Palestinians are the True Descendents of the Biblical Jews

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Post by ladislav »

pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.
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Post by Moretorque »

ladislav wrote:
pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.
Ladislav or anybody who knows I have a ? or 2 on this subject, Ashkenaz means Germany in Hebrew. How old is the word Ashkenazi as being applied to this Jewish group? I have a real weird feeling somebody has really been making history up to meet their agenda as of the last couple of centuries and as stated the victors write history and I believe they have been at it to the detriment of the truth the last couple hundred years!

Some Jewish people can trace their linage back over a millennia and call themselves Ashkenazi but I do not believe the word Ashkenaz is anywhere near a thousand years old in reference to a people from this region.

Nathaniel of Real Jew News looks like a real Kahzar non Semitic that goes back a good ways to eastern Europe through interbreeding but other Jews are plain white crackers and look plain German European. I think there are some groups who have been interbreeding for a thousand years or more but are of a different line than the original line out of Palestine for sure. Some how the word got out because they trace their lineage through the mother but that does not mean there is a close blood relation back to the bible region of those people.

This issue can be settled with modern tech but the worlds ruling body does not want the truth to come out at any cause. They say 85 to 90% of Jews are Ashkenaz but I would say that most have little blood ties to Germany dating back over a long period. Any help would be great because I think most everything today is BS and being setup to pull the wool over the dumb Goy for political motives.
Last edited by Moretorque on August 31st, 2014, 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jtest28 »

Palestinians are related to Jews in that they are both Cainites. And also Arabs are too. Thats why their DNA test show the same genes and is why they look alike in the face. BTW, the Palestinians are the descendants of the ancient Philistines.
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Post by Moretorque »

Moretorque wrote:
ladislav wrote:
pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.
Ladislav or anybody who knows I have a ? or 2 on this subject, Ashkenaz means Germany in Hebrew.
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Post by Moretorque »

jtest28 wrote:Palestinians are related to Jews in that they are both Cainites. And also Arabs are too. Thats why their DNA test show the same genes and is why they look alike in the face. BTW, the Palestinians are the descendants of the ancient Philistines.
The people who are informed are aware of this and we are all being conned.
Last edited by Moretorque on August 31st, 2014, 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pandabear »

ladislav wrote:
pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.
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Post by Moretorque »

pandabear wrote:
ladislav wrote:
pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.

Panda how old is Germany in name where they could use the name Ashkenaz? tied to Germany because aren't the Khazars way older than the nation state of Germany. Am I missing something, please somebody point it out.
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Post by pandabear »

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Post by pandabear »

Moretorque wrote: Panda how old is Germany in name where they could use the name Ashkenaz? tied to Germany because aren't the Khazars way older than the nation state of Germany. Am I missing something, please somebody point it out.
Germans don't call their country Germany. They call it Deutschland. The French call it Allemagne.
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Post by Moretorque »

Thanks I will research it, I do not trust WIKI!
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Post by ladislav »

Moretorque wrote:
pandabear wrote:
ladislav wrote:
pandabear wrote:According to that article, though, most Jews who lived in Judea actually stayed in Judea after the Roman war (I previously thought that the Romans had depopulated the place).

There were already Jewish communities elsewhere, in both the Roman and Persian empires, and in between. A big one in Alexandria (to which one Gospel account has Joseph and Mary fleeing with Jesus).
Where did the huge number of Jews on the Rhein come from, then? They were called Semites by the Germans. And they were called Jude- Judean in German.

Panda how old is Germany in name where they could use the name Ashkenaz? tied to Germany because aren't the Khazars way older than the nation state of Germany. Am I missing something, please somebody point it out.
But the Germans call Jews Jude ( Judean), not Khazar. And where are the Khazars now? How can we test the haplogroups? There are no Khazars anywhere. So, how can they be tested? There are Arabs still and Greeks, but no Khazars.

And what is the point? That the Jews need to go and live in E. Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan?

So, they should get on the phone and call the governments of those countries and convince them that Jews are Khazars and thus have the right to live there? Start moving to Armenia? How about they call the rebel leader of the Donetsk People's Republic and tell him that?

There's no kingdom called Khazaria now. No embassy to call. No Khazar relief organization. No Khazar people. No one has any DNA track of them. They don't exist.

Should E. Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan abolish their countries and install Khazaria there?

I can just imagine Netanyahu calling the President of Armenia and telling him about this Khazaria. They will think he's nuts and tell him to go and see a shrink.

The Crimea is on that map, too. I am sure Putin will welcome Jews in there now. With nuclear weapons, possibly. And Chehnya is on it too. Oh, those Chechens will be so happy. I can already see them sharpening up their daggers.

None of those peoples, starting from Ukrainians, and ending with Chechens or the Crimean Tatars would even call Jews Khazars. Or descendants of Khazars.
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Post by pandabear »

Well, it does look as though Ukraine and surrounding countries were once the center of Judaism in the world. We were just trying to speculate where the Jews of Eastern Europe came from. One hypothesis, which seems plausible, is that they were the descendents of the Jewish Khazars who once ruled the region, with some Slavic and German admixture, to account for the Israeli blue-eyed blondes.

Another theory that is mentioned in your Nazi video is that the Jews moved to Germany (and thence to Eastern Europe) from Spain, after the Catholic Spaniards evicted them (and the Muslims) in 1492. I am pretty sure that most of the Jews moved to the Ottoman Empire (where they continued to speak Ladino, a form of Spanish, well into the 20th century). Some Jews stayed in Spain and converted to Catholicism. I don't know why they would have chosen to migrate to a backwater like Germany.
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Post by Moretorque »

I think there were mass conversions all over because the bible is and was probably even more dominate centuries ago. I saw a video where a scholar was saying word is practicaly everybody throughout the centuries were claiming to be of the original tribe bloodline and this was going back thousands of years.

I believe Sholmo Sand is probably much closer to the truth! and anything in the mainstream is more than suspect because the ruling class at the very top have their reasons for bringing the mythical land of Israel to life and world domination is at the root of it.
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Post by ladislav »

Judaism does not proselytize ( except in the early times among other Semitic tribes). There were no mass conversions in Germany. Sheesh," Yah Hans, here, this is your new God, Jawool!"

Show me the dates of those conversions. It's very hard to become Jewish. Let alone in mass. And evn then, you'll never be really Jewish. It's like becoming Japanese.

Now, the Jews say that it was not Spain to Germany. But the Roman Empire to Germany bypassing Spain (for Ashkenazim), and then the Sephardics went from Spain to the Ottoman Empire.

The Khazar theory would imply that Jews moved from Ukraine to Germany and then Hungary, etc. But would they then move back to Ukraine after having been named Goldberg, Steinberg, Lipshitz and Rosenblum by the Germans? Because those are the names of the Jews in Ukraine. That's a pretty big circular movement of people.

When did that huge multi-million Khazaria to Germany- and back to Ukraine- movement take place? Nothing like this was recorded anywhere in history.

By the way, that girl in the picture is a bleached blonde.

The one who came up with the Khazar theory was a certain Arthur Koestler. He was living in the times when there was no DNA testing. He also could not explain the appearance of Yiddish.

And no one answered why there are no Turkic words in Yiddish. And why nothing Turkic exists in the Ashkenazi culture.

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Post by Moretorque »

ladislav wrote:Judaism does not proselytize ( except in the early times among other Semitic tribes). There were no mass conversions in Germany. Sheesh," Yah Hans, here, this is your new God, Jawool!"

Show me the dates of those conversions. It's very hard to become Jewish. Let alone in mass. And evn then, you'll never be really Jewish. It's like becoming Japanese.

Now, the Jews say that it was not Spain to Germany. But the Roman Empire to Germany bypassing Spain (for Ashkenazim), and then the Sephardics went from Spain to the Ottoman Empire.

The Khazar theory would imply that Jews moved from Ukraine to Germany and then Hungary, etc. But would they then move back to Ukraine after having been named Goldberg, Steinberg, Lipshitz and Rosenblum by the Germans? Because those are the names of the Jews in Ukraine. That's a pretty big circular movement of people.

When did that huge multi-million Khazaria to Germany- and back to Ukraine- movement take place? Nothing like this was recorded anywhere in history.

By the way, that girl in the picture is a bleached blonde.

The one who came up with the Khazar theory was a certain Arthur Koestler. He was living in the times when there was no DNA testing. He also could not explain the appearance of Yiddish.

And no one answered why there are no Turkic words in Yiddish. And why nothing Turkic exists in the Ashkenazi culture.

This is a very interesting subject, one thing is for sure the history we are being spoon fed I feel is very suspect. One good thing about the net as time goes on we are getting a closer picture heading toward what really happened in the past.

Why is the comments disabled on the film? that is a Q for BS being called out and refuted by posters in the comment section and the poster of the video does not want that to happen. I know after I learned how the financial system works for this world it made me aware not to believe a dam thing in mainstream outlets and most of this money system is controlled by Jewish bloodlines who also control what the dumb down natives have access to for information , they also do not look anything like Semites to me .

As stated I am open minded about this but feel we are being duped about everything by this cabal who prints money and rules the world for the most part.
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