Want to ask for advice on how to leave the USA...

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Want to ask for advice on how to leave the USA...

Post by Powerpeecee »

First let me say that I'm SO glad Winston opened this forum, gives me a place to vent, and hopefully help and be helped.

And so an Introduction,

My name is John, and over the past few years I've realized that I want to move away from the United States of America.

I've been in contact with Winston a few times via email, and I would like to be a contribution to the forum and the site if I could.

I've honestly only got enough $$$ to buy a plane ticket to somewhere, I just know that I want to go, but I don't know how to make a living abroad, or anything, I genuinely dislike the ethos of American culture and I find it to be stifling, exclusionary, and uncomfortable. The only thing that I'm sure of is that I want out.

Any Advice?

I'm currently about halfway between Memphis and Nashville, TN and I have to say moving from Memphis to the rural setting has only confirmed my suspicions that Americans simply have no intellect to speak of. I hope it's just Tennessee, because if the whole country is like this then it's in very deep trouble. The substitute for culture here seems to be endless religion. It's all Jesus this, Jesus that. All I can say to it is "meh".

I'm currently in the process of trying to find any kind of a job while I'm here to fund my move, but even that is unneccesarily difficult due to the every man for himself, help no one American culture.

I honestly don't even have a passport, I don't know how to get ahold of one expediently due to the "logjam" of applications owing to the new rules.

Like I said I need some guidance here, I had a copy of the Getting out how to leave America book, but one of my nutty friends has it and I can't get it back, I tend to befriend free spirited people, the flipside is that sometimes they can be a bit unpredictable at times. I prefer them gladly to the alternative, though.

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Re: Want to ask for advice on how to leave the USA...

Post by Winston »

Hi John,
I'm so glad we finally have a forum too. I hope it grows and becomes an online community. The membership list is growing slowly. When my cultural advisor comes back from vacation, he can help answer questions here.

If you haven't yet, read his advice guide that I posted here in the first thread. It contains a lot of helpful info on selecting the right overseas country.

Also, you can read this new page of my ebook for inspiration, where I share a BIG SECRET for getting out of the US:


Hope that helps inspire you.

Honestly though, unless you're a big spender who needs a lot of comforts and conveniences, you don't have to save up a lot of money to live overseas. That's a myth. If you are happy with an apartment and small rent in a third world country, you can do it. That's what I'm doing right now.

If you need more money, you can always get a job overseas. There are plenty of them. And you can build residual income online now. You can even write blogs and get paid for them, e.g. http://www.payperpost.com

If you think Tennessee is bad, California is much much worse. Tennesseeans seem a lot friendlier to me.

Maybe you can order a cheap copy of the Getting Out of America book that you gave someone, at http://www.half.com?

Anyway, welcome to my forum and glad that you see the light too :)

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Post by The_Adventurer »

There's no getting around the Passport issue so I would suggest you start the process now! Most Post Offices will handle it and since it will take weeks, you should get your application in immediately.

I know I need to renew mine, and even though I don't know when my exit will begin, I am thinking to run out Monday morning and get my pic taken so I can start the renewal process.

As for making a living, one of the most popular means is, of course, teaching English in the country you go to. Sometimes that may require degrees though. I think you should keep in mind what you really want to do.
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Post by Powerpeecee »

I had already applied for a course @ http://www.americantesol.com and as a result I kind of get the idea that I wouldn't enjoy teaching English, I'm just not type type to teach anyone anything to be honest. I read through the book that they sent me completely a couple of times, tried to do the online course, and I just don't think the teaching English thing is for me...

any input?
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Post by Winston »

Hi John,
As you know, all the advice I can give is in my ebook and site. It would help to know more details about your situation. Sometimes we get into a comfort zone and are afraid to change things. And often the only thing stopping us from going somewhere that would make us happier is fear, or something in the mind.

So perhaps you can ask yourself what's stopping you from going abroad? What are the obstacles you face?

If you list them, I can try to tell you what I'd do in your situation.

Did you read this new pep talk from me yet? I hope it helps inspire you :)


Like I said, often the obstacle is in your mind more than anything else.

My cultural advisor is still on vacation, visiting his mom now. When he has more time, he will participate here and give you more advice. For now though, I've gotten some of my other advisors to participate. I'm trying to balance out the advice askers with the advice answers. lol

By the way, a little on my current situation. Right now my rent for my apartment here in the Philippines is near 90 dollars a month, including utilities. From my website, I'm making a little over 100 dollars a month in advertising revenue, sales of ebooks and CD's. It's not much but it covers my small expenses here. I take my girlfriend out to restaurants a lot, so I need a little more of course :) But you get the idea. It's a lot easier getting by and making a living where you are happy and have all the cards stacked in your favor (like it is for me here) than you might think :)

Hope that's encouraging.

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Post by Powerpeecee »

you got it, nail -> head.

Money's the big obstacle for me, that and the language barrier.

I'll have about $1500 in cash once I get my gummint check (yay SSI)... that's coming in about 4 days... what could I accomplish with that?

I still don't know how to get a passport within a reasonable amount of time... I don't want to apply and then wait for bloody ages while they get around to delivering the thing...

Thanks for your help, Winston :)

Making a plan is kinda difficult for me, I am the kind of person that needs some level of certainty, i want to know that I'll have a place to stay and a way to make money. Some help in putting together a plan would be great!

I'd be content with a modest place to stay, that's all. I don't really agree with the American idea that you need all of this shizz to be happy.

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Post by Winston »

Powerpeecee wrote:you got it, nail -> head.

Money's the big obstacle for me, that and the language barrier.

I'll have about $1500 in cash once I get my gummint check (yay SSI)... that's coming in about 4 days... what could I accomplish with that?

I still don't know how to get a passport within a reasonable amount of time... I don't want to apply and then wait for bloody ages while they get around to delivering the thing...

Thanks for your help, Winston :)

Making a plan is kinda difficult for me, I am the kind of person that needs some level of certainty, i want to know that I'll have a place to stay and a way to make money. Some help in putting together a plan would be great!

I'd be content with a modest place to stay, that's all. I don't really agree with the American idea that you need all of this shizz to be happy.

W: Hi John, so you have no other savings or assets? $1500 is tough but doable. That lady who traveled the world for 5 years started with only $600 (http://www.ledbydestiny.com, http://www.hitchhiketheworld.com).

About the passport, go to your local post office and apply for it. You don't have to wait forever. You can get it in a few weeks or pay extra for rush delivery of one week.

There is little certainty in life when you travel. You have to open your mind to "go with the flow" and have faith that the universe will take care of you. If you do what's right, God won't close all the doors on you, there will always a door to go through.

It depends on what country you want to go to. If you came here to the Philippines, you could get a room for $70 a month and then get a call center job or teach English, and the rest of your $1500 would be enough as a backup.

Just remember, it's not gonna kill you and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Sure you should do some planning, but not be a perfectionist about it. Have a reasonable balance.

Can you teach English or work in a call center?

Can your parents help you if you need it?

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Post by Powerpeecee »

Definitely a no go on the help from the parents, they're dead set against my going.

Would I need a certification to teach English? like I said I tried that course and it just scared me off... I think I'd be okay if I could just wing it.. maybe the course I had picked out wasn't any good though, I got a book and a website to punch answers into. :/
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Post by Enishi »

By the way, a little on my current situation. Right now my rent for my apartment here in the Philippines is near 90 dollars a month, including utilities. From my website, I'm making a little over 100 dollars a month in advertising revenue, sales of ebooks and CD's. It's not much but it covers my small expenses here.
Wow. :shock:

For myself though, I would need some means of making a greater income even if I'm living in an inexpensive area, as I would need to travel every now and then for personal reasons, such as visiting family and whatnot.

I've heard of people who live abroad yet still have business dealings set up in America, perhaps that is an option as well. You can make decent sums of money, while also living cheaply. Great stuff.
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Post by momopi »

Due to increased screening requirements, getting a passport today may take longer than expected. However there may be ways around it:

http://whirledview.typepad.com/whirledv ... t_del.html
"Are there ways around the log-jam? If you live in or near one of the 13 passport offices or the one Gateway City office that are scattered around the US and that accept individual appointments and issue passports on the spot (providing you come with the right documentation) you can call and make an in-person appointment. But this won't get you in the door overnight."

If you're on limited budget and want to go abroad to teach English, try to find an employer who'd pay for your travel expenses up front + room and board at destination:


If you're just looking for a new environment, not necessarily out of this country, it's do-able within the US. I've had artist-type friends who quit city life in Los Angeles and moved into the mountains for deserts of California. One fella moved to 29 Palms and bought an old fixer-upper cottage on 5 acres for couple thousand dollars at an auction, I think his annual property tax is $120? The property backs up to Joshua Tree National Park.

They spend their time making various arts and crafts, then sell them on-line or at art fairs. It's do-able, though not a materially wealthy lifestyle. You get to meet a lot of very strange and eclectic people from their circles.
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Post by Winston »

Powerpeecee wrote:Definitely a no go on the help from the parents, they're dead set against my going.

Would I need a certification to teach English? like I said I tried that course and it just scared me off... I think I'd be okay if I could just wing it.. maybe the course I had picked out wasn't any good though, I got a book and a website to punch answers into. :/
W: Well which country are you planning on going to? If you're going to Japan or England, you'd have a tough time. But if you're going to Thailand or here in the Philippines, then it's still doable, even with $1500.

That's an important factor.

Oh by the way John, while you're traveling you can save lots of money by staying with hosts for free. Just sign up at http://www.couchsurfing.com, http://www.hospitalityclub.org, or http://www.globalfreeloaders.com. It's a great experience that will help. And you meet wonderful people to network with too.
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Post by ladislav »

The quickest way to leave the USA is to become an English teacher. You just need a BA/BS degree. Then you can already start teaching in Korea/Taiwan/China, etc. Like, you can start tomorrow basically. Do you have a BA/BS?

There are also jobs on ships for those without BAs/BSs.

So, where do you stand educationwise?
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not much...

Post by Powerpeecee »

I've got this 1 year technical diploma from Tennessee Technology Center, a "Microcomputer Specialist" piece of crap that's never been of any use..

that an A+ Certfification from CompTIA. I can fix a PeeCee. (as can anyone who takes the notion to learn)

I'm not much of a fan of school, sorry :P Just totally not my style, don't wanna be the student or the teacher.

Actually, the job on a ship sounds like more my speed, over the English teaching thing anyway...

I've always said I favor jobs like that... I worked at FedEx for 6 years so I can deal with any kind of nasty weather and/or temperature.

I guess my lack of "professional" skills puts me at sort of a disadvantage regarding mobility and employment but I gotta be true to myself, I do not like school, or the hopelessly gray and lifeless professional environment. That's no way to live.

I'm not looking for a materially wealthy lifestyle, I'd rather have an interesting life full of enriching experiences, rather than enrich my pocketbook or my material wealth. In no way do I want to fall into the trap of going to a job that I hate everyday so I can buy more crap that I don't need, and drive a car that's too big, uses too many resources, and space. (FYI I have a beater 98 Ford Taurus that I gave $2k for that's just fine thankyouverymuch, I'm from the southern states so I can say "y'all, and Y'all can keep all of that bullshit, I don't want it)

Also, Redd_Hitler's flaming isn't welcome or appreciated.

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Post by Powerpeecee »

ok, Winston, now that you've banned the jerks, can you delete their crap out of my thread so that I can get the discussion back on track? if you don't want to delete it, at least move it someplace so I can get back to asking how to get work overseas?

Please? :)
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Post by Powerpeecee »

*nods* Thanks, man...

Now, I ask again, what was all of that about jobs on ships? that sounds interesting...
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