5 Benefits of Moving Overseas - Winston's Audio Dissertation

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Post by johny_quest »

Winston wrote:
johny_quest wrote: Winston's standard response to anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with him is to say something to the effect of "OMG, you are SOOOOOO dumb!" Pretty childish. I think Winston expresses some very narrow-minded views, for example when he declares that America has gotten so much worse since the 1950's. I don't live in America but I think that while some things have gotten worse, other things have actually gotten better.

Even though I haven't been to America, I believe Winston's claims contain much truth but are probably exaggerated at the same time. For example in this latest audio clip, Winston claims that any guy who has traveled will tell you the USA is the hardest country in the world to get dates and meet women. Well Roosh has traveled extensively and he says in one of his Youtube videos that the USA is, alongside Finland, the easiest country in the world to get laid.

My biggest problem with Winston's views is that he carries on as though America is the only country in the world with the problems that he talks about, when in reality all first-world english-speaking countries have similar problems. Look at the birth rates of first-world countries in Europe, Oceania and Asia and you'll find that they have birth rates below replacement levels. What does that tell you? If people aren't breeding, something is wrong. I read a recent blog article on Return of Kings, titled '9 reasons Why Sydney Sucks For Men' in which the author discusses at great length why Sydney women are so awful to deal with. He expresses all the same sentiments as Winston (when he talks about American women). Read the comments on that blog and you'll find MOST people agreeing with the author, including guys who've lived in both Aus and the USA who say that Sydney women are even worse than American women.

Australia is just America with a different accent. Might as well be the 51st state of America. The women here are the same as American women. The culture is the same. The same anti-male vibe exists. BTW, English people are the most arrogant, annoying, snobbish people I have ever come across. Much worse than Americans in my experience. My point in saying all of this is, Winston would have a bit more credibility if he substituted the word "America" with "British colonialist countries" or "Anglo countries" because that would encompass Canada, the US, Oceania (Australia & NZ) and the United Kingdom, all of which have the problems that Winston talks about.

Here's that f***ing blog article I was talking about: http://www.returnofkings.com/22732/9-re ... ks-for-men
Not true. I do not call everyone dumb who disagrees with me. I only call them dumb if they act dumb. If I said that 2+2=5, wouldn't you have the right to call me dumb too? Why should you lie and say that that would be a valid statement?

His post was a waste of space and did not contain any valid arguments or rational points. It was just arguing for the sake of arguing. Anyone can disagree. But not everyone can disagree for a good reason. Not all opinions are equal or credible. We all know that.

You have not read my other posts. I said that everything has gotten worse in America except for two things: 1) technology and 2) consumer choices. But I can name MANY things that have gotten worse. It would take hours to do so. TV/Movies are one of them that I have posted many examples of in other threads. The tradeoff isn't worth it. There is no question that the number of things that have gotten worse in the US way outnumbers the things that have gotten better.

If you haven't been to America, then you are not qualified to discuss this topic.

I do not think that Roosh claims that the USA and Finland are the easiest places to get laid in. Finland is considered a socially cold country. Even couples do not show affection to each other there. Perhaps you misunderstood him. Show us a link to where Roosh claims that USA and Finland are the easiest countries to get laid in.

You also gotta keep in mind that Roosh has a look that AW will find more attractive than my look.

I don't know how honest or credible Roosh is anyway.

But I knew an Italian playboy who hit on women everywhere he went, and he said that the USA is the hardest place to hit on girls.

Someday, if you come to the USA, you may discover that I was right all along. Many have.

I have not been to Australia so I cannot comment on that country. But the Aussie backpackers I've met have been more friendly and social than American backpackers. Of course, a lot of that type of friendliness is superficial. But they did have a more down to earth vibe than Americans do.

Finally, I strongly disagree with you that I would have more credibility if I lumped the USA, UK, Canada and Australia altogether. The truth is the OPPOSITE. Anglo countries have some similarities, but they have differences as well.

Try this: Ask the common people around you in Australia if they would lump Australia and America as the same. They would not. The sentiment there would likely be "No. We aren't as insane as Americans are. Our culture is far saner. We prefer ours." In England, people would say the same thing. In Canada, people do not want to be lumped together with the USA either. They consider Americans to be insane and dysfunctional and violent.

So I don't know why you want to lump the USA and Australia together when the common people of your country do not. Strange.

BellaRuth, an English girl who used to post here, also said that in England, people do not see themselves and Americans as the same. She elaborated on this in her posts here. You can do a search for them.

Yes Anglo women may be spoiled and not easy to pick up or flirt with. But in my experience, English women are definitely MORE down to earth than American women, who are the furthest thing in the universe from being down to earth. The English girls I've met have been easier to talk to and start a conversation with. They aren't the same as American girls. I can say this from personal experience.

BellaRuth is an example of this too. She is down to earth as well.

Let me ask you this:

If Australia and the USA are the same, then explain this:

- How come the USA has the highest rates of mental illness in the industrialized world? But Australia does not? The World Health Organization has confirmed this. See here:

- How come the USA is the fattest and sickest nation in the world? It has the highest rates of obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. How come that isn't true for Australia, if they are the same? See here:

- How come the US has the highest prison population in the world? Currently there are 2 million in prison in the US. How come that isn't true in Australia too?

- How come the US has the highest rates of homicide in the industrialized world, but Australia doesn't?

So you see, your suggestion of lumping the USA and Australia together is illogical and inaccurate.


What kind of name is Johnny Quest? Sheesh. That sounds like some cartoon character.

One final question: If Australia is the same as the US, then how come Australia would make a movie about an Asian guy scoring two hot white women like this one: viewtopic.php?t=22349 But America would never make such a movie?
Roosh made a "Question and Answer" thread on his forum so that posters could ask him anything they wanted. In a series of corresponding youtube videos, he reads the questions aloud from his laptop and answers them. The problem is that it's broken up into 4 parts, which are each almost half an hour in length. I don't remember which one of the videos that the question arose or how far into the video it was, but the question was something like "which country is the easiest to get one night stands", or "which country is the easiest to get laid", and Roosh answered that the USA, Finland and another Scandinavian country which I don't remember were the easiest.

Now to your points about australia v america. Of course they aren't EXACTLY the same, of course the people aren't EXACTLY the same and of course they have a different vibe and so forth. But the differences you're talking about are really minor differences when weighed against the whole scope of the situation and the similarities therein. When it comes to SPECIFICALLY the problems that you talk about with America, then Australia and the other anglo countries are much the same. Think about it, they are all first-world english-speaking countries that were invaded by the British, who displaced and/or enslaved the native inhabitants and began their own colonies, which evolved into what they are today. Today they are all hyper-feminist countries with the same type of society, the same language, the same laws and the same anti-male attitudes. As a man, you will experience similar problems whether you go to England or USA or Canada or Australia. Such as entitled women who are overweight, not as feminine as they should be and not marriage material. High divorce rates that are mostly initiated by women. Anti-male family court systems that ruin father's lives and enforce punitive child support measures. Feminist propaganda always in your face about domestic violence and rape. The list goes on.

You seem to have a lot of misconceptions about what Australia is really like. The thing about australians being 'down to earth' and 'laid back' is a thing of the past. That was probably true before world war 2 when most of the population were christians of anglo origin. It may have even been somewhat true until about 20 or 30 years ago. Now australia is a multicultural, multiracial cesspool with no common religion and no common belief system, where nobody trusts each other and everyone is weary of strangers in the major cities. Much like the USA. Australia has much stricter firearm regulations so not too many people own a gun, and as a result we don't have regular mass shootings like the US, but we make up for it in other ways. There is still much violence, like bashings and glassings in nightlife areas all the time. And add to that the small but ominous population of aboriginals in the cities, and you don't have the greatest social environment.

Let me ask you this. If there was no problem with Australian women, and good women were plentiful, then why do so many aussie guys go to Asia to find a wife? I see white guys with thai/filipino/indonesian/chinese wives and gfs every day. Just about every white guy I know has been to thailand or bali because those places are actually FUN and the women are better.

Did you read the blog on Return of Kings that I linked to in my previous post? Read it. Maybe it will open your eyes. Many guys on that blog say that Sydney is "little america" and Sydney women are worse than American women.
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Post by gibraltar »

America is great if you want to be a slave.

A slave to women, the government, your job and whatever thing that wastes your creative potential and stucks you dry.

The sad thing about america is that lots of people here live in poverty, slavery, and complete captivity. Look at all the inmates, drug addicts, criminals, sex slaves and complete disgusting abusers of powers.

But the average American is so selfish that if nothing is happening to them, it does not exist.

Every day, men get gunned down in the streets like dogs but people are more focused on the NBA or some stupid Facebook post.

Evil is good and good is evil. Foreigners that come here are focused on doing and practicing evil to get ahead.

It is a toxic hell hole and it will self destruct in no time. That is why US elected a black president to take responsibility for America's soon destruction.

To Winston and other free thinkers, you cannot reason with a devil. He is a liar and murderer by nature.

Rest up, regain your health and wealth then get out of America before it is too late.
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Post by Mystery Writer »

Oh, Winston,

You keep trying to drag me into arguing about your narrative while completely ignoring my basic point: your problems are your fault, not America's. You do admit you are damaged goods. You do admit you had to leave Angeles City because of 'pollution' affecting your health. You do admit that you don't believe you have any responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

I've pointed out that you tend to paint things in absolutes. Here is an example:
We all agree here that the US is a social hell. There is no social connection. People fundamentally do not like others. In public places, people try to sit as far away from others as possible. Even in campgrounds, the RV's and tents are placed as far away from others as possible. Women are stuck up toward strangers and not social toward men. Etc.

This is common knowledge and common experience here. So how am I wrong?
Sure, if you poll the sycophants who agree with you, it all sounds like they agree with you -- unless they don't, which happens frequently. You just ignore the disagreements and act as if EVERYONE is agreeing with you.

Here's a suggestion: take responsibility for your actions:

• Get your head screwed on straight. Quit blaming the USA for your problems.
• You had health problems living in a polluted slum? Go live in a better, cleaner location in the Philippines.
• You fathered a child out of wedlock? Go and raise that child like a FATHER, not a sperm donor.

As long as you allow yourself to ignore your own responsibility for your sucky life, you will have no credibility when you suggest that people are Happier Abroad. You just sound like an entitled victim -- you know, like American women, as you and your followers paint them.

Here's an excerpt from a blog post about a traveler to Third World Countries:

"All it takes is a little time in a third-world country to be blown away when you return home by the sheer quality of life you get to enjoy—the pristine cleanliness of the streets, the vast abundance in the grocery stores, the utter comfort of everything—suddenly the immense wealth of the First World is blatantly apparent everywhere you look and you remember that everyone you know lives like a king without realizing it. Then two days later you forget too and start complaining about everything again.

On the misery front… It’ll remind you that you live in a palace back home, and that you did nothing to deserve that."

In your case, it's your parents that are footing the bill, right? Then you definitely don't deserve that!
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Post by Banano »

Why is Wiston still in US? What happened to him, seems like he got no desire left in him to travel and chase women anymore, maybe his T levels are dropping and he is turning into a woman:)

Money cant be an issue and he got no family commitments...ah he needs fresh air

I miss his travel reports such as '77 reasons why Filipinos are like animals'
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5 Benefits to going/living overseas

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston, you are so right "on the money" when taking about America's social scene!!! I too find it to be very clichesh. There have been many times I have felt alienated, isolated, and lonely. Winston if I had my choice of what areas of the world to pursue a new life it would be in either EUROPE (Germany, Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe) or in LATIN AMERICA (Belize, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina). I chose these two areas is because the pace of life seems to be slower compared to America. Plus I believe it would be a lot easier to meet nice, attractive women who are feminine (in dress and conduct) and slim!!!

Also, Winston I would like to add REASON #6.....AMERICA IS NOW A POLICE STATE!!! The FEMA CAMPS, NDAA, DHS PURCHASES BILLIONS OF HOLLOW POINT ROUNDS, NSA SPYING ON CITIZENS, MILITARIZATION OF THE POLICE, etc. But the most disturbing thing that I have found out is that the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that RETURNING VETERANS (from Iraq and Afghanistan) such myself will be considered a "DOMESTIC TERROR THREAT" along with gun owners, conservatives, Christians, libertarians, pro-lifers, home schoolers, etc. So because of that I would gladly leave "THE U.S. MATRIX" for good!!!!
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Post by Mystery Writer »

So, Winston, since I deliberately didn't fall into the trap of letting you set the rules for 'discussing' your Opus Magnum, let me discuss those points now: social, romantic, psychological, economic and health benefits. That is, let me discuss them now from MY point of view:

1. Social. I do just fine, socially, here in America. In fact, I do well in other countries, too. That's because I like people, enjoy interacting with them and don't have a chip on my shoulder.

2. Romantic. I do just fine, romantically speaking, despite the fact I'm old, fat and widowed. That's because I'm articulate, tall, smart and wear a cool hat. In fact, as I was walking out of the supermarket the other day, talking to a friend, some woman behind me called out "I like your hat!" Without turning around, I said, "Thank you." That's because I didn't need to 'make a move' at that moment. Moments like that happen frequently enough for me.

3. Psychological. Having lived here, I can tell you that, psychologically speaking, most other places in the world will drive you crazy. You need to have your head screwed on straight before you can pass judgment on how things are here (or there). Given that many, if not most of you, are whacko birds, your opinion doesn't count.

4. Economic. There's no question that a First World income in a Third World country goes a lot farther. However, if you have to get a job (or start a business) in a Third World country, you'd better know the rules and get lots of local help. That's because Third World countries are poor for a reason -- lack of opportunity. Keep in mind, the USA just went through the worst economic times since the Great Depression. You think it's tough here? Try working in a place where only specialized skills and a willingness to put up with authoritarian/paternalistic leadership is the ONLY way you'll get a crappy job.

5. Health. I don't need to address this one. Winston left the polluted streets of Angeles City because his health was suffering and came back to America. Note Well: he did not move to a healthier location in the Philippines. That would have meant dealing with his problems himself. No, instead, he ran home to Mommy and Daddy.

As long as you behave like a hypocrite, you have no credibility. Dem's da rules!
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Post by MJay1978 »

Excuse my absence. My video channel has been keeping me quite busy. But I'm still talking about men's issues in my vlogs on my gaming channel. Just hearing only a few minutes of this video, I can already answer your question. The reason most men don't consider to leave the country is because there are some men who are writing off women as bad altogether. Especially most MGTOWs.

There could be another answer to this. Perhaps even some MGTOWs have come to the conclusion that they can't trust women period. There are more answers to your question, Mr. Wu. There are some who can't afford to travel. There are even some who can't climb the ladder at their job simply because the corporates won't let them. Also by these men who are boycotting marriage, they are also boycotting going to college because they feel it's a way of "fitting in" when they don't realize they can use that knowledge to help better themselves. Not necessarily should be used to satisfy a woman. ....And there are some men who are just too blue pilled and brain washed to the point where there is no hope of helping them to wake up.

But just hearing a few minutes of your audio, you brought up very strong points. I think other men who are having trouble dating here and still want to keep that ray of hope should consider other countries and if they can, leave the country altogether. Right now, I can't do that. I have a kid who needs me here. If I travel by any means, I can only be gone for a vacation for a week at the most.

But all of your points you made in your audio are strong and valid. America is just a mess of problems. Especially with the women who are feminized and the laws against men.
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Re: 5 Major Benefits Overseas - Winston's Audio Lecture

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I just finished recording a 36 minute audio file to be broadcast in segments on the New American Dream Radio Show, about the many reasons to get out of America and go overseas. I did not mention anything about Foreign women vs. American women in this though, because that topic is too taboo for a third party radio show. Instead, I focused on other reasons besides women which are not as taboo. If you want to listen to the whole 36 minute audio file, I uploaded it for you. Here is the link:

http://www.happierabroad.com/podcasts/R ... merica.mp3

Also if you missed my interview on their show last July about why America is not a free country, here is the link to that too. I only talked for 10 minutes on it because there were other guests on, but I did manage to list 6 reasons why America is less free than other countries.

http://theshow.newamericandream.info/sh ... im-fetzer/
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio Speech

Post by Winston »

Check out my new Magnus Opus! It's related to this thread and is a MUST READ that will TRANSFORM your life!

5 Ways Your Life Will Be Transformed Abroad - The Greatest Self-Help Secret
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio Rant

Post by Winston »

At a quiet serene lake at the state border between Arizona and New Mexico in the remote mountains, I park my car and with a relaxed clear mind, begins pontificating 5 reasons to go abroad and leave America. This is an alternate version of the "5 Benefits Overseas" podcast I did earlier, and was recorded at the same time during my Southwest road trip.

* video broken. trying to fix now. check back soon.
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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio Rant

Post by Johnny1975 »

The video freezes at 24 seconds.
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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio Rant

Post by Winston »

Ok I fixed the video and reuploaded it. Here is the new link.

At a quiet serene lake at the state border between Arizona and New Mexico in the remote mountains, I park my car and with a relaxed clear mind, begins pontificating 5 reasons to go abroad and leave America. This is an alternate version of the "5 Benefits Overseas" podcast I did earlier, and was recorded at the same time during my Southwest road trip.

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio Rant

Post by Winston »

Check out this great response to my video by the lake above:
"kris kemp

This video sparked my memory of traveling Europe, working on farms and at a castle in exchange for room and board. I even wrote an ebook about this (HowToTravelEuropeCheap.com) My friend is traveling and she encouraged me to travel. She now lives in Hawaii. Thank you, Winston Wu, for encouraging me to travel and to leave America. Most of my friends here in Brooklyn, NY and NYC (Manhattan) are either European or act like Europeans. And American women, for the most part, are stuck up, arrogant, entitled, and demonstrate little value. When I meet European women, they are pretty, slim, act feminine, dress well and have a cool style, usually conservative and feminine, do not have tattoos. Whenever I meet a European woman here, and there's a lot that live here or are traveling through, I'm usually attracted to them because they are feminine and authentic, unlike their American counterparts. Thankfully, there are a lot of foreign women traveling through NYC that I meet. It's sad however to witness that sometimes when these foreign women live here they end up getting influenced by the arrogant American women that surround them. In doing so, they lose their charm. I think I will move to Europe soon, to country in Europe that has not been ruined by the illegal immigrant invaders."
And another guy wanted to add these points to my video:
And here are a few other points to mention.

USA/Anglophone countries
- women don't need men because they have the government giving them "free stuff"
- marriage or even dating American women is risky because men get screwed over with child support, alimony, and false rape charges; in many other cases, the man loses everything in divorce and ends up on the street
- millennial men are at the bottom of the totem pole in society; many are broke and live with their parents and can't find a way to make a living
- public transportation sucks, and unless you're lucky to live in a city like New York or San Francisco, you have to drive everywhere which turns you into a machine; it also contributes to the out of control obesity epidemic, isolates you from others, and further contributes to being a debt slave

Most countries outside the Anglosphere
- women don't have a daddygov backing them up, so they rely on men for protection
- men don't have to worry about child support or alimony, and false rape allegations are unheard of; divorce rates are much lower as well
- in Europe, Asia, and even parts of Latin America, public transportation covers more region, and most communities are walkable
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: 5 Reasons To Go Overseas - Winston's Audio/Video Rant

Post by Winston »

Some great comments on my video:


Yosef MacGruber 9 months ago
Rampant government corruption is worldwide. I would have gladly left Babylon America many years ago, had a better country simply offered me proper legal status, so that I would not have to return to Babylon America and so that I could ship my container of my possessions. But I do not know how to get status in order to leave.

Also, the American brainwashing is at a pandemic level. I have been criticized by friends, for being "ungrateful" for the many supposed benefits that The United Slaves of America gives me, and they poo-poo my concerns that Babylon America is deteriorating, and that I do not expect for our supposed freedoms to continue for much longer. Well Babylon America has not given me a wife, and probably never will, and has not given me a decent job either, and I am too well educated and smart to put up with America's crap for any longer. It would be very good for my mental health to leave this pathetic has-been country. It was great in the past, but I am not seeing it anymore.

I have visited Israel twice, and I so much enjoyed being outside of Babylon America. I stayed for 2 and 3 months, and tried to go to the places I would go if I lived there, and somewhat avoid the tourist traps, striving to get to know the people and the country and the culture. People said that before one can move to a country, you have to visit, so that is what I did. But my automatic 3-month tourist visa was expiring and my airplane ticket said that I needed to return. I was very sad to return, but I didn't know what else to do. While the second visit to Israel, I did feel a little homesick for Babylon America, had I been able to stay in Israel, I am sure that feeling would have soon disappeared, once I could become established into another and better country.

I have taken many steps towards leaving. I have put my bills onto auto-pay, so that I could be outside the country for months. I have now an internet phone, that works supposedly anywhere in the world, allowing me to take my "local" American phone number with me, which should be very helpful to keeping in contact with friends and relatives, and also to wrap up any unfinished business. All I need is access to an Ethernet port in order for my home phone to work.

But what is my next step? The Jews of America are probably much worse than those of Israel, refusing so far to convert me to Judaism so that I can move to Israel, at the mere hint that I believe Messiah ("Jesus", or Yeshua as believer Jews call him) has have already come and will return rather than come as they believe, calling me a "Christian" ("I should go to a Church", the rabbi claimed, "for a better fit". How does somebody else claim to tell me where I belong? He hardly knows nor talks to me at all.) rather than the Messianic Judaism that I have been for many years. I have studied Hebrew and Judaism and attended synagogue. One reason I need to leave, is that American Jews are more liberal-retard than the liberals, and the Jews in Israel appear to be much smarter. There is freedom of speech and freedom of religion in Israel. I loved being around the genuine and natural Messianics in Israel and attending their Messianic congregations. I am alarmingly running out of money, under-employed, Babylon America is not interested in giving me a basic job that will pay my bills, and I have been working on selling my house - so hard to do with a very uncertain future. Most people seem to not understand what I am doing, and I hardly understand, yet I need to follow where I think that God is leading me. People even say that wanting to expatriate from Babylon America, is not a good enough "spiritual" reason. That Israel is only for the Jews, which I am sure is not true, and also, I am Jewish in every way that I can, via conversion, however, we Messianic (converted) Jews are not sufficiently respected yet. We are too much considered to be mere "Christians".

I do not want to get sick nor old in this has-been Babylon America, and I know I will have to get older. So I need to escape before it is too late. Or before the next major false flag such as "9-11 was an inside job". Many years ago, I felt that perhaps God led me to do a YouTube search on "flee america". And I felt so validated, that I wasn't alone in feeling a gnawing feeling that I need to leave Babylon America, and no longer live "in the camp of the enemy".

Mawusi Bulliner 2 months ago
I agree 10,000,00%. I spent some time in Costa Rica, and I fell in love. the people were soooo open, loving, and ZERO RACISM. THIS COUNTRY HAD A DEMONIC POSSESSION OF IT. There is predjudice. everyone pre judges someone, but racism is violent. mentally and physically violent. the government does not perpetuate hate and ugliness. this government lies, steal and kills. the life style is beyond stressful. you can make money here, but it's damn nere impossible to make meaningful connections with people. I'm moving in 45 days. and my heart is soaring. I just want to live in complete peace. I wish you the best.

peace and love

Dan Reznik 1 year ago
you are a brilliant, courageous, soulful guy! having escaped the american dating wasteland 6 yrs ago for my current brazilian oasis, i can fully attest to the veracity of what you are saying! next stop europe! hope to meet you or skype w you one day

lucky Ben Hebrew 1 year ago
I left, I move to Kazakhstan, the women here are very Humble also down to earth.
I recommend this country to everyone, it was hell living in America , I never see a country that waging war again it boys and men in my life.

YegorTheRussian 11 months ago
Just listening to you, its clear that you are a thoughtful, friendly guy - the exact opposite of whats revered in the shitty USA - glad you got out

Rothie Dunnigan 1 year ago
You were not long-winded. It did not even feel like 30+ minutes to me. IMO your tone and style of speaking is as if you are talking to someone in person.....

Nefus1988 10 months ago
This video should have like a millions views

Ben J 1 year ago
The real reason why people don't leave the US is simply because we have the misguided idea that we'll get out of this somehow. We've had multiple economical crashes yet we come back. This time however we wont come back and people dont believe that.

End The Lies Now 2 weeks ago
Another point to add. For many people in the USA, they believe if you leave the country, you are somehow a traitor. In other words, you should go down with the sinking ship.
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Re: 5 Reasons To Leave America - Winston's Audio/Video Rant

Post by Winston »

My audio rant on other reasons to leave America besides the women/dating issue.

http://www.happierabroad.com/podcasts/R ... merica.mp3

Now on YouTube:

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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