Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by NPCslammer »

Short answer:Because it’s one sign out if many that the West has terminal cancer, which won’t ever be cured. When an Indian immigrant is concerned about the future of the West, while the typical cracker in the UK is practically celebrating their nation’s demise, it’s over. https://youtu.be/7irnX8GV3tY

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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

NPCslammer wrote:
August 27th, 2022, 8:26 pm
Short answer:Because it’s one sign out if many that the West has terminal cancer, which won’t ever be cured. When an Indian immigrant is concerned about the future of the West, while the typical cracker in the UK is practically celebrating their nation’s demise, it’s over. https://youtu.be/7irnX8GV3tY
That's why I don't blame some western men (especially the white ones) for hating their own. I can't believe how easy it is to destroy a country without even using violence to do it. Back in the day you had to attack a nation violently to destroy it. Now all you have to do is call a bunch of people "racist" or trans/homophobic. I'm partially Native American and half the time I wish I was full-blood Native American. I reject my black side simply because none of them won't stand up to the f***ing Jews at all. They sit around like bitches allowing themselves to be exploited and used to destroy other people's countries. That's I went off on that porn director Greg Lansky, he's part of the problem right up there with Soros and all the other dipshits that want to f**k over other nations that never did them any harm or wrong. Just want to f**k up to prove that they can.
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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by NPCslammer »

It’s so bad that it’s at the point where a black man could murder a little white girl, and there are white leftists that would snicker and applaud. And if the girl’s father were to call the black guy n**ger out of righteous anger, there would be hordes of white libtards ready to completely ruin his life and even millions more that couldn’t care less. And that sort of problem is of course not just at the micro level but also at the macro level. Hordes of invaders are forcing their way into the West, many of them utter third world trash and these countries roll out the red carpet for them. They will take over eventually and will be helped every step of the way, while the citizens of these countries are shit on by their own governments and their own people. And these some moronic, degenerates will continue voting for it, literally applauding their own destruction, their numerous achievements in art, science, medicine, industry etc., as well as their offspring’s future and wealth.

You mentioned that you understand why white people hate their own. Yeah, the more times goes on the more I’m absolutely disgusted with the whites, despite the fact that I certainly have a strong racial connection to these people and strong desire for the U.S, and other similar Western nations to improve. But as time goes on I care less and less, and probably shouldn’t have cared so much time begin with. It was mostly a waste of energy and needless stress giving a damn about a people and a nation that is pretty intent on destroying itself and at best don’t even care, not even for the future of their own kids. Honestly, at some point the behavior of Crackers in the West will be so abhorrent that the third worlders are going to look like saints in comparison, and in many ways they already do. The average illegal immigrant family probably has better family values, more concern for each other, works hard and doesn’t pay much attention to the tranny, faggot, and whore culture that whites absolutely worship at this point. They don’t make entertainment that’s littered with in your face satanism and constant boundary pushing degeneracy. Add to all of this the fact the whites on average have become extremely soft and weak. If some foreign country like China were to invade would they even out up a fight? I have my doubts, and those on the left would probably celebrate it. At some point you just gotta throw in the towel and watch it burn.
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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Yes, I agree it is completely over. The amount of obese and overweight people is beyond a scale that is imaginable here in the USA. I have been completely unsuccessful in trying to even get a regular decent girlfriend in my entire life which I somewhat blame myself but when I look at what my options are I can say that I am extremely lucky that I never settled down with any of the women I dated. I seriously dodged major bullets. How many other men are out there like me? Resigned to essentially opting out of the whole thing. That is not a good thing for society because I don't need hardly anything to live off of and I am unwilling to work for anything outside of my own care. I can live like a hermit in the woods.

Most of the women here are completely undateable if you have even a basic level of self respect. The women don't even act like they want a man and they make sure you know they don't need one until they are mid 30s and trying to get pregnant so they can have an autistic and mentally ill child that they are going to destroy. Hell, you are competing against the same women for jobs. As I am approaching my 30s, I have more women who are in their 30s and late 20s acting very desperate towards me and I just turn away from these morons. I don't even waste my time because that is all that it is.

The other thing is so many of these women are up to their eyeballs in debt for everything. Student loans, car loans, mortgages, etc. I'm not paying off that shit. I can barely get a good job, everytime I get interviewed after I apply for a job, I find out a woman has been hired instead of me and these are jobs I am overqualified for. It is not even worth bothering with. Luckily, I have no debts at all and can just walk off the plantation if I want. These stupid whores are going to be working their entire lives because they are so fiscally f***ed up and eventually they will want some mangina simp to pay off all their debts and quite frankly I have no desire for that. They look at men as walking ATM's that can be exploited for their benefit and not yours. Once they have gotten everything out of you, it is time for the divorce.

The whole system in western countries is one big scam and circle jerk of getting f***ed over. There is no way this system can continue to last. I think this thing is headed straight for a major collapse with few survivors. Which is why I am seriously thinking to head off into the woods in a rural area with a cabin. I am not even joking either.
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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by WilliamSmith »

@OutcastedPhilosopher Why go off in the cabin in the woods rather than living overseas?? :?
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
August 29th, 2022, 3:47 pm
Yes, I agree it is completely over. The amount of obese and overweight people is beyond a scale that is imaginable here in the USA. I have been completely unsuccessful in trying to even get a regular decent girlfriend in my entire life which I somewhat blame myself but when I look at what my options are I can say that I am extremely lucky that I never settled down with any of the women I dated. I seriously dodged major bullets. How many other men are out there like me? Resigned to essentially opting out of the whole thing. That is not a good thing for society because I don't need hardly anything to live off of and I am unwilling to work for anything outside of my own care. I can live like a hermit in the woods.

Most of the women here are completely undateable if you have even a basic level of self respect. The women don't even act like they want a man and they make sure you know they don't need one until they are mid 30s and trying to get pregnant so they can have an autistic and mentally ill child that they are going to destroy. Hell, you are competing against the same women for jobs. As I am approaching my 30s, I have more women who are in their 30s and late 20s acting very desperate towards me and I just turn away from these morons. I don't even waste my time because that is all that it is.

The other thing is so many of these women are up to their eyeballs in debt for everything. Student loans, car loans, mortgages, etc. I'm not paying off that shit. I can barely get a good job, everytime I get interviewed after I apply for a job, I find out a woman has been hired instead of me and these are jobs I am overqualified for. It is not even worth bothering with. Luckily, I have no debts at all and can just walk off the plantation if I want. These stupid whores are going to be working their entire lives because they are so fiscally f***ed up and eventually they will want some mangina simp to pay off all their debts and quite frankly I have no desire for that. They look at men as walking ATM's that can be exploited for their benefit and not yours. Once they have gotten everything out of you, it is time for the divorce.

The whole system in western countries is one big scam and circle jerk of getting f***ed over. There is no way this system can continue to last. I think this thing is headed straight for a major collapse with few survivors. Which is why I am seriously thinking to head off into the woods in a rural area with a cabin. I am not even joking either.
About your take on it: If I remember your age right, I might be 10 years older (I just hit 40s) than you or close to that, and I didn't have it as badly off as you described, but my impression there was an accelerate generational shift toward everything becoming even more culturally ridiculous maybe c. 2014ish and getting worse and worse from there.

But even before then, if I were looking only for a serious relationship as more of a regular guy (which is not a bad thing to be, I'm just not), the culture was already pretty damned iffy if you really want only relationships and traditionalism vs just getting laid with a variety of women but refusing to get serious:
Fine in the late 90's-early 2000ish (at least good enough) to get friends-with-benefits girlfriends and have fun with some mutual regard there, but most of the women seemed OK when we were kids or young teens, but more and more into drugs, teen pregnancy, and generally kinda a big fuckin' mess if you were actually going to make the questionable decision to get serious with one of these (and gawd-help-us for any men who actually let these women get a claim on their financial assets in a marriage).
My friend's girlfriend who was always trying to get me into the sack since the mid-1990s when we were teens, for example, has been in and out of drug rehab, and I'm not trying to sound hateful toward her but she's now a single Mom who had gained so much weight she is shaped like a gumdrop, and I believe she has the major debt issues TPTB try to sink as many normies as they can into here as well. And don't even get me started on how the libs have now brought this utterly psychotic completely perverse mess of transgenderism and globohomo into the cultural mix here that was already bad enough for any normal man in his right mind to bolt overseas.

Certainly not all the American born women were like that (though many were/are even worse), but if I count up the women I like a lot of them were foreign but in the USSA too, and when it comes to imagining who would've been the best wives if I'd had any interest in that, without hesitation:
One Japanese girl (what an angel!), one Taiwanese girl (also an angel), probably one pretty Michelle Pfeiferish blond but she was already getting miffed at me over misc chick logic stuff and being picky so probably wouldn't have been a serious prospect anyway (though she I suspect would've been a tradpill catch for guys with a higher tolerance for that kind of thing), probably a couple of Thai Chinese girls (I just didn't know them that well), then some particular black women I love are for me the best personally but are not typical nor widely available as a "type", but I think you see what I'm getting at here about the potential for "Happier Abroad":

The haters will say white men who love Asian women are "fetishists" but just ignore that load of BS and go get 'em, the obvious reason why somewhat more tradpill types like @Outcast9428 like and prefer them with good reason.
But also, I know a lot of Latinas up here in the USSA, but am not too familiar with overseas, but @Lucas88 had a similarly good experience with them despite having similarly grim sentiments about the potential for a good lovelife back in his native UK, where he disliked both the native culture there and said he felt invisible to the women.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Why does it seem Anglo Women dislike their own Men?

Post by josephty2 »

jamesbond wrote:
August 27th, 2022, 6:47 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
August 4th, 2022, 7:03 am
The Anglo world is a hypercompetitive industrial dystopia which loves to celebrate "winners" and insult and ostracize "losers". There is little sympathy for those who don't succeed. They are relegated to an "underclass" within society's collective consciousness and their desires are deemed invalid, hence the charge of "feeling entitled".

Latin societies are completely different. People are generally not as competitive in their mindset. Most don't look to outcompete others and get ahead but rather simply look to find their own place in society and be comfortable. In the absence of an explicitly competitive culture, there is more empathy for others and sympathy for those who are having a hard time. Women generally don't look to alienate dateless men like Anglo women do. Whenever I've come across somebody who couldn't get a date people were always sympathetic with that person and wished them luck.

The way I see it is that in the Western hemisphere there exist two distinct and opposed major cultural blocs: the Latin world Vs. the Anglo world. The former is based on the Romance culture of Mediterranean Europe and the latter was born out of the historically Protestant ethos of England. For me the Latin world is a relatively healthy civilization dominated by normal human behavior whereas the Anglo world is a sick, perverse, pathological dystopia which only messes people up psychologically and brings out the worst neuroses and negative behaviors in its inhabitants. This is why I feel so much more comfortable in Spain and Latin America and absolutely can't stand Anglo countries.

I myself absolutely despise Anglo countries and their shit women. I have no sympathy for such nasty little creatures. If ever the UK gets invaded by a superior nation such as Russia I won't do a thing to protect those vile bitches and will happily abandon them to their miserable fate (meanwhile I'll be making a run for the highlands of Colombia). I'm also totally resentful that I was born an Anglo (well partially Anglo). I hate my own ethnicity and don't want to propagate its inferior genes or culture. If I survive the upcoming turmoil and make it to Latin America I intend to completely adopt the Latin American host culture for myself (I already speak fluent Spanish and identify with Latin culture more than my "own"). And with the big butt Colombian women I better pull out!

The Anglo countries are indeed highly competitive and anti social. If you are having a hard time meeting women or making friends, it's your fault. If you start your own business and it fails, it's always your fault. The victim is always to blame in Anglo countries, just like PUA's always blame men if they can't meet any women. The Anglosphere always uses victim blaming and never gets to the heart of the matter.
Capitalism in America requires thinking, having lived in the US for 20+ years. Can't say that about UK or Canada or Australia or France or Spain or Germany.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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