The Nature of Evil

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The Nature of Evil

Post by Pixel--Dude »

What is the nature of evil? Why does evil exist? Are human beings inherently evil? If a creator god exists, is it evil to some degree for evil to exist?

In 1963 a political thinker named Hannah Arendt wrote a book called "The Banality of Evil" where she recounts the details of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was one of the main organisers of the holocaust. During his trial he showed little to no remorse for his actions, or any hatred at all for those who were judging him. He claimed he was simply "following orders". As such, Arendt claims in her thesis that he was motivated more by his political career than any kind of ideology. I would bet that the vast majority of nazis during this time would say the same thing that they were just following orders and didn't care about the Jews they killed one way or the other. They pressed the button simply because they were told to.

The reason I mentioned this book and the term "Banality of Evil" is because I think it raises an important question when we ask ourselves what is the nature of evil. Many people I work with are serpents who seize every opportunity to report their coworkers for not following company procedure, even though some of these company procedures can be completely arbitrary and pointless. They do it out of this mindless desire to progress in the company, and without any critical thinking or consideration for the consequences the person they report could face, which can be disproportionate to the rules they broke. It's the Banality of Evil. I think these people, who consist of most of the unthinking herd of western society, could easily have been SS officers who pressed the button at the gas Chambers just because they were told to. Such people definitely have a modicum of evil in their souls to behave in such a way which only serves themselves without compassion for others, right?

With the above observation I think it is rational to assume that MOST people are evil, whether they believe it to be true themselves or not. That self motivated drive to "succeed" and mindlessly follow laws or orders which are detrimental to the wellbeing of others clearly shows that most people in our society have little to no values and can easily be viewed as evil, at least to a degree. But these kinds of people are a lesser evil which is brought about by stupidity and ignorance and a lack of being able to think for themselves. Such people are just akin to machines who need some outside input (from bosses or corporate media) in order to be able to think at all.

Let's now move on to the nature of evil on a more concentrated level. Now let's focus on individuals who actually commit acts of evil to further themselves. Bill Gates in my opinion is one of the most evil people on the planet. If we assume that the pandemic is a manufactured crisis we can follow the breadcrumbs to see who has the most incentive to create such a crisis.

Bill Gates is one of the biggest contributors to the World Health Organisation and the CDC (Who ARE tracking people) He is also a big shareholder in big pharmaceutical companies. Recently there is more and more evidence arising that this crisis could have actually began in the Wuhan lab. Bill Gates also made large contributions to the BBC and other media outlets who were propagating his lies with false figures and manufactured data which misrepresented how badly the virus had spread. People who were dying in accidents and suicides were being recorded as dying with covid 19. We only need to look at Purdue Pharma and how they got away with creating an opioid crisis in America to see how easy it is for the rich to create their own "experts" and privately funded groups who support their data when it's all bogus.

People like Bill Gates undermine democracy and have turned democracy into a complete joke. It matters not who you vote for when the political figures elected are not there to represent you anyway but instead represent corporate interests. Every year the leaders of the world meet at Davos at the World Economic Forum to discuss the direction of the planet. Boris Johnson, Macron and all these other puppets who are just meat marionettes for the corporate elite get their marching orders from people like Bill Gates who also attends these meetings. So the idea of democracy is a lie. Interestingly Bill Gates and the founder of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab held an event in 2019 where they simulated the release of a coronavirus which spread across the globe. Pretty coincidental...

Another theory I have regarding the war in Ukraine with a connection to Bill Gates goes back to Bill Gates getting the president of India to put in place legislation which forced Indian farmers to use Monsanto products like GM seeds. Many of these farmers either refused on principle or couldn't afford to and consequently lost their land, leading to an endemic mass suicide of Indian farmers. Bill Gates then purchased all their farm land. He's also purchased acres and acres of farm land in America and God knows where else. Fastforward to the war in Ukraine, which definitely serves the interests of a select few, especially weapons manufacturers and arms dealers who seem to be occupying the news (links provided later) and siphoning billions of dollars from our respective countries. Another thing I find interesting is the media reporting of Black Sea ports being blocked by Russia, meaning a lot of the world will face a famine due to imports of grain not being able to reach their destination. Who is the one trying to monopolise agriculture and food again? Oh yeah! That prick Bill Gates. He is easily among one of the most evil human beings on the planet.

But what about evil on a cosmic level? We've looked at the evil of the masses and the concentrated evil of the elite. What about evil on a cosmic level. Is God evil for evil to be so prevalent on our planet? Or does the evil stem from humanity? What is the nature of evil?

If we look into the Abrahamic Religions we are given a clear outline, according to the word of God, what good and evil should look like. According to God, evil is epitomised by the fallen star Lucifer/Satan, who represents rebellion against authority and all the rest of it. Yahweh himself is supposed to represent all that is fair, just and good. But interestingly, Yahweh is an authoritarian God who demands constant worship and threatens his children with destruction if they do not follow his rules. There is a parallel between Yahweh and the government of today. Both seem to want to have complete dominion over our lives and thought and bodily autonomy. Both do nothing to help people suffering all over the world, in both third world countries and countries which are supposed to be successful and progressive. Both are willing to use violence to get what they want and enforce compliance. So you tell me, who do the elites really worship? God? (In God we trust) or Lucifer?

As I mentioned the bible gives an overview of what is good and what is evil. Actions which are in alignment with demon worship are also synonymous to actions which give worship to Yahweh. Killing animals, the cannibalistic symbolism... Surely Yahweh epitomises all that which is evil, and as we've seen evil has a connection to authoritarianism. Where as things associated with freedom like freedom of speech and bodily autonomy are vilified and dismissed as evil today.

But what are your thoughts? What do you think characterises evil? If there is a god that ISN'T Yahweh and a true creator of the cosmos, do you think it has the same conception of evil as we do? And would it give a damn?
Last edited by Pixel--Dude on May 29th, 2022, 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Fastforward to the war in Ukraine, which definitely serves the interests of a select few, especially weapons manufacturers and arms dealers who seem to be occupying the news (links provided later) and siphoning billions of dollars from our respective countries.

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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Cornfed »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 5:06 am
In 1963 a political thinker named Hannah Arendt wrote a book called "The Banality of Evil" where she recounts the details of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was one of the main organisers of the holocaust. During his trial he showed little to no remorse for his actions, or any hatred at all for those who were judging him. He claimed he was simply "following orders". As such, Arendt claims in her thesis that he was motivated more by his political career than any kind of ideology. I would bet that the vast majority of nazis during this time would say the same thing that they were just following orders and didn't care about the Jews they killed one way or the other. They pressed the button simply because they were told to.
The evil of you recounting this stupid anti-German blood libel is very banal.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 7:23 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 29th, 2022, 5:06 am
In 1963 a political thinker named Hannah Arendt wrote a book called "The Banality of Evil" where she recounts the details of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was one of the main organisers of the holocaust. During his trial he showed little to no remorse for his actions, or any hatred at all for those who were judging him. He claimed he was simply "following orders". As such, Arendt claims in her thesis that he was motivated more by his political career than any kind of ideology. I would bet that the vast majority of nazis during this time would say the same thing that they were just following orders and didn't care about the Jews they killed one way or the other. They pressed the button simply because they were told to.
The evil of you recounting this stupid anti-German blood libel is very banal.
It is not anti-German at all. You don't know what you're talking about Cornfed. I was making a comparison between nazi Germany and the average workplace and showing how that same banality of evil exists throughout Western culture. You would've understood that if you saw anything in my post other than some nonsense about it being anti-german. If anything my post is anti-human and anti-evil.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Lucas88 »

Good and evil are metaphysical realities and are an integral part of the cosmos.

Good actions and qualities are those which are conducive to the preservation and flourishing of life and serve to elevate rather than bring down. Good results in constructive order. It promotes health and harmony and provides opportunities for growth.

Evil actions and qualities are conversely those which prove to be detrimental to life or otherwise hinder or constrain its natural flourishing and serve to bring down and distort rather than elevate. Evil results in destructive chaos and disarray. It gives rise to degeneration and disharmony and makes impossible any kind of true positive development.

For example, healthy nutrition and appropriate forms of exercise are good actions because they promote a harmonious functioning of the body and therefore sustain life while eating unhealthy junk food and toxic chemical-laden food products, living a sedentary lifestyle and taking harmful drugs (including legal pharmaceutical drugs) are evil actions because they destroy health and thereby jeopardize life. The companies which promote these destructive things for their own profit are perpetrators of evil and have an evil nature. People who aid such companies are complicit in evil.

Modern society is immensely evil despite its banner of "progress". Through its excessive industrialism and morbid workaholism modern society reduces the majority of the population to machine-like units of economic productivity and undermines health, freedom and individuality in the process. Yet it disguises this evil with the outwardly good promise of prosperity since evil often masquerades as good. Then through their contaminated food products modern companies destroy the consumer's health and are responsible for all kinds of diseases and health disorders. Yet they lie and tell people that their products are nutritious and not harmful and absolve themselves of responsibility. Then when people get sick unscrupulous pharmaceutical corporations peddle harmful drugs which poison patients and result in addiction and even death. Yet we are told that these drugs are safe medicine and that they are to help the sick while the companies themselves profit greatly off of all of this suffering and death. Modern society is a destructive dystopia. It is evil because its institutions and practices result in chaos and degeneration.

Certain political movements are also fundamentally evil in their aims and effects. Take the "woke" movement for example. Despite its outward pretension to "progressivism", this movement only seeks to sew the seeds of conflict among different groups and thereby promote hatred and social disharmony, to demonize and alienate innocent outgroups, to incite the destruction of property and livelihoods, to glorify ugliness and anti-aesthetics, and to invert the natural order and promote the perversion of nature itself with its "deconstruction" of masculinity and femininity and its various non-binary identities. The social engineers who push these ideologies from the shadows are dark sinister souls who wish to wreak havoc upon society and destabilize it for their own nefarious agendas. The people who accept this stuff and become soldiers for the "cause" are hateful, demonic degenerates who are perverse themselves and vibrate at the lowest levels of consciousness. Make no mistake! These people are evil in the most literal sense of the word!

Certain postmodern "intellectuals" wish to convince us that there is no such thing as good and evil, that these things are just subjective human ideas. Indeed this kind of moral nihilism has become fashionable in certain ideological circles since the 20th century. But this way of thinking is nothing but a lie. It is a lie which is being pushed by psychopathic elites who would like nothing better than to desensitize normal people to their own evildoings and thereby have free rein to do whatever perverse acts they like with impunity. It is a lie which also appeals to the most degenerate elements of society for this very same reason. Through postmodernism the elite seeks to convince us that good doesn't exist. They do this so that their own evil can prevail.

Even some religions which claim to represent absolute good are in reality absolutely evil. Judeo-Christianity is evil because it is a cult which has historically demanded the destruction of animal life in the form of blood sacrifices and which has been a force of evil in the world. Its god Yahweh is a demonic demented psychopath who is hostile to life and human flourishing, much more like the Gnostic vision of the corrupt demiurge than the Christian vision of a loving and just father. Moreover, Judeo-Christian sects control their followers through fear and threats of judgment and eternal torment. They only serve to generate paranoia and negative energy and foment neuroses and psychological harm. Judeo-Christian religion is pure evil. It is the work of demonic entities. It is a product of the archons.

If you want to do good, work to promote health, harmony, solidarity and edification. Also work to expose and resist evil which results in destruction!
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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Good actions and qualities are those which are conducive to the preservation and flourishing of life and serve to elevate rather than bring down. Good results in constructive order. It promotes health and harmony and provides opportunities for growth.

Evil actions and qualities are conversely those which prove to be detrimental to life or otherwise hinder or constrain its natural flourishing and serve to bring down and distort rather than elevate. Evil results in destructive chaos and disarray. It gives rise to degeneration and disharmony and makes impossible any kind of true positive development.
Absolutely true. If we are talking about this strictly in terms of governance we can see that our way of life yields results more in alignment with the "evil actions" paragraph. We are constantly brought down by the elite, to the point where we are reduced to nothing but numbers in a company which doesn't care about us. We've reached a point now in technological evolution where most of the technological advancements are either one's designed to monitor people or experimental drugs or weapons designed to kill people. And most people don't have a problem with this. The trees still choose to vote the axe back in at the next election because the handle is made out of wood.

For example, healthy nutrition and appropriate forms of exercise are good actions because they promote a harmonious functioning of the body and therefore sustain life while eating unhealthy junk food and toxic chemical-laden food products, living a sedentary lifestyle and taking harmful drugs (including legal pharmaceutical drugs) are evil actions because they destroy health and thereby jeopardize life. The companies which promote these destructive things for their own profit are perpetrators of evil and have an evil nature. People who aid such companies are complicit in evil.

Modern society is immensely evil despite its banner of "progress". Through its excessive industrialism and morbid workaholism modern society reduces the majority of the population to machine-like units of economic productivity and undermines health, freedom and individuality in the process. Yet it disguises this evil with the outwardly good promise of prosperity since evil often masquerades as good. Then through their contaminated food products modern companies destroy the consumer's health and are responsible for all kinds of diseases and health disorders. Yet they lie and tell people that their products are nutritious and not harmful and absolve themselves of responsibility. Then when people get sick unscrupulous pharmaceutical corporations peddle harmful drugs which poison patients and result in addiction and even death. Yet we are told that these drugs are safe medicine and that they are to help the sick while the companies themselves profit greatly off of all of this suffering and death. Modern society is a destructive dystopia. It is evil because its institutions and practices result in chaos and degeneration.
Yeah you're absolutely right about that. Monsanto gmo shit and microwave meals which contain zero nutrition but people are forced to buy it because they are pushed to the very brink of destitution. Everyone is living on a knife edge where if one thing goes wrong and you can't pay your bills, mortgage or car insurance. Then you'll find out exactly how free you are. They push the whole protestant work ethic is a noble ideal bullshit and use it as an excuse to justify imposing unreasonably long work hours on people for the absolute minimum they can get away with paying. A barely sustainable living wage. And the worst thing is everyone defends this bullshit and harp on about how brilliant and fair democracy is when in reality it as a total shit show. The section about pharmaceutical corporations reminds me of the story of Purdue and the opioid crisis they caused. Anyone who hasn't seen it should watch Dopesick, which is a brilliant show about Purdue and the shit they caused. Makes me sick how these corporations can just get away with this stuff and then everyone defends them tooth and claw. Like Pfizer have got a pretty shady history, like testing experimental drugs on Nigerian children without parental consent and all that shit. But you say a bad word about Pfizer or question their integrity when it comes to trying to strong arm you into having a vaccine you don't want and you're the one who is selfish and evil hahaha.
I've always said that a capitalist system will always be evil. Pharmaceutical corporations would cease to exist if their role was to cure all disease. So their purpose is to alleviate symptoms of illnesses rather than eradicate the illness.
Also all that stuff about equal opportunities and all that is complete bollocks. We're all sold the premise that we have potential to succeed and all that and its drilled into as at school, but in reality we are just slaves who are given the illusion that we are free. It shows the disparity between life styles when you've got the elite like Bezos and Musk investing money into research to help us live indefinitely because they love all the money and power they have and someone who has been forced into a role they find soul crushing and life denying. To the latter person it would be of little surprise if they didn't want to live another decade! This society is the f***ing epitome of evil.

Certain political movements are also fundamentally evil in their aims and effects. Take the "woke" movement for example. Despite its outward pretension to "progressivism", this movement only seeks to sew the seeds of conflict among different groups and thereby promote hatred and social disharmony, to demonize and alienate innocent outgroups, to incite the destruction of property and livelihoods, to glorify ugliness and anti-aesthetics, and to invert the natural order and promote the perversion of nature itself witoutgroups, to incite the destruction of property and livelihoods, to glorify ugliness and anti-aesthetics, and to invert the natural order and promote the perversion of nature itself with its "deconstruction" of masculinity and femininity and its various non-binary identities. The social engineers who push these ideologies from the shadows are dark sinister souls who wish to wreak havoc upon society and destabilize it for their own nefarious agendas. The people who accept this stuff and become soldiers for the "cause" are hateful, demonic degenerates who are perverse themselves and vibrate at the lowest levels of consciousness. Make no mistake! These people are evil in the most literal sense of the word!

Certain postmodern "intellectuals" wish to convince us that there is no such thing as good and evil, that these things are just subjective human ideas. Indeed this kind of moral nihilism has become fashionable in certain ideological circles since the 20th century. But this way of thinking is nothing but a lie. It is a lie which is being pushed by psychopathic elites who would like nothing better than to desensitize normal people to their own evildoings and thereby have free rein to do whatever perverse acts they like with impunity. It is a lie which also appeals to the most degenerate elements of society for this very same reason. Through postmodernism the elite seeks to convince us that good doesn't exist. They do this so that their own evil can prevail.
Don't get me started on the self proclaimed "Woke" community :roll: for never has any group of people been so blind. These people are an insufferable bunch of useful idiots who are eroding free speech and freedom of expression! For me, anything which opposes freedom in any way is a degenerate ideology. All this woke bullshit is a complete load of hypocritical nonsense anyway! So I'm expected to blindly accept the "science" behind a covid vaccine which was rushed through testing and developed by some of the shadiest subpar human beings ever but when it comes to things like a question of biology, something which is irrefutable, the science is just thrown out of the window and you're expected to just shut up and accept it so nobody's feelings get hurt :lol:
Take athletes. A guy who is rank 200 and odd in tennis becomes a woman and joins the women's division of tennis and becomes number 1! And people are expected to just call them a woman hahaha. Women will never compare to men in athletes sports, that is a fact. There is none of this equality bullshit, otherwise there wouldn't be a women's division to begin with.
The woke and all this Cancel culture and censorship are enemies of free speech and individuality and creativity. They should be opposed as they're utterly insane.
I think Rowen Atkinson made a good speech about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. I will see if I can find it.
Postmodern art is absolutely disgusting! It takes bullshit like a piece of shit in a jar (This is a real "art piece!") and it elevates it to the same level as a masterpiece like the mona lisa by calling it "art" destroying concepts of good and evil and destroying concepts of beauty with postmodern art. Remember that art museum we went to local to us? Lol one piece of art was a huge white piece of paper like toilet roll with a brown smeer down the middle of it like skids lol. This could be social engineering to undo the knowledge which humanity had learned from the benevolent gods. Remember Yahweh wasn't happy when Adam and Eve were given the knowledge of good and evil in biblical genesis... maybe the reason for that is because he was afraid that Adam and Eve would recognise what a soulless degenerate Yahweh is.

Even some religions which claim to represent absolute good are in reality absolutely evil. Judeo-Christianity is evil because it is a cult which has historically demanded the destruction of animal life in the form of blood sacrifices and which has been a force of evil in the world. Its god Yahweh is a demonic demented psychopath who is hostile to life and human flourishing, much more like the Gnostic vision of the corrupt demiurge than the Christian vision of a loving and just father. Moreover, Judeo-Christian sects control their followers through fear and threats of judgment and eternal torment. They only serve to generate paranoia and negative energy and foment neuroses and psychological harm. Judeo-Christian religion is pure evil. It is the work of demonic entities. It is a product of the archons.
I agree dude. Yahweh wants nothing other than a pure authoritarian kind of relationship with humanity. He is the aspiration for all these globalist arseholes who want to turn this planet into a giant beehive. He is the epitome of evil. Most proof for this is in the bible itself. If something good has results which are growth and flourishing and if something evil is something that prevents flourishing naturally then Yahweh is the ultimate evil as he does nothing but try to prevent the flourishing of human beings.
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Re: The Nature of Evil

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@Winston often asks the question why evil and suffering exist if there is a God and it is benevolent. I've been thinking on this topic some and had an interesting conversation with @Lucas88 over the phone regarding evil and good and the seemingly never-ending conflict between these two energies.

Could it be that the creator god of this universe is neither benevolent or malevolent? That Brahman or the Life is absolutely neutral to the ongoings of life in the physical plane.

If you really think about it terms like good and evil are simply constructs we've created to align with actions we deem beneficial as a whole or destructive, but we should think on this more deeply. What about nature? There is no evil in nature. The lion is not evil for preying on the antelope. Nature is not evil in its destructive capacity, it also nourishes every living thing, so how can nature be evil?

I'm beginning to think that the nature of evil is something more in alignment with nature rather than some kind of anomaly. As though Brahman intentionally created a duality of good and evil and is totally neutral to everything that happens within the creation.

Or perhaps, if we try to be more positive about it, Brahman IS a benevolent creator and the creation of evil is only the natural counterpart to good in the same way that darkness is the counterpart to light and cold is the counterpart of heat. Natural opposites that reconcile in the middle with nuance.

In any case, whatever the truth may be, evil exists in the world. Even if it is an anomaly or a natural process, those who consider ourselves "good" should always strive to destroy evil and not wait for God to do it for us as it would seem God is indifferent.

It doesn't make Brahaman evil to be indifferent to evil, by the way. Brahman completely transcends any constructs we have here in the material plane, such as time and what we would classify as good or evil.

I think higher beings such as Shiva or Yahweh do align themselves with good and evil, and this is why the Cosmic war of energy takes place through beings and filters down to our level of reality where good and evil battle endlessly for power. At its most basic level though, the battle of good and evil is simply two opposing energies locked in struggle with one another.

Like I said in my thread about suicide where I said we must always choose life over death. For me the decision between choosing good or evil is just as much a no brainer! I will always choose good and fight against evil for the principles aligned with good and the betterment of our world. I won't just die and I won't tolerate evil to take the piss any longer! I will make a new thread on how to defeat evil later!
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