Why do Filipinos NEVER share costs with foreigners or treat?!

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Shemp »

There's some sense in what DanCilley in saying, the same thing I've long been saying: paying the woman ensures compliance, above and beyond the compliance that comes from pleasing her in bed to the point where you are not easily replaceable by another man. Though I'm not sure where DanCilley is going to get the money to pay for this harem.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by dancilley »

I want to go to a place where the women do not have access to TV or internet or phones. And they will not have any desire to use them, because no one that they know uses them. They may not even really know what these things are.

Technology is "the devil." Seriously, technology is additional competition for the women's brains that a man has to compete for. The brain is "the customer" and we (men) are trying to satisfy them. But when the customer is being served by TV, Internet, smartphones, and unhealthy food...then a man must work harder to win the customer's attention.

And when the customer is constantly receiving, receiving, receiving, she expects a certain level of quality of service...and that is stressful for a man to maintain. I am trying to figure out why Americanized (First-world) women are so toxic. And I think it's just a matter of how much stimulation (competition) a woman's brain is receiving. We need to go to low-competition environments.

Also, men are toxic also, and because you eat unhealthy food just like women do, and watch TV, etc....your brain is similarly jaded, so you are not as desperate to date women. Hence, the relative ease at which men can say they are going their own way (I mean, who would seriously ignore women as though they are unimportant?).

In the ideal environment, men and women strongly desire each other, and value each other highly. They pay attention to each other. They do everything together. It's a "primitive" lifestyle...but I think it's the happiest and most pleasant one.

When the body becomes acclimated to unhealthy food, healthy food tastes bland, and you crave unhealthy food. People need to eat healthy foods and become used to their taste, and forget about unhealthy foods. When you avoid hyper-stimulating foods (and TV, etc.) you will become very lonely, because the brain is not being stimulated. But this is what is supposed to drive to toward involving yourself with women. When both sexes are very motivated to stimulate their brains, they will value each other again.

I believe the best life possible is being with healthy and happy people, and harmoniously cooperating with them toward one common purpose, such as having sex, making love, eating together, sharing common observations, etc. When both people are happy and in the same "vibration," they are said to "resonate" at the same frequency. This creates a feeling of synergy...of happiness and joy shared. I want to feel this way every day.

For example, how would it feel to have multiple women all happy and joyful and hospitable? I am working on designing such a lifestyle. I am guaranteeing that the women will all be super giving and generous and loving, 24/7. To do so, we must have knowledge of what causes health and wellness and a hospitable disposition.

Technology will lure the women "off-track" to their "destruction." The women must have healthy habits of living. They must feel content with eating whole, unprocessed foods. They must enjoy gardening. They must absolutely love sex and think it is health-promoting, therapeutic, (what you're supposed to do), etc. The "simple pleasures" in life must actually give them pleasure (unlike toxic Americanized women).

When a man and a woman can both enjoy the simple pleasures in life, that's the best life possible. There shouldn't be any rushing of anything. There shouldn't be any signs of toxicity, such as complaining, being lazy, shouting, arguing, feeling resentful, being disappointed, being desperate and needy, throwing tantrums, etc. I am trying to solve all the problems of human interaction, so that people can live the best life possible. How can we cause women to be nice, kind, generous, appreciative, loving, giving, etc.?

Winston's girlfriend is showing signs of toxicity: She is being resentful that Winston won't contribute $1,000 dollars or whatever? See, if a woman does that, she is in a state of lack and need. For some reason, she thinks she needs money in order to be happy, and worse, she is expecting someone else to supply the money to her, instead of earning it herself. But people don't need much, in order to be happy, when they are healthy.

What do you need in order to be happy? Oxygen, water, and healthy food...shelter, and clothes. You don't need soda, chocolate, ice cream, chips, fries, burgers, fried chicken, fried rice, pizza, a house, a wardrobe, 75 pairs of shoes, makeup, a large house with a bedroom for each occupant, etc. These are things which drug (overstimulate) the brain and breed more (unnecessary) desire.

It's weird, people in America are very unfree due to other people being so toxic. They think that raising kids costs a lot of money, because other families spend a lot of money on their kids. They think they have to have a house, because there's "not enough room" for all their stuff, and each person must have their own room. They can't live with their parents, because they can't have sex in their parents' house. They can't drive an older car, because people will think they are poor. They can't ride a bicycle, because people will make fun of them. They can't sing in public, because someone will criticize them. The American people are unloving and very in need of love. Not more material goods.

If you can put yourself in an environment where the women are healthy and unjaded, and are hospitable and loving, then you will not feel a need to slave away to "win" a good woman. You shouldn't have to struggle to be happy, like Rocky (In the movie Rocky) does, or Rudy (in the movie Rudy) does; you should be happy already and feeling joyous and alive every day! You shouldn't suffer and struggle until you finally get what you've been killing yourself for; you should just be happy and smile and laugh all the time! If you are not happy all the time, then something physically may be wrong with you, or the people around you may be causing you to become depressed. I am trying to figure out all the solutions to these problems.

For example, in Rocky, Rocky drinks 5 eggs. Adrian's brother is seen eating meat one time, right. Adrian also cooks a turkey. These are all animal products. Animal products are very unhealthy. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. said one time, "Most of America is semi-encephalopathic, or even psychotic, due to the high-protein intake of the American diet." There are nitrogenous wastes which are produced when you eat too much protein, and they poison the body and brain, so this may explain the aggressiveness of many people in America; how they are unhappy in the moment and feel angry unless they get what they want. People who eat a vegan diet many times have a "peaceful" and loving personality; they are at-ease due to the lack of toxic waste circulating throughout their body.

Feeding sugar water to a baby causes the baby to become "magnetized" to the person who gave the sugarwater, and the baby ignores the rest of the people in the room. I believe this is what happens to people in general (how they do not value meeting new people, and would rather rush home and eat ice cream and watch TV instead). Sugar produces a narcotic effect in the brain, exactly the same as illegal drugs (but just not as strong).

The new paradigm (due to technology's effect on society) is for men to go to different countries. Go to where women value you. You cannot be valued (much) in America, due to all the stimulation available to women's brains. Everyone must accept this truth. You can't act like nothing has changed. If you do, you will suffer. "In times of change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." - Eric Hoffer
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

For that, go to the more rural parts of Africa, India, Nepal, Papua, Myanmar, Laos, or any of those last Stone Age bastions.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by dancilley »

Falcon wrote:For that, go to the more rural parts of Africa, India, Nepal, Papua, Myanmar, Laos, or any of those last Stone Age bastions.
Exactly. Let's do it! Who is with me? Let's go to where the women LOVE us! Isn't that what is important in life?

Imagine having like 5 healthy, loving women, who all are cooperating together in harmony! Everyone is happy because they eat only vegan, whole foods, and do not have access to any technology. They will be super-appreciative and happy with whatever you give them! You may not need multiple women, because each woman should be super-attentive and sexual. But you can have many women!

How do we do this? I'm assuming they won't know English, so we'll have to learn their language. It's worth it though, because being able to be sexually satisfied every day and be treated well all the time, and be around healthy people who are content and happy all the time is what really matters in life!

Falcon, how do you know of all these places? It sounds like you have done a lot of research. I don't know much about those places, but I'm going to study them. I know that Laos eats 90% of its diet as whole plant foods.

This is serious! All men must go to where they can truly be a man, where you will be respected! You get to provide for your women, and they love you! They love having sex with you, and crave to have babies with you, because their brain is not stimulated by any dairy products, refined sugar, MSG/flavor enhancers, chocolate, caffeine, salt...or the internet, TV, social media, movies, phones, etc.!

This is the best life possible, where a woman hopes and pretty much begs for you to choose her and be her Man...her protector, her provider, etc....as long as you provide whole foods for her and the babies, she should love you. You get to finally be in charge and be respected! You pay for everything, and they spread their legs for you on command, or voluntarily because they have a great desire to please you!

Become a Real Man...go where no man has gone before! That's what we need to do! Imagine a life of being physically active all day long...a "caveman" lifestyle...where you breathe clean air and smell the nature around you. Growing all the food on your land that you need for your family and the tribe around you. You are The King! But you will not eat like a king and get fat and sick like kings used to. You will get to express your sexuality fully, all the way, uninhibited. You claim every woman, and they want to be with you, because you have more resources than other men.

It's better to be a big fish in a small pond! Be the one they want! Can you imagine women loving you all the time, and getting everything you want!?

Here we go!

Update: Oh, now I see that Falcon has been to many places abroad.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Winston »

Last night my filipina date invited another couple to join us for drinks at a live band place here in angeles city. When the bill came i only paid the drinks for me and my date, not the other filipino couple. They looked a bit disappointed at having to pay their share. I felt they were hoping i would pay their share too. Was i supposed to? Did i do anything wrong? Would u have done the same?

Plus i didnt know them and they hardly interacted or spoke to me either. So i didnt care much about their opinion of me.

One time my dad treated my middle class filipino family friends and they wanted to invite more people too. My dad was too shy to say no.

So even middle class will do that too. I dont get why they arent content to be treated without bringing their friends. Strange.

Even a nichiren buddhist family here in angeles did that. When i invited them to a Chinese restaurant for my birthday they asked if they could bring more people. I dont get why.

If someone wanted to buy me dinner i wouldnt feel the need to bring more people.

Dont u hate it when ur date says that her other friends or colleagues want to come and meet u too? Lol. It usually means they wanna get free food and drinks off you, without even asking you first if you wanna treat them. They just expect it as if you will be happy to treat them all without them even asking. Weird and shameless.

Its not necessarily scheming or manipulative. Its just part of the culture here to make foreigners and overseas filipino workers pay for everything all the time, every time without shame. They assume you are santa claus and want to capitalize and collect on your presupposed generosity. Lol

They also like to ask for loans too. Even nice girls will sometimes ask for a loan. They see that as normal. They even ask for loans from their own female close friends too.

What if a girl youre dating who seems nice asks to borrow money from you. What you usually say? I get that a lot. Its not very flattering.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by starchild5 »

I have experienced this countless times. The date would call out her friends and then I will have to foot the bill. One time, i even paid for the gas so that her friends could come in their own vehicle as they had a 1 year old baby :D

The western system is exact opposite. They always go Dutch and you have to pay for your own food. I have experienced that as well.

Between these two options. I prefer spending money on all than be on myself, its not the right way but since I don't expect anything in return. Its fine and I love to meet & know filipinos and spend money on them by how much i can afford...that's the way i roll.

American way is way too artificial and mechanical. In India, when we go out, one guy will foot the bill, we even have a mini fight on who will pay, it works on understanding that, if i pay this time, you would next.


I don't like to go out with Americans if ever, because they are too conscious on spending money. They never spend money on others and if they ever did, will try to milk that event for ever. Even on dating sites, western women complain about stinginess of western men.


I think you made a mistake here. Your date invited them, in this case, it's assumed that, you/she as a couple will pay for them, as you admitted you didn't even know them, then why would they even join you, if you can't offer them free food and drinks..We are certainly not the greatest gift to mankind for them to just meet you for the sake of it by paying from their own pocket. :|

What could you have possibly offered them to pay for their own food in exchange of meeting you :lol: :lol: ...Of Course they were disappointed. Did you offer them, how to get green card in America, a job, conspiracy talk...NO, because you mentioned they were disappointed...which means...You were not a delight at all...You did not offer them anything of value.... on top of it, you made them pay for food, if this ain't true American spirit then what is :lol: ..What you did was logical not heartful....Just the way world approves it but not spirituality.

You incurred BAD KARMA HERE.

You are now basically a Kuripot as Filipinas call stingy men :D


You could have avoided this situation by simply saying NO to your date for bringing her friends, which we very well know and is documented here that, they will never pay for their food/drinks...Then why did you not say NO in the first place...DOUBLE KARMA. :shock: :shock:

Its not that easy though. I do not also agree with Filipino Culture of me always eating for free. What the Filipinos do is also not the right way. There is a Karmic problem there too by just eating free all the time and not given the favor in return.

Filipinos also incur BAD KARMA by being Freeloaders.

BUT the Karma is a B*tch for this reason alone :D . Karma + Karma is NOT GOOD KARMA. KARMA means by default NOT GOOD...in a very simple way.

The Number 1 DHARMA (the right way to do it) for you would be, TO AVOID THESE BAD KARMIC SITUATIONS.

You should have avoided this situation to materialize in the first place by simply saying NO. You MUST tell your date not to invite anyone. Period, because we know they are never going to pay back because of Filipino culture. so avoid that situation AVOID BAD KARMA.

This is the difference between Ignorance which is a Sin and Knowledge.


Now, since you are a OLD SOUL. The effect of bad karma will be quick...You will see MONEY you saved on the date, getting wasted in a worse possible way, but you will have no control over it. It may also not be the same amount, depending upon how bad those couple felt. You will feel awful when that money goes away from you...You will try hard not to give that money, but it will go away from you, the worse possible way... I think you wrote this, because you knew, something was not right.

Avoid KARMA. Follow DHARMA. Remember, Filipinos are not right as well. They are ignorant too. The do not know The Subtle Spiritual Laws that permeates everything. When you interact with Bad Karmic People, You get Bad Karma in return.

Otherwise. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING IN RETURN. Like I Do. I avoid Karmic Situations in Philippines by only giving never expecting anything back ever. What goes around comes around aka Karma will never apply to you, when you just give everything away for the sake of it never expecting anything back.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Winston »

Why would i incur bad karma? I didnt do anything wrong. I never agreed to treat them. They offered me nothing too. They didnt even want to talk to me. So they were rude as well.

I did tell my date that i didnt want to meet her friends if i would have to treat them. She said ok and that they would pay for themselves. Plus I thought the male of the other couple would pay half since hes male and men are supposed to pay for women. I dont go out with filipino males much but when i have they usually paid too.

If they think i have no value unless i pay then they dont respect me. Did you consider that? Thats not true friendship.

Rock told me by principle he does not treat filipinos unless he invites them. And he states that upfront. Thats a logical self respecting rule to go by isnt it?

You ought to adopt that rule starchild. Tell your date you do not want to be forced to treat girls you didnt invite. Or Filipinos you didnt invite. Or say that you are low on cash and cant afford to treat extra people. Why not? Why you like to be taken advantage of?

The only exception i would make is if my date needs to bring a chaperone on the first date because she is young and that is the custom in asian countries. Then i would treat the chaperone but I would go somewhere cheap like a food court. Fortunately though, filipinos dont eat that much and sometimes will even share one meal together amongst two girls.

So why do filipinos never feel shame for freeloading and always making others pay for them? And they never treat back either.

In China people also will treat you and take turns with that. Even women will treat men.

Try this: Why dont you try asking filipinos if they were in your shoes if they would pay the bill of every Filipino who sits at their table. They will be speechless. What does that tell you?

They also forget that not all foreigners are rich. But even if i am rich, i still dont like to be taken advantage of without my permission.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Winston »

Heres what my italian friend alex said about this subject:

[2/26, 6:38 AM] Alex From Italy: I had a Canadian friend and I well remember how much upset he was when he is been invited by his Filipino friend to have a dinner at a resto, then other friends of Filipino friend joined and the resto was expensive one. my Canadian friend didn't eat much, thought the whole be was on him
[2/26, 6:38 AM] Alex From Italy: LOL
[2/26, 6:39 AM] Alex From Italy: the whole bill for everyone was on him
[2/26, 6:39 AM] Alex From Italy: very unfair very very
[2/26, 6:42 AM] Alex From Italy: he didn't expect that he would have been given to pay the whole bill for everyone
[2/26, 6:43 AM] Alex From Italy: when the other joined he thought they would have paid for themselves
[2/26, 6:44 AM] Alex From Italy: anyway, if it was me I would have sent the bill back for separate recount
[2/26, 6:45 AM] Alex From Italy: yes, I know the custom but it's unfair and racist because based on plain assumption that whoever is foreigner is rich
[2/26, 6:49 AM] Alex From Italy: me, if ever happens I invite a girl and she comes with unexpected friends, relatives I immediately make it clear that I'm not gonna pay for anyone else than me and her
[2/26, 7:02 AM] Winston: Dont u hate it when ur date says that her other friends or colleagues want to come and meet u too? Lol
[2/26, 7:03 AM] Alex From Italy: usually I don't like
[2/26, 7:04 AM] Alex From Italy: especially because when being more than two the conversation is affected due to lack of privacy
[2/26, 7:04 AM] Alex From Italy: so the purpose of date is spoiled
[2/26, 7:04 AM] Alex From Italy: especially first date
[2/26, 7:06 AM] Alex From Italy: and often the friend or colleague only talk to your date, not to you or just play the phone
[2/26, 7:06 AM] Alex From Italy: so it's a total waste to bear the cost of the additional meal
[2/26, 7:08 AM] Winston: Ive treated a chaperone before. But not a whole group.
[2/26, 7:08 AM] Alex From Italy: fist date must be two only in my opinion
[2/26, 7:08 AM] Alex From Italy: first
[2/26, 7:09 AM] Alex From Italy: otherwise isn't enjoyable
[2/26, 7:09 AM] Winston: In asia the tradition for young girl is to bring a chaperone anyway.
[2/26, 7:10 AM] Winston: Even in china it is the custom to bring chaperone.
[2/26, 7:10 AM] Winston: Unless the girl is over 25.
[2/26, 7:10 AM] Alex From Italy: whatever
[2/26, 7:10 AM] Alex From Italy: it's not good
[2/26, 7:11 AM] Alex From Italy: it affects the conversation
[2/26, 7:11 AM] Winston: In china though the people u treat will treat u back. To be fair.
[2/26, 7:11 AM] Alex From Italy: the girls can't talk freely of any topic because of the presence of the other person
[2/26, 7:12 AM] Winston: I sometimes can joke with the other girl and talk to her too especially if shes cute too. Then i start flirting with her too lol.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Winston »

I don't understand why im expected to pay for every filipino sitting at my table, even if i didnt invite them and dont know them. Its kind of unfair. But thats the mentality and custom here, to always make the foreigners pay. How would you feel if people did that to you? They do the same with overseas filipino workers returning home too, im sure.

Even if im wealthy, still I should be able to choose who i treat. It shouldnt be forced upon me without my consent or agreement.

I wouldnt mind if they asked my permission first before leeching off me. But they dont when they bring friends.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Kradmelder »

It sounds very parasitic. Is that the norm? I would never invite friends. If i invite someone I pay for them. Not their friends. If your friend invites others, then they should pay. Who cares what other filipinos think of you. Did your lady say anything or call you a kuripot? :lol: Maybe find a better class of lady who wants to help you build up money rather than waste it on parasites. If she wants to introduce you, let her bring you to their homes.

This weekend my gf's boss invites her and me to dinner. I said I have my son and must bring him with, but I will pay for him, my gf and myself then. He has no problem, bring my son. But we went to a show after and I paid for the 3 of us.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Rock »

Just say NO.

When I would meet new girls before, I would tell them they could bring one person for first meeting if they didn't feel comfortable alone. But one only. I was proactive in making that clear. Subsequent meetings needed to be private in most cases and once again, I made that clear.

Deeper down, Filipinos know they are taking advantage of you when they or their friends leech off you. The ones with half a brain know that well. For some of them, it's even a kinda cliche. The trick is to find an elegant way to dodge this. I usually ask what's gonna transpire ahead of time to be sure. If they throw a surprise at me and others show, I may pretend to get a text or call say 10 min into meeting, make an excuse, and exit before any consumption can take place. If they bring leeches without asking first, it's a sign that they do not respect you much and probably would not be worth knowing. At best, they might be good for a P4P arrangement if you are really into their look.

Kuripot is actually not so bad. I think it has a thrifty connotation embedded whereas maramot is more on the negative (stingy) side. I may be wrong about that but who cares. I'm acknowledge that I am kuripot. If you are too soft a touch, Filipinos will not respect you for that.

If they ask for a loan, I agree to it and follow-up by asking what collateral they will put up. That usually stops them in their tracks. If they were more honest with me and themselves, they would just ask for a gift (help) and perhaps offer something in exchange. Loan and borrow are very dirty words in my book. They bring bad luck and destroy relationships, even back in the west.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Kradmelder »

Rock wrote:Just say NO.

When I would meet new girls before, I would tell them they could bring one person for first meeting if they didn't feel comfortable alone. But one only. I was proactive in making that clear. Subsequent meetings needed to be private in most cases and once again, I made that clear.

Deeper down, Filipinos know they are taking advantage of you when they or their friends leech off you. The ones with half a brain know that well. For some of them, it's even a kinda cliche. The trick is to find an elegant way to dodge this. I usually ask what's gonna transpire ahead of time to be sure. If they throw a surprise at me and others show, I may pretend to get a text or call say 10 min into meeting, make an excuse, and exit before any consumption can take place. If they bring leeches without asking first, it's a sign that they do not respect you much and probably would not be worth knowing. At best, they might be good for a P4P arrangement if you are really into their look.

Kuripot is actually not so bad. I think it has a thrifty connotation embedded whereas maramot is more on the negative (stingy) side. I may be wrong about that but who cares. I'm acknowledge that I am kuripot. If you are too soft a touch, Filipinos will not respect you for that.

If they ask for a loan, I agree to it and follow-up by asking what collateral they will put up. That usually stops them in their tracks. If they were more honest with me and themselves, they would just ask for a gift (help) and perhaps offer something in exchange. Loan and borrow are very dirty words in my book. They bring bad luck and destroy relationships, even back in the west.
Sounds like Winston is being taken by the Filipine hustle :lol: Ive never had any woman bring along company on a date. If she is uncomfortable, then tell her it is a public place, even one of her choosing, and you can pay for her taxi home. I can imagine filipine whatapp go wild : "come one come all. Mr Wu's treat" :lol:
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Winston »

Kradmelder, you obviously never dated in Asia. In Asia. a young girl will usually bring a chaperone along on the first or second date. Especially if she is late teens or early twenties. That's customary. But not a group or family to make you treat them, that's leeching. In Philippines that sort of thing happens to ALL foreigners, except maybe MarcosZeitola. lol. But all expats here experience it from time to time. I don't experience it much, but sometimes I do. Especially with young inexperienced Filipino girls. The expats here all hate that. Maybe the Koreans don't mind being leeched off of, but the western expats hate it too.
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Kradmelder »

Winston wrote:Kradmelder, you obviously never dated in Asia. In Asia. a young girl will usually bring a chaperone along on the first or second date. Especially if she is late teens or early twenties. That's customary. But not a group or family to make you treat them, that's leeching. In Philippines that sort of thing happens to ALL foreigners, except maybe MarcosZeitola. lol. But all expats here experience it from time to time. I don't experience it much, but sometimes I do. Especially with young inexperienced Filipino girls. The expats here all hate that. Maybe the Koreans don't mind being leeched off of, but the western expats hate it too.
No I haven't and didn't know you asians had it so tough. And I assume asians dont exactly like to speak out as well.

Im not exactly in the market for teens or early 20s either :mrgreen: The normal old fashioned way here would be you go to the house and meet the father, and have the daughter back at a set time. The father doesn't expect to come along with a host of people, and if anything will offer you something. After the first date you will be invited for a braai. No one would ever bring friends. You don't have to get past the friends. You have to get past dad, go there and be polite and respectful, say goeie aand Meneer, mevrou etc. You don't respect the lady of the house or the daughter you will be picking up your teeth :lol: You will get grilled. You had better have a job or decent prospects and be of good reputation or else :mrgreen: You walk in with a hat on, slouched, hands in pockets, head set etc and you will be physically picked up and dropped outside on the pavement :lol:
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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by droid »

Screw that, I have a hard time believing they're such shameless freeloaders. I'm glad you didn't pay for those people Winston, don't let anyone guilt trip you into paying. Do it only if you're getting some actual value, like if they are explaining to you how to get around or how to do business etc.
Having said this, could it be like in Korea, where the rule is that the eldest person at the table is expected to pay? I understand this is the case even if you are just months older.

Like I said all that crap is non-existent in Vietnam, they have some dignity and actually try to spend to impress you a little bit, within their resources, at least in my experience.
Only in one occasion one girl joined to chat and I bought her a $1.5 drink, which was fine but for her not saying thank-you. I explained to my girl that this was not acceptable and that whenever someone joined they would have to pay for themselves. I explained "it's not the money, of course" and she agreed, never happened again.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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