Why I Favor Paganism

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Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

I want to keep the Female Bisexuality Thread more on topic. So I decided to create a new thread to discuss religion and spirituality.

I've had many pagan experiences throughout my life and also contemplated spiritual concepts.

I favor extreme virtues and morals.

However, being subordinate to Jews is unnatural and a total disgrace. Jews are a blight, a rot, and scourge upon this entire earth.

Can I believe that a Jew God exists? Sure. But I don't believe that the Jew God is the only god or beneficial to Goyim. Also, how can people actually prove that the Jew God is the real god or the real creator? Why would after all human history, the supreme being appear to Jews, create a human sacrifice born of Jews, and then die, and supposedly will come again at an unspecified random time, and appear when the Roman Empire was at its peak?
Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 2:11 am

You're not going to get what you want in life until you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Idolizing dysfunctional Pagan societies along with threads like these that essentially support degenerate behavior is likely a major reason why God has not brought a girl to you. If you continue to deny God and refuse to accept the path he has laid out for you, then you are only creating a hell for yourself. Right-wing values do not work without a Christian framework for the exact same reason why atheists and neopagans don't want to accept Christianity... Because Christianity is the most moralistic religion in the world.

Pagan societies were not moralistic... They were constantly at war, they casually committed horrifying atrocities against civilians, rape during wartime was normal, entire cities were slaughtered, surrendering soldiers were often beheaded, buried alive, or drowned, infanticide was common, the streets of cities were unwalkable at night because of how insanely full of crime they were.

Jeremiah Johnston perfectly documents how Christianity changed the world in his book... Unimaginable: What Our World Would Look Like Without Christianity... https://www.amazon.com/Unimaginable-Wor ... 0764230816

Another thing he points out, which I have suspected for awhile, is that you can always trace the source of people's disdain for Christianity to a desire to be sexual degenerates. People dislike Christianity because of its emphasis on sexual morality. People who dislike Christianity are pretty much always looking for some ideology/religion that doesn't make them follow those rules. And often in the notes of people who famously disliked Christianity, you find that they always write about their frustration regarding Christianity's sexual moralism.
I will read the book you suggest about Christianity.

Moralism isn't the problem, it's the inaccuracies, hypocrisy, and undeniable Jewish lies in most areas.

Pagans believed in harmony with nature but the Old Testament gives dominion over nature to Jews (but Christians prefer to consider all humans as having dominion over nature). How many mass extinctions of wildlife and destruction of nature accelerated since Protestantism? Many ancient species were exploited in ancient times, especially in wars and arenas, like elephants from Syria, Greek lions, and some tiger species but since the 1600s, it took mass extinction to another level and also deforestation.

Honest wars have been about territory, wealth, and expansion. Christianity and Islam have sought to convert people, especially with Holy Wars. They justify it as a way to preserve the religion and spread the Words of God or convert unbelievers, but the Elites mainly seek expansion, wealth, and conquest, and to destroy rivals and enemies or to obtain resources.

However, the number one problem is subordination to the Jews. Anything that is Jewish leaves a vulnerability that will be exploited like a backdoor or a Trojan Horse. It's the Jews this, Jews that, praise the Jews, Jews are great, exalt the Jews, blah blah blah. To hell with the Jews!
MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 2:27 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 2:11 am
Pagan societies were not moralistic... They were constantly at war, they casually committed horrifying atrocities against civilians, rape during wartime was normal, entire cities were slaughtered, surrendering soldiers were often beheaded, buried alive, or drowned, infanticide was common, the streets of cities were unwalkable at night because of how insanely full of crime they were.
Honestly, medieval Europe was pretty much exactly like that, even with the Christianity. The crusaders raped, pillaged and misbehaved every bit as terribly as the Muslims wherever they went. Idolaters or "witches" were burned, tortured to death, and belonging to the 'wrong' type of Church could lead to your brutal murder. The days of the Romans were brutal, but so was Christianity, for the longest time. Things didn't become more peaceful until fairly recently, as a matter of fact. Much of human history was largely lawless, people got away with horrible atrocities, often in the name of Christ or God, in fact, using their faith as a shield to hide behind.

Having said this, I do believe @Tsar would probably benefit from adhering to some form of religion. It can bring peace in the heart of a man, and provide him with much needed clarity.
I believe in creationism, deism, and spirituality.

I will never accept Jews as Chosen People or accept that Jews could have any goodness in them. If I get a girl that's an Orthodox Christian then I will attend mass for her, but the way it is, Pope Francis and the Catholic Church are completely subservient to America, Jews, and corrupt Western Values and are cucked. Most Protestants are buying into the LGBTQ nonsense or are Zionist-loving Evangelicals. It's nothing like how when they protected European culture and were anti-Jew. Also, they were converting Jews.

A religion converting Jews only works to undermine itself. Jews undermine everything they infiltrate. Governments, religions, ideologies, and business then they subvert them and co-opt them to serve Jewish interests and poison them with Jew ideologies.

The idea of a non-Jews worshipping a Jew God favoring Jews is an abomination. It strips away ethnic and racial pride. It effectively subordinates nations to Jewish domination. It makes people willfully protect Jews because the Jew God chose Jews.

I don't care about the Jew God. If I had power, I will unleash total annihilation upon Jews and upon all the humans that protect them, harbor them, or defend them. Nations will burn beneath my armies in a sea of fire, as I erase Jews and all Zionist Collaborators from this earth in a Total War and completely scorched earth policy. Not one person who defends them will survive. If for example, I had to burn entire nations and all their people to ashes, I would do so. Fire will bring purity to the world and liberate humanity. A cleansing fire to burn away the rot.

If the Jew God doesn't allow a Second Coming of Jesus because all the Jews were wiped out, he can choose a Goyim or create some new Jews, assuming he exists.

An age of peace and prosperity where all survivors live virtuous lives and are free of Jewish tyranny.

The only logical explanation is that the Jews created a methodology that would be beneficial for the Elites and was doublespeak.

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" is effectively doublespeak. If they don't believe it's Caesar's or they believe Caesar deserves death, they can say "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" but to common listeners, it could mean they intentionally support paying taxes.

There was no Jew Queen Esther of Persia. No ark that could save all animals or a global flood. Jews didn't build the pyramids. Women weren't created from the rib of a man. Humanity wasn't molded from dirt and then breathed life into. Also, it doesn't make sense at all for a man in ancient times to have married a woman who was pregnant and then never have sex with her and be celibate for life. Not to mention all the evils the Jews did. Also, the Pharaoh's army never drowned and no nation would actually want to keep the Jews inside by chasing after them. It's laughable and nothing except Jewish rabble. I won't bow to the Jews or accept their disinformation. Jews are notorious liars, deceivers, and manipulators. They are rot in human form and have been subverting every nation throughout their entire existence and engaging in genocide of everyone.

If Christianity can successfully remove all exaltation of Jews, Jewish favoritism, add annotations to explain the discrepancies with logic, and add annotations to restore antisemitism along with erase anything that doesn't make sense then it might function better, but a religion shouldn't be flawed. Jewish exaltation isn't my religion and I won't be subordinate to Jews. Anything that places Jews above everyone is effectively a way for Jews to have a backdoor or a failsafe against destruction.

The Pagans successfully annihilated the Jews many times. It's only after Christianity and Islam that Jews gained some protection and security. Why? Those have roots in Judaism.

I want a society completely free from all Jewish influence. If people want to be practice their religions, then it's okay, but they will need to be anti-Jew if they have Jew-origin religions. Collaborators would be guilty of treason and enemies of the state, and put to death as subversive elements. No one should serve the Jews or their toxic interests.

I support religious freedom. Christians and Muslims would be free to keep and practice their religion freely, but they wouldn't be allowed to exalt Jews. Judaism would be snuffed out and the Jewish ethnic group completely purged. Even people with 2% Jewish DNA would probably be exterminated because of their impurity. Everyone would be educated by reading about the Talmud to see how the Jews hated every other ethnic group and know it was right to wipeout the Jews. Even if there are good Jews, Jews have proven themselves to be too much of a threat and inherently evil to allow any to survive. I would favor theology lessons in schools because the best way to win believers isn't to suppress other beliefs or automatically portray them as false, but to actively teach them and say why they're wrong or inaccurate. Maybe point out what's good about them and what is wrong. Obviously, everything is wrong with all the Jewish beliefs.

Christianity can definitely be replaced with a new better religion free of Jewish influence. It's just that there hasn't been any attempts. It's a scale and the Jews have sought to replace Christianity with nothing. That causes imbalance at worst or dysfunction at best. A better totalitarian system creates new religion that is pro-gentile, anti-Jew, and doesn't seek to explain away what can't be explained. Every problem with existing religions can be corrected to make it impossible for Jews, feminists, and atheists to undermine or subvert it.

Also, the religions that required centralized interpreters, literate people, and a centralized authority were more about control. Increasing believers meant increasing tithes and spirituality was an easy business. It was also a way for the religious leader to become as powerful or more powerful than kings.

Everyone would be better off if there were no more Jews.

Obviously, in 2023, convincing anyone of this on a large scale is impossible which is why I favor a total war scenario. A mass genocide of most humanity if they refuse to accept a restoration of traditional civilization without any Jews.

Adolf Hitler proved what a society free of all Jews can accomplish. The Roman Empire was the mightiest of all ancient empires and they hated the Jews. The common element is that Jews and Jew influence must be expelled and eliminated.

Christianity only functioned when it hated Jews and enough ethnic pride existed to counteract the Jewish influence. It existed because traditional values were strong enough.

Christianity alone isn't able to counter toxic Jew influences and the Jew God won't protect his believers against destruction at the hands of Jews.

Catholics love to say "Word of God" and "Living God" and "The One True God" but I think that's inaccurate.
1. It's the Word of Jews
2. There hasn't been a living god in millennia, and assuming Jesus was an actual god, then he's been dead for 2,000 years and could be called "the God that Never Came" and his believers "The People Who Waited" because eventually, there's only three options: wasn't a god, doesn't actually exist, he existed but was just a Messianic Jew Revolutionary and not a god, or he only sought to reform Jews.
3. Any religion that must claim their god is the one true god is doing so because it must keep other potentially more legitimate gods out of their society, and for believers to hear "One True God" will make it seem that's true by collective power of here mentality

Christians: One True God!
Muslims: No God Except Allah!
Jews: :lol: We've spread our Yahweh to our ancient enemies and will have dominion over the entire world! :lol:
Me: I see the Jew trickery and refuse to subordinate myself to the Jews!

I will not accept Jewish oppression and Jewish tyranny! I want a society free of all Jewish control. This means eradicating the Jews and creating a dominant aristocracy of pagans that serve true virtue and have universal moral values. A society that can defend against Jews and whose people have no love of Jews or anything Jewish.

Any god that hasn't returned or appeared is:
1. Incapable
2. Unable
3. Dead
4. False
5. Absent

"God the Father" is more like a deadbeat abusive father, not a loving god. He's not a god that is fair and just, more like vindictive and unjust. I guess that's why people are abandoning it.

People aren't going to easily accept discrepancies, false history, and logical flaws just because a Holy Book claims it's true despite all evidence.

1. Any Supreme Being isn't Jewish
2. The Supreme Being would naturally hate Jews or almost all Jews
3. The Supreme Being probably created the gods as overseers or as subordinates. There's no reason why a supreme being and gods must be the same. It's just the Jews and Jew origin religions make that unsupported and impossible to prove claim
4. That the Supreme Being would never favor Jews
5. That Jews are not the Chosen of the Supreme Being and Jewish culture is not the preeminent culture

Jewish religions are toxic because they subordinate everyone to the Jews. It imposes a collective guilt.

"God says so" is an easy excuse and not an answer, solution, reason, or justification for anything. It's lazy, mindset, and circle logic.

God is not the cause, reason, answer, solution, and justification for everything. Circle logic is not logic.

This isn't meant to be offensive, it's just meant to show that until society removes all vestiges of Jewish influence then it cannot improve.

Good values are not specific to Christianity. Christianity did have a tendency to create more people with moral values but it's undeniable that it sought to repress human nature instead of understand it. The repression is why everything eventually blew up society and the social contract quickly unraveled.

There's been many splits in both Christianity and Islam. Jews likely created both as a way to pacify their ancient enemies. When the Jews saw their creation of Christianity became too successful, Jews created Islam as a counterbalance. Crusades and Jihads to convert unbelievers.

I don't see how anyone can defend an ethnocentric religion like Judaism and then defend it's toxic ethnic group who are a rot upon this planet and corrupt everything.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 4:51 am
Paganism is not practical. There is only one good famous pagan in this world in my view, and his name is Varg Vikernes. Why? Because Varg Vikernes lives "off the grid", with his wife and eight kids. He's a serious man. He's a thinker. And he understands the problems of society. He knows also the remedy is to create alternative cultures and, above all, to keep the non-barbarian birth rate up.

Nine out of ten times when you see a man aware of what ills plague society and aware also of the cure, he is Christian. He will be a self-professed Man of God and have a large family. There are Christian men with ten kids. Few pagans have ten kids. Paganism does not inspire men and women to live traditionally lives and create large families, which is a core tenet of Christianity. Is Christianity beholden to certain Jewish values? Yes. Because Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, after all. Still... is there a better, more practical alterative, @Tsar ?

I can see the appeal and even the moral righteousness of paganism, Tsar. But I do not believe it to be truly practical in the long run unless it manifests itself in such a way that it promotes a high birth rate amongst those who adhere to it. I do not believe this to be the case among any pagan faiths I can think of. If I am wrong, however, I would love to be corrected my friend.
People can look at the universal morals and what factors make Christianity successful.

Design a ground up neo-pagan religion, completely new, and is deist, not theist. Allow open-ended beliefs.

Vesta was a goddess very significant in Roman society.

I'm not favoring a return to old pagan religions. That's impractical and there's no reviving the past.

The Nazis wanted a neo-pagan religion to become dominant. Hitler eventually decided to preserve the Church but eventually would have wanted to replace it with a State Religion to serve the Reich. That is extreme, but it's understandable.

In Man in the High Castle, the Amazon alternate reality show, there was a scene in a mall where instead of Christmas it was the Winter Solstice and they had an Odin statue dressed in if I remember correctly, a blue wizard costume and the appearance of an old man.

I was thinking that we should actively teach paganism to celebrate ethnic values and the cultural origins of our gentile civilizations.

Why shouldn't people learn and be proud of their origins? Learn about the old gods if their ancient civilizations? Celebrate the old gods as a way of celebrating their roots?

I agree with the Nazis that a nation must be freed of all Jewish influence.

Only the people completely free of all trace of Jewish influence should hold power and any authority.

The merits of restoring Zeus or Odin or Ra as a dominant deity and center of a religion is flawed, which is why I don't advocate for that.

I think a new religion is the only way to fix humanity.

The mistake that modern totalitarian governments make is replacing Christianity or other religions with nothing. A totalitarian nation must implement a traditional moral belief system that allows the society to function and creates a sustainable society. Atheism is nothing and immoral. But most of the totalitarian societies have been influenced by the Jewish ideologies or brought into existence by the Jews themselves.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

Editing a typo my original post:
2. There hasn't been a living god in millennia, and assuming Jesus was an actual god, then he's been dead for 2,000 years and could be called "the God that Never Came Again" and his believers "The People Who Waited" because eventually, there's only four options: wasn't a god, doesn't actually exist, he existed but was just a Messianic Jew Revolutionary and not a god, or he only sought to reform Jews, or he's dead and won't come again.
3. Any religion that must claim their god is the one true god is doing so because it must keep other potentially more legitimate gods out of their society, and for believers to hear "One True God" will make it seem that's true by collective power of herd mentality
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 5:18 am
So what you're saying is that paganism can only work if a new faith is formed incorporating the best elements of paganism with the best elements of monotheism and, combining the two, the state would promote such a faith. You're correct to state that when Christianity as the default is replaced with "nothing", society suffers from this lack of faith. However, since no government in the world has yet come up with the type of religion you propose and this is highly unlikely to happen anytime soon, it would seem as if the pre-existing religions such as Christianity are "our best bet" as of now.

With no alternative, one has to make do with what is around and what is established. Otherwise the faith you would adhere to would simply be a lone-wolf faith that exists only in your own head, followed by no one else, disorganized, without any large and overarching goals. A new religion needs a prophet. A patriarch. A guru. A visionary. It has no business existing only in one man's head... that makes it a fantasy, not a faith, and fantasy gets a man nowhere nor does it help society advance.

A lot of what you say holds true and there is merit in your beliefs... but it isn't practical. Which is why I would personally stick with what is tried and proven. I'd love to raise my large and growing family as little pagans, but wherever will they find other little pagans to mingle with and marry? There is no such community in existence. At least as Christians, they have a fighting chance in this world to find 'their people' or some close approximation of it. It's not ideal, I agree, but it's as good as it gets. I say that as someone who has a lot of criticism of Christian dogma.
Yes, I think a religion that is open-ended, makes no unsubstantiated claims, or names any specific deity.

Concepts can be proven but to make claims about specific deities is implausible.

I figure the best way is to focus more on concepts and morals, not on the god or gods.

Look at religions that were successful and why. The elements that made them and civilizations successful are universal and transcend religion.

Confucianism and Buddhism were successful in China. Certain pagan cults like the cult worshipping Vesta were successful in Europe. It's undeniable that Christianity and Islam were successful. But it's not the god that makes the religion successful as much as the values instilled by the religion, the adherence to those values by the followers, the quality of the followers, and to convert by living through example.

Modern religion is decaying because it has unsubstantiated claims and completely false claims. It hasn't aged well.

Circumcision is one of the most toxic things in the world and any religion that supports that practice is evil and anti-male. It mutilates men and only a False God would seek to destroy what is natural.

Jews actively circumcize their slaves and the Bible even specifies this. Fück the Jews and their False Jew God! They're abominations! Circumcision should be outlawed and if any religion refuses to accept that reform, then I support eradicating that religion along with Judaism.

I know that paganism would be difficult in the current world, but I am talking about an ideal society. Assume that everything would be something that I would do if I had absolute power and could implement whatever changes that I wanted.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Outcast9428 »


You are basically just admitting that you want to create a fake religion. A neopagan religion that is not a revival of the old pagan religions? That’s just inventing a new religion which you don’t even seem to believe is real yourself.

Christianity has only very recently started having any pro-Jewishness in it. For centuries Christians considered Jews to be the synagogue of Satan. The Spanish Inquisition was largely done to kick the Jews out of Spain.

But no, mass murder is not and never is justified. You cannot kill innocent people, that is not right and if you do so you will be selling your soul to the devil. Nothing good comes from that kind of mass slaughter. Medieval theocracies for the most part handled the Jew problem perfectly by prohibiting usury and prohibiting Jews from having any positions of power in society. Often times they lived in their own segregated sections of society and if they acted up, they got kicked out and had to move elsewhere.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 8:48 am

You are basically just admitting that you want to create a fake religion. A neopagan religion that is not a revival of the old pagan religions? That’s just inventing a new religion which you don’t even seem to believe is real yourself.

Christianity has only very recently started having any pro-Jewishness in it. For centuries Christians considered Jews to be the synagogue of Satan. The Spanish Inquisition was largely done to kick the Jews out of Spain.

But no, mass murder is not and never is justified. You cannot kill innocent people, that is not right and if you do so you will be selling your soul to the devil. Nothing good comes from that kind of mass slaughter. Medieval theocracies for the most part handled the Jew problem perfectly by prohibiting usury and prohibiting Jews from having any positions of power in society. Often times they lived in their own segregated sections of society and if they acted up, they got kicked out and had to move elsewhere.
I would call it a more flawless, defensible, and pro-gentile universal religion because it would have legitimate universal concepts. Concepts more provable with probability and empirical evidence.

Creationism is definitely a certainly based on probability but the belief that the Jewish God is that creator is complete faith. If there is a creator or god and it's not the Jewish God, everyone is attributing everything to a false belief.

Creationism and Deism are more authentic beliefs than any organized Abrahamic or centralized monotheist religion.

Christianity has a lot of fake content in it which I mention. How can people reconcile those discrepancies? If it didn't happen, it can't be justified as being a metaphor or something. Why is the fake stuff accepted as fact by believers?

Why did Christianity begin to become pro-Jewish?

I would believe it because Creationism+Deism are legitimate beliefs but don't make any claims about what or who to worship.

Religion alienates people more and more because it can't prove their stories are real and some stories are completely false.

The only permanent solution is genocide. Look where all that Medieval mercy and post-WW2 sympathy brought the world? I know it's extreme and harsh, but there's no other way to ensure what happened doesn't happen again. People are oppressed, the governments and nations have been completely subverted, and people cannot even call out the Jews anymore. Everyone who enters politics refuses to do anything real about the problem. That's where the mercy, sympathy, and attempts at assimilation brought the world. It can't be allowed to happen again.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
-George Santayana
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Outcast9428 »

Tsar wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 9:19 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 8:48 am

You are basically just admitting that you want to create a fake religion. A neopagan religion that is not a revival of the old pagan religions? That’s just inventing a new religion which you don’t even seem to believe is real yourself.

Christianity has only very recently started having any pro-Jewishness in it. For centuries Christians considered Jews to be the synagogue of Satan. The Spanish Inquisition was largely done to kick the Jews out of Spain.

But no, mass murder is not and never is justified. You cannot kill innocent people, that is not right and if you do so you will be selling your soul to the devil. Nothing good comes from that kind of mass slaughter. Medieval theocracies for the most part handled the Jew problem perfectly by prohibiting usury and prohibiting Jews from having any positions of power in society. Often times they lived in their own segregated sections of society and if they acted up, they got kicked out and had to move elsewhere.
I would call it a more flawless, defensible, and pro-gentile universal religion because it would have legitimate universal concepts. Concepts more provable with probability and empirical evidence.

Creationism is definitely a certainly based on probability but the belief that the Jewish God is that creator is complete faith. If there is a creator or god and it's not the Jewish God, everyone is attributing everything to a false belief.

Creationism and Deism are more authentic beliefs than any organized Abrahamic or centralized monotheist religion.

Christianity has a lot of fake content in it which I mention. How can people reconcile those discrepancies? If it didn't happen, it can't be justified as being a metaphor or something. Why is the fake stuff accepted as fact by believers?

Why did Christianity begin to become pro-Jewish?

I would believe it because Creationism+Deism are legitimate beliefs but don't make any claims about what or who to worship.

Religion alienates people more and more because it can't prove their stories are real and some stories are completely false.

The only permanent solution is genocide. Look where all that Medieval mercy and post-WW2 sympathy brought the world? I know it's extreme and harsh, but there's no other way to ensure what happened doesn't happen again. People are oppressed, the governments and nations have been completely subverted, and people cannot even call out the Jews anymore. Everyone who enters politics refuses to do anything real about the problem. That's where the mercy, sympathy, and attempts at assimilation brought the world. It can't be allowed to happen again.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
-George Santayana
Christianity only really became Jewish after the 1960s because of a combination of things… One is the Jews making it extremely taboo to criticize them, two is pounding the Holocaust narrative into people’s heads so much that it created false sympathy for them, and three is the increasing tension between the West and the Muslim world that had been building since about 1970. Western Christians became convinced that Israel was “the first line of defense” against Islamic terrorism and that Israel was all that stood between them and constant terrorist attacks. Yes that is obviously inaccurate but it’s what they believe.

Eastern European Christians are not really that pro-Zionist though. Christian Zionism is mostly a US and British phenomenon specifically.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrPeabody »

ThunderWizard is an excellent source for modern day paganism.

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Good thread, @Tsar. I also gravitate more towards paganism than any organised religion. For one, psilocybin and other entheogens offer a glimpse at the spiritual side of reality. Such experiences can put you in touch with higher beings and reveal deep philosophical concepts which were previously unknown to the user. This is something that is global and doesn't require a book or word of mouth in order to spread. It's a gift provided by nature and is more real than some Jewish books.

Also, I've met two decent people in my life who claim they can see auras. One is my girlfriend and another is a guy I used to work with who once told me he could see light around some people and he didn't know what the f**k it was. He thought he was going crazy because he'd never heard of spiritual concepts before.

All of this is more real than someone saying "Well I'm a good and moral Christian so God gave me what I want." No. Reality doesn't work like that. Many people suffer and pray to the Christian God. Why does he not help them?
Outcast9428 wrote:
January 8th, 2023, 2:11 am

You're not going to get what you want in life until you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Idolizing dysfunctional Pagan societies along with threads like these that essentially support degenerate behavior is likely a major reason why God has not brought a girl to you. If you continue to deny God and refuse to accept the path he has laid out for you, then you are only creating a hell for yourself. Right-wing values do not work without a Christian framework for the exact same reason why atheists and neopagans don't want to accept Christianity... Because Christianity is the most moralistic religion in the world.

Pagan societies were not moralistic... They were constantly at war, they casually committed horrifying atrocities against civilians, rape during wartime was normal, entire cities were slaughtered, surrendering soldiers were often beheaded, buried alive, or drowned, infanticide was common, the streets of cities were unwalkable at night because of how insanely full of crime they were.

Jeremiah Johnston perfectly documents how Christianity changed the world in his book... Unimaginable: What Our World Would Look Like Without Christianity... https://www.amazon.com/Unimaginable-Wor ... 0764230816

Another thing he points out, which I have suspected for awhile, is that you can always trace the source of people's disdain for Christianity to a desire to be sexual degenerates. People dislike Christianity because of its emphasis on sexual morality. People who dislike Christianity are pretty much always looking for some ideology/religion that doesn't make them follow those rules. And often in the notes of people who famously disliked Christianity, you find that they always write about their frustration regarding Christianity's sexual moralism.
I agree with you Tsar. I don't accept any of the Jewish Abrahamic religions. I don't know what @Outcast9428 is talking about in his response to you quoted here. How does rejecting Christianity make someone a sexual degenerate? I have disdain for Christianity because it is a Jewish religion and promotes values of weakness and servility upon Gentiles. This is to make them pacifists and turn the other cheek whilst their nations are destroyed through Jewish subterfuge.

I do believe people should have freedom to choose their own path and not be slaves to some redundant edicts passed down by a cosmic dictator. Research enough mythology and where Yahweh originated from and you can see what a f***ed up tyrant this god is. He is Anu in Mesopotamian religion who opposed humanity raising the Kundalini and becoming as gods. Our true benefactor, Enki, is slandered as the biblical serpent and wanted to bestow the secrets of heaven and earth upon humanity. He wanted us to grow and flourish. Not be weak and servile. That's what Anu wanted. The Gnostics knew what an evil piece of degenerate filth this god was. They called him the Demiurge and then the Christians came along and slaughtered them all. These so-called pious morons put us in the Dark Ages. :roll:

Christians are only supposedly peaceful now because they have been declawed by secularism in the West. But you can bet your ass that if a Christian theocracy ever rose to power we would be right back to witch burnings and crusades. :roll:

Islamic theocraticies are tyrannical as hell and believe in spreading the word of their religion through the sword. Christians were no different. All of these bastards used the same method of conquest throughout history and used their religions as justification for their horrific acts of barbarism.
However, the number one problem is subordination to the Jews. Anything that is Jewish leaves a vulnerability that will be exploited like a backdoor or a Trojan Horse. It's the Jews this, Jews that, praise the Jews, Jews are great, exalt the Jews, blah blah blah. To hell with the Jews!
I hate Zionist Jews. And I hate their religions of servility and weakness. I think the Zionist Jews are the greatest threat to life all over the planet. They have subjugated everyone to their predatory financial systems of usury and followed the blueprint for world domination that is the Bible. Yet people want to believe in their religious indoctrination, even though some of these brainwashed people are supposedly red pilled on the JQ :roll:
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by MrPeabody »

Thunderwizard has some really great videos on Christianity. He was a dogmatic Christian before he became a pagan.

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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Outcast9428 »


You claim to be redpilled on the JQ but quite frankly, you might as well be one of their allies. The Jews do not hate atheists, agnostics, or the pretentious variety of functional atheists nowadays who call themselves "Neopagans." They certainly do not hate sexually liberal libertarian type philosophies given that many of them espouse those philosophies themselves. They hate Christianity, their sworn enemy is Christianity. You support "sexual freedom" which was originally pushed by the jews through psycho-analysts such as Sigmund Freud and Wilheim Reich, as well as the entire Frankfurt School. All of them believed that "sexual repression" led to anti-semitism and specifically promoted "sexual freedom" in order to destroy gentile society.

You also claim to be against feminism yet you support women in the workforce and sexual freedom as well. What about you is anti-feminist? You're not anti-feminist at all, you're just a liberal feminist who doesn't like radical feminism. Feminism was also pushed by the Jews through Betty Friedan and her book "The Feminine Mystique" which made pushing women into the workforce its primary objective.

You also don't believe in race based IQs or genetic determinism in general. Again, this was pushed by the Jews through Franz Boas's complete control over the Anthropology department at Colombia, him and his students were obsessed with destroying the idea of race based genetics as well as the idea of racial IQs.

You also want all labor to be automated and for resources to be equally distributed amongst everyone. This is literally communism.

So let's be clear... You hate Christianity, you support sexual freedom, feminism, communism, and believe all racial differences are culturally/environmentally based instead of being genetic. Many of your arguments are quintessential leftist/liberal arguments against right-wing beliefs... For example, claiming that all of Africa's backwardness is the fault of colonialism, that the differences between homicides committed by different racial groups is all related to cultural/environmental factors and that no group of people is really genetically less inclined to violence then other groups, and that Christianity is dangerous because of the Crusades/Inquisition/witch hunts... Despite the fact that scientists have actually isolated the specific genes which cause Black men to be so much more significantly prone to violent behavior compared to Whites and Asians and despite the fact that I have pointed out how mild atrocities committed by Christians have historically been compared to other civilizations existing in the same time period as well as civilizations that came before Christianity.

I really don't understand why you even dislike the Jews at all. Your complete lack of genuine right-wing beliefs leads me to believe that you may actually be Jewish yourself and possibly trying to subvert the right-wing movement entirely by pushing liberal ideas, while cloaking your ideology as being friendly to right-wing people. The only left-wing things you oppose are the most extreme excesses of leftism... The vaccine mandates, politically correct assaults on freedom of speech, and attempts to push children into sex reassignment surgeries.

Jews have historically gone to great lengths in order to hide both their own Jewishness, as well as their involvement behind all of their subversive ideas and make them appear to have sprouted naturally from the gentile population. And what you are pushing sounds an awful lot like how a Jew would attempt to completely destroy his opposition. Appear as radical right-wing people by expressing extreme hostility towards Judaism while not only failing to support any effective solution to the problems they've created, but even attempting to exacerbate the problems they wish to make worse. Basically this looks like a blatant attempt to subvert the conservative opposition to liberalism entirely to the point where the opposition will be practically fighting you in order to implement your own ideas. By infecting the far-right with neopagan nonsense, they will have lost the war before they even committed themselves to it. That way, no matter who wins, you win regardless because both sides are functionally pushing the same ideas onto the general public.

There is evidence to show that Jews lost faith in economic Marxism as well as collectivist systems as a result of the Soviet Union becoming anti-semitic under Joseph Stalin. Many Jews therefore concluded that it was too easy for a blatantly authoritarian social structure to turn on them if too much power was put in the hands of one man. Especially since the Jews don't like to put their own people at the head of state, doing so would expose them as being behind all the social changes that the head of state is attempting to implement. What they want is to put gentiles in public, prominent positions, and then orchestrate events from behind the scenes. They f***ed up with Stalin though, because he deceived them, and it turned out he didn't want Jews in charge of the Soviet Union anymore and he had tens of thousands of Jews in the high offices of the Soviet Union executed during the Great Purge.

So what Jews started advocating in the United States, is radical individualism instead. The complete breakdown of ties between the individual and his community, family, laws, religion, and traditions. The Jews started to push the idea that "everything should be questioned" thus encouraging criticism of all aspects of White, Christian, conservative society. The Jews today no longer care about economic Marxism or Socialism, having lost faith entirely that these systems will promote Jewish interests. These days, their goals are entirely focused on social leftism. Basically criticizing everything which built Christian civilization and encouraging the gentile public to turn against Christian civilization entirely. Criticizing Christian prohibitions against free sexuality being one of the most important aspects of their agenda... A goal you and Lucas coincidentally agree with quite strongly.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Outcast9428 »

As for the assertion that God should help the people suffering across the globe, it is worth keeping in mind that God cannot save people from sin, whether it’s their own sin or the sins of others. Many people who are suffering are living very sinful lifestyles which cause their suffering. In other cases, they are the unfortunate victims of countries controlled by sinful elites or they are surrounded by a sinful majority population.

Africa and the Middle East for example, which have some of the worst suffering in the world, are controlled by polygynous elites who are openly corrupt and not only hoard the nation’s resources but also design a system which makes it impossible for men in poverty to find a wife. In liberal/feminist countries the secular elites have subverted God’s wishes at every turn and made the population sinful. God will try to help his most virtuous servants but there’s only so much he can do to combat the effects of other people’s sins.

God’s ability to help each individual would be much much stronger if society was controlled by his people and Christians actually lived according to their principles.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Winston »

I agree. Paganism makes more sense than Christianity because worshipping nature means worshipping things u can see and touch. For example u can see nature all around u in the wilderness and u can see the Sun and Moon and stars. So at least you are worshipping tangible things you can see. However when it comes to the Christian God of the Bible and Jesus, you can't see or touch or talk to those things. You only know about them from a collection of 66 books with unknown authors of dubious origin. There's no comparison if u think about it.

However paganism is very broad and there are good and bad ones. I think the principles espoused in Wicca seem to be good and respecting of all life. There are pagans who did animal sacrifices and human sacrifices too, so not all pagans are good and u have to be careful of that. Like the pagans in the movie "Wicker Man" who sacrificed that policeman on the Island for example.
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 12:13 am

You claim to be redpilled on the JQ but quite frankly, you might as well be one of their allies. The Jews do not hate atheists, agnostics, or the pretentious variety of functional atheists nowadays who call themselves "Neopagans." They certainly do not hate sexually liberal libertarian type philosophies given that many of them espouse those philosophies themselves. They hate Christianity, their sworn enemy is Christianity. You support "sexual freedom" which was originally pushed by the jews through psycho-analysts such as Sigmund Freud and Wilheim Reich, as well as the entire Frankfurt School. All of them believed that "sexual repression" led to anti-semitism and specifically promoted "sexual freedom" in order to destroy gentile society.

You also claim to be against feminism yet you support women in the workforce and sexual freedom as well. What about you is anti-feminist? You're not anti-feminist at all, you're just a liberal feminist who doesn't like radical feminism. Feminism was also pushed by the Jews through Betty Friedan and her book "The Feminine Mystique" which made pushing women into the workforce its primary objective.

You also don't believe in race based IQs or genetic determinism in general. Again, this was pushed by the Jews through Franz Boas's complete control over the Anthropology department at Colombia, him and his students were obsessed with destroying the idea of race based genetics as well as the idea of racial IQs.

You also want all labor to be automated and for resources to be equally distributed amongst everyone. This is literally communism.

So let's be clear... You hate Christianity, you support sexual freedom, feminism, communism, and believe all racial differences are culturally/environmentally based instead of being genetic. Many of your arguments are quintessential leftist/liberal arguments against right-wing beliefs... For example, claiming that all of Africa's backwardness is the fault of colonialism, that the differences between homicides committed by different racial groups is all related to cultural/environmental factors and that no group of people is really genetically less inclined to violence then other groups, and that Christianity is dangerous because of the Crusades/Inquisition/witch hunts... Despite the fact that scientists have actually isolated the specific genes which cause Black men to be so much more significantly prone to violent behavior compared to Whites and Asians and despite the fact that I have pointed out how mild atrocities committed by Christians have historically been compared to other civilizations existing in the same time period as well as civilizations that came before Christianity.

I really don't understand why you even dislike the Jews at all. Your complete lack of genuine right-wing beliefs leads me to believe that you may actually be Jewish yourself and possibly trying to subvert the right-wing movement entirely by pushing liberal ideas, while cloaking your ideology as being friendly to right-wing people. The only left-wing things you oppose are the most extreme excesses of leftism... The vaccine mandates, politically correct assaults on freedom of speech, and attempts to push children into sex reassignment surgeries.

Jews have historically gone to great lengths in order to hide both their own Jewishness, as well as their involvement behind all of their subversive ideas and make them appear to have sprouted naturally from the gentile population. And what you are pushing sounds an awful lot like how a Jew would attempt to completely destroy his opposition. Appear as radical right-wing people by expressing extreme hostility towards Judaism while not only failing to support any effective solution to the problems they've created, but even attempting to exacerbate the problems they wish to make worse. Basically this looks like a blatant attempt to subvert the conservative opposition to liberalism entirely to the point where the opposition will be practically fighting you in order to implement your own ideas. By infecting the far-right with neopagan nonsense, they will have lost the war before they even committed themselves to it. That way, no matter who wins, you win regardless because both sides are functionally pushing the same ideas onto the general public.

There is evidence to show that Jews lost faith in economic Marxism as well as collectivist systems as a result of the Soviet Union becoming anti-semitic under Joseph Stalin. Many Jews therefore concluded that it was too easy for a blatantly authoritarian social structure to turn on them if too much power was put in the hands of one man. Especially since the Jews don't like to put their own people at the head of state, doing so would expose them as being behind all the social changes that the head of state is attempting to implement. What they want is to put gentiles in public, prominent positions, and then orchestrate events from behind the scenes. They f***ed up with Stalin though, because he deceived them, and it turned out he didn't want Jews in charge of the Soviet Union anymore and he had tens of thousands of Jews in the high offices of the Soviet Union executed during the Great Purge.

So what Jews started advocating in the United States, is radical individualism instead. The complete breakdown of ties between the individual and his community, family, laws, religion, and traditions. The Jews started to push the idea that "everything should be questioned" thus encouraging criticism of all aspects of White, Christian, conservative society. The Jews today no longer care about economic Marxism or Socialism, having lost faith entirely that these systems will promote Jewish interests. These days, their goals are entirely focused on social leftism. Basically criticizing everything which built Christian civilization and encouraging the gentile public to turn against Christian civilization entirely. Criticizing Christian prohibitions against free sexuality being one of the most important aspects of their agenda... A goal you and Lucas coincidentally agree with quite strongly.
You like to make a lot of stuff up to discredit me and @Lucas88, don't you? I did write out a more detailed response to you earlier, but decided you don't deserve one and so I deleted it.

The main reason I don't think this deserves a detailed response is because most of it is just you casting aspersions about me and most of what you've waffled on about here is just petty and off topic.

Spirituality and paganism are experiential things. Nobody has experienced talking to Yahweh other than testimonials from the Bible. Yet all over the world people have given testimonial evidence that they've interacted with higher beings, albeit under different names.

You might think I'm a bad guy, but I'd like to remind you that when you were really upset a while back because of Skelebob and other users I had concern for your wellbeing and sent you a private message. Do you remember that? Because I have compassion and empathy for others. Do you?
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Re: Why I Favor Paganism

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 10th, 2023, 1:06 am
As for the assertion that God should help the people suffering across the globe, it is worth keeping in mind that God cannot save people from sin, whether it’s their own sin or the sins of others. Many people who are suffering are living very sinful lifestyles which cause their suffering. In other cases, they are the unfortunate victims of countries controlled by sinful elites or they are surrounded by a sinful majority population.

Africa and the Middle East for example, which have some of the worst suffering in the world, are controlled by polygynous elites who are openly corrupt and not only hoard the nation’s resources but also design a system which makes it impossible for men in poverty to find a wife. In liberal/feminist countries the secular elites have subverted God’s wishes at every turn and made the population sinful. God will try to help his most virtuous servants but there’s only so much he can do to combat the effects of other people’s sins.

God’s ability to help each individual would be much much stronger if society was controlled by his people and Christians actually lived according to their principles.
Ah right. So God ignores people all over the globe because they're sinful. But obviously you are different and totally above everyone else in terms of morality, right? :roll: is that why God gave you your girlfriend? To reward your unwavering loyalty to Jesus. Wow. You really are privileged. Either that or solipsistic and delusional. I'm going to go with the latter :lol:
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