Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Cornfed »

Shemp wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 5:00 pm
Either maximizing your genes' chance of survival is desirable or not. If not, then being taken put of the gene pool doesn't matter. On the other hand, if survival of your personal genes is so important, then doesn't it make sense to encourage other men to exit the gene pool, so that your genes will face less competition? In other words, these manginas who shame childless MGTOWs should instead be encouraging their childlessness, if they were rational.
I’m not taking a position on whether you should exit the gene pool, but your conclusion is not necessarily true. For example, if you were Anglo-Celtic like me, then most of your genes would be my genes also, so it would be in my genetic interest that you breed. Also your progeny could be expected to be more likely than average to create an environment where I and my progeny could breed. Hence your breeding would be a win for me on a genetic level.

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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Cornfed »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 6:20 pm
So it is a fundamentally unscientific and foolish argument that only idiots tend to use. There are RAPISTS and Pedophiles who pass on their genes illegally. Are they somehow better off in the Cosmos than a child-free (not childless) man like Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and other prominent men who saw the value in living life freely and unencumbered with the trifles, expenses, and headaches of having offspring?
They could be seen as taking one for the team. Of course it is only because other intelligent white men had children that anything they did had any value.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Cornfed wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 8:01 pm
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 6:20 pm
So it is a fundamentally unscientific and foolish argument that only idiots tend to use. There are RAPISTS and Pedophiles who pass on their genes illegally. Are they somehow better off in the Cosmos than a child-free (not childless) man like Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and other prominent men who saw the value in living life freely and unencumbered with the trifles, expenses, and headaches of having offspring?
They could be seen as taking one for the team. Of course it is only because other intelligent white men had children that anything they did had any value.
Intelligent and accomplished men both have children and do not have children. I don't think that having children significantly impacts one's life success.

In the past, everyone's ancestors almost HAD to have children as a matter of survival and economic continuity. Who would run the family business? Who would work the farm? But in this day and age, children are a vocation of choice and people are free to have or not have them as a matter of lifestyle.

I do get your concern however. It just seems that whites are choosing to have them less and less in the Western world. Since CornPill guys can't hold guns to their heads, trying to shame them is the only alternative but that won't work.

By the way, blame your women for choosing jobs and career over wanting to continue your race. As goes a nation's women, so eventually goes that entire nation!
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Shemp »

Cornfed wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 7:59 pm
Shemp wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 5:00 pm
Either maximizing your genes' chance of survival is desirable or not. If not, then being taken put of the gene pool doesn't matter. On the other hand, if survival of your personal genes is so important, then doesn't it make sense to encourage other men to exit the gene pool, so that your genes will face less competition? In other words, these manginas who shame childless MGTOWs should instead be encouraging their childlessness, if they were rational.
I’m not taking a position on whether you should exit the gene pool, but your conclusion is not necessarily true. For example, if you were Anglo-Celtic like me, then most of your genes would be my genes also, so it would be in my genetic interest that you breed. Also your progeny could be expected to be more likely than average to create an environment where I and my progeny could breed. Hence your breeding would be a win for me on a genetic level.
"My genetic interest" is a dubious term, partly because of what CE wrote. IMO, what you call "my genetic interest" is actually "interests of my programmed racial beliefs".

But anyway, your argument above is closely related to the explanation for why society programs its members to act as unpaid and unofficial moral policemen (such as those manginas I mentioned). Without unofficial moral policemen at a minimum, and preferably explicit laws regarding morality and official moral police to enforce those laws, too many men will take the parasite path in life: take from society but give nothing back. Which is what childlessness amounts to.

Moral policemen are not created by a conscious will of society, because society has neither consciousness nor will, these are merely shorthand figures of speech. Rather, societies which enforce good morals become strong and survive in the struggle with other societies for scarce resources, while societies which tolerate parasitism and other forms of moral degeneracy become weak and are eventually competed out of existence, along with all the members of those immoral societies.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Cornfed »

Shemp wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 8:58 pm
"My genetic interest" is a dubious term, partly because of what CE wrote. IMO, what you call "my genetic interest" is actually "interests of my programmed racial beliefs".
Not at all. "My genetic interests" is the very non-dubious term for spreading the genes currently housed inside my body. It has nothing to do with any racial theories, although of cooperating with genitically similar individuals (by definition members of your race) is germane to the issue. See Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene.
Moral policemen are not created by a conscious will of society, because society has neither consciousness nor will, these are merely shorthand figures of speech. Rather, societies which enforce good morals become strong and survive in the struggle with other societies for scarce resources, while societies which tolerate parasitism and other forms of moral degeneracy become weak and are eventually competed out of existence, along with all the members of those immoral societies.

Yes, dysgenic spiteful mutants like you will be weeded out by evolution. The reason there are so many of you in the white population is that everyone has been looked after for so long that horrible mutants like you who would have been excluded from society and starved to death in normal times now get to sponge off us. Hopefully the problem will self-correct, but things are going to get worse before they get better, assuming they ever do.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Shemp »

Cornfed wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 10:12 pm
Not at all. "My genetic interests" is the very non-dubious term for spreading the genes currently housed inside my body. It has nothing to do with any racial theories, although of cooperating with genitically similar individuals (by definition members of your race) is germane to the issue. See Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene.
I've read Dawkins as well as Darwin. Your genes give rise to your crude sex drive plus bonding to women of any race with whom you have sex and to children (and animals) of any race and any father with whom you have close physical contact. However, all your racial theories are learned (programmed), with no genetic basis: memes, not genes.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Cornfed »

Shemp wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 10:36 pm
Cornfed wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 10:12 pm
Not at all. "My genetic interests" is the very non-dubious term for spreading the genes currently housed inside my body. It has nothing to do with any racial theories, although of cooperating with genitically similar individuals (by definition members of your race) is germane to the issue. See Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene.
I've read Dawkins as well as Darwin. Your genes give rise to your crude sex drive plus bonding to women of any race with whom you have sex and to children (and animals) of any race and any father with whom you have close physical contact. However, all your racial theories are learned (programmed), with no genetic basis: memes, not genes.
You are not taking into account group selection.

Edit: We know that racism, which is to say positive and negative ethnocentrism, is proven to be the winning evolutionary strategy, right?
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 6:20 pm
Shemp wrote:
January 21st, 2020, 5:00 pm
I thought of this after reading yet another mangina trying to shame childless MGTOWs like me about "exiting the gene pool" due to our lack of children.
Anyone who knows ANYTHING about genetics knows full well that if you have siblings and cousins with children, there will be plenty of your DNA running down the generations. Two generations after you have children, your genes become almost completely different apart from that single strand of male DNA which other family members can pass on anyhow.

So it is a fundamentally unscientific and foolish argument that only idiots tend to use. There are RAPISTS and Pedophiles who pass on their genes illegally. Are they somehow better off in the Cosmos than a child-free (not childless) man like Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and other prominent men who saw the value in living life freely and unencumbered with the trifles, expenses, and headaches of having offspring?
Agreed. :+1: I got a vazz, and no kids running around out there. However, my sister has a nephew and a niece so my DNA is flowing with them.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by S_Parc »

Shemp wrote:
January 9th, 2020, 2:27 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 9th, 2020, 2:11 pm
Is giving up social institutions that hold society together and enable us to have responsible offspring for the next generation the way to go?
Yes, because a man's first responsibility is to himself, not society. If you must have children to be happy, then leave the USA. Otherwise, if the desire for children is weak, as it is in most men, then just suppress it. If you want something cute to love, get a dog, cat, rabbit, etc.

Trying to force change to the system is hopeless. System will change by itself in 50 years or so, as western governments go bankrupt. In the meantime, only reason to work for change is because you enjoy the political process itself, not because you expect your efforts to actually be successful.
HappyGuy wrote:
January 9th, 2020, 9:04 am
:shock: It's a good thing 2020 is still a long way away. I wonder what @S_Parc's wife thinks about his obsession with sex robots
You must be new here. S_Parc's wife used to be a lesbian. She would hug S_Parc while he f***ed his RealDoll® brand sex doll. Later, she converted to being heterosexual and so presumably has sex with S_Parc now, though he didn't give details. He left the forum in a huff, calling us a bunch of losers on the way out.
Ok, let me first, apologize for the blanket 'loser' statement. It was in reference to a certain 2/3 to 3/4 of posterers who complain endlessly about life in Uncle Sam but then, never change their lives to either go pure MGTOW stateside (including buying a RealDoll) or go abroad to bang chicks. If anyone is taking action on one's life, even if he stumbles and fails occasionally, he's not a loser.

As for the wife, yes, she's a lesbian. And we both did the RealDoll together and even had sex w/o it around. Realize, it takes a while for a lesbian to adjust to a man. The RealDoll helped in making that transition occur.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by statnerd »

I'm in my mid-30s, and I have no wife or kids. Besides getting the occasional snide remarks from others, which I just laugh at, I don't see the point in getting married or having kids.

I can do whatever I want without having to compromise with a nagging wife. I'm not affected by someone else's poor spending habits, poor eating habits, and any other lifestyle choice which I don't agree with. I don't want half of my assets going to a woman if the marriage doesn't work out. So many marriages fall apart and end up in divorce because a marriage consists of two individual people with minds of their own, and they don't always mesh well. People are good at putting up a facade while they're dating but after getting married, their true colors often show and it isn't always pretty. That's how it was with my two stepmothers. They were wonderful people while they were dating my dad. Then after tying the knot, they turned into monsters and ultimately the marriage failed. I don't have a very high opinion of marriage.

As far as having kids, why do I need them? I'm perfectly happy without a kid and the associated expenses which often don't end until the kid is out of college. I'd rather retire early abroad and enjoy life than slave away at some miserable desk job until I'm in my 60s after going through a couple of divorces and putting a kid or two through college.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

statnerd wrote:
March 2nd, 2020, 4:46 pm
I'm in my mid-30s, and I have no wife or kids. Besides getting the occasional snide remarks from others, which I just laugh at, I don't see the point in getting married or having kids.

I can do whatever I want without having to compromise with a nagging wife. I'm not affected by someone else's poor spending habits, poor eating habits, and any other lifestyle choice which I don't agree with. I don't want half of my assets going to a woman if the marriage doesn't work out. So many marriages fall apart and end up in divorce because a marriage consists of two individual people with minds of their own, and they don't always mesh well. People are good at putting up a facade while they're dating but after getting married, their true colors often show and it isn't always pretty. That's how it was with my two stepmothers. They were wonderful people while they were dating my dad. Then after tying the knot, they turned into monsters and ultimately the marriage failed. I don't have a very high opinion of marriage.

As far as having kids, why do I need them? I'm perfectly happy without a kid and the associated expenses which often don't end until the kid is out of college. I'd rather retire early abroad and enjoy life than slave away at some miserable desk job until I'm in my 60s after going through a couple of divorces and putting a kid or two through college.
Exactly. It all comes down to common sense. But you have to be careful stating such truths on this forum or your upset the few marriage-obsessed, mouth-frothing wackos. They tend to fall into 3 camps here:

-Religious nuts who are just following their dogmatic programming. No use even reasoning with these types. They're lost causes just doing what they were told by religious mandate. They can get very vindictive and trolling when anyone questions marriage as a concept.

-Tradcucks still brainwashed by bluepill thought process (usually to please their mothers.) These guys are inculcated with that mentality as opposed to being outright indoctrinated like the religious wackjobs. A few of them scream and have trolling tantrums too, but it is usually due to butthurt from being proven wrong on something they believed all their lives.

-Nationalist types who dream of building an ethno-state of whatever race/culture/ethnicity. These guys pine for "their" women being back in their controlled, domestic role and they see marriage as a goal in furtherance of that. Trouble is, most of these guys are "Incels on the spectrum" so marriage is just not in the cards.

There is a handful of normal, decent, thoughtful married guys on the forum who I respect a great deal, but this forum tends to attract more than its share of the 3 unhinged types above.
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by yick »

Marriage is like joining the army - you're best off doing it in your twenties when you're more mentally and socially pliable - I think anyone who gets to their mid-thirties and has never married would be best off not marrying.

And though there are natural married guys out there who thrive in being part of a family unit with a wife and kids, most men aren't but social conditioning is instilled from a young age tells them that is the way to go which is why the divorce rate is so wonderfully high - if you had told me in my twenties that I would be unmarried and have no children approaching 50 then I would have been REALLY upset and thought something was wrong with me but now I am at that stage I am happy - I am really happy because I am doing what I want when I want and where I want and when I retire to another foreign clime - it won't cost all that much money.

Times are different as well, most of my friends and accquaintances aren't married and a lot of them don't have kids - when I read about 'fathers for justice' and men who have been reamed in the courts - I know I have missed a bullet even if those pangs of meeting Miss Wonderful and having a kid still exist inside me sometimes - I don't think it will happen now but as the Spanish say 'You make your plans and God laughs...' :?
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Re: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

yick wrote:
March 2nd, 2020, 9:04 pm
Times are different as well, most of my friends and accquaintances aren't married and a lot of them don't have kids - when I read about 'fathers for justice' and men who have been reamed in the courts - I know I have missed a bullet even if those pangs of meeting Miss Wonderful and having a kid still exist inside me sometimes - I don't think it will happen now but as the Spanish say 'You make your plans and God laughs...' :?
What's sad is that some of these marriage-fanatics can't even fathom having a life purpose unless it include marriage. That says a lot about them if you ask me, but then again, most of the fanatics don't have much going for them personally if how they describe themselves and their lives is any indication.
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