The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - Living in the Present Moment

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Re: The Power of Now: Eckhart Tolle and Spiritual Awakening

Post by cdnFA »

C.J. wrote:Being spiritually advanced myself, I can tell you this...

That book "The Power of Now", is New Age garbage;I read it some 9 years ago. One only has to ask, how DID he accomplish this "excruciating spiritual transformation?" How is it that all of sudden, he "decided to let go of his egoic self as he realized it was an illusion?"

Great shit like that just doesn't happen on a whim. Why? Because if it was THAT easy, everybody would be doing it! What he teaches is BULLSHIT. And he got rich for it. If he was in such ecstasy being poor, why didn't he STAY poor then? If he was really in such ecstasy, he wouldn't have a need for food and clothes etc.

In order to know this though, you must first understand the New Age.
I don't really know anything about new age and have no interest in spirituality and I saw through the bullshit instantly. Your reaction was pretty much my first reaction.

Critical thinking > being open minded. It allows you to spot bullshit, something sorely lacking by too many on this forum.
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Re: The Power of Now: Eckhart Tolle and Spiritual Awakening

Post by Winston »

cdnFA wrote:
C.J. wrote:Being spiritually advanced myself, I can tell you this...

That book "The Power of Now", is New Age garbage;I read it some 9 years ago. One only has to ask, how DID he accomplish this "excruciating spiritual transformation?" How is it that all of sudden, he "decided to let go of his egoic self as he realized it was an illusion?"

Great shit like that just doesn't happen on a whim. Why? Because if it was THAT easy, everybody would be doing it! What he teaches is BULLSHIT. And he got rich for it. If he was in such ecstasy being poor, why didn't he STAY poor then? If he was really in such ecstasy, he wouldn't have a need for food and clothes etc.

In order to know this though, you must first understand the New Age.
I don't really know anything about new age and have no interest in spirituality and I saw through the bullshit instantly. Your reaction was pretty much my first reaction.

Critical thinking > being open minded. It allows you to spot bullshit, something sorely lacking by too many on this forum.
Sorry but that doesn't make it true. Yeah the New Age has some BS teachings, but it has some good teachings as well. A lot of New Age copies ancient spiritual wisdom and mystical traditions that are grounded in truth and reality. During the time of Egypt and Babylon and prior to that era, during the time of Atlantis, the occult and metaphysical were more mainstream and common knowledge. They were exploited by the elite too, just as the elite does today. Anyone who researches the elite today knows that the elite are heavily into the occult. If there wasn't something to it, they wouldn't be into it. Duh.

Google "Ley Lines" and you will see that major cities and capitols are built on precise geometric lines that are equidistant from each other. The first 5 cities of Colonial America were built on an exact line and are equidistant from each other. That's not coincidence. Earth has a power grid that occultists know how to use. If you did your research, you'd know this, like other experts do. Of course, a lot of occult knowledge is hidden and only available to the initiated few. They are kept in "mystery schools" which today are secret societies such as Freemasons and Rosicrucians.

Anyway, I had a similar awakening to Eckhart Tolle so I know that what he describes at the beginning of his book is possible. I experienced it when I was 14. I already explained that earlier.

You admit you don't know anything about New Age. So you have no qualifications to judge it and shouldn't even be commenting on this thread.

Anyone can say that something is bullshit, but that doesn't make it so. You gotta give some logical reasons and arguments about why something is bullshit. See my other thread about Buddhism for example. I gave 5 reasons why Buddhism doesn't make you happy and why it has shortcomings and why it doesn't solve all your problems. I gave reasons and examples to make my arguments credible.


You need to learn to do that. Simply calling new age "bullshit" doesn't make it so. You need to give some good arguments and evidence with examples, about why you claim that. You seem to be very naive, narrow and closed minded. You judge things you know nothing about. So that makes you very arrogant and ignorant as well.

Sure, not everyone is attuned to spirituality. But that doesn't mean that people like you who aren't spiritual, are right and that all those who are spiritual are wrong or believe in BS. If you aren't qualified to judge, then be humble and admit you don't know and leave it alone for those who are more qualified to discuss it.
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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by cdnFA »

I know enough to spot bullshit. In this case it is so obvious. No point to even trying to prove anything to you because you can't and won't see it. People have wasted their time explaining things to you on other threads with evidence arguments and examples. It is an utter waste of time. Might as well try to teach a dog chess.
Anyone believes that someone just woke up and found enlightenment is the sort of person who would believe in house hippos. I might as well go on here and claim I can fly and then use your arguments to insist that I am telling the truth. After all you don't know me, you are not an expert in me, you shouldn't even comment on it.

For example
""Sorry but that doesn't make it true. Yeah the New Age has some BS teachings, but it has some good teachings as well. A lot of New Age copies ancient spiritual wisdom and mystical traditions that are grounded in truth and reality. During the time of Egypt and Babylon and prior to that era, during the time of Atlantis, the occult and metaphysical were more mainstream and common knowledge. They were exploited by the elite too, just as the elite does today. Anyone who researches the elite today knows that the elite are heavily into the occult. If there wasn't something to it, they wouldn't be into it. Duh.""

Just because you say spiritual wisdom and mystical traditions are grounded in truth and reality doesn't make it so. I see you don't apply your standards to yourself. You also often use the phrase "Science says" when it does not such thing.
Atlantis? Another fail.
People believed in a lot of f***ed up shit in ancient times, doesn't make it true. Human knowledge has advanced extremely far. That is mainstream and common knowledge... today, with the benefits of modern epistemology.

The Elite isn't heavily into the occult. Your sources are just lunatic freaks that you believe because it makes you feel special to dismiss mainstream views. Well that and if you didn't disagree with facts and reason you couldn't claim to be a free thinking and so smart and you would have to face up to your limits.

Every time I've looked into this sort of stuff, it is always debunked and easily so. I'd have to be retarded to give such a methodology a chance after repeated method fail.

You are a schizophrenic and obviously not as cured as you think you are. Any experiences he might have had can be attributed to a mental health failing. I am not going to follow the advice of someone based on a mental health incident. I might as well put a peanut on my dick because it would make me f***ing nuts.

"You need to learn to do that. Simply calling new age "bullshit" doesn't make it so. You need to give some good arguments and evidence with examples, about why you claim that. You seem to be very naive, narrow and closed minded. You judge things you know nothing about. So that makes you very arrogant and ignorant as well."

I have done that, complete waste of time around here at least. A complete and utter waste of time. I am a fool for even posting this.

1: One does not need to be an expert in New Age stuff to spot the bullshit of a guy who just found enlightenment like that. I mean f**k. If you fall for that story I bet you buy extended warranties and give your credit card info to some guy who calls you on the phone saying you have a virus. I know you wouldn't and you would think you won a point because you don't understand what is actually being said. Sometimes the bullshit is so obvious, like me being able to fly. Again I've seen so much debunked, 100% failure rate. I've seen the logic and evidence fail consistent here which Adama's claims of my lack of self control to the contrary I usually don't bother posting about.

2: You post about science and history even though it is obvious that you are in complete ignorance about both those topics to a staggering degree. If you were not so ignorant you would not be lead astray so easily.

3: I'll say it again, I'll take critical thinking over open mindedness. I am open minded though, I just apply critical thinking to what I encounter. Open mindedness without critical thinking and we get... you.

I have to go now, my house hippo is getting hungry.
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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by Winston »

This short animated video from The School of Life explained why it's so hard to live in the present. It's because the present moment is full of anxiety and uncertainty from decisions one has to make and not knowing what will come next. So one prefers to live in the past where their mind edits out all the bad stuff and leaves the good stuff, or the future where one dreams of a better tomorrow. It makes sense. I wonder if Tolle mentioned this in his book.

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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by Winston »

cdnFA wrote:I know enough to spot bullshit. In this case it is so obvious. No point to even trying to prove anything to you because you can't and won't see it. People have wasted their time explaining things to you on other threads with evidence arguments and examples. It is an utter waste of time. Might as well try to teach a dog chess.
Anyone believes that someone just woke up and found enlightenment is the sort of person who would believe in house hippos. I might as well go on here and claim I can fly and then use your arguments to insist that I am telling the truth. After all you don't know me, you are not an expert in me, you shouldn't even comment on it.

For example
""Sorry but that doesn't make it true. Yeah the New Age has some BS teachings, but it has some good teachings as well. A lot of New Age copies ancient spiritual wisdom and mystical traditions that are grounded in truth and reality. During the time of Egypt and Babylon and prior to that era, during the time of Atlantis, the occult and metaphysical were more mainstream and common knowledge. They were exploited by the elite too, just as the elite does today. Anyone who researches the elite today knows that the elite are heavily into the occult. If there wasn't something to it, they wouldn't be into it. Duh.""

Just because you say spiritual wisdom and mystical traditions are grounded in truth and reality doesn't make it so. I see you don't apply your standards to yourself. You also often use the phrase "Science says" when it does not such thing.
Atlantis? Another fail.
People believed in a lot of f***ed up shit in ancient times, doesn't make it true. Human knowledge has advanced extremely far. That is mainstream and common knowledge... today, with the benefits of modern epistemology.

The Elite isn't heavily into the occult. Your sources are just lunatic freaks that you believe because it makes you feel special to dismiss mainstream views. Well that and if you didn't disagree with facts and reason you couldn't claim to be a free thinking and so smart and you would have to face up to your limits.

Every time I've looked into this sort of stuff, it is always debunked and easily so. I'd have to be retarded to give such a methodology a chance after repeated method fail.

You are a schizophrenic and obviously not as cured as you think you are. Any experiences he might have had can be attributed to a mental health failing. I am not going to follow the advice of someone based on a mental health incident. I might as well put a peanut on my dick because it would make me f***ing nuts.

"You need to learn to do that. Simply calling new age "bullshit" doesn't make it so. You need to give some good arguments and evidence with examples, about why you claim that. You seem to be very naive, narrow and closed minded. You judge things you know nothing about. So that makes you very arrogant and ignorant as well."

I have done that, complete waste of time around here at least. A complete and utter waste of time. I am a fool for even posting this.

1: One does not need to be an expert in New Age stuff to spot the bullshit of a guy who just found enlightenment like that. I mean f**k. If you fall for that story I bet you buy extended warranties and give your credit card info to some guy who calls you on the phone saying you have a virus. I know you wouldn't and you would think you won a point because you don't understand what is actually being said. Sometimes the bullshit is so obvious, like me being able to fly. Again I've seen so much debunked, 100% failure rate. I've seen the logic and evidence fail consistent here which Adama's claims of my lack of self control to the contrary I usually don't bother posting about.

2: You post about science and history even though it is obvious that you are in complete ignorance about both those topics to a staggering degree. If you were not so ignorant you would not be lead astray so easily.

3: I'll say it again, I'll take critical thinking over open mindedness. I am open minded though, I just apply critical thinking to what I encounter. Open mindedness without critical thinking and we get... you.

I have to go now, my house hippo is getting hungry.
You're a f***ing moron. I swear. Don't waste my time with your idiotic hateful immature responses in this thread on this topic. You are dragging meaningful discussion into the dirty. Clearly you are a nasty hateful person who is unhappy and misanthropic. There is no beauty in your soul, only ugliness.

You didn't disprove anything I said. You just deny everything. Denial does not erase reality. And all you do is use ad hominem attacks. You have no logical arguments.

Just because you aren't spiritual, doesn't mean no one else is. You can't speak for others, only your miserable little self. A wise person knows that. But you aren't wise.

Just because you're a left brained atheist doesn't mean people don't have spiritual awakenings. You dumbass. What a ignorant prick.

I told you, I had a similar experience with Eckhart Tolle before, so I KNOW what he says is possible. You can get glimpses of enlightenment or bliss, but it doesn't last forever. Many others have too. Just because you haven't doesn't mean shit you stupid shithead.

You are the one who doesn't know shit. Yes the elite are into the occult. Why do you think there are occult buildings and symbols and emblems all over London, DC and Rome? There are many books about this and many videos too. Such as "The Sacred Geometry of Washington DC". Even the Royal Palace in London has occult Egyptian symbols. It's hidden in plain sight. There are thousands of videos about this. If you don't want to get educated, then leave and stay dumb. Don't bother me to educate you.

You should humble yourself, not act like an arrogant prick. I'm calling a spade a spade. You know what you are. At a subconscious level we all know the truth about ourselves.

Please don't bother responding. I don't have time for idiots who refuse to learn anything new and who pretend to know everything. f***ing dumbass. I hate people like you. I could easily kick your ass in a verbal one on one debate. Easily.

Conspiracies, occult and illuminati are well documented. There are many whistleblowers, including many US presidents and Bill Clinton's mentor, Dr. Carrol Quigley. The cats been out of the bag for many years now. Where you been? Idiot. I've posted many quotes from them in other threads. When Fschmidt challenged me on this, I sent him the quotes and he had nothing to say, because he lost the debate but wasn't man enough to admit that he was wrong when he claimed that conspiracies and shadow governments don't exist. I even showed him a letter from George Washington from the Library of Congress admitting that the Illuminati had come to America and infiltrated the Freemason lodges. Etc etc. I don't want to repeat all this hundreds of times for f***ing idiot shitheads like you!

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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by droid »

Holy smokes Winston. So is it gonna be quartering or brazen-bull?
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by The_Adventurer »

This makes me extremely curious, especially on this site. Are there people here who say that The Illuminati and Free Masons don't exist?
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Re: The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle, best seller spiritual

Post by cdnFA »

Winston wrote:
Click here and don't come back:
You have proven yourself to be a slobbering idiot with absolutely no ability to tell the difference between actual evidence and bullshit in part because you have an astounding ignorance of the world around you. You don't even know the difference between your prostate and your balls. You comment on history but you have demonstrated a staggering ignorance of the field. Yet you think you are some great free thinker. I clicked the link, noticed that is was going to be another collection of your nonsense and didn't waste my time with it.

You do come across as someone with schizophrenia. You are just too batty.

If you don't want me to come back, just ban me or even better delete my account ya mook.

The only thing worse than a stupid gullible person is someone who doesn't realize how bad off they are.
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Re: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - Living in the Presen

Post by Winston »

Great quote from the Dalai Lama about the power of now.


And one from Einstein too.

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Re: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - Living in the Present Moment

Post by Winston »

Some full Eckhart Tolle audiobooks uploaded to YouTube. Audiobooks are easier to follow because you don't have to sit and concentrate on the book for hours, and you can listen to them while doing other stuff throughout the day.

The Power of Now - Full Audiobook

A New Earth - Full Audiobook

Stillness Speaks - Full Audiobook

You can download these audiobooks in mp3 audio format here:
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Re: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - Living in the Present Moment

Post by Winston »

Summary of the Power of Now book, for those who don't have time to read it.

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