Aussie women are the worst

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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Katlyn »

Hi there,
I am an Australian woman who has come across this forum and am wondering how many men agree with what has been written about Australian women?
I am not a feminist or rough & loud, but a genuinely nice, friendly & self respectful Australian woman.
I find these comments that you have made very insulting & inaccurate. All I can think of is you have been hanging out and met the wrong type of girls in Australia. Yes, there is a lot of trashy Ozzie girls here in OZ, but also everywhere in this world. I am not one of those women.
Every human being has a choice in life and who they want to be and how they hold themselves.
You just haven't met the right girl and it does not matter what nationality she is.
All I can suggest is that you may not be a good judge if character or stupid enough to get involved with idiotic trashy women.
Stop going for the bottom of the barrel and set your standards higher when looking for or accepting a date....that's all there is to it.
Maybe if you had brains you would steer clear from trashy women.
Everybody is an individual.
Can I ask...?? What makes you the super guy that a women should be privileged in dating?
In all fairness, my friends and I don't expect anyone to buy us drinks, we buy our own or shout rounds.
You're very critical and just because you've had a few bad experiences with some women, it doesn't give you the right to totally slander American & Australian women. Yes, we have a voice, and yes we express ourselves and most of all we have the right to choose who we find compatible and who is a worthy companion to spend the rest of our lives with...
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Feldeinsamkeit »

Listen up, Katlyn. You may slander and try and shame men all you want, but it won't change the fact that many - and I mean many - of us are simply voting with our feet by choosing not to date or even associate with Australian or women from other parts of the Anglosphere anymore. And no, it's not the old chestnut about wanting a "Mai Ling" - that is, a supposedly submissive wife, but rather simply an issue of wanting to find somebody that isn't stuck up, bossy, entitled, unfaithful, narcissistic, materialistic, and won't will take us to the cleaners financially after they're done with us, a common feature of so many marriages these days in the Anglosphere. Your claim that such women constitute all but a small minority of the Anglosphere is not, alas, supported by the facts on the ground. Indeed, if it was as easy as you suggest to simply ignore the bad apples and only pursue only the more pleasant ladies, don't you think men would have worked this out by now and changed their behaviour accordingly?

Furthermore, do you really think women without these traits are readily available to all men, as you seem to suggest, given that there is always a surplus of males competing for women? My own experience, echoed by that of every man that I've spoken to on this topic, reveals that such women are the first to get snapped up on the dating/marriage market, a fact which you conveniently fail to mention in your posting. So what is a guy to do who finds himself single and with no options to date pleasant women in his home market? Simply suck it up and masturbate to porn? Or is the plight of such surplus males simply of no concern to you?

You might not like this fact, but why should women only have choices in the dating arena? After all, aren't men and women supposed to be equal? Thankfully for men, globalization and sites such as HA are beginning to level the playing field for guys who would otherwise be denied any reasonable choices as far as a finding a life-time partner is concerned in the West.

The trend of looking overseas for men to find partners is only going to intensify in inverse proportion to the decline in female behaviour in the Anglosphere and this is a development one should welcome. Perhaps once women are confronted with an ever diminishing pool of eligible men as as result of this they might take the step of looking in the mirror and begin to ask themselves how they might improve in order to better compete so that so many men no longer feel compelled to outsource their search for a partner.
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by MrMan »

From what I've read of mostly unverified statistics posted on blogs (not so much from government websites or peer reviewed journals), less than half of potential wives in some of these Anglo countries are potentially good wives. Either a man has to be super selective in one of these countries or look abroad.

If 50% of marriages end in divorce, 50% do not. As far as good marriages, the percentage is probably smaller.

In the US, one blog said that one out of five people who were 'very religious' was a virgin until marriage. Those are low odds, but female virgins exist. I've read that regular church attenders have much lower divorce rates than the overage population (or people who claim a religious affiliation.) Marrying someone who has not been divorced may get you out of that 50% range, too. I'm not sure.

And of course, I've read that marrying certain ethnic groups overseas gives you a lower divorce rate.
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Katlyn »

I understand what you are saying, and you have some fair points but at what point did I slander and shame men? Your perception of me is already set in your mind by the sounds of it...maybe due to bad experiences from previous women? I really don't think you should rule out Australian & Anerican women because of your bad experiences and your fellow friends experiences.
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Feldeinsamkeit »

Well, I was judging by the overall tone of your posting, that's all. But putting that aside ...

You're right - a guy in the Anglosphere shouldn't rule out considering English/American/Australian women simply because many of them have unappealing personality traits. I certainly don't and am still open to this possiblity. In fact, if I could find somebody suitable in my locality it would save me the enormous hassle of having to relocate overseas again.

My main point regarding your comment had more to do with how realistic this is to achieve, though, for most guys on here, simply from a consideration of the numbers alone, especially for men who are sitting on the wrong side of 40. In this sense, it's true when they say that dating is ultimately a numbers game.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Feldeinsamkeit »

Ghost wrote:
I understand what you are saying, and you have some fair points but at what point did I slander and shame men? Your perception of me is already set in your mind by the sounds of it...maybe due to bad experiences from previous women? I really don't think you should rule out Australian & Anerican women because of your bad experiences and your fellow friends experiences.
Right here:

1. "Stop going for the bottom of the barrel and set your standards higher when looking for or accepting a date....that's all there is to it."

You make a stupid assumption that we don't have high standards (or as I would say it, reasonable standards.) Going abroad to find a better woman is in fact all about holding ourselves to higher standards for women. WW are the low standard women.

2. "All I can suggest is that you may not be a good judge if character or stupid enough to get involved with idiotic trashy women."

Insults, i.e. shaming language.

3. "Maybe if you had brains you would steer clear from trashy women."
What makes you the super guy that a women should be privileged in dating?
More shaming language.

4. "Can I ask...?? What makes you the super guy that a women should be privileged in dating?"

Shaming language yet again.

5. "You're very critical and just because you've had a few bad experiences with some women, it doesn't give you the right to totally slander American & Australian women. Yes, we have a voice, and yes we express ourselves and most of all we have the right to choose who we find compatible and who is a worthy companion to spend the rest of our lives with..."

This does not accurately represent things at all. Also, double standard. You say we "don't have the right to slander" WW, but you have the right to shame and slander men. Also, the latter part of this is hypergamous. The translation is that only hot guys that have "chemistry" (i.e. are hot) with you are allowed to have you.
Powerfully argued, Ghost, I must say.
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Katlyn »

Ghost = aggressive
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Katlyn »

Ghost, also comes across to me as potentially abusive. I'm not here for that. I was only defending myself as an Australian women. Clearly I should never have read or commented at all.
Best of luck finding the right person for you.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on February 29th, 2020, 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by Johnny1975 »

Katlyn wrote:Ghost, also comes across to me as potentially abusive. I'm not here for that. I was only defending myself as an Australian women. Clearly I should never have read or commented at all.
Best of luck finding the right person for you.
Go away.
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Re: Aussie women are the worst

Post by Winston »

Gaxsax wrote:I can't believe the owner of this site/forum has listed Australian women as favorable to have as wives. They are worst than American and other Anglo-Saxon women. Sometimes I think Australia is the 51st state of USA, so our women are no different to theirs.

Even though Aussie girls love the American accent, I warn American men not to get involved with them. They will be sorry after the honeymoon. At least American women have some culture. Our women here are rough, rude and ready.

Australian women are married to the welfare state here. They don't need any man.
I never said that. I've only said that Aussie women seem more down-to-earth based on the backpackers that I've met. I haven't talked about them much.

At least Australia has made movies portraying Asian men as sex symbols, such as "The Man From Hong Kong".
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Re: Aussie women the worst

Post by OzGuy »

Katlyn wrote:Hi there,
I am an Australian woman who has come across this forum and am wondering how many men agree with what has been written about Australian women?
I am not a feminist or rough & loud, but a genuinely nice, friendly & self respectful Australian woman.
I find these comments that you have made very insulting & inaccurate. All I can think of is you have been hanging out and met the wrong type of girls in Australia. Yes, there is a lot of trashy Ozzie girls here in OZ, but also everywhere in this world. I am not one of those women.
Every human being has a choice in life and who they want to be and how they hold themselves.
You just haven't met the right girl and it does not matter what nationality she is.
All I can suggest is that you may not be a good judge if character or stupid enough to get involved with idiotic trashy women.
Stop going for the bottom of the barrel and set your standards higher when looking for or accepting a date....that's all there is to it.
Maybe if you had brains you would steer clear from trashy women.
Everybody is an individual.
Can I ask...?? What makes you the super guy that a women should be privileged in dating?
In all fairness, my friends and I don't expect anyone to buy us drinks, we buy our own or shout rounds.
You're very critical and just because you've had a few bad experiences with some women, it doesn't give you the right to totally slander American & Australian women. Yes, we have a voice, and yes we express ourselves and most of all we have the right to choose who we find compatible and who is a worthy companion to spend the rest of our lives with...
Lol can't believe this thread is back from the dead.

As I said before, I had completely given up on Aussie women and moved to Europe. Every aussie woman I dated was the same, even the ones who claimed they were different. They are all the same down to the core. They all play stupid mind games like deliberately not answering the phone or responding to texts, expect the guys to approach them, and are self entitled. They also expect guys to pay for them on dates... whenever I went out with an aussie girl she would say "shall we split this?" and reach for her purse. Later I realised they don't want to split it at all, its just a test to see if you say "don't be silly, i'll get it!". Funny enough whenever I agreed to splitting the bill, none of them replied to my texts again. Most aussie women are still looking for guys that will spend money on them, despite earning money themselves.

I have also been in long term relationships with aussie women, and I can tell you they are all the same. I have also been the victim of domestic violence from one of them. She would go psycho and used to yell at me, push me around, grab me by the shirt and ripped most of them... used to hit me with objects such as the heel of her high heel shoe, and once tried to stab me with a screw driver. One night she locked me out of our own apartment and barricaded the door shut with the couch and other furniture so I couldn't get in. I had no where to go and had to drive 2 hours late at night to stay with family. Most aussie women are very emotionally unstable and hot headed.

I am so glad I found a German woman - this one is definitely a keeper. German women aren't self entitled and never expect a man to pay for their dates - many are actually offended if a man pays for them! It is normal to split the bill on dates with German women.

If Aussie men can't afford to travel abroad, at least they do have the option of asian women there. But they should choose one that is "fresh off the boat" before she has been corrupted by the feminist ways of aussie women.
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Re: Aussie women are the worst

Post by suprmon »

Another anglo feminazi b***h trying trying to come into the sanctity of our domain by bringing the same diseases that they're spreading elsewhere! No one here on this asked for your unasked opinion! All we ask is that if you have nothing constructive to say, then don't say it at all!! We don't need false accusations and childish name calling! So please katlin, do us HA members a favor: Take your disease infested philosophies; go somewhere and crawl under a rock, and please, STAY THERE!!!
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