Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
July 27th, 2020, 9:58 pm
Neo wrote:
July 27th, 2020, 8:42 pm
2. Refrain from seeking advice from anyone. Most people cannot give good advice.
Even fewer people can take good advice, in fact any advice. They only want to hear what they like to hear, which invalidates the whole point of advising.
There's an old saying, by Mark Twain or George Bernard Shaw or someone like that which goes like this:

"Never give advice. Wise people don't need it. Fools will never listen to it."

Also, professional therapists and counselors and psychologists are trained to not give advice, for a good reason. Advice can backfire or be wrong, even if it's well intentioned. If that happens, the patient can sue them. Plus good advice does not solve problems. I've never heard of real problems being solved by good advice. Have you? That's because in real life real problems do not have easy solutions, if they did, then they wouldn't be real problems of course. That's why good advice, even if logical or practical, is not gonna solve a deep persistent problem.

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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
1. Your observations of Europe don't seem to be anything new. Just common sense, but with a negative/downward slant of course. You can't deny that. It's obvious right? I mean, everyone knows that making a living is hard work, and that living vs. traveling in a country are different. That's nothing new. Everyone here already knows that. So what additional insights are you contributing when you pontificate about Europe?
Well, that was my point exactly, see? :) There is nothing incredibly insightful about what I told you about Europe. It's just pure common sense. The negative slant is also the common sense answer that comes from living in Europe for most of my life. There is nothing magical, mythical or romantic about living in a European city, as a tourist, in 2020. The overly positive, romantic/nostalgic pixie dust is due to your good memories of your trips in Russia and Poland (and maybe other places). If you paid those trips in, say, Chile and Argentina, you would now praise those countries as the best place for you to be.

It also largely depends on what you expect: how much free time you have to have your walks in the old town centre, wake up late in the morning after a night of drinking and partying, where you live, how much you can afford to spend, who you end up hanging out with, how quick you are at moving to another city if you don't like what you see, etc.

If you are in a happy, relaxed state of mind, of course you'll feel more "in your element", happier to find people who are in the mood for fun and share that fun with them, whether it's a good chat, a few beers or sex. But that applies to any place.

I am sorry if my opinion might lack "wow factor" and be slightly on the negative side but you asked for it, so here it is. Dismissing it as useless "pontificating" is not really a big incentive for me to give you any sort of opinion in the future...you know... It just makes you sound like ungrateful and immature, as you are clearly only prepared to accept what you like to hear.

No offense here, but hopefully you know where I am coming from.

You are free to listen to CE's bombastic adventures with gorgeous 20 year old college students at your fingertips and people giving him the 5-star treatment left right and center. How much of that is true, or even credible, I wouldn't put my finger on.
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
We also all know that most people we meet in life are just going to be friendly acquaintances, or nothing at all. Only a small percentage of people turn into friends. That's true of everyone, even of celebrities. Nothing new there. So why bring it up? Not even CE denies something so common sense.

But what you miss is that it's about percentages too. For example, if 5 percent of people I meet turn into friends that like me and I like them, then the more people I meet, the more friends I will have right? So for example, if I meet 400 people in one year, and 5 percent of them become my friends, then that's a fair amount.
Again, it all depends on what you are looking for, of what you call a friend. When you told me about your desire for deep connections, I thought you were referring to "deep friendships" and maybe a relationship with a decent woman. If you are happy with random people you can party with in a city before you move to the next city and the next group of people, be my guest. You can have that anywhere in the world, so long you keep yourself in the relaxed, happy-go-lucky state of mind. So nothing new under the sun there, either.

When it comes to friendships, I have never reasoned in terms of percentages. It surely is an interesting point, but I don't think it would apply to me. Pursuing a good friendship means giving them as much, if not more than, you receive from them. It's an investment, a bit like a relationship, that requires time, attention, energy. No man has such a large amount of energy that he wants to build "great" friendships with more than, maybe, 2 or 3 people at any given time.

This doesn't mean you won't find a lot of friendly men and women in your journey, people you can have fun with in the moment and then keep in touch online, until there's a chance of meeting again.
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
But if you meet little to no people, like I do in USA and Taiwan, then those percentages are all zeros and don't matter. But in Europe, if you meet a lot of friendly people, even though most of them are superficial, the more you meet, the more friends you make, even if only 5 percent of them want to be your friend, and 95 percent are just nice one day or become acquaintances.

Do you see what I mean? That has a little bit of a more positive spin on it. Why don't you cite stuff like that and sound a little more optimistic?
Simply because I don't believe it's just a number game. Finding a good friend, someone who goes beyond the "nice meeting you, let's do it again soon" kind of acquaintance, takes time and a good amount of luck. Serendipity, if you will. You might hit a single city, say Prague, and find a brother and sister, where the brother becomes your best friend and her sister becomes your girlfriend. Or you might pass dozens of places and have thousands of people on your Facebook friends list and feel that you have never made a real friend.

Again, wanting to state the bleeding obvious. Your attitude will make all the difference between those two scenarios. If you are relaxed, a good communicator and a better listener, you move with confidence and you know what to expect from everyone you meet, then you will have a great chance to meet special people, be them friends or romantic relationship.

But again, that applies to any place in the world! The reason why it never happened in the US is perhaps because you were never allowed to be yourself in those environments. I don't know why that happened but I can imagine that being bullied or sidelined during some of those years dented your confidence quite a bit.

Not making armchair psychology here. I think you know what I am trying to say.
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
2. You know that everywhere has pros and cons right? Why don't you list the pros and cons of Europe? You seem to list only cons, as if there are only cons in Europe and no pros. We know that's not true. So why don't you try to be more balanced and list both pros and cons? I'm not asking you to be fake positive like Americans are. Just asking you to be more balanced, because your slant toward the negative and cons is too apparent. Do you get what I mean?
There are lots of nice things to see and do in Europe, and they're the one you know and you have even seen: the amazing diversity of people, culture, language, architecture and art, food, etc. But those things are not guaranteed to make you happy. It's more, if not all, about your state of mind, your attitude towards people.

It's also very subjective, what is a pro for me might be a con for you. For one, I love warm, Mediterranean weather and I would list Greece, Malta and Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon as right on top of my list. You said you don't like when it's too hot and might not be of the same opinion. I prefer kind and polite people who are genuine with their feelings, smile when they are happy and become distant when they are not in the mood, to loud "soul of the party" people who have to look happy all the time. This means I like being around French, Slavic and Greek people more than, say, some of us Italians, Spaniards/Portuguese, Egyptians and some Americans.

Again, if you are asking me to compare Europe with the US, I don't know the US well enough to make a judgment.
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
3. You keep saying that I'm not 25 anymore. I keep telling you that doesn't matter, because white women in general do not find me sexually attractive and do not see me as a romantic interest. They are only curious about me because I look different and a novelty and maybe exotic. Even in Europe or Russia this is true. One girl in Russia even told me with brutal honesty that men like me "lack sexuality" meaning that I do not incite sexual interest in women, because I am an asexual type. It's not because I'm not handsome, just asexual.

So you see, age never made a difference. Whether young or old, women tend to see me as asexual. That's why I often don't get laid for free. Once in a while I do, but not often. Thus age is not an issue in my case. I keep telling you that but you keep forgetting it.
Well, that's where I think you're wrong. Surely 22 year old college students won't find any immediate connection with you and ignore you. Striking a playful conversation with a girl 25 years younger than you knowing that there's a good chance that she will like you for a one-night stand or a relationship is something I have only seen in the Philippines. We all know that LOL It's a mix, the "right" mix of culture and need.

On the opposite side, if you are in your mid to late 40s and behave like the deep, mature, intellectual person you actually already are, then sooner or later a woman who likes you for those qualities may pop by. You may not like her because she is 40 and not 20, she is no longer hot stuff and has a kid or two to take care of, but you will find her. Can you see? You seem to be overly pessimistic, or a fatalist, on something where there's no need to be, and put a romantic lining on something that, at least to me, look quite ordinary.

One thing your Russian friend is right on is that most Asians don't have masculinity "built-in" :) You may need to work a bit to develop that "yummy factor" that will keep women intrigued and then attracted on the physical side. Again, that is not something that can be improvised or learned in "5 easy steps", it's more of a gradual process: dressing up with the right clothes, having a classic hairstyle with a twist, moving confidently, using your voice and touch when appropriate, keeping your date surprised by taking initiative, etc.

At my work I see a lot of hopeless Asian old men dragging their sorry selves and their (less than enthusiastic) Filipina date from the casino to the restaurant, to the bar/lounge, to their bedrooms. I also occasionally see some men, well into their 50s, who are absolutely killing it with the ladies and it's easy to see why: they can dance salsa or even tango, they are slender and dress impeccably, they know how to keep the people at their table entertained, intrigued and excited without ever overdoing, showing off.

Some of them look like a serious version of Psy in his prime :)

Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
4. Yes I do have nostalgic feelings for Europe like you said. But I also feel more positive energy and connection and resonance there, from my core being. Remember? It could be that the oversouls (deities or entities that govern that area) see that I have an Aryan soul and so they welcome me more and give me more positive energy, because I am an "old friend" to the European lands. Who knows. Anything is possible. You can't discount that.
Or it could be imprinting, Winston, the feeling that you belong to the first place where you could feel free and be yourself, where you had your first extraordinary experiences, be them extraordinarily positive or extraordinarily negative. I am no psychologist but it's easy to imagine that, if you had those experiences in Mexico or Argentina, those would be the places you would call your ultimate happier abroad destinations.
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
Starchild5 once said that my soul is not only ancient European, but from an advanced white race long preceding Atlantis. Remember? lol. See here: viewtopic.php?p=273009#p273009
Interesting theory...don't know what to say :)
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:19 am
I also told you many times I feel like I have past lives connected to Europe. You don't seem to believe me. But you never explained the evidence for reincarnation? For example, how do you explain this documentary about four Australian women who went to Europe to find their past lives and verify their past life memories and found them to be stunningly accurate? Again, see this documentary below. So if these women can have past lives in Europe, then why can't I? You never addressed this.

Video description:
1981 documentary with australian hypnotherapist Peter Ramster. Filmed live as the research was undertaken. -with a bonus update for Gwen McDonald!-

Four women are regressed to their past lives and then seek out the places they remembered under hypnosis and find the evidence beyond the extent they had imagined.

Cynthia Henderson: Amélie de Cheville whose manor house was Château Cerisy Belle Etoille (now Château Cerisy-Belle-Étoile) in Normandy, France, about two hundred years earlier (died 1763).

Helen Pickering: Doctor James (Archibald) Burns, born in 1807, who studied medicine at Marischal College, Aberdeen then had his own practice in Blairgowrie, Scotland.

Jenny Green: Dorothe Halman, of Düsseldorf, jewish teen girl in nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

Gwen McDonald: Rose Duncan, born in 1765, whose house was Rose Cottage in Somerset, England.

The evidence is extraordinary. The full details of the expedition were written up in the book 'The Search For Lives Past' by Peter Ramster.
Interesting stuff, I will check it out soon. To be a bit ironic, you have connections with Europe in your present life, even without mentioning your past lives. You had some of your best experiences there and it's only natural you want to repeat them by being back there.

So the million dollar question continues to be: when will you try to win those forces, already, and book that flight!
Last edited by hypermak on July 28th, 2020, 7:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 5:24 am
Did you consider all this?
Absolutely. Which is why you need less of advice and more of "log into the airline website and book that ticket".
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »

Hypermak, a classic historical event and mystery for you to consider which backs up my point about destiny, higher forces, murphy's law, etc. See here:

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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 7:44 am
Hypermak, a classic historical event and mystery for you to consider which backs up my point about destiny, higher forces, murphy's law, etc. See here:

I read something similar to what you report, along the lines of the Titanic being deliberately sunk to kill specific people who were on board and also to collect insurance. Whatever the truth, there would probably be a list of very practical, if evil, reasons why the ship had to go down on his maiden voyage, before higher spiritual forces and supernatural events come into the picture.

My point remains that, even if superior forces conspire and influence human events, like the Greeks and the ancient Romans believed, we still have a great deal of willpower left to steer our lives where we want them to be.
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Moretorque »

hypermak wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 7:12 pm
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 7:44 am
Hypermak, a classic historical event and mystery for you to consider which backs up my point about destiny, higher forces, murphy's law, etc. See here:

I read something similar to what you report, along the lines of the Titanic being deliberately sunk to kill specific people who were on board and also to collect insurance. Whatever the truth, there would probably be a list of very practical, if evil, reasons why the ship had to go down on his maiden voyage, before higher spiritual forces and supernatural events come into the picture.

My point remains that, even if superior forces conspire and influence human events, like the Greeks and the ancient Romans believed, we still have a great deal of willpower left to steer our lives where we want them to be.
I don't know about that, the boom is dropping more so everyday...
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 7:12 pm
Winston wrote:
July 28th, 2020, 7:44 am
Hypermak, a classic historical event and mystery for you to consider which backs up my point about destiny, higher forces, murphy's law, etc. See here:

I read something similar to what you report, along the lines of the Titanic being deliberately sunk to kill specific people who were on board and also to collect insurance. Whatever the truth, there would probably be a list of very practical, if evil, reasons why the ship had to go down on his maiden voyage, before higher spiritual forces and supernatural events come into the picture.

My point remains that, even if superior forces conspire and influence human events, like the Greeks and the ancient Romans believed, we still have a great deal of willpower left to steer our lives where we want them to be.
Maybe but my point is that a group of men cannot control what happens on the Titanic. I mean they cant predict exactly where the ship will hit and plus the hull is usually strong enough to withstand any collision with icebergs (remember no ship has ever sunk from an iceberg before). Plus they cannot guarantee that the three important men wouldn't get off on the lifeboats. Usually rich men can buy their way into a lifeboat and get preferential treatment. Also how did the conspirators know the California ship wouldn't rescue them right away? That would be out of their control too. Its hard to believe that the California captain would be in on it too and allow many people to die.

Men cant control all these factors. Only supernatural forces can. If you were the devil and you had supernatural powers, you could get rid of people by making "unlucky accidents" happen to them right? You wouldnt need to hire men or a professional hit squad.

Btw i forgot to mention something else. New books on the Titanic say that divers noticed that the hull of the ship looked like it had blown outward from an internal explosion. If thats true then the iceberg theory was made up and an internal explosion, perhaps deliberate, caused the sinking. That would mean it was conspiracy but wouldn't the crew or captain have to be in on it? The thing is, the Titanic can take flooding in several compartments which are water tight. But for some reason the flooding spread into all compartment and wouldn't stop. So that is another mystery. The conspirators would have to remove the waterproofing on the compartments so that water could not be contained in one compartment only.

There's a lot of unanswered questions and suspicious elements here.
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »


"My point remains that, even if superior forces conspire and influence human events, like the Greeks and the ancient Romans believed, we still have a great deal of willpower left to steer our lives where we want them to be."

Im not sure about that. The last four nights I've gotten dressed at night to go to some brothels to get laid here in Taiwan. But just when i try to get my car keys and get into the car and go, some invisible force attacks me and makes me feel fear and dread and panic stricken. At that point i cannot exercise my free will and i feel stunned and paralyzed. How do you explain that @hypermak? Its like something wont let me move. What the f**k?! It pisses me off! What the f**k is interferring with my free will?

Are u saying hypermak that u can do anything u want and the universe doesnt care and never interferes? Like youre in a video game and nothing obstructs your movements in the game? Nothing obstructs you physically or mentally?

Why would the universe interfere more with me and not with you or others? Because I'm the chosen one? Lol (facetious)
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:25 pm
Maybe but my point is that a group of men cannot control what happens on the Titanic. I mean they cant predict exactly where the ship will hit and plus the hull is usually strong enough to withstand any collision with icebergs (remember no ship has ever sunk from an iceberg before). Plus they cannot guarantee that the three important men wouldn't get off on the lifeboats. Usually rich men can buy their way into a lifeboat and get preferential treatment. Also how did the conspirators know the California ship wouldn't rescue them right away? That would be out of their control too. Its hard to believe that the California captain would be in on it too and allow many people to die.

Men cant control all these factors. Only supernatural forces can. If you were the devil and you had supernatural powers, you could get rid of people by making "unlucky accidents" happen to them right? You wouldnt need to hire men or a professional hit squad.

Btw i forgot to mention something else. New books on the Titanic say that divers noticed that the hull of the ship looked like it had blown outward from an internal explosion. If thats true then the iceberg theory was made up and an internal explosion, perhaps deliberate, caused the sinking. That would mean it was conspiracy but wouldn't the crew or captain have to be in on it? The thing is, the Titanic can take flooding in several compartments which are water tight. But for some reason the flooding spread into all compartment and wouldn't stop. So that is another mystery. The conspirators would have to remove the waterproofing on the compartments so that water could not be contained in one compartment only.

There's a lot of unanswered questions and suspicious elements here.
Yes, there is also the theory that the hull had already been damaged by a massive fire happened before the inauguration and the cause of sinking was the hull rupturing during the maiden voyage, so the iceberg was an excuse.

There were a lot of reasons why certain people would profit from the Titanic shipwreck. My belief is that whatever they were, they were all tragically human and tragically evil. As I heard in a movie somewhere, "it's not the evil up there that scares me, it's the evil down here".
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:29 pm
Im not sure about that. The last four nights I've gotten dressed at night to go to some brothels to get laid here in Taiwan. But just when i try to get my car keys and get into the car and go, some invisible force attacks me and makes me feel fear and dread and panic stricken. At that point i cannot exercise my free will and i feel stunned and paralyzed. How do you explain that @hypermak? Its like something wont let me move. What the f**k?! It pisses me off! What the f**k is interferring with my free will?
Maybe you unconsciously feel guilty and "dirty" to visit the brothels in your town. Maybe the last time you were there you didn't have a great time. I am no psychologist but there are a lot of explanations in the realm of your psyche and conscience that can explain your sense of panic and fear very well, before you start thinking about demons and supernatural forces.

Maybe you need a real woman, Winston? A good woman who can nurture you and make you feel in peace with yourself, relaxed and "at home"? I don't know Taiwanese very well but I can guess a Filipina would probably be a perfect candidate.
Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:29 pm
Are u saying hypermak that u can do anything u want and the universe doesnt care and never interferes? Like youre in a video game and nothing obstructs your movements in the game? Nothing obstructs you physically or mentally?

Why would the universe interfere more with me and not with you or others? Because I'm the chosen one? Lol (facetious)
I can do anything I want...but I can't. I know that whatever I do, I will pay the consequences. All I can do is think twice before I do something. I am relatively happy because my family is safe at home and independent, so many of my choices will affect me and only me, whether positively or negatively.

I don't think the Universe chose you more than anyone else here. I think you perhaps have less self-discipline than most of us, which is why you need to find a way to force yourself to do something even if parts of your mind say "no". That's what every psychologist, every mother, every friend would tell you...it's not sophisticated science, it's just common sense.
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 8:17 pm
Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:25 pm
Maybe but my point is that a group of men cannot control what happens on the Titanic. I mean they cant predict exactly where the ship will hit and plus the hull is usually strong enough to withstand any collision with icebergs (remember no ship has ever sunk from an iceberg before). Plus they cannot guarantee that the three important men wouldn't get off on the lifeboats. Usually rich men can buy their way into a lifeboat and get preferential treatment. Also how did the conspirators know the California ship wouldn't rescue them right away? That would be out of their control too. Its hard to believe that the California captain would be in on it too and allow many people to die.

Men cant control all these factors. Only supernatural forces can. If you were the devil and you had supernatural powers, you could get rid of people by making "unlucky accidents" happen to them right? You wouldnt need to hire men or a professional hit squad.

Btw i forgot to mention something else. New books on the Titanic say that divers noticed that the hull of the ship looked like it had blown outward from an internal explosion. If thats true then the iceberg theory was made up and an internal explosion, perhaps deliberate, caused the sinking. That would mean it was conspiracy but wouldn't the crew or captain have to be in on it? The thing is, the Titanic can take flooding in several compartments which are water tight. But for some reason the flooding spread into all compartment and wouldn't stop. So that is another mystery. The conspirators would have to remove the waterproofing on the compartments so that water could not be contained in one compartment only.

There's a lot of unanswered questions and suspicious elements here.
Yes, there is also the theory that the hull had already been damaged by a massive fire happened before the inauguration and the cause of sinking was the hull rupturing during the maiden voyage, so the iceberg was an excuse.

There were a lot of reasons why certain people would profit from the Titanic shipwreck. My belief is that whatever they were, they were all tragically human and tragically evil. As I heard in a movie somewhere, "it's not the evil up there that scares me, it's the evil down here".
But hypermak, why do you think it's either/or? Why not both? Don't you know that the physical and metaphysical/spiritual are connected? They are not mutually exclusive of course. Everything is interconnected, not just on the physical plane, but the spiritual too. Didn't you know that? I'm sure you've heard of this before.

Even the truth movement knows that the evil men in the elite cabals on earth are connected with 4D entities and make pacts with them. The Christians call it Satanic or demonic forces that influence or control the Vatican, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, etc. The David Icke crowd has the same theory but just has different names for it, such as the Archons.

For example, we know that 9/11 was a false flag event to get the US into a war in the Middle East. That's obvious. But that's not all. It was an occult ritual too. Mark Passio has videos that go in depth on it. So big events like that serve both a physical purpose and a spiritual/metaphysical one too. The occult aspect explains why the third tower Building 7 had to come down too, even though it wasn't necessary for the false flag, and left a smoking gun for Truthers to take advantage of and expose.

See here:

For more on how evil in America goes deep in multi-layers and multi-connections see the interviews with author Peter Levenda.

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... er+levenda

Come on. I'm sure you know all this right? You're not dumb right?
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »

hypermak wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 8:29 pm
Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:29 pm
Im not sure about that. The last four nights I've gotten dressed at night to go to some brothels to get laid here in Taiwan. But just when i try to get my car keys and get into the car and go, some invisible force attacks me and makes me feel fear and dread and panic stricken. At that point i cannot exercise my free will and i feel stunned and paralyzed. How do you explain that @hypermak? Its like something wont let me move. What the f**k?! It pisses me off! What the f**k is interferring with my free will?
Maybe you unconsciously feel guilty and "dirty" to visit the brothels in your town. Maybe the last time you were there you didn't have a great time. I am no psychologist but there are a lot of explanations in the realm of your psyche and conscience that can explain your sense of panic and fear very well, before you start thinking about demons and supernatural forces.

Maybe you need a real woman, Winston? A good woman who can nurture you and make you feel in peace with yourself, relaxed and "at home"? I don't know Taiwanese very well but I can guess a Filipina would probably be a perfect candidate.
Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2020, 1:29 pm
Are u saying hypermak that u can do anything u want and the universe doesnt care and never interferes? Like youre in a video game and nothing obstructs your movements in the game? Nothing obstructs you physically or mentally?

Why would the universe interfere more with me and not with you or others? Because I'm the chosen one? Lol (facetious)
I can do anything I want...but I can't. I know that whatever I do, I will pay the consequences. All I can do is think twice before I do something. I am relatively happy because my family is safe at home and independent, so many of my choices will affect me and only me, whether positively or negatively.

I don't think the Universe chose you more than anyone else here. I think you perhaps have less self-discipline than most of us, which is why you need to find a way to force yourself to do something even if parts of your mind say "no". That's what every psychologist, every mother, every friend would tell you...it's not sophisticated science, it's just common sense.
But that makes no sense. I've been to many prostitutes, freelancers and bar girls, and have a lot of experience with them, as everyone knows. I have no moral problems with it. Remember? Didn't you take that into account? Shouldn't you take all data into account before forming a theory or hypothesis?

Maybe like I say, Taiwan has a weird vibe that makes you weak and destroys your confidence. That's why no one here acts confident? Not one? Why don't you fly over here to Taiwan and I'll show you what I mean? lol

Furthermore when Rock is here i can go to those places a lot easier. Why? Its like i can piggyback off his confidence in Taiwan which i cannot generate when im alone because i dont thrive there. I even notice that Taiwanese are friendlier to me when Rock is around, as if his vibe changes the aura of the room.

Haven't you noticed that some places suck your soul, confidence and self-esteem? Have you experienced that? Have you ever been a misfit anywhere?

You didn't answer my question. Are you saying your mind is unified and nothing interferes with your actions or thoughts?

What about people with OCD like me? That's something that cannot be controlled.

How come so many people in the US take psychiatric medication or antidepressants, if they can control their mind in full?

How do you know I'm not "chosen" or "special" to the gods? Why do you think you speak for the gods? lol. Why can't you be more humble?

The gods definitely do not treat everyone equally or the same. I'm sure you know that. Some are lucky and blessed and some are not. Some are protected, some are not.

Study the life of George Washington or Andrew Jackson and you will conclude that they must have been divinely protected.

We are not all equal in every way. That's a communist/marxist myth.

You shouldn't be quick to rule out anything, especially if it's in the divine realm. Come on. Isn't that foolish or presumptuous?

You still have never explained why murphy's law plagues my life, not pure randomness or law of statistics? Why do women who love me dump me for no reason after I did nothing wrong? That cannot be logically explained. Me and GoingAWOL have experienced this COUNTLESS times. That cannot be coincidence. Only a supernatural element or barrier can explain that. Logic cannot explain everything. I'm sure you know that. I can give you many situations and problems that cannot be logically explained, you know that?

Furthermore, why do women who dump me after liking me a lot, also need to shame and condemn me? (e.g. Lisa, Danielle) It's as if some evil force is speaking through them, especially when they condemn me and doom me and tell me that I will always be lonely and single, because "I just don't get it" as if I have some problem that they cannot explain or discuss, but they know it somehow, and use it to condemn me, but they will not specify what they mean. They insinuate i have some "curse" that condemns me and dooms me and they know it but cannot explain it, but they use it to shame me and condemn me as if some "dark force" were saying it through them, using them as a medium. Very spooky. Like a horror movie. Why? It's like those horror movies when some old man or woman channels a message from the dark side to the protagonist, which runs chills up your spine, because sometimes that does happen in real life horror stories too.

Of course, randomnness or law of statistics cannot explain Murphy's Law or a PATTERN of things against me or bad luck that is too consistent to be chance alone, nor can it be explained by logic such as looks or money or personality, etc. Sometimes people dislike the substance of who you are but cannot explain why. Have you noticed that?

And sometimes, two guys with the same looks and personality get totally different results with women. GoingAWOL has told me many stories like that, we have spoken at length on this. Nothing logical can be pinned down to explain that, there's no common denominator that can be logically identified.

Life is full of such mysterious things. How do you explain them? Not even the wisest men on earth can explain them. So why can't you admit that they are unexplainable? Why do you dodge and deny them? Denying something doesn't explain anything, it still leaves the question unanswered. Why are you always biased against a supernatural explanation for anything? Lots of events in history cannot be explained, except by something supernatural or otherworldly, such as The Miracle of Fatima in 1917. Have you researched that incident?

Do you get my drift?
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by Winston »


See what I wrote here about Krakow, Poland:


As I said, after the movie was over, the girls sitting near me and I talked about the film, even though they were strangers. That would never happen in America or Asia, with girls in a theater that you didn't know. No way. Only in Europe does that sort of thing happen. I really miss that. Gosh. It was so refreshing. That instant familiarity you had with strangers. No way do you get that in America. Hell no!

So my question is, how do you explain that hypermak? Why do you never take it into account? Was this something unique to Krakow, because it was a college town? Either way, I swear to you hypermak, that I've experienced a lot of stuff like that in Europe and Russia that I NEVER EVER experienced in America. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that great? For me it was so SURREAL, like being in a dream. You can't understand what that means to me. It's almost like being in heaven. So why do you never take that into account? Isn't that a good thing? Why do you always ignore and dismiss me when I mention such things? Why can't you accept them? Even if I swear on the Bible that these experiences are true?
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
But that makes no sense. I've been to many prostitutes, freelancers and bar girls, and have a lot of experience with them, as everyone knows. I have no moral problems with it. Remember? Didn't you take that into account? Shouldn't you take all data into account before forming a theory or hypothesis?

Maybe like I say, Taiwan has a weird vibe that makes you weak and destroys your confidence. That's why no one here acts confident? Not one? Why don't you fly over here to Taiwan and I'll show you what I mean? lol
I have never been with a prostitute in the Philippines but, based on what I know about Filipinas in general, the vibe around the typical semi-uneducated girl from the province is completely different indeed from what you could experience in Taiwan. Most young Filipinas from those backgrounds are friendly, playful and curious. They might hit 20 on the calendar but they seem to have the reasoning and the mindset of a young teenager...with all the pros and cons of the case! :)

So yes, I have no problem believing you that there is a better vibe around FIlipinas.
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
Furthermore when Rock is here i can go to those places a lot easier. Why? Its like i can piggyback off his confidence in Taiwan which i cannot generate when im alone because i dont thrive there. I even notice that Taiwanese are friendlier to me when Rock is around, as if his vibe changes the aura of the room.
I don't know much about Rock and what relationship he has with Taiwan. I can imagine it was easier to have a wingman, as it took off some of the weirdness edge/stigma and added more sense of camaraderie and "group fun".
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
Haven't you noticed that some places suck your soul, confidence and self-esteem? Have you experienced that? Have you ever been a misfit anywhere?
Of course there are places that are simply boring and have lost whatever little authenticity they might have had. A classic example is Hong Kong vs Singapore. IMHO Hong Kong offers a lot more of authentic "colonial" Chinese vibes, while Singapore is just a sterilised, soulless work-buy-die kind of metropolis. HK might be dirtier, more chaotic and with more troubles than SG will ever have, but I would love to live in HK any day.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that a city or an environment will remove or neuralise your confidence or your personality. I think it's perhaps your reaction to the environment and the people of the city, which give you a lot less incentives to be who you are, or who you want to be. If I spent some time in SG, I wouldn't blame SG for not being on the same wavelength. SG is a city for certain types of people, Manila is a city for another type of people. You all know which one I prefer :)
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
You didn't answer my question. Are you saying your mind is unified and nothing interferes with your actions or thoughts?
I don't know if I would use the word "unified". I am not on such a high spiritual level that my mind, body and spirit will always make the perfectly right choice every time. I am just saying that no choice is inherently right or wrong. I might have gotten a bit less fortunate in term of career prestige when choosing to move to Manila as opposed to, say, Paris or Dubai. Yet, I am definitely happier because I am in girl heaven :)

Whether I will regret this choice or continue to be contented about it, only time will tell. And by that time, I will be on other choices and regard that regret as nothing more than a passing thought.
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
What about people with OCD like me? That's something that cannot be controlled.

How come so many people in the US take psychiatric medication or antidepressants, if they can control their mind in full?
Were you diagnosed with OCD, or some autistic spectrum disorder?
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
How do you know I'm not "chosen" or "special" to the gods? Why do you think you speak for the gods? lol. Why can't you be more humble?

The gods definitely do not treat everyone equally or the same. I'm sure you know that. Some are lucky and blessed and some are not. Some are protected, some are not.

Study the life of George Washington or Andrew Jackson and you will conclude that they must have been divinely protected.

We are not all equal in every way. That's a communist/marxist myth.

You shouldn't be quick to rule out anything, especially if it's in the divine realm. Come on. Isn't that foolish or presumptuous?
LOL, but isn't it just as presumptuous to assume that you are, the chosen one? So you think you have been purposely chosen to be tortured by demons and kept unable to fulfill your desires or dreams. What would be the "cosmic" purpose of all this?
Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:32 pm
You still have never explained why murphy's law plagues my life, not pure randomness or law of statistics? Why do women who love me dump me for no reason after I did nothing wrong? That cannot be logically explained. Me and GoingAWOL have experienced this COUNTLESS times. That cannot be coincidence. Only a supernatural element or barrier can explain that. Logic cannot explain everything. I'm sure you know that. I can give you many situations and problems that cannot be logically explained, you know that?

Furthermore, why do women who dump me after liking me a lot, also need to shame and condemn me? (e.g. Lisa, Danielle) It's as if some evil force is speaking through them, especially when they condemn me and doom me and tell me that I will always be lonely and single, because "I just don't get it" as if I have some problem that they cannot explain or discuss, but they know it somehow, and use it to condemn me, but they will not specify what they mean. They insinuate i have some "curse" that condemns me and dooms me and they know it but cannot explain it, but they use it to shame me and condemn me as if some "dark force" were saying it through them, using them as a medium. Very spooky. Like a horror movie. Why? It's like those horror movies when some old man or woman channels a message from the dark side to the protagonist, which runs chills up your spine, because sometimes that does happen in real life horror stories too.

Of course, randomnness or law of statistics cannot explain Murphy's Law or a PATTERN of things against me or bad luck that is too consistent to be chance alone, nor can it be explained by logic such as looks or money or personality, etc. Sometimes people dislike the substance of who you are but cannot explain why. Have you noticed that?

And sometimes, two guys with the same looks and personality get totally different results with women. GoingAWOL has told me many stories like that, we have spoken at length on this. Nothing logical can be pinned down to explain that, there's no common denominator that can be logically identified.

Life is full of such mysterious things. How do you explain them? Not even the wisest men on earth can explain them. So why can't you admit that they are unexplainable? Why do you dodge and deny them? Denying something doesn't explain anything, it still leaves the question unanswered. Why are you always biased against a supernatural explanation for anything? Lots of events in history cannot be explained, except by something supernatural or otherworldly, such as The Miracle of Fatima in 1917. Have you researched that incident?

Do you get my drift?
What happened to you is what happens to most people, if you care to know. Women are fickle as f*ck, there is no doubt about it. Unless there's a strong bong based on physical or emotional attraction, respect,or even just an materialistic agenda, a young woman will get bored of a man and leave them. The same can be said for us men: it happens to most men, to start something great with a girl and then call it a day after 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years, because the magic, the chemistry, the grand life plan just isn't there. Perhaps it never was. Some men and women may be more honest and upfront and at least give a good explanation as to why they are leaving their partners. Some others will be a**holes and dump their other halves to jump on to the next guy or girl.

I think you really need to accept that most people's choices are not driven by logic, especially when it comes to events driven by emotions, impulses, feelings like love and romance. That something that happens to you cannot be explained by (human) logic, doesn't mean that they can only be explain by a type of supernatural force or divine intervention.

Sorry, I don't get the reference to Lisa and Danielle. What exactly were they condemning you for? Maybe they had a connection with you on a very particular aspect, like your intelligence or charm, and as soon as they saw you in your entirety, they realised that they didn't like you enough to start or continue a relationship with you. It happens all the time, it's nothing to feel ashamed or upset about. Women are fickle. Have you actually entertained the idea that maybe they were the weird ones, the misfits?

If you see a pattern of bad luck plaguing your life, could it be because you keep behaving the same way? As common sense says, you cannot behave the same way and expect different outcomes. I can't tell you exactly what's wrong and what you need to change, but change something you probably need.

I don't deny that life is full of mysterious and unexplicable things. It's what makes life interesting and worth living, the fact that it's a process of discovery. Still, one has to learn to discover some cause-effect relationship, understand that steering the wheel left will turn the car left and swerving too much may lead the car to crash into a wall. I am fascinated by the miracles of Fatima, other supernatural events and I am happy to read and discuss more about them. Still, I believe that one should learn to know how to steer their boat before leaving it to the wind and the storms and blaming God or the sea monsters for having their boat capsized.
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Re: Would Winston be happier abroad in Europe?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2020, 11:49 pm
As I said, after the movie was over, the girls sitting near me and I talked about the film, even though they were strangers. That would never happen in America or Asia, with girls in a theater that you didn't know. No way. Only in Europe does that sort of thing happen. I really miss that. Gosh. It was so refreshing. That instant familiarity you had with strangers. No way do you get that in America. Hell no!

So my question is, how do you explain that hypermak? Why do you never take it into account? Was this something unique to Krakow, because it was a college town? Either way, I swear to you hypermak, that I've experienced a lot of stuff like that in Europe and Russia that I NEVER EVER experienced in America. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that great? For me it was so SURREAL, like being in a dream. You can't understand what that means to me. It's almost like being in heaven. So why do you never take that into account? Isn't that a good thing? Why do you always ignore and dismiss me when I mention such things? Why can't you accept them? Even if I swear on the Bible that these experiences are true?
Sorry, what's so special about this episode? You mean a couple of friendly girls in a cinema and started a conversation about the movie. I have no trouble imagining that in the US today kids just keep to themselves and their smartphone screens, even when they go out with their best friends. It's a well-known fact that the younger generations have less and less emotional intelligence and social skills and their preferred mode of interaction is via a social media apps, carefully posed selfies, possibly with beauty-enhancing filters.

I suppose this episode in Krakow happened many years ago. Poland of 10 years ago, or Europe of 10 years ago had, on average, friendlier and less paranoid girls than the US now. That's what I can conclude, and I have no problem believing it.

I also believe that if you fly back to Russia or Poland and interact with women in their 30s or 40s, you will have experiences similar to those you had there when those same people were in their 20s. But the, as they say, the proof is in the pudding: why don't you take that flight and go see for yourself? :)
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