Putting off the Most Important Thing

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Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by MrMan »

I was talking to a boy when I was in middle school about faith in God. He said that he wanted to enjoy his life now and live it up, then worry about that stuff when he got old.

That's a really bad decision for a number of reasons. One reason is that we are not in control of how long we live. He could die at any moment from a heart attack.

Another reason that is a bad idea is because we can have peace and joy in this life if we are at peace with God and our sins are forgiven. God made us and He knows what's best for us.

If you sin, it separates you from God. It hurts your relationship with Him. God sent His own Son into the world , Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the anointed One, who shed His blood and died on a cross to pay the penalty for your sin. Jesus also conquered death, demonstrated by the fact that God raised Him from the dead. Christ is the 'firstfruits' of the resurrection. The dead will be raised and will stand before God in the future. Those who are Christ's, who are reconciled with God through faith in Christ have their sins forgiven and do not need to fear the final judgment. But those who are not forgiven who have rejected Christ will be condemned.

You don't have to declare your rejection of Christ
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Man With a Plan »

There's also the question of which god is right. If the 'right' god even exists. If humanity got his (or her) words correct.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Newsflash: Not everyone here agrees with you that Jesus Christ is "god" in any way shape or form.

Your message might be more appropriate for a Christian-oriented forum because there are people of many other faiths on this forum not to mention agnostics and atheists.

I get that people of "faith" wish to proselytize, but Christian orthodoxy is particularly arrogant in that pursuit, worse than Islam even.

It is bad enough that HappierAbroad has attracted a handful of White Nationalist knuckledraggers, but if the Christianization effort of a few zealots keeps on, the board will hasten its decline.

Perhaps that is what they want....
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Adama »

2 Thessalonians 2 makes it clear, that if a person rejects Christ in preference for the pleasure of unrighteousness, that He rejects them.

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Besides that, just because you're unsaved it doesn't make you free to commit all the sin you want. Unless a person is a reprobate, they are not free to live in complete sin. Only reprobates can do anything they want. If a person is to be saved in the future, they are still not allowed to do whatever they want. A person must be rejected by Christ for them to be free to complete any and every kind of filth they want. Their hearts must be completely hardened and unable to believe the gospel for them to be able to live like pigs and dogs. Because after a certain point, God will no longer want them. Remember He wants us to live holy.

But salvation is by faith alone and is the free gift of God simply for believing in Christ. Then God imputes the righteousness of Christ onto us, making us worthy to enter heaven. And if a person believes that there is still something which he or she must do as an individual in addition to believing (adding works), then that person is taking the full glory away from Christ and therefore is not saved. Christ gets all the glory because He did all the work. And once saved, a person can never lose their salvation, because the free gift is not earned and salvation is not of works. There's nothing a person can do to lose it. However, continuing in iniquity will bring about disease and premature death. The soul will remain saved, but the body will be destroyed. Salvation is both free and eternal.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

This is how you deal with evil, demonic, foolish, Christian cultists:


Thank goodness they are disappearing from the face of the earth each day!

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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Adama »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote: It is bad enough that HappierAbroad has attracted a handful of White Nationalist knuckledraggers, but if the Christianization effort of a few zealots keeps on, the board will hasten its decline.

I don't even think most members of this forum can be saved.

This is even in the religious section.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Adama wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote: It is bad enough that HappierAbroad has attracted a handful of White Nationalist knuckledraggers, but if the Christianization effort of a few zealots keeps on, the board will hasten its decline.

I don't even think most members of this forum can be saved.

This is even in the religious section.
It is actually you who needs to be saved from your prison of false religious dogma.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Adama »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
Adama wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote: It is bad enough that HappierAbroad has attracted a handful of White Nationalist knuckledraggers, but if the Christianization effort of a few zealots keeps on, the board will hasten its decline.

I don't even think most members of this forum can be saved.

This is even in the religious section.
It is actually you who needs to be saved from your prison of false religious dogma.
The righteousness of God is life.

Who is the one hoping for the death of others? Who is it cursing other people? The Bible instructs us not to do such things, not to curse or mock people, especially not innocent people. And I should be saved from the commandments which prolong life?

Should I begin to curse those who disagree with me?

Nobody's going to force you to believe in Christ no more than I'm going to stop someone from posting on Darwin and Einstein. I don't tell anyone to stop posting on their theories of evolution. I just do what freedom of speech calls for - I present a counter view. Now the atheist God haters see this as spreading religion. While they don't see their continuous references to evolutionary theories and other beliefs as them preaching their religion. This is where the division always comes down to: the atheist belief in science (and Greek philosophy), and the believers belief in the Bible.

Funny I just remembered. There was a woman I was talking to about Christ recently, and she started saying that she can't believe in Him because of some archaeology and some texts. I told her "bye" quickly. There is no countering such a mindset. Poor woman believes the world over God.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Adama wrote:This is where the division always comes down to: the atheist belief in science (and Greek philosophy), and the believers belief in the Bible.
So what make you think I am an atheist simply because I am sure Jesus is not a god? Don't make dogmatically foolish assumptions that might not at all be true.

Also, not every person of faith regards the bible as their holy book. Most people in the world do not. I guess in your view most people who have ever existed in the world are non-believers since the bible was NOTHING to them. How ridiculous Christian zealots realize they are when they acknowledge that fact that flies in the face of their "programming."

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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by MrMan »

Contrarian Expat,

Maybe you should ask yourself why Christians and their message bother you so much. Also, why would you consider that anger-filled diatribe from the guy who hated the street preacher to be worth posting. I went to Hollywood once. There was a scientologist standing out on a sidewalk trying to recruit people to his religion. I didn't get horribly angry with the man or cuss him out. I met a Moonie in college who was trying to do the same thing. I didn't get angry at him. He did chase me across the paved area in front of the student center, but that was a combination of him being Korean and wanting less personal space than I wanted, and my reaction to his garlicky breath. But I didn't get angry. Why do these angry anti-Christian videos appeal to you? Do you have a seething anger in you about it? If this were just some belief sytem you disagreed with, and it didn't hit a nerve, why would it bother you so much?

The angry man in the video's argument doesn't hold water. If someone believed a building were going to blow up, I wouldn't get angry at him for 'threatening' everyone by warning them about a bomb. If he were mistaken and repeated what he heard from false bomb threat, I wouldn't get angry at him about that either. That's not threatening. That's warning. Saying 'The cops are coming' isn't a threat either. Warning a drug dealer taking drugs into Singapore that he may get the death penalty isn't threatening him either.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by MrMan »

Adama wrote:2 Thessalonians 2 makes it clear, that if a person rejects Christ in preference for the pleasure of unrighteousness, that He rejects them.
Adama wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote: It is bad enough that HappierAbroad has attracted a handful of White Nationalist knuckledraggers, but if the Christianization effort of a few zealots keeps on, the board will hasten its decline.

I don't even think most members of this forum can be saved.

This is even in the religious section.
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Besides that, just because you're unsaved it doesn't make you free to commit all the sin you want. Unless a person is a reprobate, they are not free to live in complete sin. Only reprobates can do anything they want. If a person is to be saved in the future, they are still not allowed to do whatever they want. A person must be rejected by Christ for them to be free to complete any and every kind of filth they want. Their hearts must be completely hardened and unable to believe the gospel for them to be able to live like pigs and dogs. Because after a certain point, God will no longer want them. Remember He wants us to live holy.

But salvation is by faith alone and is the free gift of God simply for believing in Christ. Then God imputes the righteousness of Christ onto us, making us worthy to enter heaven. And if a person believes that there is still something which he or she must do as an individual in addition to believing (adding works), then that person is taking the full glory away from Christ and therefore is not saved. Christ gets all the glory because He did all the work. And once saved, a person can never lose their salvation, because the free gift is not earned and salvation is not of works. There's nothing a person can do to lose it. However, continuing in iniquity will bring about disease and premature death. The soul will remain saved, but the body will be destroyed. Salvation is both free and eternal.
I can't say I completely agree with Adama's theory about the people on the forum. I don't think it's my place to judge that people on a forum like this can't be saved. Saul of Tarsus rejected Jesus, even persecuted Him by persecuting the church. He did it out of ignorance and repented. Even rejecting Christ can be forgiven if one repents and believes like Saul, also known as Paul, did.

Jesus did not just come to save those who were good by the world's standards. Jesus told certain religious leaders that the prostitutes and tax collectors would enter the kingdom before they did because they repented at the preaching of John the Baptist.

These verse contains a stern warning, but also hope for sinners.

I Corinthians 6
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

There is a warning about all these different kinds of sinners not inheriting the kingdom of God. That includes fornicators, people who sleep around outside of marriage including prostitutes and those who have sex with them. There are also adulterers, sexual sin that involves someone who is married. There are two words for homosexuals.

One guy once confessed to me that he'd been involved in a homosexual relationship, but he said he was the pitcher and not the catcher. TMI, but maybe he thought that a worse thing to be. It's possible that's what 'arsenokoite' and 'malakos' translated 'homosexuals' and 'sodomites' mean. One translation had a footnote translating the word 'malakos' as 'catamite. A Greek expert I asked agreed with the theory that 'arsenokoite' meant 'pitcher' and 'malakos' meant 'catcher.' Not his words, but that was the idea.

These are disgusting sins, i.e. abominations. The Old Testament teaches that this type of homosexual activity is an abomination, and prescribed a death penalty crime for men who engaged in such sexual activity in Israel.

But God still will forgive fornicators and those who engaged in homosexual acts through faith in Christ. Not 'and such were some of you.' Those who have done such things can be washed, sanctified, and justified through Jesus Christ.

Paul also mentions idolators, a horrific crime, giving an idol worship that is due God. Yet God can forgive even this.

Salvation is not only for people who are considered to be good people by the world's standards. It is also for dirty rotten sinners, even those who have rejected Jesus in the past, but repent and believe in him.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Adama »

A tree is known by its fruits and every tree which Father God has not planted will be uprooted.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MrMan wrote:Contrarian Expat,

Maybe you should ask yourself why Christians and their message bother you so much. Also, why would you consider that anger-filled diatribe from the guy who hated the street preacher to be worth posting.
This is not a question of Christians bothering me personally. It is a question of the negative role religious faith plays in the world and in suspending peoples' thinking processes. Trying to make this about ME trivializes the issue when it is larger than you can imagine.

Christianity is evil in that is acknowledges that god grants everyone free will, but it strays into the realm of great evil by trying to scare people (not me) into thinking if they dare to exercise their free will away from Christianity, they will burn in tortuous hell among the red demons piercing their flesh with pitchforks. Really? How dare you preach this filth to children and gullible adults?

Also, many Christian faiths encourage people to have a certain "in your face," arrogant self-righteousness. The video shows an example of the tables being turned and the self-righteous Christianizer being exposed for what he is, nothing special. I encourage people to get in the faces of self-righteous Christians who try to come off as pious or holy or from god, or whatever. I can tell you that you won't be struck with lightening, or stricken with a heart attack or hit by a bus, or anything else they might try to scare you away with.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Adama »

The devils will also be under punishment. They are not the torturers. They also will be tortured. Satan isn't the king of hell, neither will he reign there. He's the one who is deceiving the world into thinking God doesn't exist and that none of this is real.

Also there is no suspension in thinking processes. I can think as well as anyone else. What stops is the desire to be great among men, such as the accumulation of wealth.
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Re: Putting off the Most Important Thing

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Adama wrote:The devils will also be under punishment. They are not the torturers. They also will be tortured. Satan isn't the king of hell, neither will he reign there. He's the one who is deceiving the world into thinking God doesn't exist and that none of this is real.

Also there is no suspension in thinking processes. I can think as well as anyone else. What stops is the desire to be great among men, such as the accumulation of wealth.
If there is a hell, I am quite sure anyone with such a toxic opinion is sure to burn in it.

Put your thinking cap on for just once!
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