Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

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Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Traveler »

"Looks to me like your run of the mill scams, so popular in China and South Korea. They try and find a foreigner in a very public place, piss him/her off enough that they throw the first punch and sue. Foreigners are targeted because 9/10 times the Chinese and Korean police will take the side of their countrymen, no matter what evidence you have."

I've heard about similar situations in Korea. It's really a no-win situation for a foreigner. The best thing to do is walk away. In the US, such harassment might quickly lead to a fight. In Asia, you could end up paying someone hundreds or thousands of dollars in compensation if you hit them. The cops won't care that you were provoked.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by chanta76 »


You seem to go out of your way to post comments about how racist Asians are. My guess is you been too long in Asia and should move out. You really think this doesn't happen to Asian men with non-Asian women here in the USA ? I had a Korean friend who dated a black girl and got harass all the time and they ended up breaking up.

Honestly I don't excuse that guys behavior on the youtube video but hey with more western expats going to Asia and some of these expats ending up with Asian girls ..there will be hard feelings from Asian men ..and I think ..some of these Asian guys will cause trouble. Just surprise there is not allot of it..considering the number of western expats in Asia now. So what does that say about Asia as a whole..they are less racist and more accepting than America is...
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by ladislav »

White racism is universally known and has been addressed and tackled. Great deal of work has been done to reduce it. Laws have been passed, education has been carried out. Things are not perfect still but they have gotten better.
Time to address Asian racism because it is not being addressed. And it should be.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Mr S » ... apologize/

MRT Bully Detained, Refuses to Apologize
November 12, 2015 小碗臭豆腐 24 Comments

After angering netizens with a harassment on the MRT, the alleged bully has finally surfaced from all the controversy. The alleged bully, Mr. Liao 廖 was summoned to the police precinct for a written statement. He claims that before boarding the MRT, Christopher bumped into him and did not apologize. Liao confronted Christopher and “lost his cool” when Christopher’s girlfriend started filming him. Liao also said he regretted what he did after the incident.

Upon leaving the police precinct, Liao was swarmed by reporters but declined to comment. He kept silent and left the scene quickly.

Mr. Liao

ISS, Liao’s employers, said in a statement to local media that it would be handling the matter internally and that Liao will be punished according to company regulations. ISS’s Facebook page has been bombarded with hate mail.

If you’re looking for any form of assistance while travelling in Taiwan, take a look at our exclusive Tofu Daily CONCIERGE service here.

ISS, Employer of the Alleged Racist MRT Bully, Bombarded with Hate Mail
November 12, 2015 小碗臭豆腐 10 Comments

If you haven’t heard by now, there was a conflict between a foreign national and YouTuber who identifies himself as Christopher Raymond Hall and a Taiwanese man on the MRT. The story broke out when Christopher posted this video on YouTube.

2015-11-12 Racist MRT Incident
According to Christopher, the bully was following him and his girlfriend on a MRT train ride from Da’an Station to Shilin Station. In a 14-minute YouTube video, he tells of how he and his girlfriend were targeted by the Taiwanese man, who verbally abused the pair over their relationship.

The identity of the Taiwanese man has not been identified. However, sharp netizens spotted the logo on the Taiwanese man’s uniform and have bombarded the company’s Facebook page. The Taiwanese man works for the ISS, a facility services companies with more than 510,000 employees and activities in more than 75 countries.

Almost all comments on the ISS’s company Facebook are from netizens who are angered by the harassment. Many urge the company to immediately fire the Taiwanese man.

Some even demand a public announcement or press release from the company while others suggests everyone to calm down and not handle this situation emotionally.

ISS has yet to make a comment on the incident.

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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Taco »

Traveler wrote:
I've heard about similar situations in Korea. It's really a no-win situation for a foreigner. The best thing to do is walk away. In the US, such harassment might quickly lead to a fight. In Asia, you could end up paying someone hundreds or thousands of dollars in compensation if you hit them. The cops won't care that you were provoked.
That's true. Situations like this are usually scams aimed at extorting money out of tourists that have no clue what's going on. It happens in China and Philippines too. If your ever approached by someone on the street in Asia its best to just leave ASAP.

I was buying some coconuts a few weeks ago in Cebu when a woman walked up to me and hit me on the arm and demanded money from me. My Filipino brother in law explained to me the woman was trying to provoke me into hitting her so she could tell the police and then receive a cash payout for "damages".
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by jamesbond »

ladislav wrote:Time to address Asian racism because it is not being addressed. And it should be.
Exactly, Asians can be just as racist as anyone else.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Rock »

Taco wrote:
Traveler wrote:
I've heard about similar situations in Korea. It's really a no-win situation for a foreigner. The best thing to do is walk away. In the US, such harassment might quickly lead to a fight. In Asia, you could end up paying someone hundreds or thousands of dollars in compensation if you hit them. The cops won't care that you were provoked.
That's true. Situations like this are usually scams aimed at extorting money out of tourists that have no clue what's going on. It happens in China and Philippines too. If your ever approached by someone on the street in Asia its best to just leave ASAP.

I was buying some coconuts a few weeks ago in Cebu when a woman walked up to me and hit me on the arm and demanded money from me. My Filipino brother in law explained to me the woman was trying to provoke me into hitting her so she could tell the police and then receive a cash payout for "damages".
Taiwan and S. Korea are in an entirely different league than the Philippines. People in those countries don't generally pull silly scams like you're suggesting.

In S. Korea, its pretty well known that there is some genuine hatred of foreigners, especially among certain local guys who see white or other non-NE Asian guys dating their women. As for the Taiwan, it's much less common than in S. Korea. But I don't think anyone besides maybe you believe this guy was trying to scam money.

In Taiwan, white guys do not have the rich stereotype like they may have in Philippines. In fact, the default assumption when you see a 20 - late 30s white dude, he is probably an English teacher or student with very little money. Some consider them losers who can't find a job back in their home countries. So when these types of relatively poor (no house, no car, living paycheck to paycheck) still mange to snag certain Taiwan ladies, it may piss off a small or not so small minority of Taiwan men or even other Taiwan women. The dating scene in Taiwan has become brutal for a lot of local guys, especially the ones who don't have assets, higher paying jobs, or at least a pretty face and good fashion sense lol.

My hypothesis regarding this particular case is the rather homely and blue collar looking Taiwan dude sees a skinny white dude who looks poor and ugly (he is kinda funny looking you gotta admit) with a local girl who in his eyes is at least cute. But he has suffered lots of rejections in the past from girls like that (kinda like the HA whiners in the USA lol). So his anger and resentment are pent up. Maybe he had a bad day and seeing the ugly white dude with doable Taiwan girl who reminds him of others who never gave him the time of day was just the catalyst to set him off. This is just him blowing off the steam of his resentment and hatred. I mean, he spent almost as much time insulting her as he did the foreign guy. He clearly was resentful that the girl was with a foreigner like him. What does that suggest???

Unfortunately, he only did the foreign guy a favor while hurting himself. The white guy gained a high and generally positive/sympathetic profile in Taiwan. The Taiwan dude pissed off a lot of his country people by embarrassing them in front of outsiders (loss of face) online. I'm sure he has some sympathizers (fellow laowai haters). But generally, I reckon he may have a hard time for awhile.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by zboy1 »

ladislav wrote:White racism is universally known and has been addressed and tackled. Great deal of work has been done to reduce it. Laws have been passed, education has been carried out. Things are not perfect still but they have gotten better.
Time to address Asian racism because it is not being addressed. And it should be.
First of all, the Taiwanese dude was a douche. No question about it. I think Asian dudes like this are no different than the racist Blacks and Whites I encountered back in the States. No difference at all between them...

Having said that...Ladislav, come on now, lol. You seriously believe what you wrote? Try telling African Americans and all those killed recently by racist policeman, that White racism has been eradicate ined. LOL. Or try telling any dark-skinned immigrant in Greece or Russia,with a serious face, what you wrot your comments. Lol.

And Ladislav, everytime some poster brings up Jewish racism against gentiles, Palestinians, Christians and White Europeans, you and Fschmidt are the first ones to scream racism at them, or alternatively want me to censure their comments, but it's okay for you to denigrate Asians. It should be a two-way street man.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Falcon »

Whoa. I saw this with my own eyes on the Taipei Metro once, in March 2014.

A cranky old Taiwanese guy about 60 was harassing a white guy in Mandarin, saying foreigners are trash or something similar.

Later I talked to the white guy and asked if he was OK, but he just laughed it off and said it was hilarious to see that happen to him. He's been in Taiwan for several months, and was learning Mandarin at Taiwan Normal University.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by sentinel89 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
zboy1 wrote:And Ladislav, everytime some poster brings up Jewish racism against gentiles, Palestinians, Christians and White Europeans, you and Fschmidt are the first ones to scream racism at them, or alternatively want me to censure their comments, but it's okay for you to denigrate Asians. It should be a two-way street man.
Everyone is racist. Period. To say blacks or whites are racist is a very true statement. To say asians are racist is just as true a statement. To say members of a certain race are capable of racism, and are racist on such a scale it can be considered problematic, is not "denigrating" that race. I have seen and heard of too many experiences with asian racism against other ethnic groups, whether they be other races or fellow asians of a different pursuasion, to simply ignore it.

Why is Ladislav's statement towards asians denigrating towards asians, while your comment about blacks and whites is not?
This is true. Black guys get even more insecure when they see a white guy dating a high quality black girl that they could never get themselves. I've been there before. If I took one of these smoking hot afrocolombians back to my city in the U.S. and walked her through a black neighborhood, they would be fiipping shit.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by pete98146 »

Crazy!!! I thought the guy who was harassed did a great job of keeping calm. My blood was boiling when I watched the video. Can't imagine what I'd say or do if that was me in real life. My natural reaction would be to verbally carve the guy into shreds because two can play that game but that would no doubt only get me into trouble and at the end of the day it's not worth getting worked up.

That said, when I do retire, one of my big aspirations is to learn some type of martial arts. I'll do it mainly to stay in shape but no doubt it would come in handy if somebody tried to physically attack me.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by zboy1 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
zboy1 wrote:And Ladislav, everytime some poster brings up Jewish racism against gentiles, Palestinians, Christians and White Europeans, you and Fschmidt are the first ones to scream racism at them, or alternatively want me to censure their comments, but it's okay for you to denigrate Asians. It should be a two-way street man.
Everyone is racist. Period. To say blacks or whites are racist is a very true statement. To say asians are racist is just as true a statement. To say members of a certain race are capable of racism, and are racist on such a scale it can be considered problematic, is not "denigrating" that race. I have seen and heard of too many experiences with asian racism against other ethnic groups, whether they be other races or fellow asians of a different pursuasion, to simply ignore it.

Why is Ladislav's statement towards asians denigrating towards asians, while your comment about blacks and whites is not?
Oh, I agree. What I meant was that Ladislav and Fschmidt like to complain about Anti-semitism on this forum, but like to dish on other races. I think you should say whatever you want here, but they can't the take the heat when guys like Adama, Cornfed or others bring up Jewish racism. That's what I meant. lol.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

This guy is a "hater" spoiling for a fight because of envy about the foreigner taking away a girl he would want.

There is no scam here, just taunting to provoke a fight to beat the foreigner into submission.

Like I have always said, the loser male is the most dangerous male. ISIS is filled with loser males stoked to destroy the western males with whom they cannot compete.

Had the white foreigner guy pushed or shoved the loser, he would have been beaten within an inch of his life. I also have to say that the loser guy was an idiot to do this on camera in this work uniform. This is another clue of his loser status not to mention his dumpy appearance.
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Re: Video: Taiwanese racist harassing white guy on subway

Post by Teal Lantern »

In David Attenborough's voice:
"It turns out they're not quite so "model" when not in the minority and mating is the prize. :mrgreen:
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