Why are Jews hated so much? Why Antisemitism?

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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Great review of hilaire bellocs book "the jews". An unbiased understanding of the friction between jews and europeans in the early 20th century.

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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Do most Jews care about Zionism or the Talmud or Jewish supremacy? Of is that just something a small faction of Jews care about?

I downloaded the movie Merchant of Venice. Do u know the story by Shakespeare? One of the main characters is a Jewish lender named Shylock. In 15th century Venice jews were forced to live in ghettos and restricted. Why? Same as in Poland too. Is Merchant of Venice a good story? Is it a true story?
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Alex's thoughts on "the eternal jew" film above.

[9/5, 5:22 PM] Alex From Venice: I've been watched the "eternal Jewish" German documentary (documentary? well, not really, it's just a sum of all prejudices) and many of the descriptions that have been said about Jewish with a pitch of despise are also said by south Italians towards the Venetian people
[9/5, 5:22 PM] Alex From Venice: They say we only thing about money and work
[9/5, 5:23 PM] Alex From Venice: yet they say we don't have education
[9/5, 5:23 PM] Alex From Venice: they say we are greedy and selfish
[9/5, 5:24 PM] Alex From Venice: the Venice republic has built its power for centuries on the business of trading... the Venetians were masters of the trading business between Europe and middle east and east Asia
[9/5, 5:25 PM] Alex From Venice: the German "video" stated with a tone of despise that the Jewish "don't work" they only trade, they don't make anything they only buy and sell
[9/5, 5:26 PM] Alex From Venice: that can be said very well of the Venetians people too if you only look at their main business
[9/5, 5:27 PM] Alex From Venice: yet the Venetians have farmers and craftsman of the finest skills
[9/5, 5:29 PM] Alex From Venice: As I studied the Jewish in my land at the time of middle ages, I know that were also craftsman, tailors, farmers that were Jewish even though many were in the pawn and trading business
[9/5, 5:30 PM] Alex From Venice: The story of after WW2 Israel it's a utter evidence of how Jewish are good at farming... as the have been able to harvest from a once desert land
[9/5, 5:31 PM] Alex From Venice: So saying that Jewish are only good at trading and trading is a parasitic activity, it's a mix and anti Jewish and Communists prejudices
[9/5, 5:34 PM] Alex From Venice: the story and traditions of the Jewish are filled of tragedy, drama and hope in and "happy ending"
[9/5, 5:36 PM] Alex From Venice: But yes, there was a relevant community of Jewish living in Venice, in a dedicated district called Ghetto
[9/5, 5:37 PM] Alex From Venice: they were not allowed to buy big land
[9/5, 5:38 PM] Alex From Venice: you can't be a farmer if your only land is the backyard of your condominium

[9/5, 6:06 PM] Winston Wu: But bro. Prejudice is not all false. Its based on some truth right?
[9/5, 6:37 PM] Winston Wu: Btw alex. U know the germans are very intelligent and intellectual right? They would not believe something that was totally false right? They are too smart for that. High intelligence people like germans would not hate a minority group for no reason right?
[9/5, 6:37 PM] Winston Wu: Btw alex. Where did jews get so much money to lend out in the first place? How come gypsies dont lend money or own banks and profit from usury too? Whats the difference? Isnt it because jews are better in business and smarter than gypsies?
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

https://tpb.party/torrent/10991780/The_ ... hael_Jones

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (2008) by Eugene Michael Jones.pdf

Jews for Jesus versus Jews against Jesus; Christians versus Jews; Christians versus Judaizers. This book is the story of such contests played out over 2000 turbulent years. In his most ambitious work yet, Dr. E. Michael Jones provides a breathtaking and controversial tour of history from the Gospels to Julian the Apostate to the Hussites to the French Revolution to Neoconservatism and the End of History. A Must Read.

1200 pages
Publisher: Fidelity Press; 1 edition (September 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0929891074
ISBN-13: 978-0929891071
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

[9/5, 6:36 PM] Winston Wu: Btw alex. Where did jews get so much money to lend out in the first place? How come gypsies dont lend money or own banks and profit from usury too? Whats the difference? Isnt it because jews are better in business and smarter than gypsies?
[9/5, 6:37 PM] Winston Wu: Btw alex. U know the germans are very intelligent and intellectual right? They would not believe something that was totally false right? They are too smart for that. High intelligence people like germans would not hate a minority group for no reason right?
[9/5, 6:41 PM] Alex From Venice: Propaganda is very poweful bro
[9/5, 6:41 PM] Winston Wu: Did u see the whole eternal jew film? All 65 min? What about other parts? Like the kosher slaughter of animals at the end? Etc?
[9/5, 6:42 PM] Alex From Venice: you can't believe how many smart people nowadays believes that the covid19 is a deadly virus and that the only way out is mandatory mass vaxination
[9/5, 6:43 PM] Winston Wu: But propaganda cant work if no one already believes in it. For example the anti semitic propaganda in germany of the 1930s would not work in america. It has to fit the beliefs of the people for it to work. Right?
[9/5, 6:43 PM] Alex From Venice: I didn't see all, it makes me sick to listen at false prejudices so at a point I gave up
[9/5, 6:46 PM] Alex From Venice: Bro, prejudices against a minority are common among all times and societies... so when there's a "group" of people that can be identified as "the others", then prejudices arise in a way or the other along social frictions
[9/5, 6:46 PM] Alex From Venice: that applies to the communities of Christians when they were still minority
[9/5, 6:49 PM] Alex From Venice: once Christianity has become prevalent the Jews already were bearing the prejudices as minorities, but the Christians added their prejudices, negative of course, accusing the Jews to be evilish people
[9/5, 6:51 PM] Alex From Venice: The germans of the nineteenth century were still "normal" people, with very low education (which was normal for those times) most of them unable to read and write... they were Christians even if not Catholic, they rejected the Pope and the Catholic doctrines but retained all the negative prejudices against the Jews
[9/5, 6:52 PM] Alex From Venice: you can be smart bro, but a smart man can't blew up the worlview bubble he lives inside by only means of his smart mind
[9/5, 6:53 PM] Alex From Venice: Think of Matrix... Neo was super smart, but he'd never be able to figure out he was living in a virtual world if it wasn't because of Morpheus
[9/5, 6:55 PM] Alex From Venice: so, when prejudices are part of the culture we live in and we absorbed since birth, we don't recognize prejudices as such, but we think to them as self evident facts "because everyone say so"
[9/5, 7:18 PM] Winston Wu: But alex. Germans/nazis have many facts to support their case. Not just pure speculation. Right? Just like conspiracy theorists have many facts to support conspiracies too. Not just speculations. Right?
[9/5, 7:18 PM] Winston Wu: U didnt even hear Benjamin freedman's 1961 speech did you bro? Lol
[9/5, 7:22 PM] Alex From Venice: If I hear "facts" I acknowledge those "facts", if I hear speculations and statements which my knowledge, analysis, experience recognize them as "prejudices" with no other foundation as culture, ideology, wordview biases, I don't acknowledge them as "facts" no matter how many people can insist they are facts
[9/5, 7:22 PM] Winston Wu: If u listened to that speech u would understand one of the major reasons the jews were hated in germany. But u dont want to change your beliefs so u didnt hear it. The reason is very real and factual and caused heavy damage to germany. Its not speculation or prejudice.
[9/5, 7:23 PM] Alex From Venice: I don't listen Benjamin because I can't listen or read everything in the world bro
[9/5, 7:26 PM] Alex From Venice: I spend my free time reading and writing a lot bro... but I'm not interested on wasting time listening at people who believs that the Jews are all evil people
[9/5, 7:26 PM] Winston Wu: Also remember propagandists mix truths and lies. thats why they are effective. They do not dish out 100 percent lies.
[9/5, 7:27 PM] Alex From Venice: That's exactly what I told you about those who say that the Jews are evil
[9/5, 7:27 PM] Alex From Venice: they use thruth and lies
[9/5, 7:27 PM] Winston Wu: Its not hard to understand bro. Benjamin freedman was a successful jewish businessman. What he revealed in his speech is very important and groundbreaking. A must hear. U should take it into account. Not all data fits into your beliefs you know? It was not hate speech. Just facts. Very disturbing facts.
[9/5, 7:31 PM] Alex From Venice: It's ok, I don't deny not confirm, I didn't listen to him, I don't know him. I know that some Jews are bad, I don't need to be lectured by someone to know that there are evil Jews... but there are evil Americans, and Arabs, and Russians and Italians too... what's the point? The QAnon movement denounce the existence of a evil deep state in the USA, they never mention is made of Jews... there may be some Jews though, but they aren't alone and not also the directors of all
[9/5, 7:40 PM] Alex From Venice: I have no time for Jews haters... I've given my time already in the past. Besides I hate prejudices, as I told you I am myself a victim of prejudices and my people, same as the Jews, are abused by the italian state based on prejudices
[9/5, 7:54 PM] Winston Wu: Bro the speech is not jew hating. Its about something the zionists did in world war one that will make u angry and boil your blood, if u understood it. Trust me. Something that if it were undone would have prevented world war 2. Thats how horrible it is. Its a terrible secret youre not supposed to know about. Not a hate speech.
[9/5, 7:55 PM] Alex From Venice: Yes, it's ok bro... I trust you... I'll listen to it... send me the link
[9/5, 7:55 PM] Winston Wu: If u listened to the whole speech and understood its relevance u would definitely feel sympathy for the german people for sure.
[9/5, 7:57 PM] Alex From Venice: I do feel sympathy to the german people, I just don't blame the Jews as "a whole" or as "evil people" for whatever is happened. But I don't dismiss that same evil people are also Jews.
[9/5, 7:58 PM] Alex From Venice: I anyway see much more evil and a real threat to the mankind freedom the Chinese state
[9/5, 8:00 PM] Winston Wu: But u know that communism was funded by jewish Bolsheviks right? They killed 30 million in Russia. Why is that ignored in america?
[9/5, 8:00 PM] Alex From Venice: I'm more interested on knowing the present and predict the near future than to keep looking at the past
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

@Cornfed and @fschmidt:

Do you have any answers to Rock's question?

[9/6, 6:39 AM] Rock Philippines: But American gentiles have pretty much accepted them with open arms since Vietnam war if not earlier, right. So why is American culture in process of being dismantled and perverted?

[9/7, 5:58 AM] Rock Philippines: I mean isn't he saying that if we just accept Jews, they will assimilate and slowly drop their secrecy and naturally destructive behavior towards host societies? Something that has been going on over and over for 20 centuries is kinda challenging to deny. What do you think?

[9/7, 7:16 PM] Winston Wu: Thats a good question. Dr. William Pierce said that the jewish control is a house of cards and that for them to maintain control they have to keep denigrating american culture and dividing it with multicultural. Otherwise america will rise up and throw them out. This is based on their 2000 years of mistakes and being kicked out of many countries.

Because when you have no foundation and are hanging on a thread u gotta continue the lies otherwise people start to realize the truth. Once the truthers reach critical mass and are no longer afraid to speak their mind they will be unstoppable.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

At least they have a plan and the bible has caused many many problems so I can see why the commies are tired of it.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Cornfed »

Winston wrote:
September 7th, 2020, 6:27 am
@Cornfed and @fschmidt:

Do you have any answers to Rock's question?

[9/6, 6:39 AM] Rock Philippines: But American gentiles have pretty much accepted them with open arms since Vietnam war if not earlier, right. So why is American culture in process of being dismantled and perverted?

[9/7, 5:58 AM] Rock Philippines: I mean isn't he saying that if we just accept Jews, they will assimilate and slowly drop their secrecy and naturally destructive behavior towards host societies? Something that has been going on over and over for 20 centuries is kinda challenging to deny. What do you think?
The reason the Jews resist assimilation is they have a fecund and exclusionary Orthodox population. Often times Orthodox Jews get tired of the restrictions placed upon them and become liberal Jews, and these are the Jews that perform the evil deeds of the Jewish establishment. If liberal Jews are not on board with the Jewish establishment, they will naturally assimilate into the host society, which rather than being a weakness is essential for maintaining group solidarity among the dispersed Jewish nation. So no, welcoming the Jews with open arms will not stop them from destroying society.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Banano wrote:
July 23rd, 2016, 9:49 am
Jews have the highest IQ but that is only part of story, it is tribalism, they are the most tribal people and anglosaxons are the least tribal people, (they value individualism over collectivism, career comes before family and tradition) so it was too easy for cunning Jews to exploit the weakness

When you have control of media, Hollywood, banks you pretty much control everything, including politics and culture.

You have to read Intrernational jew by Henry Ford, written in early 1920s, even back then Jews controlled banks and media

Unfortunately, most white people still don't see what happened to them and now we have civil war in the west, random acts of terrorism are becoming way of life and enemy is everywhere, could be your neighbor or the guy down the street.
If we didn't have multiculturalism west would have been much better and safer place than it is now, it is just matter of time before right wing parties start winning in major European countries
Speaking of Henry Ford's writings on the Jews, I found something you guys will love. It's the full audiobook version of Henry Ford's magnus opus "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem". It's huge, about 800 MB and 34 hours long, with a file for each chapter. But it's very interesting and well articulated. Henry Ford wrote this series in the 1920s. Here is the torrent link below to download the full audiobook in MP3 format. If the file size is too big you can use a free program called Format Factory that you can download at http://www.pcfreetime.com/formatfactory/ to make them smaller. Audiobooks sound decent at 32 kbps in my experience, which is the size I convert them to if I want to put them on my phone so I can listen while I walk or drive. This audiobook is made with a computer generated voice but it sounds clear and decent and very listenable.



Hidden History - Jews, Protocols, Banks, etc.

Friendly WARNING for Audio Quality Purists:
It\'s COMPUTER GENERATED VOICE and NOT book read by human reader!

If you don\'t like this fact then simply DO NOT download it and complain later.

Some info about book:

IN an interview published in the New York World February 17, 1921, Mr. Henry Ford put the case for the \"Protocols of Zion\" tersely and convincingly. He said: \"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.\" He made this statement when Jewish leaders and the Jewish Press in America were fulminating against a series of articles printed in Ford\'s newspaper The Dearborn Independent during the years 1920 to 1922. After some years of pressure such as only organized Jewry can conceive or inflict, Henry Ford was made to apologise to Jewry in a letter addressed to Louis Marshall, then leader of the American Jewish Committee, dated June 30, 1927. Ford\'s apology was abject, but neither then nor since did he ever deny the truth of the articles.

As clearly as the \"Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion\" reveal a concerted plan of action, of intention and achievement, through centuries of world history, so the long series of articles in The Dearborn Independent expose the powerful concentration of forces organized by Jewish interests and the effects of Jewish influences in the United States from the time of the Civil War up to the uneasy years following the first world war. The scope of the original articles is wide, the analysis of the relentless march of Jewish ambition and the rapid acquisition of political power is deep and dispassionate. In their entirety they present a most thorough exposition of the range of Jewish influences in America over many decades; they provide adequate evidence of the motives that inspire such phenomena and the ultimate objective towards which Jewish policy is leading the world. In the 29 years that have passed since the publication of the series began, Jewish power in the United States has developed to a degree far out-distancing even the alarming proportions exposed at that time.

The Jewish \"National State\" of which we have heard so much deceptive talk elsewhere is already firmly established. De jure and de facto the United States of America can claim that title, though many American citizens may even yet be astonished and no doubt indignant to read the statement.

But, examine the FACTS. The Dearborn Independent articles fitted the American scene 30 years ago, they fit it now! The Jewish Question continues to mount the scale of public attention all over the civilized world, attracting ever a higher type of mind to the discussion of its significance. It cannot be encompassed within the range of a single volume.

This edited version seeks merely to give the gist of the four volumes in which the famous series of articles were printed under the title: THE INTERNATIONAL JEW. Presenting the essential facts in easier sequence and condensed to about one-tenth of the original wordage, many contemporary illustrations have been eliminated, but the implications of the Jewish Question in America and the evidence of the impact of the Jewish Idea on the lives of ordinary American citizens have been marshalled in a form readily assimilable by new readers, providing a useful digest for the informed. The way to a just solution of \"the world\'s foremost problem\" is clearly indicated.

Truth is visible when honest men seek Her diligently. The reader, wherever he may be, to whatever nation he may belong, should seriously reflect upon the fact that the conditions long-operating in the United States and the conclusions which emerge from this investigation of the Jewish Question in that powerful country, can, in all probability, now be paralleled in his own land, his own city. If he should seek confirmation -- let him look around.

G. F. Green.
London, February, 1948.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Another interesting must hear is the audio chapter called "The Jewish Peril" in Nesta Webster's book "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" written in 1924. Nesta Webster was the most intellectual Western woman of her time and even Winston Churchill quoted from her. Her analyses are very deep, intellectual, logical and airtight. Near flawless with no fallacies. So she's one of my favorite authors since such women are rare. So what she had to say about the Jews is worth hearing. Here is her audio chapter about the Jews below. It is very balanced and follows the evidence and her reasoning as usual is always very logical. @Cornfed will love this and resonate with it.

Here is a playlist with more audio chapters from her book if you want to hear them.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 0mq3t5sfgA

Here is the full audiobook version of her masterpiece book on secret societies and conspiracies. Both parts are 8 hours each so it's very long. If you are interested in understanding world events, this is a must read. She knew what was going on even in 1924 and what she said applies today too.

Part 1

Part 2
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Winston wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 9:51 am
Another interesting must hear is the audio chapter called "The Jewish Peril" in Nesta Webster's book "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" written in 1924. Nesta Webster was the most intellectual Western woman of her time and even Winston Churchill quoted from her. Her analyses are very deep, intellectual, logical and airtight. Near flawless with no fallacies. So she's one of my favorite authors since such women are rare. So what she had to say about the Jews is worth hearing. Here is her audio chapter about the Jews below. It is very balanced and follows the evidence and her reasoning as usual is always very logical. @Cornfed will love this and resonate with it.

Here is a playlist with more audio chapters from her book if you want to hear them.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 0mq3t5sfgA

Here is the full audiobook version of her masterpiece book on secret societies and conspiracies. Both parts are 8 hours each so it's very long. If you are interested in understanding world events, this is a must read. She knew what was going on even in 1924 and what she said applies today too.

Part 1

Part 2
Great Finds. But too bad ZOG has taken over already because the masses are stupid.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 10:23 am
Winston wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 9:51 am
Another interesting must hear is the audio chapter called "The Jewish Peril" in Nesta Webster's book "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" written in 1924. Nesta Webster was the most intellectual Western woman of her time and even Winston Churchill quoted from her. Her analyses are very deep, intellectual, logical and airtight. Near flawless with no fallacies. So she's one of my favorite authors since such women are rare. So what she had to say about the Jews is worth hearing. Here is her audio chapter about the Jews below. It is very balanced and follows the evidence and her reasoning as usual is always very logical. @Cornfed will love this and resonate with it.

Here is a playlist with more audio chapters from her book if you want to hear them.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 0mq3t5sfgA

Here is the full audiobook version of her masterpiece book on secret societies and conspiracies. Both parts are 8 hours each so it's very long. If you are interested in understanding world events, this is a must read. She knew what was going on even in 1924 and what she said applies today too.

Part 1

Part 2
Great Finds. But too bad ZOG has taken over already because the masses are stupid.
Did you know when you mix all the races together the average IQ is like 81 ? They know this, that is why they are doing this. All 1 st world countries to date have had like an IQ of 100 or above. With this formula it appears no modern cultures where they want if the numbers mean what appears they may. In European culture prior to I believe the 80's anybody with an IQ below 85 was considered retarded but with the outcry from people who tested below that they changed it to 70. They " THE STATE " admits it is essentially correct for you to be somewhat functional in a modern 1st world society because the military acceptance cut off is 84.
Last edited by Moretorque on September 4th, 2023, 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 12:42 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 10:23 am
Winston wrote:
September 4th, 2023, 9:51 am
Another interesting must hear is the audio chapter called "The Jewish Peril" in Nesta Webster's book "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" written in 1924. Nesta Webster was the most intellectual Western woman of her time and even Winston Churchill quoted from her. Her analyses are very deep, intellectual, logical and airtight. Near flawless with no fallacies. So she's one of my favorite authors since such women are rare. So what she had to say about the Jews is worth hearing. Here is her audio chapter about the Jews below. It is very balanced and follows the evidence and her reasoning as usual is always very logical. @Cornfed will love this and resonate with it.

Here is a playlist with more audio chapters from her book if you want to hear them.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 0mq3t5sfgA

Here is the full audiobook version of her masterpiece book on secret societies and conspiracies. Both parts are 8 hours each so it's very long. If you are interested in understanding world events, this is a must read. She knew what was going on even in 1924 and what she said applies today too.

Part 1

Part 2
Great Finds. But too bad ZOG has taken over already because the masses are stupid.
Did you know when you mix all the races together the average IQ is like 81 ? They know this, that is why they are doing this. All 1 st world countries to date have had like an IQ of 100 or above. With this formula it appears no modern cultures where they want if the numbers mean what appears they may. In European culture prior to I believe the 80's anybody with an IQ below 85 was considered retarded but with the outcry from people who tested below that they changed it to 70. They " THE STATE " admits it is essentially correct for you to be functional in a modern 1st world society because the military acceptance cut off is 84.
I didn't know that. Fascinating. Do you have a link for that?
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Also the Jews have been lying about the Holocaust
Check it out in link below
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/soci ... aust05.htm
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

No, I researched it years and years ago and FShmidt posted a few years back he saw the same stat
Last edited by Moretorque on September 4th, 2023, 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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