Darryl Sloan's Videos/Books on Religion/Philosophy/Nature of Reality - Genuine Independent Thinker

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Darryl Sloan's Videos/Books on Religion/Philosophy/Nature of Reality - Genuine Independent Thinker

Post by Winston »

Darryl Sloan is one of the most philosophical and intelligent critical thinkers I've ever seen, a true skeptic, and one of the few people I watch on YouTube. If you listen to him, you'll see why. It'll become self evident.


I strongly recommend his book "Reality Check". It is a thought-provoking masterpiece of balanced critical thinking and introspection on religion, secularism, spirituality, and the search for meaning, without any assumptions or preaching. This is a definite must read for any truth seeker. In it, he describes the painstaking struggle he endured as he swung back and forth on a pendulum between Christian faith and disbelief, and how he eventually overcame it through the power of reason to begin his truth-seeking journey. Throughout the book he creates an impeccable chain of logic that makes sense which many truth seekers will relate to. Basically he puts into words the core of what we've all felt and thought. The quality of thought in it is on a level I’ve rarely encountered. It’s the kind of book that once you start, will be very hard to put down. You can get it in paperback or ebook format at


The link above contains sample chapters, an audio reading, raving reviews, and an enticing promo video which will get you hooked on it (like it did to me). Check it out. It's sure to be a truth seeker's delight.

Here is a reading from it by Darryl himself. Just the intro to it hooks you in, as you will see.

What he says in the intro is so true, that "the most productive mindset you can have is to ALWAYS have a belief system that doesn't resist change. Go wherever the information leads you without fear."

His YouTube channel also has a lot of controlled psi wheel experiments, some under a glass bowl too. They demonstrate a very real, small but measurable effect. He asks big questions and analyzes different sides very deeply. There's no question that he's sincere. Watch his videos and you'll understand why.

Last edited by Winston on April 12th, 2012, 12:03 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

Here is the description and some inspiring reviews of Darryl Sloan's brilliant book "Reality Check". I'm sure they will motivate you to check it out. I gotta warn you though, once you start reading it, it will be VERY hard to put it down :)


"Reality Check"

An exploration beneath the surface of the beliefs and assumptions that shape our lives.

A book by Darryl Sloan (2009)

What is the true underlying nature of reality? What is my place in it? Does my life have meaning, or am I a cosmic accident? Are the answers to these questions found in religion, or is science where the real enlightenment lies? Is it even possible to know? In this bewildering world of differing beliefs, what chance do I have of finding any genuine truth? And where do I even begin?

With two words: Question everything.


"If you find yourself recoiling at mention of any of these issues "telekinesis, unified consciousness, 'disproving' Christianity" then you are the perfect candidate to read this book. You may be equally convinced of your worldview after reading, but extraordinary beliefs require an extraordinary investigation, and that concept permeates this book. Sloan does not enter into these ideas lightly. What is so effective is that he's never overly credulous about far-out claims, nor overly dismissive of mainstream dogma, which is why the book is so useful as a primer on esoteric spirituality."
- Self-Publishing Review

"It is a thought-provoking masterpiece of balanced critical thinking and introspection on religion, secularism, spirituality, and the search for meaning, without any assumptions or preaching. In it, he describes the painstaking struggle he endured as he swung back and forth on a pendulum between Christian faith and disbelief, and how he eventually overcame it through the power of reason to begin his truth-seeking journey. The quality of thought in it is on a level I've rarely encountered."
- ScepCop

Readers' Feedback

"The chapter [on religion] itself is a compelling and rational dissection of organized religion and much more accessible to the layman than Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion because of the simple, straightforward way the evidence is presented (Dawkins does love his 50p words). As a fellow atheist (hear my bell clanging?) I identified with much of this chapter, but was also impressed by some of the historical and Biblical references that I was unfamiliar with. The author's honesty about his doubts and personal experiences make this a very compelling read, and I can't see how any rational mind could dispute the chain of logic that led him there. / Then we investigate our perception of the world and the part our consciousness plays in it. I don't know how much of this I actually agree with but the theories posited are fascinating - They bounced around my head for days after reading them, which is some indication of how much there is to think about. Anything that stimulates the old grey cells to that degree has to have merit. / The author's experiments into telekinesis are well documented and described with such enthusiasm that you will find yourself making up a psi-wheel and giving it a try. / Reality Check is a book that will invite discussion and stimulate thought, which is a rare accomplishment for any book."
- Philip Henry (author), County Antrim

"I paid a life coach over a thousand dollars to explain to me over the course of five months what you explained (better) in a little less than seven chapters, and I'm not done reading."
- YouTube user "qedlife"

"It said a lot that needed to be said. I hope it reaches many people and touches something deep within them, as it has myself. I applaud your work and feel that if more people could come to understand things as we have, there could be more peace in the world."
- Quinton, USA

"I read the entire book in two sittings because I just didn't want to put the book down. The concepts explored are very thought provoking, and the mix of theories and memoirs from Darryl's life makes the book a much more enjoyable read than an academic paper covering the same principles. My only criticism is that occasionally the book feels a bit disjointed. Each chapter covers a separate issue, and while some of them have a tie in to the rest of the book, most don't. Other than that, it was an amazing book."
- Andrew

"I really enjoyed it a looot. It seems to me that most truth seekers out there are coming to very similar conclusions even though they pursuing different roads in getting there. On some passages reading the book felt like living again through my own experience on others I found new perspectives by looking at things your way."
- Oliver, Germany

"Yesterday morning, I received your book through the post and I finished reading it around 8 hours later. I really enjoyed reading your book, since you have a similar mindset to what I have, but you explain the stuff to people a lot better than what I can. The people I've mentioned this kind of stuff to think I'm crazy, which I probably am. ;) "
- Adam Reilly

4 Responses


Two days ago, I received a copy of Reality Check. I read the entire book in two sittings because I just didn't want to put the book down.

The concepts explored are very thought provoking, and the mix of theories and memoir's from Darryl's life makes the book a much more enjoyable read than an academic paper covering the same principles.

My only criticism is that occasionally the book feels a bit disjointed. Each chapter covers a separate issue, and while some of them have a tie in to the rest of the book, most don't.

Other than that, it was an amazing book.

November 20, 2009 at 4:57 pm

It was really an inspiring and awakening book.I'll share it with my family and friends.

December 1, 2009 at 1:08 pm

Like most people who have commented here, I finished the book in rapid time, over the course of a quiet day in work I managed to get through it.

Darryl's style of writing makes it a very enjoyable read regardless of the subject matter. Having read his first two novels and being an avid subscriber to his website I was keen to get a further insight on his thoughts and ideas.

Maybe that's the reason for my only criticism, subscribers of his website may have encountered most of the information before.

Other than that, 'Reality Check' is an enjoyable , thought prevoking book. Don't neccesarily agree with everything Darryl has to say as I don't have any concrete belief system in place at all at the moment. Maybe now I should start to question everything as Darryl suggests!!! However, Darryl does pose a lot of questions about reality and his answers and theories do seem to make sense.

'Reality Check' has earned it's place on the bookshelf with Darryl's first two novels and I'm sure will be picked up for a re-read many times.

December 14, 2009 at 11:03 am


Here are some promo videos and readings from his book by Darryl himself.

Last edited by Winston on December 4th, 2010, 1:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Authentic telekinesis demonstrations by Darryl Sloan

Post by Winston »

Check out Darryl Sloan? He's one of the most philosophical and intelligent critical thinkers I've ever seen, and one of the few people I watch on YouTube. If you listen to him, you'll see why he's worth listening to.

His channel has a lot of controlled psi wheel experiments, some under a glass bowl too. They demonstrate a very real, small but measurable effect.


His book "Reality Check" is one of the best critical thinking books I've ever read. He puts into words what a lot of us have felt and creates an impeccable chain of logic. The more you listen to him, the more you admire him. You can get his book from his site at


This guy is one of the truest skeptics I've ever seen. He asks big questions and analyzes different sides very deeply. There's no question that he's sincere. Watch his videos and you'll understand why.

First, check out his honest intro about it, where he gets into deep points about the subconscious mind and unseen things, then says that telekinesis is not paranormal, just some force we don't understand. This guy seems very intelligent and sensible. He says that you gotta program the subconscious mind with your intentions first.

Then check out his telekinesis demonstration under a glass bowl, after 9 months of practice.

Impressive huh? It moves slowly but surely, under the glass bowl.

Here is a Psi manual that Darryl recommends:


Here are his deep thoughts about why telekinesis works, and is merely a natural phenomena we don't understand yet, hence he doesn't believe in the word "paranormal".

Here Darryl Sloan calmly expresses his disgust with the Randi crowd and their attacks on his telekinesis experiments. Wow look how rational he is. The part where he says that the paradigm of the skeptics is that "The known laws of physics are the ONLY reality" is spot on and so true.

Look! Darryl does real telekinesis at a distance without using his hands! He is the real deal.

Another experiment he did in a sealed environment without hands.

Static electricity ruled out.

Here Darryl proves that he's a true skeptic, by debunking obvious fakes on YouTube by telekinesis hoaxters and explains how to spot them.

Here Darryl explains why supernatural experiences are not always real, demonstrating yet again that he is a real skeptic who does not jump to conclusions and is not quick to believe paranormal stories at all.

Last edited by Winston on November 26th, 2011, 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I grew up with a Christian background, but then became irreligious for years because of the hypocrisy I saw around me. However, as I get older and see more, I am coming to the conclusion that the Christian worldview is actually pretty accurate at a deeper psychological level. Christianity gets it right that the world is permeated with evil and that evil is also inside of everyone of us. If we could see all the evil at once without our filters, we would go instantly insane. The techniques of repentance and salvation are just methods for expunging the evil from our systems. It only becomes manipulation, when someone outside of yourself uses the techniques to condemn you. Also, Buddhism has a very similar worldview to Christianity, but just uses different terminology. I met someone years ago who became a Buddhist monk, but then eventually quit, complaining it was too much like Christianity.
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Post by Winston »

Very true. But all religions have the problem of creating fixed belief systems that are resistant to change. Darryl says the most important thing is to never have beliefs that are resistant to change. See his book readings above.

Christianity also makes extreme claims such as "all believers go to heaven, all nonbelievers go to hell, the Bible is an authority cause it says so", etc.
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Post by Winston »

Here are some deep thinking and philosophical musing videos from Darryl Sloan as examples of what I'm talking about. He makes many very good and well thought out points in them. You can tell by listening to him that not only is he very sincere and genuine, but very "awake and conscious" as well. This is the kind of person you can learn a lot from about how to think for yourself. Thus he is definitely worth listening to and why I recommend him, for you will benefit from it no doubt. He is definitely a rare find no doubt. Listen and you will see.

Nature's lesson on the pursuit of wealth and living in the now

Individual vs. Herd Mentality

Memory, death, and the hunger for significance

Time and eternity and the now

Part 1 and 2:

Our relationship with animals (should we become vegetarians?)

Part 1 and 2:

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Post by Winston »

Here is a recent 2 hour interview with Darryl Sloan about his book, and his thoughts on God, consciousness, reality, and religion. It's very intriguing and many of his conclusions match mine.

http://www.portadownasc.co.uk/dsloan/in ... _Radio.mp3
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Post by Winston »

Here is a 7 day telekinesis test for Skeptics, by Darryl Sloan. Near the end, he mocks the pseudoskeptics eloquently. lol

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Post by Winston »

S_Corwin wrote:Honestly Winston, what is it you see in this guy? He's a dreadful bore, without an interesting idea in his head, producing excruciating videos (like the one where he "disproves" God's existence) that are sheer torture to sit through. Your judgment is not only poor in matters of your personal life -- it's poor in who you deem as "one of the most philosophical and intelligent critical thinkers."
Dude, WTF? Just because YOU are not spiritual or a truth seeker, doesn't mean that others can't be. FYI, every truth seeker I know, including Mr S, says he is the real deal. We truth seekers recognize our own because they are on our wavelength. There is no pretentiousness in Darryl. He is totally authentic, sincere, and applies true skepticism to both sides. No fraud is that aware. No way. There is no BS in him at all. All frauds sweet talk you to manipulate you. He isn't like that at all. If you were any good at reading people and their expressions, you'd know that. But you aren't. So you aren't qualified.

Remember this:
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.� - Arthur Schopenhauer
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Post by Winston »

Darryl Sloan has just expanded his "Reality Check" book and changed the title of the new version to "I, Universe". He has made it available as a free PDF download at this link:

http://darrylsloan.wordpress.com/2012/0 ... -released/

His video announcement about it:

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Why I am not an Atheist - Darryl Sloan

Post by Winston »

Check out these great video talks by popular Irish philosopher, freethinker and author Darryl Sloan, where he explains about why Atheism is not the best position to hold and why science alone cannot explain everything. He makes many compelling, logical points that make a lot of sense. All Atheists should hear him out.

Why I am not an Atheist

Why one can't rely on science alone

Metaphysics: Where Atheism takes a wrong turn (here he explains why it is a big mistake for Atheists to outright reject any possibility of a metaphysical reality)

To download Darryl Sloan's free ebook "I Universe", or get his paperback "Reality Check", which I highly recommend, go to his website at:

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Post by Winston »

Did any of you Atheists here see the three videos above? If so, what did you think? Does he make sense?
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Oh no, not this guy again. Image

Honestly Winston, how do you manage to sit through his dreary, insufferable crap?? I can't believe this is what's been pushing back your travel plans.
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Post by Winston »

Bitch_Slapper wrote:Oh no, not this guy again. Image

Honestly Winston, how do you manage to sit through his dreary, insufferable crap?? I can't believe this is what's been pushing back your travel plans.
Dude, if you have nothing of value to contribute to this discussion, then don't post. Otherwise you waste space. Next time I will just delete such a useless post.

FYI his videos are brilliant and rational and logically derived. If you aren't interested in theology, truth or the nature of reality, then avoid these topics.
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Re: Why I am not an Atheist - Darryl Sloan

Post by Winston »

I've never met an Atheist in intensive care - by Darryl Sloan. Great observations.

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