The Nature of Love

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The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

What is the nature of love? Is love a psychological thing like a kind of obsession or possessiveness? Is love a natural process like natural selection? Or is love something deeper like a gift from God or a spiritual feeling which cannot be expressed with words?

One thing for certain is that love exists and is very real, even though it can't be seen or touched. Love is a deep feeling which cannot be quantified with words. But the nature of love is not an all encompassing thing, indeed Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle held the theory that love has many different forms. This is also something I experienced in a psychedelic experience.

Here are some of the various forms of love as theorised by Plato and Aristotle. Which of these forms of love are you enjoying at the moment? Which forms of love is your life lacking right now?

Eros - A romantic love initiated by sexual attraction. The kind of love that two lovers might enjoy. At the moment I have no Eros love in my life, but rather than get depressed about such things, I just enjoy more time to myself and with friends and my daughter. I've experienced unrequited love for a woman before and this can be quite painful. @Outcast9428 alludes to Eros love being one of the most important things for a functioning society, this is why he advocates for a return to traditionalist values. Do you agree with him?

Agape - A kind of unconditional love. This is altruistic and selfless love. The kind of love an all loving God has for his children. I have this kind of love for Shiva and @MrMan undoubtedly has the same kind of love for the god of the Christian Bible. But what do you think? Does Agape love have much importance in society?

Storge - This kind of love is the kind of familiar love. The kind of love shared between parents and their child. As a father I can say I experience this love pretty intensely for my child who makes my life feel so much better for her having been part of it. Also wanna send a shout out to my buddy @MarcosZeitola, a proud father of, is it NINE? :shock: children with another on the way. How do you guys enjoy the love between your children or parents? How important is this kind of love?

Philia - A spiritual love or bond shared between true friends. Those who share the same values who you can relate to and trust implicitly. Some friendships are based on empty things like utility or other vacuous things like a common interest (such as drinking together at a weekend) true friendship is a mutual understanding and respect for each other which can't be expressed with words. I have this kind of bond with @Lucas88 who has been my closest friend since school. Also my buddy @Tsar. And I'd also like to think I've started creating these kind of bonds with other users of the forum such as @WanderingProtagonist and @WilliamSmith as well as some who have already been tagged previously.

Philautia - A self love. Not love for oneself in a narcissistic or selfish way, this is not what Greek philosophers meant by Philautia or self love. Self love is necessary in order for you to be capable of loving someone else or receiving love from someone else. @Mercer seems to be someone who has no self love, which is evident from his constant negativity. He should learn to love himself more and not devalue himself just because we live in a world which is becoming farther away from one of love and compassion. @CaptainSkelebob is someone most of us would associate with Philautia with how he goes on, but in actual fact he's just narcissistic and this doesn't qualify as a kind of Philautia love. He should have more compassion for others and more understanding.

So these are just some variants of love. Some people associate love with a romantic relationship with a partner or spouse, but as we can see you would not have the same kind of love for your father as you would have for your wife. That would be weird. What are your thoughts about this?
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 16th, 2022, 7:43 am
What is the nature of love? Is love a psychological thing like a kind of obsession or possessiveness? Is love a natural process like natural selection? Or is love something deeper like a gift from God or a spiritual feeling which cannot be expressed with words?

One thing for certain is that love exists and is very real, even though it can't be seen or touched. Love is a deep feeling which cannot be quantified with words. But the nature of love is not an all encompassing thing, indeed Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle held the theory that love has many different forms. This is also something I experienced in a psychedelic experience.

Here are some of the various forms of love as theorised by Plato and Aristotle. Which of these forms of love are you enjoying at the moment? Which forms of love is your life lacking right now?

Eros - A romantic love initiated by sexual attraction. The kind of love that two lovers might enjoy. At the moment I have no Eros love in my life, but rather than get depressed about such things, I just enjoy more time to myself and with friends and my daughter. I've experienced unrequited love for a woman before and this can be quite painful. @Outcast9428 alludes to Eros love being one of the most important things for a functioning society, this is why he advocates for a return to traditionalist values. Do you agree with him?

Agape - A kind of unconditional love. This is altruistic and selfless love. The kind of love an all loving God has for his children. I have this kind of love for Shiva and @MrMan undoubtedly has the same kind of love for the god of the Christian Bible. But what do you think? Does Agape love have much importance in society?

Storge - This kind of love is the kind of familiar love. The kind of love shared between parents and their child. As a father I can say I experience this love pretty intensely for my child who makes my life feel so much better for her having been part of it. Also wanna send a shout out to my buddy @MarcosZeitola, a proud father of, is it NINE? :shock: children with another on the way. How do you guys enjoy the love between your children or parents? How important is this kind of love?

Philia - A spiritual love or bond shared between true friends. Those who share the same values who you can relate to and trust implicitly. Some friendships are based on empty things like utility or other vacuous things like a common interest (such as drinking together at a weekend) true friendship is a mutual understanding and respect for each other which can't be expressed with words. I have this kind of bond with @Lucas88 who has been my closest friend since school. Also my buddy @Tsar. And I'd also like to think I've started creating these kind of bonds with other users of the forum such as @WanderingProtagonist and @WilliamSmith as well as some who have already been tagged previously.

Philautia - A self love. Not love for oneself in a narcissistic or selfish way, this is not what Greek philosophers meant by Philautia or self love. Self love is necessary in order for you to be capable of loving someone else or receiving love from someone else. @Mercer seems to be someone who has no self love, which is evident from his constant negativity. He should learn to love himself more and not devalue himself just because we live in a world which is becoming farther away from one of love and compassion. @CaptainSkelebob is someone most of us would associate with Philautia with how he goes on, but in actual fact he's just narcissistic and this doesn't qualify as a kind of Philautia love. He should have more compassion for others and more understanding.

So these are just some variants of love. Some people associate love with a romantic relationship with a partner or spouse, but as we can see you would not have the same kind of love for your father as you would have for your wife. That would be weird. What are your thoughts about this?
For me love is the blood rushing to my fat piece of meat when a hot piece of ass invites me back to her place :lol:
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've been thinking today about romantic love and how superficial and bullshit it is 90% of the time. I don't think a woman has ever loved me, not truly. And where some people might resort to depressing black pill ideology, I just feel nonchalant about it. My kid's mum didn't love me. She was really nasty and said some pretty hurtful things to me I also think my latest girlfriend, the Polish one, was more of an obsession than true authentic love. I am starting to believe that eros love is something I have never experienced.

I think many people latch on to someone and they mistakenly view their obsessions and fantasy as love. If a lot of women loved their men for who they are then why do most of them try to change their man all the time? I've often said this is an issue with modern relationships. The incompatibility between men and women. She wants him to change and he never will and he wants her to stay the same but she never does.

It seems to me like a lot of modern relationships are simply a competition for power and control in the relationship or marriage. Control over who their partner talks to, control over finances and behaviours.

I wonder if those types of souls we colloquially refer to as NPC souls are even capable of true authentic love, or whether their "love" is just an obsession or fantasy they are trying to live through their partners. They have their expectations adopted from romantic movies and try to live their lives in accordance with these Disney Princess ideals :roll:

What do you think? @Lucas88 @Tsar
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2022, 1:14 am
I've been thinking today about romantic love and how superficial and bullshit it is 90% of the time. I don't think a woman has ever loved me, not truly. And where some people might resort to depressing black pill ideology, I just feel nonchalant about it. My kid's mum didn't love me. She was really nasty and said some pretty hurtful things to me I also think my latest girlfriend, the Polish one, was more of an obsession than true authentic love. I am starting to believe that eros love is something I have never experienced.

I think many people latch on to someone and they mistakenly view their obsessions and fantasy as love. If a lot of women loved their men for who they are then why do most of them try to change their man all the time? I've often said this is an issue with modern relationships. The incompatibility between men and women. She wants him to change and he never will and he wants her to stay the same but she never does.

It seems to me like a lot of modern relationships are simply a competition for power and control in the relationship or marriage. Control over who their partner talks to, control over finances and behaviours.

I wonder if those types of souls we colloquially refer to as NPC souls are even capable of true authentic love, or whether their "love" is just an obsession or fantasy they are trying to live through their partners. They have their expectations adopted from romantic movies and try to live their lives in accordance with these Disney Princess ideals :roll:

What do you think? @Lucas88 @Tsar
I am also of the view that most accounts of "romantic love" are illusory and make-belief. That's why I'm not too thrilled by the idea and will probably never fall for it again.

Most people who claim to be "in love" don't really have genuine love. They merely have an obsession or an infatuation and confuse it for love. Many couples thought that their own love was somehow special and unique and that it was even predetermined by fate and would last forever but in the end parted ways nevertheless after encountering the most mundane of stumbling blocks.

Marriage based on love is also a fraud in most cases. Many people don't really marry for love at all. They marry or remain married for practical reasons such as kids, finances, social status, etc. The "love" part is often nothing more than a feigned front.

I believe that authentic love is exceptionally rare. It might truly exist among a small minority of soulmates who find each other and discover a genuine and lasting spiritual connection but that is certainly not the norm. Most couples are together due to superficial infatuation or for purely practical reasons.

I believe that my relationship with my Peruvian ex-girlfriend was based on infatuation rather than true love. Once the infatuation stage was gone, we soon discovered that we didn't really get along and had little in common and eventually parted ways amicably due to irreconcilable differences. We still maintain contact and I can tell that she wants me back. But that isn't because of genuine love but rather out of fear of being alone and knowing that I'm now probably the best she can get at this point.

My relationship with my Mexican ex-girlfriend did feel like a much deeper and more genuine spiritual connection and we certainly had a lot in common but one day she told me that she wasn't cut out for a relationship because of her own social and psychological problems and inability to face life like an adult. My vision was for us both to grow together and make a new life for ourselves but she told me that she couldn't do it and the relationship ended. That experience left me extremely bitter and disillusioned.

I no longer have any interest in romantic love or marriage. I'd rather not live a lie. Now I only believe in pragmatism and passionate eros. At least I can be sure that those things are real. In light of my own honest reflection, I'd rather not get married but rather pragmatically find a woman as appropriate breeding stock - a Latina with good booty genetics and an athletic body - whom I would impregnate but to whom I would not offer commitment, and then have my other girls for pleasure (escorts, prepagos, mistresses, divorced milfs who need sorting out). Most women are full of shit. It is better to treat them simply as breeding stock and passionate sex partners rather than falling for all of that naïve lovey-dovey bullshit.

Marriage has little to offer a desirable man. It is simply a medium through which a woman is able to lock down and increase her control over a man. Moreover, in most cases the professed love is nothing more than a lie. It is better not to get married. You can still impregnate a carefully chosen woman and sire children with her, but then continue to visit escorts and have passionate encounters with other hot mamasotas while maintaining much more of your freedom to do what you want and living crazy adventures with your buddies and without having to put up with some broad who you call your wife constantly giving you shit. It's better to be free and never sacrifice your balls to anyone!
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I am also of the view that most accounts of "romantic love" are illusory and make-belief. That's why I'm not too thrilled by the idea and will probably never fall for it again.

Most people who claim to be "in love" don't really have genuine love. They merely have an obsession or an infatuation and confuse it for love. Many couples thought that their own love was somehow special and unique and that it was even predetermined by fate and would last forever but in the end parted ways nevertheless after encountering the most mundane of stumbling blocks.
I completely agree with all your points here, but will address them piece by piece so it's easier to keep track of what points to make. Firstly, this is absolutely true from what I have observed. I really have no idea how a woman can claim she loves her man if she tries to mould him into her idealised man instead of loving him for who he really is. That isn't real love at all. It's a love for an idea rather than another human being. It's f***ing bizarre, but this is exactly why I hate the romance genre in the film industry. I think they set an unrealistic precedent of what a relationship should be and this is why many women get bored and become estranged from their husbands when this ideal isn't realised.

:lol: I hear you on the part about their love being determined by fate! How many people claim to have found their true love and then a year later they meet their real true love and the last partner was a mistake all of a sudden!
Marriage based on love is also a fraud in most cases. Many people don't really marry for love at all. They marry or remain married for practical reasons such as kids, finances, social status, etc. The "love" part is often nothing more than a feigned front.

I believe that authentic love is exceptionally rare. It might truly exist among a small minority of soulmates who find each other and discover a genuine and lasting spiritual connection but that is certainly not the norm. Most couples are together due to superficial infatuation or for purely practical reasons.
I agree with you, but I want to point out that I think in many cases people marry for one of two reasons as I understand the psychology of people who subscribe to the idea of marriage.

1. They do marry for love. Well, at least for what they believe is love, but in actuality is for one of the superficial reasons you mention in the earlier paragraph. In a lot of cases this happens very quickly and later ends in divorce when the couple realise they f***ing hate each other hahaha.

There's no way you can really get to know someone well enough to want to spend the rest of your life with after being with them for a year or less :lol: Besides, wouldn't being with someone all the time just do your f***ing head in? :lol: if I spend too long with the same person without a break they start to drive me mental. I am someone who really needs and values their own space.

2. Married life is sold as the ultimate ideal. Think about it. Getting married, getting a house and having kids is sold as the ultimate ideal of success. That's what women want. If a guy hasn't proposed within a woman's predetermined time frame, she will assume the relationship is going nowhere (even though the guy might genuinely love her) and she will end the relationship or cheat on him.
I believe that my relationship with my Peruvian ex-girlfriend was based on infatuation rather than true love. Once the infatuation stage was gone, we soon discovered that we didn't really get along and had little in common and eventually parted ways amicably due to irreconcilable differences. We still maintain contact and I can tell that she wants me back. But that isn't because of genuine love but rather out of fear of being alone and knowing that I'm now probably the best she can get at this point.
I think my relationship with the kids mum was the same. We didn't get along at all in the end and whatever we had together wasn't based on any authentic love. I understand that now. After a while our relationship was more a shallow mutual tolerance for the sake of the kid. Even though our interactions, even in front of the kid, were often volatile or thinly veiled hostility.

My Polish ex often used love as a tool of blackmail to steer the direction of the relationship into a direction which was favourable to her "if you loved me you'd want to spend more time with me." Even though I was around there 4 days a week. I'm not saying this to slate her, she was a good girlfriend, but we weren't compatible because she was someone who wants someone to move in with her and be with me as much as possible. Part of the reason it would inevitably fail is because I still wasn't fully over my relationship previous in the sense that I still needed time to fully recover from the stress and headache of everything and the upset I felt at being away from my child. It wasn't fair of me to go into this relationship and I still feel a lot of guilt for how much this woman was upset by my leaving her. I don't think I will ever forgive myself for this if I am honest.
I no longer have any interest in romantic love or marriage. I'd rather not live a lie. Now I only believe in pragmatism and passionate eros. At least I can be sure that those things are real. In light of my own honest reflection, I'd rather not get married but rather pragmatically find a woman as appropriate breeding stock - a Latina with good booty genetics and an athletic body - whom I would impregnate but to whom I would not offer commitment, and then have my other girls for pleasure (escorts, prepagos, mistresses, divorced milfs who need sorting out). Most women are full of shit. It is better to treat them simply as breeding stock and passionate sex partners rather than falling for all of that naïve lovey-dovey bullshit.
I'm not that bothered either. I think it's best to put yourself first and focus on your own happiness. There is no point dwelling in bitterness and negativity. It won't change anything.

I see love a lot like fishing anyway. If you set up on the bank of the river expecting to catch a fish, you'll go home hungry. If you set up and you're quite happy to chill with a few beers and let some bait drown in the sun all day you'll have a good time, whether you catch a fish or not. The truth is that real life doesn't give a f**k what people's plans are, whether it's to catch the perfect fish or swear off fish entirely it usually never goes how you expect it to. Might as well just enjoy the ride.
Marriage has little to offer a desirable man. It is simply a medium through which a woman is able to lock down and increase her control over a man. Moreover, in most cases the professed love is nothing more than a lie. It is better not to get married. You can still impregnate a carefully chosen woman and sire children with her, but then continue to visit escorts and have passionate encounters with other hot mamasotas while maintaining much more of your freedom to do what you want and living crazy adventures with your buddies and without having to put up with some broad who you call your wife constantly giving you shit. It's better to be free and never sacrifice your balls to anyone!
Marriage is nothing more than a social contract anyway. It usually has very little meaning beyond unnecessary expenditure and more stress should the relationship end with divorce settlements and all the rest of it. Real love endures irrespective of whether marriage is factored in or not.

Marriage is supposed to be a mutual thing, a union of two human beings. But these days the focus is all upon the bride. It's her special day etc. Pressure is on the groom to fulfill the expectations of his wife. Who then later might just leave him anyway. I prefer the pagan idea of marriage. I attended one as a guest in the woods down south. Seemed really authentic and fun when compared to rigid and boring Christian weddings. Then the couple go off into the woods and consumate their marriage for half an hour! :lol:
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by WilliamSmith »

Wow, you guys are deep around here, LOL, hey I really mean that. :lol:

It's true there's a truckload of brain chemicals that flood up when you have a hot sexually charged romance (oxytocin is I think the most well-known one) that then subside over time even if a meaningful relationship remains in the wake of this hormonal tsunami, but I think a lot of the drive toward this passion for romantic (and sexual love) is actually rooted in a spiritual reality, even though the chemical and physical side is how it manifests in our earthly lives.

Materialists, atheists, and so on, tend to dismiss it all as chemicals and hormones alone, but I honestly believe we actually have *spiritual* (not corporeal) gender opposite soulmates (i.e. if you are a man, your soul-mate is a woman, but actually a spiritual being who is a part of you, but separated by whatever cosmic drama we are wrapped up in here, and vice versa for women and their male spiritual soulmate).

Of course in the corporeal realm we all live in, this is also totally mixed up with physical lust for women on a more animalistic level, an interesting puzzle to try to sort out, to say the least...

Anyway, I'm past 3am so lacking coherence, but I think earthly relationships can mean a lot, but that the sort of unearthly passion for love that can end up creating a lot of drama in peoples' lives is largely because of projecting that inherent desire to be with our spiritual soulmate onto another earthly human being, even though it is actually our spiritual soulmates who we really yearn for, and no other earthly person can fulfill that, even if you're lucky and choose a good earthly mate for your life, family, etc.
(I personally consider myself lucky that I never really had that problem of projecting that desire I feel onto an earthly woman, luckily, because of me being one of these creatures raised by single Moms from a broken home... So I started out both instinctually loving women, but also deeply distrusting women, until later when I studied and observed them more and began feeling a little more sure of myself, eventually getting to where I feel I understand them well enough to where I don't distrust them anymore but just understand that their brains/bodies and even spirits work differently from ours as men, even if we are meant to ideally understand each other...)
Oh yeah, that reminds me: @Outcast9428 gave a big denunciation of those man-eating chicks I mentioned who were my teenage friends who were trying to get me into the sack behind their boyfriends' backs (which I agree they shouldn't have done), but I honestly owe those girls one, because they made it obvious that I couldn't just play the game of projecting idealistic romantic desires onto these females, even though I always liked them as friends then, and still do. :lol:

Anyway, back to the subject of spiritual soulmates and our projection of our passion for romantic love based on wanting to be with them: There is a lot of ancient lore that talks about this (a lot of it is in old folklore after some of the big religious priestcrafts tried to wipe out the old traditions), but why do I believe this? Well... at first I was reading huge quantities of old lore books and read old Pagan stuff about this (the "Fylgja" and so on, but it exists in many other cultures).
I'll try to follow up on this sometime because I have a bunch of books where I studied all this old Germanic and Celtic and "Arthurian" lore that talks about these.
But I eventually started experimenting with somewhat extreme hypnosis techniques, but later had a disaster and one of those NDE things too, so I actually felt like I had actual contact

I also think that the "kundalini" energy is connected with this spiritual soulmate.
(The "M" rune "mannaz" I think it's called is connected to this.)
I'll get back to this subject later sometime and tie it into my Chi Gong thread. I really should focus more on positive stuff like this more.

Oh yeah, and in my latest "wall of text" above, I only responded to the concept of romantic/sexual male/female love, but that's kind of my thing and I don't know what to say about the other types. :D
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by WilliamSmith »

Mercer wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 1:04 pm
This is all bluepilled, superstitious garbage on a forum that is anti-science. There is no such thing as "love", it's all based on looks and genetics. There's a reason why Chad and Stacy are the most loved people no matter how they act, it's because they look better than most people. The better looking you are then the more you will be "loved" and the uglier you are the more you will be hated. It's not very complicated and there's nothing deep about this.
No little jew, you are wrong. Like I said, it's deep stuff, a deep thread, and "Love will save the day."
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2022, 1:14 am
I think many people latch on to someone and they mistakenly view their obsessions and fantasy as love. If a lot of women loved their men for who they are then why do most of them try to change their man all the time? I've often said this is an issue with modern relationships.
Ahhh, the classic phenomenon of what I've heard described as "betafication" of the male!

The woman has the hots for the man at first and thinks he's a catch but then almost seems wired to try to keep doing things to make him compromise to a long list of demands and changes he has to make about himself, which most men do after rationalizing... leading to an initial uptick of her conscious approval for doing what she said, while meanwhile her primal sexual attraction to the man plunges into a stage 4 downtrend, since they're actually only aroused by us when we're sort of blazing forward on our own course of destiny and not being submissive or compliant to her, even if the women like being desired and appreciated, loved, etc.
I haven't had huge problems with it personally but am thoroughly familiar with it, seen dozens of cases, and read of it being totally widespread. I don't think women do this to be consciously manipulative at all, I think it's one of those quirks wired into human female biology.
Well, here I go with my usual theme again about how women are the greatest thing and my #1 reason for living, but also have to be thoroughly studied to avoid disaster, LOL. :lol:
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 11:18 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 2nd, 2022, 1:14 am
I think many people latch on to someone and they mistakenly view their obsessions and fantasy as love. If a lot of women loved their men for who they are then why do most of them try to change their man all the time? I've often said this is an issue with modern relationships.
Ahhh, the classic phenomenon of what I've heard described as "betafication" of the male!

The woman has the hots for the man at first and thinks he's a catch but then almost seems wired to try to keep doing things to make him compromise to a long list of demands and changes he has to make about himself, which most men do after rationalizing... leading to an initial uptick of her conscious approval for doing what she said, while meanwhile her primal sexual attraction to the man plunges into a stage 4 downtrend, since they're actually only aroused by us when we're sort of blazing forward on our own course of destiny and not being submissive or compliant to her, even if the women like being desired and appreciated, loved, etc.
I haven't had huge problems with it personally but am thoroughly familiar with it, seen dozens of cases, and read of it being totally widespread. I don't think women do this to be consciously manipulative at all, I think it's one of those quirks wired into human female biology.
Well, here I go with my usual theme again about how women are the greatest thing and my #1 reason for living, but also have to be thoroughly studied to avoid disaster, LOL. :lol:
I think you might be right. From what I understand of women (which isn't much lol) they are attracted to things like confident, assertive and strong men. Not necessarily strong in the sense of muscular and ripped, though it can't do any harm to be a top physical condition!

I think some women want control over their men and therefore could never truly love him. I do think, however that a woman will lose interest in a man who is too passive and weak and not strong enough to make a decision as a leader.

We live in a ultra feminised society where women are encouraged to dominate their men and control their finances and shit. That's "empowerment", apparently. But any form of dominance in men is erroneously pigeonholed as "toxic masculinity" when in actual fact dominance is much more nuanced than that. A man who has male dominance should inspire his family as a good leader. A male with dominance can still be someone who is loving and compassionate, but also assertive and will not let a woman change him at all I dominate his finances or social life.

This is the biggest issue between men and women. Strong men are toxic, passive men are weak and contemptible and bore women. Women are encouraged to dominate through "empowerment" which creates a toxic dynamic in and of itself. For these reasons alone, which go against the natural behaviours of men and women, I cannot believe many couples truly love each other without the natural dynamic being respected.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 7th, 2022, 6:55 am
A lot of it may be biological. I mean this might make me sound like some sort of sociopath, but I got burned with love once and now, the second time around, I am keenly aware of what drives me... a strong attraction to a girl. Her body. Her face. Her beauty, youth and vitality. I love the "idea" of her. Of having her. Being with her. Forming a family with her.

But it's more calculated, this time. Do I believe in love? Yes. But ultimately, love is just a word. Attraction is key for me. I love her, not only for who she IS, but what she represents, and what she can give me. In turn, I am loved for what I represent, and what I can give her. We are two hot young people with good genetics. That ties up together. It's not much, and yet, it's incredibly powerful and instinct driven.
I disagree quite strongly with your interpretation of love. For me, love is so much deeper than some simple biological imperative to breed. It's more than just physical attraction and some blood rushing into your dick when you see an attractive female. Love is much deeper than all of that. It's also a lot deeper than just an ideal or what each lover can provide for the other.

I think love is a deeper feeling. True love is a spiritual bond and a connection which cannot be expressed with words. It's something intangible, something you can't see or touch, but something you can feel. I think the connection of love is spiritual energy. You feel it in your heart.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've been thinking about the topic of love and its nature a lot over the last few months. I think it's like a trap door spider, in the sense that it just springs out on you whether you want it or not. You can't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens. I've recently fallen in love with a girl, and I suspect the gradual build up in intensity is something which has been happening for a long time, rather than something which happened overnight.

I can't express enough how much I care about this girl. And I doubt anyone gives a f**k enough to elaborate, so I won't bother. This isn't an anecdotal proclamation of my love for a girl, rather an experiential analysis of the nature of love and some philosophical reflections on its significance.

I've come to the conclusion that in society most so-called loving relationships are nothing but vacuous shells of relationships which are nothing more than either the love of an ideal or the love for the idea of love itself rather than authentic love shared between two individuals. Or a battle for power and a possessive type of toxic "love" which is completely solipsistic and selfish.

I've also concluded that real love can only be experienced by souled humans who have the higher faculties such as wisdom and compassion to authentically love another human being. NPCs could never love another human as they are clearly too selfish and only care about themselves.

I think most so-called traditionalists fall into the aforementioned category. They claim they want a loving relationship with a significant other, but look at how these relationships are structured. The man wants a housewife who is treated akin to a pet. She's to be kept in the house and the only purpose of her existence is to serve her husband. Her dreams and aspirations are totally irrelevant and if anyone dare speak out against these barmy traditionalists then they're automatically a feminist for the crime of having respect for a woman :lol:

Most of these traditionalists are nothing but NPCs who are unable to conceive of true and authentic love. They only care about the power dynamic in which the female is totally subservient to her husband. When real love should always be based on mutual respect and a desire to see your partner reach their true potential. True love is about being there for each other and not having any desire to have any kind of power over your lover.

I will always support my girlfriend and help her flourish in any way I can. Because I believe that her personal growth and happiness are in alignment with my own goals. Growing and flourishing together like two plants intertwined is the true essence of romantic love. Not one outgrowing and choking the other like a weed. This is someone who is narcissistic and desires personal power over someone else.

Those fools who believe women should do as they're told and serve their husbands like f***ing slaves do not know true love and they never will. Most women don't feel the need to be subservient to some husband when they can flourish more efficiently alone.

I bet most women would rather have one night stands with respectful studs like my buddy @WilliamSmith as opposed to becoming some little housepet for an insecure little tradcuck with tiny little garden pea balls. It's a no brainer. Women deserve respect. Everyone deserves respect in a living relationship. Respect and trust are the f***ing cornerstone of any functioning relationship.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 7:32 pm
I've been thinking about the topic of love and its nature a lot over the last few months. I think it's like a trap door spider, in the sense that it just springs out on you whether you want it or not. You can't choose who you fall in love with, it just happens. I've recently fallen in love with a girl, and I suspect the gradual build up in intensity is something which has been happening for a long time, rather than something which happened overnight.
I agree that true love just hits us out of nowhere when we least expect it. I've always found love at times when I wasn't even looking for a girlfriend or had even given up on the idea. I don't think that we have much choice in the matter. I met both of my Latin American girlfriends this way. They both suddenly appeared in my life due to circumstances beyond my control and we soon fell in love and entered a relationship.

From a metaphysical perspective, I intuit that our souls or "higher selves" simply make agreements with other souls who may be suitable from the spiritual realm without the knowledge of the incarnate ego. Behind the scenes two compatible souls plan to meet somewhere in the physical world and fall in love. When this happens, the incarnate ego is just amazed since it all seems to come out of nowhere. This is how I believe that it works. It's not that our love is preordained by fate but rather that our higher selves agree to come together with a potential significant other and arrange for it to happen. This isn't fool-proof though. Our higher selves do their best to make it work but sometimes obstacles in the physical world can get in the way and sabotage the plans of souls.

@Winston, what do you think of my theory above?

Conversely, I don't think that we can force true love. Many people go out and proactively look for a girlfriend or a wife and try to force it but in reality they simply pair up in accordance with purely practical or material needs and then end up trying to force their own ideals onto the other person and mold them in accordance with their own desires. This kind of "love" is illusory and these kind of relationships often become about power, control and exploitation. I believe that the majority of relationships and marriages fall into this category.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 7:32 pm
I think most so-called traditionalists fall into the aforementioned category. They claim they want a loving relationship with a significant other, but look at how these relationships are structured. The man wants a housewife who is treated akin to a pet. She's to be kept in the house and the only purpose of her existence is to serve her husband. Her dreams and aspirations are totally irrelevant and if anyone dare speak out against these barmy traditionalists then they're automatically a feminist for the crime of having respect for a woman :lol:

Most of these traditionalists are nothing but NPCs who are unable to conceive of true and authentic love. They only care about the power dynamic in which the female is totally subservient to her husband. When real love should always be based on mutual respect and a desire to see your partner reach their true potential. True love is about being there for each other and not having any desire to have any kind of power over your lover.

I will always support my girlfriend and help her flourish in any way I can. Because I believe that her personal growth and happiness are in alignment with my own goals. Growing and flourishing together like two plants intertwined is the true essence of romantic love. Not one outgrowing and choking the other like a weed. This is someone who is narcissistic and desires personal power over someone else.

Those fools who believe women should do as they're told and serve their husbands like f***ing slaves do not know true love and they never will. Most women don't feel the need to be subservient to some husband when they can flourish more efficiently alone.

I bet most women would rather have one night stands with respectful studs like my buddy @WilliamSmith as opposed to becoming some little housepet for an insecure little tradcuck with tiny little garden pea balls. It's a no brainer. Women deserve respect. Everyone deserves respect in a living relationship. Respect and trust are the f***ing cornerstone of any functioning relationship.
I agree with this assessment.

The vast majority of self-styled "tradcons" online are weak undesirable manginas who simply want the authority to control women and force them to submit to their whims. All of their talk about "love" and "morality" is just pretense. This is the reason why those sniveling little weakboys who shouldn't even be called "men" have the desire to strip women of their ability to make their own money and thereby remove all independence for them. They want to make women completely financially dependent on them so that those weak undesirable subpar males can force women to come crawling to them and trap them in loveless marriages through imposed desperation. Let's be honest. Some of these tradcon manginas are truly evil people and little vindictive control freaks. They simply hide behind a cloak of moral superiority blowing smoke up each other's asses and claiming to be exemplars of righteousness.

Our friend @WilliamSmith expressed a similar opinion about these pathetic mangina tradcon weasels during his most recent HA rampage. He too can see how perverse they really are.

Noble people in a truly loving relationship don't seek to control their significant other through money and authority. They want their significant other to flourish freely and support them in their personal goals and aren't insecure about their significant other leaving them or cheating on them with someone else. The marriages of financial dependency and entrapment which these vile manginas long for and want to impose on everyone else are not based on love at all. When I was with my Latin American girlfriends, I didn't want to control them or make them completely dependent on me. I wanted to elevate them and encourage them to flourish too. Guys who are noble and genuinely able to fulfill a woman and elevate her usually have no problem keeping a noble woman. We don't need to have financial control over women or subject them to authoritarian doctrines like those ignoble little pieces of human excrement do.

I also notice how many self-styled "moralists" and religious fanatics are actually far more immoral and evil than most liberals and secular people. They like to incessantly tubthump about moral values and their own "one vision" which they attempt to conflate with objective truth but, when you get to know them better, you find that they are just vile immoral individuals with no respect for the freedom of others or anything outside of their short-sighted fanaticism. But what else can be expected of a group of people who revere a "holy book" chock-full of heinous atrocities and with an obsession with blood sacrifice to some psychopathic Jew god (this also includes the (((New Testament))), by the way)? I think that in most cases their perverse souls simply resonate with that perverse religion and that's why they're so attracted to it. Perversity attracts perversity.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Don't get me wrong... I get it. I'm a romantic soul as well. And I have experienced such feelings. They are terrifyingly powerful. If love as a feeling wasn't real, so much great literature and so many amazing songs never would have been written. It's a tremendously powerful, earth-shattering feeling. But it's also terrifying, because once you love someone truly, and deeply, with this all-consuming power, you are incredibly vulnerable. And when it ends, it feels like life itself comes to an end.
Yes, I agree with this. I've fallen really strongly for this girl I'm seeing at the moment. Where as before I was in a constant neutral mind-set, now I've experienced this intense love for this girl and I'm terrified of losing it. She lives quite far away from me, but we've been friends for ten years or so. At the moment we are both trying to save up so we can get a place together, but it is just so f***ing difficult. It feels like society and lots of other factors are working against me. But I'm a badass mofo who likes to play computer games on the hardest difficulty setting, apparently I like to live real life on the hardest difficulty setting as well. 😎

People will probably say to me that I should just find a girlfriend who is closer to me, like in the same town or a nearby local area. But these NPC wenches will simply not do for me. Like @Tsar, I'm a man of integrity and I won't settle for anything less than what I want! And what I want is this girl I'm seeing right now. I even told @Lucas88 back when me and this girl were still just friends that she is the only girl I will consider for a relationship or else I would rather be alone.
I wanted desperately to grow old together with my ex. To be old and grey together, surrounded by our descendants, talking of memories from a now distant past that feels as recent as yesterday. I wanted that. But I'll never have it, because I lost her, I lost the love, I lost all of it. And now, it frightens me. To fall that way. To surrender to such feelings. I'm much more physically oriented now, and calculating. It does not mean I no longer believe in love; I just think there are different forms of it. I love my fiance genuinely, but with a different level of intensity. It's very physical in nature, based on her value to me as a partner and what she can provide me with. Whereas the love I felt before went deeper, but ultimately cut me and hurt me much more than it would have, had the feelings been less severe.
It's a shame that you had to go through that kind of pain. I spoke in my Spiritual Anatomy thread that I think when two people fall in love their heart chakras form a bond, a sort of an energetic tether. When you break up that tether is severed and you feel the inexorable heart ache and pain that follows.

I used to love my kid's mother. But the first time round she broke up with me because she offered me a tea and I said no thanks. We argued all the time and when she broke up with me I was so gutted I thought I'd never be with anyone else. When she and I got back together after a few months it wasn't the same. I realised I don't have that authentic connection with this girl. She was too mean spirited to ever have authentically loved me. Even though we had a kid together and I tried my best to make it work it all ended in massive argument which was the final straw for both of us. I had no choice but to leave. Driving back north from London was bittersweet. I was happy to finally be away from that toxic relationship, but devastated I would be living so far away from my child.

I had a relationship after this with a polish girl, and although she might have loved me I just didn't feel like I could connect with her that well. She seemed more obsessive and possessive than loving in my opinion. Rather than feeling that connection I the heart I felt a bit suffocated by her and wanted some f***ing space.
So I aim towards a more mellow love, where to have her is a blessing each day but to lose her would not be the end of my world. Where we take each day as it comes, enjoy it, feel blessed for it, and see where it takes us. Because I've experienced the more extreme form of love and it can burn a man. The candle that burns brightest, burns out quickest. I'm not a cynic, my friend, I am just a realist.
I think I feel this kind of intense love for my current girlfriend. It's much stronger than any of the others. I think this is my last chance to settle down and make a life with a girl I love and possibly start over again. I always said after the kid's mum I would never live with another girl again, nor would I have anymore kids. But I'm open to it all with the girl I'm seeing now.

I agree though, this candle has been set alight with a f***ing flamethrower. I'm also a realist and realise real life isn't some fairy tale or rom com. She might not want to move when the time comes. She could become distant from me emotionally etc all these factors. But at the moment I am remaining optimistic about the future with her. I'm staying positive, or trying to. Despite all the different factors working against my favour.
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Re: The Nature of Love

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 4th, 2023, 11:09 am
I agree that true love just hits us out of nowhere when we least expect it. I've always found love at times when I wasn't even looking for a girlfriend or had even given up on the idea. I don't think that we have much choice in the matter. I met both of my Latin American girlfriends this way. They both suddenly appeared in my life due to circumstances beyond my control and we soon fell in love and entered a relationship.
It's true isn't it. Every time I've got with a girl it's always been when I haven't been looking for a girlfriend. When I am actively looking for a girlfriend I almost always never find one and eventually give up. But it's true, you can't really choose whether or not you fall in love. It just happens and we become a slave to the desires of the heart.
From a metaphysical perspective, I intuit that our souls or "higher selves" simply make agreements with other souls who may be suitable from the spiritual realm without the knowledge of the incarnate ego. Behind the scenes two compatible souls plan to meet somewhere in the physical world and fall in love. When this happens, the incarnate ego is just amazed since it all seems to come out of nowhere. This is how I believe that it works. It's not that our love is preordained by fate but rather that our higher selves agree to come together with a potential significant other and arrange for it to happen. This isn't fool-proof though. Our higher selves do their best to make it work but sometimes obstacles in the physical world can get in the way and sabotage the plans of souls.
This is an interesting theory. A predetermined life plan seems to conflict with the idea of free will, but what you're suggesting with your theory is that both a predetermined life plan and free will are true since it's our "higher selves" or oversoul which determines our life plan and in this sense we still have free will to determine our fate. Including in terms of love.

In my current situation I do really feel like society and this bullshit economic system is standing in my way. I can't make enough money to make my dreams realised and I feel completely trapped. I think it's the same for most people.
Conversely, I don't think that we can force true love. Many people go out and proactively look for a girlfriend or a wife and try to force it but in reality they simply pair up in accordance with purely practical or material needs and then end up trying to force their own ideals onto the other person and mold them in accordance with their own desires. This kind of "love" is illusory and these kind of relationships often become about power, control and exploitation. I believe that the majority of relationships and marriages fall into this category.
I agree with this. I tried my best to force that kind of connection with my Polish ex girlfriend and I just didn't feel it, despite the fact she was a lovely woman who treated me well. Most people have never experienced true authentic love. I don't know how anyone can claim they love their significant other when they want to change who they are and mold them into what is their perceived perfect partner.
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