My advice to American parents living in the USA

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My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Obviously, most HAers don't fit this profile but it's worth telling their friends about it.

Here's my advice to American parents for the times ahead ... that is to remove their boys from the school system, no later than freshman year of high school, and have an active homeschooling program in place, with streaming classes from various universities to cover the curricula.

American high schools are completely toxic. I'd say that they've outlived their useful circa 1995. Afterwards, they've become a cesspool for cyberbullying, typecasting, and general stupidities. Gone are the days, where ppl go fishing after class, kicking back, and listening to Ozzy and Zeppelin. Those idyllic days were the high schools of the 70s/80s.

The only reason to attend an American high school is if one's got potential to be recruited by the NCAA. Then, it's imperative that one does HS, gets all those athletic letters and awards, and meets up with scouting agents. I suspect that most ppl, by Junior High, will know if they're of that caliber. This is 1-2% of the population.

Then, as soon as your sons reach the age of 13, buy them a realistic RealDoll (or a clone of one). This way, physiologically speaking, they get the experience of fondling b**bs and *ss, while experiencing an org*sm, despite the lack of conversation and interaction. In itself, this will help in assisting their concentration for studies. And finally, upon reaching that 17/18 birthday interface, make that trip to Thailand or South America, and visit a 5 star brothel for their 18th birthday.

Now, they have a choice, spend the first two years on an on-campus US program to find their future American wife. If sophomore year comes by and she's not earmarked, then admit defeat, and go abroad starting junior year. Most of the marriable good AWs are taken by junior year because the good guys aren't stupid, when they find a keeper. I believe that this plan of action will prevent many problems. One is getting a drugged out gal pregnant and being charged with rape. Typically speaking, drugs lead to sex rather easily in America. Two, the general horny-ness followed by rejection patterns,which many guys face these days, as even 18 year American women are becoming Sugar Babies to 50+ year old executives. And finally, they'll have a lot of confidence, knowing that they did the entire HS curricula their own way.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by fschmidt »

I am homeschooling my kids. But I prefer the low-tech Singapore curriculum to streaming American universities. I have offered my son to pay for a trip anywhere in the world but he hasn't taken me up on it yet.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

fschmidt wrote:I am homeschooling my kids. But I prefer the low-tech Singapore curriculum to streaming American universities. I have offered my son to pay for a trip anywhere in the world but he hasn't taken me up on it yet.
You're well on your way. If he's at puberty and you're not living abroad, where dating is natural, buy him a RealDoll. Teenagers need to process their changing hormonal profile. And the problem is that often enough, dating/sex/love/fitting-in/etc all get confused and jumbled up. In reality, it's the release (with a sense of realism) which is needed. The love and other stuff can follow later.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by Moretorque »

For the most part a lot of schooling is obsolete with the net, the school system could be streamed lined to half days and off after lunch. Unless you are specializing in education the net is much more informative with accurate information.

There should be new forums put in place for young people to interact and learn, the Common Core in America is bad news and designed to make the children confused, stupid and not want to learn. In order to take over America for UN21 implementation they need a dumb populace.

Yes the school system is toxic and done so on purpose, our rulers want to rule and a dumb populace makes it so much more possible.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by Array9 »

"If you loved your children, then you wouldn't send them to public school"- Pastor Butch Paugh
Men chase, women choose

As long as you have gold in your hand, you will ALWAYS have bread on your table.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Marcos, raising kids in the Philippines vs the USA are orthogonal to each other. I know of a few Americans, raising a family in PI and it's nothing like stateside.

And thus, one doesn't need a RealDoll in PI.

The RealDoll is for a society where false rape allegations, rampant drug use, and lots of horsesh*t at the HS or College level permeate, which makes it imperative that the young boys can experience some aspect of their sexuality w/o an American girl around. BTW, Mel has just concurred with me on IM, about this. And as far as she's concerned, AWs have done their own fair share of objectifying so it's not like they're helpless damsels in distress.

But yes, ultimately, it's best not to parent in the USA but the facts remain, ppl have much of their work world connections here and thus, find themselves working stateside. So if one is in America, it's best to find ways of minimizing the impact of one's boys, getting screwed over by a Femi-Nazi men hating society. The RealDoll definitely takes the edge off regular sex, when hormones are flying. The last thing you want is a lawsuit from an angry parent, whose daughter just got pregnant, while narc'ed out on Oxycontin and Marijuana. Unfortunately, that's how guys get action around here, through the drug culture. And many times, it's not the guys who initiate the process, unlike what popular culture tells us.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Let me give some projections out there ... let's say one attends Penn State on-campus in central PA. The total number of freshman/sophomore is ~20K. Thus, ~10K are female. Among that pool, roughly 500-1K are wife material.

Thus, if your son attends an on-campus US program like above, that's his target audience. Now, the reason why I say this is that I believe Mel was one among that crowd but our differing sexual orientations had caused us to go astray for a decade and half. The others that I knew from that pool, got married and seem to be content. Granted, I'm not in touch with everyone from school but through the grapevine, the good ones who made that decision to marry early, basically around graduation time, are still together. They didn't screw around during college, they were instead, getting an education and getting ready to start a life together. And I'm talking about nice girls here, not mean ones who got married early to a pusswhipped mangina, like my sister.

But realize this ... that elite group of AWs will NOT be available for long. As soon as the good guys get 'em, they're out of the market. Thus, you have at most, 2 years. Afterwards, leave the campus scene, start out on an internship, and finish your degree online or part-time near your company. Or simply go abroad and finish the degree online.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by onethousandknives »

Was going well until Realdolls and prostitutes.

As someone who dropped out of high school and got a GED, high school is entirely pointless. The GED (though it's supposed to be harder now, I doubt it's exponentially harder) is actually only middle school level. The very hardest math is at most a prealgebra problem, and using formulas for area and perimeter. For history/social studies, you don't actually need a lot of background knowledge, all it is reading comprehension. Then there's a simple essay, basic English rules about grammar, etc. It's stuff you should be exposed to by 8th grade in public school, though I was well exposed to it by 6th grade in private school. So if said test is supposed to be equal to high school, the test proves high school is entirely pointless, as nothing taught in high school is on the test.

I would tell parents to go to the store or library and pick up a GED test prep book, give it to their kids, see if they pass the practice tests/have them study for the GED test. Then when freshman year of high school comes around, take the test and have your child proclaimed a genius for passing high school early while having only basic educational skills for the 8th grade.

After that, your child can go to community college during said pointless high school years, or spend $100-150 per test for CLEP/DSST tests which are granted 3-9 credits per test at very many colleges (including highly proclaimed colleges, like Purdue) and likely skip a good portion of college as well.

High school, besides yes, the athletic departments, is a complete waste of time. I think starting at 8th grade, the GED option should become a real option, just hold the test once a semester, get parental permission to test (no guidance counselor/etc type of permission, just parental) and go take it and get out of high school if you wish. There's no point in leaving people in high school for four years, in a social Lord of the Flies land. Perhaps you can still attend classes you like (ie, art classes, shop class, etc) but then this means you show up to school twice a week for an hour or two, not everyday.

The problem is high school is not actually HIGH school anymore. It's low school. Education has suffered a giant inflation problem. Before, graduation of 8th grade was considered like graduating from high school. Most city blue collar jobs would accept graduation of 8th grade as being good enough, and the exam to pass 8th grade in most places was very hard. Not everyone went to high school. But then the push to get everyone in high school, and then everyone in college, created education inflation. Now community college literally takes the place of high school, and you need an associates degree at least to get the same job opportunities one would get with a high school diploma years ago. Community college, in fact, the majority of students have to take remedial classes because the high schools did such a terrible job teaching them. If people are tacking on an extra year or more to their community college experiences to fix up what they didn't learn in high school, it's very clear that high school is not doing it's job. So since community college is basically taking the place of high school nowadays, high school should be phased out and allowed to be tested out of like I described.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

onethousandknives wrote:Was going well until Realdolls and hoes.
The reason for this is the recent rise in the number of Elliot Rogers cases. When I was in HS/College, it was a lot easier to get gals than today, outside of being a douchebag, a jock, or a chronic drug user (Oxycontin, Exstasy, you-name-it).

Realize, in my signature, the movie 'American Beauty' is now on its 15th+ year anniversary, however, today, it's politically incorrect to say anything against women and dating AWs in modern society. 'American Beauty' was onto something but then, society had silenced its true message.

A lot of nice boys suffer, because their parents can't level with them, about the dysfunctional state of modern American women. In fact, I'd say that most ppl are in denial and will blame their sons, for not being *good* with women.

The RD, from ages 13 to 17 is an answer to that issue. It offers a path out of falling into let's say a drinking or doping issue, which while it may get a guy laid (since it's the best way to meet easy girls in HS/College), but it will eventually ruin his life.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on April 1st, 2020, 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Ghost wrote:I would entirely skip even considering any AW as a wife, though - except for perhaps devout religious communities. But even then, I'd rather him just search abroad for a wife and help him in any way possible.
Yes, this is generally the case. And for 90%, they will not find that particular person, using my Penn State student profile example above. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to tell my sons to completely jump ship, before even giving it a fair shot. No one wants to be a quitter without at least giving it a good go. But still, it's good to know what one's odds are in a game, as unfair as dating in America. Many guys don't know that the system is rigged against them.

When I'd gone abroad at the age of 24, I was completely committed to going cold turkey on AWs. As a result, I did have good relationships with international women, despite my breakup with the Brazilian, several years ago. On the other hand, my more recent reunion with Mel was a one in a million situation, not done by anyone else. If Mel was born heterosexual, would we have gotten married after graduation? Probably, but that's not here or there and there's no point in speculating on a road not taken in this universe. I'll leave that parallel reality stuff to Sci-Fi writers.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Here's another story of the ongoing tragedy in America ... ... 48520.html
Article wrote: A Maryland teenager told police he planned to use a stolen handgun to kill his parents, then drive to his high school and kill students and teachers as revenge for years of bullying he suffered, according to court documents released Wednesday.

Sash Alexander Nemphos, 16, of Monkton, is charged as an adult, Baltimore County Police said in a tweet. The charges include possession of a destructive device, having a dangerous weapon on school property and theft, according to the probable cause documents.

Nemphos was confronted Saturday by police over thefts from a car and business, including a handgun. After asking him about the stolen gun several times, the 10th-grader, who officers said was clearly intoxicated, told police he was going to take the gun, drive to his school Monday, shoot the school officer, and then take the officer's gun to "kill as many teachers and students as he could."

The documents say the teen also said he had made several bombs to blow up George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology.
Fellas, this is what I'm talking about. In place of the above, why not homeschooling, a RealDoll, and cap it off with a trip to a brothel in Asia or Brazil during his 18th birthday?
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by The »

S_Parc wrote:Obviously, most HAers don't fit this profile but it's worth telling their friends about it.

Here's my advice to American parents for the times ahead ... that is to remove their boys from the school system, no later than freshman year of high school, and have an active homeschooling program in place, with streaming classes from various universities to cover the curricula.

American high schools are completely toxic. I'd say that they've outlived their useful circa 1995. Afterwards, they've become a cesspool for cyberbullying, typecasting, and general stupidities. Gone are the days, where ppl go fishing after class, kicking back, and listening to Ozzy and Zeppelin. Those idyllic days were the high schools of the 70s/80s.

The only reason to attend an American high school is if one's got potential to be recruited by the NCAA. Then, it's imperative that one does HS, gets all those athletic letters and awards, and meets up with scouting agents. I suspect that most ppl, by Junior High, will know if they're of that caliber. This is 1-2% of the population.

Then, as soon as your sons reach the age of 13, buy them a realistic RealDoll (or a clone of one). This way, physiologically speaking, they get the experience of fondling b**bs and *ss, while experiencing an org*sm, despite the lack of conversation and interaction. In itself, this will help in assisting their concentration for studies. And finally, upon reaching that 17/18 birthday interface, make that trip to Thailand or South America, and visit a 5 star brothel for their 18th birthday.

Now, they have a choice, spend the first two years on an on-campus US program to find their future American wife. If sophomore year comes by and she's not earmarked, then admit defeat, and go abroad starting junior year. Most of the marriable good AWs are taken by junior year because the good guys aren't stupid, when they find a keeper. I believe that this plan of action will prevent many problems. One is getting a drugged out gal pregnant and being charged with rape. Typically speaking, drugs lead to sex rather easily in America. Two, the general horny-ness followed by rejection patterns,which many guys face these days, as even 18 year American women are becoming Sugar Babies to 50+ year old executives. And finally, they'll have a lot of confidence, knowing that they did the entire HS curricula their own way.
Absolutely spot on 100%!
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

Fifteen years ago, we had one Columbine incident. And in the aftermath, the nation didn't know what to do or even how to perceive the event. Thus, they developed this 'zero tolerance' policy as oppose to trying to figure out what causes teens to go nuts. Today, these events are occurring all the time. And in the aftermath, the Femi-Nazi/Thought control police keep uttering the same things, denying the obvious. And that obvious is that if these guys were simply getting laid, then there would be no shootings. Instead, we'd go back to something known as a heated discussion. Ppl would argue with each other and go back to living their lives.

Here's what's happening ... kids aren't stupid. Half the population grows up in single parent homes. The other half primarily lives in dysfunctional households. These kids can see that there's no hope for a happy future. In school, they're either ostracized or bullied. The girls reject 'em for college aged guys, jocks, or criminal douchebags. Thus, the message is clear ... life has nothing to offer a kid. The most he can look forward to is perhaps getting accepted into a college (w/o scholarships but huge loans) and if he's lucky, find a white collar job at some point in his life. Now, is that a life worth fighting for?

My question is why can't the average American family figure this out? Mel and I have had this discussion for quite some time and neither or us have kids. Instead, parents deflect the blame back at their sons and periodically, some of them go nuts. I believe that they should level with them and accept the fact that we don't live in 'Ozzie & Harriet' times and that for the most part, they will not have a HS sweetheart who'll turn into their future soulmate. Instead, they should skip HS, do the homeschooling/part-time college, bang a RealDoll, and look forward to a brothel on their 18th birthday in Thailand.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Re: My advice to American parents living in the USA

Post by S_Parc »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
S_Parc wrote:Instead, they should skip HS, do the homeschooling/part-time college, bang a RealDoll, and look forward to a brothel on their 18th birthday in Thailand.
What if my son, like me, was not the slightest bit turned on by a girlfriend made out of plastic? Hell, even plastic breasts disgust me let alone an entire body made out of motionless cold rubber and plastic... the life-like ones are very expensive, but enter uncanny valley territory. Seems like sleeping like an embalmed corpse to me. You keep bumping this thread, you think this the ultimate solution, but all I think this will accomplish is our sons grow up being serial killers and necrophiles. :|
First of all, you're still talking about PI vs the USA. In PI, no doll is required. In the USA, he'll be dealing with toxic personalities all over the place. Trust me on this, there are practically no women like Mel in America anymore. I'd basically won the lottery, finding someone as loyal, congenial, and trustworthy as her. And the fact that we have just about everything in common is unheard of, which is why so many couples out there are jealous of us.

Since I'd promised Mel that I'd never meet any HAers, outside of this forum's PM system, I can spill some of the beans. (She's given me the green light to go ahead). The way Mel and I have solved some of our incompatibilities is that we use one ourselves. And yes, if you use an electric blanket, it's warm to the touch. And yes, the sensations, etc, have allowed us to have some intimacy w/o her biological tendencies of getting repelled. Thus, we've cut down on our esc*rting bill and the doll's pretty much, paid for itself. Now, I look back at my own life and wonder, if I were alone, wouldn't this be a good way to ease the daily tension of schooling and work, then in actually dating hostile AWs? For me, the answer is a resounding 'yes'.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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