List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by starchild5 »

As Rock, I'm also waiting for Winston to analyse what Micheal Adams of Natural News has to say. Mike Adams is like the Top 5 guy in Alternative Media..His website gets millions of hits per month. He is very very famous to say the least.

He has lived in Taiwan as an English Teacher and then as a Proof Reader for companies needing to translate their company manuals into English. It is true that he speaks Mandarin and he has lived in Taiwan, however, his views are too bogeymen like for Americans who never traveled to China or Taiwan.

Which is why we need people like Winston to Debunk this guy forever because it looks like Trump will needlessly create issues with China with Taiwan as proxy. Mike has gone total shill now as can be read by this article.

He is glorifying Taiwan as a paradise while China as hell while Winston has exact opposite views :D , more and more Americans must read Winston's 36 point article to get a real sense of what China is.

I think Winston should debate this guy. Mike is very socially active, he should accept the debate. I would hope Winston would create a youtube video debunking all points that Mike made in the article.

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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Good post starchild in that you know how this mark guy is twisting the truth. I think a debate between mark and winston would be pointless though...mark it rattling a drum and winston playing violin. They would make a horrible racket together.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

El_Caudillo wrote:
There is far more brainwashing in USA making it harder to see amd enjoy things, I admit that, but no place is perfect. I still say that among all the countries and places I've visited, China is by far the coldest, cruelest, most harsh & clever climate I've ever seen. Making it an unhappy place that I won't wish to remember at all.
I'm FAR from alone in this view.
Far more brainwashing in the US than China? You mean that you are not being brainwashed in China like you were in the US because in China the media does not surreptitiously enter your daily life? I suspect that you meant to write, 'there is a lot of brainwashing in the US'.

The CCP is the most successful brainwasher on planet Earth, they have been in power since 1949 and have been continuously working on their 'brainwash' game. Eric, you are good example of China not being good for one's mental health. When are you leaving the place? I hope you get out OK. You are wholly negative where Winston was wholly positive. Both of you are viewing the most populated country on Earth through the narrow prism of your personal experience. That's fine, but recognize it - or in Winston's case define who his essay is really about. Who will experience all these wonderful freedoms in China?

Matt, I know Kradmelder is a broken record, bringing the same old speech to every thread, but he is right in that travelling the world with the sole purpose of finding the perfect woman will not bring happiness. Tapatio said hardly hard evidence. Does China interest you as a place? Does the Philippines? Do you prefer chaos or organization, futuristic cities or nature? Would you rather stay somewhere that speaks Spanish? These are the questions you might like to ask yourself.

Hopefully somebody else who has actually been to China and isn't as angry as Eric can help us here in showing Winston why his essay is not a mind-blowing masterpiece.
Okay, let me clarify. What I said exactly was what I meant. U.S.A. has FAR FAR far more brainwashing than nearly any, no all places ever. It is probably worse than North Korea... infact I know it is.
I am terrified to death to go back to the states because of this reason. I know there are tons upon tons of mentally sick far out people, who can't help themselves and will be far out. It's not fun to adapt to this but unfortunately, in America you're given one choice, accept it - Or else. You have to retain your sanity there, and it's hard to do, for lack of better words...people there are just crazy/bent in the head.
Buddy, it's way worss than China, believe me. They are running the most intensive mind-control program through media, etc., the world's EVER seen, on the American people. It's travesty.
The CCP doesn't have to do it bc they already maintain control, see? And they're not trying to brainwash the rest of the world by proxy, which America is. America's made to brainwash and hypnotize the whole world, that's why our media has to be so strong and potent...why our shit is shipped off to every other country.
Last edited by Eric on December 5th, 2016, 9:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

America is and was the most succesful brainwasher on Earth, this is like undebateable. I feel like Winston, because I can remember going around there, feeling not one person around me was sane, normal. It's truly an eerie and scary feeling.
You just have to ignore it and carry on, as best you can.

Don't consume that crap... stay normal and real/genuine. It's kind of like this funhouse effect where you feel like there're so many messed up people around you, that you start to doubt if your ok and then feel weird, it makes you vulnerable to manipulation and opening up to the shit. Doubting yourself, I feel tgis happens to MANY people in America, hence the zombie glazed looks you see and bewildered faces. And why people seem to tend to do stupid shit. Everyones fake, it all adds up. I think it's just a mass amount of brainwashing compacted on itself.

this is a human being at its sickest state.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by momopi »

Taiwan, on the other hand, is a nation of free markets, entrepreneurship, innovation and democracy. Taiwan might be viewed as “the Texas of Asia,” except it’s a whole lot smaller than Texas, and citizens can’t own firearms.
In TW aboriginals are permitted to manufacture and use hunting rifles, however lately they have been bumping heads with the government over hunting rights vs protected species.三審均有罪-王光 ... 00411.html


In the above quote, of 50 some homes in the village, 30 some homes have hunting rifles.

For non aboriginals it is possible to join sporting clubs to purchase shotguns. It's not cheap, NT 60,000 to join initially plus NT 6000 per year fee. Those who can afford it tend to buy nice guns (NT 50000-60000+ back in 2005). Firearms are stored in secure locker at the club but you can get permit to take it to another range or sporting event. (Taipei -- membership info)

Other ranges around TW: (Yilan) ... -散彈槍實彈射擊體驗 (Tainan)楠梓靶場/380631972000074 (Kaoshiung) (Kenting)

There are several orhers around Taiwan. For those interested in Olympic shooting there are also air pistol and air rifle avail in Taipei, Taichung and Kaoshiung. The one in Taipei is open to public.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by starchild5 »

Eric wrote:America is and was the most succesful brainwasher on Earth, this is like undebateable. I feel like Winston, because I can remember going around there, feeling not one person around me was sane, normal. It's truly an eerie and scary feeling.
You just have to ignore it and carry on, as best you can.

Don't consume that crap... stay normal and real/genuine. It's kind of like this funhouse effect where you feel like there're so many messed up people around you, that you start to doubt if your ok and then feel weird, it makes you vulnerable to manipulation and opening up to the shit. Doubting yourself, I feel tgis happens to MANY people in America, hence the zombie glazed looks you see and bewildered faces. And why people seem to tend to do stupid shit. Everyones fake, it all adds up. I think it's just a mass amount of brainwashing compacted on itself.

this is a human being at its sickest state.
Totally Right....As I have said...America is what GOD IS NOT.

America is exact opposite of God itself. I could feel its evil vibes right here in Asia, even though I never step foot in America. People in America are totally claimed. It has also to do with Chemtrails,BPA,GMO, Fluoride, Vaccines...

But, we need to make a point here that...Americans are victim here...The entity that controls America is the real EVIL. Its the seat of Evil in the world.

North Korea is Vaccine Free, Fluoride Free, Chemtrail, GMO Free..If one knows the true history of Korea. North Korea is the sanest country around because...It knows what Truly America is and has nuclear weapons as a deterrent else it would have been already destroyed.

For the nth time...North Korea was ready to offer nuclear weapons to libya..but Gaddafi in his wisdom..trusted the west more and thought..they would never attack libya...Gaddaffi was killed on the streets and the country is still in shambles.

American elites only understand the language of Nuclear Weapons.

Agree..Chinese and Asians are brainwashed too but NOT diabolically experimented upon once mind controlled. Atleast, in Asia..the evil stops, once you are a slave :D but in America...they freaking experiment on you to see how far one can be mind controlled. :shock: :shock:

I'm seriously afraid of going to America than any other place on earth except may be some African countries but Jew S A is the last thing on my mind to visit especially Jew York..That place is the Seat of Evil in Jewmerica.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

I hate to say I agree, brother, but every thing you said is the exact truth. If only people had any idea or woke up to 'reality'.

I hate to think like this. It's at least enough to know about it. I'm not going to think about it..
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Eric »

I wonder how people get this way, I mean the elites. ...What we are looking at or imagining is the long line of the end of what there is. They are people too, they have feelings...dreams, are subject to whims and emotions.

I wonder how life must be what we imagine for them. Of course, its different. Its always different than what we imagine... we always imagine differently.
They are probably just like us. In fact unless they are aliens..Which is really scary, by all accounts at the top it is a very unhappy, miserable and cut throat group of people; which makes sense. Rich have to keep on getting; this is common knowledge,

think I'm going to continue living my life.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Winston wrote: 12. Freedom from expensive healthcare. Going to the doctor or hospital in China is very cheap, almost free, and treatment is also very inexpensive. Even surgery is a fraction of what it is in the US. I've seen doctors in China for only a few dollars. In contrast, the US has the most expensive healthcare in the world, as we all know, and in fact, medical bankruptcies are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America. Healthcare costs are insane in America. Furthermore, in China one can choose from traditional Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture, or modern Western style treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. Chinese hospitals provide both styles of treatment, and wise people say that you should combine the two for maximum effectiveness. But in America, you often don't get a choice. You did in 1800's America though, when allopathic remedies were offered by doctors. But in the 1900's, big pharma totally took over US healthcare and monopolized into a pure profit industry that placed profit over life and health, as we all know.
Add this: To make matters worse, the Unaffordable Care Act required that all Americans have health insurance or face penalties on their tax returns, while at the same time, health insurance premiums have gone up.
35. Freedom from needing a car to get around. In China and other countries, public transportation is very extensive and comprehensive. Especially in cities. You don't need to own a car to get around. There are buses, subways, cheap taxis, standard trains and high speed bullet trains to get you around anywhere you need. Even if you go around by taxis all day, they are fairly cheap, not a ripoff like in the US, and you don't even have to tip the driver. As you know, having to buy a car is a major expense. Most people have to get a loan to get a car, and afterward, there are gas expenses, insurance expenses, maintenance expenses, etc. Plus there's the risk of getting into an accident if you drive everyday, which is a risk to your life, since many thousands of people in the US die every year from auto fatalities. So in China and many other countries, you are free from the burden and expenses of needing a car.
Add this as well: Furthermore, when you're forced to drive everywhere, you have this illusion that you're being turned into a machine or some repressed zombie. But in China, Mexico, and many other countries, you can still function like a real human being by only needing to walk or take public transportation.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Freedom number I'm not sure what...Freedom from over the top pre-employment checks (warning rant)

When I was in China it was possible to go get a job without too much messing about. You had an interview, the company or school needed somebody - so they gave you the job! Within a week or two you were working. This is if you were in China already of course. Applying for jobs in China from overseas was a different kettle of fish.

Here back in the west, I applied to position at a company I had been working for as recently as April 2016. I applied for this new job in December 2016...they are still sending me forms to fill in before I can start! It's not only that there are a lot of forms - but it takes them a week to process each stage and then make contact again. So with online testing, phone interview, in person interview, drugs test, criminal background check, reference check (remember I was working for this company under a year ago!), ID verification etc...I'm still waiting. The job is another city from the one I'm staying in now, but I can't move there until all these things are out of the way and I get a firm job offer, because they they may rule me out on a technicality. By the way, the 'in person' interview with the line manager, not the in company recruiting/HR department, was just a friendly chat, after a minute or so she said 'the job is yours...we need someone ASAP and we don't even have to train you'. However, the recruiting department holds all that up. I know I'm moaning, but does it have to be this way?!

Why all these checks for somebody they have already employed? This is a working class job, but it does take a couple of weeks of training and three months after to get up to speed - however, they don't need to invest in that with me as I know the job. Why are they so slow? If you ring HR they don't answer the phone. They don't answer emails. Yet they call you at any time of the day and then demand you do things within 24 hours. This HR department is a joke...and yes they are all women! But I'm not sure that gender has anything to do with the problem. I asked them about some of the online aptitud tests they put people through and suggested that the level of literacy required was out of step with the job itself. I found the tests tough and I have a university education, this job doesn't even require a high school certifiate, you just need to be reliable and hardworking. However, without implementing this online testing - the new HR manager couldn't justify her poistion to the CEO I guess - it's a question of looking cutting edge - but really f***ing the practicalities. It's just over standardization, too many forms...nobody taking responsibility. I'm sure there was less useless read tape in Soviet Russia. At least then you could write to Stalin and he'd answer you. Now you are just a number...not even a number - you are a fraction!? I've noticed this a lot managers in different settings screaming at their workers to hurry up as they are understaffed, but when you try and get a job it's a nightmare! I really miss the old days where you could walk into places asking for a job. I've tried that lately, but they just tell you to go away and apply online. Great then my CV will be in with the 100 other people who applied. The system seems broken to me. Eventually I'll have the job I suppose - but really I could have been doing it two months ago - already have saved something and be planning my next escape from the nightmare that is the modern world!! :D
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have

Groundbreaking comparisons you will NEVER hear in Western media
Winston that's a very interesting post!!!! It makes me want to almost move to China!!!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Hyyish »

Very interesting post.

It is indeed funny how everyone think they are so free in the Western World, but you need a permit almost for everything. I feel that the only freedom I have in my home country is to wake up, go to work, run in the park and go back sleep. Everything else is heavily regulated or taxed. Not so free after all...

Luckily, I live in Thailand, so stupid regulations is a thing of the past.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Winston »

Dan Cilley put up my podcast on YouTube about the many freedoms in China and surplus of women that you never get to hear about for some reason. Here it is. Please go to the video page below and click the like button or thumbs up button to help it get more publicity and hits and higher rankings in YouTube search. Thanks.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Colombiom »

As divided as America is, to say it's more brainwashed than North Korea where the government literally restricts the information available to the public, that's fairly ignorant. At least in America with the internet and two brain cells to rub together you can learn virtually anything, and millions of people do. The rest, CNN and willful ignorance and BS lmfao
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by xiongmao »

I think the UK has more rules than anywhere else. When I came back from living in Thailand I was amazed to see my sister's town had a parking shop. There's actually a shop where you pay to park your car in certain places.

As for brainwashing - look at all the enforced ethnic diversity and positive immigration stories pushed through mainstream TV.
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