Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

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Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Wolfeye »

Where would someone go if they didn't want to get caught in America's downward spiral or wind up on Russia's shit-list? This country has a tendancy toward starting shit in all directions & I'm not looking to be hit with it or because of it (like being in a country that backs or gets used by America). America also has a running theme of "f**k things up in a purported effort to fix things" going on. So it's a concern that I would get hit with it's various sabotages & screw-ups, all of them most likely "freedom enhancers." I know America's got it's claws in a lot of things, but what places seem good for what I'm looking for that I'm not going to get killed for being in?

Thinking more toward Europe, but it's not a definite. Looking for good places first, then I'll try to suit my abilities toward that.

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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Temprano26 »

I recommend Costa Rica, more specifically the rural regions where almost nobody speaks English, like in the north in Rio Celeste. No stupid Americans there I guarantee it. Costa Rica does have its flaws but also some of the nicest people in the world.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Moretorque »

I know this might be hard to believe but is possible, people need to understand America no longer exist. The countries government went bankrupt over 80 year ago and the CITI of London took it over. I do not believe they want people to understand the founding documents and how they are to be used.

There is no where to run when the worlds money is corrupted, they are hoping the masses are to dumb to figure out the purpose of monitoring your nations money supply and tying it to something real.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by IraqVet2003 »

According to www.activistpost.com/2010/10/-best-countries these are some of the possible places for some people to expatriate to:

1.) Uruguay

2.) Costa Rica

3.) New Zealand

4.) Iceland

5.) Argentina
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Also, fellow H.A. members please check out this site http://escapeamericanow.info/ and research the nation of CHILE!!!!!
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Jester »

IraqVet2003 wrote:According to http://www.activistpost.com/2010/10/-best-countries these are some of the possible places for some people to expatriate to:

1.) Uruguay

2.) Costa Rica

3.) New Zealand

4.) Iceland

5.) Argentina
+1 to IraqVet for a great response.

To the OP:

Personally I would choose Iceland and Argentina.

Iceland refused banker bailouts, and yet life there went on. Plus they are not quite in the EU (aka the Borg).

The Argentinean air force actually flew against Britain, and sank an Anglo-Zionist ship, in what was it, 1982? Heroes in my book.

Both nations are solidly European.

Likewise New Zealand of course. Anglo-Zone, yes, but Alex Jones has admitted being tempted to move there. Swashbuckling film director James Cameron actually did.

Don't know much about modern Costa Rica, but it has some tradition of independence and neutrality. A plus. Uruguay might beat CR in the Latin realm, though. Uruguay has no history of obeisance to the USSA. And like Argentina, it is European, Whiter than the present-day USSA or present-day Sweden.

PS Let us know where you land. You can't help all the other boiling frogs, but you can inspire them.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Wolfeye »

Jester: I plan to, but I've got to get there. Trying to figure out if I can get my Italian citizenship over the phone, instead of having to get an American passport to get into the Italian consulate. I figure those biometrics in the American ones can be used against me in some bullshit effort of theirs in the future- no telling what the criteria would be (especially for going after people that don't have it coming) & there's plenty of opportunity for them to get their signals crossed (especially if the people doing the work are incompetant- or "incompetant"). Want to stay away from places that are big on that. The fanciness of biometrics & computer data seems to get people to thinking that the information is more accurate & never staged on purpose or screwed-up by accident.

Don't know that I'd go for any of those on that list & here's why:

I've heard that Uruguay is dictatorial medically. Specifically, I remember them forcing men & women to get all kinds of exams (internal ones included) to get medical cards or some card to get a job. Don't remember specifically, but it was creepy & I worry plenty what kind of stuff my kid would have directed at them in that environment.

Argentina is interesting in some ways, but from what I've heard & read, it's getting a little like a mix between Road Warrior & Training Day down there. Not without positives, though. I'd imagine that there are tough people down there that wouldn't break your chops about having a pocket knife on you, at least.

New Zealand:
New Zealand LOOKS cool, but it's an island WAY out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I get a bit concerned about getting out of there quickly if needed.

Iceland has its pros, but it's still an island. Not TOTALLY against living on one, but I'd like to be able to hoof it out of where I am if possible. Pretty high on THAT list, though.

Here's some of the ones I've been thinking of, you guys give me an assessment if you know anything about them:

Czech Republic:
The Czech Republic has been suggested to me a couple of times & might be interesting. Seems that they're not totally on the "Borg Ship" (which I think would be true of a lot of Europe without American & possibly some other influences). Hearing various things about their take on all those tanks rolling through the country- seems to be something that pisses them off more than the US media is letting on. I don't know how chummy they'll be with Russia after everything that happened, but it seems more likely that they'd side with Russia than America- given America's race down the drain & general tendancy to act... well, like the Borg. Shit, I know I don't trust it anymore. Especially after all that shit-talking about freedom & all the f***ed-up things OTHER countries pull.

Spain is kind of on & off. I like the vigorousness that it seems to have & that there's a decent amount of versatility in the culture For example: a lot of men love to cook & don't get their chops busted about that, but they don't tend to do the laundry. Same with women wearing pants, but not tending to drive tractors. I like that it's not super-rigid, but it's not so friggin' homogenized that I don't know what species I'm talking to. That said, I heard there's all kinds of bullshit laws over there now (I think it's called the "gag law"- posted a question about it & someone put up a link). Then again, these laws might be gone pretty quickly & I like that things are contested there. I don't really have a nit-picking way about me with a lot of things & it suits me fine to not be calling the cops or suing people for every exertion of energy someone makes. Even if things did get severe legally, I think the community would be pretty cool with not being like their back-up or their cheer squad.

Portugal has its appeal. Don't know much about it, except that they don't seem to be a pain in the ass about everything. Somewhat formal & a hard language (for me) are the two negatives for there. Other than that, it's pretty interesting. Not major ball-breakers with knives or with drugs, so two things I don't mind having on me are more or less no problem there. Also, you seem to get a lot of food for your money there (at least at restaurants). Remember hearing that it's a separate charge for the bread, the olive oil, thw whatever- but it's cheaper grand total anyway.

Italy has some appeal, too- the thing is, it seems somewhat closed-off. I don't know how well I would mingle there & it seems there's more formality than I tend to do well with. Me being Italian might be helpful, though. Especially if I'm looking for entry-level jobs that they'd rather have an Italian for (that will work cheap and/or off the books).

Norway seems very interesting in a lot of ways & the only two negatives are that I would possibly have harder time getting citizenship than I would with Italy (and functionally, the other EU countries) & that it seems to have a lot of muslims. And not the ones that leave people alone & don't try to make the world their way while crying discrimination for not doing it. It also has mandatory military & that's not something I'm entirely against, but it might be an issue for my male or female kids (I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be eligible, since I wasn't born there). Things like that tend to bother me. As much as like Norway's non-puritanical nature, I don't think the unisex dorm rooms are right. The building itself being unisex is fine (and it would make screwing around easier), but I don't think the chicks should be put in a situation like that. Not for nothing, it can become a safety concern & militaries don't tend to like bad publicity. At the point of it being a concern for my daughter I'd be a bit edgy. Then again, there are various alternatives to military service in Norway. On top of all of this, there's possible dictatorial medical situations (don't know what's involved in their military physical or if they start managing someone's pregnancy or whatever) & biometrics (that can turn into an issue in the future) to wonder about.

So it seems like it would either be going latin or slavic. Don't know much of anything about Croatia, but I've heard some good stuff about it. I've got an interest in bushcrafting & would like to not have a lot of pain-in-the-ass laws about that or things related to that.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Moretorque »

IraqVet2003 wrote:According to http://www.activistpost.com/2010/10/-best-countries these are some of the possible places for some people to expatriate to:

1.) Uruguay

2.) Costa Rica

3.) New Zealand

4.) Iceland

5.) Argentina
They are taking over South America right now, they are setting up the same phony money system. I have talked to people from there and it is the same gang doing it. They are doing a one world system and it operates on them controlling all the purchasing tickets on all the economies of the world.

There really is no where left to run but get off the modern grid the best you can if you want to not be managed by them.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Wolfeye »

I don't get what the difference is what games they play with the money. There was a whole South Park episode about that subject (the one where they were wondering where the value shift of money comes from & I think Kyle paid off everyone's debt with a credit card). It's like people are playing some game according to self-defeating rules.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Jester »

Wolfeye wrote:Jester: I plan to, but I've got to get there. Trying to figure out if I can get my Italian citizenship over the phone, instead of having to get an American passport to get into the Italian consulate. I figure those biometrics in the American ones can be used against me in some bullshit effort of theirs in the future- no telling what the criteria would be (especially for going after people that don't have it coming) & there's plenty of opportunity for them to get their signals crossed (especially if the people doing the work are incompetant- or "incompetant"). Want to stay away from places that are big on that. The fanciness of biometrics & computer data seems to get people to thinking that the information is more accurate & never staged on purpose or screwed-up by accident.

Don't know that I'd go for any of those on that list & here's why:

I've heard that Uruguay is dictatorial medically. Specifically, I remember them forcing men & women to get all kinds of exams (internal ones included) to get medical cards or some card to get a job. Don't remember specifically, but it was creepy & I worry plenty what kind of stuff my kid would have directed at them in that environment.

Argentina is interesting in some ways, but from what I've heard & read, it's getting a little like a mix between Road Warrior & Training Day down there. Not without positives, though. I'd imagine that there are tough people down there that wouldn't break your chops about having a pocket knife on you, at least.

New Zealand:
New Zealand LOOKS cool, but it's an island WAY out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I get a bit concerned about getting out of there quickly if needed.

Iceland has its pros, but it's still an island. Not TOTALLY against living on one, but I'd like to be able to hoof it out of where I am if possible. Pretty high on THAT list, though.

Here's some of the ones I've been thinking of, you guys give me an assessment if you know anything about them:

Czech Republic:
The Czech Republic has been suggested to me a couple of times & might be interesting. Seems that they're not totally on the "Borg Ship" (which I think would be true of a lot of Europe without American & possibly some other influences). Hearing various things about their take on all those tanks rolling through the country- seems to be something that pisses them off more than the US media is letting on. I don't know how chummy they'll be with Russia after everything that happened, but it seems more likely that they'd side with Russia than America- given America's race down the drain & general tendancy to act... well, like the Borg. Shit, I know I don't trust it anymore. Especially after all that shit-talking about freedom & all the f***ed-up things OTHER countries pull.

Spain is kind of on & off. I like the vigorousness that it seems to have & that there's a decent amount of versatility in the culture For example: a lot of men love to cook & don't get their chops busted about that, but they don't tend to do the laundry. Same with women wearing pants, but not tending to drive tractors. I like that it's not super-rigid, but it's not so friggin' homogenized that I don't know what species I'm talking to. That said, I heard there's all kinds of bullshit laws over there now (I think it's called the "gag law"- posted a question about it & someone put up a link). Then again, these laws might be gone pretty quickly & I like that things are contested there. I don't really have a nit-picking way about me with a lot of things & it suits me fine to not be calling the cops or suing people for every exertion of energy someone makes. Even if things did get severe legally, I think the community would be pretty cool with not being like their back-up or their cheer squad.

Portugal has its appeal. Don't know much about it, except that they don't seem to be a pain in the a** about everything. Somewhat formal & a hard language (for me) are the two negatives for there. Other than that, it's pretty interesting. Not major ball-breakers with knives or with drugs, so two things I don't mind having on me are more or less no problem there. Also, you seem to get a lot of food for your money there (at least at restaurants). Remember hearing that it's a separate charge for the bread, the olive oil, thw whatever- but it's cheaper grand total anyway.

Italy has some appeal, too- the thing is, it seems somewhat closed-off. I don't know how well I would mingle there & it seems there's more formality than I tend to do well with. Me being Italian might be helpful, though. Especially if I'm looking for entry-level jobs that they'd rather have an Italian for (that will work cheap and/or off the books).

Norway seems very interesting in a lot of ways & the only two negatives are that I would possibly have harder time getting citizenship than I would with Italy (and functionally, the other EU countries) & that it seems to have a lot of muslims. And not the ones that leave people alone & don't try to make the world their way while crying discrimination for not doing it. It also has mandatory military & that's not something I'm entirely against, but it might be an issue for my male or female kids (I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be eligible, since I wasn't born there). Things like that tend to bother me. As much as like Norway's non-puritanical nature, I don't think the unisex dorm rooms are right. The building itself being unisex is fine (and it would make screwing around easier), but I don't think the chicks should be put in a situation like that. Not for nothing, it can become a safety concern & militaries don't tend to like bad publicity. At the point of it being a concern for my daughter I'd be a bit edgy. Then again, there are various alternatives to military service in Norway. On top of all of this, there's possible dictatorial medical situations (don't know what's involved in their military physical or if they start managing someone's pregnancy or whatever) & biometrics (that can turn into an issue in the future) to wonder about.

So it seems like it would either be going latin or slavic. Don't know much of anything about Croatia, but I've heard some good stuff about it. I've got an interest in bushcrafting & would like to not have a lot of pain-in-the-ass laws about that or things related to that.
With your desire for a dysfunctional-government, non-biometric, free country where drugs and weapons are available, I suggest Bolivia or Guatemala.

I would forget anywhere in Europe.

Re Italian citizenship, lol they dont give that out over thje phone. If you are basing it on ancestry, rather than birthplace, then it's a good bit of work. Eurobrat went through it successfully, but he needed birth records back to his grandfather. You could look up his post onthis if interested. But IMO it would be taking the long way around. Italy is not the place you want to be, and the Euro passport would only do you good in Europe, which you wont like.
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Wolfeye »

Interesting options. Bolivia might be interesting. Seems I would blend in there better than Guatemala.

The thing is, I'm not necessarily looking for a dyfunctional government- just one that's not trying f**k things up for people like it's a sport. American governement personnel doesn't seem very interested in how things go for the citizens- or they aren't aligned for it to be positive. They definitely don't seem to like the idea of people living their own lives & site someone doing apeshit crazy things as a reason for trying to supplant most of the people in the country. What's more, is that there's an appalling number of people that applaude these actions FOR that reason- totally disregarding that the situation generated IS a problem & could very well have been what the nut-job was after in the first place- or what a different one is after.

Either way, what are those two places like? Any info for those locations?
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by chibolo »

Wolfeye wrote:Interesting options. Bolivia might be interesting. Seems I would blend in there better than Guatemala.

Either way, what are those two places like? Any info for those locations?
I don't know anything about Guatemala, but here is what I know about Bolivia:

The president is leftist Evo Morales (friend of Venezuelan former president Chavez). It has the highest percentage of pure indigenous people in South-America (but also has mestizos and whites). It is also one of the poorest countries in SA, but the economy seems to be growing fast (like in many other countries in South America).

Bolivian cities:

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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by The »

Antarctica....Its pretty much immune to American culture....
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Jester »

chibolo wrote:
Wolfeye wrote:Interesting options. Bolivia might be interesting. Seems I would blend in there better than Guatemala.

Either way, what are those two places like? Any info for those locations?
I don't know anything about Guatemala, but here is what I know about Bolivia:

The president is leftist Evo Morales (friend of Venezuelan former president Chavez). It has the highest percentage of pure indigenous people in South-America (but also has mestizos and whites). It is also one of the poorest countries in SA, but the economy seems to be growing fast (like in many other countries in South America).

Bolivian cities:

Eastern and southern Bolivia, like Santa Cruz and Sucre I believe, are proudly White-Hispanic (mixed but consider themselves European in culture). They hate Evo Morales and want their own country. So they are a major, geographically distinct, pro-White, productive region in a nation whose emotional Indian regime cannot effectively govern. PERFECT for the OP!
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Re: Where To Go To Get Away From America-Induced Bullshit?

Post by Jester »

Wolfeye wrote:Interesting options. Bolivia might be interesting. Seems I would blend in there better than Guatemala.

The thing is, I'm not necessarily looking for a dyfunctional government- just one that's not trying f**k things up for people like it's a sport. American governement personnel doesn't seem very interested in how things go for the citizens- or they aren't aligned for it to be positive. They definitely don't seem to like the idea of people living their own lives & site someone doing apeshit crazy things as a reason for trying to supplant most of the people in the country. What's more, is that there's an appalling number of people that applaude these actions FOR that reason- totally disregarding that the situation generated IS a problem & could very well have been what the nut-job was after in the first place- or what a different one is after.
Dont really follow your thoughts here.

If you are saying you want a White country whose government is NOT dedicated to emasculating, exterminating or enslaving its White population, then I would consider Iceland, or perhaps New Zealand. NZ will let you in if you're young and work in a tech field. Iceland you probably just go there and then ask to stay, and not be from Africa.

South Africa has millions of Whites armed to the teeth, but again you need a tech degree to go there.

Seems strange to me that you dont consider Russia.
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