possibility. Why?! It's as if everyone assumes that everyone in America MUST STAY in the country, no matter how bad things get and no matter how shitty everything is. The general population assumes this too. Why?!

It's just as weird as if the Titanic were sinking, and many people talk about the ship going down, yet NO ONE ever suggests simply GETTING OFF THE SHIP! What the hell?! That's so frickin bizarre isn't it?!

Yet when you think about it, it makes perfect logical sense to get out of America since many things in many other countries are a LOT better, just as it would to get off a sinking ship. There are so many good reasons to leave America that are supported by LOTS of evidence and proof that one can have a better life overseas in terms of social, romantic, psychological, economic, cost of living, and health benefits.

I've elaborated on many of them above and on my website at HappierAbroad.com. Yet there is this major fallacy in the conspiracy movement that everything wrong with America is the same everywhere else. Wtf?!

For example, the popular conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones vociferously rants all the time about how terrible things are getting in America, yet he NEVER EVER once suggests getting out of the country as a solution. He never even entertains the idea of it. It's as if the possibility of getting out of America doesn't even exist! lol. It's as if Alex Jones is telling everyone, "No matter how bad things get in America, leaving the country is NEVER an option, not even a possibility" when in fact it's the most logical solution! Wtf?

David Icke does the same. One time, when Icke was asked during an interview if one can move abroad to escape the NWO, he replied, "No. If you go to another country, the NWO will still follow you. It has its claws in every country now. Going to another country will not escape it." (Yeah but Mr. Icke, what about all the major benefits abroad I outlined above?)

Likewise, Michael Tsarion does great work and in-depth analysis of the sick, insane, toxic, inauthentic state of affairs in American society, which is spot on. He even has an encyclopedic collection of quotes from freethinking psychologists like Eric Fromm and RD Lang to prove what he says. I've heard him talk about it for many hours in his podcasts, interviews and lectures on YouTube. Yet even he, for some reason, NEVER EVER mentions leaving America as a solution. He never even entertains the possiblity.

Instead, Tsarion ALWAYS says that it's the same in the other 200 countries of the world. Whenever he talks about the problems in America, he always adds "Not only in America, but in the world as well". He interchanges "America" and "The World" as if they were the same (which has become almost a cliche in the conspiracy movement). Thus he makes the classic American fallacy that "America = The World" and everything that applies to America applies to the world as well. This is a common fallacy that Americans usually make, not Europeans, so it surprises me Tsarion is European.

One time, I heard Henrik Palmgren, the Swedish radio host of Red Ice Radio tell Jay Weidner that moving abroad is pointless because it sucks everywhere now. When I emailed Palmgren about this, he was totally closed-minded and told me that Sweden and America were hellholes, so everywhere was as well. That was all he would say. When I gave him many reasons why one could be happier abroad, he ignored me. It's strange that a radio host who claims to be all about freethought and alternative truth would be so closed-minded on such an issue.

Even America's biggest critics, such as Professor Noam Chomsky, the darling of the counter-culture movement, NEVER suggest getting out of the US as a solution or option. I seem to be the only one in the counter-culture movement that does.

I mean, I did expect the "Getting out of America" solution to be a minority opinion. Sure, that's to be expected. But when you look at it, it turns out that virtually ZERO public figures or movements ever advocate it! It's as if everyone assumes that everyone in America must stay there and that there is no such thing as getting out of the country! The "Leaving America" solution seems to be more taboo than anti-semitism, and so far out-of-the-box that it is treated as NONEXISTENT! Wow.

(Hence, my website is successful because I have no competitors, not just because I'm a good writer. :) I guess that's good for me.)

As to why conspiracy leaders are ignorant of cultural differences, no matter how many countries they've been to, I can only think of two explanations:

1) Conspiracy folks are too preoccupied and obsessed with conspiracies and the NWO/Illuminati/Globalists/Evil Elites, that they are consumed with paranoia, to the point where they cannot see cultural differences no matter how many countries they go to. This means that they are out of touch with reality.
2) The leaders of the conspiracy movement (e.g. Alex Jones, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, etc.) make money from people's misery. So it is in their interest to keep their fans in misery. That's why they want everyone to stay home and not go abroad. If they told their fans to go abroad for a better life, and they did just that, their fans would forget about them. Thus, whenever the subject of getting out of America comes up, they will say that the NWO is everywhere now and every country is all the same so there's no point in leaving America.
3) Or some combination of the above of course.

Why do none of them seem to understand this quote:
"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards."
- Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World
The wisdom and logic of that makes perfect sense and is simple and elegant.

On HappierAbroad, we give many comparisons that explain why leaving America can lead to a better life abroad that is more free, fun, fulfilling, sane and authentic. There are many social, romantic, psychological, economic, and health benefits overseas that the USA does not offer. Many people have discovered this and experienced it firsthand. Every year, many Americans leave America to live abroad, and the number is growing, yet this is ignored for some reason.

Even British publications have noted that most British expatriates are "Happier Abroad". See here:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/pers ... itain.html
http://www.expatra.co.uk/british-expats ... er-abroad/

How can that be if everything is the same everywhere, as the conspiracy movement claims?!

For some reason, it seems to be a taboo in the conspiracy movement to propose getting out of America as a solution to its problems or your problems, whether it be the NWO, Orwellian government, or the toxic social problems. Such a solution is treated as nonexistent for some reason. I wonder why. Is it really that far out of the box to discuss? Is it too unpatriotic to ever mention? Why am I the only one that advocates it?

Every aware person knows that in America, everything in nearly every category has gone downhill and worsened every year since the 1950's, when America was in its golden era. The only things that have continually improved in America are 1) technology and 2) consumer choices. Not a very good tradeoff if you ask me. Everything else has gotten worse and worse.

(But we all know that the reason technology is continually improving is that the elite want us to become more and more artificial and robotic so that we will be more easily manageable and less capable of rebellion.)

The thing is, if a ship is sinking, then the logical solution is to simply get off the ship if you can right? Yet America is like a giant sinking ship where no one on board even considers getting off! How strange. I mean, people do get out of America of course, but no public figure in any media --- even in the alternative media -- ever mentions getting off the American ship as a solution! Why?! I seem to be the only one.

Instead, the conspiracy movement falsely assumes the following:

-- No matter how bad things get in America, getting out of the country is NEVER a solution or even a possibility or even an option. The only option is to stay home and fight the NWO by raising mass awareness and coming together with other anti-NWO folks. (which is futile)
-- America and the world are the same and interchangeable. Thus, all the crazy toxic problems in America apply equally to the other 200 countries. It's the same everywhere. The NWO is everywhere. You can't escape from it. (funny, but I've never had NWO agents bother me or come to my door)

Any rational person knows that these assumptions aren't true of course. Yet the smartest and brightest minds in the conspiracy movement assume them to be true for some reason. Why? I don't get it.

Likewise, the gurus of the New Age/Personal Transformation movement such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Bruce Lipton, etc. also hold fallacious assumptions, such as:

-- People are the same everywhere. Location doesn't matter. Cultural differences are trivial and insignificant. Only your thoughts matter. If you change your thoughts, you will change your life and experiences. Thoughts create reality. (This is aka "The Law of Attraction" which has some truth to it but is greatly exaggerated by New Agers.)
-- No one is a victim. Your experiences are the result of your thoughts, attitude and choices. External factors are not to blame because they only mirror your own thoughts. You create your own reality. You draw and expand whatever you think about. Thus whatever happens to you is a result of what you create with your own mind and attitude.
-- Changing your location or environment will not solve your problems or change your experiences. The solution is to change yourself, work on yourself, and improve yourself. If you do, everything else will fall into place and align with your improved self.

These New Age teachings are greatly exaggerated and inaccurate in many ways. They defy common sense too. I can give many real life examples that do not fit into the precepts above. And I have in my article at: http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/LawofAttraction.htm

What's more, none of these New Age principles can account for all the proof on my website of the MANY differences between America and most other countries described above. All the evidence I've collected over the years proves that LOCATION does matter, and that as in real estate, it's all about "location, location, location!" Thus this proves that these New Age precepts do not apply to many situations.

Of course, thoughts and attitudes do matter and have influence. But they do not have the unlimited God-like power that New Agers ascribe to them. And they do not control all the many factors in your external reality. In reality, some things are controllable and some things aren't. That's life. Everything is situational.

While New Age teachings do contain some great wisdom and spiritual truth, the problem is that they greatly overgeneralize and oversimplify everything. They also insinuate that there is a simple easy solution to everything. Not true. In reality, real problems do not have simple solutions. If they did, they would not be real problems. Duh.

In real life -- as opposed to the New Age fantasy world -- there are simple problems with simple solutions, complex problems with complex solutions, difficult problems that require out of the box solutions, and unsolvable problems that are meant to be endured, or that can only be remedied with time. That's life. Again, everything is situational. There is no such thing as a simple fix-it-all solution to everything, as New Age authors try to sell.

In the final analysis, New Age teachings and books -- as well as organized religion, spiritual practices, professional therapy, and even meditation -- can only help you in the following ways: They can help you cope with your problems, manage stress, deal with painful memories, feel better, give you some purpose, and achieve peace of mind and mental clarity. Yes, they can do all these things for you. But they CANNOT solve all your problems, at least not the real ones. Even good advice cannot solve all your problems, especially the difficult ones. All they can do is to help you cope with them. Even therapists are taught that their objective is not to solve their client's problems (which they cannot), but to provide them with coping skills.

(In spite of this, many spiritual teachers are right when they say that many of our problems are either created by our minds or greatly exaggerated by our thoughts. Thus one should not take life too seriously in general. After all, what stresses you out today will not even be remembered one week from now, so the sages teach. See "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.)

Even the many expatriate websites online that cater to Americans and Westerners living overseas, do not propose leaving America as a solution to anything. They only serve as informational resources and guides for expats already living or working abroad. They also provide social networking, meet ups, and discussion boards. But the content on them is generally politically correct and non-controversial. They do not draw the comparisons that I did above.

Instead, these expat sites keep things positive and lighthearted, and assume that people only go abroad for work-related reasons, or to travel and experience new cultures. But not to escape any problems in America. They abide by mainstream political correctness, which is placed higher than truth and honesty. This is true of most websites.

And of course, the mainstream media only talks about issues related to jobs, economics, or wars. All that matters to them is jobs and economics, as if business, working and making money are the only concerns in life. No other issues matter. Yeah right. So boring. (yawn) They never dare discuss the things that I do. So I totally ignore them since they totally ignore me as well. It's only fair right? lol

Anyway, the main point is that outside of my website and movement, NO ONE advocates moving abroad and leaving America as a solution. This solution is not even mentioned by America's biggest critics, such as Alex Jones or Noam Chomsky.

No one seems to think that getting off a sinking ship is an answer. lol. I seem to be the only one in the conspiracy movement that does. Why?! It's so bizarre and Twilight Zone like. How can something so obvious be missed by everyone else?!

Can anyone explain why? Have any of you ever pondered about this and found it very baffling too?
Last edited by Winston on May 7th, 2014, 6:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Why does NO ONE else advocate leaving America except us?

Post by Devil Dog »

Winston wrote:
WHY IS LEAVING AMERICA NEVER A SOLUTION... that is proposed or considered by anyone else other than us?

Why is it that NO ONE else ever suggests the idea of getting out of America, as a SOLUTION to all its toxic problems?

NO ONE in the conspiracy movement, counter-culture movement, alternative research movement, or New Age movement ever even entertains the idea of leaving America as a solution! Why?! Me and my folks at HappierAbroad.com are the ONLY ones advocating it.

It's as if the possibility of such a solution is NONEXISTENT. No one even entertains it as an idea or possibility. Why?! It's as if everyone assumes that everyone in America MUST STAY in the country, no matter how bad things get and no matter how shitty everything is. The general population assumes this too. Why?!
Winston, are you shitting me? You would have much more credibility if you would ease up on the hyperbole.

Google Simon Black, International Living, or Live and Invest Overseas. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Post by nicho12 »

Some of these conspiracy theorists also thrive on people's miseries, so if they tell you to leave the US, then they won't be making any money.
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Post by Luc Furr »

When China was a sinking ship after the collapse of the Qing did all the Chinese people say, "Lets get out of this country we worked to build." Did they say, "Hey, lets give a bunch of theives and foreigners everything we own!"

Of course not.
So why would Americans?

Most likely Americans (descendents of pre-great depression Americans) will make use of their massive untapped wealth and take back their country from the magpie thieves.
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Post by avillax »

Well, I started a post on yelp once, saying that Americans were lonely and it was really hard to date in L.A. and I immediately got like 200 replies, the people were just laughing at me, calling me a loser and saying that they do get to socialize a lot and date lots of girls, and that I was the only exception to the rule.

My conclusion was that of course, they were lying. Americans don't like to be seen as loners. Everyone in the USA always wants to be famous and successful and be the focus of attention. Specially in Hollywood.

When I first moved to L.A. I had a house mate who was a 60 year old man and the first thing he told me was that he was making $20,000 a month and that he wanted me as business partner, blah, blah, blah

I soon found out he was lying, slept the whole day, and barely made enough money to pay the $400 rent for his room.
He was, sorry to say, completely alone. And I don't want to criticize this on American guys but I do see a lot of lonely people in America.

And so the people who criticized my post just wanted to be seen as successful with women, sadly this effort to stand out from the crowd will cost them a life of solitude.
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Post by onethousandknives »

Well, I only read like half your post. So maybe I'm jumping the gun.

Actually, it's been suggested before. Not with regards to America. The one realistic "prepper" (before that term existed even) I've read, a man by the name of FerFAL from Argentina. He talked about Argentina's economic collapse, and what he did during it and what supplies he wished he had, his experience dealing with robbers, etc. Give him a lookup if you get the chance. One thing that struck me in his writings is, some of his stuff was written in Spain. He moved to Spain. He said one of the biggest "survival" things to do is have enough money in the bank and your documents in order so that if things get really bad in your country, you can just leave and go to a different one. He also brought up how people fled basically back and forth from Spain to Argentina, from dictators in both countries, kids parents would have moved to Argentina, and the kids back to Spain.

But yes yes, I get what you mean, it is very odd that the idea isn't brought up. I especially love (the logical conclusion of what people like Alex Jones/etc say) how people talk about staying in America and having armed revolutions or whatever. If you seriously believe your country is on the brink of armed revolutionary war, then you probably should leave, not stay there.
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Post by zboy1 »

Well, yeah, Winston is a bit lagging in the credibility department--but he was certainly happierabroad than when he was/is in the States. I mean, look at how unhappy he looks being in the States compared to when he was in Russia or the Philippines...

And, yeah, a lot of expats tell me their 'happier-abroad' as well, but it's not the 'patriotic' or 'acceptable' thing to say or do--especially to other Westerners--less they think you are crazy or strange!

It's the hive mentality and the conditioning to believe that only 'Anglo'/Western societies are the acceptable places to live, and that the world outside the Western world is a sh_thole and a place to be feared...
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Post by jamesbond »

zboy1 wrote:Well, yeah, Winston is a bit lagging in the credibility department--but he was certainly happierabroad than when he was/is in the States. I mean, look at how unhappy he looks being in the States compared to when he was in Russia or the Philippines...
Yes, Winston was a lot happier abroad than he is right now at home in America. :lol:

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

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Post by Grunt »

I lived in the Czech Republic and Ukraine for two years, and I was flat out miserable the whole time I. My hope was to take a break from the oppressive dictatorship that is America, but I simply traded one form of tyranny for another. Instead of living in America with its high crime rate and rampaging police state, I was living in countries where I did not speak the language, had no friends, and no social life. When I came back to America, I decided that I was going down with the ship, but I was also going to dedicate myself to putting my will against the corruption that pervades every aspect of American society. I am much happier now that I do volunteer work with homeless veterans, I write for Veterans News Now, and I passed the state private investigator courses 3 years ago. The silver lining is some states are really making solid progress towards restoring liberty. First among them is New Hampshire, which my wife and I will be moving back to within the next year. America may be hell on earth, but I do not see how any nation would be any better, at least for trouble maker like myself.
How to deal with newbies that talk much but do little.

Pics or it didn't happen.


Cool story, bro.

Problem solved.
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Post by Jester »

Grunt wrote:
I lived in the Czech Republic and Ukraine for two years, and I was flat out miserable the whole time I. My hope was to take a break from the oppressive dictatorship that is America, but I simply traded one form of tyranny for another. Instead of living in America with its high crime rate and rampaging police state, I was living in countries where I did not speak the language, had no friends, and no social life.
+1 for honesty

Grunt wrote:
When I came back to America, I decided that I was going down with the ship, but I was also going to dedicate myself to putting my will against the corruption that pervades every aspect of American society. I am much happier now that I do volunteer work with homeless veterans, I write for Veterans News Now, and I passed the state private investigator courses 3 years ago. The silver lining is some states are really making solid progress towards restoring liberty. First among them is New Hampshire, which my wife and I will be moving back to within the next year. America may be hell on earth, but I do not see how any nation would be any better, at least for trouble maker like myself.
Where did you meet your wife?
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Re: Why does NO ONE else advocate leaving America except us?

Post by Novem »

America is largely a theater of lies. Everyone lies about their income, their sex life, their level of happiness, their job etc. You are never going to get a large coalition of people advocating for an exodus from the U.S. when they spent the majority of their lives being told how America is the greatest country ever to grace the planet Earth.

There is one story I like about the dog that is laying on a nail and is in obvious pain. When someone asks why the dog doesn't get up if it is suffering the answer is because the dog is 'comfortable'. America has given its people enough silly distractions and pursuits devoid of merit that they are still 'comfortable' enough to be brainwashed and never dream of life outside the country. Most people can't even fathom the idea of living abroad outside a work context.
Devil Dog wrote:
Winston wrote:
WHY IS LEAVING AMERICA NEVER A SOLUTION... that is proposed or considered by anyone else other than us?

Why is it that NO ONE else ever suggests the idea of getting out of America, as a SOLUTION to all its toxic problems?

NO ONE in the conspiracy movement, counter-culture movement, alternative research movement, or New Age movement ever even entertains the idea of leaving America as a solution! Why?! Me and my folks at HappierAbroad.com are the ONLY ones advocating it.

It's as if the possibility of such a solution is NONEXISTENT. No one even entertains it as an idea or possibility. Why?! It's as if everyone assumes that everyone in America MUST STAY in the country, no matter how bad things get and no matter how shitty everything is. The general population assumes this too. Why?!
Winston, are you shitting me? You would have much more credibility if you would ease up on the hyperbole.

Google Simon Black, International Living, or Live and Invest Overseas. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, there are definitely other voices in favor of leaving America. Simon Black was the main person I was thinking of but you named some other sources I plan to check out.
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Post by ntm1972 »

Grunt wrote:I lived in the Czech Republic and Ukraine for two years, and I was flat out miserable the whole time I. My hope was to take a break from the oppressive dictatorship that is America, but I simply traded one form of tyranny for another. Instead of living in America with its high crime rate and rampaging police state, I was living in countries where I did not speak the language, had no friends, and no social life. When I came back to America, I decided that I was going down with the ship, but I was also going to dedicate myself to putting my will against the corruption that pervades every aspect of American society. I am much happier now that I do volunteer work with homeless veterans, I write for Veterans News Now, and I passed the state private investigator courses 3 years ago. The silver lining is some states are really making solid progress towards restoring liberty. First among them is New Hampshire, which my wife and I will be moving back to within the next year. America may be hell on earth, but I do not see how any nation would be any better, at least for trouble maker like myself.
If you're not fluent in the language, and your personality is incompatible with the local culture, you stand no chance of succeeding abroad. In Ecuador, my social life was good enough to offset my linguistic and cultural struggles. But in Malaysia, although English is the language of business there, the cultural chasm was too great to overcome. I'm back in the States now, and I do plan on going abroad again for extended stays, but it will only be to places where neither the language nor the culture pose problems. As long as you're fluent and you click with the culture, you'll be able to develop the vibrant social life - not just sex, but the entire social spectrum - that is central to happiness anywhere.

+1 to you for helping out the homeless. I've done some work with homeless men, and it's a very rewarding experience.
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Post by starchild5 »

There you have it Winston...Most replies to your articles was negative and not trying to get the bigger picture but personal attacks and comparisons. :D

You are truly not fit for America. :)

I'm not even American and I could compress what you have said it in these lines.

America is the most dangerous country for Americans.

I'm from a third world country and some of the s**t American middle class go through is 10 times below hell than what a Middle class guy in a third world country would do.....When Americans go abroad or compare...They immediately compare their life with the most poor..It seems middle class does not exists in other countries at all for an American.

The third world middle class may look bad from outside, poor infrastructure etc..but its a functional family structure..The stats on American middle class compared with other countries is simply mind blowing and heart wrenching


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... every-year


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... -and-money


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... extinction


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... t-that-way


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... or-america


http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... -exploding

What he meant was...for guys in other countries, irrespective of if they are able to move out or not, They are given a choice...If your life is shitty...why don't you go out and try...May be things could get better..

But Americans are not afforded this choice largely....may be less than 1% but in other countries, travelling abroad is 30 to 40% Choice for people to consider.

Americans are talented, if they move abroad and utilize their skills, they would become easily more successful like the Chinese who migrated to all parts of SEA and are richest in that region.
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Post by TopSpruce »

Grunt wrote:I lived in the Czech Republic and Ukraine for two years, and I was flat out miserable the whole time I. My hope was to take a break from the oppressive dictatorship that is America, but I simply traded one form of tyranny for another. Instead of living in America with its high crime rate and rampaging police state, I was living in countries where I did not speak the language, had no friends, and no social life. When I came back to America, I decided that I was going down with the ship, but I was also going to dedicate myself to putting my will against the corruption that pervades every aspect of American society. I am much happier now that I do volunteer work with homeless veterans, I write for Veterans News Now, and I passed the state private investigator courses 3 years ago. The silver lining is some states are really making solid progress towards restoring liberty. First among them is New Hampshire, which my wife and I will be moving back to within the next year. America may be hell on earth, but I do not see how any nation would be any better, at least for trouble maker like myself.
Hmm. I also had a negative experience in Europe, but I can't say I was flat out miserable the whole time. My years in Europe had their ups and downs. There were a lot of good moments, but in the end I decided to go somewhere else.

I'm thinking that Europe, even provincial Belarus/Ukraine, was not traditional enough for me. That's why I'm considering Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. There are a lot of traditional countries still out there to explore.
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Post by MrPeabody »

Blake Sawyer is strongly urging people to leave the United States.

Here are his podcasts.

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