Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Neo wrote:
June 23rd, 2019, 9:47 pm
Shemp wrote:
June 23rd, 2019, 8:25 pm
flowerthief00 wrote:
June 23rd, 2019, 12:29 pm
...The person who doesn't believe might receive more mercy in the end for all we know. ...
Exactly. I know if I was in charge of handing out rewards and punishments, I would condemn Neo to at least billion years of roasting in hellfire for having misused his brains and for trying to mislead other people, whereas the nonbelievers would get to sit in the clouds with 72 virgins each while laughing at Neo suffering down below.
I have condemned no one. Nor have I wished eternal damnation upon anyone's soul. There is One Lawgiver and One Judge.
Neo you are a sanctimonious disease seeking to infect anyone weak enough to contract what you've taken on wholeheartedly, Christian mythology. You are no more "moral" than anyone else and you are no more guaranteed a positive afterlife than anyone else. Hell is chock full of pious "Christians" who dared to warn others that only their way is THE way.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

flowerthief00 wrote:
June 16th, 2019, 11:21 pm
It has been said that one look at what is allowed to happen in this world suggests that IF there is a god one of the following must be true:

1. He is weak/powerless
2. He is evil

As neither of these two possibilities are desirable we should all be hoping like mad that there is not a god.
Or maybe He's just watching to see what kind of character we each have.

God is able to reward people for any suffering they undergo here in this world. There is a world to come. It will be much more glorious than this one, as all the things that defile this world will not exist on that one. No disease, no death, no sin, no temptation to sin, no ability to sin, no starvation, no toil, no envy, no hatred, no competition, no unfairness, no cruelty, no lack of anything good.

That's because the righteousness of Christ is imputed onto all who believe in Him (in Him - that He is the Son of God, the Messiah - and not on their own works of righteousness), making them worthy to dwell with the King of righteousness in eternity where the true life is (the glory in this world is just a small portion of His glory). It's a free gift that He won't remove for any reason (although length of life in this world and the amount of glory and riches in the next can be diminished).

If a person rejects Christ or ascribes evil characteristics to Him, then that person may never get to see or live true life. It's just a test of each person's heart, to see if they prefer good or evil. What kind of soul does the person have? Good or evil? Godly or satanic? Does the person prefer righteousness or wickedness?
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by flowerthief00 »


Mr Deity is relevant here:

(for a split second Youtube embeds were working, but they're not anymore. does it depend on the time of day? lol)
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

flowerthief00 wrote:
June 26th, 2019, 9:44 pm

Mr Deity is relevant here:

(for a split second Youtube embeds were working, but they're not anymore. does it depend on the time of day? lol)
No it was because you had playlist tags in your URL, like this "&list=" which means you got the video link from a playlist. Just use the most simple YouTube link without any extra tags and it will work, like this:

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by flowerthief00 »

Thanks, got it.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Interesting questions from Quora about God and Satan.

If God sends nonbelievers and people who believe in other Gods to hell, shouldn't God make sure there is enough evidence and only one religion/book?
https://www.quora.com/If-God-sends-nonb ... igion-book

If God is "All Powerful" then why can't he just kill Satan?
https://www.quora.com/If-God-is-All-Pow ... kill-Satan

Is Satan the Alternate Personality of God?
https://www.quora.com/Is-Satan-the-Alte ... ity-of-God

God rules Heaven, Satan rules Hell. If people are sent to Hell because they abandoned or were abandoned by God, why are they punished there? Shouldn't Satan be congratulating them or something?
https://www.quora.com/God-rules-Heaven- ... -something
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Closer to Truth episode on the question of whether God is responsible for the existence of Evil.

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Alex's reply to the above episode from Closer to Truth about God and suffering. His reply included a great 20 min voice clip which I can't attach here unfortunately.

[6/30, 10:59 PM] Alex From Venice: I've just watched it and it's been quite fair on its search for a good theodicity
[6/30, 11:00 PM] Alex From Venice: but it ultimately failed
[6/30, 11:01 PM] Alex From Venice: I have my own theory that I think better explain how an all good and loving God may allow so much evil and suffer to exist

[7/1, 5:39 AM] Winston Wu: Yes i agree. The host didnt interview people much smarter. There are many better theologians and philosophers he could have picked. The experts he interviewed had no original ideas, they only knew whatever their seminary taught them.

My reply to Alex's 20 min voice clip on God and suffering.

[7/1, 6:45 AM] Winston Wu: Yeah but alex. Why does God allow excessive suffering and evil? Thats the big question. Can God control excessive evil and suffering?

Some suffering and pain leads to nothing good. For example some people suffer and die. What good is that? And many filipino beggars die young from malnutrition. What good can come from that? How does that fit into Gods plan?

Did your voice clip explain this?
[7/1, 6:45 AM] Winston Wu: If God just wants people to be good then what is the point of Jesus crucifixion? You can choose to do good even if Jesus never came right?
[7/1, 7:05 AM] Winston Wu: What do u mean that God chooses who to make miracle for depending on their free will?
[7/1, 7:06 AM] Winston Wu: Yes thats a good point. Men are attached to women just like women are attached to their children because women came from Adam's body and rib just like babies come from womens body.
[7/1, 8:55 AM] Alex From Venice: there's no good. There's no balance between excessive suffer and rewards.
But it's good that excessive suffer is shortened by a short life.
Death is not a loss for those who suffered but the gate to their reward.
My explanation is that this is "our world" and God can't intervene because his intervention will defy the purpose of this world where we live.
That doesn't mean that God likes to see us suffering, indeed God suffer for our suffers.
But his her ways of intervention are very limited as God can't alter the physics laws of our world any time there's too much suffer.
Anyway I also have an additional hypothesis, that is pure speculation though, that God might rescue in afterlife the souls that are already "good" (means they have freely chose to be good) when they are facing an excessive suffer, and live their body "alive" but soulless, just in control of an AI that simulate a "normal" living being, so that "the others" still think the is alive.
[7/1, 8:57 AM] Alex From Venice: yes. Jesus came to increase the number of people who can choose good. Jesus came to save "more" souls, not "only those who believes in him" as mainstream theology says
[7/1, 9:00 AM] Alex From Venice: I had inspiration trying to answer the questions "why Jesus had to suffer so much?".
It can't be that suffer Jesus has bear is "God's punishment for the men's sin" transferred on him. That'd be immoral
[7/1, 9:01 AM] Alex From Venice: I've seen the correlation between so much suffer and so many and powerful miracles God did as answer to Jesus prayers (Jesus said he is not who makes the miracles God makes them)
[7/1, 9:02 AM] Alex From Venice: I've seen same correlation of suffer and miracles in many saint's life
[7/1, 9:05 AM] Alex From Venice: I came to conclusion that only the suffer of the good, that freely and willingly offers their suffer to God, allows God to make exceptional alteration of the laws of physics so to gain some more good. This good isn't a simple "relief" from suffer, but leads to increase the numbers of people who will choose to be "good" to believe in God's love.
[7/1, 9:08 AM] Alex From Venice: Usually who sufferer and offer his her suffer for a miracle isn't the one who benefit physically from the miracle.
To understand miracles we need to keep in mind Jesus example.
[7/1, 9:12 AM] Alex From Venice: the "rib" is just a figurative way the mean that the women body comes from somewhere in the man body and that man body has "lost" something, sacrificed something of itself, to let the women body to come to exists. That's why the strong connection.
[7/1, 11:36 AM] Winston Wu: Heres the link to download the movie breakthrough. You will be touched by it.

[7/1, 11:41 AM] Winston Wu: This movie will touch u for sure.
[7/1, 11:43 AM] Winston Wu: At end of the movie the people ask why some people get healed and not others. No one could answer that question.
[7/1, 11:46 AM] Alex From Venice: I have a partial answer. Miracles are not a reward and should not considered as rewards
[7/1, 11:47 AM] Alex From Venice: Miracles happens only with the highest purpose to promote goodness
[7/1, 11:48 AM] Alex From Venice: the purpose of miracles is not to benefit an individual, but to benefit the souls of those who are witness and those who listen such stories of miracles
[7/1, 11:50 AM] Winston Wu: So if u get more attention then u are more likely to get a miracle? Then celebrities should have the most miracles right?
[7/1, 11:51 AM] Alex From Venice: yeah, but "visibility" isn't the only criteria
[7/1, 11:51 AM] Alex From Venice: but likely it's one of them
[7/1, 11:53 AM] Alex From Venice: miracles are also out of prayers
[7/1, 11:54 AM] Alex From Venice: Jesus had his miracles granted, he asked for them. If he didn't ask, they wouldn't happen, if he didn't suffer, they wouldn't happen
[7/1, 11:55 AM] Winston Wu: Jesus needed miracles to be remembered by history.
[7/1, 11:55 AM] Alex From Venice: so miracles are out of a mix of factors, there's the need of suffer, the need of prayers, and the need to spread the faith
[7/1, 11:56 AM] Alex From Venice: definitely. If no miracles no one would have paid attention to him. He had zero qualifications
[7/1, 11:58 AM] Alex From Venice: He was a "good man" but he was "heretic" relative to the mainstream belief, so even if he was good no one would have paid much attention to him and trusted him
[7/1, 12:00 PM] Alex From Venice: Miracles, combined with his supernatural wisdom and goodness, that made it possible for him to have so many followers with so strong faith to give their life while proselytizing
[7/1, 12:18 PM] Alex From Venice: kids suffers and prayers are best candidates to cause miracles to happen... to others
[7/1, 12:29 PM] Winston Wu: Why are kids prayers more effective?
[7/1, 12:31 PM] Winston Wu: Btw sometimes God has answered my questions in the past by having me pick up a book and then finding a paragraph or sentence in it that answers my question specifically. That happens sometimes. Its a sort of synchronicity. Have u experienced stuff like that?
[7/1, 12:32 PM] Alex From Venice: their faith can be more "genuine", their spiritual connection to God more "clear", their suffer is more undeserved, more worthy of a reward
[7/1, 12:33 PM] Winston Wu: Then we should have a child like attitude so our prayers can be more effective. Some new agers say mothers prayers are more effective than others too.
[7/1, 12:33 PM] Alex From Venice: yes, sure. That's not what we can call a miracle though. Miracles are alterations of physical laws
[7/1, 12:33 PM] Alex From Venice: yeah
[7/1, 12:34 PM] Winston Wu: Yes of course. But its a synchronicity that sometimes is too specific to be a coincidence. Sometimes it happens several times in a row more than once in a day too. Did u experience that before?
[7/1, 12:35 PM] Alex From Venice: I've experienced a lot of synchronicities but, as I never pray for something specific, I can never make a correlation to my prayers
[7/1, 12:36 PM] Winston Wu: The ancient romans and greeks always believed that god talked to us with signs and omens rather than with words or voices. Why doesnt god talk to us with words and voice? Like he did with Moses? Why does he use signs and symbols and omens and synchronicities? And clues from books, movies and radio?
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Mercury »

Unfortunately, because man is a fallen, ruined creation.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Inspiring touching video about a mock interview with God. The ironies of human nature in it are true and show the insanity of the way we live.

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by re85with »

If you watch inspirational videos on YouTube especially from Joel Osteen or Joyce Meyer, you would know the true reasons why God allows ungodly, unpleasant, etc. things to happen.

God wants His goodness to increase and more people to turn their lives to Him.

I have been lied and scammed of my money by 2 men. I have been working at lousy jobs for most of my life. I still live with my parents. But, I believe that God is going to help me escape and move forward to a better life. He has given me the ideas, motivation, etc. to start my blog "Foreign Love Web", clip art membership website "Third Line Clip Arts", and now video chatting business "Foreign Chat Web" with my Ukrainian friend/translator. So, I have no regrets of what I have experienced in the past. I can and am willing to look to the future and face extraordinary things.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Interesting new movie called "A Serious Man" that is a modern Book of Job story about a Jewish man with constant bad luck and suffering even though he's a good person, and seeks to understand why God is punishing him or letting him suffer unjustly. See the Renegade Cut synopsis of the film below.

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Interesting quote I saw on YouTube about the Atheist version of Pascal's Wager:

The Atheist's Wager is probably the best counter-point to Pascal's Wager. There's a quote misattributed to Marcus Aurelius that sums it up fairly neatly;

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Another "Why does God allow innocent people to suffer" movie that looks interesting.


God on Trial (2008)

Awaiting their inevitable deaths at one of the worst concentration camps, a group of Jews make a rabbinical court to decide whether God has gone against the Holy Covenant and if He is the one guilty for their suffering.


Wondering about the meaning and modalities of their triage, presumably to live or burn, Jewish Auschwitz barrack mates start to debate on how or why God can allow (his) people to suffer such fatal misery, which even further divides a devout father and his liberal son. They eventually form a Thora court, which hears theological argumentation as well as practical considerations.

Download link:
https://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=g ... 0&orderby=
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
September 3rd, 2020, 5:09 am
Another "Why does God allow innocent people to suffer" movie that looks interesting.


God on Trial (2008)

Awaiting their inevitable deaths at one of the worst concentration camps, a group of Jews make a rabbinical court to decide whether God has gone against the Holy Covenant and if He is the one guilty for their suffering.


Wondering about the meaning and modalities of their triage, presumably to live or burn, Jewish Auschwitz barrack mates start to debate on how or why God can allow (his) people to suffer such fatal misery, which even further divides a devout father and his liberal son. They eventually form a Thora court, which hears theological argumentation as well as practical considerations.

Download link:
https://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=g ... 0&orderby=
Modern Judaism is the tradition of the rabbis and of the pharisees, which were against Christ and what He actually preached against. Rabbinical Judaism is not from God.

Also, in Nazi concentration camps, there were swimming pools and prostitutes and movie theaters. There is a lot of recreation story telling. I am not in defense of the Nazis because I don't believe in that either.
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