Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by NPCslammer »

WilliamSmith wrote:
April 25th, 2022, 11:54 am
Oh, yeah!!!! It looks like he GOT it, LOL! Unfuckin' real...

I was just on Fintwit for trading, and "Buying Twitter" is trending, libs and jews are squealing about "disinformation," and looks like Elon Musk actually managed to buy Twitter :D :


This is pretty damn cool. I only used twitter for like a one week, but with new management I think I’ll get on there. This is a huge victory for the conservatives, actually for any normal, decent person out there that respects free speech. Sadly, I don’t think this is even close to enough to start turning things around in the U.S. But it still is significant. Things are not going exactly the way the globalists expected. Usually that means they will start some kind of shit to try to turn things around. WW3, a massive terror attack, Covid 2.0 etc..

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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

Yeah, looks like the deal's finalized! I just popped in off Fintwit again to report to you guys that libs continue freaking out, and #leavingtwitter and #thankselon are both trending, with formerly banned accounts being reinstated.
Even if TPTB find some way of throwing a wrench in the works like @gsjackson wondered about, this kind of event is still valuable to red pill some honest critical thinkers across the spectrum when they observe the hysterical hostility toward something at closer to actual free speech.
Twitter Accepts Elon Musk’s Offer to Buy Company in $44 Billion Deal
Agreement to take social-media network private marks close of dramatic courtship
https://www.wsj.com/articles/twitter-an ... 1650912837
Twitter Inc. TWTR 5.66%▲ on Monday accepted Elon Musk’s bid to take over the company, which would give the world’s richest man control over the social-media network where he is also among its most influential users.
The $44 billion deal marks the close of a dramatic courtship and a change of heart at Twitter, where many executives and board members initially opposed Mr. Musk’s takeover approach. The deal has polarized Twitter employees, users and regulators over the power tech giants wield in determining the parameters of acceptable discourse on the internet and how those companies enforce their rules.
The takeover, if it goes through, would mark one of the biggest acquisitions in tech history and will likely have global repercussions for years to come, including possibly reshaping how billions of people use social media. Mr. Musk will bring his commitment to a more hands-off approach on speech to a company that has struggled to reconcile freewheeling conversation with content that appeals to advertisers.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

NPCslammer wrote:
April 25th, 2022, 10:32 pm
This is pretty damn cool. I only used twitter for like a one week, but with new management I think I’ll get on there. This is a huge victory for the conservatives, actually for any normal, decent person out there that respects free speech. Sadly, I don’t think this is even close to enough to start turning things around in the U.S. But it still is significant. Things are not going exactly the way the globalists expected. Usually that means they will start some kind of shit to try to turn things around. WW3, a massive terror attack, Covid 2.0 etc..
Well said, I agree on all points.
I especially agree about it being a victory for any normal, decent person out there that respects free speech, not just conservatives.
Rightists like most of the guys on here tend to be easier to redpill, and "I think, therefore I am antisemitic" characters like myself who read too much Benjamin Freedman and Ron Unz to ignore it are also well out of the hypnotic state when it comes to believing controlled media propaganda. However, I like to see some libs and jews opening their eyes to the Orwellian agenda as well, instead of just gullibly towing the neo-bolshevik party line.
Non-compliance and embracing the concept of becoming "ungovernable" DEFINITELY helps when people across the spectrum do it: Mass anti-lockdown protests and anti-mandate protests, for example, which the jewmedia attempted to paint as supposedly being undertaken by "racists" or "extremists" or associate with MAGA, were in reality attended by thousands of libs of all races as well.

But I also agree that we'd have to be recklessly nuts to actually trust libs and jews to do the right thing or solve the problem, and I don't see the USSA becoming a palatable environment either, except in the what-if scenario that it split up into multiple independent political entities via secession movements. (Not impossible, but I'd still rather get out of dodge and go trade stocks and chase women in foreign countries instead of here, personally, LOL.)

And last but not least, I expect the exact same thing you mentioned about TPTB trying to perform some new infamy so they have a crisis to exploit and new scapegoats to try to misdirect the masses' attention toward, instead of their own guilty selves: Too much pushback from the masses may well be followed by the "globalists" doing a bunch of new false flags, and they're already ramping up the WW3 scenario in Ukraine as we speak after that neocon sack Nuland even admitted in televised testimony that they'd put in the bioweapon labs the Russians had said were there.
Schwab and all those World Economic Forum bloodsuckers are also practically slobbering about a "cyberpandemic," which I'd guess they'll actually launch against us themselves and blame on China/Russia/"terrorists" etc, as an excuse to implement unprecedented internet censorship. Not unlikely, if mavericks like Musk are being too big a thorn in their side and resulting in too many people taking the red pill...
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
April 21st, 2022, 1:33 pm
Yeah, the ACLU was always a Jewish/liberal organization but was fairly principled in years. For example, in 1977 they supported the right of the American Nazi Party to demonstrate in the largely Jewish community of Skokie, ILL. Standing on principle back then cost them 25 percent of their membership. Their four-pronged agenda during covid time shows where they are now: (1) preserve abortion rights; (2) get inmates out of jail so they aren't threatened by the virus; (3) push for mail-in voting; (4) defang the immigration laws. No concern for right to free speech, to free assembly, religious liberty, right to privacy, equal protection of the laws, etc., etc. All the obvious assaults on constitutional liberty -- they sat it out.
LOL, @gsjackson, per your recent comments above about jews and libs in the ACLU, I bet you won't be shocked to hear that the ACLU and other jew occupied "human rights" groups are very vocally upset about the potential of Musk swinging the pendulum back in the direction of actual free speech on Twitter.

An interesting way of thinking they have: Free speech cannot be allowed, or else it could endanger the "rights" of sociopathic lying jews, pedophiles, and trannies to silence anyone else, lest they endure the horror of other people pointing out what they're doing, or saying anything that ruffles the feathers of these and other 'marginalized groups' of the global zionist elite's choice.

https://www.reuters.com/technology/huma ... 22-04-25/
Human rights groups raise hate speech concerns after Musk's takeover of Twitter
By Kanishka Singh

WASHINGTON, April 25 (Reuters) - Human rights groups on Monday raised concerns about hate speech on Twitter (TWTR.N) and the power that its takeover by Elon Musk would give the billionaire after the self-described "free speech absolutist" clinched a deal to take the social media platform private. read more

Musk, who is also chief executive of electric car maker Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), has described himself as a "free speech absolutist" who has been critical of Twitter's policies of moderating content on the platform. He has said Twitter needs to become a genuine forum for free speech. In a statement after securing the deal on Monday, Musk described free speech as "the bedrock of a functioning democracy." read more

Twitter is not just another company, human rights advocates noted. "Regardless of who owns Twitter, the company has human rights responsibilities to respect the rights of people around the world who rely on the platform. Changes to its policies, features, and algorithms, big and small, can have disproportionate and sometimes devastating impacts, including offline violence," Deborah Brown, a digital rights researcher and advocate at Human Rights Watch, told Reuters in an email.

"Freedom of expression is not an absolute right, which is why Twitter needs to invest in efforts to keep its most vulnerable users safe on the platform," she added.

Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment on concerns raised by the groups.

"While Elon Musk is an ACLU card-carrying member and one of our most significant supporters, there’s a lot of danger having so much power in the hands of any one individual," Anthony Romero, executive director at the American Civil Liberties Union, told Reuters after the deal was announced.

Amnesty International said it was concerned about any potential decision that Twitter may take after Musk's takeover to erode enforcement of the policies and mechanisms designed to moderate hate speech online.

"The last thing we need is a Twitter that willfully turns a blind eye to violent and abusive speech against users, particularly those most disproportionately impacted, including women, non-binary persons, and others," Michael Kleinman, director of technology and human rights at Amnesty International USA, said on Monday.
Kleinman... that's a jewish name isn't it? Interesting indeed... :mrgreen:
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

LOL, @Outcast9428 posted this in a different thread but I think it's a fair contribution here too:

Video title;
My neighbour after he finds out Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk
Outcast9428 wrote:
April 26th, 2022, 10:23 am
I'm just gonna leave this video here...

Sounds like a f***ing demon.
I noticed in the YT sidebar that the MMA manosphere guy some of you posted on here has made at least a few videos on this, if that's of any interest :) :

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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

Man, this is fun to watch: Tons of banned accounts that the libs and jews were formerly exulting in "cancelling" for telling even partial bits of the truth (in their terms, "misinformation"), or even for just retweeting someone else's tweet, are being brought back online. :D
Libs and globohomo jews are completely f***ing flipping out, saying it's like the twilight of the Weimar period (LOL, gee, who's the enemy?) since even partial free speech has temporarily been restored on Twitter:
"Thanks Elon" trending in the right hand sidebar, and #LiberalMeltDown trending, libs are completely going batshit talking about the threat to "our democracy" if we allow even partial free speech back in the USA or anywhere else in the jewmedia's reach. :P
Look Who Just Got Back Today – Them Wild-Eyed Boys Who’d Been Away
https://www.unz.com/aanglin/look-who-ju ... been-away/

That Babylon Bee publication that writes satyrical stories that made fun of libs (and got retweeted by Musk a lot) got restored, and that guy from Fox Jews Tucker Carlson is back. Even though I distrust that network for suspicion it will promote zionist warmongering against China after jews pull more false flag attacks (and blame it on China), I give Carlson credit for covering way more than the establishment wants on talmudvision.

I'm amazed that pretty little babe from the Virgin Islands Candace Owens never got banned, she is way out there toward the red pill side and the libs are constantly screaming for big tech to cancel her. Tons of her "vaccine hesitant" anti-mandate Tweets got tagged as being "misinformation," and she even Tweeted about the Great Reset quite a few times if I remember rightly.

By the way, speaking of vaccines: While a big celebration about the Musk Twitter saga is the main trending thing, the Synagogue of Satan would like to remind you that injecting yourself with their toxic waste is still safer than natural immunity, they claim.
I bet you guys who said you "got covid and it's a joke" and recovered in a few days feel really dumb now that you didn't get zio-vaxxed, right? :D
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by Outcast9428 »


Tucker Carlson is definitely more based then hosts like Sean Hannity are. Tucker Carlson is very consistently anti-war. He opposed the invasion of Iraq, the destruction of Libya, and constantly rails against the elites pushing us into war with Ukraine. Tucker Carlson is definitely one of the biggest figures in the anti-war right-wing. Tucker also doesn't ever throw conservatism under the bus for the sake of the Republican party. He is constantly criticizing RINOs and liberal republicans for not standing up for conservative principles.

Its funny how there's basically a ladder of basedness with each person kind of representing a new gateway towards the final stage of basedness. It starts with Ben Shapiro, then it goes to Tucker Carlson, then John Doyle, and finally the most based right-wing figure of all in America... Nick Fuentes.

I like Candace Owens. She's pretty consistently conservative. She attacks feminism too which is more powerful coming from her given that she's a woman herself. One time she said "nothing gives me more pleasure then cooking for my husband."
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by flowerthief00 »

Did a Jew kill his cat? :roll:
I can't imagine what it must be like to go believing that a single class of people is responsible for everything bad.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

flowerthief00 wrote:
April 28th, 2022, 4:06 pm
Did a Jew kill his cat? :roll:
I can't imagine what it must be like to go believing that a single class of people is responsible for everything bad.
Responsible for "everything bad" is silly and no one believes that. The entire campaign of global communism, zionist warmongering, mass-flooding of immigration into other peoples' countries after creating these crisis, and the entire mass push toward the total elimination of actual free speech online and offline (not to mention the vaccine agenda), is all being pushed by jews: Read the Ron Unz (who's jewish himself) American Pravda series linked to in my sig to learn most if not all of the actual truth about it, or there's other works out there that explain it and document all of it extensively.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by gsjackson »

WilliamSmith wrote:
April 28th, 2022, 4:11 pm
flowerthief00 wrote:
April 28th, 2022, 4:06 pm
Did a Jew kill his cat? :roll:
I can't imagine what it must be like to go believing that a single class of people is responsible for everything bad.
Responsible for "everything bad" is silly and no one believes that. The entire campaign of global communism, zionist warmongering, mass-flooding of immigration into other peoples' countries after creating these crisis, and the entire mass push toward the total elimination of actual free speech online and offline (not to mention the vaccine agenda), is all being pushed by jews: Read the Ron Unz (who's jewish himself) American Pravda series linked to in my sig to learn most if not all of the actual truth about it, or there's other works out there that explain it and document all of it extensively.
Don't forget their specialty, degradation of the culture -- pornography, normalization of what was once considered deviancy including the sexualization of children, pop culture shot through with Satanic, violent imagery, etc., etc.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by Winston »

Check out Matt McKinley's rant about Elon Musk and why he's a fraud. He is funny and his humor is unique.

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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

The show goes on with libs and jews shrieking and howling against free speech, saying "our democracy" can't tolerate even the partial free speech Musk could only theoretically restore on the platform. So this experience is valuable just for making them show their true colors. (More on that later, I saved screenshots of some funny Tweets.)

But meanwhile RT expresses justifiable doubt about how much actual free speech Musk will be able to restore to the platform:

https://www.rt.com/russia/554679-musk-t ... ee-speech/
Musk may fail in Twitter mission – Kremlin
Moscow has expressed doubts that the new owner of Twitter will be able to bring “free speech” to the platform

The billionaire entrepreneur, and new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk is unlikely to succeed in bringing the “free speech” he has promised to the platform, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. He expressed doubts whether a “full palette” of opinions could be presented on any Western social media.

“Russia’s attitude towards this company is based on the actions of this company, on censorship, selective repressive actions against the company’s clients, on the distortion and manipulation of information,” Peskov stated on Thursday.

There’s a question about whether a full free palette of different points of view is possible on Western social networks. We doubt this.

“Let’s see what happens under the new owner. Now, given that this is a global company, we have already heard official voices from Europe that they will not allow absolute freedom there,” Peskov added, apparently referring to a warning made by EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton to Musk.

The senior EU official cautioned the billionaire against being too lax on content moderation, suggesting the platform could face a ban should it fail to abide by the bloc’s rules. The EU has recently adopted the so-called ‘Digital Services Act’, a package of regulations designed to force social network platforms to police their content much more aggressively and to cooperate closer with regulators.

“We welcome everyone. We are open but on our conditions. At least we know what to tell him: ‘Elon, there are rules. You are welcome but these are our rules. It’s not your rules which will apply here,’” Breton told The Financial Times.

Elon Musk bought the social media platform for a staggering $44 billion on Monday, proclaiming himself a “free speech absolutist” and pledging to return Twitter to its roots as “the free speech wing of the free speech party.”

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement announcing the purchase.

The entrepreneur tuned down the rhetoric just a day later, explaining that the platform would still abide by laws restricting certain content.

“By ‘free speech’, I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law,” he explained. “If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”
Musk deserves a lot of credit for this, but naturally if you're from the jewnited states or similar countries where new laws just get shoved into the back of some fly-by-night regulation creation binge in "the deep swamp," the clock might be ticking before we end up like the Germans or other Western/Northern Europeans where jews have already passed laws outlawing criticism or even neutral commentary about their deeds or their lies.

More on that note, re: "hate speech" laws in Europe which exist for that reason:

https://www.rt.com/news/554577-musk-bac ... -twitter/
Elon Musk clarifies free-speech stance
The new Twitter owner reassures governments he will obey speech-squelching laws

Billionaire Twitter purchaser Elon Musk has qualified his much-hyped embrace of “free speech” on Tuesday, his first full day as the platform’s owner, reassuring the world’s governments he will obey their speech restrictions under the reasoning that such officials behave according to the will of the people they govern.

After gloating that “the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all,” the Tesla tycoon explained that what he meant by “free speech” was not the usual definition, replying to his own tweet to reveal that “By ‘free speech’, I simply mean that which matches the law.”

“If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect,” Musk continued, explaining his latest stance. “Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”

While the billionaire did not explain which country’s laws he planned to respect, he was reminded of a recent set of regulations passed in Europe under the name the ‘Digital Services Act’, which aims to force social network platforms to police their content much more aggressively, revealing their proprietary algorithms to regulators and explaining how they are working to better comply with EU rules on hate speech and misinformation.

EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton declared that Musk would have to follow Europe’s strict new rules or face heavy fines or even a continental ban, telling the Financial Times that Musk was “welcome but these are our rules. It’s not your rules which will apply here.”

Musk’s Tuesday comments represented a significant step back from his claims the previous day that “free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy” and his description of himself as a “free speech absolutist.” The SpaceX founder purchased Twitter on Monday for the sum of $44 billion, vowing to take it private and return it to its roots as “the free speech wing of the free speech party.”

Twitter is headquartered in the US. Europe has much stricter rules delineating the boundaries of freedom of speech, while the US’ own regulations give platforms like Twitter protection from liability for user-generated content.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

More on the frothing lib hysteria collected into an article by that Jared Taylor of Amren, who I don't know much about, but he did a good job here collecting highlighted examples of psychotic libs basically saying allowing even partial free speech on Twitter is equivalent to putting Hitler in power and will result in the end of the "free world" (see the collected highlighted tweets in the article if you think I'm overstating it):
https://www.amren.com/videos/2022/04/tw ... elon-musk/

I'll quote his conclusion:
It is so amusing when lefties show their true colors. For years, they have wanted more censorship. Always more. They always get more, but it’s never enough. And that’s why they’re howling.

They’re not worried because it’s Elon Musk. It could be Oprah Winfrey, for heaven’s sake. The only problem is a buyer who believes in free speech. The worst things Elon Musk has ever said are that Canadian truckers rule and that gender pronouns are silly.

The word “racist” doesn’t appear once in his very long Wikipedia article.

So, why are lefties predicting the end of the world? Because their world could end. Because their world *requires* censorship and can’t survive free speech. They saw it during the early years of the internet, when we beat the pants off them and they had ban us to keep from losing. That’s like playing in a tournament only after you have kneecapped all the players who can beat you. You’d think they’d be ashamed to play so dirty, but that seems to be second nature to them.

Elon Musk is still going to have a fight. I bet some of his employees will try to sabotage the company, but it will survive and maybe I’ll get my account back. Twitter will make the world a better place. One billionaire did it in 2016. Another is doing it now.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

*ROLLS EYES* :roll:

The opponents of free speech are really showing their true colors these days:
As NBC Calls Elon Musk a Danger, Their News Director Was Busted Trying to Meet a Child for Sex
https://thefreethoughtproject.com/as-nb ... d-for-sex/
It is no secret that Elon Musk is shaking up the established order. What seemingly started as a joke about buying Twitter has morphed into reality and the establishment left is in complete panic over the fact that they may soon have to defend their ideas in the public sphere.

As a result of this panic, the mainstream media has taken to waging a massive smear campaign against the eccentric billionaire. Over the weekend, CNN went into full meltdown as David Zurawik ranted about how the establishment needs to keep control of the narrative that Musk threatens.

“There’s a bigger problem here about how we’re going to control the channels of communications in this country,” Zurawik tellingly stated, adding that Musk allowing free speech on a single social media platform is “dangerous.”

After CNN melted down and exposed their true intentions of complete information control, the blowhards at NBC have taken to comparing Musk and other supporters of free speech to Nazism and far right fascism.

The idea that NBC is fear mongering over Musk being able to fix elections by controlling the flow of information on Twitter is outright laughable given the fact that the entire Big Tech apparatus, along with a large chunk of the US intelligence community conspired together in 2020 to do just that with the Hunter Biden story.

Burying the laptop story arguably swung a large portion of votes toward Biden that may have otherwise gone to third parties or Trump.

In reality, free speech is a danger to no one except for the people with hateful and illogical ideologies. As we have pointed out time and again, racists, woke cultists, and staunch statists all hate free speech because none of their ideas hold up to being challenged in the public sphere. In order to spread their obstinance and hatred, they must silence others from easily exposing their philosophy as the garbage that it is.

Public discourse is what reduced racism and hatred over the years, not censorship. In fact, censorship has proven repeatedly to do the exact opposite by driving racists and extremists into dark private spaces where their illogical and hateful ideas are shielded from the public sphere, allowing them to fester.

Anyone who thinks discourse is dangerous is the real danger. What’s more, CNN and NBC both have a long and dangerous track record — especially when it comes to sexual predators in their ranks. Last year, CNN fired a top producer for training girls as young as 7 to be “sexually submissive.”

Let’s not forget that NBC not only has a history of sex abuse among their ranks but they also have a history of covering it up, as Musk conveniently pointed out this week.

As the establishment media attempts to smear a man whose innovations are making the world a better place, many inside their ranks are doing the exact opposite. In fact, just this week, an NBC News anchor, Zach Wheeler was busted allegedly trying to meet a child for sex.

Before being busted over the weekend and fired, Wheeler was an anchor and News Director at NBC’s WETM in New York. Last week, Wheeler was caught by the “607 Predator Hunters” — a vigilante group who hunts child predators by posing as children online — attempting to meet a 15-year-old boy for sex.

When the folks from 607 confronted Wheeler, he denied all of it as he is heard telling him, “here’s the thing, I was not looking to meet him.”

The man filming then tells Wheeler, “that’s not what the chat logs say.”

Wheeler then shifts gears and claims to be meeting with the boy to “help” him and says he has no intention of having sex with the child.

“I’m not here to have any kind of sexual relations with a young person. I was here to talk to this kid to get him off of these apps. Listen, I’m not having sex with anybody.” He said, “I’m not a pedophile.”

Wheeler then he tries to claim victimhood, saying that this group is targeting gay and lesbian folks — as if sexual preference is an issue when you’re trying to rape children.

Why they “do this” to gay and lesbian people? asked Wheeler to which the vigilante group members respond they do it to “everybody.”

“Are you guys here to ruin people’s lives,” Wheeler asks at another point, noting that the group was going to “ruin my whole entire life” and he is “going to lose my job and everything.” At another point, Wheeler argues that the group is engaging in “cancel culture” because of his job.

But the group did nothing to “cancel” Wheeler. It was Wheeler who decided to meet a 15-year-old boy for sex, not anyone “canceling” him.

When the group begins reading out the sexually explicit messages Wheeler sent, he then asks them if they “need money” or help to catch more predators or to get their organization on television.

Earlier this year, Wheeler was named the News Director for WETM — a position he no longer holds thanks to his alleged affinity for children. Rest assured, as the attacks continue to unfold on Musk, NBC will likely choose to remain entirely silent on stories like this one. Shameful indeed.
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Re: Elon Musk trying to buy out Twitter to build 'arena for free speech'

Post by WilliamSmith »

Developments here have been very interesting lately: Musk of course had libs and jews screeching in outrage about the theoretic partial restoration of free speech, then said he wanted to let Trump back on Twitter (LOL), now said he's quitting Democrat party and voting Republican.
I don't think much of the Republican party when it comes to being cucks crawling to the jews and promoting zionist warmongering, but libertarianism is more jew nonsense, democrats are now not only bolsheviks but just as bad or worse jew warmongers than Republicans... Long story short: In an environment where beggars can't be choosers and no one else is even partly trying to preserve free speech, gun rights, freedom of choice in getting pumped with toxic waste with the Synagogue of Satan's vaccine, and other matters, I see Musk's move here as positive, overall.....................

By the way, has that fat globohomo-pushing yid Rob Reiner weighed in yet to squeal that open source code is a threat to "our democracy", along with free speech? :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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