New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

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New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Have you noticed that gurus of the New Age/Personal Transformation movement such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Bruce Lipton, etc. hold fallacious assumptions, such as:

1. People are the same everywhere. Location doesn't matter. Cultural differences are trivial and insignificant. Only your thoughts matter. If you change your thoughts, you will change your life and experiences. Thoughts create reality. (This is aka "The Law of Attraction" which has some truth to it but is greatly exaggerated by New Agers.)
2. No one is a victim. Your experiences are the result of your thoughts, attitude and choices. External factors are not to blame because they only mirror your own thoughts. You create your own reality. You draw and expand whatever you think about. Thus whatever happens to you is a result of what you create with your own mind and attitude.
3. Changing your location or environment will not solve your problems or change your experiences. The solution is to change yourself, work on yourself, and improve yourself. If you do, everything else will fall into place and align with your improved self.

These New Age teachings are greatly exaggerated and inaccurate in many ways. They defy common sense too. I can give many real life examples that do not fit into the precepts above. And I have in my article at:

What's more, none of these New Age principles can account for all the proof on my website of the MANY differences between America and most other countries described above. All the evidence I've collected over the years proves that LOCATION does matter, and that as in real estate, it's all about "location, location, location!" Thus this proves that these New Age precepts do not apply to many situations.

Of course, thoughts and attitudes do matter and have influence. But they do not have the unlimited God-like power that New Agers ascribe to them. And they do not control all the many factors in your external reality. In reality, some things are controllable and some things aren't. That's life. Everything is situational.

Also, it is not true that there are no victims. There are real victims in life who did not attract the bad things that happened to them with negative thoughts. For example, the passengers on the Titanic or on TWA Flight 800 did not die because of their negative thoughts or bad choices. They were simply unlucky. Many ships and planes operate everyday, and people cannot know when an accident like that would occurr.

The Native Americans were real victims as well. They lost their land to the Americans and their people were nearly wiped out, not because of their negative thoughts or beliefs, but because they were VICTIMS of more powerful aggressors, such as the US cavalry and their guns. Before the American colonization, these Native Americans were mostly living in harmony with nature and respected the land as sacred. Isn't that a good thing? If so, then how do New Agers explain what happened to them? They can't, so they don't even try.

So you see, there are real victims in life. I don't understand why New Agers deny this, as their ridiculous philosophies do not match with reality. Perhaps they are delusional and refuse to believe in an unjust universe, so they assign blame to the victims of misfortune. In doing so, they are very cruel.

These New Agers ought to read the Book of Job in the Old Testament Hebrew Bible. In the story, when Job lost everything, his peers used "New Age" victim-blaming logic and told Job that he must have sinned or done something wrong to deserve what happened to him, because God is a just God. It turned out they were wrong in the end, just as New Agers are wrong today to blame victims and claim that there are no victims.

New Agers also claim that if women reject you, then you must have low self-esteem, low confidence, or a negative attitude. Female New Agers are especially prone to do this. But this is ridiculous and doesn't make sense. In reality, women reject men who are not THEIR TYPE. But if you are her type and she is attracted to you, then you can be an asshole, dickhead, and be as negative as you want, yet she will still cling to you and come to you. If you are not her type, you can have many wonderful qualities, and she will still reject you, or she will "friend zone" you. That's how it works.

Confidence or self-esteem has very little to do with it. Confidence alone does not create attractiveness to women. It only enhances attractiveness if she already perceives you as desirable. If you are "her type" then your confidence will validate her attraction to you. This is basic psychology. Only if she likes you, will your confidence be seen as an attractive attribute to her. Otherwise, if you're not her type, then it won't matter. An ugly guy who tries to act confident will still be perceived as a creep. That's how it works.

Looks are everything in America. The dating culture is very shallow. People are not judged by their inner qualities in the dating scene. We all know that.

Thus, for a woman to reject a man claiming that "he lacks confidence" is a mere shaming tactic, to hide the fact that she isn't attracted to him physically, because she does not want to appear shallow. I've seen American women do this countless times. It's very dishonest and cruel.

The truth is, confidence is a by-product of success. It has to be validated by some kind of actual worth or value for it to matter. Being confident for no reason does not create real value. For example, if I don't know anything about fixing cars and I tell you that "I'm confident that I can fix your car", it will not help or make it true. Such confidence would be baseless. But if I know a lot about fixing computers (which I do) then my confidence in being able to fix your computer will have a real basis. In other words, if I'm really good at something, then I have a right to be confident about it. But if I suck at something, I have no right to act confident about it. Fake confidence does not help and has no value, even in a fake culture like America.

I don't understand why New Agers can't accept that. It's like they have a need to believe that everything is controllable, including looks, attraction and other people. They can't seem to accept that some things are not controllable. But we all know that you can't control what others think and feel. So why don't they accept that? It's very weird. They are obviously out of touch with reality and logic.

Now, New Age teachings do contain great wisdom and spiritual truths, but the problem is that they greatly overgeneralize, exaggerate, and oversimplify everything, like pretty much any belief system does. They also insinuate that there is a simple easy solution to everything. Not true. In reality, real problems do not have simple solutions. If they did, they would not be real problems. Duh.

In real life -- as opposed to the New Age fantasy world -- there are simple problems with simple solutions, complex problems with complex solutions, difficult problems that require out of the box solutions, and unsolvable problems that are meant to be endured, or that can only be remedied with time. That's life. Again, everything is situational. There is no such thing as a simple fix-it-all solution to everything, as New Age authors try to sell.

In the final analysis, New Age teachings and books -- as well as organized religion, spiritual practices, professional therapy, and even meditation -- can only help you in the following ways: They can help you cope with your problems, manage stress, deal with painful memories, feel better, give you some purpose, and achieve peace of mind and mental clarity. Yes, they can do all these things for you. But they CANNOT solve all your problems, at least not the real ones. Even good advice cannot solve all your problems, especially the difficult ones. All they can do is to help you cope with them. Even therapists are taught that their objective is not to solve their client's problems (which they cannot), but to provide them with coping skills.

(In spite of this, many spiritual teachers are right when they say that many of our problems are either created by our minds or greatly exaggerated by our thoughts. Thus one should not take life too seriously in general. After all, what stresses you out today will not even be remembered one week from now, so the sages teach. See "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.)

Even more absurd is the New Age idea that according to quantum physics, solid matter and physical realities do not really exist and are illusions created by our perception. They argue that if a solid object is unobserved by a conscious observer, it collapses into a wave field of probability. In other words, if you aren't looking at something, it vanishes out of existence and has no solidity! Wtf?

They call this "the observer effect". They even have this weird theorem called "Schroedinger's Cat" which claims that if you put a cat in a box with a cyanide gas pellet that has a 50/50 chance of going off, then until you open the box and look inside, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time! How crazy and unproven! They have no proof of that at all. What are these New Agers smoking?!

(There's this guy named Anthony Peake that rails about it as if it were the most amazing discovery. Look him up. You can listen to his podcasts and interviews on YouTube. He has also written many books. And he has other bizarre beliefs too.)

This "physical matter disappears when unobserved" idea is totally delusional and out of touch with reality. It defies basic common sense. Even simple examples debunk it. For example, if you step over a banana peel or on a slippery floor, you will slip even if you don't see it. Or, if you step on a landmine and do not see it, it will still blow you up! Not seeing it will not change that. Let's suppose I stood behind you and fired a bullet at your back while closing my eyes. Even though neither of us are looking at the bullet, it will still hit you if you are on its path of trajectory. Care to test this? lol. Just kidding.

Ok here's a safer test: Go into a room and start walking backwards without looking behind you. Eventually you will hit a wall behind you, even if you don't see the wall! lol. Try it. lol. Now geez, how can that be, since according to this amazing New Age "discovery" the wall behind you does not exist in any solid matter form unless you look at it? LOLOLOL.

Man I can't believe how dumb this theory is! The fact that so many New Age intellectuals buy into such an outlandish theory does not reflect well on their credibility and rationality at all.
Last edited by Winston on September 4th, 2014, 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by starchild5 »

I'm from India and most of the New Age crap has come out of my country and look where it is today. Deepak Chopra took the garbage from India and threw it on the Ignorant west as they were looking for answers in life and anything that is new and different is accepted in the west if it has that exotic vibe attached to it...

The entire New Age movement is a lie. The BIGGEST CON is Karma. Which has during the last few decades taken control over the mind of western civilizations.

Karma is nothing but Evil putting his sins on humanity. He does every crime that ever existed on earth but using Karma Con puts the blame on us. DO NOT BELIEVE IN KARMA. IT TORTURES YOUR SOUL. You Torture yourself with karma. It has no escape ones it takes control of your mind.

The Entire Eastern Philosophy is as bigger garbage as the western one of science and individuality. Not a single god, guru, religion in the east talks about Aliens directly. They all despise this word Alien because as soon as Alien word enters New Age...Their Business is over. Ask any Guru from India or even Deepak Chopra on Aliens and they all give wage answers or straight out no.

Yoga is a Con too, Stay away...Because Yoga was created in a such way that, when you mediate you will reach the was created by an Evil genius...The Evil whatever you may want to call is anything but stupid. He knows what he is doing, he is smart, cunning, he plans way ahead of human race etc..

To put it simply

Tony Robbins > Deepak Chopra > Michai Kaku > Steven Hawkins > Einstein > Newton > Tech > TV > Science > Religion > New age> East & West Philosophy > Taking Humanity to Darkness >> most of them are freemasons and members of secret society

Conspiracy > Deep Thinking > Questioning > Not accepting slavery > Knowing who you really are > Why you were created > Going Beyond the Known Universe, achieving your true destiny.
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Post by Luc Furr »

Interesting post Winston.
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Post by Renata »

It's all a money-making industry. Even the faith healers like Benny Hinn & Lawson that heal people on tv are just in it for profit. It's business, because if it were real why aren't they in the hospitals healing everyone? The psychic ones are another set of cons, why aren't they winning the lottery or predicting the future? We've got so many unanswered questions after all.
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Post by Winston »

Here are some quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer that demonstrate what I mean about New Age bullshit. He claims that you can fix all your problems by filling your head with positive thoughts, and that if you change your thoughts you will change your reality. Blah blah blah. Even on the cover of one of his books, as you can see below, he says this. Yeah right. Positive thoughts are not going to fix your problems or change your life. If it was that easy, then there would be no problems. Duh.

How can anyone buy this shit? And why does PBS praise him so much? Can't they see that he's full of it? Isn't PBS supposed to be about genuine quality programming?

I guess Happier Abroad is not necessary then, since according to the famous Dr. Wayne Dyer, all your problems in America will be fixed if you "change your thoughts". lol



Dr. Wayne Dyer's CD cover:


His book cover:

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Post by Winston »

More bullshit quotes from Wayne Dyer.


Yeah right. So he's saying there are no victims in life. No one is evil. No one is a scumbag or an asshole. Anything bad that anyone does to you, is YOUR FAULT, because you teach others how to treat you. What a crock of shit! Who buys that? And what is this based on? He has NOTHING to back any of this up!


WTF?! So by expecting miracles, they will come true? What a load of shit! What is this guy smoking?! What is he on?! LOL. What a delusional nut! If thoughts are all powerful, then why is he old and bald? Why can't he use his "thoughts" to grow back his hair or reverse his aging, or stop his wife from leaving him for another man? LOL. SO STUPID!!!


Yeah right. What a stupid generalized statement. He's selling feel good bullshit with false motivation and expectation, which can be dangerous if taken too literally. The truth is, some things can be attained and some can't. That's life. It depends on what you're trying to attain and what the the factors involved are. Some goals are realistic and some aren't. Any rational person with common sense knows that. WTF is this guy trying to pull? Who is dumb enough to believe a vague generalized statement like that, which makes no sense?

There is no such thing as "you can attain anything if you go after it". What a crock of shit. It is NOT some universal law or principle. What a delusional idiot. He must be totally out of touch with reality. Either that, or he is a lying sociopath. Does he even believe this shit himself?! He's got NOTHING to back any of this up. It's such bullshit. Why does PBS praise him and fall for this shit? Anyone can see it's bullshit.


LOL WTF?! So if you believe that limitations don't exist, then they don't? What is this guy smoking?! What a delusional idiot! Why doesn't he try jumping off a building and flying? LOL. Why doesn't he try to walk through walls? LOL. What a nutcase. Totally delusional. And totally illogical. Why does he make such obviously FALSE statements? Americans must be really stupid and delusional to fall for this kind of shit. Sadly, I know people who fall for this kind of shit. It's insane. I can't explain it.


Again, this is a generalized statement. Thoughts are not all powerful. They cannot alter physical matter, except maybe on a microscopic scale (psychokinesis). If they could, then psychokinesis could easily be demonstrated in the lab, but it can't. Enough said. If thoughts could change everything, then why can't Dr. Wayne Dyer use his thoughts to regrow his hair, or reverse his aging, etc? Duh.

The truth is, there are some things you can change. And some things you can't. It really depends on what it is. Generalized statements like this are useless and illogical. I can't believe this kind of shit sells in America. Bullshit sells in America. Truth doesn't. If I wrote a book that said that "making lots of money was easy", and another one that said it wasn't, the one that says it is easy would sell a lot more, no doubt.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I have been reading an interesting biography of John Wayne and there were numerous people including directors and actors who said that John Wayne lacked self-confidence. That seems to explode another myth that you need self-confidence to succeed.
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Post by Hero »

People just want to believe that they can achieve happiness without working. Like they say, if it's sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Post by Winston »

MrPeabody wrote:I have been reading an interesting biography of John Wayne and there were numerous people including directors and actors who said that John Wayne lacked self-confidence. That seems to explode another myth that you need self-confidence to succeed.
Right. And I've never been dumped by a girl for lack of confidence, nor have I gotten a girlfriend or date from my confidence or self-esteem. So that's a logical proof right there that self-esteem is not the problem.

I don't understand this American myth that everything is due to confidence or lack of it. It's so fake and stupid and illogical. Totally delusional too.
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Post by Winston »

Check out what InternationalLove said about new age contradictions. It's pretty funny and true. lol

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Post by RickyRetardo »

I am glad to see that I am not the only one who dislikes hypocritical victim-blaming "philosophies" like these.

Assholes will basically say "anything that happens to you is your fault", but they really don't believe that. It's just a feel-good thing to say that absolves society at large from moral responsibility when it pisses all over the unlucky ones in this life.

I won't fall for it. Life is PARTLY the effects of your thoughts, but there ARE things beyond our control that can harm us. To believe otherwise is to delude yourself.
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Post by Winston »

Check this out. I'm taking one of the titles of Wayne Dyer's books and spinning it for our purposes. lol. In his book cover below, the title is "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life." I've spun it for our movement as "Change Your Location, Change Your Life." LOL.

I've already put it above as our forum subtitle. I'll also use it in the header of our home page and as a subtitle in my ebook too. Great idea huh? That's a great slogan actually. It's short, simple and easy to remember. Great marketing on Wayne Dyers part. We can use it here too. LOL

[img] ... yer[1].jpg[/img]
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Post by Winston »

Check out this great article critical of Wayne Dyer.

A Critical Perspective on Wayne Dyer

Another one: ... er-is.html
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Check out this black New Age guru on YouTube. Notice at the beginning of all his videos, he says "Peace and Infinite Waters" in such a TOTALLY FAKE way! It's hilarious! He doesn't sound authentic at all. Not even that intelligent either. Why does YouTube allow this shit on it yet takes down my genuine stuff? Go figure.

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Check out this video by Ralph Smart called "How to be Attractive". He basically says that if you love yourself and believe that you're attractive, then others will see you as attractive too! LOL. What a load of BS! What a crock of shit! NO ONE in the world is going to believe that, not even the dumbest person in the world will! That kind of New Age BS goes too far and totally insults the intelligence of even a dog! I would bet that even Ralph Smart knows that's bullshit! So why is he spouting this shit?!

I posted this in his comments section:

"This video is 100 percent FALSE Ralph. All you suggest is SELF-DELUSION, which accomplishes NOTHING. I swear. And YOU KNOW it too! Believing yourself to be attractive when you're not is self-delusion, and no it will NOT make others think you're attractive. Even you know that. You aren't stupid. If you aren't a girl's type, loving yourself is NOT going to change that. We all know that. That's the real world. Doesn't matter if you love yourself or think you're attractive or not. Deluding yourself will NOT make others share your delusion. That's 100 percent New Age BS and you KNOW it Ralph. So why are you discrediting yourself with this video? Even the dumbest person in the world would not believe something like that. Come on man. Are you trying to insult our intelligence? Even a dog would find that insulting to its intelligence. Even you Ralph do not believe that, cause it's obviously not true.

I'm going to expose this video in my forum here, so everyone can laugh at it. And no, authenticity alone isn't going to attract women. I'm the most authentic guy in the world, and it doesn't make me more attractive. You obviously don't know anything about women or relationships and are just talking out of your a**. Seriously. Furthermore, why did you title this video "according to psychologists"? There is no psychologist in the world that would say what you said in this video, and no psychology textbook would either. Show me even one credible real psychology book that says that "if you believe you are attractive, then others will too". Just one. If you can, I'll give you $100 by PayPal. I'm posting this comment on my forum so it will go online anyway, even if you remove it. Here is the URL to my forum thread about you that I will post it in:
viewtopic.php?f=37&t=28907 "
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