Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Dear Brother,I have some questions for you,

1.How do you explain charismatic ex-satanist testimonies,that 'satan'and the 'demons'work to destroy christianity,want blood sacrifices,assasinate people,and cannot destroy belieiving christians,because they have a wall of fire around them,heaven and hell visits,seeing muhammed,buddha and other founders of religions in their hell,and that 'demons'are hindu(and african) goddesses and gods?

I have heard before from the JOS,that YHWH is a hivemind of reptilians(the metatron) connected to a powerful egregore which is empowered by the hebrew letters of the Torah as a mantra,and that Jesus is the leviathan,the chosen messiah ben david to the top judaic Rabbis of kabbalah,which maybe they control this particular Christ egregore.

they also allegedly created heaven as a soul harvesting center in the astral,and hell as a place in the astral for those that disobey them even on one point(unrepentant sin).

but the only thing stopping me from believing this and your parallel experience is these charismatic stories,the fact these demons have attacked me when I first left hinduism for christianity,and such things.

I also heard from JOS these demons,which are allegedly jewish thoughtforms and grey aliens,fallen nordic aliens etc mall working together impersonate the Gods of the gentiles.To give them a bad name.

I heard from a JOS poster that samael is a dark aspect of the YHWH thoughtform in kabbalah,maybe his demons are too,as good cop bad cop,but I need your clarification and hopefully experience in knowing this.

I want to live life freely,leave christianity,but I need full proof.

I know the illuminatti believe in christ as the head of their jewish lodge,and that there is some fishy things going on.

But I need proof that what I believe is a deception,and I also need to know how the bible is false.

I feel suffocated under christianity and abrahamic religion,but follow it out of fear.

during my truffles trip in amsterdam in 2016,I experienced brahman and found that kashmir shaivism is true and the great goddess is the brahman personified as shakti.

I also found the jewish soul to have a very negative evil dark aspect emanating from it similar to how you described saurians-repitlians just like the JOS says,when I debated some israelis on the street about free energy technology and cosmology,against relativity and einstein in favor of Tesla and walter russel during that mushroom trip.

Hey there, my friend. Thank you for your response. So these ex satanists claim their demonic gods wanted blood sacrifice and all the rest of it? The Bible demands all that stuff too. Yahweh demands the blood of animals to satiate his blood lust and even demands the slaughter of first born babies and children. How is this deity any different to the demons you described in your question?

I don't think worshipping a god out of fear is a legitimate reason to worship a god at all. I used to be Christian and worshipped Yahweh for the same reasons. But inevitably I left that religion because I found it too alien to the nature of my soul. If you need any other reasons to doubt the legitimacy of this religion then all you have to do is look into some much older mythologies from which the Abrahamic religions have been plagiarised. The Sumerian accounts predate the Bible by thousands of years and tell an alternative version of our creation and the being slandered as Satan is actually the benefactor of humanity.

I've written various threads on things like this which you may find interesting to read through, if nothing else.

This is my Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis thread. Wherein I talk in more depth about the origins of the gods of Orion. The same gods who are renamed throughout various historical cultures. There may be some interesting information in here that resonates well with you.

There's also various threads I've written on the occult and spirituality which might interest you including these:

This is a thread about how I interpret the nature of reality through research into Hermetic philosophy and the Hermetic Principles. It serves as a more believable explanation than Yahweh just saying "let there be light" etc.

These threads might interest you also:

This is Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality. A theological and philosophical debate on which of these models is most believable. You may find some interesting insights in here which are relevant to your question.

This is a thread I wrote about Society and Spiritual Anatomy and how it is designed to block the functioning of our chakras which can cause both mental and physical problems.

Physical reality and spirituality are intertwined and its important to fortify your spiritual fortitude through occultic practice. Otherwise you leave yourself vulnerable to attacks from angels/demons/reptilian or other hostile entities. In my opinion they are all the same thing.

What you said about Yahweh is interesting. Him being an egregore of the reptilians. I think @Tsar and @Lucas88 might find what you said interesting as well. I agree to an extent. I think christianity itself is a powerful egregore which is in place to snare the spiritually inclined and brainwash them with ideals of servility and submission to authority.

I wish you luck on your search for truth.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

Hey there, my friend. Thank you for your response. So these ex satanists claim their demonic gods wanted blood sacrifice and all the rest of it? The Bible demands all that stuff too. Yahweh demands the blood of animals to satiate his blood lust and even demands the slaughter of first born babies and children. How is this deity any different to the demons you described in your question?
So are the 'demons'of these rosicrucians,ex-occultists etc just aspects of the greater YHWH thoughtform,like good cop bad cop?

I don't think worshipping a god out of fear is a legitimate reason to worship a god at all. I used to be Christian and worshipped Yahweh for the same reasons. But inevitably I left that religion because I found it too alien to the nature of my soul. If you need any other reasons to doubt the legitimacy of this religion then all you have to do is look into some much older mythologies from which the Abrahamic religions have been plagiarised. The Sumerian accounts predate the Bible by thousands of years and tell an alternative version of our creation and the being slandered as Satan is actually the benefactor of humanity.

there is Satan aka Satyan Shiva and there is 'Samael'the 'satan'of the Jews,who is maybe a aspect of the greater YHWH matrix(which is a hivemind of seraphim aka reptilians with golden scales according to the Tzaddikim in their secret texts,a thoughtform egregore entity empowered by the hebrew letters as the Rabbis admit yahweh was formed by shekhinah,which is spiritual energy,and that the torah is a mantra of these letters that empowers the thoutghtform,and then the Top Qabbalistic/Mekuballim Rabbis or Tzaddikim or Tzaddiks,which are the lowest aspect of the YHWH matrix that control the above egregore,though are slaves of the metatron seraphim hivemind complex,and are despised by them,despite all Jewish people having their dna in them and coming from a different universe according to top mekubal rabbi laitman)

I've written various threads on things like this which you may find interesting to read through, if nothing else.
This is my Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis thread. Wherein I talk in more depth about the origins of the gods of Orion. The same gods who are renamed throughout various historical cultures. There may be some interesting information in here that resonates well with you.
Shiva and Lalitha are not aliens frpm orion like the JOS states,or they wouldn't be worthy of worship?

There's also various threads I've written on the occult and spirituality which might interest you including these:
This is a thread about how I interpret the nature of reality through research into Hermetic philosophy and the Hermetic Principles. It serves as a more believable explanation than Yahweh just saying "let there be light" etc.
Yes,Kemetic philosophy is the truth in a african context ...maybe.

These threads might interest you also:

This is Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality. A theological and philosophical debate on which of these models is most believable. You may find some interesting insights in here which are relevant to your question.
Will check it out,thanks.

This is a thread I wrote about Society and Spiritual Anatomy and how it is designed to block the functioning of our chakras which can cause both mental and physical problems.
Physical reality and spirituality are intertwined and its important to fortify your spiritual fortitude through occultic practice. Otherwise you leave yourself vulnerable to attacks from angels/demons/reptilian or other hostile entities. In my opinion they are all the same thing.

What you said about Yahweh is interesting. Him being an egregore of the reptilians. I think @Tsar and @Lucas88 might find what you said interesting as well. I agree to an extent. I think christianity itself is a powerful egregore which is in place to snare the spiritually inclined and brainwash them with ideals of servility and submission to authority.
I got atacked by angels in 2019,telling me I was worshipping satan by being a kaula/kashmir shaiva/shakta and when I called on Shiva,he did not help me against these angels,and the attack stopped when I called on Jesus.

How do you explain this,if angels are not more powerful than Shiva,if they are maybe the messengers of the 'true god'yahweh like christians claim?

also why are christians able to banish pagan gods and hindu gods through jesus name?are these just archons impersonating the Gods?seems far-fetched.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

Hello, my friend

Pixel--Dude and I know about the JOS website but we don't follow it. We are Enkists and have learned much of what we know about occultism from www.loveenki.com.

Like Pixel--Dude, I was a Christian in my early 20s but left that religion once I discovered how evil and psychotic Yahweh is as per the Old Testament and how its rituals and worship practices enslave the soul and damage our spiritual anatomy on a more subtle level.

I'll try to answer your questions.
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 12:11 pm
Dear Brother,I have some questions for you,

1.How do you explain charismatic ex-satanist testimonies,that 'satan'and the 'demons'work to destroy christianity,want blood sacrifices,assasinate people,and cannot destroy belieiving christians,because they have a wall of fire around them,heaven and hell visits,seeing muhammed,buddha and other founders of religions in their hell,and that 'demons'are hindu(and african) goddesses and gods?
As I understand it, most religions and ideologies today are programs of deception created by the false god Yahweh and the hostile entities allied with him (the so-called "angels") and any outward hostility between these systems is nothing more than an act of theater. The same malevolent entities are behind all of them whether it be Judaism, Christianity, "Satanism" or the New Age. Each of these programs of deception has its own egregore with its own thoughtforms and scripts. If not being possessed by demons is consistent with the script of the egregore than believers won't be visibly possessed but they are still nevertheless under the influence of the same hostile entities. The only difference is that the "demons" pose as "angels of light".

The hostile entities might create an illusion of protection for Christians within their churches but at the same time they attack their victims in more subtle ways. As Christians participate in rituals and worship and thereby open themselves up, those evil beings attack the chakras, saturate the aura with negative energy, and slowly drain the victim's lifeforce energy. When I was involved in Christianity, I always felt sick and physically drained and psychologically unstable. I didn't understand why my mental and physical health was worsening. But as soon as I got away from Christianity and started the clean my aura with golden energy meditation, my mental and physical health improved and my life got considerably better. Christianity and other Abrahamic religions only serve to suffocate and harm true Gentile souls.

The enemy is able to project all kinds of visions to those under their influence. You see this with near-death experiences. Some people see angels, ascended masters, Jesus, Buddha, etc. while others encounter demons and hellish scenes. Those people simply see what the entities want them to see. It's the same with "visions" given to Christians who believe themselves to possess the "gift of prophecy". They are shown false visions by their deceptive masters which reflect the script of the egregore to which they belong. If they are Pentecostals, they might see scenes of Heaven and Hell and supposed demons but these are just thoughtforms being relayed to their consciousness.

What Pixel--Dude says is true. It's not just the so-called "Satanic" cults that practice blood sacrifice. The Jewish god Yahweh has been demanding gruesome holocausts since the earliest time of the Old Testament and the central rite of Christianity is nothing more than a simulacrum of the harrowing blood sacrifice of Jesus together with symbolic cannibalism and vampirism yet most Christians don't even realize this. Christianity and the "Satanism" of the Illuminati have the same origin. They are both demonic sacrificial cults created by Yahweh and his minions. Only the superficial veneer differs.
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 12:11 pm
I have heard before from the JOS,that YHWH is a hivemind of reptilians(the metatron) connected to a powerful egregore which is empowered by the hebrew letters of the Torah as a mantra,and that Jesus is the leviathan,the chosen messiah ben david to the top judaic Rabbis of kabbalah,which maybe they control this particular Christ egregore.

they also allegedly created heaven as a soul harvesting center in the astral,and hell as a place in the astral for those that disobey them even on one point(unrepentant sin).
Yahweh (aka El) is the same god as Anu in the Sumerian pantheon. Just like how Yahweh forbade the revelation of divine knowledge to Adam in Genesis, Anu in the Sumerian religion was opposed to Enki teaching Adapa the "Plan of Heaven and Earth" in the sacred city of Eridu.

The Jews are a hostile race which Yahweh created to infiltrate Gentile nations and destroy them from within. The Kabbalah is nothing more than an occult system for the destruction and enslavement of all Gentile souls who are regarded by the Kabbalists as "Qliphoth". The Tikkun Olam is in reality the world which they have planned for our us at the end of this process - i.e., the New World Order. The Christ egregore is simply another deceptive creation of the Jews.

Yes, I too believe that the white light which people see in NDEs hides a soul harvesting trap on the astral plane - a kind of astral gulag. Both the Heaven and Hell realms on the astral plane were created by the hostile entities and are illusory. The best thing that a true Gentile soul can do after bodily death is avoid the white light and any "angelic" beings that they might see and either seek to reincarnate himself/herself or find a breach in the astral matrix and attempt to escape. Souls who are captured are subjected to abuse and then reincarnated by the hostile entities into negative lives. Those who manage to avoid capture might be able to reincarnate themselves and thereby secure for themselves a more favorable incarnation. Doctrines such as "karma" are lies of the enemy.
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 12:11 pm
but the only thing stopping me from believing this and your parallel experience is these charismatic stories,the fact these demons have attacked me when I first left hinduism for christianity,and such things.

I also heard from JOS these demons,which are allegedly jewish thoughtforms and grey aliens,fallen nordic aliens etc mall working together impersonate the Gods of the gentiles.To give them a bad name.

I heard from a JOS poster that samael is a dark aspect of the YHWH thoughtform in kabbalah,maybe his demons are too,as good cop bad cop,but I need your clarification and hopefully experience in knowing this.

I want to live life freely,leave christianity,but I need full proof.

I know the illuminatti believe in christ as the head of their jewish lodge,and that there is some fishy things going on.

But I need proof that what I believe is a deception,and I also need to know how the bible is false.

I feel suffocated under christianity and abrahamic religion,but follow it out of fear.
I think that Pixel--Dude's advice was good. If you follow a religion out of fear, then that religion is obviously devoid of real love and truth.

Judge Christianity by its fruits. Read the Bible and observe how demonic and perverse the Jewish god Yahweh is with his demands for blood sacrifices and all kinds of atrocities. Once you realize that everything about the Christian religion is absolutely evil and psychopathic, it becomes apparent that it is nothing more than a program of control without love or truth. How can anything good come from something as perverse as biblical Judaism (the original Abrahamic religion)? If the root is bad then so will be all of the branches too. Christians are delusional. They worship the absolute evil which masquerades as light (but even then some of the darkness seeps through for everybody to see).
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 12:11 pm
I also found the jewish soul to have a very negative evil dark aspect emanating from it similar to how you described saurians-repitlians just like the JOS says,when I debated some israelis on the street about free energy technology and cosmology,against relativity and einstein in favor of Tesla and walter russel during that mushroom trip.
Yes, many Jews have absolutely vile energy. A subset of their race consists of demonic souls incarnated by the false god Yahweh. They're a race created by the enemy and are his chosen people, after all.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 1:37 pm
I got atacked by angels in 2019,telling me I was worshipping satan by being a kaula/kashmir shaiva/shakta and when I called on Shiva,he did not help me against these angels,and the attack stopped when I called on Jesus.

How do you explain this,if angels are not more powerful than Shiva,if they are maybe the messengers of the 'true god'yahweh like christians claim?

also why are christians able to banish pagan gods and hindu gods through jesus name?are these just archons impersonating the Gods?seems far-fetched.
Yes, a lot of impersonation takes plane. The entities which attack are usually just thoughtforms of the enemy. They appear as demons, Pagan gods, etc. It's not really far-fetched when one understands how egregores work.

Enki and our true ancestral gods were banished from the Earth millennia ago after Yahweh and his clique invaded. You see this in the mythology of the Watchers/angels of the Dragon being chained up in the abyss until the end of time and the incarceration of Prometheus. Enki and our true ancestral gods are still locked outside of the enemy's matrix. Because of this they are unable to reach us for the most part (other than instances of contact on the astral plane if one is sufficiently psychic) and we largely remain at the mercy of evil entities. This is why we must work to strengthen our own aura and develop our own spiritual power without having to rely on external entities.

Christians can't really banish Pagan gods. The vast majority of Christians have little spiritual power. Many of them live horrible lives. They can't even sort out their own worldly problems yet alone engage in spiritual warfare with supernatural beings. In most cases their faith in "Jesus" doesn't really help them at all. The occasional "miracles" and "exorcisms" that you might witness in churches are just to attract more followers.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88,Will reply in depth later but I just wanted to say I also have that drainage spiritually as a Abrahamic and Christian, confused and cursed.

That said sai baba of Shirdi answered many of my prayers,can I still follow him as a great siddha?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 2:47 pm
Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 1:37 pm
I got atacked by angels in 2019,telling me I was worshipping satan by being a kaula/kashmir shaiva/shakta and when I called on Shiva,he did not help me against these angels,and the attack stopped when I called on Jesus.

How do you explain this,if angels are not more powerful than Shiva,if they are maybe the messengers of the 'true god'yahweh like christians claim?

also why are christians able to banish pagan gods and hindu gods through jesus name?are these just archons impersonating the Gods?seems far-fetched.
Yes, a lot of impersonation takes plane. The entities which attack are usually just thoughtforms of the enemy. They appear as demons, Pagan gods, etc. It's not really far-fetched when one understands how egregores work.

Enki and our true ancestral gods were banished from the Earth millennia ago after Yahweh and his clique invaded. You see this in the mythology of the Watchers/angels of the Dragon being chained up in the abyss until the end of time and the incarceration of Prometheus. Enki and our true ancestral gods are still locked outside of the enemy's matrix. Because of this they are unable to reach us for the most part (other than instances of contact on the astral plane if one is sufficiently psychic) and we largely remain at the mercy of evil entities. This is why we must work to strengthen our own aura and develop our own spiritual power without having to rely on external entities.

Christians can't really banish Pagan gods. The vast majority of Christians have little spiritual power. Many of them live horrible lives. They can't even sort out their own worldly problems yet alone engage in spiritual warfare with supernatural beings. In most cases their faith in "Jesus" doesn't really help them at all. The occasional "miracles" and "exorcisms" that you might witness in churches are just to attract more followers.
This makes sense,but why is the bible'false'?every contradiction can be answered by an apologist it seems,except for some of the ones on Steven dimattei's website with the conflicting itineraries of the Torah.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
January 12th, 2023, 4:14 pm
This makes sense,but why is the bible'false'?every contradiction can be answered by an apologist it seems,except for some of the ones on Steven dimattei's website with the conflicting itineraries of the Torah.
Rather what reason is there to believe that the Bible is true?

First, take a look at its authorship. The Old Testament mostly consists of psychotic rants by the priests and "prophets" of the psychopathic Jewish god Yahweh who through these demented men gives detailed instructions for blood sacrifices and frequently asks for the mass immolation of thousands of animal offerings at a time as well as merciless massacres of men, women and children (sometimes even newborns) and countless other atrocities. Does that sound like something that a real god and true creator of the universe would ever desire? Then most of the books of the New Testament were written by a murdering hook-nosed sociopath who was likewise obsessed with blood sacrifice for the remission of sins and claimed to encounter Jesus in a vision on the way to Damascus. Murdering Jewish sociopaths with connections to the Sanhedrin like Saul of Tarsus are the founders of the Christianity and the people whom Christians regard as their "saints". Those scumbags are the authors of the religion's "holy book". Is their testimony really trustworthy?

Second, parts of Genesis are plagiarized from much older sources such as the Sumerian texts albeit with distortions and inversions. For example, the Eden story with the Serpent and Adam is a copy of the Sumerian story of Adapa. In the original Sumerian version, Enki - also known in Sumerian religion as Ushumgal or "great serpent" - teaches his human protégé Adapa the "Plan of Heaven and Earth" and gives him godlike powers against the will of Anu, which in turn enrages the latter and causes him to hate humanity. But in Sumerian religion Enki appears as a great benefactor of humanity, not as an adversary. The flood myth was also plagiarized from a Sumerian source. According to the Sumerian version, some of the gods of higher rank decided to send the flood because they were tired of humanity, but Enki saved Ziusudra (the Sumerian equivalent of Noah) from the cataclysm. Yes, Enki saved humanity, but the Bible inverts this by attributing the salvation of Noah to Yahweh.

Which is most likely to be true? The original Sumerian account thousands of years older or the biblical account plagiarized millennia later by lying Jews who worship a demonic psychopath and with a chosen people complex and a biblical plan to enslave and destroy all other nations?

Third, is it really true that all of the Bible's contradictions can be adequately explained by apologists? I've seen some pretty brutal criticisms and exposés of glaring contradictions over the years. The rationalizations of apologists might be convincing to people who already believe in the religion and who therefore want to believe that it's true no matter what or are controlled by fear, but to non-believers and agnostics - people who aren't under the influence of Christianity's egregore and thoughtforms - many of the explanations have faulty logic and are not very convincing at all. Once you begin to examine the Bible with a clear mind and with skepticism as opposed to blind faith, its spell largely dissolves and its many absurdities come to light.

Once you become aware of these things and realize that the Bible is also a book written by the Jews for our subversion and subjugation, there is really no reason to believe that it is true in any way.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88 thank you for writing that elaborate reply!

Can you give me the strongest contradictions even if it's just two or three?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@kangarunner if you do take any entheogens and would like to share any spiritual revelations you have, could you share them here? I would be interested in hearing what kind of things you see, feel or experience.

@dancilley you shouldn't buy into this bullshit about entheogens being drugs. That's just some bullshit Big Pharma want pushing so that people depend on their drugs indefinitely. Why would they want people to cure their depression and mental illness with entheogens such as psilocybin mushrooms when they can keep prescribing anti depressants and making profit? Just ask others who have tried them such as @Lucas88 and @Tsar they are a brilliant gift from nature. To be embraced and respected.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by kangarunner »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
April 19th, 2023, 12:32 am
@kangarunner if you do take any entheogens and would like to share any spiritual revelations you have, could you share them here? I would be interested in hearing what kind of things you see, feel or experience.
I definitely will be at some point. I'll be here in South America for a while. I've been reading this subreddit and learning some shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/

This recent post is interesting. They asked what is the most potent/mind opening psychedelic substance you know of?

https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/c ... ht_up_the/
In my opinion, any of the following:

5-MEO-DMT - mg for mg, the biggest heavy weight champ

LSD - you asked for potency. Technically LSD is super potent since it's measuring at the micogram level. More potent than 5-meo-dmt. For example, Compare 1 mg LSD , vs 1 mg of 5-meo-dmt.

DMT - this one is obvious. Nothing else compares to all encompassing visuals and meeting entities.

5-meo-MALT - This one is like if 5-meo-dmt and LSD had a baby. Very very potent. Just 5 mg snorted and you'll be at a 10/10.

DPT - this is my personal favorite. At light doses, this one just feels so good. Clean high and anti depression. At higher doses, you will go into completely insane world's that you didn't know could possibly exist. I read someone who met many entities and felt like they stayed in there for days. They took 200 mg + maoi. That would be considered an insanely high dose. Some say it's the most world shattering experience
Yeah nothing is more mind blowing them 5-MeO it will give you like it. 25% chance of meeting God and you can feel it months after you take it
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Thought I would ask here if anyone knows any websites where I can order shrooms from the dark web or something. Was hoping to get some for a spiritual experience or for microdosing with.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I need help guys. I'm looking to aquire some shrooms for a deep spiritual experience and also to combat a serious bout of depression I'm suffering from. Nowhere I previously ordered from will deliver to the UK following brexit. Is there anyone in Europe who would be willing to help a brother out for a biscuit?

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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've now found a contact in the UK who can supply me with shrooms whenever I need some :mrgreen: I had last night 3.5g of the Blue Meanie strain and had a really deep introspective and philosophical trip! If I had to describe what it was like I'd describe it as a punch from an MMA fighter! It was over pretty quickly but f***ing hell I felt the impact and the aftershock lasted the rest of the evening.

All in all I feel my wellbeing is now much better. I feel invigorated and energised and overall happier in general. :) it's best described as a spiritual enema for the soul which flushes out all the toxic bullshit from society and other people.

Mushrooms are a magical gift from nature! They can help with personal issues and depression and I will always advocate for their free use and legalisation. Although you have to be prepared to commit to a deeper spiritual experience, like getting onto a roller coaster you can't get off until the journey is over.

One thing though, a word of caution: if you have ever been diagnosed with something like schizophrenia or other mental illness than I wouldn't advise taking them.

Here is a lecture from Terence McKenna on psychedelics.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Voyager1 »

I am not against using mushrooms or anything in nature that can improve your health, for instance marijuana. (Though I don't use.)

John Lennon was said to have been using 'shrooms when he composed this song:

Across the Universe

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru deva, om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes
They call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letterbox they
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
Jai guru deva, om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai guru deva, om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva

And you know something, cocaine was once in Coca Cola. Why did they take all these drugs found in nature out if they can be helpful to human health? Was it because of the drug companies?
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