Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

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Post by jamesbond »

I can see it now, the "Winston Wu, Happier Abroad Seminar" coming to cities all across America! Seriously, this would be a great idea, there are millions of lonely men in America who feel like they have no hope in the dating scene. If we had seminars, we could open up their eyes to the idea of "global dating." :D

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by jamesbond »

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by jamesbond »

In the lobby where the seminar is located at, there could be pictures on the wall of all the different places Winston has visited and the different woman he met. We could also have pictures of Winston himself like the photo below. This way people could see Winston in various different 'lights.' :lol:

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Winston »

Hey guess what?

Mark Davis has just moved to Las Vegas. He wanted to buy a bigger house and California was too expensive, so he moved to Las Vegas. Now that he's here, maybe he and I can put together a global dating seminar or conference in Las Vegas, along with AFA. What do you think?

It sounds like a great idea for sure. But of course, it is expensive renting a conference room in a hotel. And it will be a lot of work organizing such an event and getting people to attend.

Also, there may be some conflicts of interest since Mark's movement and ours is slightly different. We only overlap in the foreign women/global dating area. His movement is about guys finding foreign brides overseas to bring back to the USA, since most guys can't live overseas. But our movement is about going abroad to find a mate and living in her country, in order to get away from the many toxic problems and dysfunctional inauthentic environment in America, which we believe is not good to bring a foreign woman to, nor is it good to raise children in.

So we have slightly different agendas. Ideally, a seminar or conference would allow all of us to present our movements and viewpoints so that the attending members hear from all sides and make up their own minds. But I'm not sure if it's that easy, as I've never done this before. And I do not know how much cooperation between us all would be feasible.

Also, Mark Davis and AFA are competitors, so I do not know if they could cooperate together to host a seminar since they will be competing for clients, while we are trying to convince guys to move overseas. lol

However, I am not planning to live in Las Vegas anyway. But it's a great concept and opportunity for sure that would allow us to get the message out and make it more established.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by Winston »

icarus wrote:
Winston wrote:Icarus,
Stop raising the bar on so many subjects. If I wanted to, I could raise the bar ad infinitum on anything in any topic to make anything look inadequate. It's just mental masturbation without end. Not very productive.

The point is, this is an INTRODUCTORY seminar with GENERAL advice and inspiration. Not an advanced course for expert expats and global daters. Come on now. Be realistic and real. Most guys do not even know the basics of all this. That's what this is about. I explained that many times.

Oh and yes I have some experience in those areas, but even if I didn't, I have done research and can give general advice on most topics. Besides my experience, I know about stuff that I learned from other people too. This is mostly about concepts. I can easily summarize what I've heard from others who did this or that, etc.

Words are just words anyway. My 38 hours of videos and thousands of photos prove my point more than any words can. My friends who saw my videos agree wholeheartedly. The videos bring life to my words and prove it in a way that mere words could never do.


I just posted our ad in the Los Angeles section of Craigslist as well, to see if we'll get more responses from there. This time, I mentioned Global Dating and included the Happier Abroad site URL too, so people can see that we are real and credible. ... 27258.html
Fair enough Winston, but you should nevertheless think this out more. Many of them may have already done basic general research online, thus you need to seriously think what will my seminar provide that they have not already accessed online or readily do so?" You are charging a fee, albeit a small one, so there is always the danger of people complaining that your seminar wasn't necessarily wrong, but essentially just a rehash of what they already got/could get online. Furthermore, your trip to Russia and misadventures with your former 'fiance' don't exactly lend a high degree of credibility. Seeing that we're in the Facebook generation now, many of us more cynical souls won't be overly impressed by endless posed pics of you with random smiling girls.

I haven't walked a mile in your moccasins Winston so perhaps I've been unduly harsh in the past, but after observing you and your interactions with others in the past I can just see it now:

Some random guy "Yeah, went to the seminar, paid the $25 bucks, checked out his trip reports. I see he got f***ed over in Russia, knocked up some poor Filipina, complains incessantly about the locals trying to get a recharge for their cell phone....lots of other guy out there like RooshV or even Tim Ferris...gonna pass next time"

You "WHAT?? I am WINSTON WU DAMMIT! Possibly the most unique Asian American ever to walk the face of the Earth!! It's not ME, YOU have a perception problem!! I am deeply intellectual and base everything I say and do on only the most objective, rational thought. Look at all these people who say how awesome I am!!! Look how I 'debunk' skeptics and accurately diagnose the sociological ills of a vast and diverse nation of 300,000,000+............."

Believe me Winston, I totally encourage people, especially Americans to broaden their horizons and seek their happiness abroad if need me. Hell, I live with my Brazilian girlfriend and am about to go to the local German-American Oktoberfest today to practice my German and drink some good Hefeweizens. I had European and Japanese penpals back in the days of snail-mail (think 1991, before some of the poster here can remember). I've never objected to your overall message, just the way you present it and your motivations.

Again, it's just my perspective, anyone here is free to disagree with me and I would welcome their input, as ultimately I'm just seeking to give you honest advice here.
Damn it. I hate wasting hours of time responding to people who don't get it and don't understand my message or what we are doing here. What a waste of time! I can't waste valuable time on every single dummy out there.

My response to you is: NO NO NO dude! You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong! Please listen. I am not happy about having to waste a lot of precious time explaining things to clueless people. PLEASE LISTEN!

1. First, my photos and videos of me in Russia have been an inspiration to many people. They've led to guys going to Russia too, such as WorldTraveler and many Asian bros that I know. Many are here on the forum because of all my inspiring content. I received many compliments about my videos and photojournals. See here for examples: ... ponses.htm
Dear Winston,
I have looked at your YouTube videos of your trips to Russia and meeting those beautiful girls, and I must say, WOW! To be honest, it didn't surprise me that Russian girls are this friendly and approachable. I have encountered some of them here in Houston, Texas, and socialising with them is nothing compared to even trying to get a word to an American girl. But your videos are a milestone and real proof that Russian girls are very approachable and friendly, and it has given me hope for girlfriends beyond the USA. Keep up good work and keep spreading the truth!


I was looking at the pictures in your photojournal and book, and you're very right: you can literally see the difference between American/non-American in terms of openness and curiosity women in just their eyes. When I was looking at the non-American female pictures, I thought to myself that I could easily ask them out with confidence, whereas when I saw pictures of the American females, I felt just the opposite. It's not surprising that you can get bad vibes from American women just by seeing their picture!

Your book has exposed me to a paradigm shift with regard to dating. My collection of dating/seduction books is now merely a repository of rubbish.

Jelani from NY

Dear Winston,

I've seen pictures via your wonderful website of you making out w/ beautiful women before, BUT the videos you took which recorded their warm behavior around you was, to use a word, inspiring (to say the least). Never in my most inclusive-dreams could I imagine a place where a guy could get a peck from a woman (or give one for that matter) in a completely friendly, even welcomed circumstance, much like what happened between all of you situated around that car in your video. Those videos you shot captured the very essence of what it is to be human, and I for one am glad you had the courage to go Russia and return w/ actual proof of what women from other cultures have to offer!

My hat's off to you, sir. Keep up the good work!

Most sincerely and respectfully,

2. Second, I've talked to a lot of guys in motels, restaurants and swimming pools and they are very enthusiastic about my HappierAbroad movement and agree with most of what I say. What I say is very unique and true and taboo, because no one else out there says it.

There was even this redneck guy I met at Carson City Hot Springs who listened to what my movement was about. He then belittled me and got rowdy because he was an ex military vet and acted like a know-it-all and told me that I didn't know shit. So I backed away from him and thought he was a bit crazy and not safe to argue with. But later on in the locker room, he came up to me and told me "You know, I think what you're doing is a great thing. Congratulations." So he thought it over and realized the true worth of my message.

So most guys are NOT as cynical as you Icarus. And fortunately too. Most guys I've talked to agree with my message and movement and why foreign women and people are friendlier and more open. So just from my casual experience from sharing my message with guys in motels, restaurants, and hot springs, I've gotten lots of POSITIVE reaction.

3. You also forget that this movement is very unique and one-of-a-kind. No one else is talking about going overseas for a better life and as a solution to the toxic problems in America. Most Americans assume that leaving America is not even an option. It's just not talked about and doesn't exist. They assume that everywhere else is either the same as America or worse.

Even the conspiracy gurus like Alex Jones and David Icke NEVER EVER suggest getting out of your country as a solution. Not even America's biggest critics like Noam Chomsky talk about it. The Happier Abroad solution is treated as NONEXISTENT by the media, alternative media and even the counter-culture movement.

So we definitely NEED to get our message out. Most men are NOT aware of it. And the average guy in America does NOT know that he can have a better life overseas. So you are VERY VERY VERY WRONG about that.

We all know this. So why are you trying to deceive us?

4. I do not claim to be a life coach or a business guru. That's for others to take up. That's not my forte.

As I said before, I'm not attuned to practical things like most people are. I live in the world of philosophy, abstract ideas and concepts. That's why there is a rift between me and most people, even the people here. Most people are focused only on practical issues, whereas I'm more attuned to abstract things.

My strength and best forte is to present the major cultural differences between America and many other countries and to give many good REASONS to live and date overseas. In terms of giving many deep reasons to go abroad, I am THE BEST AT THAT (not to brag). No one else does it the way I do. That is my prime forte and strength. That's what I'm best at. I could talk for hours on that. That's what I was planning to do in a seminar or conference. So perhaps the seminar should be called Happier Abroad, not Global Dating.

We each have our own strengths and we should contribute what we do best. It is only logical for me to do what I do best. I would expect the same of everyone else. I am not a financial advisor or a business advisor. Let someone else who is good at that kind of stuff to coach people in those areas.

Does that make sense?

All I'm doing is following my destiny. Why do you think this site took off? Because I followed my calling. It was meant to be. It's not because I did something special. My calling is to promote my message and movement. And I've done just that.

In a seminar, I would continue doing that. My mission is to get the message out and spread it. It's already done a lot of good in helping others and raising awareness. Thus in a seminar, it would likely accomplish the same. It's basic logic. Why do you miss something that is easily observed with basic logic?!

Already this site has helped many people and resulted in people moving overseas and marrying foreign wives. Did you forget that? We've done so much good here. And we can only do more good in a conference or seminar. So why do you not even realize that? WTF is wrong with you?

You gotta have faith. I have faith that once I put my message out there, and wake up other guys, that the universe will put things in motion to help those guys find a way to live abroad. If they are meant to go abroad, things will happen to help make it so. I am not supposed to do everything. Often, the universe or divine forces do the rest, after I do my part in waking people up. Do you understand? I have faith in this and my faith has often paid off. All I'm doing is my part.

So overall, your cynicism is unfounded, does not make sense, and is not logical.

Furthermore, you've wasted a lot of my time in explaining the OBVIOUS to you. Sheesh. One could spend endless hours debating endless idiots online, but it will not accomplish much. Better to preach to people who are open and would react positively to the message. Not to arrogant know-it-alls. Steve R was right about people like you. Fortunately, the guys I've met in person have been far more positive about my message and mission.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by jamesbond »

Winston could advertise his "happier abroad" seminar with lights on the outside of a building like the picture below. This would certainly get peoples attention. :D

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by jamesbond »

Just think of all the people Winston could reach with a 'happier abroad' seminar! Also, think of all the money Winston could make doing a seminar. :D

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by jamesbond »

How about making a "Happier Abroad" movie? Winston could play himself as the man who found love and acceptance after traveling to eastern Europe, Russia and the Philippines. :D

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by dancilley »

Here is an example of what Happier Abroad has created already...over 7K views so far!

I created this video out of Winston's videos and photos.

Now, how can we do an even bigger production?

I want to do a seminar! I have the passion to do a seminar...I can speak for hours. This Happier Abroad idea...EVERYONE needs to know about!

I have approached girls in Los Angeles, CA, and filmed it. Now, I want to do a documentary where we show footage from around the world that clearly shows the stark contrast of how American women respond vs. how foreign women do!

Does anyone have footage of yourself approaching girls in other countries?

In the documentary, I want to explain the science of why girls in America respond how they do.

Is it the hyper-stimulating diet, which stimulates the same part of the brain as sex this causes American women to not desire sex as much?

Is it the fact that there are sooooo many overweight girls in America, so "all" the men pursue the fit, attractive girls, therefore that's why the fit girls are "always" taken?

Is it the fact that America is so wealthy, that men have so much money, and therefore, women are drawn to the wealthiest each man must attain a certain standard of living in order to attract a healthy woman?

Is it feminism...that has caused women to value having a career and to focus on the consumption of goods advertised on TV in order to be happy, rather than valuing sex and having babies and staying at home?

I want to show what exactly is causing society to degenerate. Why are there, in Las Vegas, like Winston says, "Degenerates everywhere"? What causes people to degenerate? What is good in life? What should be valued? What should be eschewed?

Maybe we can make people aware of what is happening. Maybe we can wake people up and they will change. Maybe we can cause America to become healthier and happier.
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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by MrMark1972 »

dancilley wrote:Here is an example of what Happier Abroad has created already...over 7K views so far!

I created this video out of Winston's videos and photos.

Now, how can we do an even bigger production?

I want to do a seminar! I have the passion to do a seminar...I can speak for hours. This Happier Abroad idea...EVERYONE needs to know about!

I have approached girls in Los Angeles, CA, and filmed it. Now, I want to do a documentary where we show footage from around the world that clearly shows the stark contrast of how American women respond vs. how foreign women do!

Does anyone have footage of yourself approaching girls in other countries?

In the documentary, I want to explain the science of why girls in America respond how they do.

Is it the hyper-stimulating diet, which stimulates the same part of the brain as sex this causes American women to not desire sex as much?

Is it the fact that there are sooooo many overweight girls in America, so "all" the men pursue the fit, attractive girls, therefore that's why the fit girls are "always" taken?

Is it the fact that America is so wealthy, that men have so much money, and therefore, women are drawn to the wealthiest each man must attain a certain standard of living in order to attract a healthy woman?

Is it feminism...that has caused women to value having a career and to focus on the consumption of goods advertised on TV in order to be happy, rather than valuing sex and having babies and staying at home?

I want to show what exactly is causing society to degenerate. Why are there, in Las Vegas, like Winston says, "Degenerates everywhere"? What causes people to degenerate? What is good in life? What should be valued? What should be eschewed?

Maybe we can make people aware of what is happening. Maybe we can wake people up and they will change. Maybe we can cause America to become healthier and happier.
Dan,all the reasons above outline the underlying causes of why Western Fembots are the way they are...I especially agree with the point on how much wealth is out there which obviously fuels mass consumerism.
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Re: Global Dating Seminar in Las Vegas by Winston and Steve!

Post by dancilley »

I want to help people become healthier and happier. I want to help people engage in health-promoting behaviors and stop doing anything health-damaging.

I want to help men and women harmoniously connect. Let's help men get laid...but also help men and women make love and grow babies.

People should involve themselves in sex and reproduction...they need to desire sex and have sex and produce babies...not desire to eat unhealthy foods which damage their bodies and minds.
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