Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

Adama wrote:
November 28th, 2017, 3:02 pm
The elitists want to make women the heads of the household instead of the father and instead of the husband. This is what I am talking about. Instead of rule by the father, there is rule by women, within the home. That is a disaster.

And for those who still think there is some other cause, just look at the statistics of fatherless children. Children whose fathers are not in the home are much worse off on average than those children whose fathers live with them, unless the woman is domineering and overpowering that man.
Okay, I see where you are coming from now. Thanks for the explanation.

There is only one problem with this analysis: strong women within the home is actually the global norm. If you spend time in most non-Western societies - Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Levantine Arab - they are characterised by the presence of incredibly strong women who take no prisoners. If you have come across the 'Tiger Mother' concept as popularised by Amy Chua (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Hy ... ger_Mother), it rings true across much of the (non-Western) world.

However, there are key qualifications. The women in these societies - even if they are very powerful in their own right - generally do not look to replace men. Instead, they complement, respect and look up to men. For them, there is no contradiction between being strong and feminine: they can be extremely forthright and super-submissive, depending on the context. In fact, it is really amazing how they know when to switch gears instinctively - it is almost telepathic. But this is probably something that they were able to learn by observation because their family structures are still relatively strong.

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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by Winston »


Male and female mean IQs are about equal below the age of 15 but males have a higher mean IQ from age 15 on. The effect of sex differences in IQ is largest at the high extreme of intelligence. Since many of the more prestigious roles in society are associated with high IQ, the lack of female representation in these roles may be partially due to fewer females being competitive at the highest levels. This does not mean that females should not be given equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities as this would create an worsened artificial 'glass ceiling'.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by MrMan »

I would say that Indonesia is less feminist than the US, but there are plenty of career women. They just seem to emphasize being wives and mothers more. I used to work in an office with lots of women, and they were always bringing food and cooking stuff and bringing food in the office. One of them had a husband moving overseas to work. They asked what she'd do. Someone else said, something in Indonesia which was long the lines of "she's going to follow her husband of course". That's just what women do. My wife said if a woman doesn't know how to cook, she's ashamed to admit it becuase she's a woman and she's supposed to know how to cook. That may have been more the case 10 or 15 years ago, but there are still those kind of values out there.

Indonesia did have a woman for president. Soekarno was the founding president at independence. He wanted to have a kind of big tent democracy, where the Communists also sat at the table with the other groups. He was also friendly with Russia, who donated a number of statues that still decorate the capital city. Marxists do not like to just sit at the table. They want to take over. They tried, taking over several city blocks. Soeharto was a general stationed in Jakarta. He led a fight to take back the parts of the city the Commies had taken. We aren't sure exactly what happened. He said he had a letter from Soekarno giving him power as president. It is believed that Soekarno was kept under house arrest for the rest of his life. The country still considered him a hero and still does. Maybe the military just considered him too weak and backed Soeharto.

Soeharto's regime developed close relationships with the US and imprisoned Communists. Chinese language books were even restricted or outlawed. Soeharto did a lot to get the food to the people in ways Soekarno had not done, apparently, but as the country developed, corruption became a big problem. His sons and some of the other family members took advantage of their position and made a huge fortune, probably billions. Individuals generally enjoyed a reasonable amount of freedom as long as they did not speak ill of Soeharto or his family. He also kept religious radicals from taking over and put some controls on that. He ruled for 32 years. He just kept getting elected.

Then Megawati Soekarnoputri-- Megawati Soekarno's daughter-- started to gain popularity as the head of her political party. But then, someone else was installed in that party, and she had to go start a new one. I heard the army raided the party headquarters and installed someone else. That's what I heard.

Asian currencies started to tank. It hit Indonesia really bad. The rupiah was about 2300 or 2400 to the dollar, I think, when I first landed in Indonesian in the Soeharto era. Right before he fell, it had gone up to about 15000 to the dollar and stayed somewhere around 10000 to the dollar with a bit of fluctuation. The economy tanked. Students started protesting. There were riots where Chinese women were raped, their shops looted, and their men killed. This might have been organized by a faction of the military. Students protested and took over the capital building.

Soeharto stepped down, installing his vice president Habibie as president.

Then there was an election. Megawati won the popular vote with the largest minority voting for her party, something in the 30 to 40% range, I think. But she was a woman, so the parliament made a deal and voted in a nearly blind man who won 8% of the vote. I hear he had to beg a sulking Megawati to be his VP, a step taken to keep the country together. Then they made a law that the president was determined by the popular vote, so Megawati won the next time.

She didn't win because she was a woman. She won because her father was the founding president and represented something other than the 'New Order' of Soeharto. It looked like a clear break with the past, that the new government was no longer under the thumb of the old regime.

And religious radicals and even religious civil war in some places got bad after Soeharto, killing lots of people. It was a difficult time for the country.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by MrMan »

Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
November 28th, 2017, 4:06 pm
However, there are key qualifications. The women in these societies - even if they are very powerful in their own right - generally do not look to replace men. Instead, they complement, respect and look up to men. For them, there is no contradiction between being strong and feminine: they can be extremely forthright and super-submissive, depending on the context. In fact, it is really amazing how they know when to switch gears instinctively - it is almost telepathic. But this is probably something that they were able to learn by observation because their family structures are still relatively strong.
Submitting to men and embracing their femininity may actually make the women stronger than rebelling against men and seeing themselves as perpetual victims of men.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by MrMan »

In response to the second video, is IQ a fair measure of 'intelligence.' Intelligence is hard to specifically define and measure. One theory is that there are 'multiple intelligences.' Intelligence can be divided into different categories. On the spatial dimension of intelligence, horses may be more 'intelligent' than humans. Put a horse on top of a mountain and let him look down to your house, and he may just know how to get there without getting lost, something humans may have difficulty doing. At the end of the video, the commentator was arguing that math and science intelligence was more important than reading and writing. That's kind of silly. Why does it have to be an issue of boys versus girls. Men may have higher IQ scores. That's good. I believe men generally have the qualities that make them better at leading society, which is why most societies have historically been led by men. But you can argue how to define intelligence until the cows come home.

I found what he said about women having better connections 'laterally' in the brain, including better memories to be interesting. I have read in some academic research in the past that women tend to remember details. For example, if you come back from a social event, a woman will remember what the people were wearing. I was going over this paper in a graduate seminar once, and I remembered that with my own wife. We'd come back from church, and she mentioned someone, and I asked who that was. She said it was the woman in the purple (or whatever color) blouse. She's said that a few times. I told her I couldn't remember what color people wore at church. But there it was in the research paper. Women remember those details. Men don't unless the clothing as unusual and caught their attention. Men remember big-picture, though they do remember specifics of direction and may remember specific details if prompted.

This is a good thing to know about women. Plenty of comedians have made jokes about wives or girlfriends never forgetting.

I also heard a radio show talking about some research that showed that women had stronger connections between the pleasure centers of their brains and the verbal centers. This was supposed to explain why women talk about their problems. If you have a wife or girlfriend, and she goes through some stressful situation, she wants to talk about it to you. If you were in a stressful situation like that, you might deal with it by working out, playing a video game or doing something distracting or fun, or something like that. Women want to talk about it. Maybe psychologists and counselors are 'feminized' in their theories thinking the way to deal with stress is to talk about it. That probably works better for women than for men. There are times it is good to talk about things and get advice. And that is what we men do when we talk about issues. She talks about her problem, we give solutions. What is the point of talking about it if you don't want to talk about solutions? But sometimes women don't like that. They just want you to listen and not give any advice. It feels like a pointless activity. She's probably getting some comfort from the pleasure centers of her brain by talking to you about her problems, while you are sitting there listening, or pretending to listen while doing something productive with your mind, trying to figure out what you are going to do about something else and saying, "I'm sorry you feel that way." :)

Remembering specific details can be useful, too. And that is something that has to do with intelligence. So there may be some ways women are more intelligent.

As far as equality goes in the first video, are apples and oranges equal? Men and women are different. They compliment each other-- in the best case scenario. Women should stop trying to be men and embrace their femininity. Femininity can get lost in trying to be 'equal'.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by Adama »

Misko_Varesanovic wrote:
November 28th, 2017, 4:06 pm
Adama wrote:
November 28th, 2017, 3:02 pm
The elitists want to make women the heads of the household instead of the father and instead of the husband. This is what I am talking about. Instead of rule by the father, there is rule by women, within the home. That is a disaster.

And for those who still think there is some other cause, just look at the statistics of fatherless children. Children whose fathers are not in the home are much worse off on average than those children whose fathers live with them, unless the woman is domineering and overpowering that man.
Okay, I see where you are coming from now. Thanks for the explanation.

There is only one problem with this analysis: strong women within the home is actually the global norm. If you spend time in most non-Western societies - Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Levantine Arab - they are characterised by the presence of incredibly strong women who take no prisoners. If you have come across the 'Tiger Mother' concept as popularised by Amy Chua (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Hy ... ger_Mother), it rings true across much of the (non-Western) world.

However, there are key qualifications. The women in these societies - even if they are very powerful in their own right - generally do not look to replace men. Instead, they complement, respect and look up to men. For them, there is no contradiction between being strong and feminine: they can be extremely forthright and super-submissive, depending on the context. In fact, it is really amazing how they know when to switch gears instinctively - it is almost telepathic. But this is probably something that they were able to learn by observation because their family structures are still relatively strong.
These are not the women I am talking about. What you are describing is basically what women are supposed to be doing in their families. The woman is supposed to help build her family, to strengthen them in every way she can. These are essentially good women. And these are not the ones I am talking about.

I am talking about the women who would destroy their families because of their arrogance. Good women build. Wicked women destroy. It is really simple. Basically these women want to take power and control from the man. These women have risen up out of their natural place, and once a person does that, their arrogance by nature destroys those around them.

Somehow though, people don't seem to grasp that I am not talking about GOOD WOMEN who help their families. I am talking about women who would destroy her husband and her children for her personal glory without giving it a thought. These women would destroy men just so they can be in charge of them. And the government is on their side.

I'll give you an example of the destructive power that women abuse in relationships. There was a woman who was interested in me and I was very attracted to her. Unfortunately what I didn't know is that she is a whore (major with probably scores and hundreds of random partners every year, just from the few I knew about that we knew in common, though I didn't figure this out until way after things had transpired).

She had a boyfriend. So I left her alone. Besides that, I found her to be way too disrespectful and inconsiderate for my liking. After she told me she had a boyfriend and because of the disrespect, I simply crossed her off my list and moved on. I just forgot about her, and I was flirting with this other girl in front of her. I wasn't trying to provoke her. I had just moved on. It had been over a month since we had talked. We never had intimate contact, we never spoke on the phone, and we never got deep into conversation even.

Then one day I hear through the grapevine that I am going to be accused of sexual harassment. And many of female coworkers were turning their noses up at me, because they believed this whore.

Why did she accuse me of sexual harassment? After she recanted her accusation, it was discovered from one of her whore friends that I was the only man who didn't stick around to wait for her. She expected me to wait until she dumped her boyfriend.

This is the type I refer to. Women who literally think they are some kind of angelic beings and that whatever they do is just, and if you don't obey their unwritten commandments to obey them completely and endure their infinite disrespect, then they will use the power the government has given them to try to destroy you.

This is overwhelming pride, arrogance and insolence. But this is what many evil American women are. And everyone supports women in their cause.

Only God is allowed to destroy someone for their crimes. It is not for a woman to accuse a man and destroy his life because he doesn't want to be with her or kiss her backside. Any person who is trying to destroy another person for their personal glory has risen out of their place, against God. These really are the enemies of Christ, and this is why God loves humble, meek, peaceful people. Because they are not trying to destroy others for their personal glory.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

Adama wrote:
November 29th, 2017, 5:49 am
These are not the women I am talking about. What you are describing is basically what women are supposed to be doing in their families. The woman is supposed to help build her family, to strengthen them in every way she can. These are essentially good women. And these are not the ones I am talking about.

I am talking about the women who would destroy their families because of their arrogance. Good women build. Wicked women destroy. It is really simple. Basically these women want to take power and control from the man. These women have risen up out of their natural place, and once a person does that, their arrogance by nature destroys those around them.

Somehow though, people don't seem to grasp that I am not talking about GOOD WOMEN who help their families. I am talking about women who would destroy her husband and her children for her personal glory without giving it a thought. These women would destroy men just so they can be in charge of them. And the government is on their side.
Re: highly destructive women, it's essential to avoid them for the sake of one's health, wealth and, ultimately, soul. No doubt about it!
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by Misko_Varesanovic »

MrMan wrote:
November 28th, 2017, 7:26 pm
I would say that Indonesia is less feminist than the US, but there are plenty of career women. They just seem to emphasize being wives and mothers more. I used to work in an office with lots of women, and they were always bringing food and cooking stuff and bringing food in the office. One of them had a husband moving overseas to work. They asked what she'd do. Someone else said, something in Indonesia which was long the lines of "she's going to follow her husband of course". That's just what women do. My wife said if a woman doesn't know how to cook, she's ashamed to admit it becuase she's a woman and she's supposed to know how to cook. That may have been more the case 10 or 15 years ago, but there are still those kind of values out there.
This is a great summary of the Indonesian situation - many thanks for posting!

I guess my essential point was that there are profound cultural issues behind why many women in the US or similar countries are the way they are. Reinstating the 'patriarchy' (however one defines this) may or may not help, but I sincerely doubt it is a panacea.

Messed-up situations don't usually come out of nowhere: they take years if not decades or even longer to come about, and there are often lots of causes that are not necessarily easy to remedy or even identify. Repairing broken families, increasing the level of respect that women have for men (and vice-versa), decreasing pornography usage, restoring the sanctity of marriage - these are awesome challenges which will take far more time, energy and effort than a simple legal shift.

If you have married an Indonesian lady, then ceteris paribus that is an excellent solution on a personal level.
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Re: In Defense of Patriarchy: Why men have EARNED the RIGHT to rule/lead/govern

Post by ssjparris »

i wonder where all the angry men are that get offended by posts like these on social media sites like facebook and youtube. i guess happier abroad is surrounded by like minded people. pffttt..
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. How come every alt spirituality person claims that Christianity loathed women for 2,000 years? No Christian agrees with that. No one hates women. Women are beautiful and feminine (originally that is) and we all came from women. Just because traditional people believe that men and women have different roles in society doesn't mean they hate women. It's a complete straw man. There's no such thing as misogyny. No one I know hates women. However, there are feminists who are masculine who hate men, as we all know. As usual the truth is the opposite of what is popular.

Moreover, why do they always say that Patriarchy and Masculinity is evil and bad? If you think about it, Patriarchy is perfectly logical, because MEN built and invented everything you see around you - buildings, roads, planes, cars, houses, cities, etc. All technologies were invented by MEN too, as we all know. And civilization was BUILT by MEN too, as we all know. Therefore, men have a right to be the leaders of society. Just like Bill Gates has the right to be the leader of Microsoft if he built it up, and Steve Jobs has the right to be the leader of Apple if he created it. It's simple logic. How do alt spiritual people, new agers, and truthers not see this? It's obvious and basic. You gotta wonder what everyone is smoking.

Furthermore, women are usually NOT good in leadership roles, unless it is running a school or something nurturing that they are good at. They don't usually make good presidents or CEOs or military commanders. Everyone knows this even if they deny it. So again, why is Patriarchy so bad and unnatural? Yet these alt spirituality folks and truthers also claim that Matriarchy is good and natural. On what basis? Even if there are some wise women that would make good spiritual leaders of society, the fact is that such women are rare and a tiny percentage and do NOT reflect most women. So what's the basis of the claim that women were meant to be the rulers as all the new agers and alt spiritual people claim? They just assume it but don't give a logical basis for it. Why? Can anyone explain? How can everyone be so wrong and baseless, especially if they consider themselves to be open minded freethinkers and seeking wisdom?

Finally I don't get how women are supposed to be oppressed and need more rights? In America women are treated much BETTER than men are. They have higher social value, given more attention, are better looking, get a lot more likes on Facebook, etc. So why do they need more rights and benefits and privileges? It makes no sense if you think about it.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 2:32 pm
I don't understand something. How come every alt spirituality person claims that Christianity loathed women for 2,000 years? No Christian agrees with that. No one hates women. Women are beautiful and feminine (originally that is) and we all came from women. Just because traditional people believe that men and women have different roles in society doesn't mean they hate women. It's a complete straw man. There's no such thing as misogyny. No one I know hates women. However, there are feminists who are masculine who hate men, as we all know. As usual the truth is the opposite of what is popular.

Moreover, why do they always say that Patriarchy and Masculinity is evil and bad? If you think about it, Patriarchy is perfectly logical, because MEN built and invented everything you see around you - buildings, roads, planes, cars, houses, cities, etc. All technologies were invented by MEN too, as we all know. And civilization was BUILT by MEN too, as we all know. Therefore, men have a right to be the leaders of society. Just like Bill Gates has the right to be the leader of Microsoft if he built it up, and Steve Jobs has the right to be the leader of Apple if he created it. It's simple logic. How do alt spiritual people, new agers, and truthers not see this? It's obvious and basic. You gotta wonder what everyone is smoking.

Furthermore, women are usually NOT good in leadership roles, unless it is running a school or something nurturing that they are good at. They don't usually make good presidents or CEOs or military commanders. Everyone knows this even if they deny it. So again, why is Patriarchy so bad and unnatural? Yet these alt spirituality folks and truthers also claim that Matriarchy is good and natural. On what basis? Even if there are some wise women that would make good spiritual leaders of society, the fact is that such women are rare and a tiny percentage and do NOT reflect most women. So what's the basis of the claim that women were meant to be the rulers as all the new agers and alt spiritual people claim? They just assume it but don't give a logical basis for it. Why? Can anyone explain? How can everyone be so wrong and baseless, especially if they consider themselves to be open minded freethinkers and seeking wisdom?

Finally I don't get how women are supposed to be oppressed and need more rights? In America women are treated much BETTER than men are. They have higher social value, given more attention, are better looking, get a lot more likes on Facebook, etc. So why do they need more rights and benefits and privileges? It makes no sense if you think about it.
Because liberalism and leftism is a mind virus. It teaches people that equality is more important then tangible results, justice, and outcomes. So even if something results in a bad outcome… “At least we are treating everybody equally!” It’s nonsense of course but we’ll never convince them of such until we undo the nation’s obsession with equality.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by MrMan »

This is yet another reason to realize the New Age thinking is messed up and not helpful. Patriarchy can be a good thing.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Well "Patriarchy" is what got us into today's era. Otherwise, we all be living in huts, flinging fecal matters to each other like bunch of ignorant hairless monkeys. The stupid feminists and SJWs can deny all they want but it has been men who built civilization and invented most of all the technology used. Without all the modern convenience and technology, women wouldn't have the free time to blame men and Patriarchy.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Winston »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 9:26 pm
Well "Patriarchy" is what got us into today's era. Otherwise, we all be living in huts, flinging fecal matters to each other like bunch of ignorant hairless monkeys. The stupid feminists and SJWs can deny all they want but it has been men who built civilization and invented most of all the technology used. Without all the modern convenience and technology, women wouldn't have the free time to blame men and Patriarchy.
But New Agers and esoteric people claim that advanced ancient societies like Atlantis were all ruled by super wise and evolved women with high levels of spirituality and wisdom. Is that so? lol. If it is, then such women are totally different than the women today. How would the most popular New Agers explain this? They would probably say that the oppression of women has prevented them from reaching their true potential right?
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 10:04 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 9:26 pm
Well "Patriarchy" is what got us into today's era. Otherwise, we all be living in huts, flinging fecal matters to each other like bunch of ignorant hairless monkeys. The stupid feminists and SJWs can deny all they want but it has been men who built civilization and invented most of all the technology used. Without all the modern convenience and technology, women wouldn't have the free time to blame men and Patriarchy.
But New Agers and esoteric people claim that advanced ancient societies like Atlantis were all ruled by super wise and evolved women with high levels of spirituality and wisdom. Is that so? lol. If it is, then such women are totally different than the women today. How would the most popular New Agers explain this? They would probably say that the oppression of women has prevented them from reaching their true potential right?
Your guess is good as mine. :D Most been some race of super women that ruled Atlantis. :?
I don't know much about Atlantis being a Matriarchal society, but I can tell you women are not "massively achieving" or "breaking new grounds" despite being massively supported by the U.S government for the past fifty to sixty years...
I mean if women were oppressed really badly and finally they are allowed to excel.. then they should've have done so.. but most women would rather be a "stay at home mom" , "subsidized single mom" instead of being a leader of industry, revolutionary inventor, fearless leader, etc. :?
Figuratively speaking, I don't see any women who hits home runs, I only see women hitting foul balls and calling it a day. Women are not that impressive at all. I don't understand why New Agers tries to make "Wonder women" out of every women.. :?
Most women have very modest and un ambitious aspirations. They like to play safe and not very good at taking risks and most of them are conformists.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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