Were Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee murdered?

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Were Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee murdered?

Post by Winston »

Does anyone find it suspicious that Bruce Lee, the most charismatic martial artist of all time, would just die from a headache tablet causing his brain to swell and burst? Cerebral Edema? What are the odds of that happening? Must be millions to one. Does anyone find it suspicious? Do you all buy the official explanation? What are the odds?

Also, why would his son Brandon Lee be killed by a projectile from a gun firing blanks? Ballistics experts say that blanks don't the power to propel a projectile like a real bullet. So why was this never adequately investigated? Strange how quickly it was all wrapped up, especially since the official explanation is scientifically impossible and has never happened on a movie set before.

Here is the official version of how he got killed from the TV show "Unsolved Mysteries".


Do you buy it? It doesn't explain how the bullet tip got into the barrel though, and how it could come out with the full force of a bullet even though it was not even attached to the blanks in the firing chamber.

What are the odds of both father and son dying in such highly unusual and improbable ways? It's highly creepy and suspicious. I mean, first the fittest man in the world, Bruce Lee, dies from a headache pill. Then his son becomes the only person in Hollywood history to be killed by a real bullet on a movie set. What are the odds? Must be astronomical, like winning the lottery twice.

Check out this interesting and creepy theory on Brandon Lee's murder being a ritual sacrifice in his last film.

"I want to bring to your awareness something that may well be of interest to you. I have been a fan of Bruce Lee since I was a child and I am also a fan of his late son Brandon also. Anyway, I've been researching the conspiracy myself for many years and it wasnt until lately that I discovered something very strange!

I had an urge to watch Brandons final movie: 'The Crow', and after learning all about illuminati symbolism, I feel that without doubt, Brandon Lee was ritually murdered.....

As you are probably well aware Brandon met his tragic end whilst filming "The Crow" back in 1994 - when a supposed dummy bullet accidentally fired into his mid section - killing him in the process. I believe his death was deliberately ordained

If you watch his movie, you will find that there is a horrific rape sequence within the apartment complex of the girfriend of Eric Draven (Brandon Lee). Now whats particularly interesting about this, is that this brutal act takes place inside a 'pyramid' frame with the all seeing eye above it - the very illuminati pyramid we are all now becoming familiar with today.....

If you also watch the movie again, you will see the familiar appearance of the Chrysler 'pheonix' logo, which seems to dominate the entire screen. As you are probably well aware - the Chrysler logo is an illuminati symbol and it appears frequently through out the whole of the movie.

Bruce Lee himself also spoke about a 4th dimensional demon or a watcher who had been following him all his life until his tragic death in 1973. Indeed, the Chinese were very superstitious and believe strongly in the existence of these 4D entities, so much so, that any male child born, the chinese would disguise as a 'female' to deter the watchers from taking the babies life.

My understanding is that the the illuminati Li bloodline of hong kong - is connected to both Bruce and Brandon, hence Bruces birth name 'Li Jun Fan' and his father's 'Li Hoi Cheun' -- they are offshoots from that genealogical lineage.

Also, if I may point out one more thing: If you refer back to Brandon's earlier 1992 movie "Rapid Fire", there is a sequence where Brandon is in a building and he is under fire from triads. Now, in one certain clip of this sequence, Brandon does a 'flip up' from the floor and if you look in the immediate background, you will see what appears to be a faceless figure of a man sitting in the background.. And whats more; in 'The Crow', you can see this figure re-emerge once again in a shot where the camera is panning across a series of buildings.......very eerie indeed.

Perhaps it may be worth your while checking this out.......

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Post by Winston »

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Post by starchild5 »

JFK=Bruce Lee=CIA

Bruce Lee was becoming a Super Mega Star in the west, he was already one, however, west was becoming too Easternised for the elites liking. As I have said. They want to divide East = Spirituality - West = Science.

Bruce Lee had lots of spiritual Quotes that started influencing the western mind set. They do not want a confluence of Spirituality and Science in a single human being, if it happens....His mind will start asking too many questions that elites do not want human to think or question.

In a similar fashion. Osho Rajneesh, A great spiritual teacher from India who started influencing west was killed through Thallium Poisoning

Was Osho poisoned by the US government?

http://www.oshoworld.com/biography/inne ... isoned.txt

"Since those twelve days in the American prisons, all sleep has disappeared. Many things started to happen in the body which were not happening before: disappearance of all appetite, food seeming to be absolutely without taste, a churning feeling in the stomach, nausea, a desire to vomit…no feeling of thirst, but a tremendous sense as if one is uprooted.

Something in the nervous system also seems to have been affected. At times there has been a sensation of tingling all over the body which was very strong—particularly in both my hands—and a twitching of the eyelids.
The day I entered the jail I was one hundred and fifty pounds; today I am only one hundred and thirty pounds. My food is the same, but I have been losing weight for no reason at all. And a subtle weakness…And just three months ago, the bone in my right hand started hurting tremendously.

These are all symptoms of certain poisons. My hair has fallen, my eyesight has become weaker, my beard has become as white as my father's beard was when he was seventy-five. They have taken away almost twenty years of my life."

He was thrown into prison for no good reason and then poisoned and when he was about to die, he was sent to India.

On a spiritual level influencing west, He was on a Bruce Lee level. He had millions of followers in the west.

"I have absolute inner certainty: they may have been able to poison my body, my nervous system, but they cannot destroy my consciousness, they cannot poison my being." ~Osho

Osho was THE THING for Americans to get the dose of real spirituality.

As you mentioned, look at their background, they were not stupid, they knew exactly what they are doing, they were all intelligent people just gone away?...impossible...

However, these Henry Kissinger, Bushes, Rockefeller's, Queens of the world are allowed to live way past 90s.

If Bruce Lee was allowed to live...They would not have been able to steer America into what it is today. Once a Confluence of East and west starts in our minds, we start to think and question....which is a big NO NO for the elites, especially American Kids were getting influenced by him ..which is the prime age for the elites to brainwash.

People do not realize who is really controlling America and the world. They have no clue whatsoever, what is really happening around them....We are in a middle of a million year old conspiracy. They are so powerful that the things they do now looks Natural

They are so powerful that the things they do looks like a co-incidence. When it can be proven that there is no such thing as coincidence if we look at humanity as a whole. I mean, there is not a single human being that did not had a co-incidence in his life, now just take that to 7 billion...which means ...there are 100s and 1000s of coincidence are happening all over the world at this very moment, otherwise, it would not be possible for every human to experience a coincidence in his life...So its not a coincidence but a program influencing our life.


One of the biggest issues we have is...This Evil makes itself look so powerless.....ohhh look at me, if you know about Illuminati, Rothschild, Banksters and Aliens, you are half way there in destroying me...Don't think deeper, you got me with your knowledge..

If only people realize what they are dealing with, it will become Crystal clear to them that Bruce Lee death was no accident nor his son....Everything is planned against humanity..nothing happens naturally to anyone.

This is a gigantic conspiracy of universal proportions, unless people understand the core of this evil..Bruce Lee death will look natural to most as they are still relating to the Evil on a Illuminati Level.


Common Think guys...If they were not Universally Powerful...How can they just terminate guys on the caliber of Bruce Lee, Osho Rajneesh Level...These guys already have so much spiritual good energy behind them to be able to reach such a high position and influence rest of humanity.

Not once, Not Twice, They have done this all over the world, through out known human history for 1000s of years...HOW....What makes them so damm powerful ? without any care for universal law, how can they terminate good people who haven't personally harmed anyone? Just like that? ....What the hell...I mean they don't care, who you are, what your background is....They just terminate you....

Even if you haven't harmed a fly in your life..Osho was vegetarian all his life and was a good guy basically....This just means, there is no force behind humanity protecting us? Why is no human being, the best good, honest guy not safe..Where is mother nature? where is the good universe? protecting even good guys who haven't done no wrong all their life...How can this evil just take us all out ...just like that?

Who the F he think he is...really..What gives him so much power to destroy us? Even the good guys are not safe...Why?

You may do all good your life and if he decides...game over for you...

As I have said...This goes..Way beyond this galaxy itself...They are a universal empire that has control over all known universe....Our goal is to go beyond it...
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Post by starchild5 »

More on Bruce Lee to consider what we are dealing with here.....

Bruce Lee was evolved in all aspects from Spirituality to Physical body and Mind, he was more evolved than most of us :)....His influence was felt all across the globe...even my parents, grand parents, who don't like violence liked his movies for some reason in a remote corner of a third world country in India....Even now Bruce Lee movies run packed theaters in India..No DVD, Torrent...People still want to watch him on big screen....

How can Evil simply take out evolved humans ..just like that...We know all "mysteries" surrounding his death is a hoax..they could come up with any n number of stories like he drowned, overdosed, drug addict, car crash etc etc and run that 1000 times in media and people will believe it.

If Bruce Lee could be taken out ...Then what about us? .....Why did they not fear his spiritual powers, the repercussions of killing such an evolved human being..His consciousness is still alive...Why don't they fear his vengeance? ...The last man you would ever want to mess with is Bruce Lee :shock: :shock: :shock:


My point is we need to understand what we are dealing with here....This AI...which Winston calls it Murphy Law has no Empathy, No Emotions, It just does not care, what we think or do...Its Non Human, Non-Alien THINGY....However, even we feel it like an Artificial Intelligence..It does not have Diodes, Chips or power source to run....however, AI is the closest word we can relate to it AND ITS COVERING OUR ENTIRE KNOWN UNIVERSE...

Its controls and directs our thoughts, but the most compelling is, it has this power to act on the thoughts it creates in our minds..We are forced to act on the thought it creates.

Common, Its a done thing that Bruce Lee was murdered, Its very important to know, so that we can move beyond it and know who has the power to do such thing..Even the freemasons, Illuminati etc cabal are part humans, even though they have more deep dark knowledge..They wouldn't dare touch such an evolved being like Bruce Lee....It should have come from the very top.


So far, I have come to the realization that..Its an Inter-Galactic Universal Empire..that has turned all known universe into a mere Pixel...which is why many scientist feel that we are in a giant computer simulation but we are not..Its converting our space into a computer simulation like thingy which popularly is known as Matrix.

The entire good Aliens combined there DNA to fight this THING...They are long gone...claimed by this AI....we are the last ones....we have DNA of all Aliens, thats why I have said...We are beyond UFOs, the greatest being right now...If we do not realize who we really are, why we were created...we will never be saved. This AI will claim us as it did to our creators..


The biggest shock for me was this THING knew folks like Winston are coming to Earth who will feel its presence and will start questioning it and this thing just Turned the Matrix Itself upside down..Now, the path we are on who are fighting this Murphy Law is the exact Path to destruction.

Its incredibly crazy and complicated....People are stuck with Ifs and buts of conspiracy when we are at the last stages of being saved for ever or complete slave.....Does anyone realize it ? THIS IS IT GUYS...JUST FREAKING THINK...They could take out guys like Bruce Lee...? Who has this power to take Bruce Lee?


Everything is a Conspiracy against Humanity..Its a done thing..We are born fighters, we need to combine forces to fight this thing....I'm writing a Group Consciousness strategy to counter this THING, which I will post shortly....So that we humans will develop a Single Consciousnesses, will be on same level...as soon as one of us are in trouble, rest of is will realize it and send our spiritual energy towards that person.

There is no other way to counter this force of darkness but to UNITE AS SINGLE FORCE. Eventually, when more and more people join this group consciousness, we will be so powerful to create our own space which is the ultimate goal of Humanity.

We need to GROUP FREAKING NOW....Our Consciousness MUST MERGE NOW to fight this AI, Murphy Law...Murphy Law only acts, when we are divided as we know its their main tool...Divide and conquer....

There is NO FREAKING TIME....Again....They took Bruce Lee out few decades back...Can you imagine the hold they have now on us?

Unite Unite Unite NOWWWWW...
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Post by Winston »

Check out what someone told me about Bruce Lee:
I'm assuming you saw this movie, if not I suggest you watch it, maybe twice and pay real attention to the metaphysical symbology that fills the entire movie, This was going to be Bruce's next starred movie but he died before production. He co-wrote it. Imagine if this type of movie entered the main stream Western consciousness with Bruce starring in it. Perhaps history might have taken a different turn somehow. The powers that be wouldn't want a movie of this caliber going mainstream. The movie is okay, acting is kinda lame but its the story and symbology that's interesting.

http://www.martialdevelopment.com/blog/ ... ost-movie/

Yeah I've seen that movie. It was ok. But it's not very well known. Yeah Bruce Lee was going to change the consciousness of people. So he was a threat. How would they kill him and leave no trace though?

Did you see my theory about his last movie, "Game of Death". At the end, it predicts exactly how his son will die. Kind of creepy. And it was in a totally unprecedented way too. So perhaps it told us what happened to Bruce Lee too. The plot was unusual and changed. Bruce Lee's brother Robert believes that the Chinese mafia killed him too.
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Post by Winston »

Check out the intro to Bruce Lee's last film "Game of Death". It has one of the best soundtracks ever for a movie, that has a legendary feel to it. It was composed by John Barry, the same guy who composed the masterpiece soundtrack for "Dances with Wolves".

Holy cow! I just saw something shocking! At 1:50 a spinning disc with sun rays is shown with the words "MASON & CO" in the middle of it. I can't believe everyone else missed that. Could that mean that the Freemasons completed this film? If so, then perhaps the plot (which was changed from Bruce Lee's original concept) is telling us that Bruce Lee was killed because he refused to join their Illuminati/Freemason syndicate gang?

It makes sense. That's what his brother Robert Lee believes too, because in real life, Bruce Lee did repeatedly refuse to join the Triad Gangs that owned the Hong Kong movie industry. They must have felt threatened by him because he wanted to do everything in his movies his way, and he was getting big and famous. So if he had been allowed to continue, he would have single-handedly dominated and owned the martial arts film industry, taking power away from the Triads and their power structure. They could not allow that. So they took him out.

Plus, he was trying to revolutionize the way people think and awaken them to formlessness (Jeet Kune Do). If the masses followed that, then the control of power elite, or the Illuminati, would have been threatened and undermined. Their dominance over us can only be maintained if they control the war on our consciousness. So for a rising movie star (who wanted to do everything his way) to change the consciousness of people on a mass scale would have been a serious threat to them.

So if Bruce Lee was a threat to both the Triads, who controlled the Kung Fu film industry, and the cabal of the ruling elite (or Illuminati), then they had reason to take him out, just as they had reason to take out President Kennedy in 1963, who was a threat to many powerful interests. It makes sense doesn't it?

In addition, this film also predicts the exact way that Bruce Lee's son, Brandon Lee, would die 20 years later, which was totally unprecedented in Hollywood history. I mean, no one on a movie set gets killed by a real bullet unless it was intentional. Come on now. That's why it's never happened before.

So, if this film accurately predicted the way Brandon Lee would be killed, then perhaps it also contains clues embedded in fiction, about why Bruce Lee was killed. If it did, then it would be consistent. In the movie "V For Vendetta", Natalie Portman's character said, "Politicians use lies to cover up the truth. Artists use lies to tell the truth." So perhaps sometimes fiction is used to tell the truth, either by humans or higher metaphysical forces.
Last edited by Winston on July 1st, 2014, 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jester »

personally I'm not interested in all this stuff...

But let me just give a quick POV.....

Brandon Lee's death after or during "The Crow" was CLEARLY an occult killing of some kind, for the benefit or amusement of someone, ah, "high up".

I knew that when I first saw the film.

As to WW's suggestion that dark forces could have been at work, well DUH, YEAH. Make a movie about the occult without being a praying washed-in-the-Blood Christian and you are literally playing with hellfire.

It's just that Satanists have trouble cursing/manipulating alert, praying, true Christians.

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Post by Jester »

Oh, and one more thing. Like working magicians, Illuminati aka high-level freemason are trying to produce an effect in the audience. Trickery, demons, all the same to them. So if a death was "predicted" in media, yeah it COULD be a plant that they planned to use later to show thier power. (In moviemaking an example of this is a "fruit cart", because you know that soon, someone will plow through all the watermelons, making a photogenic, satisfying mess.) But it ALSO could be that Rand Corporation or Tavistock Institute scriptwriter-whores comb through various tv shows and movies** to look for some storyline they can pirate, use, adapt. And then claim, within their own circles, to NSA/CFR/Illuminati/JuniorSatanist types, etc, that "oh yeah, see, we planned it way back when, years ago."

When they didn't.

It's MAGIC. Yeah.

They are NOT all that they seem.

They are NOT all that we make them up to be.

Just a bunch of rich nerds. Google David Rockefeller and listen to him talk on YouTube.
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Post by starchild5 »

Triads basically are Illuminati fixers of the east. Their symbolism itself is a pyramid


Triads were created by the British Royals, Elites etc in Hong Kong to eliminate the good guys. The gained so much power in Hong Kong due to support from the west.

You can't fool evolved souls, that's why Bruce Lee refused to join both Triads and Illuminati, he knew, they both are one and the same..He could see through their B**t Sh*t

The Casino King Stanley Ho and Richest Man in Asia Li Ka Shing from Hong Kong has deep Jewish connections.

They just give us delusions that East and West is different, that China and America are different.....yet, both countries are controlled by the same forces
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Post by Moretorque »

Jester wrote:Oh, and one more thing. Like working magicians, Illuminati aka high-level freemason are trying to produce an effect in the audience. Trickery, demons, all the same to them. So if a death was "predicted" in media, yeah it COULD be a plant that they planned to use later to show thier power. (In moviemaking an example of this is a "fruit cart", because you know that soon, someone will plow through all the watermelons, making a photogenic, satisfying mess.) But it ALSO could be that Rand Corporation or Tavistock Institute scriptwriter-whores comb through various tv shows and movies** to look for some storyline they can pirate, use, adapt. And then claim, within their own circles, to NSA/CFR/Illuminati/JuniorSatanist types, etc, that "oh yeah, see, we planned it way back when, years ago."

When they didn't.

It's MAGIC. Yeah.

They are NOT all that they seem.

They are NOT all that we make them up to be.

Just a bunch of rich nerds. Google David Rockefeller and listen to him talk on YouTube.
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Post by Winston »

Could this be how Bruce Lee was killed? It's an unusual theory but seems to make sense. I don't buy the theory that an aspirin killed him though. That's way too improbable beyond reason, and doesn't take into account that there are certain poisons and dim mak techniques that don't leave a trace.

https://storify.com/illmatical/the-man- ... lee-1.html
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Post by starchild5 »

Interesting you brought this up today...I went to my local Gym today morning and it had all posters of Bruce Lee and his quotes etc....When I started during some exercises..I realized how much dedication it took Bruce lee to be what he was....after few minutes of stretching and lifting etc...I felt tired..and after reading and looking at Bruce Lee pic...I got enough motivation to continue the exercise for a longer period of time than usual and it made me feel much stronger...

As I had asked this question again and again to myself every time I think of Bruce Lee....Who had the balls to kill Bruce Lee..

The Chinese King Fu masters etc are very spiritually evolved and the good guys wouldn't do this...Even the earthly bad guys on top would know the tremendous spiritual power Bruce Lee has...They wouldn't want his soul to follow them after somehow they manage to kill him. Guys like Bruce Lee just do not vanish away even after they die...

Dim Mak technique would only be possessed by a very learned man and he would instantly recognize who Bruce Lee is when coming into contact with him even though they may not have met each other before. The spiritual vibe etc would match and mostly these guys do not want money etc...After a certain level..These techniques could only come to certain people ...There is no short cut

Also, Bruce Lee would know it, if that technique were been used against him...Now, we must know, we are talking about Bruce Lee.....He was no joke...He would know it instantly if someone tried to harm him...Not only his Physical abilities but if you read his quotes...you would know...He was a very high spiritually evolved being also.


I believe it goes much deeper and darker and only a Non-Humanoid Entity could possibly had the means, agenda and power to take him out without fearing the repercussions.

It will sound crazy but only entities that could potentially match up with Bruce Lee are the AIs (Artificial intelligence) aka Murphy Law....Simply Put...Murphy Law did not had any effect on Bruce Lee..He was his own Being...Nothing could stop him and his life itself was the biggest threat to the Murphy Law ruling the planet...If everyone became like Bruce Lee, started following him..The effect of Murphy Law would be minimal...

He was showing the way to get out of Murphy Law...aka saving humanity as a whole...

This AI is now muddying the water by creating stories around his death by saying it was the death touch, poison etc etc...Its impossible..Bruce Lee will know it instantly if someone tried to mess with him .he was not asleep....he was aware...common...we are talking about Bruce Lee here....He was extraordinary and some extraordinary force took him out ...I do not believe there are any humans on earth both on good and bad level who had the Spiritual Power behind them to even come close to Bruce Lee and take him out...Behind a man Physical Appearance..There are tremendous spiritual forces acting..I do not think any human had it in them to go way past that protection line of defense that Bruce Lee had developed.
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Post by Winston »

Interesting conspiracy video about how Bruce Lee was killed with arsenic poisoning and the plot behind it.

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Re: Were Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee murdered?

Post by Winston »

Check out these articles someone showed me:

Shocking facts about the Bruce Lee curse
http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/film-tv/a ... -wondering

Why the Shaolin Triads killed Bruce Lee and how it's connected to Jesus
https://camellot.co/shaolin-triad-bruce ... -to-jesus/

My comments:

Interesting articles about bruce lee. I'll post them in my forum thread about bruce lee.

The article forgot to mention another connection between bruce lee and jesus. They both died around the same age. 33. So did Alexander the great. I wonder if theres a connection.

Remember bruce lee was trying to wake people up too. Using unconventional methods. He wasn't just trying to entertain people. That made him a threat to the dark forces too. So the archons may have urged his enemies to murder him.

But i always thought the film industry triads killed him. Not Shaolin monks. Thats what his brother thinks too.

Btw yeah i know about the lee family curse. Theres a lot of evidence for it and a pattern of events in his family that suggest that the curse is real. Very similar to the curse in the kennedy family. Too many unusual deaths in the family for it to be coincidence.

So i concluded then that bruce lee probably died from both, a curse and conspiracy to murder as well. Perhaps the curse caused the conspiracy too so they are related anyway.

Btw one thing bruce lees coroner never considered was that perhaps his brain swelling was due to whatever was causing his headache that he had to take the pain reliever for, not from the tablet itself. I dont know why the coroner never went down that line of reasoning. It would have been a logical avenue to explore.

The tablet theory sounded too implausible and ad hoc and made up. He never even explained the steps he took to arrive at that conclusion. And the declaration of "death by misadventure" meant nothing and made him sound stupid, like he died of recklessness. It was a stupid thing to write.

Do you think the last woman that was with bruce lee and gave him the tablet, knows something shes not telling?

What do most people in hong kong think?
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Re: Were Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee murdered?

Post by Winston »

This fitness and health nutrition specialist named Jerry Brainum claims a new book reveals that Bruce Lee died of heat stroke combined with epilepsy and seizures, not of a headache tablet. The former has been known to cause cerebral edema, the brain swelling found in Bruce Lee's brain, while the latter, a headache tablet, has never been known to cause that. The author interviewed Bruce Lee's doctors and the health specialists that worked with him to arrive at this conclusion.

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